I was 14 and very petite for my age...so I looked 12. Couldn't walk to school without cars slowing down, getting honked at, grown men hanging out the window, asking me to come over and talk to them. All through my teens and 20s. It was 30, 40, and 50-year-old men at the bars, hitting on me and my friends, and we would be grossed out. Leave the young girls for the young men/boys. Stop dipping in the kiddie pool. Older men are damaging young girls, which hurts the young men too, because they're dating traumatized girls their own age who have been ruined by older men exposing them to experiences that they are too young for. Old men competing with young men for young girls. Sigh.
That is horrible and traumatizing. Please though understand that petite has nothing to do with how old you are. There are tall children. Most women in the world are petite.
This! I was boney af at 14 and looked 12 as well. Matter of fact I was not wearing makeup at that age and was still wearing side ponytails! GROWN men would follow me if I walked to the store, honk and try to get me to come to their car, holla if I went into a convenience store, sit outside middle school looking at underage GIRLS! I literally had to run from old ass men until about 19. The attention from older men slowed down tremendously once I finally looked like an adult woman...GO FIGURE...
Jealous of what? Missing on an arrested development manchild? Someone who has to hang around the teen section in the mall to get dates? Someone who still goes to high school parties in his mid 20s? Jealous for what?
The only older women that be jealous of us younger women is the women who DON’T see through men’s bs, but instead try to get men’s approval. The older women who are wise and smart enough to see through men’s bs are not jealous of us, they’re warning us and teaching us to see the red flags.
I know a young woman who was SA'd by an older man in her family when she was a little girl. She was called a liar by her father and he convinced her family she was a liar so no one believed her. Wouldn't you know it years later this same man got into a relationship with a young lady 20 years younger than him, and because he couldn't control her every move he killed her and buried her in his sister's backyard. Be careful with these men who are old enough to be a father figure but can't seem to find a woman in his age range, because 9 times out of 10, something is wrong with him.
The way an old man who has already lived his life can just easily take away a young promising woman’s life because He has issues is just sad. So many young women and girls lives lost due to dusty losers. Who should’ve never had access to them.
He said some women look good when they are younger but when they get old they don't look the same. This means the younger one he's dating, if and when she gets older and her looks fade he will be onto another younger woman. The bar is low for these men. He's a perve
It’s easier for older men to manipulate and control younger women with money and influence. It is wrong now like it was back when my great grandma was married off as a teen to a man twice her age. Shows how immature their mind is.
I tried to have this conversation with a male counterpart who has daughters and the response I got just made me end the discussion 😂😂his explanation was that older women have been given everything so there’s nothing left to give and the older women can’t be told anything!! I was like wait whaaaaattttt😮
@deadcell1 I would hope so! Women need to wisely select a mate who can provide for their children. If he can't even take care of her and their children what good is he as a husband?
@@briskettacos Which makes the conversation about age ridiculous. In none wester countries women tend to get married and have families in their twenties. If a 21 year old woman wants to be with a guy her age the likelihood that'll he'll be financially stable and earn enough money to provide for a family is slim. This is why in many cultures it's not uncommon for a woman to be with a older man. However, American women are confused, they want a 21 year old guy that makes over $150k/year without realizing most guys don't get to that point until they are in their 30s. Fortunely, they are the minority in the rest of the world.
It was a really good interview. She managed the conversation well and really showed his true colours. Surprisingly, this wasn't the worst thing he said.
I remember my daughter said she wanted to introduce me to her boyfriend. She was of legal age but he was 27 and she was 19. I told her I can't tell you what to do but stop and ask yourself wtf an almost 30 year old has in common with a 19 year old. You can't go to most of the places he goes, can't drink, he's got 9 more years of life experience than you do. How can he possibly relate?to anything you are doing right now? Shortly thereafter she told me she dumped him because he was way more emotional than her and cried too much. I said hallelujah I did something right. She saw the fallacy of his actions when I presented it to her and implored her to use critical thinking. Mr you didn't even go for someone 21 you went legit barely legal. And suffice it to say he nixed wanting to meet me because I told him otp I wanted to discuss why he thought dating a 19 year old while pushing 30 was ok or logical
I'm 28 and dating a man who just turned 40. I can't possibly ever see myself with a 19 year old. As an adult you should be growing and maturing so when you date someone significantly younger it really shows if you have or not.
Everyone is right, but I want to add another factor that I think gets overlooked. Mortality. Men have an issue confronting mortality. They constantly make the prime for women very young but give themselves plenty of time before their "expiration " date. Due to their lack of impulse control, they waste a lot of time and cannot accept that time has passed for them. They talk about how they still feel 18 when they are in their 40s and 50s as if women dont also still feel young past 25. But when they are confronted with women their own age, they cant escape what that looks like for them. It's a mirror of what they could have been if they hadn't had bad priorities. She may have a career and money while he has nothing to show for the same amount of time. When he sees a woman his age with smile lines and crows feet (beautiful to me btw) he is also confronted with where he is physically in age. They want to be young forever because society has adjusted time for them and told them they mature slower and have so much time to grow. That's why they have a mid life crisis. It isn't that women devalue youth, obviously everyone values being young, but for women in society a clock is set for everything. Women have plenty of time to accept it because they are told they mature faster, their prime is earlier and their biological clock is ticking. At some point being confronted with that, women let go and become more carefree. They learn to embrace the memories of youth and find the beauty in smile lines and crows feet. Not all women get comfortable with it, sure. But more women tend to than men do. They start to decenter men and unwanted opinions. Men still seek the validation that they still "got it" from other men.
This is a fabulous take, enjoyed reading. I can speak to the mortality aspect as after my mom passed away (7 years younger than my dad) all my dad could talk about was that he was sure he would die first so there was so much he never considered or planned for. He was a great husband and father but that was an interesting point to me .. I'm sure this mentality and worse exists in a dog.
Yup 😅 I noticed men are big on being 30+ but always Bring up the time they played football in high school Or how they wanted to go pro in college or how they served a few years in the military But won't mention how they got kicked out like they reminisced on their most happy successful time. And then look crazy when you're like that was so long ago give over it, let it go.😅 & omg they definitely don't let exs from the past go either... Still trying to reminisce on the good old times instead of enjoying the president.
Men want younger women because: 1) they don't want a relationship between equals; 2) instead, they want to exercise power, control and dominance over their partner; and 3) they know that being older than their partner will most easily allow them to do this. Being older gives a man a built-in advantage emotionally, intellectually, and experientially. Conversely, it puts the younger woman at an emotional, intellectual and experiential disadvantage, which creates the power differential and dynamic these men crave. Their preference has nothing to do with older women being less attractive, given that many women begin to look their best in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Most men want power and control over women, and creating an age gap is just one of the many strategies they use to get it.
