I needed to hear this today. I was the worst version of myself yesterday. I think this channel is the closest thing I've had to church since I was a child. Thanks 🙏
Poland here :) Your work is extremely important and much appreciated. Exactly as you said yourself - you are indeed creating a heritage for generations to benefit from.
I believe this is the Best video you've have postes!! Full of compassion to allá, there Is no right ir wrong , just the One. Something changed! You Made me laugh AND cry, you' ve become flexible. Loved It! Thank you so much
I'm so glad you overcame your hesitation and came out to talk about self-righteousness. I'm an environmental activist. There's enough self-righteousness to go around in the activist communities that genuinely care about humanity and nature. I daily wrestle (Mars) with my sometimes subconscious, egoic drives (Pluto) as I examine and try to properly align my motives.
Thank you sir for your uncommon devotion and integrity. Your measured and studied approach to creating a legacy for future astrologers is so inspirational! You are an amazing presence. Thank you for all you do!
I haven't been listening very long but was so impressed with your views in this video in particular. I like how you explain things. It exposes the interconnectedness that I always felt was there but often don't feel or see for myself. It's like opening the hood of a car and explaining how the engine works. Thanks for the humble attitude -- so refreshing.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽preach brother preach, open minded and forgive all. Libertarian here. And I can’t stand the cancel culture. And god forbid there is a difference of opinion, which now blows into such nasty conflict, that I dislike commenting on anything anymore. I’m not almighty I am not perfect but damn why do I get attacked and called names by strangers or even family. It’s so hard lately just to have an opinion. Sometimes I’m wrong and I accept that. But there are better ways to get a point across than condemning someone. Thank you. I just had to vent there. And thank you for your work. You are truly appreciated.
This is my favorite video! That's saying quite a LOT... My astrology evolves with any of your videos, my spiritual life becomes richer through many. This one is SO beautiful. Tears flow. Bless you and your sweet family.
This is probably the best talk you've given. Thank you for all the thought and heart that you put into each offering. I deeply appreciate how you incorporate the words of all the wisdom traditions and bring them down to earth, to useful lessons.
My mantra these past few months have been, I don't know what's right or wrong, but I'm going to keep still and keep going forward. It's really all I could do in this life.
So humbling Acyuta, thank you so much. I really needed to hear this to help with my loosing. To love the lose, and who knows what karmic unfoldings you are helping towards in world by enjoying the lossing circumstance you find. The circumstances are non important, how you deal with what you're feeling is the measuring stick.
What you are describing about the Mars/Pluto dynamic really hits home. The essence of karma yoga is detached action, through surrender to the Lord, to one’s dharma, as I recall from my first reading of the Gita. So thank you for the reminder not to place too much emphasis on results, even in a struggle where the foundations of the world appear to be at stake, and the will feels highly charged. Thank you also for your reflections on winning and losing, and the beautiful teachings from some of my favorite passages in the Bhagavad Gita and Tao Te Ching, along with other sacred sources that are not as familiar to me. This helped so much!
"I am the looser" is such a Saturn in Aquarious slogan. Saturn, according to vedic astrology, rules the common people. Already pledged to your kickstarter!! Thank you.
Your ability to offer need based assistance to me for the first year program means so much! I would not otherwise be able to pursue and continue my astrology education, what has become my passion when previously I thought I may not have any. I always want to pay ppl what they are worth but in spite of my best efforts to get ahead, this year has wiped me out. I know that studying what has become my passion is seriously lifting my spirits and helping me to overcome my circumstances, . I look forward to giving back to the community when im in a more secure place. I see how much you pour into your work, Im impressed by and grateful for your abilty to communicate and get so much information to so many people with such clarity. and for the bhakti content which is also so much great info! sending blessings you meet the stretch goal
You're definitely not alone in your frustration about social and political issues. Loved that you talk about this and I so agree with you about what's going on!
You are not alone. Thank you for you the courage to speak during this very volatile time. I like how you bring all the spiritual practices together. It’s so enlightening. It’s helped me very much.
