You probably dont care but if you are stoned like me during the covid times you can stream all of the latest series on InstaFlixxer. Have been watching with my gf these days =)
Except for Lissandra and Anivia apparently. Funny considering these are some of my fav champs. Especially Lissandra has good lane phase, very few counter picks, good poke, good push, good AOE damage, decent mobility, very high safety, great roaming, point&click CC for ages, very good teamfights thanks to her passive and best of all hard counters 90% of assasins and yasuo.
@@kfkf6569 True. I have played lux mid so many matches this season (because I pulled the elementalist lux out of a re-roll) and it was literally a coin flip, whether I won or lost. Annie however is kinda underrated in low elo in my opinion
same to fizz, same to kat, same to kassadin, same to yasuo, same to previous akali, same to sett, same to previous aphelios, same to senna oh they are not midlaners.. Oooooh shieet this game sucks!!!
zoes pretty balanced, you get rewarded for dodging her nuke from north korea and she can get heavily punished after failing a nuke,provided she doesnt have her spells and she hasnt stolen your flash
@@Sol-vs2tm I heard as much. Sadly I think he isn't nearly rewarding enough for how hard it is to play him perfectly. So for soloq he will never truly be a beast unless riot finally decides to give him some love
That's what a jack of all trades, master of none type of champion is. She's pretty good. Very consistent. It'd be a problem if she was something like Azir at its prime who could bring Orianna levels of utility, Kayle levels of DPS from Xerath levels of range all while having mobility, which none of the before mentioned champions have, and still having a damn turret. Ahri is the jack of all trades done right.
I main Ahri and she can certainly carry hard if you start roaming hard after hitting level 6. I have ended games with over 25 kills, less than 5 deaths and over 900 AP. You can oneshot everything that isn't a tank. Thought I should say that I'm dirt low elo (iron 1 XD) but I'm not smurffing nor good at the game and I still pull some triple and even quadra kills with her quite often.
@@lonewolfmoon9184 Very few champions can't oneshot everything that isn't a tank if you give them 900 AP. The point still stands, she's no super star by any means, but she's fine.
How is Talon not on this list? I main him and he’s exceptional for applying pressure around the map and winning multiple lanes. With the conqueror build, he doesn’t have an atrocious lategame either. Granted, he can’t solo carry a fight like a skilled Vladimir or Kassadin can, but he can basically win the game for his team before the teamfight phase begins.
well I noticed that the ones that 1v9 are team fighters in this list, or have an ability that makes it hard to kill them like fizz and LeBlanc. Talon if he gets cant walk around CC is done for. So he can only really make picks and try to capitalize on em with his team.
@@lackoflazy2956 idk buddy, my most played champion is talon. Sometimes I have a 5/0/whatever kda but come to the point when teir 1 towers are down and everyone contest dragon. I can only take down adc, then I'm left with just W and Q to jump in and out of fights waiting for cool downs on my W so I can proc passive. When I q in and get peeled by their tank, while I'm aiming for say their support since I wqr adc already. I get CC by tank then support and die. Give a big shutdown they either wipe my team or my team wipes them. But maybe I'm playing him wrong.
He mentioned them in the end with qyiana and zed aswell. He said he dont want the list to be to cramped with the same play style champs so he took kata and lb as a roaming assassin example
@ebah maika ti yh defo not very difficult, coming from a fizz player. Mechanically on the easier side infact, not quite garen level but ya know. For some counterplay, he gets outscaled into a squishie knockup bot in late game if hes not hard snowballing, so theres dat, think of de fact that he quite literally has no options to poke with in lane so try to not let him snowball in lane and u should be set, gl.
Do you think you can solo carry with tryndamere from iron to Platin easy, if you are good with this champ ? Or are there better champs to easy solo carry
@@etro0972 it really doesnt impact as hard as other lanes in high elo most games i play they either have almost no impact or impact by picking tp to snowball their botlane,im not THAT high elo so i could be wrong on how it goes in master and above
I don't know how Cassio is strong early game. She literally cannot do more than 5 Fangs before going out of mana (considering you have tear with 150-200 mana) besides not nuking people down. Specially in Solo Q when junglers don't tend to give you second blue, Cassio should expect to sit on lane until tear has at least 300 mana to be some kind of viable in any fight.
