Managers, Who Was Your Favorite Firing ?

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    Managers, Who Was Your Favorite Firing ?
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ความคิดเห็น • 359

  • @Fuzz32
    @Fuzz32 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I used to go to church with a girl who was an RN. A new lady was hired and she was asked to train her. It was a nightmare. The woman did absolutely nothing right. Misplaced file folders, mixed up files, mislabeled vials, went to the wrong rooms and had to be constantly reminded how to do simple tasks, like filling out paperwork. Three weeks into this the two met with the Head Nurse for an evaluation. The new hire insisted that she was ready to do things on her own. My friend was much more realistic. She said in no uncertain terms that she didn’t feel safe letting this woman do anything around the hospital, for the above mentioned reasons. The Head Nurse agreed and the woman was fired. As it turned out, all of the nurses thought this woman was not capable.

  • @TheSpineSplitter7
    @TheSpineSplitter7 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    "We hired a cook who was a raging alcoholic"
    So you hired a cook?

  • @streetcop157
    @streetcop157 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I was fired after a Workmans comp injury. Mayor hired someone for $15 an hour less to cover my position while I was off, other issues but that was a big one. I sued for illegal termination and won a big green apology. Then ran for mayor and won. I informed everyone involved in my firing that my first day as mayor was their last day….

    • @coffeezombie6813
      @coffeezombie6813 ปีที่แล้ว

      I feel like I just ate a really good meal, and you managed to sum it up in 2 and a half lines. I can only imagine the karma-boner you must've been feeling that day. It's pretty fantastical and I can totally see someone thinking it's too good to be true, but it still makes me feel good so I don't actually care if it is. lol

  • @quintonmartin27
    @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I wasnt the firing manager but I was a manager who was allowed to say why we should fire someone and give reasons. This girl has diabetes shes maybe 16-18. She would never show up for work and blame it all on her illness. She would come in ONLY if her boyfriend worked. We worked food at a movie theater and was not allowed to eat or drink up front infront of the customers. We let it pass for her because well her diabetes. When she was there we had to put her by her boyfriend otherwise she and him would not be by their areas to work they would be chatting during rush hours. Even danced once in a rush. We had written them up so many times it was useless. We let her go when she no called no showed and wouldn't even answer her own phone when we tried checking on her. Our policy was to fire them if they no called and no showed unless they had a good reason to. So she was let go. Oh to top it off we got a strongly worded letter from her boyfriend quitting because we where jerks. So glad they left so someone new, who would actually do their job and not blame everything on their condition, would come in.

  • @kirklanyoshinaga8953
    @kirklanyoshinaga8953 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dude what the heck went down in story 1!? 😳 that’s like some John wick/equalizer shit.
    Boss: “go home dude. I’ll handle this.”
    *next day*
    Guy: *Walks into the management office that looks like a war torn battlefield and 3 cop cars in the lot.*

  • @kylegunderson2385
    @kylegunderson2385 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not my firing story, I had been working for my dad that summer and days that my Dad didn’t have work for me to do he would send me to work with his former employee so that I could still earn money. My Dad had sold the guy a bunch of equipment so he could start his own business(building house foundations) since my Dad was trying to work less. The guy decided to hire a bunch if people so that he could take on more jobs after finding a bit of success. The problem is that 4 out of the 7 people he hired would call out the first day of each week. After about 2 months of this he was fed up. When each of the people showed up for their next shift he handed them a paycheck and said don’t come back.

  • @infinitemidnightghostmourner
    @infinitemidnightghostmourner ปีที่แล้ว

    "Beer flu" 😂😂

  • @harrymartin9927
    @harrymartin9927 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had a bully named Veronica and she is not the girl I married

  • @douglasw9624
    @douglasw9624 ปีที่แล้ว +419

    One more...was injured on the job (leg caught between a trailer (towed by a drunk guy) and a fence.) Went to urgent care and after determining there were no broken bones, was declared okay. Something told me I should stop by work before going home. I walk in the office and the office gals look scared and point out one of the maintenance employees lying drunk in the parking lot under his own motorcycle. He figured his boss (me) wouldn't be back after such an injury and took the opportunity to get stinking drunk. I walk over to him and he just moaned "ooohh why did you come back?" I just ignored him and had another employee drive him home. Fired as soon as I could get a check cut. Years later he came looking for another job and was disappointed when he saw I was still there :)

    • @janusgreenway6934
      @janusgreenway6934 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      I mean...the fact that you still seem to be happy about it after years because he got drunk and apparently caused no damage except to himself kinda shows how petty you are. I'm gonna assume there's more to it.

    • @douglasw9624
      @douglasw9624 ปีที่แล้ว +61

      @@janusgreenway6934 what in the hell are you talking about? He was falling down drunk on the job because he thought his boss wasn't going to be around. I actually bear him no malice...he told some great jokes during his time...but no way I'd hire him again. He burned that bridge not me

    • @janusgreenway6934
      @janusgreenway6934 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@douglasw9624 ahh, and so I assume being intoxicated was, like, actually against company policy? But hey, what's the point of feeling bad for firing people if that's your job? Gahaha! Maybe you actually have a short temper or something, because I probably wouldn't pretend like he went to prison.

    • @quintonmartin27
      @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      I can only imagine it now
      him:" oh its you"
      you: "yep now don't let the door hit you on the way out"

    • @andrei-calinardelean1957
      @andrei-calinardelean1957 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      @@janusgreenway6934 it's a risk and bad reputation to let employees drunk at work. I say this as a man working for a multinational company, with over 2k employees where I work alone. Getting drunk is just not okay, especially if the worker is operating dangerous machines.

  • @matd675
    @matd675 ปีที่แล้ว +251

    We had an employee that regularly refused to do what she was told. During a disciplinary meeting, she said she quits and walked out. 3 days later she comes back with an email from one of the guys in HR reinstating her.
    Turns out she called him to complain, lied to him, and he reinstated her with no investigation (not even getting our side of the story). We talk to the head of HR & give him the story. Investigation ensues, with the end result being the employee is fired again, as is the HR guy that reinstated her.

  • @aaroncutting
    @aaroncutting ปีที่แล้ว +33

    It sounds like the guy who said his son went to the ER was probably cheating on his wife which would explain why he didn't clue her in on the scam.

  • @PincheBecky0Effsgiven
    @PincheBecky0Effsgiven ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I worked for a major insurance company in California. A coworker was called into the office to get written up (for disconnecting calls she didn't want to deal with) she got caught during a random recorded audit... calls are really monitored for quality purposes. She walks out of the managers office, screaming that he's an ahole, and a fa@#$. He is gay. This man was the most incredible manager, always looking out for our benefit and fighting to get us better pay. The next day, she comes in and gets called into the office and gets fired. Again, she comes out screaming about how he could have fired her over the phone before she took a 2 hour bus ride in. He calmly walks over to the window and says, "Do you see that yellow taxi? That's for you to leave in it, I paid for it personally." The look on her face was priceless. From that moment on, anytime we would see a yellow taxi near the building, we would joke that someone was getting fired.

  • @nehukybis
    @nehukybis ปีที่แล้ว +137

    Worked as a supervisor for a security company with a lot of clients in different locations. I drove around all night checking to see if everyone was OK and doing their job.
    Had a guy whose only job was to sit at a checkpoint and log trucks in and out of a lot. He was the only person on site. The client complained that he was never at his post. It's reasonable that a guy working by himself would be absent occasionally for bathroom breaks or whatnot, but he was never there.
    I got to the site and found him in the client's break room, so far from the checkpoint he couldn't even see it. He was also wearing captain's bars on his uniform. I was a captain. He was a recent hire with no official rank. I asked him about the bars and he said they were on the uniform when we issued it to him. Right, pal. They weren't even our bars. He had gotten them somewhere else. You have guys like that working security, who fantasize that they're Patton or whatever. I said since it was his claim that he was given to him by my company by mistake, he wouldn't mind giving them back. He gave me the bars. I told him to stop hanging out in the break room and do his job. When I left, he was in the checkpoint.
    I left, drove around the block, and came back. He was in the break room. I didn't have the authority to fire him on the spot, but the moment I filed my report he was done.

    • @shavagreycastle
      @shavagreycastle ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Did he have get charged with impersonating an officer?

    • @nehukybis
      @nehukybis ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@shavagreycastle This was a private security company. Impersonating an officer just refers to impersonating a *police* officer and even then (I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice) I think you have use the fact that you're claiming to be a cop in order to manipulate people into doing something they wouldn't otherwise do. (Like allowing you access to a private building). They generally don't arrest actors or strippers for dressing as police officers as part of their act, for example. This guy wasn't asking anyone to do anything (and that was the problem- I needed him to log these brand new semi-trucks in and out of the lot, so there would be a paper trail if they were stolen). In some places there are also laws against impersonating a member of the armed services. I think a lot of people don't realize, private security officers have no special legal authority, except in that they're allowed to act on the client's behalf in their absence (such as requesting the real police to eject someone from the client's property).

    • @shavagreycastle
      @shavagreycastle ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@nehukybis Gotcha. I wasn't aware that the impersonation laws didn't extend to private companies. Thanks for clearing it up.

    • @fastsnake1
      @fastsnake1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nehukybis Your explanation sums it up pretty well. As long as you don't state, or imply, you are an officer you're fine.

  • @stuffedninja1337
    @stuffedninja1337 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Not a firing, but I once broke at one of the worst jobs I’ve ever had, and had the following exchange:
    Head Cashier: “No.”

  • @lorisewsstuff1607
    @lorisewsstuff1607 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    In the 80's I worked as a clerk in a manufacturing plant. HR was convinced to hire the nephew of one of the supervisors. He had never been able to keep a job, which is always a bad sign. The guy that showed up always had that faraway look that a lot of people under the influence often have. The first 3 days were okay. He just had to shadow some of the employees as his training. His first day on his own he clocked in, got his assignments and vanished. He clocked out with everyone else and went home. Next day was the same. Our supervisor went looking all over the building for him but he couldn't be found. Next day after that, same thing, but this time our boss watched the time clock. About half an hour before time to clock out, the missing guy walked into the building and hid in inventory to read a book. When confronted he said, "My aunt said I didn't have to worry about getting fired, so I thought it would be okay if I went back home and went to bed." Even his aunt couldn't save him.

  • @keiyakins
    @keiyakins ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Honestly the Ninja Computer Wizard story is funny as heck.

    • @jaredcrabb
      @jaredcrabb ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Id have had him change other position titles, not fire him.

    • @verica4b
      @verica4b ปีที่แล้ว

      That's my favorite as well ^^

    • @tomcutts9200
      @tomcutts9200 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      To be honest, I'd have probably got him a new contract with his preferred title, and a small raise.

