3 Pillars of Existence by Sadhguru | Reaction

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024
  • Come and join me to see what I think about how Sadhguru explains existence.
    IG: zuzanareacts
    Original video: • 3 Pillars of Existence...

ความคิดเห็น • 101

  • @rajyadavrajiitian
    @rajyadavrajiitian ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Hinduism is a treasure of spirituality ..the more you search the more you find ...its a love for all.. hatred for none path ...

  • @Satvik_108
    @Satvik_108 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    For those who are wondering how many books 🌚
    1. VEDAS 1. Rig-veda 2. Sama-veda 3. Yajur veda - Black and White, 4. Atharva-veda
    2. Brāhmaṇas - 1. Aitareya, 2. Kausitaki, 3. Śankhāyana, 4. Taittiriya, 5. Kāṭha, 6. Śatapatha, 7. Pañcavimsa, 8. Şaḍvimśa, 9. Jaiminiya, 10. Sama-vidhānam, 11. Chandogya, 12. Gopatha
    3. Aranyakas 1. Aitareya, 2. Kauṣitaki, 3. - Sankhāyana, 4. Taittiriya, 5. Kāṭha, 6. Bṛhadaranyaka, 7. Tālavakra
    4. Major Upanisads
    1. Aitareya, 2. Kausitaki, 3. Taittiriya, 4. Katha, 5. Maitri, 6. Bṛhadaraṇyaka, 7. Śvetāśvatara, 8. Īsa, 9. Chāṇḍogya, 10. Kena, 11. Mundaka, 12. Mandukya, 13. Praśna.
    5. Minor Upanisad
    1. Adhyatma Up. 2. Advaya-tāraka Up. 3. Akşa-mālika Up. 4. Akşi Up. 5. Amṛta-bindu Up. 6. Annapurna Up. 7. Atharva-sikha Up. 8. Atharvaśirasa Up. 9. Atma Up. 10. Atma-bodha Up. 11. Avadhūta Up. 12. Avyakta Up. 13. Bahvṛicha Up. 14. Bhasma-jābala Up. 15. Bhavana Up. 16. Bhiksuka Up. 17. Brahma Up. 18. Brahma-vidya Up. 19. Brihad jabāla 20. Dakṣina-murti Up. 21. Dattatreya Up.
    21. Devi Up. 23. Dhyana-biṇḍu Up. 24. Ekākṣara Up. 25. Ganapati Up. 26. Garbha Up.27. Garuda Up. 28. Gopala-tapiniya Up. 29. Gopala-pūrva-tapini Up. 30. Hamsa Up. 31.Hayagrīva Up. 32. Iśāvāsya Up. 33. Jabāla Up. 34. Jabali Up. 35. Kaivalya Up. 36.
    Kālāgni-rudra Up. 37. Kali-santarana Up. 38. Katha Up. 39. Katha-rudra Up. 40. Kṣurika Up. 41. Mahā Up. 42. Mähä-nārāyana Up. 43.
    Mahā-vākya Up. 44. Maitrayani Up. 45. Maitreyi Up. 46. Mandala-brahmaṇa Up. 47. Maṇḍūkya Up. 48. Mantrika Up. 49. Mudgala Up. 50. Muktika Up. 51. Nada-bindu Up. 52. Nārada parivrājaka Up. 53. Nirālamba Up. 54. Nirvana Up. 55. Nrsimha uttara tāpini Up. 56. Nrsimha-pūrva-tapini Up. 57. Paingala Up. 58. Pañca-brahma Up. 59. Para-brahma Up. 60.Paramahamsa Up. 61. Paramahamsa-parivrājaka Up. 62.
    Pasupata-brahmaṇa Up. 63. Prāṇāgnihotra up. 64. Rāma rahasya Up. 65.
    Rāma-pūrva-tāpiniya Up. 66. Rāma-tāpiniya Up. 67. Rudrakṣa-jabāla Up. 68. Śāṇḍilya Up.