You don't need a guide for Top Lane. Top is completely useless at 1v9 and doesn't have any impact on the outcome of the game. Although you can play Renekton, but then you need to win at min 15, but thats not impossible with him.
I would've ranked Zoe and Vlad a little higher on the list. Apart from being able to do vital picks, Zoe can just pop-off in teamfights with the high amount of Summoners being thrown, and Vlad can actually carry games from mid-game too with the proper itemization.
Damn, my Talon actually made it. I'm so happy. But talon is not that good in the late game and I can't carry a lot of games in the low elo so, I'm thinking of a new champ to carry a game like Akali, Fizz something with great mobility cuz that's my type of play
You will put the time into her mechanics instead of focusing on the midlane fundamentals, watch Coach Curtis on youtube and learn the fundamentals while playing a simple champion, then after you learn you can pick her up....if you play her first though you will be focusing on her abilities most of the time and not your laning phase
You can pick her up and do good without being that focused on her abilities, R E then Q is a very cheesy combo in lane, 2 of them and its almost always a kill, just be careful when you don't have E up. PekinWoof is a Zoe main that has some nice videos on her in youtube Be extra careful if you are against Lee Sin, Rek Sai, Olaf, Elise or Xin Zhao in the jungle.
While im a veigar main. I consider velkoz to be better champion to carry. He has magic resist in ass because of his true damage. All of his spells are aoe. And his ultimate is just perfect for carrying teamfights. Yes veigar can more effectively oneshot squishies and his cage helps a lot in laning phase vs ganks while vel is easly gankable and his e isnt such a lifesaver. But vel can just deal a lot more damage to more than one target and just ignore magic res making him much better for teamfights in my opinion.
To be fair, I think the scenarios where you actually have to solo carry are incredibly rare. Of course, the number of games that you have to carry yourself depend on the elo you are at. In silver or bellow, it's a pretty common occurrence. But if you're in that elo, you should prioritize simple, and consistent champs that teach you the game, over champs that let you 1v9. When I was silver, I tried to carry with Kassadin, but I just simply couldn't pull it off (It was at late season 8, where he had a 45% winrate). So, I decided to pick up Malz, which was a good choice. In gold elo, it's not that common, but it still happens from time to time. At that point, you know the basic fundamentals, so you should choose the champ that fits you the best, and just play him/her from here on out. Of course, if your playstyle is solo carrying, then this list can be pretty useful to you. I'm personally more of a setup, and control type of player. My second most played role is support, and I main Bard there, while I also play the following from time to time: Yuumi, Seena, Karma, Nami, Janna, and Braum. And in midlane, my most common champions are Aurelion Sol, Xerath, Sylas, Qiyana, and Lissandra. But in ranked, I mostly just pick ASol every game, despite the fact that he might be the worst solo carry midlaner in the game (well, I guess after Zilean and Karma, but they are supports). And despite that, I still have around 58-60% winrate on him, in high plat/low diamond. Why? Because he might be one of the worst solo carry midlaners, but he sure is the best setup midlaner (I think he even beats Lissandra at that). And just setting up, peeling, and generally assisting teammates can be enough to get you a win. As long as you do it properly, without falling behind yourself of course (sometimes I do fall behind, but it doesn't really matter if we have a Kha'Zix or an Aphelios) But I gotta say, most people DO prefer the solo carry playstyle, so banning a solo carry champion is a really good idea. I personally ban Syndra, cus I have no idea how to play that matchup. Her Q CD is too low, the E speed and hitbox is messed up, and her damage is absolutely nuts. She has more range than me, better extended trade than me, better burst trade than me, better gank setup, better waveclear, and also stronger lvl 6. The only thing I could think of, is sitting back and not doing anything until the jungler comes, or we get to midgame teamfights, where I sort of outscale her.
Can we just consider that Kassadin, Fizz and Diana are all on this list...with Kat at #1 spot. Those 3 are hard counters to Kat with almost no skill at winning against her (aside from Kassadin, he needs a little skill to win lane). Fizz hits 6, 100 to 0's Kat even if he's behind., Q to win.
My 3 favorite mid laners; Anivia, Ahri and Aurelion Sol didn't make this list which saddens me to some degree, but it also means the never get banned either so....