    • @kimmyera174
      @kimmyera174 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No way he couldve been that dumb. it possibly was just a satisfying moment to the guy XD

  • @gingerkays7362
    @gingerkays7362 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    I’m not a manager, but I did play a part in this person’s firing. I work in the deli of a grocery store. She already had a really bad track record. She was incompetent, lazy, short tempered, took longer breaks than she was allowed and more than she was supposed to, and she already had two write ups, one for cussing out the department manager then storming out, the other for threatening me over something she thought I did. It’s the Sunday before Christmas. Sundays are already our busiest day of the week in the first place, and the days leading up to Christmas are insane. I’m running around helping customers at the counter while she is doing an online shopping order, when she just disappears into the back. I don’t stop her because I assume she’s just getting something she needs, things like that happen. A few minutes turns into twenty and she hasn’t returned. I grab the one other coworker who was working that day, but was working on a different part of the department, and we manage to somehow get the customer flow under control. She never ends up returning, and I text the department manager to let the higher ups know what is going on, and they end up firing her. The real kicker? The next day she was scheduled, she comes in and tries to work like nothing ever happened

  • @eldeano9964
    @eldeano9964 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I once got fired from Maccy Ds for taking home a happy meal toy that a customer left behind, (unopened and still in it's bag) for my then gfs' kid that was ill.

  • @ridthelooterwds7976
    @ridthelooterwds7976 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Only a crew member, so technically she quit, but there was a girl working at the same McDonald's as me who was just absolutely stupid. I trained her at least five times on grill and she still just did not get it. It hurt to watch her work on grill while I was on table during rush, unable to go over and correct her because I was too busy with something else. If you called out her name or yelled to tell her to stop doing something, she would act like she couldn't hear you and just keep going. One time she cut her hand on a stray piece of metal while cleaning behind the grill and instead of washing the wound or going to the first aid kit in the office, she wrapped a bunch of paper towels around it and put a glove over it, not telling anyone she had been cut for about twenty minutes while just standing around the grill. Then when I got a band-aid and disinfectant for her, had the audacity to say she could get them herself.
    The worst thing she did though, was she would put quarter meat down, then when another one would come up on the screen, instead of putting that meat down on the other side of the grill, she would cancel the half-done quarters cooking process, put raw meat next to half cooked meat, put the platen back down, and then bring it back up again when she thought the first round of meat was "done enough". We would get onto her for this every time but she just kept doing it. One night I had gotten so pissed about all this that I just went over and started doing grill, and she was asked to put in cookies. The cookies, being both raw product and food, have to be interacted with while wearing gloves, and she touched them with her bare hands and someone else got onto her for it.
    She said "What is everyone's problem tonight?! I don't have to be here you know!"
    Fed up with her shit, I turned to her, pointed to the door and said "Then go."
    She walked off in a huff, clocked out and left, obviously having just quit...then ended up walking back in five minutes later cause she forgot her purse.
    The worst part is, after she left we only had two people in kitchen and it was somehow running smoother with just the two of us.

    • @quintonmartin27
      @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Being a manger who had to deal with peoples crap more often then not even during rushes kicking out bad employees helped way more then them being there. Made people they distracted actually do their job and made one less person to bump into (small area with lots going on).

    • @delusion5867
      @delusion5867 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mcdonald's was my first job (I worked kitchen) but I didn't work there long (about 2 months because I hated it and couldn't take it anymore) and even I understood the importance of food handling and especially of raw product. I can't understand how someone can be so stupid and unwilling to learn.

  • @cmlemmus494
    @cmlemmus494 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    #11: This reminds me of one of my father's stories from back in the 80s. I was young at the time and we were living in Africa. Although the country we were in had a fairly modern capitol city built by the British, many people still followed tribal customs and politics. So here's my dad, manager of the local office of a giant international project to rebuild and update the highway system throughout western Africa, and said office consists of four expat specialists with everyone else being local.
    The problem is that if you tell a local person to do something and they don't know how, they simply don't do it. They don't tell you they don't know how, they don't ask, they just ignore it. In their culture it's the chief's job to know the capabilities of each tribe member and educate them on anything they need to know. So it's not laziness, just a completely different work culture.

  • @ark194
    @ark194 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Damn ppl are brutal. I am glad the guy did not try to sabotage that woman and told her to take the other job, but I am astounded how many ppl just screwed ppl. I get it; these ppl who got fired needed to be fired, but something is really nasty about holding on to someone just to fire them so they can miss a different opportunity. Sheesh. Am I the only one who believes in karma and turning the other cheek?

  • @eliseintheattic9697
    @eliseintheattic9697 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Not a Manager but I have this coworker story, and....his name started with J.
    My personal favorite is when a coworker who was one of those sneaky, smarmy bully types was finally fired. Everyone complained about him because he treated everyone like crap, especially woman, because he thought he was better than all.of us. We all had complained to our managers and to HR, but they did nothing because he was good at sucking up. Finally after just over two years of his crap, he was caught embezzling money from our biggest client.
    They didn't care if their employees were abused, but we can't have him affecting our bottom line! He was fired "effective immediately".

  • @keithboyd9582
    @keithboyd9582 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I wasn't a manager at the time but I witnessed the firing. I was working at a large outdoor flea market near Dallas, Tx in the middle of the summer with temps over 100 degrees and no wind. This day I had to stay outside cleaning tables and dumping trash at the largest restaurant at the market. My usual manager who was a nice guy had to go to another restaurant to do something and let another employee take over his job till he got back. Shortly after he left I went to get some water. This guy came up to me, knocked the cup out of my hands and yelled at me ordering me to get back to work. This same thing happened 2 other times and I couldn't complain to anyone cause the usual manager wasn't back yet. I ended up getting a case of heat stroke. By the time the manager came back I told him hat this guy was doing. He quickly sent me home for the rest of the weekend and from what I heard when I came back the guy actually tried to defend what he was doing saying that I was faking it. He was quickly fired.

  • @kellizafer9828
    @kellizafer9828 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    In my mom's last year of life, I hired caregivers to come into the home and help with my mom's very involved medical care. My dad (her doting husband of 51 years) had just died and she was grieving his loss deeply. Her grief became so bad we barely knew how to comfort her. Of course she was on all the end of life meds which included very strong nerve meds. Soon after, she suffered from a stroke, which was totally unrelated to her other health issues. It came as a surprise but we just assumed it was because of the stress from her loss. She got some relief when we would give her nerve pills. But I started to notice that she always seemed to be at her worst when one particular caregiver was on duty. I set up a baby monitor and found out that this girl was stealing my mom's nerve and pain medicine instead of giving it to mom! No wonder she was always so willing to put in overtime. Of course I fired her immediately. Later I learned that stopping that one med abruptly could lead to strokes! I have no way of knowing if this is what caused her stroke, but you cannot imagine how angry I was! The good news is that shortly after firing that girl, my mom started to improve A LOT. In fact, the hospice nurses couldn't believe how much better she was. They had pretty much given up on her ever making any improvements. I have no idea what happened to that girl, but I did try to reach out to her to encourage her to seek help, but I never heard from her again.

  • @gethroenteralastname2210
    @gethroenteralastname2210 ปีที่แล้ว +92

    Never fired anyone, but did lead to a lot of people getting fired over the years. I could work with anybody and would often tell my supervisor whenever asked "what did you think of Billy today?" If Billy was terrible/untrainable I'd say so. Little did I know I was the "If you can't work with this guy, or learn you're DONE"

    • @JensMorrison
      @JensMorrison ปีที่แล้ว +23

      That's a pretty huge compliment.

    • @getthegoons
      @getthegoons ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Same I was the trainer at my job that was basically the litmus test for if you could handle it.

    • @htui9992
      @htui9992 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Had this at 1 job, didn't realise as nobody told me.
      I was just a guy doing my job.
      New manager came in and wanted to change things,
      Moved me to a new position in which I had no training and dropped me right in the deep end.
      Catastrophic night shift, lowest numbers achieved in 18 months.
      It took 3 people to do my job instead of myself and another.
      They pulled the 3rd man from my new positions team.....
      Diabolical turn out that night, we'd normally finish by 4am and tidy up and relax until 6am at shift end incase some work showed up.
      Never did as we were all competent.
      Finished 11am that morning instead of 6am.
      2nd night was slightly better as higher ups were called during the day to rectify the absolute shit show that had happened.
      When I turned up for shift, I had not even looked at my phone because I'd been asleep all day
      New manager had invited me to a meeting 1hour before shift.
      Obviously didn't turn up and got chewed out Infront of everybody from 2 shifts.
      I took it on the chin, went to work.
      I suffered a huge amount of verbal that night. Every excuse this dude had he would come belittle me!
      Left at 6am sharp as I was only contracted till then.
      Called while I was asleep (I turn my phone off in the day to not be asleep) invited me to another meeting......
      Same story, verbals at the gate....
      I told him quietly that he's making a big mistake
      To which he went OFF!!
      Started screaming at me to get to my station and do as I was told....
      I walked back to my original station and he followed me across the warehouse screaming "where do you think your going" "who do you think you are" "get back here" blah blah blah
      Once I was in the back of a lorry with no cameras and it was just us 2, he still screaming at me
      I looked him in the eyes and said 'keep talking to me and I will leave right this second"
      We were short staffed as people had miraculously called in sick that night -.- like 40% of the shift........
      He panicked then and returned to some semblance of rationality.
      Continued the verbals all shift, 6am he's at the gate refusing to let me out until the work was done.
      I laughed long and loud knowing the security was pretty good round the site (cameras)
      And climbed a 20 foot security fence.
      All to shouts of "your done, you'll never work here again' 'you can't do that' 'come back here' blah blah blah
      The silly sausage even tried opening the gates to come and continue his bullshit.
      Lost my shit, shouted at him that 'as soon as those gates open and he steps to me I'd **** his ******* head off and wait for the police after'....
      I'm not sure if it was the sudden outburst of maniacal rage and spit that came out my mouth or the fact it came from me. After him assuming my quiet and friendly nature meant I was a target.
      He stopped dead in his tracks, turned and walked inside.
      Now we worked with high value stock.
      There was cameras and microphones pretty much everywhere
      When I started I was warned by many people that the security is so up to date that they had never had a theft gone unpunished or resolved within hours of it happening.
      And you could not get away with ANYTHING in here, if you make a mess somewhere, you'll be caught
      If your hiding somewhere slacking you will be seen, if you break something, admit it or you'll be caught....
      At 6am most of the drivers are parked outside the gate waiting to get in, big audience.
      Manager went in and called the police.
      Basically the came, viewed the footage and left.
      No crimes committed as far as they were concerned and it was an internal matter.
      The shit storm that guy created for himself and the company was unbelievable 😂😂😂😂
      I was called around 7.30 when the real management and high ups arrived for day shift
      I knew the call was coming so left my phone on,
      Asked for my side of events?
      I gave them.
      This prick had laid out a story of 'hes a major problem, has been since day 1, won't listen, causes trouble......rude? Aggressive? Threats made......
      They sent him home and told him to take the night off for stress the next night.
      Unbeknownst to both of us, they'd pulled the CCTV from him walking into the place first night up until they walked in after the incident.
      Went through roughly 28 hours of footage, pulled in all teams across both shifts and drivers, contacted the police......huge investigation!!!
      I was told not to return to work either until it was resolved. Both us being paid.
      Upon hearing this I said I understood.
      I had a new job by 1pm that day starting the next day.
      After doing nights for better part of 3 years I had secured my job, filled paper work out and was home asleep by 1pm
      I slept pretty much until 6am the next morning.
      I still remember how fresh I felt 😅
      Any ways
      After like 2 weeks the company invite me in for a discussion
      I went along because I did enjoy my old job and the people who worked there were great,
      Anyways the said I could come back, have my original position and got a written apology from the company with a £50 gift card for 1 of our clients.
      All fine, I asked what had happened to the new manager and they said he'd been moved to days to 'be kept an eye on'
      I nearly fell of my chair.
      I explained in no uncertain terms that I'd rather castrate myself with a hammer than work with or for a company who confined this type of behaviour, they denied the were and said in the interest of fairness they were giving everyone a chance.
      I walked clean out.
      On my way I collected a few things and stopped by reception to ask for the ladies there to pass a few messages on to people I liked but didn't have there contact information,
      Just thankyou's and goodbyes.....
      She informed me not 1 of them worked there and most had left after seeing my treatment.
      She even said that she was leaving because there is no way shed work with the chap doing all the shouting.
      The 40% if staff of sick the second night shift never returned, roughly another 10 left including myself from night shift
      A lot left from day shift.
      Within 6 months this business had closed.
      I know this because I saw the building change names and couple years later I bumped into a bloke from my night shift in the pub,
      He was really friendly and knew everyone in that place, very funny and popular guy.
      He stayed through all of it because the money they were paying to retain trained staff went up by about 70% and the temp workers they got in cost to much and didn't have the training or time to receive said training so we're walking out after a couple nights....
      He said it was like a free for all in the end.
      Some days they would be finishing Tuesdays work on a Friday .......
      That's when I learned I was the guy they put the new guys with to suss them out and everyone liked me there because alot if them had only got there jobs through me saying they were good workers.
      I kept myself to myself and just did my job,
      But I still cherish that memory .
      Makes me smile :)