    69. Sanyasa Up. 70. Sarabha Up. 72.
    Sarasvati-rahasya Up. 73. Śaririka Up. 74. Sarva-sāra Up. 75. Satyayaniya Up. 76. Saubhagya-lakṣmi Up. 77. Sīta Up. 78. Skanda Up. 79. Subala Up. 80. Śuka-rahasya Up. 81. Surya Up. 82. Tarasāra Up. 83.Tejo-bindu Up. 84. Tri-sikhi-brahmana Up. 85. Tripura tapini Up. 86. Tripura Up. 87. Turiyatīta avadhūta Up. 88.Tripāda-vibhūti-mahā-nārāyaṇa Up. 89. Varaha Up. 90. Vasudeva Up. 91. Vajrasucika
    Up. 92. Yajnavalkya Up. 93. Yoga-cūḍāmaṇi Up. 94. Yoga-kundalini Up. 95. Yoga-sikha Up.96. Yoga-tattva Up.
    6. Upa Vedas - 1. ayur-Veda. 2. dhanur Veda 3. sastra-śāstra 4. gandharva-Veda 5. sthāpatya-Veda 6. silpa-śāstra.
    7. Grihya Sutras 1. Aśvalayana, 2. Kausitaki,
    3. Sankhāyana, 4. Baudhāyana, 5. Āpastamba, 6. Hiranyakeśin, 7. Bhāradvāja, 8. Satyasadha, 9. Vaikhānasa, 10. Parāśkara, 11. Gobhila, 12. Khadira, 13. Jaimini,14. Kausika. 15. Vaikhānasa.
    8. Dharma Shastras -1. Manu Smrti, 2. Yajnavalkya Smrti, 3. Parāśara Smrti, 4. Viṣṇu, 5. Dakṣa, 6. Samvarta, 7. Vyasa, 8. Hārita, 9. Sātātapa, 10. Vasistha, 11. Yama, 12. Āpastamba, 13. Gautama, 14. Devala, 15. Śankha, 16. Likhita, 17. Uṣāna, 18. Atri, 19. Śaunaka, 20. Angirasa, 21. Katyāyana 22. Vaikhānasa 23. Madalasa (written by a woman).
    9. Major Puranas - 1. Visnu, 2. Bhāgavata, 3. Padma, 4. Nāradiya, 5. Garuda, 6. Varaha 7. Matsya, 8. Linga, 9. Skanda, 10. Kurma, 11. Śiva, 12. Agni 13. Brahmā, 14. Brahma-vaivarta, 15. Vāmana, 16. Brahmanda, 17. Märkandeya, 18. Bhavisya.
    10. Minor Puranas 1. Adya 2. Narasimha 3. Skanda 4. Shivadharma 5. Durvasa 6. Naradiya 7. Kapila 8. Vamana 9. Aushanasa 10. Brahmanda 11. Varuna 12. Kalika 13. Maheshvara 14. Samba 15. Saura 16. Parashara 17. Maricha 18. Bhargava
    11. Tantras (a) Śivagama 1. Kāmika 2. Sūkṣma 3. Candrajñāna 4. Yogarāja 5. Cintya 6. Kāraṇa 7. Makutha 8. Ajita 9. Raurava 10. Dipta 11. Sahasra 12. Aṁśumat 13. Suprabheda
    (b) Rudragama 1. Vijaya 2. Nihśvāsa 3. Svayambhuva 4. Anala 5. Vīra 6. Vimala 7. Mukhabimba 8. Prodgīta 9. Lalita10. Siddha 11. Santana 12. Śarvokta 13. Pārameśvara
    14. Kirana 15. Vatula
    (c) Śaktāgama - 1. Chinnamasta Tantra, 2. Gandharva T. 3. Ganapati T.4. Svacchanda T. 5. Guptasādhana T. 6. Jñānārṇava T. 7. Kākachandiśvara-kalpa T. 8. Nirvana T.9. Kali T. 10. Niruttara T.11. Kamakhya T.12. Kaulavali T.13. Kubjika T. 14. Kulāchuḍāmaṇi T. 15. Kundalini T. 16. Malinivijayottara T. 17. Matrikabheda T. 18. Māya T. 19. Netra T. 20. Nila Tantra T. 22. Saraswati T. 23. Tantra-loka T. 24. Tantra-rāja T. 25. Tāra T. 26. Vināsikha T. 27. Yogini T. 28. Yoni T. 29. Mahā-nirvāṇa T. 23. Prapancasāra T. 24. Toḍala T. 25. Kulārṇava T. 26. Viṣṇu-yamala T. 27.Rudra-yamala T. 28. Brahma-yamala T. 29. Kula-sāra T.