Im 20 years old and mom said when she was younger (maybe in her 20's) she dated a guy who was 6 years older than her, that everytime they had an argument, he kept bringing up their age difference. Like he was trying to put her in her place or something. Young women know why older guys go after them. The girls only stay for the money 🤷🏾♀️
True but Not all women are young and dumb, I definitely pissed off a lot of older dudes. Because none of them could get me. They were just all immature trying to find the exact girl you described which wasn't me.😅
@@monejohn9973 I hear you, Sis. Being young definitely doesn't mean dumb. I certainly didn't mean to imply that, at all. Being young may (but not always) create a disadvantage not because a woman is dumb (she could be incredibly intelligent) but because she simply still has a lot more to learn about men and how they move.
@@monejohn9973But being young just means a lack of experience it has to. There’s so much shit legally and as a social status that minors and people under 21 can’t do. Understanding taxes, legislation, representation, negotiating, conducting business, finessing (legally) are things you learn the older you get.
I've haven't seen one 40 or 50 year old woman who can match the beauty and attractiveness of a 25 year old woman. If you want to have a family it's alot easier to do it with a woman in her 20s as oppose to someone well in their 30s and 40s. Western women rage against traditional standards that has been in practice for thousands of years and in many traditional cultures it's common to see a younger woman with a older man.
True ... BM have stared at me starting at age 12. I remember the first time I recognized the look of lust. At the time, I didn't know that's what it was. I was 12 yrs old and walking to the laundromat 10 mins from my house. My mom had sent me on an errand. As I was walking a trucker had seen me and kept looking at me. I remember thinking he was weird & tried not to look at him. He kept creeping alongside me and looked at me so long, he almost crashed. I didn't feel like I was in any danger, I just felt uncomfortable & creeped out. He had me feeling like a piece of meat & he was the starving dog desperate to get a bite. I became more aware of men & the opposite sex in general after that.
Yeah a common thing with them. I remember walking home from elementary school and guys stopping in their car whispering, etc. can’t even ask for my number because I legit didn’t have a phone due to being too young. They’d watch the street to see if anyone was coming/driving down the street that would catch them in the act. Now that I’m legal, they wouldn’t dare speak to me. Maybe guilt or maybe nothing in common due to my success and surroundings verses there’s
I’m sorry to hear all these stories. It’s the life of girls all over the world, unfortunately. I remember being followed around the playground by two men at 9. Thankfully, my older brother was there with his friends. They chased the creeps off.
And then they use the “oh but they crush on so and so (a-list celeb 20-30 years their elder)” And I was crushing hard on Janet Jackson was I was young😂 Every young person crushed on older people because they were more confident and had their lives together. That’s not just a female attribute
When an old male chases a young woman, it's not HER youth he is chasing, but his own. Also, a male who chose you for your age will do what when you eventually get older as all life on Earth does. No human stays a single age forever.
When an old male chases a young woman, it's not HER youth he is chasing, but his own...........PREACH!!!!!! REMEMBER WHEN THE WOMAN GETS OLDER.........SO DOES THE MAN....
@@Cantetinza17 nope unfortunately. Had to stand there while he told me that he was 44yrs old, had a car, a house and TWO teenage kids. He thinks I'm beautiful and would love to take me out when I turn 18 then gave me his number. The whole time I'm just smiling and nodding and thinking about how his kids probably go to my school. Never saw him again thank goodness.
You know, we never see the actual young girls perspectives on this. So as a 18 year old: 4 years MAX. Alot of these icky middle aged men keep saying they like younger As If They Can GET THEM! You do NOT have to worry about me yall, just think, college girls are always running away from creepy older men. We like guys our own age if we are stable enough in the head. Don't worry yall.
He is talking about, older women not being beautiful and fit but what about him and men like him? Oh but grandma (12) and grandpa(28) lasted long time. Did anyone, ask grandma if she was really happy and in love?
@@ms.evegenethen be patient and wait until the men around your age mature enough to your standards because the majority of men 10+ years older going for 18-25 year olds are going after them for less than positive reasons. Stay strong stay safe and don’t ever feel pressured into intimacy just because they want it or bought you a plate of food and a beverage. If you work on yourself at least you will have something to show for it in a decade but if it is on another person that work is going to walk away one day.
A lot of cases where young girls were married off to older men happened when the man was molesting her, she hit puberty, and became pregnant. Since a baby would have been scandalous she was forced to marry her abuser. So don't for one second believe that "good old days May/December" bullshit!
I absolutely *HATED* this part of being a teenage girl. It happened several times a week. One of the male teachers at my all-girls school used to take pictures of me all of the time. They're just obsessed with the taboo.
I've always said that the 20s, especially the early 20s, are the infancy stage of adulthood. I'm glad I never thought It was cute to date a man, my father's age when I was in my 20s. I've always found it weird that some old a** man was trying to talk to me.
This man said “train a CHILD up in the way they should go”. 9:45 Exactly, he said the quiet part loud…. Men like this barely even raise their own kids smh.
A lot of younger women don't want to be with older men. When i was in my early 20s i wasn't attracted to older men and alot of my peers were grossed out by the thought of being with an older man. Also I must correct the woman who said that Mary was 14 yearsold, in the Bible marys age is never mentioned and the Bible refers to mary as a woman and not a child, so mary was a woman who was considered grown during biblical times.
Mary was legally bound to marry Joseph at a young age. She was not in her 20s. Girls were considered women by age 12. If you study ancient Jewish tradition, you'd know that girls were betrothed as early as 12 to no later than 14 so that means Mary as a second temple Jewish female would have been betrothed at an early age,too. She certainly was not a woman,the lady was right. Joseph was much older as he'd already had several children before he was with Mary. Mary would have actually been between 12 and 14 when she gave birth.
In traditional cultures it's not uncommon to see a older man with a younger woman. The less traditional the culture the least likely the woman will date a older man. Now that so many women are chasing the bag it's highly unlikely that a 19 year old woman will find a 19 year old man who is financially stabled and established.
When I was 16, I was on my way to my friend’s house and when I got there I told her some guy that was 28 tried to hit on me. Her mother overheard, came into the room and said: If a man isn’t talking to women his own age the is a REASON! So ask yourself why and keep it moving! Some of the best advice I ever got.
Years ago I was at Save Ons, this is before it was called CVS. I just got through purchasing something and the older man was flirting with me. I was 18 at the time and he was 39. He told me he has a son that goes to my school. I was standing looking at him like no. I told him no thank you. I had just graduated from high school, but I didn't want to be bothered by a 39 year old man. My mother was 39. I was like WTF. I didn't want to be with someone that age. I wanted to be with someone within my age range. Anyway, I left Save Ons and went home. There is no way in hell my mother or my grandparents would have allowed this grown ass man to be around me. No way. 12-25-2023(Mon)
Can someone report that man to the FBI. “Train up a child in the way that they should go.” Umm he needs to be kept away from young women. Like for real! That’s superrrr problematic!
Why isn't someone calling the police? He said he wanted to date children, not young women. He is going to find himself in jail, fighting for his life if he keeps that up.