  • @pixlbelle8081
    @pixlbelle8081 ปีที่แล้ว +70

    I may very well have been involved in getting someone fired at my job. I work at an active senior facility, basically the old folks are still healthy enough to do things on their own but are still needing some level of supervision, and I work as a dishwasher in the facilitated restaurant. One of my old coworkers, we’ll call her Marie, was one I didn’t really talk or interact with very much, mostly since I could tell how disinterested she was in just about everything and everyone. Being stuck in the back of house I don’t see what goes on on the dining floor, but apparently according to my other coworkers, Marie wasn’t the most reliable at her job- barely bussing tables, not helpful at all at the end of the shift for the silverware and glassware polishing, just all around lazy. Not quite my problem, I’m not involved in that part of the job. One night however, we were particularly swamped with a combination of residents and their guests, and it was all hands on deck. I’m in the dish pit running to and fro in cleaning dinner dishes and whatever I could get from the line cooks when Marie comes up and asks me to fill the icebox on the soda fountain. I have literally never done it before, it’s not my job, but whatever, I don’t really refuse to give help, so I do my best to put ice in there, but I apparently didn’t put enough ice in because about 5 minutes later Marie comes up to be and berates me for doing it improperly, in a very rude and kinda demeaning way, and I’m just like WTF that’s not my job, I’m sorry it wasn’t like it’s supposed to be but I don’t fill the ice box (in my head, not out loud cuz I didn’t wanna cause drama). Thankfully later on that shift, a coworker that I actually like and get along with came up to ask what had happened earlier with Marie, and after I explained she ensured it wasn’t okay for her to do and say that and that she’ll “give Marie a talking to.” About a week later, Marie is no longer working there, she was fired

    • @basillah7650
      @basillah7650 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      To be fair you cannot fire someone that never did any work to start with sounds like she just asked others to do her work load so you all doing two jobs and she getting paid to do nothing.

    • @kelseybrexit5224
      @kelseybrexit5224 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was running register at my old job and noticed the new cook prepping food…differently…
      Normally I don’t care, we all learned from somewhere and have our own ways, especially when it comes to cooking. However, the boy was putting freshly done cheeseburgers, ON TOP of the lid being used to cook said burgers. The greasy, dirty, who knows when it was washed last, top of the lid. Cheese was instantly burning on top of it, cementing the burgers to it🤢 I wasn’t a cook but I knew that was certainly unsanitary. Pulled my manager aside and discreetly pointed out the mess of cheese and burger meat. Boy was not back the next day🫠

  • @ParanormalEncyclopedia
    @ParanormalEncyclopedia ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You want a weird af story of work, not firing but one of the last stories reminded me. I was working for a grocery store as a bagger when I slipped and fell breaking my wrist, at home not at work. I told them and was out of work over a month, hard to bag with a broken wrist and I mean like crushed the bones bad break, when I get a call... not can I come In but wanting to know where I was because they had just put me back on the schedule without me saying I could come back or even telling me I was scheduled. Luckily by then an old, better paying job had reached out and I just quit the bagging job.

  • @shaderaven6383
    @shaderaven6383 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Not a manager, but we had this one cook that was just very shitty at her job and unsanitary, she cooked with raw chicken. Refused to wash her hands.
    We have these two lesbians that work here as well.
    Anyway cook lady reported that the two lesbians were acting extremely innappropriatly at work, reported it to head office with the exact date.
    Head office investigated the day and saw the two lesbians working their asses off and skipping their breaks to get more shit done. Head office did see cook lady stand and do nothing for 2 solid hours.
    Head office investigated the days she worked before and after and watcher her steal on both days, a 2L pop, 4L jug if milk as well as several candy bars and a couple boxes of chicken. She was fired imediately.

  • @cyruswilliams2766
    @cyruswilliams2766 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When I was a manager for a cannabis shop I fired two people. One deserved it and the other did not.
    The first one was a gal that the owner hired. One day while I was opening she called the shop and told me she was going to be 10-15 minutes late. I rolled my eyes and told her it was fine and to just get to the shop as soon as we could. Considering it was a cannabis shop, this sort of thing was pretty common and you sort of just expect it to happen from time to time. I don't normally make a big deal out of it. I was even guilty of it myself a few times. Well on this day we got hit by a massive rush, there was a line outside the door waiting for me to unlock it and I only had two other employees working at the time and I still needed to count tills from the previous night. The gal didn't show up until an hour later(well after the rush subsided) with a iced coffee in hand plus a nectar collector and torch in her purse. The latter could get the shop closed down if an inspector saw it. So I fired her and kicked her out of the shop.
    The second one still haunts me to this day because I helped this guy get hired in the first place. He was a good customer and a good employee. The other manager got a burr up his bum and said he was stealing money out of the cash registers. Even though the tills were never short and the footage on the cameras never showed anything suspicious. The other manage made me fire him. I pulled him into the office, gave him the bad news, and escorted him out of the building. On our way out I told him that this was B.S. and he shouldn't have gotten fired. I also told him a few places where he could apply and to use me as a reference because I had good rapport with the owners. I don't know what happened to him afterwords but I hope he got a better job elsewhere.
    I quit that job a few months later and swore to never work in the cannabis industry ever again. It sounds like a dream job but ultimately they're all dead end jobs with long hours, no benefits, and low pay. I stopped smoking altogether and got a better job elsewhere.

  • @levi4979
    @levi4979 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Over half of the issues in story 25 were definitely on the HR that promised her the extra pay. A company that sows resentment among their staff won't have that staff for long.

  • @birgersandman2662
    @birgersandman2662 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It's good that you changed the colour of the text when you add your own thoughts, makes it much easier to know when it's you or a redditor speaking :>

    • @beautifulblackqueen8808
      @beautifulblackqueen8808 ปีที่แล้ว

      I noticed that too!! I love that he took suggestions from his audience and followed through

  • @randyzulf998
    @randyzulf998 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I was like the timid guy. I was fired for that. I was fresh out of college working as a medical assistant for a family practice. It was my first and last job i would have in the medical field. After having worked there for 6 months i suddenly was pulled into the managers office and informed i was being let go because the doctors were tired of how long it was taking for me to come out of my shell and be the kind of MA they wanted. I had no idea anyone was upset with me so i was too stunned to say anything other than ok i see, thank you for the opportunity. Then i was walking down the hall my emotions flipped to anger. I hadnt clocked out just yet so i did that and then just decided to leave without finishing up things because what did it matter now, there werent any more patients left anyway. I go out the employee door and slammed it as hard as i could. Then i started to tear up so i ran to my car and left in a hurry. As im leaving i see a couple of the other nurses looking out the door obviously surprised and wondering what i was doing. But in all i havent cared about what happened in a long time and it was actually a good thing. I went into truck driving sometime after never getting another job and instead working as a housekeeper until then and im doing way better financially than i ever would have sticking to what i thought i wanted to do.

  • @DaSheepKiller
    @DaSheepKiller ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Story 11 accurately describes exactly how I got fired from my first job, all the way up until him flipping the guy off. I didn’t do that.

    • @kimmyera174
      @kimmyera174 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I also feel for #11, having social difficulties & anxiety, but strong at everything else when alone or in a simple team. Having to meet or talk to many people I wouldnt know just sounds exhausting, but also a necessary skill.

  • @glamourchick21
    @glamourchick21 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    My favorite firing was my own. I was working for a doctor who had his own practice. It was just him, and I was basically there to do everything except treat patients. It was only part-time, but the volume of work was overwhelming, and I had been struggling to keep up for awhile. I also really wanted to go full time at my other job, since that job was actually in my career field. I had gotten the job at the doctor’s office while waiting for my professional license to come through, but at the time, I had thought it might not be a bad thing to be able to work two part-time jobs. But when my license did go through and I started work in my field, I quickly realized that two part-time jobs ate more of my free time than one full-time job.
    I had been trying to work up the nerve to quit when the doctor finally fired me because I had fallen so far behind. I had never been so relieved to pack up my stuff and leave a job.

    • @newbiegamelover4767
      @newbiegamelover4767 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Kinda sounds like what my dad had to go through once. Except it was an office job in a cubical where my dad never saw the sun, which made him depressed and unproductive. He finally decided one day that he was going up to the boss and tell him that he was quitting, only for the boss to tell him that he was fired. It's at least nice knowing that those two were on the same page in that regard.

    • @quintonmartin27
      @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can only imagine what it done to your mental health. Bro I hope your enjoying the better job now!

    • @glamourchick21
      @glamourchick21 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@quintonmartin27 The job has it's ups and downs, but I have two full days off every week now, which is wonderful.

    • @haplessasshole9615
      @haplessasshole9615 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@newbiegamelover4767 I used to to PC-related temp work. It took a good year and a half of gigging that way before I realized that I felt far more depressed on some assignments than others, largely based on how how much ambient sunlight was reaching me throughout the day. The bigger the window, the less depressed I was. Some years later, I read articles about studies quantifying what I knew from experience. So happy it's confirmed! Now, someone with Seasonal Affective Disorder can provide documentation backing up a request for accommodation, based on their need for solar energy.