    12. Agamas (Vaiṣṇava)
    (a) Vaikhānasa Āgama.
    (b) Pañcarātra āgama:- 1. Īśvara Samhita,2. Parama S. 3. Brihad Brahma S. 4. Pauskara S. 5. Sättvata S. 6. Jñānāmṛtasāra S. 7. Agastya S. 8. Aniruddha S. 9. Ahirbhudnya S. 10. Kapiñjala S. 11. Kasyapa S. 12. Jayākhya S. 13. Jñānāmṛtasāra S. 14. Nāradīya S. 15. Paramapuruşa S. 16. Parāśara S. 17. Pädma S. 18. Pārameśvara S. 19. Purusottama S. 20. Pauskara S. 21. Bharadvaja S. 22. Mārkaṇḍeya S. 23. Lakṣmi Tantra S. 24. Viśvamitra S. 25. Vişņu-Tilaka S. 26. Viṣṇu S. 27. Visvaksena S. 28. Śāṇḍilya S. 29. Seşa S. 30. Śrīpraśṇav 31. Sanatkumāra S. 32. Hayaśīrśa Samhitas.... And 100 more unpublished.
    13. Itihāsas
    1. Rāmāyanas (Sanskrit - many more in regional languages.)
    (a) Valmiki Rāmāyaṇa, (b) Agastya Rāmāyaṇa, (c) Adhyatma Rāmāyaṇa, (d) Adbhuta Rāmāyaṇa; (e) Vasiṣṭha Rāmāyaṇa (f) Laghu Yoga Vasistha, (g) Ananda Rāmāyaṇa, (h) Ramokhyana Parva.
    2. Mahābhārata
    3. Harivamsa.
    14. Gitas
    1. Anu-gītā, 2. Avadhūta-gītā, 3. Aṣṭāvakra-gītā, 4. Kapila-gītā 5. Adhyātma Gītā 6. Arhad-gītā Or Tattva-gītā 7. Bhagavad Gītā 8. Bhikṣu-gītā 9. Bodhya-gītā 10. Brahma-gītā 11. Brāhmaṇa-gītā 12. Devī-gītā 13. Gaṇeśa-gītā 14. Hamsa-gītā 15. Har-gītā 16. Hārīta-gītā 17. Jayanteya-gītā 18. iśvara-gītā, 19. Kapila-gītā 20. Manki-gītā 21. Mahāvīra Gītā (Jaina) 22. Pāṇḍava-gītā 23. Parāśara-gītā 24. Pingala-gītā 25. Prema-gītā 26. Rāma-gītā 27. Rudra-gītā 28. Śiva-gītā 29. Śivaśampāka-gītā 30. Sūrya-gītā 31. Sūta-gītā 32. Vicikhyu-gītā 33. Vṛtra-gītā 34. Vyādha Gītā 35. Vyāsa-gītā 36. Yama-gītā, 37 Ribhu gītā, 38 Uddhava gītā, 39 Janaka gītā.
    15. Social Sciences
    1. Aesthetics (a) Kama-sūtra (b) Koka Śāstra, (c) Anangaranga.
    2. Polity & Administration - Artha-śāstra
    3. Encyclopaedia - Brihatsamhita
    4. Ethics - Nīti sastra (a) Brihaspati Nīti Śāstra, (d) Vidura N.Ś. (c) Sukra N.Ś. (d) Canakya Rāja N.Ś. (e) Bhritrahāri N.Ś (f) Kamaṇḍaki N.Ś
    5. Jātaka Mālā 6. Pañca-Tantra 7. Hitopadeśa. 8. Kāvya. 9. Nāṭya-śāstra (Dance), 10. Alańkāra sāstra (rhetoric), 11. Sangita Śāstra (Musicology).
    16. Metaphysics (Sad-darśana)
    (1) Mimāmṣa Sūtras (Jaimini), (2) Nyāya Sūtras (Gautama) (3) Sankhya Sūtras (Kapila) (4) Vaiśeśikha Sūtras (Kaṇāḍa) (5) Yoga Sūtras (Patanjali) (6) Vedānta Sūtras (Bādarāyaṇa)