This is such a great talk!!! I appreciate your sharing sooooo Much. I love the PANspiritual perspective and insights. You speak my thoughts!! Pluto transiting my 3rd house squaring mars in my 6th. Loss of my mentor and cancelled by peers on social media. Betrayal and Loss June. Move communities/ States to Upgraded Beach Location Mid Aug. Death of a pet Mid Oct. Struggling with Surrender Dec. Listening from Central Coast CA...
Thank you! You looked so passionately alive when talking about loosing! It made me chuckle but at myself! That truth had a profound effect on me! I deeply appreciated your candour!
Love your work. Mars Square Pluto is in my natal chart so it’s interesting to hear more perspective on it. I enjoyed hearing from the different texts. 🙏
Thank you Acyuta. You are such a gem! I love your idea for the donation based clinic. I'm with you about the apolitical portion of your talk and I think there's many who are seeing this perspective. I appreciate you so much. I love when you read to us and I'd like you to do a series reading to us the lion witch and wardrobe. That would be super sweet. Abundant Blessings on you and your familia. 💜
Thank you for speaking out against hypocrisy and over zealous virtue signaling. “Truth can bring you to righteousness but righteousness alone brings you to zealotry” -Ram Das
Really grateful for your work and all that you do. I'm really enjoying your course and have learned so much already! Happy to see all of your growth! Thanks for being of service!
i think we have to see what goodness is.....it isnt words, its deeds.....its service to others - i have spent most of my lifetime walking a spiritual path.....but my greatest lesson came from a family who has no spiritual aspiration at all.......they are just good people who love each other deeply. They are humble and want only for each other to be happy.......then i turn and look at the spiritually community and i often see something completely different. As you say it is about the small.....the holy lives in the small.....that is what we need to serve.
Thank you for making Astrology accessible to everyone; your ideologies always resonated with mine and, as a student of your teachings, i'll be happy to represent and respect the Nightlight Astrology's tradition in my own practice when i get there. 🙏🔥💚
Mars sq. Pluto was apparently not enough for me... I needed to step it up by having t. Pluto conjunct my natal mars all this time (in 12th)! I feel such a capacity to explode!
This is such a good talk!! I really appreciate how mindful you are of people who might be allergic to Christian symbolism, but the way you reinterpret the Lord's Prayer is absolutely mindblowing and I would love to hear more of your takes on Christian stuff. Both Mars and Pluto have played important parts for me this year, and this talk was so grounding and brings so many healthy perspectives into view, I'll have to rewatch and take notes. Thank you for everything that you do.
This is a great video! I was researching Mars and Pluto transit relationships and I'm very happy to have found your video. I love how you discuss legalistic thinking, fear of being weak, righteous mentality vs humbleness, finding the benefits and freedom in losing- ALL OF IT! And I think this pertains very much to one of the biggest collective lessons society is (and has been) undergoing in 2022. To me, it feels like we are smack dab in the middle of learning and practicing how to NOT judge every event and person in terms of good or bad. I mean, there is still plenty of that happening but there is also a world wide momentum where people are waking up to the realization that that way of thinking has not been serving them best. Instead of demonizing what they don't like, understand or fear, there are more people taking a minute to consider their personal reactions and as a result, they are cracking open their hearts and minds and entertaining the alternative- open curiosity, love and compassion. It's been so ingrained in people to win, be superior or better- but many are questioning why, why am I living this way but it's not making me any happier? It's quite exciting to consider the transformation of humanity and how we might evolve deeper within our divinity when our responses are rooted in love.
Subtleties of honesty....always being clear on motives and recognizing that any little spike of anger is an opportunity to route out an underlying fear/limitation. thanks for the clarity!