  • @burgundymarcia
    @burgundymarcia ปีที่แล้ว +4

    (Decades ago) We had a new computer programmer who looked great on paper, but apparently was so far into his alcoholism that he could no longer function. He got bounced around from one team leader to another and finally ended up on my team. I'm a bit of a documentarian, so I worked really hard at giving him all the instructions and training that I possibly could. (Really, that training would have gotten one of our department clerks up to speed.) I ended up with a 3' (1m) stack of his failed programs in my office. One of the more egregious errors of his was that he had moved a program into production that failed almost immediately. He said "but I was never told I had to do that (step)". I pulled out his extremely detailed written instructions that I had trained him on and that step was LITERALLY the SECOND sentence. He didn't last much past that.

  • @JoannaHammond
    @JoannaHammond ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The funniest firing I ever had to do, We had hired a PhD Comp Sci student on an hourly rate to do software testing. We had a lot of students come in for a few weeks at a time to earn a little extra money. It's even how I started at this company :D. Anyway, this is back in the 90's with floppy disks and CRT monitors, 486's, etc. So this guy comes in, a quick interview, obviously he's very smart and really knows computing well. So we sit him down, explain the software and what he has to do. His first job is just to install the latest release on the computer, nice easy task. I walk off and leave him to it. I check in an hour later and he's done nothing, keeps saying he can't get it to install and the disks must be faulty. I'm supprised as they where just used by a different tester. I ask him to show me, at this point i'm completley shocked. He's trying to push the disk into the side of the monitor, through the cooling slats, once he has it jammed in there he's goes see, there is no disk in the A drive. I instantly fire him.

  • @tablescissors
    @tablescissors ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The fast food person who got rid of slackers and gave raises to the hard workers is a hero, I never got to experience anything like that in California.

  • @SupaFlyJedi
    @SupaFlyJedi ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Worked security for awhile at a call center. The thing I hated the most about the job (aside from the mind-numbing boredom on swing shift) is that they would fire people and not tell them. We had RFID locks so inevitably the person would come in and their badge wouldn't work. Instantly they would be on edge. I would then have to call the manager and they would fire them in front of the security desk. The ones without testicular fortitude tried to make Security tell them they were fired. We said no, you fired them, you need to tell them. Another thing in that company, is that you wouldn't get promoted by doing well at your job, you got promoted by making the person who's position you desired to fall on their ass, so to speak and then get hired for that position. They fired so many people, my boss could tell who was going to last and who wasn't just by looking at them when they first came in for training. She was pretty accurate too. Some she could give you the amount of time it would take.
    So glad that I moved on from that job.

  • @Don_Dilla
    @Don_Dilla ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Why did the ninja computer wizard get fired that's hilarious. I do dumb shit like that all the time

    • @quintonmartin27
      @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      My dad dose dumb stuff like that on a bus. It just depends on a bosses since of humor

  • @sandycarroll7656
    @sandycarroll7656 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was out to dinner one evening with my husband at Bob Evans in our town. One of the cooks must have been having a bad day. He walked into the kitchen and slammed the door against the wall. This caused a large bowl of lettuce to fall off a table and onto the floor. 2 waitresses said something to him and the whole restaurant heard him scream," Don't f**king yell at me!" The manager walked into the kitchen and fired him on the spot.

  • @lpsenderman
    @lpsenderman ปีที่แล้ว +13

    One time, my dad had someone in his office say they needed to have a day off for a family emergency and he said yes but fired them the next day because they posted on Facebook about how they "tricked their dumb boss" and got a day off work. I didn't witness it personally, but I bet that firing felt really good.

    • @matts1166
      @matts1166 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I had someone call in sick on a super busy Friday night. He was supposed to start at 5, called in at 4:50, way too late to find a replacement, so we ran a man short. At about 5:30 half the employees (his friends he just screwed over) started getting alerts about his livestream. He was live streaming his workout routine from 24 hour Fitness. Another time a gal called in sick (Small town). After 10pm a favorite haunt of teenagers is the local 24-hour WalMart. I stopped by after work for milk. She was there, 4 friends in tow. I zoomed way in with my cell phone and took a picture, she never saw me. The next day asked why she skipped out on work. "I told you I was sick" was the excuse. I display the picture of her on my computer monitor, with here exploding on me saying I was invading her privacy.

  • @ciciriddick
    @ciciriddick ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It wasn't me, but I was the night manager and witnessed. Maybe I'm wrong for finding this hilariously wrong, but here goes. A young girl was hired to be a cashier at the thrift store I worked at. The assistant manager and still my friend to this day, gave the girl her drawer and because she was still training she went through the set up wit her again.
    This was a Sunday and we had a great head cashier so AM and I are in the back sorting through donations, hanging, tagging, and pricing various items to be put on the floor the next day. The girl had called me up a few times which was no big deal since A. That's what I'm here for. B. She's still in training and again, it's no big deal.
    After a while there aren't any manager calls to the front and we lose ourselves in working. About half an hour later I get called up and both me and AM head to the front of the store because it was time for the pull. What's waiting for us when we get there are three separate, angry looking customers.
    We had a clearance rack of clothing that was sold for 25 cents each on Sundays. The girl didn't know the price and instead of calling me up or looking to the huge sign that has the prices for the clearance clothing, she decided to enter random prices in the register and then charge the customer.
    Now I get why they're mad and all... But I'm more concerned why the customers saw their bill, paid, and only then did they realize they were charged 40 t0 60 dollars more than they should have been.
    I'm always on my total at stores, and if it's more than I thought I ask questions.
    The AM was enraged that it happened not just with one, but three different customers. She looked the young girl in her eyes and asked, " why didn't you call a manager if you didn't know the price "?
    The girl said she didn't want to keep bothering us. That's literally what we were there for but whatever, she was like eighteen.
    AM couldn't even stop herself when she asked, " so you were just charging people what you thought they deserved "?
    No lie, the girl literally said, yes.
    I was dead. Deceased even. I felt so bad because she went into the bathroom right after and if she's anything like me at that age, I know she was crying. I told AM and she did feel bad but it got worse when the girl came into the office.
    The store manager had already been notified and agreed that the job wasn't a good fit for her. AM told the girl that we had to let her go. Again I felt so bad because the girl went on about how she could work the floor if she wasn't that good on the register.
    AM stopped her and said, " I don't need a floor person, I need a cashier and that isn't you ".
    When I tell you I was sitting right there and had to turn around in my chair. I felt so bad for her but at the same time wtf was she thinking? When the girl left, I told AM that she was rude AF. The girl came in the next week to hand in her smock and give AM the death glare. I have never let AM live it down.

  • @mr.diddles3806
    @mr.diddles3806 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I worked at a special needs facility & one time a new girl started on the overnight shift. Says this sob story about how she's trying to turn her life around & can't do a double in the morning because she has to sign paperwork for an apartment.
    I gave her the easy task of accompanying a resident at the hospital (super easy, guaranteed to get out on time). She's so happy & saying thank you & tearing up. I'm a fucking softie so I felt all fuzzy inside.
    Couple days pass & after my day off I come back to work & ask my supervisor where the new girl is....she got high on heroin at the hospital WITH THE RESIDENT & was found in the hospital room bathroom, foaming at the mouth & with a needle in her arm.
    I felt absolutely terrible since I fell for her BS story. Thankfully the resident wasn't harmed ( he was only there for a minor procedure) & the staff were quick to get him out of there

  • @LightSage89
    @LightSage89 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Not a firing manager, but I work in an office that basically all came together to beg our manager to fire one coworker.
    She was chronically late, left early as often as she arrived late, and worst of all at least once a week she would be called away from work due to family emergencies.
    Now we are a fairly laid back office and none of us have a problem with the occasional emergency forcing a coworker to leave. But this witch of a coworker spent more time away on emergencies then she did actually working. Eventually all of the coworkers didn't believe in her emergencies anymore and she basically became the girl who cried wolf.
    Everyone was happy when she was fired.

  • @VitorOliveira-tk1ob
    @VitorOliveira-tk1ob ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I find funny that people need to lie about skipping work, whenever i plan on going to a travel or any other thing i just tell my boss i won't be coming to work so he can discount the day of my paycheck... Never had a problem with that and i found out that it actually made all of my bosses trust me more if anything.

    • @quintonmartin27
      @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I did this with my parents as a teen. Never had to sneak out, never had to hide anything, all I had to do was say love you and im going go see such and such this is where we are going and this is their parents number just in case. Honestly telling the truth is more rewarding then lieing is

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So much this. People lie to me all the time. The funny part is they're so....incredibly....BAD at it. One of the problems with being dumb kids (and more than a few in their thirties or upwards) is they think lying is merely making words that aren't the truth come out of their mouths. They don't realize they have the same disregard for responsibility and others' intelligence as all the other dumb kids, they're peddling the same list of trite stories every dumb kid uses, and they have the same set of painfully obvious tells every dumb kid has. Lying is a skill. Like many skills, it should be practiced before being attempted in a work environment. But they don't.
      If you have a legit thing, just tell me, we'll work around it. If you're blowing off work so you can sit on your front porch and get hammered, you might as well say that's what you're doing, because I already have a pretty good idea (I'm looking at YOU, Jared, seriously you live half a block from the store, two employees saw you and you drunk-texted a third).

    • @VitorOliveira-tk1ob
      @VitorOliveira-tk1ob ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Maladjester I remember the first time i told my boss i would not be coming to work on a Saturday a week before said day (i was working for him more or less 3 months at the time) and he asked me why, i just said cus i wanted to go to the beach with my wife and he should cut the day of my paycheck, the look of confusion on his face made very clear to me the kind of person he was employing before me with is sad cus he's a really nice dude.

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester ปีที่แล้ว

      @@VitorOliveira-tk1ob Our culture (or mine here in America) is pathologically saturated with "bad boss" stories and antiwork culture. The prevailing attitude is anyone with authority must be evil, you can never get ahead so why even try, and so on. Among many other problems, it convinces people they have to lie and that lying is okay.

  • @fatboysgarage7984
    @fatboysgarage7984 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When I worked as a manager, I fired a guy. He always hated that I was 18 and already a manager. I told him that he shouldn't put his tools inside of an engine block. He didn't listed, despite being told 9 times. When he put it back together, there was a 13 MM short socket in the intake manifold. It tore up valves, a piston, and sent metal through the oil system. It was a little over $8k to replace the engine. The boss called me into his office and chewed me out for firing one of his "favorite employees", until I told him what happened. He stood behind my decision (for a week) and made him pay the new engine off out of his pocket. When he was hired back, I had to call the police on him because he was threatening to kill me in front of customers. I told him we can talk outside, but he's not going to run customers off by pulling a stunt like that in front of them. He stepped forward and I told him that if he took another step towards me then I'd call the cops. He stepped forward, I stepped outside and had a cigarette to calm myself down while I was on the phone with the cops. They showed up and escorted him off the property. To this day, he still wants to kill me. I ended up firing him again, after he told me that it wasn't right that I called the cops on him because he had a gram of m£th on him. He wasn't the first m£th head I ran off, but he was certainly the last.

  • @sandycarroll7656
    @sandycarroll7656 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When I worked at Kohls a woman there got fired for time clock fraud. I did a happy dance when I found out she was gone. She was probably the laziest person I had ever met. She was always getting caught sitting in the break room when she was supposed to be working and when she would go to lunch, she would walk across the parking lot to McDonald's, get her food, come back to the store, sit down to eat, finish her food, then clock out for her half hour lunch.