    • @lohithgowda7976
      @lohithgowda7976 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Very good and kind of you brother 😊. I will take a screenshot of this comment and it helps me who want to read most of the books in our sanathana Dharma, thank you 🙏🙏

  • @Satvik_108
    @Satvik_108 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The reason why Buddhism got popular in the first place was because Hinduism was super complex and had a lot of books
    Not to mention later the idealogy was challenged and was proven inferior by Adishankaracharya Ji

  • @just_an_observer-k3r
    @just_an_observer-k3r ปีที่แล้ว +34

    She is right. Abrahamic religions are very easy to understand. Their religion has a single book and you can read that book easily. On the other hand, our culture has so much depth that there is not a single book. If you want to understand Hinduism you have to devote your life to gain knowledge. There are literally hundreds of books.

    • @zuzanareacts
      @zuzanareacts  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      just a reminder that Bible is made up of many books - but of course not what you have :)

    • @unlimitedindian9695
      @unlimitedindian9695 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Not hundreds but more that hundred thousands

    • @vinayak7890
      @vinayak7890 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@zuzanareactsthere are thousands of books and lakhs of commentaries are written on them so even if you only read books of swami vivekananda and books that are published by ramkrishna paramhansh organisation than it will take years to finish those books

    • @adarshmishra5086
      @adarshmishra5086 ปีที่แล้ว

      And someone said it ..right..

    • @saibalbh31
      @saibalbh31 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Do abrahamic religions even try to explain they are prescriptions this is it , u accept it , you can't question it . There is no space for questions .Thank god renaissance happened.

  • @deadpool10000
    @deadpool10000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    🔴 A Trident 🔱 is TriShool
    (TriShool means a weapon which has "Three sharp pointed tips")

  • @experimentnation3612
    @experimentnation3612 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    He is talking about Trishool which is weapon like not a weapon that Lord Shiva Carries in his hand. Just google lord shiva and you will see it in his hand. It looks similar to this emoji 🔱

  • @PrabhatKumar-ng5zp
    @PrabhatKumar-ng5zp ปีที่แล้ว +3

    In hinduism books are summary of knowledge because knowledge can't be in a single book coz knowledge is infinite that's why people need bunch of books for spritual journey

  • @mskathayat7794
    @mskathayat7794 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    reality is one! rest is everything is its manifestation ! "Lila"!

  • @sudhanshusuthda6803
    @sudhanshusuthda6803 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The question you are asking is .. What is the need for all these gods if everything is one. The answer to that is- yes there is only one but he has no qualities or we say it 'gunas ' without any quality or characteristic we can not know him or understand him. So we create an God or aavatar of the quality we want to understand.. And also it helps in the path of devotion and love

  • @j_j_4
    @j_j_4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just remember Ultimate reality is same for all! Just words are different, the meaning is the same

  • @technicalcyclist
    @technicalcyclist ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This life is very pleasant but short lived. Make it as meaningful as you can till u r here for this lifetime ❤

  • @mraswin85
    @mraswin85 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Trisul means a trident, which Shiva carries

  • @j_j_4
    @j_j_4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    To be happy always amidst all odds is the highest Devotion!
    Spiritual Zuzana ❤❤

  • @tattvamashi
    @tattvamashi ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Whole world worship same God. Your culture understand it differently, we understand it differently. God is One.

    • @harshitsingh1600
      @harshitsingh1600 ปีที่แล้ว

      That too is an assumption. Who knows what "is"

  • @garitube09
    @garitube09 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The concept of trinity in Hinduism didn't emerge from the human need to believe in three gods. The Divine incarnations weren't mere imagination to console the believers. These are rather observations of how the Divine manifests itself. Closer one looks into it more details come into the picture. The demigods are not again human imaginations but further components of the same Divine like one arm eventually splits into five fingers with different names and functions. But they nevertheless remain parts of the same organ. The entire human endeavor is supposed to experience these intricacies of the Divine rather than just believing into them or rejecting them altogether. We are free to choose the simple (i.e. monotheism) or the complex version of the Divine or even the absence of it based on our lived experience but without generalizing and labeling other versions as false or unnecessary. 🙏

  • @user-jf5gt9pi4i
    @user-jf5gt9pi4i ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nothing is not a sensory perception, it is an inward realization, through the portal of meditation. Nothing has to be experienced to feel its potentancy. That nothing is simultaneously everything yet nothing. Simply put, the sacredness cannot be described in words, it is something that you have to feel and experience for yourself. Danny South Africa.