The younger people are, tge smaller the age gap should be. In school children are separated into grades of 1-2 year difference depending on birthdays. So a freshman shouldn't be with a senior in high school. 18-25 the age gap shouldn't excede 4 years. 25-35 the gap shouldn't be more than 6-8 years. After 35 the gap can be larger because both people have fully developed brains and have passed the same sociatal milestones. A 50 and 40 is not the same as a 30 and 20. Even a 70 and 40 is fine because the younger person is a full adult but not a 50 and 20.... Leonardo Decaprio 🙄
@@deadcell1 You were quite the fast 18 year old and a young man. I on the other hand won't consider my self a real adult until I have reached my first decade of adulthood. 20.
This. When I was young this is the standard I set for who I would entertain or take seriously and not. Unfortunately the age range was the simplest thing to understand. I had much more to learn to start vetting.
@@AlluminaOnyxia I can relate to not really understanding vetting until I was older. Unfortunately we grew up with so many examples of basing relationships on superficial stuff.
@deadcell1 oh silly cat. This is a prime example of why these older women can so easily manipulate barely legal males. They think theyre getting over but in reality theyre the ones being used at the woman's discretion smh
Quiet as it is kept, young women mature faster than young men. And the real reason men prefer younger women is that men are often insecure about aging. In their mind, if the woman is much younger, she will be at her peak in terms of physicality. Men do not want to face that they are getting older so they can date the opposite if that makes sense. I agree that there can be a control factor. There is also an assumption of a lower body count. I had grown men approaching me at 12. Sadder is even when I say I am only a teen, they would still think it is okay to harass me. Gross.
Now that I am in my 30s, yes men definitely prefer younger women in their 20s. I happen to look younger than my age and the assumptions made of women over 30 are not always true...to put it gently. Personally, I do not care about age gaps per se if both people are over 30 lol.
@@LadyCharityI’m also in my 30s and men in their 40s are so gross and what’s worse they expect you to be dumb, like you learned nothing in your years and they need to “teach” you something, yeah teach me how to be less successful than I already am 🙄. Then again they’ve been gross because I also had a lot of men trying to get at me as a teenager (me 14-17, them 23+), sometimes people assume I’m a teenager now so I know I was looking straight baby faced back then
What the hell ever. Men can’t even be successful on their own and complain about women making money and owning houses and cars because men can’t even afford to do those things on their own 😂😂😂. Some men are so pathetic
I have seen older man dating younger women. I was one of those younger women that dated an older man. I was 18 & he was 30 but my differences is, even though he was out there doing whatever he wanted to do. I didn’t age as fast as some of these girls who are dating older men, now. These girls aging at a fast rate, because these men are taking them down through there. They are stressing you young ladies out. Plus, these older guys don’t want to wine and dine you ladies. I was some of everywhere with my ex. Don’t let these old a$$ men use your body and he’s taking your best years from you.
My daughter's God brother got approached this week at the skating ring by an 18 year old asking about my daughter. He told her she was 12, my daughter being the child of mine she is. Loudly yells "You're a P... to embarrass him". Gotta love my baby that's right.
I'm against older men and women dating younger its just weird and pointless and pathetic lol my mom always told me older men and women are like vampires they drain their younger partner's youth (energy) think about it! 🤷🏾♀️
The media constantly pushes this idea through religion (except Christianity) songs, movies and celebrities. It’s always been hidden in plain sight. Shirley Temple, Elvis. As we expose this we also help normalise it. And because it’s been going on for ages it means that men have allowed it. It is up to women to educate and to make sure laws and punishment are enforced. Way too many times a ped gets caught but basically gets a slap on the wrist (by other men) the punishment must fit the crime.
This man is almost quoting verbatim the late Kevin Samuels. “Women my own age aren’t fit, feminine, friendly, cooperative. They don’t look good anymore. Blah, blah, blah.” I call BS. There are plenty of women his age who are fit, feminine, friendly, cooperative, etc. in his age group. He can’t find those women, because he’s not looking for them. When he said, “Train up a child…,” he said everything that we need to know about him. He doesn’t want to date women. He wants to date children. Someone needs to tell him this is illegal, creepy, and gross.🤮 A lot of noisy men talk about how many older men want to marry significantly younger women. BS. Look up the statistics about marriage in the US. Most people marry people within their age cohort. We’re talking about an average of two or three years difference in age, i.e. the woman is 26 and the man is 28. My 17 year old daughter was recently approached by two men at the gym. When a man in his early twenties asked how old she was, he said she was too young for him to date, he said she was too young for him to date. The man in his forties tried to approach her, he said hi, and creeped her out. She avoids him every time she goes to the gym. The older men who only date younger women are going to have a rough wake up call. If they don’t find one, they’re going to end up dying alone.
I'm sorry, but that's sick!!🤢🤢🤮🤮 Stop using bible scriptures to cover up and excuse unacceptable behavior!! Thats not what God was talking about. Dont disrespect him like that!
The woman with baby has the cutest baby girl 🥰. But she was coming off like a mammy and a pick me. Her response was very much centered around competing with younger women.
Some girl in the comment section compared dating younger in a relationship to a fking job training and higher younger smh so I guess when older people get these same Jobs they don't train them either
Girl the TH-cam algorithm has been spying on my convos with my guy friend because we was talking about my situation with a 39 pushing 40 year old professor at college this semester😭😳
Facts this is why Leonardo creeps me out so does andrew Tate,the creepy vibes men give off , i wish i could show you the level of 45 and older men that try to talk to me they look just like that dude creepy and a beer belly 🤣 , and worse of all usually have kids etc , runnnn ladies
I remember asking my ex why he doesn’t date women his age . Him 44 saying he doesn’t want an “old” woman. He was such a dummy.Everything about him screamed predator. Now it made sense why he was so offended when someone accused him of acting suspicious around kids. Had the audacity to speak about children when he has 5 of his own .
It seems the men who feel the most entitled to young women have the fragile egos. Grown women don't spare egos. That also shows how mature the man is himself. If that man is late 30s+ and still playing around, he is going to want a 30 or 40 sonething in his 50s,60s, and 70s when he's sick and hospice ready. If this man is still liing in his 60s, watch him try to get with a 35 year old when his blood pressure up and needs help with medication. To these guys girls are for fun and women are for rest.
That man is 45 years old disgusting now that I think about it the woman he was on the show with trying to marry is 34 years old now she is so back then she was younger see these old men try and suck our youth out of us then say oh she old and unfit with baggage. Um yeah so she got that way by herself they will take your beauty away. When I left my ex my youth and beauty came back men like this will bring you down.
The Bible doesn’t need to be thrown out. These terrible interpretations are what needs to be thrown out. Older men mating with younger women was prevalent across the world at the time, not just among Christians. The Bible doesn’t teach us to do that but it was just what was done at the time after puberty. They were old enough to have children so they did. But now we know better and do better.
⛔️DANGER⛔️ I was a serial age gap dater and the story is always the same. Don’t fall for it. The reasons he’s alone at 40+ are not worth the older man fantasy. The bad ones will groom you, the crazy ones will try to trap you with a baby or financial dependency.