  • @ericalawson631
    @ericalawson631 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My friend was a shift supervisor at a huge ice cream factory in New Zealand, his company was approached by the police as they had serious concerns about one of his employees and had him under 24hr surveillance, they asked to put undercover police in the factory posing as workers to keep tabs on this guy, this was done. A short while later the company rep. together with police and union officials, opened his work locker to find enough evidence to nail one of our countries worse serial rapists to a tree. He got a long stretch inside and my friend didn't even have to actually fire him

  • @ryansenft3315
    @ryansenft3315 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    This is actually the story of a coworker at a previous job. We'll call what got her fired "The Smoothie Incident." The gist of it is that the fired coworker didn't like something that the program director said in a 1-on-1 meeting. Said coworker goes back to her desk and throws a smoothie which covers most of her cubicle. This woman was in her fifties, mind you. The smoothie throwing coworker was fired the next day.

  • @mxnikoturnip
    @mxnikoturnip ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Now I'm even more scared of getting fired for being conflict avoidant. 😅 Though I have gotten better at it, or rather my manager is ok with me texting him about stuff and if he bring it up with someone/the team, he never says who it's from. He usually makes it sound like he was the one discovering it.

  • @5stargrim
    @5stargrim ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yeah, I really don’t blame the guy who said his son was sick to get out of work.
    These days, 90% of workplaces will just “deny” days off for any reason short of the most extreme, so you’re literally forced to lie.
    I got fired for having a surgery scheduled that I warned about no less than four times at least two months in advance and leading up to it.
    They chose not to write it down, forgot, and rather than own up to their mistake and let it go or apologize, they fired me.
    That’s just my personal experience, but I’ve got more.
    Similar incident happened to my father when I was a teenager - we had a family trip planned to scatter some ashes as a send off to a loved one, he got approval, warned his boss multiple times
    when it was coming out, and sure enough… our entire family trip was as plagued with angry calls from his work because the dumbasses forgot and didn’t write anything down or inform anyone.
    At this point I’m 100% assholes at companies do this just to be spiteful.
    That idea comes from the time my sister was fired for taking a sick day for strep throat- and I quote- “If I don’t get time off, no one does”.
    I heard that guy died a few years ago in his office, honestly probably for the best.

  • @AvangionQ
    @AvangionQ ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The IT guy that changed his title got fired for that?
    I would have been laughing, then asked him how he did it.
    Companies need more white hats under their employ.

    • @jaredcrabb
      @jaredcrabb ปีที่แล้ว

      He was probably laughing as he did the firing.

  • @jarlaxle3588
    @jarlaxle3588 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I used to work in a window factory as a "glass dropper" (installing glass in the window) and often lifted pieces of glass that were 200+ lbs. I was not a "boss" and had no firing power. I had been asking for a helper as all the other lines had 2 droppers but I was putting out equivalent numbers by myself so they didn't see my need as a priority. Finally though, I do get a helper. The guy is an idiot, like he is permanently stoned except I could tell he was sober (I've done everything under the sun so I can tell). Long story short he almost gets me hurt on 3 different occasions while trying to help me lift glass and I'm not one to give a shit about bullshit safety rules and never abided by them myself, so the fact that I found him "unsafe" says A LOT. Anyways I went to my boss and told her that I'm firing him. He then proceeded to spend the next couple days literally just walking around and attempting to look busy as he was no longer allowed to work as a glass dropper per me...then he was officially fired. I guess it took the higher ups a couple days to decide wether to fire him or just move him. Either way I knew that my decision would be respected cuz they did not want to lose me as I was extremely good at my job and often responsible for duties well above my job as well such as maintenance and changing settings on glazing machines and filling in for my foreman when she was gone.

  • @lnomsim2
    @lnomsim2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I wasn't a firing manager, but contributed to get the guy fired.
    I worked in an underground warehouse.
    It was an old production room that had been converted into a small strong and order preparation area.
    There was a small room inside it were oild and lubricant used to be stored. The ground and the wall were greasy, and inflamable.
    I had to leave the warehouse because I was being promoted, but part of my new job was reorganizing the warehouse and making sure things were in order. But I repeat myself, I wasn't the warehouse manager, if anything, the manger and I had the same boss, but hierarchily speaking, I was under him.
    Anyway, they had to hire someone else to work in the warehouse. The guy was a manager's son, so he got hired on the spot when his father suggested him for the job.
    After two weeks, the warehouse's manager had to tell him he needed to clock out when he wanted to smoke (it was tolerated, as long as people made their hours, they could take as much smoke break they wanted, but the had to clock out, but fo course, we had cameras near every exits of the building)
    So the guy did something extremely smart. He began to smoke IN the UNDERGROUND warehouse. I caughthim twice, twice I asked him to stop. The thrid time, I reported him to the manager. After that, when he heard me coming, he would hide his smokes. But it's kind of hard to hide the tobacco and the smell. So once again, reported him. The security manager gave him a formal warning, and for some days, he would come to the warehouse to check if the guy was smocking.
    They couldn't see him do it nor smell it, but there was still tobacco on the ground and the work station.
    Remember that small room full of inflamable grease?
    Yeah, the guy had built a fort inside. He took some boxes and pallets, brought a chair from his place, and he would hide inside, smocking and drinking beers.
    Now, at this time, we had a huge sensibilisation campaign about fire hazard in the company. A similar factory had burnt down, so every day, the security team would repeat to us for 10min all the security rules. Also, a guy had been fired after being caught smocking in another underground depot. Full of chemicals. During the prevention campaign.
    Naturally, I reported the fort to the warehouse manager. The manager told the guy to stop being a complete idiot or he would be fired.
    And of course, he didn't. Two days later, the CEO was touring the factory, with the warehouse manager, the security manager, and the guy's dad, and they found him... smocking and drinking in his fort in the inflamable room. Got fired on the spot (which is a hard thing to do in my country.)
    For what I heard, he even got disowned by his father and became homeless after that. I hope his smokes and beers were worth it.

  • @leafycupcake2590
    @leafycupcake2590 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    10 years ago I work at a ski resort in western Canada. All staff had to live in this 3 story log apartment and that's where I met my former roommate. She worked at the Starbucks in the main lodge while I was a waitress. She was due to fly home to Australia and hit the local bar HARD the night before she was to fly out. Unfortunately she had one last shift to work... At 6am. She was slurring every word and demanded blue Gatorade. Only blue. Myself and another roomie did our best to sobered her up and up the mountain safely for work.
    Half an hour into her shift she has a full meltdown tantrum at the counter because her Gatorade wasn't the right colour anymore (she finished the first one but we didn't have another blue one). She sat on the floor sobbing then rage at those around her.
    Management went to HR to change her paperwork from resigned/can rehire to fired.
    She was fun.

  • @peccatumDei
    @peccatumDei ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I wasn't the firing manager, but had a direct hand in not only a firing, but an arrest. back in the 1980s I was hired by the owners of a mental health practice to set up an accounts receivable system on their office computer. Their accounting was all on paper at the time, and they were noticing a cashflow problem. So I started as one does, interviewing the various employees as to their responsibilities, who has check writing authority, and so on. Not long after I started, the practice was suddenly hemorrhaging cash, and actually bouncing checks. They brought in a forensic accountant, and it turned out the trusted office manager had been ripping them off for years. She had several shell companies set up that she would buy non-existent office supplies from. When confronted and arrested, she was ANGRY at the owners, saying she deserved that money because she was such a hard worker! When I had asked about check writing authority, at what level dual signatures were required, etc., she saw the writing on the wall that her scheme would soon fall apart, and she doubled down, trying to take as much as possible before the new AR system was put in place.

  • @loveywilliams4276
    @loveywilliams4276 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I got to witness a firing. My school district has a summer program that high school students can sign up and get hired for to do a one month so job that has construction, ground keep, and building art for history preservation of the towns heritage It’s fun and cool honestly. When I worked it there were 3-5 main teams that students and mentors would be in then separate for the day. Well my team had a few good hard working people from different grades but there was a girl that would brag about all the things she would buy with her paycheck from it. Like she was talking about getting a new phone, speakers, a literal car and get junk food. But she had a huge problem of coming in late and leaving early and take long lunches even tho the program provided free breakfast and lunch on compass. One day we all thought she wasn’t even coming in only to show up after lunch to start her day and my supervisor was very mad but her to get ready and start well she didn’t come back right away. After about 20 minutes she was going the compass hill in her moms car telling my supervisor that she was leaving early to hang out with her mom. She was fired right there. My supervisor was genuinely happy to get rid of her that she left to buy us donuts and soft drinks. The program was paying students 10-11$ a hour for 19 days we would get 1000-1300$ on the day when we all got our paychecks she was found to only have 84$ for all the time spent working I only know that was her amount worn she came back to pick it up then started to show everyone.

  • @Ravenishish
    @Ravenishish ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The coupon book story, I loved when coupon books came with cards you could scan to auto deduct the coupons rather than having to flip through the books

  • @DaydreamingCrow
    @DaydreamingCrow ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I only have one firing story. I worked at a gas station years ago. The manager hired a girl and I was supposed to train her. She never showed up on her first day, but no less than 2 dozen people came in to say hi to her and were confused when they saw she wasn't there. The next day the manager said if she came in to tell her she was done. She came in 3 hours after her shift would have started and I told her she was fired for the no call no show the day before. She said the manager told her that today was her start time. I let her know about the 2 dozen people who unintentionally confirmed she was supposed to be there the day before. She stomped out without another word.

  • @Maladjester
    @Maladjester ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Only sociopaths have "favorite" firings because only sociopaths enjoy taking someone's livelihood away. 99% of bosses will give you more chances than you deserve.
    The most justified firing I've done was for sexual harassment. Dude would go next door (we're in a strip mall) and creep on the young girl working alone there. When asked to stop, he responded by threatening to get everyone there fired and the place shut down. He was paranoid and delusional. He had already made threats (what he thought were threats, in reality he had nothing, we're completely above board) about being able to shut us down at any time, individually or as a company. After we fired him, he called every state and federal agency he could and lied about us to cause as much trouble as possible. Thanks to whistleblower laws, his anonymity was protected, and the agencies wouldn't reveal the identity of our accuser even after it was proven that everything he said was a lie. We know it was him, because who else would it be, the timing was too perfect. Biggest @#$*(& hypocrite scumbag coward I've ever met.

    • @coffeezombie6813
      @coffeezombie6813 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm going to have to disagree with your blanket statement about only sociopaths having a favourite firing. If you got to fire the sociopath at work, that would instantly become your favourite firing and I do not agree that that would automatically mean you're a sociopath. It sounds like this was your favourite firing, and I don't think you're a sociopath for it, nor should you think you are one. I think it's entirely justifiable to enjoy watching someone like him get fired. He earned it. He did deserve to lose his livelihood. Please don't ever feel like you're a bad person if you allow yourself to feel some satisfaction in watching him get what he deserved. You SHOULD feel satisfaction in having done the right thing. For whatever my opinion is worth.

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester ปีที่แล้ว

      @@coffeezombie6813 Well, the other commenter told me to "eat shit simp" so your opinion is at least worth considerably more than that. I was thinking in terms of the prevailing view, which is that bosses are all assholes who love firing people.