  • @aravind4090
    @aravind4090 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Always my favourite man 💥
    One and only Sadhguru 😇 👑😍

  • @tattvamashi
    @tattvamashi ปีที่แล้ว +1

    3 is amazing number

  • @Satvik_108
    @Satvik_108 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Trishul means Trident 🔱🌚

  • @heavenlypot
    @heavenlypot ปีที่แล้ว

    He was talking about trishul (indian trident 🔱)

  • @anantbhushangaur1972
    @anantbhushangaur1972 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Christianity has Bible.
    Islam has quran.
    Hinduism literally has Libraries with thousands of books . Its not easy to understand 🙏

  • @amankishor7301
    @amankishor7301 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Keep uploading such video 👍

  • @devilsgaming8483
    @devilsgaming8483 ปีที่แล้ว

    Trishul is like posiden weapon trident. Shiva has same weapon as posiden

  • @mangeshwalve5575
    @mangeshwalve5575 ปีที่แล้ว

    Like sadguru said, the trinity can be considered as one and hence can think that there is one god in Hindu religion.
    We just divided it into three and then into 3000000 as per our needs.
    Divided into three because as he said there is creator/creation happening, maintenance and destroyer, hence three.
    Further thousands of gods were created in religion to honour the other forces and as a matter of respect.
    Example, sun gives us heat light and human existence so it was also termed as god and given a name and identified as human because we can easily correlate to sun god as superior human than a hot star, for common people's understanding.
    Similarly, we made female as goddesses to respect women, acknowledge their strength and power.
    Similarly, earth, air, animals everything was given a title of god as required.
    But still if you want to boil down to one, Mahadev is the ultimate and one god as I told before
    Infact he's the only one as well as zero (existence and non existence)

  • @anuragchakraborty7129
    @anuragchakraborty7129 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We have different incarnations of god because we recognize the fact that the source of creation is throbbing in every creatures...

  • @newlyrics3854
    @newlyrics3854 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just to inform you Hinduism have many paths, paths like karma yoga, bhakti yoga, gyan yoga, dhyan yoga etc, and about many powers things aka gods, in vedanta there's no God, but of course not everyone can comprehend what upanishad, gita, avadhuta gita, Nirvana Shatakam, astawakra gita, yoga vasistha,etc says, so the sages came with the idea of story telling, so they created the puranas which are pure story's, in purans they created many gods, so that people can have there's own God, to remind everything is God itself, they created the path of nature worship, we worship rivers, mountain, idols, animals, etc. It was for the people who don't understand the highest level of philosophy written in upanishads gita etc, 1 God i book 10 rules and no questions any religion with this approach is just a indoctrination. Only Hinduism offers democracy and freedom in spirituality by giving you the freedom to have a personal road to spirituality. To know hindu philosophy deeper i suggest you to seek a real guru.

  • @vijayamaurya8460
    @vijayamaurya8460 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think this culture of multi-layer, multi-subculture and even multi-gods, even though confusing, opens the people mind to tolerance or inclusion. They realise early on that there can be other cultures in the world which will be different too. And yet if you believe all gods are expression of one, same on a deeper level, it makes it easier to accept other culture even when you can't really understand them.

  • @shishirkumarsky
    @shishirkumarsky ปีที่แล้ว

    Respecting the beliefs of followers, it's important to note that gravity has a mathematical foundation. In the general theory of relativity, gravity is explained as the result of mass and energy curving spacetime.

  • @essee3984
    @essee3984 ปีที่แล้ว

    I understand what the confusion regarding the term 'God' is because of direct English translation. It really depends on what you're referring to. God can refer to the forces of creation like Brahma,Vishnu,Shiva. God can also refer to dieties. God can also refer to historical figures (Kings/Leaders/ Teachers) like Lord Rama. While there's only one word in English i.e. God , we have different terms although for the sake of simplicity we just say God.
    I mean, in our culture we even say Guest is God. So are we saying Guest is the creator? No. God just refers to someone that deserves respect.