Hi I'm Nicole from SanJose California, and I already feel a lot lighter!! Cause I'm a Sag rising and it was a tough year, the Aquarius energy feels a lot better!! Already feel it. Thank you for all ur work
Thank you very much for your eloquent talk! The part „....and simply surrender to me...“ was most important to me. Each time I start meditating (again :)) something in me feels terribly victorious or right. Once I read a buddhist story that goes kind of like that: Somebody goes on a journey to visit an enlightened holy man who lives as a hermit on an island. He askes the old man what his secret to enlightenment was. The man kindly tells him a mantra that he recites day and night. The visitor recognizes the mantra as a very well known one but is shocked because the hermet recites it with many mistakes. He tells him how it is spoken correctly. The hermit thanks him enthusiastically as the visitor gets into his boat to cross the lake. Once he reaches land he takes a break and sits down. All of a sudden somebody taps onto his shoulder. Looking back there is the old man who kindly requests to repeat the correct mantra once again for him as he has forgotten it. The visitor teaches him the correct mantra. The hermet gratefully bows before him, turns around and walks across the water to his island.
This was very inspiring. Thank you for your thoughtful piece on Mars/Pluto. I agree with you on the exposition of righteousness and virtue signaling. There is too much of it right now and it isn't helping. I appreciate that you draw from so many sources of inspiration! I will review this again. Blessings to you and all those listening to this talk. Thank you.
Truly what you offer is remarkable. I am beyond grateful for your decision and commitment to serve as you do. And you keep expanding. A tremendous boon and example. Thanks so much for the general upliftment. Kickstarter contribution--yes! Honored to participate, even modestly.
This was amazing. You are articulated so many things that I have been feeling about the current political climate. Thank you so much. I’m endlessly grateful for you taking the risk to share your feelings / experience
Thank you! Always good to learn about Pluto effects. Pluto aspects all my inner planets. Definitely feeling the impact on Mars square Pluto transit. Mars inconjuncts Pluto in my natal.
Here 🙏🏻 For 🙏🏻 This 🙏🏻 Talk 🌈 And you are not alone in your thoughts about being unhappy with liberalism. Hopefully the unrepresented center will hold. As a Mars Pluto natal conjunct in the late degrees of Libra this was deep. Thank you for this beautiful, beautiful wisdom.
Thank you once again! Pluto is placed in the 12th and Mars in the 3rd, I have natal Mars placed at 23° Libra too creating a lovely fuzzy warm time since August btw the 3rd/9th/12th houses 😆 I spent the last 6 months or so dealing with a very difficult thesis supervisor who essentially ‘hit me over the head’ (to use your analogy) rather than encourage and teach through the writing process. It was very defeating and how you talked about the concept of losing or being defeated by external forces hit home for me in that context. I spent the first bit of this transit berating her to a few others in my cohort, who also had similar issues. However I dug my hole deeper than others did and got off track. But even at that point I recognized my own shitty attitude (likely due to one of your videos) Coming back in October I re-engaged with the work and surrendered more to the process. Based on what I had experienced so far, I also voiced my concerns and hopes as professionally as I could to the supervisor. But I was actually being treated very poorly. The situation only improved Because on Dec. 14, I got a new instructor who picked up the baton. One that taught me before and that I love to work with. Much better fit. I got more done in a day then I did in 6 months. Accepting that I lost that battle. I am willing to sacrifice more now to birth this thing and close it out by March. putting away the last remnants of self-righteousness and over exertion to rest. I recognize that one way I sabotage my success is by over-doing because I’m trying to surpass expectations and do better than everyone, often missing the point entirely. It’s how I got off track in the first place. And in the process looking like an asshole! Being the ‘leader that everyone despises’ is definitely not how I want to show up. I knew the Mars transit was about this thesis project for me (12tb house is because I’m writing and Transference and countertransference in psychotherapy with borderline clients) and I knew with Mars’ retrograde there would be delays/rewrites and huge edits. But I didn’t pay as close attention to when those squares to Mars and ‘threading’ the themes through like this. So i have an updated plan now and It looks like by the time Mars gets into Taurus, I’ll be near complete the first draft. From there it’ll be a matter of edits and then dissemination. No longer the nitty gritty arduous grind on writing a thesis. I really liked this perspective! And as usual made me remember that I’m not the one in control, merely a participant😋
I loved this. I needed to hear and to be reminded of the daily discipline of right action in the minute in the small details in the daily routineines. Thank you for being brave and for articulating elegantly what many feel to be true. I feel divine consciousness, holy spirt or whatever we call it has worked through you in the video. God bless you.