  • @A.ka.nna.
    @A.ka.nna. ปีที่แล้ว +3

    One of my former co-workers got fired for falsely accusing a customer of stealing, I actually cheered quietly when my manager came up to tell me (he'd been fired during a shift.). I didn't like him, he got on my nerves.

    @CRUSH40RULES ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This isn’t my story nor a firing story but more like people who learned their lesson the hard way. My dad was in the Royal Australian Navy. He caught two young recruits trying to steal ham an cheese from the kitchen. These were not standard ham and cheese, these were shaped like two by four planks. Dad said ‘I’ll have to take you to the disciplinary officer but If you can finish those before we get to him, I’ll let you off with a warning.’ So the two tried to eat the ham and cheese on the way to the officer. Never finished them and by the time they got there, they were greener than a frog. Seems like enough punishment.

  • @Vindictator1972
    @Vindictator1972 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Story 6 is piss easy. Tell the bosses you had laid into her about their plan being the best but she got what she thought was a better offer.

  • @Karthos1000
    @Karthos1000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Social media has been so useful in determining who to fire and who to hire. One guy who applied here had a lot of public photos on his facebook of him doing marijuana in every form you can imagine. Which is fine. That's legal in the state. Unfortunately, because the company is a national brand, doing marijuana is still grounds for firing and/or non-hiring. My company does not require a drug test for hiring, nor do they do random drug tests (they'll test you if they have reason to think you're doing drugs), but they're not going to hire you if they KNOW you're doing drugs.

  • @hannahmiller6844
    @hannahmiller6844 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Ok, so I work at a restuarant and only heard about the guy the day after, but he only worked for one day. You want to know why? Well, he was hired as a server, but he thought he was the best in the business (despite it only being his day) and looked down and badmouthed all of the female servers (he was the only male server and the girls at least had a year or two of experience under their belts). He talked crap about them to one of the cooks, I think they said he tried to trip one of the servers who've been having back problems, and being a total misogynist. He didn't last the night, I never got to meet him and I'm glad about it. This was even during the holiday season right before it got crazy busy, and we were short staffed too. Really glad he wasn't there for it tho.

  • @stevedavis5704
    @stevedavis5704 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My nephew got fired from his first job for what I consider pretty much terminal stupidity. It was a fast food company and the work wasn’t really difficult you just had to show up and do it. He kinda dinked around like a teenager on his first job would and was barely hanging on mostly because of his attitude. The last straw was when he came in for a nine o’clock shift start at about five minutes late. The boss told him he was late and he needed to talk to him in the office and the kid just blew up right there in the lobby. The boss told him he was supposed to be at his work station ready to go at nine or he was late. My nephew responded he couldn’t be late because he had been in the parking lot at nine on the dot. After a little more yelling the boss told him to just shut up and leave. My nephew went to the district office and filed a complaint and got rude about it so he got banned from all company property in the US. He was yelling about how they had no right to do that as he was escorted off the property.

  • @josemedina9623
    @josemedina9623 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Where is the manager that fired Jumane? That dude who keeps smashing up work locations.

  • @elytorres3051
    @elytorres3051 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    dear narrator, how many, in the name of good god, jobs did you have?

  • @XxTaiMTxX
    @XxTaiMTxX ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've only ever "fired" one person. It was someone I would've never hired to begin with (they were hired on before I was ever made Supervisor). He was basically lazy, all around.
    He would show up at 6:00 a.m. to do some work. Leave at 8:00 a.m. when everyone else would show up for work (even I wasn't expected to be at work until 8:00 a.m.). Since he was a "Temp" worker, he was allowed to "make his own hours, so long as he remains under the 25 a week he can have". I thought this stupid, but honored it as I wasn't the one who made the stupid policy.
    So, he would routinely work about 10 hours a week or less.
    This isn't why I fired him.
    He routinely failed our IT "security tests". Basically, those were simulated phishing tests and if you failed them, you had to attend classes (and nobody ever got fired for failing them, which is stupid... I'd have immediately jumped to firing such morons rather than trying to retrain them and leaving us open to security risks with Medical Information). He routinely avoided our in-house "retraining" policy (which I had implemented to reduce the amount of work errors we dealt with) by simply not staying long enough to do it during the day. He routinely refused to work on other projects that his station required and preferred to stick with the one task he knew how to do (which I let him do, simply because he wasn't contributing enough work in his 2 hours, unsupervised, a day, to be useful on any level.).
    Basically, he was a terrible employee. All around.
    We suspect the only reason he ever had a job was because his wife demanded he get one and hold onto one.
    Anyway, it happened that we got lucky. I'd been documenting all his failings for quite some time so I could make a "justified" firing (we require a LOT of justification and documentation in order to avoid any legal ramifications of a firing). I was getting fairly close to "having enough". But... it turns out... he failed his IT Security Tests... and then didn't bother signing up for the class that gave the mandatory retraining... And the next one of those wasn't for at least another 6 months out. Which meant, he couldn't work for us during those 6 months either, as he had to be "recertified" through taking that class in order to work.
    He didn't show up the next day. Or the day after. So, I had to fire him over the phone. When asked for an explanation, that's what he got. He failed the Phishing Tests, he didn't sign up to take the class for his recertification, and we couldn't legally have him working without that certification. So, the option was that he "wait in the wings" for 6 months and hope he could take the class... or we fire him and replace him. I opted to replace him.
    I sent HR all the "proof" I had that he was a very bad worker and a problem, and he was also thus "barred" from ever working in any division with us again (I work for state government, if state government bars you from work, you're a VERY bad employee as we let almost everything slide).
    You can't help stupid and lazy people. It's better to never hire them to begin with.
    I subsequently "cleaned house" in my intervening years in that position. That is to say, I slowly eased out all the "dead weight" and filled those positions with ambitious and hard working individuals. I gave glowing recommendations to anyone I was actively trying to get rid of and who was looking for a new job that paid more. After all, the way I see it, if you hire crap employees, it tells me you're crap at your job of hiring good employees. My recommendation shouldn't tell you anything about who you're hiring. That interview you give and the resume should. If you can't pick up the personality traits and flaws of a person you're hiring in the interview room... You shouldn't have that job to begin with. You shouldn't be supervisor or manager or CEO if you can't do that. You lack the necessary skillset.
    So, everyone useless got a "quiet firing". If they worked for a "season" because they attended college, we simply didn't pick them back up again the next year. Got rid of a lot of lazy college kids that way. We pushed anyone who didn't do that to "move along" to other jobs and gave good reviews of them.
    I removed the bad team I'd been saddled with in about two years and then hired people who worked very hard for us and went on to do amazing things.
    In short... if a boss hires people who need to be fired... that boss needs to be fired for sheer incompetence. Never hire these worthless people to begin with. If you can't read people within 5 minutes of interacting with them and deduce (accurately!) their life story and whether or not they're lying, embellishing, or have ambition... you shouldn't be put in charge of that process at all. You're too stupid to handle hiring people.

    • @whitecloud2002
      @whitecloud2002 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am being serious when I say this, why the hell are you hiring people at all, don't you understand the only way to get a job done right is to do it yourself? Though to be honest I am one of those kids that older adults consider lazy because I refuse to give my life to a company that just looks at me as a number.

    • @XxTaiMTxX
      @XxTaiMTxX ปีที่แล้ว

      @@whitecloud2002 because a single person only has so much time in a day to accomplish things. It is far easier to hire people who can do the job and then train them to do it like you. At least… if you know what to look for in an employee… and most people don’t because they lack the personality traits to do it well.
      As for your stance of not mattering? Welcome to the real world. You don’t matter. Except to maybe yourself. You matter to friends and family conditionally. You work to get skills to earn money. If you’re there for personal validation, then you need a therapist, rather than a job. Take your validation from being the best at something, being irreplaceable, and being well liked by everyone you meet. Don’t seek it from people you don’t even care about.

    • @whitecloud2002
      @whitecloud2002 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@XxTaiMTxX I don't disagree with you there, I am just stating the facts, bosses wonder why they cannot find good help, it's because that good help usually goes into business for themselves and with the ability to go into business for yourself becoming much easier these days, either you will be forced to hire Mediocre or terrible people that cannot or will not do those things properly, I am not someone who knows how to run a business, but I work hard and do my job (quite quitting), and nothing beyond what I am required to do, because if the company does not value me I do not Value them as anything more than a place to make money.

    • @XxTaiMTxX
      @XxTaiMTxX ปีที่แล้ว

      @@whitecloud2002 Bosses don't wonder why they can't "find good help". Good help is everywhere. Most of it having been spoiled and ruined by the education system and political movements. You're a victim of that, yourself.
      Let me explain:
      "I'm not going to work any harder than I have to, because the company doesn't value me."
      I mean, that's just hurting yourself. But, nobody tells you that. You just think that "you're getting even with the man". Meanwhile, using it as a weird excuse to "be lazy".
      The company doesn't value you, because you're easily replaceable. You're easily replaceable because you don't work any harder than you have to. Because you don't fulfill any niche or role that isn't irreplaceable. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. "I'm not going to work hard because the company doesn't value me, and the company doesn't value me, because I am not going to work hard".
      But, the problem is that school and politics has taught you the wrong definition of "working hard". The definition you were taught is "work overtime, do everything for free, turn work into your life". That's not working hard. It may have been "working hard" in 1950, but it's not "working hard" at all these days.
      Here's what "working hard" is:
      Learn absolutely everything about your job. No matter how useless it seems to have it. Do every job that's asked of you and do it so well that nobody else can do it. Put these things on your resume. Every time you learn or do a new task that isn't related to your job, you shove that sucker on your resume. Immediately. Every time you reworked a job or a system in order to be quicker or more efficient, you put that on your resume as well. If your boss asked you to train someone, you put "experience in training employees" on your resume. If your boss asked you to "take out the trash" and you found a way to do that much quicker, with less effort, you put on that resume, "reworked sanitation management procedures for X job".
      That's how I got ahead. It's how I got irreplaceable. I saw a job to be done, so I did it, without complaint, and did it so well that nobody else could ever do it again without my instruction. No training materials? I made a bunch. No systems of accountability? I made a bunch. No documents to track various metrics of the job? Made those too. Nobody knew how our system worked? I learned (to the point they put me in charge of testing fixes, which was NOT in my job description). Nobody knew how two divisions interacted with each other, because they didn't? I learned it. I learned things. Streamlined them. Offered feedback and suggestions for improvement. I went from "entry level job" making $10 an hour to where I am today, making $20. With a stint as a Supervisor in between there. The Supervisor job was created for me because of how much I knew and I was going to take all that knowledge with me somewhere else.
      I am perpetually late to work like every day. Nobody reprimands me. You know why? Because I'm not replaceable. 5 to 10 minutes late is worth what I bring to the table in terms of expertise and ambition. Especially when I will sometimes stay extra late to finish some tasks or get things set up for the next day. I've had bosses complain that I'm not clocking overtime when I work it, but I tell them "don't worry about it, it all evens out at some point."
      I'm given a fantastic amount of leeway and authority because I went out of my way to earn it and to be irreplaceable.
      I never hired anyone who didn't have the potential to do exactly what I did. If a job was "just another job" to them, then I simply didn't hire them. I felt no obligation to coddle the stupid and truly lazy. But, if they showed the potential for ambition and they wanted to use the job I was offering as a stepping stone, then they were useful. They showed that they wanted to learn things. They wanted to be more. They weren't content with the way their life was, and were willing to work to make it better.
      I hired THOSE people. Then, I proceeded to show them everything. Teach them everything. The how's and the why's. I also patched up all the holes in our system that I'd taken advantage of. No employee was ever allowed to learn to do things in their own unique way again. They were required to teach others how it was done, so that I could replace them if I needed to. I didn't allow employees to have the sort of leverage I'd accrued. Because only crap bosses allow that to ever happen. Any improvement was made the standard.
      That's hard work. Using everything as an opportunity to get ahead. Wasting nothing. Thinking 3 steps ahead from any action you take.
      Yes, I did a lot of "crap jobs". So what? I never complained. I added them to my resume. I did those jobs so well that they were no longer "crap jobs" and took almost no time at all to complete. My resume is like 14 pages long with a myriad of random assorted jobs and tasks and skills I've acquired. Not to mention, each accomplishment.
      My only goal that I ever set out with, when I joined the workforce was, "I want to be unfireable. I want to be so important that nobody dares fire me.".
      That's it.
      So I was. So I am.