9:27 No, maybe top five but Fiora, Jax, and Tryndamere all take turrets at a speed that is just absurd. I have played Diana as well as the listed top laners, the others are faster.
I think mid lane is a better choice to carry even if your jungler is bad instead of toplane because as a midlaner you can help the losing lanes easily by roaming when you win and push your lane.but toplaners cant carry because if you play toplane you have a 50% chance to lose and 50% to win the game cuz solo carry doesn't mean you can 1v9 but helping the team win their lanes
I have been a zoe otp for almost all of this season, but I’m still confused on how to team fight properly. There are always minions or tanks in the way, and unless we are ahead, I can’t really help the fight (unless the adc is frontline for some reason). Can you explain how zoe team fights? :)
ŁastŁotus why not it’ll give me 20% cdr, 80 ap and 50% atkspd so I can prof my passive and take towers faster I know Koch will give me burst potential but it has mana which is useless on akali unless the passive out weigh uselessness of that stat
@@bluethunder92291 there are just better items for akali. The atk speed is kinda wasted on her since u never want to stay close to your enemy for more than 1 auto. So unless the enemy opens mid and you want to push faster, nashors is just not worth buying. P.S if you want to push fast and still assasinate your enemies, then I recommend diana.
It's incredible how fast a lot of low elo players give up and stop doing anything... you can be an 8/0 adc and they'll still ff just because the jungler got his blue buff stolen from the enemy supp lvl 1.... (true story)
i don't have a problem with any of these things that the channel provides, I have a problem with carrying with macro and game knowledge in the mid to late game, I guess my brain is just overfilled with information cuz I really abuse minions and I can manipulate my waves pretty well.
Solid list agree with all tbh except yasuo. I feel like he probably doesn't belong because he's too easily countered and has a harder time in the tank meta that has come about thanks to bami cinder update
@@adelholzenerbier ok I'll tell you the full story there is a condition to this see I've played enough of the game to see Cassiopeia played in a few games over the years however almost all of them are high elo Silver and above Bronze and Iron Cassiopeia doesn't really exist. Vladimir is similar to the point that almost every diamond I know is a Vladimir main.
@@adelholzenerbier I mean I can do it but few do if they are it usually means its a gold or Silver in bronze because its when they hit silver that they usually pick up Cassiopeia. The higher the rating you go the more you see her for some reason until you look at challenger replays where you see Cassiopeia almost every game.
"it's like if shaq got infinite free throws on a foul... sure he might get 2 or so and it might take half an hour..." why gotta do shaq dirty like that
undertagged I usually try to pick someone with my E over the wall before teamfight. I am always trying to make the team fight 4v5 because Zoe is so good for catching people unprepared
Also if you see your tanks in the front team fighting do not go behind them because you will usually hit the enemy tanks, try to position behind the wall and hit your E on adc. Also If I am having a fed adc or very good one and I know for examole WW is going for him I can E the WW to help my adc
I can also won a team fight just by picking up summoners spells, I can ignite, I can heal and I can use Redemption Remember even hitting only tanks is t that bad, you are doing very big dmg even to them
0:34 Sylas
1:34 Yasuo
2:45 Syndra
3:33 Le Blanc
4:45 Zoe
5:36 Fizz
6:32 Vladimir
7:26 Akali
8:54 Diana
9:51 Cassiopea
11:01 Kassadin
12:05 Katarina
14:00 Honorable mentions : Azir, Viktor, Veigar
You are a good man, thank you
What did it cost?
@@stefanmlgpro Everything.
@@kristjanalsaar6538 I see, you re a man of culture aswell.
I found my family in this comment reply section
"Don't need to farm minions, Just farm champion" - Fizz's Promoter 2020
You probably dont care but if you are stoned like me during the covid times you can stream all of the latest series on InstaFlixxer. Have been watching with my gf these days =)
@Bobby Roman Definitely, I've been using instaflixxer for since november myself :)
8:05 lmao bye bard
Alternative title: EVERY SINGLE MIDLANER for Season 10 Solo Queue
Except for Lissandra and Anivia apparently. Funny considering these are some of my fav champs. Especially Lissandra has good lane phase, very few counter picks, good poke, good push, good AOE damage, decent mobility, very high safety, great roaming, point&click CC for ages, very good teamfights thanks to her passive and best of all hard counters 90% of assasins and yasuo.