I started studying astrology early summer. I become very serious about it mid August, started a deep spiritual journey mid October, and now I’m starting to study Ayurveda and Vedic astrology!
Thoroughly enjoyed your talk on Mars-Pluto. In our drive to do good, there has to be something "bad" that validates doing "good". So we are indirectly manifesting it!! But functioning from the place of surrender, is letting go of the steering wheel to God, we manifest miraculous solutions to any problem. You stoked my interest to read Bhagabat Gita. Even though I am born hindu, I had this knowing from childhood that I am going to read religious scriptures only when I am spiritually mature. From childhood I had this uncancy sence of avoiding any religious dogmas which come with parroting religious scriptures that comes from a lack of proper awareness of the "Self". And proper awareness comes from accepting oneself with all the blood and gunk and disgusting parts of us with all the good. In short accepting oneself totally! Thank you, Achuta Bhava, you are a Hero to me.💖
I appreciate your teaching and I loved today’s especially. I feel that one day humanity will come together to understand that the divine is in everyone and that as Shakespeare wrote about the world being the stage we all have characters or roles to act out therefore good or bad does not exist because we are all the same but chose to participate in different journeys for our souls to learn and evolve through different experiences. What if my soul wanted to learn forgiveness and what if in a past lifetime a member of my family was murdered, could I learn to forgive that person? Then what if in another lifetime I was the murderer, could I learn to forgive myself? We are infinite souls so whether we consider ourselves to be a Luke Skywalker character or a Darth Vader character in this lifetime is irrelevant in the bigger understanding of all the lifetimes we have experienced in physical form. ❤️
This was SUCH a rich, powerful, intellectually grounded and inclusive teaching! Thank you for holding such a high standard and bright light for whose of us knitting together the Truth from all the strands of history, different traditions and our own messy journeys.
I’m experiencing a Pluto mars square in my birth chart and when I first read the potential positive and negative experiences, I became terrified. I went to bed with every time I’ve ever fallen in defeat and the excruciating pain and asked for the willpower to not fall into this defeat. But, I did pray. I asked for guidance and wow did Adam become the vessel God used to completely transform my thoughts on this now. I’m so grateful for this sermon and for the beautiful reminder to return to my heart, to humility, to laugh at the absurdity of “losing” as if God would ever champion me less when my heart is his to use. Thank you Adam. Truly breathtaking sermon
I love the non-profit clinic idea! I've thought about how that would be an awesome thing to do for Tarot Card readings in the past as well. (Create a non-profit to do readings). I've never heard anyone else talk about this...so I love that I've connected with you! I really believe that divination tools can serve humanity and it's definitely time to show how powerful and transformative they can be when done with integrity.
Hello Acyuta-bhava, I found you about a month ago and I am completely hooked.!! Hands down you are my favourite astrologer and I love watching and listening to you. Thank you 🙏🏽
I LOVE the donation based reading clinics!!! Acyuta I appreciate you! I have been so impressed with your approach financially! It matches your spirituality. I really respect your business model.
Totally amazing and inspiring session today - thank you so much. The perspective you offer is deep and important and I thank you for your frank and honest perspective. We are the losers! Yes, a relief. To lose in the name of Love and true humility. To bow in sweet surrender to the Universe.
And then Bill Murray came by my brain and started chanting, "it just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter!" 😂(80's movie, Meatballs reference, sorry, I'm old and so are my references) Thank you for this teaching you do, really helpful, heartening! Good luck with your Kickstarter. I am pretty much broke so this means a lot having some good people to listen to. Thanks to those who are able to give!
As someone who resonates with anarcho communism and various forms of eastern teachings and western occultism, I can still agree with most of what you say yet not completely. One's subjective perception of "cancel" vs holding people accountable is dependent on your personal perceptions contingent on your accumulated life experiences. Accountability and so called cancelling varies between individuals, those being held up to the cultural guillotine so to speak. I agree there are many immature young folks in social media who are easily led to simply cast blind hatred and virtue signal against others as they go along with herd mentality, yet I also recognize the place of holding certain cultural figures accountable for egregious actions and beliefs they hold which they occult from their fans and followers. Something we must make clear which I believe we can all agree is Dogma has no place anywhere in our lives and in this world, which is why I don't completely agree with you but mostly resonate with. This is why i chose the word resonate as opposed to subscribe or claim "i am an anarcho-communist", as i'm a spirit having a human experience with my will and love, not an ideology. I love to take what matters to me in my life and applicable life experience, and I continue to challenge my world view with other's perceptions and experiences of the world. All of these statements are based on my lived experience dealing with struggles for mental and political liberation. Thank you for this video as you helped me find patience in myself.