When I was in my early 20s I still looked 14. Old men looked at me as "legal jailbait." At 18 I was solicited over fb by a classmate in his 60s or 70s. Was not surprised to hear his adult daughters were NC with him. It's only ever about sex and power.
These dudes are sounding like pedophiles and predators. My dad had to step to one of his friends when I was 18 and threaten this man for trying. That guy never spoke to me again. I always thought it was disgusting when these old dudes would try to hit on me. I used to wonder what was wrong with them that they wanted to hit on someone that looked like a child. Just gross.
I’m sorry but did he say “child” and “fit” A woman is not a child and he’s not fit! 😂 And Joseph was not a grown man they were both teens. That’s a lie!
So that means it's ok for older men to be with them? Teen mothers been happening since time began Girls need counsel to find self love and to be protected from these men not to thrown to the wolves and forgotten by women who are supposed to be guiding them
This is why we need parent figure,mother and father. Even if y’all divorced,separated or whatever y’all need,y’all should be PRESENT in your child’s life. Who gonna help them navigate through life? Young woman dating older so called”man”are looking for a father figure most of the time. They came from broke household most of the time. Parents please protect your children at all coast, if you don’t this world can destroy them! Btw the last women was on point on everything she said!!her baby girl is first of freakin cute, and blessed to have mummy around to guide her,bless her heart💓. To the “man”who are dating young woman, y’all lack of morality is disgusting. The bar is not low,he is literally in hell for y’all!
I actually have no problem with older men dating younger men because that is actually their intellectual equal. (Of course, there are those who want to control, but let's be honest, need for control has nothing to do with whether he's smart or not.) But, even then, the younger women is often still more mature, lol. There's a reason there are single married moms, and moms who feel like their husbands are just another kids she needs to look after, monitor.
=__= once +50 y old man were interested in me.. I was 30.. just seriously dudes they have no shame he said age is juts a number I replied " and jail is just a room with some limitations ;) " 6 years age difference is ok... 10years?... depends... but +20 is NOT
We have historical documents of Jewish and Roman Christian customs of the time. It was common in most cultures until the 20th century for girls to marry before 16😂 This wasn’t pulled out of someone’s ass. The only reason you’d get this offended is if you too thought that’s immoral for her to have been so young.
@@reet7060 My understanding is that for most cultures and still in some places today, the age was 16, but corrupt people would go younger. 14 is a big deal to me and those 2 years to 16, I think matters. The truth is, we don’t know how old Mary was, but God knows how we are made and would not do anything to us that is wrong for how we are designed; humans however, do what they want no matter what. By the way, engagement was a thing, it would take place sometimes years before marriage and consumption. I met someone from Albania, and girls there are engaged at 8 years old but married and consummated at 16.
People came under the commandment at 13, so it was possible for Mary to be an adult then. That also would have been true for Joseph, whose activity does not suggest an old man...
Any old man try to step to my daughter when she's 19/20 will have to deal with me. I want my daughter to be with a man close to her age. not some old creepy dude try to perve his way in just score with a young girl they think they can take advantage of. Nope, won't happen. Oldest she will be allowed to date is 2 to 3 years older.
I was 14 and very petite for my age...so I looked 12. Couldn't walk to school without cars slowing down, getting honked at, grown men hanging out the window, asking me to come over and talk to them. All through my teens and 20s. It was 30, 40, and 50-year-old men at the bars, hitting on me and my friends, and we would be grossed out. Leave the young girls for the young men/boys. Stop dipping in the kiddie pool.
Older men are damaging young girls, which hurts the young men too, because they're dating traumatized girls their own age who have been ruined by older men exposing them to experiences that they are too young for. Old men competing with young men for young girls. Sigh.
That is horrible and traumatizing. Please though understand that petite has nothing to do with how old you are. There are tall children. Most women in the world are petite.
@@Gia-mg5nxshe’s just emphasizing that she really looked younger than she was
This! I was boney af at 14 and looked 12 as well. Matter of fact I was not wearing makeup at that age and was still wearing side ponytails! GROWN men would follow me if I walked to the store, honk and try to get me to come to their car, holla if I went into a convenience store, sit outside middle school looking at underage GIRLS! I literally had to run from old ass men until about 19. The attention from older men slowed down tremendously once I finally looked like an adult woman...GO FIGURE...
Disgusting 🤢 predators
Younger ladies...remember when they tried to tell you that older women were jealous?
Right? We're not jealous. We just know the BS. Went already went through it. Please listen to us.
Jealous of what? Missing on an arrested development manchild? Someone who has to hang around the teen section in the mall to get dates? Someone who still goes to high school parties in his mid 20s? Jealous for what?
@@vashtikelly6837 and look how he did her
The only older women that be jealous of us younger women is the women who DON’T see through men’s bs, but instead try to get men’s approval. The older women who are wise and smart enough to see through men’s bs are not jealous of us, they’re warning us and teaching us to see the red flags.
I know a young woman who was SA'd by an older man in her family when she was a little girl. She was called a liar by her father and he convinced her family she was a liar so no one believed her. Wouldn't you know it years later this same man got into a relationship with a young lady 20 years younger than him, and because he couldn't control her every move he killed her and buried her in his sister's backyard. Be careful with these men who are old enough to be a father figure but can't seem to find a woman in his age range, because 9 times out of 10, something is wrong with him.
That is crazyy, I hope this man is rotting in jail or worse
@@TheNinjapancake14 He is. He got a life sentence.
The way an old man who has already lived his life can just easily take away a young promising woman’s life because He has issues is just sad. So many young women and girls lives lost due to dusty losers. Who should’ve never had access to them.
He said some women look good when they are younger but when they get old they don't look the same. This means the younger one he's dating, if and when she gets older and her looks fade he will be onto another younger woman. The bar is low for these men. He's a perve
They don't look the same either 😂
He said that having the face he has
@briskettacos that part 😂. Like sir have you looked in the mirror, and he's not even trying, looks sloppy and just nasty
It’s easier for older men to manipulate and control younger women with money and influence. It is wrong now like it was back when my great grandma was married off as a teen to a man twice her age. Shows how immature their mind is.
Money and influence to a 17-25 year =I have candy and puppies to a 6-12 year old and that's scary
I tried to have this conversation with a male counterpart who has daughters and the response I got just made me end the discussion 😂😂his explanation was that older women have been given everything so there’s nothing left to give and the older women can’t be told anything!! I was like wait whaaaaattttt😮
A woman's loyalty extends the length of the coin.
@deadcell1 I would hope so! Women need to wisely select a mate who can provide for their children. If he can't even take care of her and their children what good is he as a husband?
@@briskettacos Which makes the conversation about age ridiculous. In none wester countries women tend to get married and have families in their twenties. If a 21 year old woman wants to be with a guy her age the likelihood that'll he'll be financially stable and earn enough money to provide for a family is slim.