@@Red-fu5nb yeah I don't play or ban her, but every time she is picked I realize how good of a champion she is
Red ye but against a nasus or some shit liss and anivia can’t burst them out. They can’t solo carry. They can dominate their lane though lol
Lux and annie are crying in the corner
@@kfkf6569 True. I have played lux mid so many matches this season (because I pulled the elementalist lux out of a re-roll) and it was literally a coin flip, whether I won or lost. Annie however is kinda underrated in low elo in my opinion
When I see Zoe in my game I always think to myself "Oh boy, 200 years of collective game design experience comin' in hot!!"
same to fizz, same to kat, same to kassadin, same to yasuo, same to previous akali, same to sett, same to previous aphelios, same to senna oh they are not midlaners..
Oooooh shieet this game sucks!!!
@@teenagesilver6512 "BUT I'M ADDICTED. .SO I CAN'T QUIT." - Tyler1. . Wise words
@@vukvelickovic7503 yup, me to, what to do. If a lot of champs are busted, it's not a bad game.
zoes pretty balanced, you get rewarded for dodging her nuke from north korea and she can get heavily punished after failing a nuke,provided she doesnt have her spells and she hasnt stolen your flash
@@owo4470 I think you mean sylas/the not anymore existing cleptomancy rune. Zoe can only pick up candy from the ground, not steal things. 😂
Azir made it into honorable mentions :') this is the most beautiful day I've ever had
Temaru Phan yet to play him well on a high level it’s really hard. Even faker had a hard time with him
@@Sol-vs2tm I heard as much. Sadly I think he isn't nearly rewarding enough for how hard it is to play him perfectly. So for soloq he will never truly be a beast unless riot finally decides to give him some love
Temaru Phan Very true, 5v5 it can be a different story although still hard to master, but as for solo q, it isn’t worth to play him
Akali #8 on 1v9 champs
Also Akali on the Mobalytics tier list: D-Tier
Akali is a champ that can be easily thrown off
Ans then there is Ahri doing everything and nothing at the same time at the point of being played as a support
That's what a jack of all trades, master of none type of champion is. She's pretty good. Very consistent.
It'd be a problem if she was something like Azir at its prime who could bring Orianna levels of utility, Kayle levels of DPS from Xerath levels of range all while having mobility, which none of the before mentioned champions have, and still having a damn turret. Ahri is the jack of all trades done right.
I main Ahri and she can certainly carry hard if you start roaming hard after hitting level 6. I have ended games with over 25 kills, less than 5 deaths and over 900 AP. You can oneshot everything that isn't a tank. Thought I should say that I'm dirt low elo (iron 1 XD) but I'm not smurffing nor good at the game and I still pull some triple and even quadra kills with her quite often.
@@lonewolfmoon9184 Very few champions can't oneshot everything that isn't a tank if you give them 900 AP. The point still stands, she's no super star by any means, but she's fine.
8:05 if you listen real close you can hear Urgott saying, “GET OVER HERE!”
I dont hear it
@@mattmuravnik8790 your blind
How is Talon not on this list? I main him and he’s exceptional for applying pressure around the map and winning multiple lanes. With the conqueror build, he doesn’t have an atrocious lategame either. Granted, he can’t solo carry a fight like a skilled Vladimir or Kassadin can, but he can basically win the game for his team before the teamfight phase begins.
well I noticed that the ones that 1v9 are team fighters in this list, or have an ability that makes it hard to kill them like fizz and LeBlanc. Talon if he gets cant walk around CC is done for. So he can only really make picks and try to capitalize on em with his team.
@@mirage2847 nah, the only reason people ever play talon is because he can carry super hard with his dmg and roaming
in that case ur winning other peoples lane, and then hoping they don't immediately int and lose. Its not 1v9, u got the lead, but not the game
@@lackoflazy2956 idk buddy, my most played champion is talon. Sometimes I have a 5/0/whatever kda but come to the point when teir 1 towers are down and everyone contest dragon. I can only take down adc, then I'm left with just W and Q to jump in and out of fights waiting for cool downs on my W so I can proc passive. When I q in and get peeled by their tank, while I'm aiming for say their support since I wqr adc already. I get CC by tank then support and die. Give a big shutdown they either wipe my team or my team wipes them. But maybe I'm playing him wrong.