I want to preserve, support, teach, spread and normalize astrology too!! I’m so glad that you’re as beautifully solid as that you are!!! Thank You for facing your own struggles so that you might serve- especially when that comes to family!
Oh My Goodness- that little parable you just lastly used about the leader being loved/ feared etc-.... You know, I almost said that very story to you when we graduated our yr one (NL19) class as an example of how stellar I think you are in the way that your fantastic teaching style makes us all think that we did it ourselves! -but I didn’t cuz I’d yammered on so muchly about you already by then already~ SO wow!! I’m sooooo happy to hear you refer to this Right now!
My 6 month old boy kitten, Mercury, fell from a tree and broke or fractured his neck a few nights ago. The vet said it would be a long road for him and no guarantee he’d recover. Euthanasia was the merciful thing to do and so I did. My heart hurts and I miss him so much already. I wish he didn’t have to suffer in his final moments. He was a beautiful little guy who my friend rescued from a gutter at 3 weeks old and gave to me to love and raise. He comforted me through the grief of losing my father & the loneliness of covid. He allowed me to raise him and love him wholeheartedly from a wild, aggressive kitty to a gentle, loving one with a great Mercurial personality. Oh God it hurts but I have found my strength this year to make the hard decisions and to be counted on. Even if that means putting someone down. It’s my 6th house profection year and moon is at 0 degrees Taurus on the 6th house cusp - Square to Transiting Saturn to the very day. I should have known. I should have kept him inside for a while. The day after my 6th house year started on June 8th a coyote came and snatched up my old male cat. He was already an outdoor cat for the most part. The last couple months before he got nabbed up I noticed the “wild” growing and infusing itself with him. A rewilding happened to him. I would like a new kitten to care for again but I’m likely going to wait until my 7th house profection year starts on June 8th. Living on this canyon has a way of rewilding everything it touches, including me.
Having 6 outdoor cats in a small island in Greece I really understand you. They live a nice life, they are free but they are not totally protected. Some of our cats gave lived a long and good life (14 to even 17 years old) but many have died in a very young age. It makes me sad but Nature is some times cruel, I have tried to compromise with it but it still brings tears in my eyes sometimes.
@Cosmic Bodyguards, you gave your kitten five months that he didn't have an expectation of without you. Don't regret that you stepped up. You didn't shorten his life by your love, you prolonged it.
Really needed to hear this one today. Totally hit home. I have this natally and even with a wide orb, it's powerful. It's so hard to control and insidious, like riding an invisible bucking bull. I have Mars in the 7th also, and a projected Mars can be really... tiring. I once heard that heavy Pluto aspects can be remedied by connecting with more Venusian qualities, and honestly that has always been helpful and difficult for me at the same time. A light touch can be much more powerful than heavy force.
Wonderful thoughts. I’ve given up so much of my time, energy & sense of self for others for so long. Mars going through my 1stH is in tension with Pluto in 10thH. I’ve burnt out & lost my path, and my truest creative self for my public brand & what others ask of me (always more). I feel it’s highlighting that I need to be selfish and put aside the demands/desires of others wanting more from me. I need to reconnect to MY creativity before I can return with creative authenticity to the collective. We often need to be selfish. It’s part of the cosmic balance.