This is why in many cultures it's not uncommon for a woman to be with a older man. However, American women are confused, they want a 21 year old guy that makes over $150k/year without realizing most guys don't get to that point until they are in their 30s. Fortunely, they are the minority in the rest of the world.
Ol' girl on the podcast deserves an award for talking to this man. Lawd.....
I know 😂
She's fantastic
She is so articulate,emotionally intelligent,rational I love this young lady! I can not talk to people of his nature 🤦🏽♀️🤣like boy foh.
It was a really good interview. She managed the conversation well and really showed his true colours. Surprisingly, this wasn't the worst thing he said.
Yes! He is gross. I don't like him.
I remember my daughter said she wanted to introduce me to her boyfriend. She was of legal age but he was 27 and she was 19. I told her I can't tell you what to do but stop and ask yourself wtf an almost 30 year old has in common with a 19 year old. You can't go to most of the places he goes, can't drink, he's got 9 more years of life experience than you do. How can he possibly relate?to anything you are doing right now? Shortly thereafter she told me she dumped him because he was way more emotional than her and cried too much. I said hallelujah I did something right. She saw the fallacy of his actions when I presented it to her and implored her to use critical thinking. Mr you didn't even go for someone 21 you went legit barely legal. And suffice it to say he nixed wanting to meet me because I told him otp I wanted to discuss why he thought dating a 19 year old while pushing 30 was ok or logical
Good on you, Mom! Great job!
You're an awesome mom raising a wise daughter. 💓 🥰
Bless you for protecting your baby, Momma! 😊❤🎉 You raised an intelligent young lady! ❤🎉
I'm 28 and dating a man who just turned 40. I can't possibly ever see myself with a 19 year old. As an adult you should be growing and maturing so when you date someone significantly younger it really shows if you have or not.
@@pink1237480he has 12 years of life experience on you. You should leave him
Everyone is right, but I want to add another factor that I think gets overlooked. Mortality. Men have an issue confronting mortality. They constantly make the prime for women very young but give themselves plenty of time before their "expiration " date. Due to their lack of impulse control, they waste a lot of time and cannot accept that time has passed for them. They talk about how they still feel 18 when they are in their 40s and 50s as if women dont also still feel young past 25. But when they are confronted with women their own age, they cant escape what that looks like for them. It's a mirror of what they could have been if they hadn't had bad priorities. She may have a career and money while he has nothing to show for the same amount of time. When he sees a woman his age with smile lines and crows feet (beautiful to me btw) he is also confronted with where he is physically in age. They want to be young forever because society has adjusted time for them and told them they mature slower and have so much time to grow. That's why they have a mid life crisis. It isn't that women devalue youth, obviously everyone values being young, but for women in society a clock is set for everything. Women have plenty of time to accept it because they are told they mature faster, their prime is earlier and their biological clock is ticking. At some point being confronted with that, women let go and become more carefree. They learn to embrace the memories of youth and find the beauty in smile lines and crows feet. Not all women get comfortable with it, sure. But more women tend to than men do. They start to decenter men and unwanted opinions. Men still seek the validation that they still "got it" from other men.
This comment should be pinned. Perfectly worded
It is an interesting perspective that I haven't considered. It's definitely something to think about.
Yep this here!!! I have had this thought
This is a fabulous take, enjoyed reading. I can speak to the mortality aspect as after my mom passed away (7 years younger than my dad) all my dad could talk about was that he was sure he would die first so there was so much he never considered or planned for. He was a great husband and father but that was an interesting point to me .. I'm sure this mentality and worse exists in a dog.
Yup 😅 I noticed men are big on being 30+ but always Bring up the time they played football in high school Or how they wanted to go pro in college or how they served a few years in the military But won't mention how they got kicked out like they reminisced on their most happy successful time. And then look crazy when you're like that was so long ago give over it, let it go.😅 & omg they definitely don't let exs from the past go either... Still trying to reminisce on the good old times instead of enjoying the president.
Men want younger women because: 1) they don't want a relationship between equals; 2) instead, they want to exercise power, control and dominance over their partner; and 3) they know that being older than their partner will most easily allow them to do this. Being older gives a man a built-in advantage emotionally, intellectually, and experientially. Conversely, it puts the younger woman at an emotional, intellectual and experiential disadvantage, which creates the power differential and dynamic these men crave. Their preference has nothing to do with older women being less attractive, given that many women begin to look their best in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Most men want power and control over women, and creating an age gap is just one of the many strategies they use to get it.
Im 20 years old and mom said when she was younger (maybe in her 20's) she dated a guy who was 6 years older than her, that everytime they had an argument, he kept bringing up their age difference. Like he was trying to put her in her place or something. Young women know why older guys go after them. The girls only stay for the money 🤷🏾♀️
True but Not all women are young and dumb, I definitely pissed off a lot of older dudes. Because none of them could get me. They were just all immature trying to find the exact girl you described which wasn't me.😅
@@monejohn9973 I hear you, Sis. Being young definitely doesn't mean dumb. I certainly didn't mean to imply that, at all. Being young may (but not always) create a disadvantage not because a woman is dumb (she could be incredibly intelligent) but because she simply still has a lot more to learn about men and how they move.
@@monejohn9973But being young just means a lack of experience it has to. There’s so much shit legally and as a social status that minors and people under 21 can’t do. Understanding taxes, legislation, representation, negotiating, conducting business, finessing (legally) are things you learn the older you get.
I've haven't seen one 40 or 50 year old woman who can match the beauty and attractiveness of a 25 year old woman. If you want to have a family it's alot easier to do it with a woman in her 20s as oppose to someone well in their 30s and 40s.
Western women rage against traditional standards that has been in practice for thousands of years and in many traditional cultures it's common to see a younger woman with a older man.
I was a girl before. And BM used to never care that I was 14. Now that I'm beautifully 40, they just STARE and STARE. and won't say a thing.
True ... BM have stared at me starting at age 12. I remember the first time I recognized the look of lust. At the time, I didn't know that's what it was. I was 12 yrs old and walking to the laundromat 10 mins from my house. My mom had sent me on an errand. As I was walking a trucker had seen me and kept looking at me. I remember thinking he was weird & tried not to look at him. He kept creeping alongside me and looked at me so long, he almost crashed. I didn't feel like I was in any danger, I just felt uncomfortable & creeped out. He had me feeling like a piece of meat & he was the starving dog desperate to get a bite. I became more aware of men & the opposite sex in general after that.
Yeah a common thing with them. I remember walking home from elementary school and guys stopping in their car whispering, etc. can’t even ask for my number because I legit didn’t have a phone due to being too young.
They’d watch the street to see if anyone was coming/driving down the street that would catch them in the act. Now that I’m legal, they wouldn’t dare speak to me. Maybe guilt or maybe nothing in common due to my success and surroundings verses there’s
I’m sorry to hear all these stories. It’s the life of girls all over the world, unfortunately. I remember being followed around the playground by two men at 9. Thankfully, my older brother was there with his friends. They chased the creeps off.