He mentioned them in the end with qyiana and zed aswell.
He said he dont want the list to be to cramped with the same play style champs so he took kata and lb as a roaming assassin example
Is it my time to rant about how Fizz is so disgusting as a champ he deserves to be deleted before even Aphelios? Hmmm...
My main:)
@ebah maika ti yh defo not very difficult, coming from a fizz player. Mechanically on the easier side infact, not quite garen level but ya know. For some counterplay, he gets outscaled into a squishie knockup bot in late game if hes not hard snowballing, so theres dat, think of de fact that he quite literally has no options to poke with in lane so try to not let him snowball in lane and u should be set, gl.
3:29 my guy flexing his french skills
what does a british surname have to do with france? lol
Kapitan Odbytnica the first time he said it is the way french people pronounce her name I think
@ Why do you think that's a british surname? LeBlanc is a contraction of 2 french words, le blanc means the white
Do you think you can solo carry with tryndamere from iron to Platin easy, if you are good with this champ ? Or are there better champs to easy solo carry
Yeah you can
Yeah you can easily :) I 1 tricked him to d3 last season in 150 games from gold
Would zilean reach atleast 50% pick ban rate if Zilean gets hes W cooldown reduced late game by 0.25 sec?
@@makavili4429 but there are better champs
Goddam I love that Yasuo flame.
2:20 Samira’s W though.... *laughs in 360 protection*
when you pronounced "leblanc" the french way my french leblanc main heart actually melted. thank you ♥
Ma boi Azir is here too
how sad I only see one single mage that is Syndra
if anything close to it named Zoe but not even close to be.
Zoe is definitely a mage too. Also Cassiopeia, Vladimir, LeBlanc, and debate-ably Sylas.
@@Bosman0555 Cassiopeia is a Battlemage
@@Eric-ib4es still a magr
Zoe is burst artillery. Syndra is full burst. Sylas is a AP skirmisher. Cass and Vlad are both battle mages
Wait, does this include your feeding '0/11 by minute 20' team?
Make one for top
Wukong is pretty good for top
Top doesnt carry or impact the game
@@oliverhoryna1764 it does if you're good at it
@@oliverhoryna1764 it does if you arent an ignorant hashinshin fanboy
@@etro0972 it really doesnt impact as hard as other lanes in high elo most games i play they either have almost no impact or impact by picking tp to snowball their botlane,im not THAT high elo so i could be wrong on how it goes in master and above
This is pretty much every single mid laner for season 10
1. Katarina
Me an Annie Otp oh yeah, it's gamer time.
Don't do my Katarina dirty like that.
What do you think about Orianna as a solo carry champion? Does she fall into the same category as Azir, Viktor, and Veigar?
CAN i ask you why there is not a lot of et adc because compare to other lanes i dont see i can choose from original adc avilable ?
Me: plays syndra
Also me: 5:57
I don't know how Cassio is strong early game. She literally cannot do more than 5 Fangs before going out of mana (considering you have tear with 150-200 mana) besides not nuking people down. Specially in Solo Q when junglers don't tend to give you second blue, Cassio should expect to sit on lane until tear has at least 300 mana to be some kind of viable in any fight.
Would love to see this type of content for Top Lane!
You don't need a guide for Top Lane. Top is completely useless at 1v9 and doesn't have any impact on the outcome of the game. Although you can play Renekton, but then you need to win at min 15, but thats not impossible with him.
Top lane can't carry though unless you play vayne top like a cheeser.
LOVED this video, more for other lanes?
where is talon?
@ oh..
OlciXx talon suks
@@tylergames943 nope he is good
@@tylergames943 54% wr "suck" right
He's talking about 1 v 9 champions. Talon is super strong in the early game, however later on he loses a lot of power.
yay! my akali is on the list now , but I'm happy because my main Kat is in number 1 place , as expected 😁
I would've ranked Zoe and Vlad a little higher on the list. Apart from being able to do vital picks, Zoe can just pop-off in teamfights with the high amount of Summoners being thrown, and Vlad can actually carry games from mid-game too with the proper itemization.
I'm a mid and I like this list. My top 4 most played are irelia, yasuo, LB, Zoe. Super OP.
Al of them are op except yasuo
Napoleon Bonaparte you are a meme.