    • @zuzanareacts
      @zuzanareacts  ปีที่แล้ว

      aaaaah!!!!! Amazing! thank you sooooo much for calling this out, This is why I love the comment section - so much to learn! ❤

  • @siliconslice
    @siliconslice 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Reacts, you may find most of these confusing, but you may consider one thing that nothing is simple in terms of creation.

  • @samirsingh8125
    @samirsingh8125 ปีที่แล้ว

    Brahma vishnu mahesh are Proton electron nuetron

  • @db3561
    @db3561 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you're diving into spirituality, I would assume that you believe in ghosts or the supernatural too.. As we are alive in the physical dimension right now, our consciousness or the soul which is keeping the physical body alive is in the astral dimension which is parallel to the physical dimension.. Ghosts spirits or other energies tend to be in this astral dimension and some animals are capable enough of seeing such energies.. Now if you watch horror movies and are aware of the powerful negative beings then you also cannot deny the existence of higher positive beings which include higher deities(devtas), or yakshas or souls of enlightened being, etc. The same way as there are demons or angels according to Christianity, there are manifestations of the negative(danavs) and positive(devtas) in Hinduism.. And from what I know at the time of Shri Krishna's death, he denied the entry of these higher energies/beings, positive or negative, in the physical or the astral domain as spirituality and the human consciousness would be at the lowest in Kaliyug.. This is my reasoning about multiple Gods, those are higher positive energies(devtas)..
    Now if you would ask about Vishnu's avatars, you and me and every being or animate thing have Vishnu or God in them.. There is consciousness in everything, just the consciousness in animals birds or in plants is active but unaware, the consciousness in non-living animate things is inactive and the consciousness in humans is active and aware.. As Vishnu has the role of maintenance, he takes an avatar whenever there's an imbalance when Dharma starts getting engulfed by negativity.. Now as I said everyone has Vishnu in them to some extent as we're all the part of the same cosmic energy but we're tarnished or infiltrated by negativity, unlike us the avatar would be a pure concentration of that divine energy which would be like a defense mechanism by the universe to balance out Dharma, now that makes the avatar no less than the Supreme lord himself.. Even if we pray to different forms of Vishnu, they all are Vishnu himself 😅😂 I guess I was able to clear some doubts of yours regarding our multiple gods belief 😊

  • @newlyrics3854
    @newlyrics3854 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hinduism confuses you more so that you ask more questions. Until you realize the questioner itself is false.

  • @Ragsit
    @Ragsit ปีที่แล้ว

    Truth is not to be heard or read or understood, its to be experienced. U seek that experience untill u get it. Thats hinduism 🙏

  • @poruskadesh8845
    @poruskadesh8845 ปีที่แล้ว

    For more details please experience try to understand prectical experience need

  • @sm-ts5vq
    @sm-ts5vq ปีที่แล้ว

    He is talking about Trishul(trident)

  • @Observer9812
    @Observer9812 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you have the time and if it's possible....watch Sadhguru with Yalda Hakim in London. It's a bit long buy the journalist covers some good topics.

    • @iSanjit1996
      @iSanjit1996 ปีที่แล้ว

      One of the best of sadhguru 👌

  • @praveendjkumar477
    @praveendjkumar477 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love my india im indian the beautiful country pless respet to india thank you jai hind jai bharat🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤🇮🇳❤️🇮🇳❤️

  • @ArvindBhaskar
    @ArvindBhaskar 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Whether there is one many manifestations or NONE.
    No other religion discusses all these. three possibilities except SANATAN. 😊😊

  • @Sandeepkumar-ju9py
    @Sandeepkumar-ju9py ปีที่แล้ว


  • @aravind4090
    @aravind4090 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video 🥰☺️

  • @INFINITY00099
    @INFINITY00099 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Zuzana