True !!!
They won't say anything because BW has a reputation of being incredibly loud, obnoxious, and disrespectful.
Most young women are not looking for old men lol. That's just a manosphere lie.
And then they use the “oh but they crush on so and so (a-list celeb 20-30 years their elder)”
And I was crushing hard on Janet Jackson was I was young😂
Every young person crushed on older people because they were more confident and had their lives together. That’s not just a female attribute
@@reet7060 Exactly, they are delusional and are the ones hitting the wall. Also, look at that creep, how he looks, and he dares to talk about looks.
right, as a 18yr old I get reaaallll confused...
Literally we are NOT checking for them.
When an old male chases a young woman, it's not HER youth he is chasing, but his own. Also, a male who chose you for your age will do what when you eventually get older as all life on Earth does. No human stays a single age forever.
When an old male chases a young woman, it's not HER youth he is chasing, but his own...........PREACH!!!!!!
This reminds me of when a 44yrs old man stop me outside of my highschool.
My goodness, these men need to be ffr
Eww, you poor girl. Do you have your pepper spray?
@@Cantetinza17 nope unfortunately. Had to stand there while he told me that he was 44yrs old, had a car, a house and TWO teenage kids. He thinks I'm beautiful and would love to take me out when I turn 18 then gave me his number. The whole time I'm just smiling and nodding and thinking about how his kids probably go to my school. Never saw him again thank goodness.
Yeah... this reminds me how dad of my classmate was asking for my number and saying that I'm in a good shape when i was TWELVE. He was in his 50s!!!!
You know, we never see the actual young girls perspectives on this. So as a 18 year old:
4 years MAX. Alot of these icky middle aged men keep saying they like younger As If They Can GET THEM! You do NOT have to worry about me yall, just think, college girls are always running away from creepy older men. We like guys our own age if we are stable enough in the head. Don't worry yall.
A lot of men like him target vulnerable, unprotected young girls. Usually ones that are homeless or that have an unstable home life.
I agree. I want to see a video of young girls, 18-25, giving their opinion on this topic.
There have been and they say the only reason is for money and status
I'm 20 and no one over 24-25 😂
I'm only now starting to consider older men and I'm 34 .. so I feel you
He is talking about, older women not being beautiful and fit but what about him and men like him? Oh but grandma (12) and grandpa(28) lasted long time. Did anyone, ask grandma if she was really happy and in love?
But men my age are gross. I'm not 20 and I barely have bodies under my belt.
@@ms.evegenethen be patient and wait until the men around your age mature enough to your standards because the majority of men 10+ years older going for 18-25 year olds are going after them for less than positive reasons.
Stay strong stay safe and don’t ever feel pressured into intimacy just because they want it or bought you a plate of food and a beverage.
If you work on yourself at least you will have something to show for it in a decade but if it is on another person that work is going to walk away one day.
A lot of cases where young girls were married off to older men happened when the man was molesting her, she hit puberty, and became pregnant.
Since a baby would have been scandalous she was forced to marry her abuser.
So don't for one second believe that "good old days May/December" bullshit!
They told grandma she will start to love him eventually 😂
Men at his age are likely not fit themselves and maybe some health issues.
I absolutely *HATED* this part of being a teenage girl. It happened several times a week. One of the male teachers at my all-girls school used to take pictures of me all of the time. They're just obsessed with the taboo.
Get the authorities involved.
I've always said that the 20s, especially the early 20s, are the infancy stage of adulthood. I'm glad I never thought It was cute to date a man, my father's age when I was in my 20s. I've always found it weird that some old a** man was trying to talk to me.
This man said “train a CHILD up in the way they should go”. 9:45 Exactly, he said the quiet part loud…. Men like this barely even raise their own kids smh.
This is the saying now that people are saying, The Younger women that you'll like to date become the older women you're complaining about.
It's a great reminder for sure 😂
Partially due to being traumatized by older men when they were teenage girls.
When I was in my early twenties I didn’t find older men attractive it was just wierd to me . Cause am like what are we gonna talk about
That was me Sis…I married a man that was 2yrs older…we were both in our 20’s.
A lot of younger women don't want to be with older men.
When i was in my early 20s i wasn't attracted to older men and alot of my peers were grossed out by the thought of being with an older man.
Also I must correct the woman who said that Mary was 14 yearsold, in the Bible marys age is never mentioned and the Bible refers to mary as a woman and not a child, so mary was a woman who was considered grown during biblical times.
Mary was legally bound to marry Joseph at a young age. She was not in her 20s. Girls were considered women by age 12. If you study ancient Jewish tradition, you'd know that girls were betrothed as early as 12 to no later than 14 so that means Mary as a second temple Jewish female would have been betrothed at an early age,too. She certainly was not a woman,the lady was right. Joseph was much older as he'd already had several children before he was with Mary. Mary would have actually been between 12 and 14 when she gave birth.
In traditional cultures it's not uncommon to see a older man with a younger woman.
The less traditional the culture the least likely the woman will date a older man.
Now that so many women are chasing the bag it's highly unlikely that a 19 year old woman will find a 19 year old man who is financially stabled and established.
@deadcell1 you are all over this comment section trying to justify hebophilia. Stop it's gross
This guy is 46 looking 66 and is pursuing younger women. What has he got to offer?
@@lmusima3275 Simple, money.. People love it so much that they'll kill their own family over it.
As a 24 year old man, i prefer women few years older than me
Key word a "few" years older not someone old enough to be your mom damn near....Stay away from those women
Naw you should still date within your own generation.
👏🏾 are you seeking validation with this comment?
Literally same
@@jfreeman2422Same as the old enough to be your father.
When I was 16, I was on my way to my friend’s house and when I got there I told her some guy that was 28 tried to hit on me. Her mother overheard, came into the room and said: If a man isn’t talking to women his own age the is a REASON! So ask yourself why and keep it moving!
Some of the best advice I ever got.
That baby aint got no business being so beautiful!!
She's absolutely gorgeous!
I also want to add, would these same men be okay with their younger female family members dating an older man?
They would definitely not like it.
These men suddenly see everything wrong in what they do when it’s another man doing it to a woman they “own”.
My husband got a cousin like that man right now. 50 year’s old still chasing young women and baby can’t hold a conversation the 1st.
This is their "red pill" community right here... dang...
These men are going to have to answer for this...🤦🏽♀️
Predators among us
Men have always felt women she be treated like CHILDREN.....but when we say this we are bitter.......i swear this screams ABUSE
The clip towards the end with baby and mom ...the bby is too cute ..😊❤
I saw this before I saw them, and they are just adorable!