Wa9of oh my god are u hardstuck gold? U can argue that windwall is broken but yasuo is exploitable
loved it
Sure talon doesn't exist sure Zoe is better :". )
Way better, love Zoe
Talon late is trash
Nice Video.
Thx for all.
A question... Where is Ryze ? 🙈
If you ignore all the angry Ekko and Yasuo mains this is a really good vidio.
Damn, my Talon actually made it. I'm so happy. But talon is not that good in the late game and I can't carry a lot of games in the low elo so, I'm thinking of a new champ to carry a game like Akali, Fizz something with great mobility cuz that's my type of play
Why play Katarina and get resets on your cooldowns in teamfights when you can just play Ekko and not have cooldowns in the first place?
Yeah just play Ekko and spam your very difficult combo made of Q and E and if something goes wrong just press R for get out of jail card
Is it a good idea to pick up Zoe as a main for a begginer like me? I am willing to put the time into it. What do you think?
You will put the time into her mechanics instead of focusing on the midlane fundamentals, watch Coach Curtis on youtube and learn the fundamentals while playing a simple champion, then after you learn you can pick her up....if you play her first though you will be focusing on her abilities most of the time and not your laning phase
I'm a Zoe one trick hmu if u want tips
You can pick her up and do good without being that focused on her abilities, R E then Q is a very cheesy combo in lane, 2 of them and its almost always a kill, just be careful when you don't have E up.
PekinWoof is a Zoe main that has some nice videos on her in youtube
Be extra careful if you are against Lee Sin, Rek Sai, Olaf, Elise or Xin Zhao in the jungle.
Thanks for the Shaq reference for all the boomers.
It's weird to think kids nowadays don't know who Shaq is
Ik shaq but what is the reference?
While im a veigar main. I consider velkoz to be better champion to carry. He has magic resist in ass because of his true damage. All of his spells are aoe. And his ultimate is just perfect for carrying teamfights. Yes veigar can more effectively oneshot squishies and his cage helps a lot in laning phase vs ganks while vel is easly gankable and his e isnt such a lifesaver. But vel can just deal a lot more damage to more than one target and just ignore magic res making him much better for teamfights in my opinion.
To be fair, I think the scenarios where you actually have to solo carry are incredibly rare.
Of course, the number of games that you have to carry yourself depend on the elo you are at.
In silver or bellow, it's a pretty common occurrence. But if you're in that elo, you should prioritize simple, and consistent champs that teach you the game, over champs that let you 1v9. When I was silver, I tried to carry with Kassadin, but I just simply couldn't pull it off (It was at late season 8, where he had a 45% winrate). So, I decided to pick up Malz, which was a good choice.
In gold elo, it's not that common, but it still happens from time to time. At that point, you know the basic fundamentals, so you should choose the champ that fits you the best, and just play him/her from here on out. Of course, if your playstyle is solo carrying, then this list can be pretty useful to you.
I'm personally more of a setup, and control type of player. My second most played role is support, and I main Bard there, while I also play the following from time to time: Yuumi, Seena, Karma, Nami, Janna, and Braum.
And in midlane, my most common champions are Aurelion Sol, Xerath, Sylas, Qiyana, and Lissandra.
But in ranked, I mostly just pick ASol every game, despite the fact that he might be the worst solo carry midlaner in the game (well, I guess after Zilean and Karma, but they are supports).
And despite that, I still have around 58-60% winrate on him, in high plat/low diamond. Why? Because he might be one of the worst solo carry midlaners, but he sure is the best setup midlaner (I think he even beats Lissandra at that).
And just setting up, peeling, and generally assisting teammates can be enough to get you a win. As long as you do it properly, without falling behind yourself of course (sometimes I do fall behind, but it doesn't really matter if we have a Kha'Zix or an Aphelios)
But I gotta say, most people DO prefer the solo carry playstyle, so banning a solo carry champion is a really good idea.