I remember today a favorite song from my childhood. My mom and I would play it on a tape deck and scribe the words so we could more fully understand the meaning and sing along. This was before lyrics were included with the tape and also no internet of course. When you really take it in, you can derive a spiritual message from so many more mundane things. I can't fight this feeling any longer And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow What started out as friendship has grown stronger I only wish I had the strength to let it show I tell myself that I can't hold out forever I said there is no reason for my fear 'Cause I feel so secure when we're together You give my life direction, you make everthing so clear And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might And I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for It's time to bring this ship into the shore And throw away the oars, forever 'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for And if I have to crawl upon the floor, come crashing through your door Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you I've been running 'round in circles in my mind And it always seems that I'm following you, girl 'Cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find And even as I wander, I'm keeping you sight You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
So much food for thought here (especially with a natal mars conjunct pluto, this is my life story!). Totally epic astrology week of insightful content with the eclipses and all this as well. Thank you!
Please support my work through my annual Kickstarter! Thanks, everyone! kck.st/35P4UJp
Should eventually Pluto be seen as a sort of a proto Mercury on a transplanets attitude? That little that overpersonal?
I needed to hear this today. I was the worst version of myself yesterday. I think this channel is the closest thing I've had to church since I was a child. Thanks 🙏
Love your words
I was the worst version of myself yesterday too. I have been feeling horrible. Thanks for sharing that.
@@Sentientdreamer How lovely to open TH-cam to this wonderful reply 💚🙏
@@sparrow646 We simply do better today, right? Hope you're feeling better. All the good vibes 💚
@@TerrarianLibrarian Yes! Until I don't and then try to forgive myself. Being human can be a tricky business.
This was one of the most influential talks in a while!!
Poland here :) Your work is extremely important and much appreciated. Exactly as you said yourself - you are indeed creating a heritage for generations to benefit from.
I believe this is the Best video you've have postes!! Full of compassion to allá, there Is no right ir wrong , just the One. Something changed! You Made me laugh AND cry, you' ve become flexible. Loved It! Thank you so much
Mars square pluto is something special....i learn the biggest lessons with this transit....i still have alot to learn. Its super humbling
Wow. One of the best talks ever... very powerful. Thank you. 🙏
One of my favorite vids from your channel. Good way to end 2020.
I'm so glad you overcame your hesitation and came out to talk about self-righteousness. I'm an environmental activist. There's enough self-righteousness to go around in the activist communities that genuinely care about humanity and nature. I daily wrestle (Mars) with my sometimes subconscious, egoic drives (Pluto) as I examine and try to properly align my motives.
Thank you sir for your uncommon devotion and integrity. Your measured and studied approach to creating a legacy for future astrologers is so inspirational! You are an amazing presence. Thank you for all you do!
I haven't been listening very long but was so impressed with your views in this video in particular. I like how you explain things. It exposes the interconnectedness that I always felt was there but often don't feel or see for myself. It's like opening the hood of a car and explaining how the engine works. Thanks for the humble attitude -- so refreshing.
Your courage is refreshing. This has been a truly confusing and disenchanting time and I have found myself stepping into the grey.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽preach brother preach, open minded and forgive all. Libertarian here. And I can’t stand the cancel culture. And god forbid there is a difference of opinion, which now blows into such nasty conflict, that I dislike commenting on anything anymore. I’m not almighty I am not perfect but damn why do I get attacked and called names by strangers or even family. It’s so hard lately just to have an opinion. Sometimes I’m wrong and I accept that. But there are better ways to get a point across than condemning someone. Thank you. I just had to vent there. And thank you for your work. You are truly appreciated.
Sane here, feel ya.
This is my favorite video! That's saying quite a LOT... My astrology evolves with any of your videos, my spiritual life becomes richer through many. This one is SO beautiful. Tears flow. Bless you and your sweet family.
Thank you for verbalizing the same fears I think myself and many others feel as well.
This is probably the best talk you've given. Thank you for all the thought and heart that you put into each offering. I deeply appreciate how you incorporate the words of all the wisdom traditions and bring them down to earth, to useful lessons.
My mantra these past few months have been, I don't know what's right or wrong, but I'm going to keep still and keep going forward. It's really all I could do in this life.
So humbling Acyuta, thank you so much.
I really needed to hear this to help with my loosing. To love the lose, and who knows what karmic unfoldings you are helping towards in world by enjoying the lossing circumstance you find. The circumstances are non important, how you deal with what you're feeling is the measuring stick.