    • @winspiff
      @winspiff ปีที่แล้ว

      You have a lot of good mentalities. At the same time, many people can’t read people as well as you can. I know you’re tempted to say that this implies they shouldn’t be hiring, but many people have to hire that struggle to figure out the best candidates. Some candidates are incredibly good at misrepresenting themselves.
      The only reason I’m saying this is because I don’t agree with your idea of giving great reviews to bad employees. Lackluster references are fine and there for a reason. People can’t trust you if you misrepresent employees to them, and you need those relationships more than relationships to crappy former employees.

  • @nup5
    @nup5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As someone who's autistic... 10:43 absolutely INFURIATES me.
    It's one thing to take advantage of someone. It's ANOTHER thing to purposefully mentally and emotionally manipulate YOUR OWN OFFSPRING to increase the chances of pulling off evil deeds. That mother and father do NOT deserve those titles.

  • @thomasluitz3727
    @thomasluitz3727 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wtf it is so funny. I am the Delivery supervisor in a bakery too and manage the drivers and i had such a similar story aswell the only differenz is the guy was so bad at driving he damaged 2 vehicles like 2 weeks after he started working for us. He was such a nice guy aswell but so slooooow. He would need like double the time for loading up is Delivery van and would come late to every station he had to drive to. Its the first guy i know that has/had the same job as me XD now i like you even more. Love the Videos keep up the good work 👍

  • @timothyhopewell6168
    @timothyhopewell6168 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I had a coworker who had a bad attitude I would go "hi so and so, how are you today?" His response would always be "alive" in my mind I was thinking "you have a job, a roof over your head, food in your stomach, etc" one day a coworker who was higher up was telling him not to use a certain item for food storage (yes, I work in a restaurant) granted the higher up was being a little over dramatic. So and so, went "you can't talk to me like that" and walked out. It was his third time doing that and my bosses had enough. Little while later owners son got a text asking "why did you fire so and so?" Gee, I wonder. Back in the 70s that kind of attitude would've worked. Walking out on a job on Monday and getting a new one on Tuesday. My mother even said she did it. But in the late 2010s and 2020s you better believe that having a job THAT CATERS mostly to you is a blessing.

  • @sabrinatorgerson888
    @sabrinatorgerson888 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have one. I started working at this store part-time. After 4 months I was bumped to full-time, and 5 months after that I was promoted to Store Manager. We had a total of 8 staff including me. Well when the previous store manager was transferred to another location he left me with a bitter full-timer (he was upset because he had been there for years, but I was the only one willing to cover shifts), and under staff. I hired couple of employees just before the previous store manager left, and 3 more within the week following him leaving. Most of my hiring choices worked out really well. They we incredibly hard workers. Well the one started off good, but when he started seeing this girl he started calling in sick pretty often, at least twice a week. Well some of my other employees started seeing him out and about when he was supposed to be home sick. We talked, I gave him a written warning. A couple of weeks later he got another written warning for the same thing. Well I couldn't justify keeping him. There were only 8 of us to cover 11 hour shifts Monday-Friday, 9 hours Saturday, and 7.5 hours Sunday. With him calling out it meant our part time staff had to cover him, because the company didn't want to pay over-time for our full-time employees. So I caught him one day as soon as he arrived, told him he was fired, why he was fired, and that I had already hires someone else to take his place. Credit to him, he knew it was coming, be knew why, and he was sorry. A few weeks later he and the girl broke up. He came back to see if he could get his job back. He did not get his job back.
    That company sucked. I worked there for just under 2 years. We were at a location that didn't get much traffic in a dying mall. Well as other businesses closed in that mall we had less and less customers coming through. There were 2 locations in the city I lived in. Both in malls. Mine was in the older mall that was literally dying. In the last month I was there the mall had at least a dozen empty store fronts, and about 2 dozen open stores (7 of which were owned by the same family). There were days that we had absolutely no customers even enter the store until 6 or 7. Meaning I could go the entire day shift without seeing anyone. I kept upper management informed of the situation, but they decided I was the problem, and that a management shift would change things (spoiler alert: it didn't). They replaced me with a girl that had been hired at the other location 3 weeks prior, she wasn't even fully trained to work in the store, and had only started being trained for the assistant manager position a few days prior. That store fell apart. The employees didn't respect her, she fired half of the employees that worked their and hired new ones. Well the new ones just sat around on there phones, had friends behind the counter, and didn't keep up with the daily cleaning (it was a tiny store, if you didn't have customers 2 people could get that store fully cleaned in 2 or 3 hours). Sales were already down in that store due to a lack of customers, but they plummeted after she took over. That location was shut down a few months after I left.

  • @msf2399
    @msf2399 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    10:47 As someone with autism, *THAT IS ABUSE!* Meltdowns are one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced. Your brain is so keyed up, I legitimately mistook the sensory pain from my first few migraines for the start of a meltdown. It’s like my conscious mind is 3 steps to the left, and I’m running on pure animal instinct; it’s terrifying. On top of all of that, at what will almost definitely be the worst moment of your *everything* between your last & next meltdown, you will almost definitely be out in public and be the center of everyone’s attention (and people wonder why anxiety & panic disorders have such high comorbidity with autism.) The idea of *anyone* triggering one on purpose makes me so fucking furious, and the idea of doing it to a *child* makes me want to commit violence. I cannot believe that anyone who does that cares *at all* about the child in question, and it makes me terrified for that poor boy’s home life. Someone needs to get him out of that house!

  • @vinciblewarrior6431
    @vinciblewarrior6431 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My favorite was the guy with anger issues and violent tendencies. He caused several people to quit and had the entire management/supervisory staff for 3 department making complaits to the GM. Company policy said he should have been fired the first time he had an incident - zero tolerance for violence AND he was still within his probation period. But the GM always put a stop to any disciplinary action taken. Fast forward about 15 months and I get a radio call from the GM telling me that I need to meet him in the lobby. I get there and this guy is at our bar, drinking and flirting with customers. This was after threatening the bartender when she refused to serve an employee. The GM tells me that I need to go tell him to leave. I tell the GM that if he wants the guy to do anything, he needs to go tell him himself. I had washed my hands of the situation over a year prior when it was clear that the GM would protect this guy no matter what. The GM grew up in a sheltered life so he had no clue what was coming next. I on the other hand grew up poor and in the ghetto - I saw it coming the second I reached the lobby. Because of this foresight, I went with the GM to get the guy out of there. Without saying a word on either side, this guy roars as loud as he can and throws a punch at the GM catching him completely off guard and breaks he nose. He turned to me to do the same, so I used a tactic that has been successful in the past - make the punch land on the crown of your head (usually breaks bones in the other guy's hand). While he was removing from the pain I headbutt him right between the eyes and threw him in the fountain. He crawled out drunk and likely concussed, so he was kicked back down to the floor and I planted my heel right in the middle of his ear and applied most of my weight to it. As we waited for the police to arrive, I told him (with just about every employee and customer standing around) that the GM was unlikely to save his ass this time and that he was fired and not to come back if he wished to keep his life.

  • @jacobswafford1151
    @jacobswafford1151 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I only hated firing a good employee that did something bad, firing a bad employee wasn't so bad. I also have fought for a good employee who was obviously in the wrong more times than I should have. Badass coworkers, I always have your back. Lazy, useless ones that make me see red. If management is out for you, you are done.

  • @TheMicro4
    @TheMicro4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I used to deliver medication to nursing homes. This is the one story I always talk about, especially because all of this happened the day after a full moon. At a certain nursing home I had to go to each individual nurses station and deliver the meds. If there was a narcotic in the tote I had to wait for an RN to sign off. There had been some thefts so this was a theft prevention measure. When you are waiting the nurses will go about their business. Give some residents snacks, put others to bed, so on. While waiting for an RN in the altimeters wing, one nurse stayed at the nurses station doing paperwork. The other had gone up the hall to help a resident. I just kinda had to stand there and wait for the RN to finish signing in these meds. Until the paperwork is signed those meds were my responsibility. I turn around and see an extremely old man and old lady sitting next to each other. The old lady in an oversized recliner and the old man in a similar recliner. Now before I continue I want to tell you all about a condition called “Sundowners” Basically it’s altimeters the accelerates in the evening. This condition is more common amongst those who spent most of their life working the Graveyard Shift. So I turn around and the old man stands up. I think nothing of it. I turn back and check on the nurse at the nurses station (the door to the elevator was basically beside the nurses station so looking back never hurt) I hear a noise behind me so I turn around. I turned around just in time to see the old man drop throw and start peeing on the old lady. Let me be honest I had seen some weird stuff doing that job. My gut reaction seeing this guy who I found out was 86 giving an old lady a golden shower was to say in a calm clear voice “Holy Shit” The nurse immediately looked up and began to intervene. She was one of the best nurses I had spoken to at that facility. But hey when you gotta go you gotta go.

    • @quintonmartin27
      @quintonmartin27 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      First off when I heard the meds I was so worried about someone od the patients on purpose, glad that was not the case. Second Keeping in mind it was a firing video I was wondering what the nurse did to get fired and thought when you turned around she ran with the pills. Either way I was surprised that the old lady got a shower. Good job.

    • @Vertraic
      @Vertraic ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@wolf-dogcat-dog2.045 I think he meant 'Alzheimers that gets worse in the evening.'