I personally ban Syndra, cus I have no idea how to play that matchup. Her Q CD is too low, the E speed and hitbox is messed up, and her damage is absolutely nuts. She has more range than me, better extended trade than me, better burst trade than me, better gank setup, better waveclear, and also stronger lvl 6. The only thing I could think of, is sitting back and not doing anything until the jungler comes, or we get to midgame teamfights, where I sort of outscale her.
i use high mobility champs with range like ahri against syndra, since that basically means she cant do anything to me while i can poke her to oblivion
this should be titled: list of champ everyome below diamond shouldnt splay in solo q
kassadin can be played cause no one knows how to finish games
Da Daniel in bronze games finish at 10-15 min now
Okay but that Shaq joke made me laugh
This video help me know what humps to use mid solo queue thx
You are amazing Adam
As a Kasadin player how hard is he to learn and what advice can you give about playing him.
Everytime there is a talon they end up 20 and 0 so.... missing one
Can we just consider that Kassadin, Fizz and Diana are all on this list...with Kat at #1 spot. Those 3 are hard counters to Kat with almost no skill at winning against her (aside from Kassadin, he needs a little skill to win lane). Fizz hits 6, 100 to 0's Kat even if he's behind., Q to win.
My syndra made the list, I am happy. Her first blood potential is insane
Thanks you, bro
So katarina isnt broken her runes and builds are? I agree
Aplws autoi pou paizoun einai kaloi... alla to conq einai spasmeno
@@pathmenosmathitis2878 eimai kata main, sto lane me tsakizoun champs like diana and fizz poy einai broken, meta kati ginetai
My 3 favorite mid laners; Anivia, Ahri and Aurelion Sol didn't make this list which saddens me to some degree, but it also means the never get banned either so....
Anivia always underrated
9:27 No, maybe top five but Fiora, Jax, and Tryndamere all take turrets at a speed that is just absurd. I have played Diana as well as the listed top laners, the others are faster.
you forgot rumble. rumble has amazing teamfight potential and he is very good at roaming
Can you make a video about team champions,and how to use them the best.
Glad to see my zoe
What are your thoughts on ekko mid?
Good for roaming tbh kinda slow early great when hit 6
I think mid lane is a better choice to carry even if your jungler is bad instead of toplane because as a midlaner you can help the losing lanes easily by roaming when you win and push your lane.but toplaners cant carry because if you play toplane you have a 50% chance to lose and 50% to win the game cuz solo carry doesn't mean you can 1v9 but helping the team win their lanes
Why isn't Talon on this list?
What about a video about off meta champs like renekton or graves or zin zoa playing mid etc...
So glad you put Kat rank 1, but yeah her lane does suck and cc counters hard
Tell me a champ what can carry if get hits by CC do not die
On what resolution is this gameplay ?
I have super monitor
Super pc
And i dont have so beautifull grafik ingame ? Anyone help
Ur specs?
@@okaeri80 bro maxxed out pc
I need the settings
@@AciDI3uRnSx3 how the fk would I know if it's a maxed out pc. Do you have a 3090? 5950x?
@@okaeri80 3090 rtx
I have been a zoe otp for almost all of this season, but I’m still confused on how to team fight properly. There are always minions or tanks in the way, and unless we are ahead, I can’t really help the fight (unless the adc is frontline for some reason). Can you explain how zoe team fights? :)
Use your E to control terrain, and if you hit the backline is GG
Play a flank angle, look for e's through the wall from unwarded areas onto the back line from the side.
at the end you can solo carry on almost all midlane champs.
This is more of a question than a suggestion which of these item should I build on akali lich bane or Nashors tooth
For the love of god not nashors
ŁastŁotus why not it’ll give me 20% cdr, 80 ap and 50% atkspd so I can prof my passive and take towers faster I know Koch will give me burst potential but it has mana which is useless on akali unless the passive out weigh uselessness of that stat
@@bluethunder92291 there are just better items for akali. The atk speed is kinda wasted on her since u never want to stay close to your enemy for more than 1 auto. So unless the enemy opens mid and you want to push faster, nashors is just not worth buying.
P.S if you want to push fast and still assasinate your enemies, then I recommend diana.
the first « Leblanc » you said was the right one please y’all need to stop saying « Leblank » 😂😂
what about Aurelion Sol?
Aurelion excels at roaming, and relying on your teammates in low elo is not exactly a wise move.
Central Intelligence Agency didn’t expect the CIA to reply to me
@@cosmicthanos Lately CIA has been working with League. XD
Rajat Sharma to try and balance the game
i main mid since season 2 and im totally agree with you, nice rank, good job :D
kassadin is free win if you get level 16 (elo plat or lower)
True.. But sometimes it is hard when your bot lane is 0/6 in 5th minute spamming "ff 15" to all chat..