Right? She's cute as a button :D
*she is adorable@@tosinakin2508
Years ago I was at Save Ons, this is before it was called CVS. I just got through purchasing something and the older man was flirting with me. I was 18 at the time and he was 39. He told me he has a son that goes to my school. I was standing looking at him like no. I told him no thank you. I had just graduated from high school, but I didn't want to be bothered by a 39 year old man. My mother was 39. I was like WTF. I didn't want to be with someone that age. I wanted to be with someone within my age range. Anyway, I left Save Ons and went home. There is no way in hell my mother or my grandparents would have allowed this grown ass man to be around me. No way. 12-25-2023(Mon)
This is why they fill up the jails and prisons in this country
Can someone report that man to the FBI. “Train up a child in the way that they should go.” Umm he needs to be kept away from young women. Like for real! That’s superrrr problematic!
Why isn't someone calling the police? He said he wanted to date children, not young women. He is going to find himself in jail, fighting for his life if he keeps that up.
The younger people are, tge smaller the age gap should be. In school children are separated into grades of 1-2 year difference depending on birthdays. So a freshman shouldn't be with a senior in high school. 18-25 the age gap shouldn't excede 4 years. 25-35 the gap shouldn't be more than 6-8 years. After 35 the gap can be larger because both people have fully developed brains and have passed the same sociatal milestones. A 50 and 40 is not the same as a 30 and 20. Even a 70 and 40 is fine because the younger person is a full adult but not a 50 and 20.... Leonardo Decaprio 🙄
18 is a adult, I can't tell you how many cougars in their 30s and 40s I ran through when I was 18 lol..
@@deadcell1 You were quite the fast 18 year old and a young man. I on the other hand won't consider my self a real adult until I have reached my first decade of adulthood. 20.
This. When I was young this is the standard I set for who I would entertain or take seriously and not. Unfortunately the age range was the simplest thing to understand. I had much more to learn to start vetting.
@@AlluminaOnyxia I can relate to not really understanding vetting until I was older. Unfortunately we grew up with so many examples of basing relationships on superficial stuff.
@deadcell1 oh silly cat. This is a prime example of why these older women can so easily manipulate barely legal males. They think theyre getting over but in reality theyre the ones being used at the woman's discretion smh
Quiet as it is kept, young women mature faster than young men. And the real reason men prefer younger women is that men are often insecure about aging. In their mind, if the woman is much younger, she will be at her peak in terms of physicality. Men do not want to face that they are getting older so they can date the opposite if that makes sense. I agree that there can be a control factor. There is also an assumption of a lower body count. I had grown men approaching me at 12. Sadder is even when I say I am only a teen, they would still think it is okay to harass me. Gross.
Now that I am in my 30s, yes men definitely prefer younger women in their 20s. I happen to look younger than my age and the assumptions made of women over 30 are not always true...to put it gently. Personally, I do not care about age gaps per se if both people are over 30 lol.
@@LadyCharityI’m also in my 30s and men in their 40s are so gross and what’s worse they expect you to be dumb, like you learned nothing in your years and they need to “teach” you something, yeah teach me how to be less successful than I already am 🙄. Then again they’ve been gross because I also had a lot of men trying to get at me as a teenager (me 14-17, them 23+), sometimes people assume I’m a teenager now so I know I was looking straight baby faced back then
Women need to be trained, can't be two kings in the castle. 👑
What the hell ever. Men can’t even be successful on their own and complain about women making money and owning houses and cars because men can’t even afford to do those things on their own 😂😂😂. Some men are so pathetic
I have seen older man dating younger women. I was one of those younger women that dated an older man. I was 18 & he was 30 but my differences is, even though he was out there doing whatever he wanted to do. I didn’t age as fast as some of these girls who are dating older men, now. These girls aging at a fast rate, because these men are taking them down through there. They are stressing you young ladies out.
Plus, these older guys don’t want to wine and dine you ladies. I was some of everywhere with my ex. Don’t let these old a$$ men use your body and he’s taking your best years from you.
Do older men see themselves in the mirror? 😂
My daughter's God brother got approached this week at the skating ring by an 18 year old asking about my daughter. He told her she was 12, my daughter being the child of mine she is. Loudly yells "You're a P... to embarrass him". Gotta love my baby that's right.
They perceive those girls as more impressionable and easier to control.
I'm against older men and women dating younger its just weird and pointless and pathetic lol my mom always told me older men and women are like vampires they drain their younger partner's youth (energy) think about it! 🤷🏾♀️
The way he looks now has the nerve to disparage someone else's aging process.....
Take Cassie's case as prime example young ones. Dusties doesn't want well for you...especially when they have podcasts
The media constantly pushes this idea through religion (except Christianity) songs, movies and celebrities. It’s always been hidden in plain sight. Shirley Temple, Elvis. As we expose this we also help normalise it. And because it’s been going on for ages it means that men have allowed it.
It is up to women to educate and to make sure laws and punishment are enforced. Way too many times a ped gets caught but basically gets a slap on the wrist (by other men) the punishment must fit the crime.
Young woman you have the power changed the narrative.
It is predatory - pure and simple.
Women should leave men who are 10yrs older or more alone.
This man is almost quoting verbatim the late Kevin Samuels. “Women my own age aren’t fit, feminine, friendly, cooperative. They don’t look good anymore. Blah, blah, blah.”
I call BS. There are plenty of women his age who are fit, feminine, friendly, cooperative, etc. in his age group. He can’t find those women, because he’s not looking for them.
When he said, “Train up a child…,” he said everything that we need to know about him. He doesn’t want to date women. He wants to date children. Someone needs to tell him this is illegal, creepy, and gross.🤮
A lot of noisy men talk about how many older men want to marry significantly younger women. BS. Look up the statistics about marriage in the US. Most people marry people within their age cohort. We’re talking about an average of two or three years difference in age, i.e. the woman is 26 and the man is 28.
My 17 year old daughter was recently approached by two men at the gym. When a man in his early twenties asked how old she was, he said she was too young for him to date, he said she was too young for him to date. The man in his forties tried to approach her, he said hi, and creeped her out. She avoids him every time she goes to the gym.
The older men who only date younger women are going to have a rough wake up call. If they don’t find one, they’re going to end up dying alone.
I'm sorry, but that's sick!!🤢🤢🤮🤮 Stop using bible scriptures to cover up and excuse unacceptable behavior!! Thats not what God was talking about. Dont disrespect him like that!
The woman with baby has the cutest baby girl 🥰. But she was coming off like a mammy and a pick me. Her response was very much centered around competing with younger women.
Some girl in the comment section compared dating younger in a relationship to a fking job training and higher younger smh so I guess when older people get these same
Jobs they don't train them either
Girl the TH-cam algorithm has been spying on my convos with my guy friend because we was talking about my situation with a 39 pushing 40 year old professor at college this semester😭😳
When I was 20 a man who must have been twice my age tried to pick me up on the bus. To say I was disgusted is an understatement. Ugh.
And that baby almost gave me baby fever 🥰 just adorable
Facts this is why Leonardo creeps me out so does andrew Tate,the creepy vibes men give off , i wish i could show you the level of 45 and older men that try to talk to me they look just like that dude creepy and a beer belly 🤣 , and worse of all usually have kids etc , runnnn ladies
The woman interviewing him didn't miss 🤌
It’s crazy… Men would say that older women got baggage but they don’t notice that they gave them the baggage
A terrifying thought is if it was legal a lot more men would be dating CHILDREN. I’m talking 12, 13, 14 and younger.
