I'm a 21 year old with a perfect life but some days you just have to cry behind your computer while eating cereal and watching Harry Styles be a huge dork. Today is one of those days.
At 6:06 water is spraying in the air -- Harry sticks out his tongue to catch it. He's hilarious. I am a *new* fan and feel I possibly missed out on alot of fun.
Un poco de tu corazón es hermoso Harry es un escritor increíble esta es una hermosa canción que escribió y la voz de Ariana va perfectamente con la canción su voz es increíble Toda esta canción es simplemente perfecto es increíble omg me encanta mucho
Don't be depressed girl😉😊, at least you've been to his concert. Just think about fans like us who can't even buy his concert's tickets, and if somehow we do get a ticket, we can't come to the concert because we live on other side of the world.😐😶😢
Once upon a time i was a girl who didnt know who one direction was Then my friend said to me "i have never realised hkw much you reminds me of harry" And i was like"who the fuck is that And she said with a really really smal voice "harry.styles" Then when i came home i serched on the internet found some videos of them and see where i am now sitting and watching videos of him while planing how to sneak into his house 😂😆my story of how i beacme fan of one dorection is a little bit waird 😂lol
I began to like them when I open Style-Taylor Swift. I see the comments section and say that it sound like Perfect. I open and listen to Perfect and now I left Taylor and hola 1d. Actually, it's a more long story than this
I'm a 21 year old with a perfect life but some days you just have to cry behind your computer while eating cereal and watching Harry Styles be a huge dork. Today is one of those days.
very true
😂so true
Harry: Knock Knock...
Fan: who's there?
Harry: Urine!
Fan: Urine who?
Harry: Urine secure, don't know what for
Never stop making these. They are my life.
Awww sweet! I'll make these as long as One Direction exists ;)
Yeah, definitely!! Don't stop
MrsIleniaCullen este fue el video que te sacaron,,,,,,,que malas son la gente,,,eso no se hace,,,,sos la mejor,,para mi,,,,tus videos,,son hermosos
I. Like. You. Harry😘
it's amazing how much happiness this boy brings me
Audrey Smith SAME. When I have a shitty day, I always watch these videos to cheer me up.
Surely brings a smile to me.
His expressions r so cute
12:03 actual representation of Harry Styles and his heart.
1:14 I love how Zayn immediately comes to make sure he's okay after he falls! We love our clumsy dork 💛
I‘m smiling like an idiot on my phone… it‘s literally impossible to not love him! Harry is so freaking cute and I love his dorky side! ❤
Why is no one talking about how he just effortlessly caught a bra and threw it back.
I know!!
I love it how Harry's always the one falling over or eating 😂😍
Our Harry, our beautfiul curly, clumsy and funny Harry ♥
At 6:06 water is spraying in the air -- Harry sticks out his tongue to catch it. He's hilarious. I am a *new* fan and feel I possibly missed out on alot of fun.
Show us where he does this ..pleeeeeease the time marker ??
this I gotta see,! 💞
4:00 ......my heart just melted
Any girl would be so lucky to be his girlfriend because he is HOT
And because he is supposedly nice.
Did you just assume his sexuality
Denae Denasiah well he’s not gay and he’s not straight so really he could do anything at this point😂
He wears ALOT of black. I like it.
NOT anymore tho
Harry: finds spitting unattractive and gross
I love him tho 😍
Maybe he's part of the reason they came up with COVID. JK 😅
but maaaaybe
Harry is the youngest but yet the the tallest and the naughtiest 😂😂
At 8:39 Harry's face is like "What? Why'd you throw your bra at me? I don't want it!"
2:56 - 3:28 absolutely the most amazing part of this perfect video !!!! love it, love H :D
He is so entertaining to watch lol thanks for making this video xoxo
Liam's reactions to Harry were always the best. I miss those dorks all together...sigh
best shoot 03:04 - 03:06 .
4:13 he saw an attractive girl u can totally tell ;),
You are seriously the best thank u for making these videos!!! I LOVE HARRY STYLES!!!! 😍😍
same profile pic lol :)
Tis. Ok
*sees intro*
*sets down phone*
You are making perfect video's but actually EVERY FREAKING moment from Harry on stage is worth it to show in a best moment video.
Your all so damn beautiful
lol you go Harry
Have u noticed harry is always tripibg on stage he always falls
Yes of course like at every concert
Lol ya
He's a baby giraffe
It's late 2015 and that's now a thing.
That is probably because he is always on the move
0:34 Niall saying 'Harry's got a cough' omg the way he said it I laughed so hard XD
absolutely true dont stop making amazing harry style videos they give people life
He knows exactly what he's doing
How has no one mentioned how loud he whistled at 7:22
8:51 when Harry says what the fuck has me fangirling lol
Amazing video!!! Thank you so much for showing us an amazing Hazza!!!