  • @aaa-lr1du
    @aaa-lr1du ปีที่แล้ว

    You should watch india vs pak cricket match on 2 sep

  • @phoenixj1299
    @phoenixj1299 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are humans. We are physical beings. Our body is physical and even our mind is physical (subtle). Its impossible for mind to perceive that which is formless, tasteless, soundles(ultimate reality, consciousness). The only way to "perceive" its is through meditation. In no other way it can be perceived because thats the nature of the mind. Which is why hindus use multiple symbols(gods) as a representation of yhe infinity. Mind can certainly perceive the physical manifestation or rather physical symbolism of infinity. Thats the only thing mind can relate to it since mind can only relate with that which has form, smell, taste, touch, and sound. So the physical manifestation of infinite or physical symbolism of infinite is the only way that mind can relate to god. Thats why Hindus have multiple Gods/symbols. If you can observe those symbolism carefully, then you will see infinity in them. Another great way to see comprehend the divinity is to see the divine qualities of the infinite in human form. Which are avatars. People can relate to avatars exponentially easier than formless consciousness.

    • @zuzanareacts
      @zuzanareacts  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hear where you are coming from. I just feel the way I have spiritually evolved there is only one consciousness and anyone can connect directly to it - you don't need avatars. I think in Hindu this has been a long standing which is fine - it is just sth that I don't personally relate to or find necessary to relate to if you can go directly to the source if you know what I mean. I though very much appreciate the teachings as I think this is where the knowledge lies instead of by whom it is being told.

    • @phoenixj1299
      @phoenixj1299 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@zuzanareacts Yes consciousness is one. Yes one don't need avatars. Infact one don't need to believe in god. One don't even have to pray to god. BUT ONLY when one does meditation in one form or other or one is 100% selfless. If not it's impossible. How do you connect with consciousness ? Using mind? Connecting to consciousness through mind is a delusion. It's like trying to hurt the water using hands. Using the wrong instrument to connect with the consciousness won't work. Because consciousness is "beyond mind". So even praying won't work. Praying is a "tool" attain the meditative state. Without avatars like Jesus and Krishan there wouldn't be Bible and Gita. Even when it comes to Christianity, an avatar is needed. Advaita Vedanta tradition of hinduism subscribes to one God but it uses yoga as a tool to reach God. The chances of liberation for a population that only subscribes to boundless consciousness is very very less. Nowadays most people don't have the capability and discipline to do that.

  • @aravind4090
    @aravind4090 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First 💖

  • @RichardReavess
    @RichardReavess ปีที่แล้ว

    The Abrahamic religions explaination is too simplistic to explain the complexity of the cosmos, what sadhguru said was a rough overview of the philosophy, Hinduism also has concept of one god, that is Brahman, the trinity of brahma vishnu snd shiva are manifestation of the same consciousness, it is mentioned in almost every scripture of Hinduism, different gods are forms of the same Brahman performing different tasks and devotion to different gods helps one to explore and understand that particular nature of god that is Brahman, and by understanding all the different manifestation of Brahman we can understand the creation, otherwise it is easy to say there is one god and everything is one you me the earth the sun the moon the sky, but, to actually explore this oneness and uniqueness of every aspect of the creation and creator, for human comprehension these sub divisions are necessary to explain certain micro aspects that may be missed if not understood in detail, and to emotionally connect with the surroundings is the goal so the compassion within a human can elevate humanity to new heights and improve the ways of living, we know there is a force of gravity with origins unknown which is the dark matter, we know its force of gravity, but, we do not understand it, to understand any concept there has to be detailed accounts and explainations, newtons laws will help you see the view of cosmos but to actually go to space and utilize satellite navigation, you need Einsteins relativity, you can know the contents of an atom, but, to actually explore its properties of quantum nature you need Niels Bohr, the more understanding there is there will be more concepts and explainations and the more views there are there will be more books and gods and concepts are because of the detailed and in depth understanding of the cosmos and to make it a living reality rather than just a few concepts to read in books, because human intelect functions in vivid associations of objects and repetition and these different gods are ways to bring those concepts into practice and respect the creation, it is built to carter to a varity of point of views a single way of explaination is like western education system creating robots in flesh, like prescribing same medicine for every patient with different problems, thats why so many gods and so many philosophies.

  • @vedaprakash1653
    @vedaprakash1653 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    its 4D reality

  • @himalaya_putr
    @himalaya_putr ปีที่แล้ว

    Videos where he is interacting with Indian audiences you will not be able to understand the cultural references so its better if you look into videos where he is conversing with someone not from India, there are actually various interviews of him which is done by non-indians and Sadhguru explains the interviewee accordingly those will be easier for you to understand.