What you are describing about the Mars/Pluto dynamic really hits home. The essence of karma yoga is detached action, through surrender to the Lord, to one’s dharma, as I recall from my first reading of the Gita. So thank you for the reminder not to place too much emphasis on results, even in a struggle where the foundations of the world appear to be at stake, and the will feels highly charged. Thank you also for your reflections on winning and losing, and the beautiful teachings from some of my favorite passages in the Bhagavad Gita and Tao Te Ching, along with other sacred sources that are not as familiar to me. This helped so much!
"I am the looser" is such a Saturn in Aquarious slogan. Saturn, according to vedic astrology, rules the common people. Already pledged to your kickstarter!! Thank you.
Your ability to offer need based assistance to me for the first year program means so much! I would not otherwise be able to pursue and continue my astrology education, what has become my passion when previously I thought I may not have any. I always want to pay ppl what they are worth but in spite of my best efforts to get ahead, this year has wiped me out. I know that studying what has become my passion is seriously lifting my spirits and helping me to overcome my circumstances, . I look forward to giving back to the community when im in a more secure place. I see how much you pour into your work, Im impressed by and grateful for your abilty to communicate and get so much information to so many people with such clarity. and for the bhakti content which is also so much great info! sending blessings you meet the stretch goal
I’m brought to tears with this teaching today. Thank you
You've given some amazing sermons, and this one is one of the best. Definitely divinely inspired.
Thank you for the wonderful sermon! It brought tears to my eyes.
You're definitely not alone in your frustration about social and political issues. Loved that you talk about this and I so agree with you about what's going on!
You are not alone. Thank you for you the courage to speak during this very volatile time. I like how you bring all the spiritual practices together. It’s so enlightening. It’s helped me very much.
This is such a great talk!!! I appreciate your sharing sooooo Much. I love the PANspiritual perspective and insights. You speak my thoughts!!
Pluto transiting my 3rd house squaring mars in my 6th. Loss of my mentor and cancelled by peers on social media. Betrayal and Loss June. Move communities/ States to Upgraded Beach Location Mid Aug. Death of a pet Mid Oct. Struggling with Surrender Dec. Listening from Central Coast CA...
Thank you! You looked so passionately alive when talking about loosing! It made me chuckle but at myself! That truth had a profound effect on me! I deeply appreciated your candour!
Love your work. Mars Square Pluto is in my natal chart so it’s interesting to hear more perspective on it. I enjoyed hearing from the different texts. 🙏
My daughter has it too. It scares the living daylights our of me.
Thank you for your transparency, makes you even more relatable, I appreciate you
Incredible and inspirational! Thank you my teacher 🙏🏻
Thank you Acyuta. You are such a gem! I love your idea for the donation based clinic. I'm with you about the apolitical portion of your talk and I think there's many who are seeing this perspective. I appreciate you so much. I love when you read to us and I'd like you to do a series reading to us the lion witch and wardrobe. That would be super sweet. Abundant Blessings on you and your familia. 💜
Beautiful teachings today, Very nourishing. Thank you.
LOVE this message! Thank you very much.
Thank you for speaking out against hypocrisy and over zealous virtue signaling.
“Truth can bring you to righteousness but righteousness alone brings you to zealotry”
-Ram Das
Really grateful for your work and all that you do. I'm really enjoying your course and have learned so much already! Happy to see all of your growth! Thanks for being of service!
this was more deep than I thought, I am very thankful for you speaking your views Acuta!
i think we have to see what goodness is.....it isnt words, its deeds.....its service to others - i have spent most of my lifetime walking a spiritual path.....but my greatest lesson came from a family who has no spiritual aspiration at all.......they are just good people who love each other deeply. They are humble and want only for each other to be happy.......then i turn and look at the spiritually community and i often see something completely different. As you say it is about the small.....the holy lives in the small.....that is what we need to serve.
Thank you for making Astrology accessible to everyone; your ideologies always resonated with mine and, as a student of your teachings, i'll be happy to represent and respect the Nightlight Astrology's tradition in my own practice when i get there. 🙏🔥💚
Mars sq. Pluto was apparently not enough for me... I needed to step it up by having t. Pluto conjunct my natal mars all this time (in 12th)! I feel such a capacity to explode!
