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The Mover and Gonky Show LIVE (S3 E12)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- We're excited to have, fellow fighter pilot, founder of Folds Of Honor, PGA golf pro, author, speaker, and friend Lt Col Dan Rooney on the show tonight!
Donate to Folds Of Honor Here: foldsofhonor.org/
Usually, Monday at 8PM ET, Mover (F-16, F/A-18, T-38, 737, helicopter pilot, author, cop, and wanna be race car driver) and Gonky (F/A-18, T-38, A320, dirt bike racer, author, and awesome dad) discuss everything from aviation to racing to life and anything in between.
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Kids Coloring and Activity Books!
*The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.
Views presented are our own or our guests and do not represent the views of DoD or its Components.*
Great show once again fella's, and Lt. Col. Dan was a great guest!
Thee BEST military show on TH-cam, hands down!
Great show... Col Rooney should come on more often.. Great guy!!! Stay healthy all !
What a great guest, one of your best!
Fantastic show guys and excellent guest!
Always good to have Dan on the show. Best show on TH-cam!
Great show! As always! Made my stay in the hospital feel a bit shorter than it actually was, thx !
Respect to Lt. Col. Rooney great guest, awesome show. Always thought the metal objects in your rooms will orient themselves. He looked a bit like Michael Fassbender's Magneto.
Great show as always. Glad to see the Mike Tyson quotes got some love. Col Dan is such an awesome dude with some great stories.
Great show guys! Very inspirational ❤
Thank you! Amazing show 🎉
Col Dan is a great man. Awesome as always guys. Gonkey, the Plat camera catches ALL. Saw a lot of crazy stuff from that camera while at sea.
Hey guys. Awesome show as usual. Just a heads up Red Flag 25-1 at Nellis starts soon. Come out to Rachel Nevada, let's drink beer and watch the show
There has been an incredible line up of guests over the last couple of month, and tonight was no different
Cool show boys! To comment on the Water Bombers I'm surprised we ( Canada ) haven't sent you guy's more planes or more planes weren't requested!!! And it's really weird that you guy's got them from Quebec i mean they only have 12 of these planes. I live in British Columbia and we have 40 of those planes not only that we're straight north of California where as Quebec is in the east!!! I grew up watching these planes every summer it's kinda of a normal thing up here unfortunately... but let me tell ya those bush pilots are really good at there jobs and i know they'll get the job done trust me on that!!! I do think you should get a few more but i don't really know how many you need, it seems like you need more
Another great episode thanks fellas
Terrific show. Thanks gentlemen.
good stuff as always guys, looking forward to reading Col Dan's book now!
Anheuser-Busch got something right with this sponsorship of Folds of Honor. BZ to all!
If no one else said it, it's Teddy Roosevelt. "Man in the arena."
Thank you for the comfort ❤
I have four daughters, and I still can't decode women's reasoning. I spend most of my time saying, "What did I do now?".
Did you see that after the collision with the Super Scooper, DJI removed all geofence and restrictions on their drones, leaving it solely in the operators hands? I believe this includes military bases and airports as well...they don't want to be invo in keeping up with down to the minute tfr tracking and updating within their app 😮
Y'all are awesome and I have zero aviation or military experience, I'm just a lowly shop welder 😂
According to the Form 990 of the charity, Dan Rooney is paid a yearly salary of $479,000 to give out these scholarships. Apparently also gets to hang out with the CEO of Bud Light. Not a bad gig he got for himself.
My favorite show, best callsigns. Just can't parse WOMBAT yet....
Good luck figuring that one out 🤣
@@trmatsonauthor I think I have figured it out!
We embrace the suck at Aviano everyday 😂😂 all in the name of AIRPOWER!
1:39:55 FBI has the drone, in pieces, and rumor has it the drone pilot is a photographer for NFLonPrime and a freelancer that sells to news organizations. There’s no way he didn’t know about TFR’s.
Isn't there a device to put on these drones with an anti collide kind of thing? With or without AI? I think airspace would be a lot safer? That's what I think, you guys are the experts on this matter. Even with a ESP32 or a Raspberry Pi? These are lightweight and can do a lot of stuff. Ow; and great podcast as usual. Peace to everyone.
Have you stopped uploading audio to Apple Podcasts? Last episode I am seeing there is from 12/30/24.
Also, my favorite MAGA podcaster ... I'm a libtard columnist (best in Arizona, according to the press club, but this isn't political). Anyone who writes as many books as you have and flies jets is NOT a pilot of writes. You are a writer who flies. And the story I would love to see you write is yours. Harris28 :)
Thanks for the show. A frustrated fighter pilot afflicted with Hayfever appreciates it much.
yah the FBI put out a statement and video of the drone, they have recovered what's left of the drone and have identified it as an off the shelf drone they even give the make and model of it, and there 99% sure it was a private persons personal drone and are trying to get fingerprint and or DNA off of it. and asking for help from the public to ID the person.
Somebody said you can't eject from a helicopter ? From some of them you can
Canadair CL-215 is the technical name, for the super scooper.
If it’s turboprop it should be CL-415
@@mattfgln Thanks
Dan Rooney was a snooze fest…
Communist Russia was a threat, Russia is capitalist now but still considered a threat? So it was never about communism..
Communism was a threat to the extreme or anarcho capitalism approach. The Russian threat was always about their expansionism (during Tsardom, Soviet Union or nowadays)