It's incredible how fast a lot of low elo players give up and stop doing anything... you can be an 8/0 adc and they'll still ff just because the jungler got his blue buff stolen from the enemy supp lvl 1.... (true story)
@@adelholzenerbier had a game where jungler cried all game about his 2nd blue being stolen
i don't have a problem with any of these things that the channel provides, I have a problem with carrying with macro and game knowledge in the mid to late game, I guess my brain is just overfilled with information cuz I really abuse minions and I can manipulate my waves pretty well.
Im still waiting for every mid laner counter
Why didnt Ahri made it in the rankings? By the way, which is a better champion for low elo, Cassiopea or LeBlanc?
Cuz is useless and just win games slowing people with GA,thing what a lot of champs can do?
Solid list agree with all tbh except yasuo. I feel like he probably doesn't belong because he's too easily countered and has a harder time in the tank meta that has come about thanks to bami cinder update
Why have you guys stopped making META-deck videos for Legends of Runeterra?
Someone remembered Cassiopeia exists...gasp.
What? She is pretty much picked or banned in half of my games.
@@adelholzenerbier ok I'll tell you the full story there is a condition to this see I've played enough of the game to see Cassiopeia played in a few games over the years however almost all of them are high elo Silver and above Bronze and Iron Cassiopeia doesn't really exist.
Vladimir is similar to the point that almost every diamond I know is a Vladimir main.
@@vapersmith7859 kinda sucks to play her in bronze. I agree
@@adelholzenerbier I mean I can do it but few do if they are it usually means its a gold or Silver in bronze because its when they hit silver that they usually pick up Cassiopeia.
The higher the rating you go the more you see her for some reason until you look at challenger replays where you see Cassiopeia almost every game.
Hey, i dont agree with leblanc amd zoe because i think that the way they 1v9 works only in high elo (love your videos btw)
Isn't that better?
i dont understand what riot are waiting to nerf kata , like just look her winrate
Best control mage late game? AHEM WHERE IS MY AZIR
Ekhem WhERe Os My VeL'KoZ ? :'c
Ummm don't u think u forgot a certain bald, blue, full of runes man carrying a scroll on his back?
3:29 we call her 2chainz
late game kassadin is late game viktor but with flash on 2 second cd.
I currently play mordekaiser What's a good cheap mid laner
morde is a top laner. a good impactful mid laner for 1350 is twisted fate.
Whats happens with Talon bru??
"it's like if shaq got infinite free throws on a foul... sure he might get 2 or so and it might take half an hour..."
why gotta do shaq dirty like that
undertagged I usually try to pick someone with my E over the wall before teamfight. I am always trying to make the team fight 4v5 because Zoe is so good for catching people unprepared
Also if you see your tanks in the front team fighting do not go behind them because you will usually hit the enemy tanks, try to position behind the wall and hit your E on adc. Also If I am having a fed adc or very good one and I know for examole WW is going for him I can E the WW to help my adc
I can also won a team fight just by picking up summoners spells, I can ignite, I can heal and I can use Redemption
Remember even hitting only tanks is t that bad, you are doing very big dmg even to them
@@Nathanea ok.... i didn't ask.... but ok
undertagged OH somebody asked here how to teamfighr with Zoe and I wrote it to you not the right person sorry
Surprised Galio didn’t make the list
Do one for top lane
Can we get same vid for jung?
Justin Ooi he already made a jungle video
i main zilean mid but i lack the team to work together which brought me to this video.
Annie: hold my bear
I'm surprised that ekko didn't make the list
wait so akali isn’t a human ward anymore?
You forgot to say Vel'koz as best all time mid ever. I forgive you this time
Yes I agree Yasuo solo carries suuuuper hard except the thing is what he’s solo carrying is the enemy team when he’s on my team
the problem of carry self is when all enemy team start to do strategy for only got you when you team is fucking around stealing jungle gold and exp
*cries in Qiyana*
No Ekko? Strange. He even doubles as a jungler if you get autofilled.
Mmh your top 4 are pretty much my entire midlane champion pool.. well good for me?
What about ekko?
blind pick footage wow nice