  • @planetofwonders7965
    @planetofwonders7965 ปีที่แล้ว

    For the people who take fake pride of Hinduism, i just want say walk on the hard path of letting all material things and emotions behind. Then be proud 😊😊

    • @Nexus-fe1yz
      @Nexus-fe1yz ปีที่แล้ว

      what you just said shows how ignorant you are of Hinduism yourself, one of the major karma of Humans are supposed to be follow Dharma, Karma, Kama & Moksh. Even the Saptrishi or any other sage were always married and had homes, had kids only thing you aren't supposed to do is to get attached to it, to the point you base off your existence on them. Even Mahadev cried when Sati died, even Rama cried when Sita was kidnapped.

  • @billtensus
    @billtensus ปีที่แล้ว

    More Sadhguru videos reactions pls. Madammm

  • @Samjoe4985
    @Samjoe4985 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There is one community which will gonna hate you and will comments bad things…..

    • @zuzanareacts
      @zuzanareacts  ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Samjoe4985
      @Samjoe4985 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@zuzanareacts because that community which stays in India but doesn't want India to get develop and they don't digest if anyone is talking good things about this country

    • @zuzanareacts
      @zuzanareacts  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Samjoe4985 The thing is boom of India is set to happen, there is no turning back - 'those' can think what they want

  • @ZeternityEarning
    @ZeternityEarning ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1. God cannot be defined and if u r defining God then u r limiting God. God is limitless and at the same time God is limited. God is most loveable and at the same time God is the most hatred one. God exist and God doesn't exist. God is immortal and mortal too. God is most powerful and the weakest too. What am I saying here is also God and what I or u or anybody can't imagine is also God.
    It is very confusing what I want to tell everybody that's why God can only be experienced.
    If u understood what I want to tell you then you will not look for point or direction to find God. You yourself will become the centre of sphere and will experience the God in every direction at same instant.
    2.Hinduism don't define God, it define the different aspect of reality in different form of Gods.
    3.In real there is no hierarchy that there is a supreme God who created everything and control everything. This hierarchy is made by humans to understand the reality and with passing time everyone will define God in their own interpretation which will represent different dimensions of God but nobody will accept others definition. In monotheistic religions too different group have different interpretation of God.
    Here I am talking about acceptance of philosophy monotheistic religion interpret many thing but less acceptance on the other hand polytheistic religion have also many interpretation and have acceptance too.
    History tells us whenever a philosopher or scientist tell something different from belief, they got punished.

  • @animeknows8408
    @animeknows8408 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ranmalgadhvi5666
    @ranmalgadhvi5666 ปีที่แล้ว

    We see god in averything

  • @pragyansingh2104
    @pragyansingh2104 ปีที่แล้ว

    Trishul means Trident

  • @ggautamr4677
    @ggautamr4677 ปีที่แล้ว

    see the weapons of hindu trinity

  • @JC_SGD
    @JC_SGD ปีที่แล้ว

    Jesus is the only true god and saviour

    • @phoenixj1299
      @phoenixj1299 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is the problem of modern Christians. You are a representation of that my friend. Have an open mind and try to love others.
      Edit: Have an open mind. Only then you can see truth

    • @JC_SGD
      @JC_SGD ปีที่แล้ว

      Whats wrong with saying that Jesus is the only true God?

    • @JC_SGD
      @JC_SGD ปีที่แล้ว

      *When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee,* which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 20:1 KJV
      God's promise to the people of Israel approximately 3000 years ago, we saw it fulfilled in 1948. What more proof is needed that the God of Israel is your God.

    • @phoenixj1299
      @phoenixj1299 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JC_SGD Your statement screams "My god is the only true god. Remaining gods are fake" which is a stance of an ignorant person. These kind of attitude is relevant for barbaric society. Not for civil societies.Truth be told, many sanatanis follow the teachings of Jesus better than many modern Christians.

    • @phoenixj1299
      @phoenixj1299 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JC_SGD Thats a blind belief. It's unscientific. Those verses are equivalent to that of a fiction.

  • @AnandSingh-u5q
    @AnandSingh-u5q ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello Hello u were absent for 2 or 3 days. Sadhguru has range n by now u got some very good u tube channels to understand this culture