17:55 the way I was laughing but everything she said it's true I may be 16 but my mom always tells me about older men and their tactics.
That man had the nerve, the unmitigated gall, the sheer audacity to say they get older and don’t look good? Has he seen himself? Tf
YES pink bonnet 😂 that’s how my inner mind works she going with her flow
This dude said train up a CHILD in the way they should go…ohhh my!!
Naw, they asked “do you like teenagers” and saying 18+ would have been skeezy but at least legal and he asked “how would you define teenager?”
That shit was crazy
I remember asking my ex why he doesn’t date women his age . Him 44 saying he doesn’t want an “old” woman. He was such a dummy.Everything about him screamed predator. Now it made sense why he was so offended when someone accused him of acting suspicious around kids. Had the audacity to speak about children when he has 5 of his own .
My grandma got married at 13. Mom at 19. Thank God they were woman enough to hold it down.
I think every woman remember those old creeps wandering around schools and colleges…
He looking at tips on what to say😂
The young ladies in my husband’s country have fathers & they are condoning a 35 yr old man to marry their 16-18 yr old daughter.
They doing good together help them do better
This man is just looking to run through young girls, not marry them. Sounds like he would lose attraction to them once they get older.
Good video
It seems the men who feel the most entitled to young women have the fragile egos. Grown women don't spare egos. That also shows how mature the man is himself. If that man is late 30s+ and still playing around, he is going to want a 30 or 40 sonething in his 50s,60s, and 70s when he's sick and hospice ready. If this man is still liing in his 60s, watch him try to get with a 35 year old when his blood pressure up and needs help with medication. To these guys girls are for fun and women are for rest.
That man is 45 years old disgusting now that I think about it the woman he was on the show with trying to marry is 34 years old now she is so back then she was younger see these old men try and suck our youth out of us then say oh she old and unfit with baggage. Um yeah so she got that way by herself they will take your beauty away. When I left my ex my youth and beauty came back men like this will bring you down.
The Bible doesn’t need to be thrown out. These terrible interpretations are what needs to be thrown out. Older men mating with younger women was prevalent across the world at the time, not just among Christians. The Bible doesn’t teach us to do that but it was just what was done at the time after puberty. They were old enough to have children so they did. But now we know better and do better.
⛔️DANGER⛔️ I was a serial age gap dater and the story is always the same. Don’t fall for it. The reasons he’s alone at 40+ are not worth the older man fantasy. The bad ones will groom you, the crazy ones will try to trap you with a baby or financial dependency.
When I was in my early 20s I still looked 14. Old men looked at me as "legal jailbait." At 18 I was solicited over fb by a classmate in his 60s or 70s. Was not surprised to hear his adult daughters were NC with him. It's only ever about sex and power.
These dudes are sounding like pedophiles and predators. My dad had to step to one of his friends when I was 18 and threaten this man for trying. That guy never spoke to me again. I always thought it was disgusting when these old dudes would try to hit on me. I used to wonder what was wrong with them that they wanted to hit on someone that looked like a child. Just gross.
Mentally many of them are dating women their own age. Men are less mature emotionally and physically. 😮😮
At this point I don’t see why we care. Did anyone even ask. Who cares what they want especially the black ones
I’m sorry but did he say “child” and “fit”
A woman is not a child and he’s not fit! 😂
And Joseph was not a grown man they were both teens. That’s a lie!
Lady with the baby is on point
My ex-wife dated a girl 15 years younger bc she wouldn't challenge her. The younger girl put up with a lot of shit that I refused to.
I know girls born in 2001 with more sex partners ive ever had in my life!
That part. A lot of the younger women have grown up in the most "sexually free" time
Sadly me too I seen plenty of 14 year old moms at the clinic.
So that means it's ok for older men to be with them?
Teen mothers been happening since time began
Girls need counsel to find self love and to be protected from these men not to thrown to the wolves and forgotten by women who are supposed to be guiding them
Aint no man in their late 20s,30s,40 s or older coming near my 18 year old daughter. She already looks like 12. You'd be treading on deadly ground
Well, it is noted that women mature faster, so a woman that is 25 would be on his level😊
Love your videos! ❤
They can have more control over the younger woman.
If anyone have sense, you know that older men trying to get with younger girls is for the wrong reason.
They date younger girls? Or younger women
This is why we need parent figure,mother and father. Even if y’all divorced,separated or whatever y’all need,y’all should be PRESENT in your child’s life. Who gonna help them navigate through life? Young woman dating older so called”man”are looking for a father figure most of the time. They came from broke household most of the time. Parents please protect your children at all coast, if you don’t this world can destroy them! Btw the last women was on point on everything she said!!her baby girl is first of freakin cute, and blessed to have mummy around to guide her,bless her heart💓. To the “man”who are dating young woman, y’all lack of morality is disgusting. The bar is not low,he is literally in hell for y’all!
these are predators
I actually have no problem with older men dating younger men because that is actually their intellectual equal. (Of course, there are those who want to control, but let's be honest, need for control has nothing to do with whether he's smart or not.) But, even then, the younger women is often still more mature, lol. There's a reason there are single married moms, and moms who feel like their husbands are just another kids she needs to look after, monitor.
@@vashtikelly6837 girl...give your caps key a rest.
Even the Pickmeishas didn't side with that BS
=__= once +50 y old man were interested in me.. I was 30.. just seriously dudes they have no shame he said age is juts a number I replied
" and jail is just a room with some limitations ;) "
6 years age difference is ok... 10years?... depends... but +20 is NOT
Where in the Bible did it say Mary’s age?!!! Just because she was a virgin, doesn’t mean she was 14. Why the lying?
We have historical documents of Jewish and Roman Christian customs of the time. It was common in most cultures until the 20th century for girls to marry before 16😂
This wasn’t pulled out of someone’s ass. The only reason you’d get this offended is if you too thought that’s immoral for her to have been so young.
@@reet7060 My understanding is that for most cultures and still in some places today, the age was 16, but corrupt people would go younger. 14 is a big deal to me and those 2 years to 16, I think matters. The truth is, we don’t know how old Mary was, but God knows how we are made and would not do anything to us that is wrong for how we are designed; humans however, do what they want no matter what. By the way, engagement was a thing, it would take place sometimes years before marriage and consumption. I met someone from Albania, and girls there are engaged at 8 years old but married and consummated at 16.
People came under the commandment at 13, so it was possible for Mary to be an adult then. That also would have been true for Joseph, whose activity does not suggest an old man...
Any old man try to step to my daughter when she's 19/20 will have to deal with me. I want my daughter to be with a man close to her age. not some old creepy dude try to perve his way in just score with a young girl they think they can take advantage of. Nope, won't happen. Oldest she will be allowed to date is 2 to 3 years older.