These videos are just the best. I love those! My little Harry! : *
When harry was eating on stage=savage
4:20(😂👌) is literally so frickin adorable!
I know he is so cute 😭🥰
I love the way he says darling
same >.
liked when zayn helped him when he fell 1:11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His cute when he says it
qmlaial ak
kakaaia skaoo ziaaomziakka,ialkoaio
2:45 best part 🇧🇷
2:19 Liam is like: "Oh common harry"😂🤣
I Love Harry Styles he is perfect
Harry with long curly hair gives me life
great video! never stop making them
always spraying the water out of his mouth. thinking logically, its disgusting. but not. just bcoz its the baby giraffe harryyyy 😂😍😍
Un poco de tu corazón es hermoso
Harry es un escritor increíble esta es una hermosa canción que escribió y la voz de Ariana va perfectamente con la canción su voz es increíble
Toda esta canción es simplemente perfecto es increíble omg me encanta mucho
I love him so much
Ilove them all especially Zayn Malik And Harry Styles his so cute and funny ive never stop watching their vedio its so great
5:14 Albert Heijn! yeah, i know what you mean xd
when he bit his lip he looked super hot
The feels right now...
some of those clip were from my concert...god i miss it so much, having the worst post concert depression :(
Don't be depressed girl😉😊, at least you've been to his concert. Just think about fans like us who can't even buy his concert's tickets, and if somehow we do get a ticket, we can't come to the concert because we live on other side of the world.😐😶😢
Am I the only one here in 2020 coz the comments are from 6yrs 5yrs and 4yrs.😂😂
Watching fr.japan.oct.16 2020 and am 65 yo♡
He looks like he doesn't take himself too seriously he has fun at work. He would be fun to hang out with....definitely
I just came across your account
There are so many unseen clips here ..
Love your videos ❤️❤️❤️
3:03 I am dead
12:03 harry styles actually heart ♥️
lol harry unbuttons his belt to show his tattoo and girls already think dirty :)))
OMG Harry saying "Ciao bella" is something great
Harry is so the clumsy one but still hot cute and everything like every body else
OMG THIS IS HILARIOUS !!! Make more videos please ! it's amazing !
He was born to perform
wow this video is great! :))
I love these please make more x
Thanks! Of course.. I'm already thinking about part 7 ;)
Thanks so much :) Part 7 is ready :) TONIGHTTT YOU'LL SEE :)
ohohohoh wow my baby I LOVE YOU harry
I love Harry *~*
I love him
I love You Harry
8:51 "what the fuck" I SEE YOU HARRY
I love seeing Harry happy, you can just see he loved 1D to death
“All the way to the end”
gracias,,,,hermoso,,lo amo
Omg the intro😳😍
0:28 omg I was there in Sunderland 2014 best concert of my life when I got told i cried and I scream Harry sooooooooo much I lost my voice
shit , it's 5:40 am I should go to sleep 😂
Perfect vídeo
9:42 That's it, That is the only thing I wanted...now this is going to be my wake-up alarm...😂🤣
боже он прекрасен я каждый день думаю о нём! Он самый лучший в миреее!
Harry tem Brasil na perna algo que ainda nao superei
eu to sorrindo ate hoje kkkk
Sabe o motivo ? kkkkk
wow, this video was before 1d broke up. YOu will be forever forgotten.
3:04 the camera man should be paid double for that AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I don't know what i'm going to do , i'm about to die
What is the name of the song, there com at 2:35??? Please help me.
he said "you, me, we" not "you+me=louis" 1:20
That didn't say "you+me=Louis" it said "you+me=oui!"
¿Como se llama la primera canción que aparece?
What is the name of the first song that appears?
That our harry
Once upon a time i was a girl who didnt know who one direction was
Then my friend said to me "i have never realised hkw much you reminds me of harry"
And i was like"who the fuck is that
And she said with a really really smal voice "harry.styles"
Then when i came home i serched on the internet found some videos of them and see where i am now sitting and watching videos of him while planing how to sneak into his house 😂😆my story of how i beacme fan of one dorection is a little bit waird 😂lol
I began to like them when I open Style-Taylor Swift. I see the comments section and say that it sound like Perfect. I open and listen to Perfect and now I left Taylor and hola 1d. Actually, it's a more long story than this
2021 of me....
at 10:06 where is that video from? The hot cup one.
6:14 my concert! 😱👏😁
2:49 the best part! Brasil omg
13:37 Is opening a bag of chips really that hard Harry?
I was thinking the same but kettle chip bags are a pain to open
Is it just me or does Harry rlly love bananas
oh my fkimg baby Harold when they were singing coldplay. ;-;
3:03-3:12 *I love It*
Harry is so Silly & Funny & Goofy
How come no one has mentioned how hot Niall looked playing the guitar in the beginning?
0:29 was my concert when he fell over 😭😭😭❤️