In pasture if u mow the thistle to the ground when it starts blooming u can spray tordon on it is the fall when the plants are 4-6 inches tall it will kill it without burning the grass of your pasture, mowing seems to take all of the energy so the chemical works really well
If I can weed wack and then cover with black plastic....will that kill the plant AND the ROOTS??? it's completely taking over my beautiful wood chip garden..... horrible.
Is it true that if you cut the green sow thistle off & spray it w/a chemical substance that it will burn it & kill it? Harris Vinegar w/at least 20% acetic acid to be effective. Is it true, if you remove the green growth, & spray it w/the acetic acid , it will turn black and die because it no longer has the green vegetation to keep growing.
In pasture if u mow the thistle to the ground when it starts blooming u can spray tordon on it is the fall when the plants are 4-6 inches tall it will kill it without burning the grass of your pasture, mowing seems to take all of the energy so the chemical works really well
What can I use I use to spray in an urban area?
What can I spray in an suburban area?
If I can weed wack and then cover with black plastic....will that kill the plant AND the ROOTS??? it's completely taking over my beautiful wood chip garden..... horrible.
Is it true that if you cut the green sow thistle off & spray it w/a chemical substance that it will burn it & kill it? Harris Vinegar w/at least 20% acetic acid to be effective. Is it true, if you remove the green growth, & spray it w/the acetic acid , it will turn black and die because it no longer has the green vegetation to keep growing.
This sow thistle is infiltrating my yard, terrible!
Cattle will eat it. Horses love it. High protein. Just clip it first.