    • @Stefanie_Thompson_Fithian
      @Stefanie_Thompson_Fithian ปีที่แล้ว

      Sundowning is something that happens to people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. The later in the day it gets the worse they get. The more forgetful. For example I had a patient once in a nursing home and her Alzheimer’s was still early onset so when she would wake in the morning she was pretty much herself, knew where she was, who everyone was etc. but once it got to be a little after dinner time she would start getting confused as to where she was. If she had visitors there one minute she knew who they were and all of a sudden she would scream for them to stop trying to hug her cause she’s never seen them before. She would walk around all night long looking for her husband who was deceased. She would walk around with a baby doll and she swore it was her daughter and it was 1952 waiting for her husband to get home from work. She would go into the dining room thinking it was her kitchen at home and she would always set 1 table. To keep her calm each evening before the kitchen crew left for the day they would leave a tray in the dining room with a table cloth, enough dishes for 1 tables, silverware, and 6 small plastic cups with water inside. If not she’d go searching for something to put in the cups. So she would set 1 table every night. We just appeased her. It made her happy. But when she woke up the next morning she was back to her normal self. That’s sundowning and working the graveyard shift has absolutely nothing to do with it.

  • @nathanielturner2577
    @nathanielturner2577 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The paintball story is mind blowing. I consider it very reasonable to fire somebody is who made a decision that Could kill us all!!

    @CRUSH40RULES ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That first story, a grown man yelling ‘You’re not my dad!’ What baby response!

  • @vincetravis70
    @vincetravis70 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They had this big dumb lazy manager at a pizza place I worked for and they canned him because he just didn't seem to care about anything period. I didn't see it but it was great to hear at least.

  • @lizbriar9565
    @lizbriar9565 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I called in once sick. What really happened was I got high off weed gummies (didn’t know how much was in there and it was suggested to try them for the pain I was in). Figured it was better to not go in when I was still feeling the effects than to go in at that point.

  • @justin522
    @justin522 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Why don't I run into people like that when shopping?" Because they've been fired.

  • @tooth2887
    @tooth2887 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    the one about the person who snitched on the company trying to fuck the freelance girl over, I hope she remembers that OP and one day they bump into each other and she turns out to be like hella rich and thanks him or something. that OP was a good person.

  • @BL-no7jp
    @BL-no7jp ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I took great pleasure of having half of a shift fired for workplace mobbing and bullying on senior employees. One of the victims took timeline notes. The timeline notes were worth its weight in gold when these arrogant employees were fired. I was the last supervisor to know about the bullying until my boss suddenly jerked me on an evening shift only to discover this. I caught an employee writing the time line notes on bullying incidents. I took the notes to the office. The trouble makers were replaced.

  • @Rekuzan
    @Rekuzan ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It's just fun to mess with people and can quite often increase morale in the workplace, but again, you have to know where to draw the line.

  • @mizu_the_floatzel
    @mizu_the_floatzel ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Damn. I give credit to OB who worked at the pizza place man. If I had that level of well tolerant against stupidity to fire somebody like that I would have been having that guts to fire my former co-worker at the auto parts store I worked with for being a total prick

  • @adamb89
    @adamb89 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    4:20 I was in a similar situation about a decade ago. We had to let 4 people go, and the deciding factor was performance metrics. We had no bad people, but naturally and time there's a list, someone's gonna be on the bottom. And I had to listen to these four people discuss their holiday and vacation plans, while knowing their job was ending in two weeks, and they wouldn't find out until their last Friday.

  • @heathj7794
    @heathj7794 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Former line cook. You're not gonna find too many that aren't drunks or on some drug lol

  • @noir.kid9724
    @noir.kid9724 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't know what's funnier watching this while I'm waiting to see if I was fired from my job or getting an ad for Turbo tax while watching it
    Edit not fired but still funny

  • @nnt7311
    @nnt7311 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I dont see many people commenting on it but I appreciate your references you sneak into these videos, by far my fav was the Doof impression

  • @chaos_fox3529
    @chaos_fox3529 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My Dad is an normal Employee and got an coworker fired.
    The coworker was making a mess, the boss would give away his Caravan to some employees, guess what. It came back completely messed up and full with drugs, my dad also had issues with this guy because he would throw curses at him, on an regular basis and not only him all of the coworkes, would come drunk and high to work. Since my Dad was the best employee his boss could have he said that he would quit if this guy is'nt fired soon. A day later the caravan aswell as some materials were fucked up the other day. That guy got fired the day before.

  • @Not-a-protogen-totally
    @Not-a-protogen-totally ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mainly facts guy has better stories then audible

  • @D.LeeFrey
    @D.LeeFrey 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have 4 stories for this, however, I was only ever involved with 2 firings.
    The first story was a young lady in her early 20s, let’s call her Jada. Jada was hired to work the 2 nights I couldn’t work (the company wasn’t happy paying overtime on a consistent basis), and so after a few weeks of training, she was left to work 11 pm-7 am at the hotel.
    Problem was, she was doing things like allowing her family members (mainly her brother and mother) to sleep on the couches in the lobby (and at least 2 of the 4 walls were mostly glass doors and windows, so people could see in and see multiple people asleep in the lobby. The second issue was that she was staying asleep past the time the lobby needed to be open (6 am) and a few times where I relieved her in the morning, not only was the lobby still locked in both places, but the coffee ☕️ hadn’t been made and she was still asleep (occasionally until after her shift was to end at 7. I wouldn’t wake her until I had opened the lobby, made coffee, gotten registration cards ready for guests and housekeeping assignments. The last thing was she used to at times visit porn related sites, which would slow the computer she used to access them down if not render them temporarily useless. She eventually got fired after I noticed the one time while she was asleep that the drawer was off from what I had counted the morning prior and told the hotel GM.
    2 was at the same hotel (the owners wanted to give some people a second chance). She had worked there a year before I did, so she was the one who trained me to do the overnight shift. I also thought she was cute (she wasn’t what I consider traditionally beautiful, but she kind of had an intelligent beauty about her).
    I didn’t know until I found out from my BFF that when she first started working at the hotel, she dated the youngest of the 3 maintenance guys for the property (it’s technically a resort since it has a large garden, gift shops, bakery, restaurant and fishing 🎣 area), only to find out he was dating someone else. The thing eventually got sorted out as long as BFF and her didn’t run across the maintenance guy and reverse.
    Everything seemed to change the closer it got to BFF’s first wedding. The woman had apparently dated same maintenance guy again, only to find out he was still dating the same woman. This led the woman to self-harm (having 3 deep cuts in her right wrist, only to cover it with a tattoo weeks later), then her being distant, and eventually to her becoming a drunk (enough of 1 to where she ruined most of the BFFs wedding pictures, and made a scene on the phone for the after-reception party). Eventually she got fired after multiple failed stunts at rehab, stealing from the drawer, and culminated in her firing (where it was revealed that a few hours after the start of her shift, she would sneak out multiple times to her car’s center console to drink the mini alcohol bottles).
    3. The guy was an idiot in terms of financial responsibilities. His work at a different hotel was suffering cause he kept focusing on things that would only make him $20-$30 a day, instead of his job where after taxes were making him over twice that. One time, after the GM and I told a guy he wasn’t going to get a discount due to us fixing whatever issues he had during his stay, the guy at the desk proceeded to give him a discount in spite of us saying not to, just so the guy could gloat to the GM over it. When we asked why he did that, the guy said “I didn’t want yelled at”, and we had told the guy if guest did that, tell him the managers are the only ones who can. The front desk guy proceeded to no show for a week before his firing by me when he showed up next. Years later, I see that guy applying to work where I’m currently at, and due to what I dealt with, emailed the guy why we weren’t hiring him. This sent the guy into an expletive filled rant via email and only when a restraining order was threatened did he stop.
    4 was a sad case. He was a decent guy, into anime and gaming. Unfortunately, a few years back his dad passed unexpectedly from a medical event. The guy got very depressed and tried to OD on sleeping pills (his girlfriend found him and called 911, which saved his life, but freaked her out to where she broke up with him). Broken, he would drink, date other girls, and eventually try to get customers to go directly through him for a deal instead of the normal company offered discounts. He was caught on camera doing this to 1 set of women and the owner saw it and fired him. Last I knew the guy is a drunk stoner.

  • @PichuFan4ever
    @PichuFan4ever 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ngl, story 23 kinda bothers me. The idea that you can get fired because you dared to post something online about being drunk outside of work, even after calling in properly, gives off the vibes of a surveillance state where your workplace gets to watch you 24/7.

  • @LordBloodraven
    @LordBloodraven ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My boss hired my sister during my senior year of high school.
    She was 3-years older and my boss said, "If she's your sister, she should be as good a worker as you."
    I told my boss this was a bad idea because my sister is a serious slacker and had a drug problem.
    He ignored my concerns and hired my sister.
    On her first night, $125 was missing out of her register.
    Her bank account that night had a deposit, you guessed it, for $125.
    My parents made her give the money back, and I told my boss I would only continue working for him if I were allowed to fire my sister.
    She relapsed on drugs and went back to rehab. She still blames me for that relapse.
    I quit that job 3 years later to work as a bartender.
    My new boss made the same suggestion of hiring my sister.
    This time, I killed the idea before it went anywhere with, "No, she's a raging alcoholic, drug addict and has a history of stealing from her own cash registers."

  • @unknowncreature-0069
    @unknowncreature-0069 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    7:37 okay that's kind of hilarious you have to admit

  • @caitlinmorris5064
    @caitlinmorris5064 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dude I was once called into work by accident. Turns out they'd mixed me up with someone with the same first name.

  • @kitaokami4204
    @kitaokami4204 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lord I have a forever job I can't be fired from. I was out sick from covid for 2 weeks. The day I had to return I ghosted for 3 weeks. I didn't answer anyone's calls, text, snaps, nothing. That second week I started texting everyone I worked with including my boss/store owner. He told me the W-2s were in and to bring my uniform. I get there and we start talking and he asks me if I still want to work. I say yeah sure, he said he'd put me down for 1 day a week for a few weeks. Nope I was working full time in less then 3 weeks. I have woke up late on several accounts even when i have to open the store alone, sometimes he has to get his wife to open buy they're cool with it because I make it up to them, pretty sure I've accidentally ghosted due studying myself to exhaustion from pulling all nighters, to the point of sleeping through entire shifts, I have had to call in multiple times last minute, even had to take 6 weeks off unexpectedly due to uh personal matters. I had a situation happen that caused me to move 45 min away a couple months ago very last minute and I have no vehicle to go back and forth. I had someone take me there to get my check about a month ago and he told me when I move back to that area he needs my help some days! I cracked up at how he said it, he didn't ask he told me he needed my help and to come work when I'm back haha I love that place. FYI I'm a really good worker which is why he keeps me. Good to the point of running the store by myself even with loads of customers.I only work with 1 person at 1 of the store locations and 2 people at the other store location so I'm very reliable to have on standby especially if we are short staffed since well, he can throw me at the slowerish store and I'll be good all day and night working alone. Throws me at the fast store with himself and one other employee because he trust us enough to be able to leave early without worrying if the store will be standing the next day. (Trust me especially since im a "shift lead" *cough manager without the pay or title cough* smh).

  • @aidanwotherspoon905
    @aidanwotherspoon905 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    23:20 you coulda gotten E. I. from Gamestop. “Taking off the schedule” like that is constructive dismissal

  • @jmarsd420
    @jmarsd420 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The 1st person I ever fired was my best friend since 3rd grade. He had gotten me that job.
    EVERYBODY else has been a breeze.