This is such a good talk!! I really appreciate how mindful you are of people who might be allergic to Christian symbolism, but the way you reinterpret the Lord's Prayer is absolutely mindblowing and I would love to hear more of your takes on Christian stuff. Both Mars and Pluto have played important parts for me this year, and this talk was so grounding and brings so many healthy perspectives into view, I'll have to rewatch and take notes. Thank you for everything that you do.
This is a great video! I was researching Mars and Pluto transit relationships and I'm very happy to have found your video. I love how you discuss legalistic thinking, fear of being weak, righteous mentality vs humbleness, finding the benefits and freedom in losing- ALL OF IT! And I think this pertains very much to one of the biggest collective lessons society is (and has been) undergoing in 2022. To me, it feels like we are smack dab in the middle of learning and practicing how to NOT judge every event and person in terms of good or bad. I mean, there is still plenty of that happening but there is also a world wide momentum where people are waking up to the realization that that way of thinking has not been serving them best. Instead of demonizing what they don't like, understand or fear, there are more people taking a minute to consider their personal reactions and as a result, they are cracking open their hearts and minds and entertaining the alternative- open curiosity, love and compassion. It's been so ingrained in people to win, be superior or better- but many are questioning why, why am I living this way but it's not making me any happier? It's quite exciting to consider the transformation of humanity and how we might evolve deeper within our divinity when our responses are rooted in love.
Subtleties of honesty....always being clear on motives and recognizing that any little spike of anger is an opportunity to route out an underlying fear/limitation. thanks for the clarity!
Hi I'm Nicole from SanJose California, and I already feel a lot lighter!! Cause I'm a Sag rising and it was a tough year, the Aquarius energy feels a lot better!! Already feel it. Thank you for all ur work
Thank you very much for your eloquent talk! The part „....and simply surrender to me...“ was most important to me. Each time I start meditating (again :)) something in me feels terribly victorious or right. Once I read a buddhist story that goes kind of like that:
Somebody goes on a journey to visit an enlightened holy man who lives as a hermit on an island. He askes the old man what his secret to enlightenment was. The man kindly tells him a mantra that he recites day and night. The visitor recognizes the mantra as a very well known one but is shocked because the hermet recites it with many mistakes. He tells him how it is spoken correctly. The hermit thanks him enthusiastically as the visitor gets into his boat to cross the lake. Once he reaches land he takes a break and sits down. All of a sudden somebody taps onto his shoulder. Looking back there is the old man who kindly requests to repeat the correct mantra once again for him as he has forgotten it. The visitor teaches him the correct mantra.
The hermet gratefully bows before him, turns around and walks across the water to his island.
This was very inspiring. Thank you for your thoughtful piece on Mars/Pluto. I agree with you on the exposition of righteousness and virtue signaling. There is too much of it right now and it isn't helping. I appreciate that you draw from so many sources of inspiration! I will review this again. Blessings to you and all those listening to this talk. Thank you.
Beautiful. I’m going to watch it again and let everything soak in. Probably your Best video ever! A nice way to end this year.
Truly what you offer is remarkable. I am beyond grateful for your decision and commitment to serve as you do. And you keep expanding. A tremendous boon and example. Thanks so much for the general upliftment. Kickstarter contribution--yes! Honored to participate, even modestly.
This was amazing. You are articulated so many things that I have been feeling about the current political climate. Thank you so much. I’m endlessly grateful for you taking the risk to share your feelings / experience
Thank you! Always good to learn about Pluto effects. Pluto aspects all my inner planets. Definitely feeling the impact on Mars square Pluto transit. Mars inconjuncts Pluto in my natal.
I needed to hear this today. Thank you!
Thank you for speaking out.
Here 🙏🏻 For 🙏🏻 This 🙏🏻 Talk 🌈 And you are not alone in your thoughts about being unhappy with liberalism. Hopefully the unrepresented center will hold. As a Mars Pluto natal conjunct in the late degrees of Libra this was deep. Thank you for this beautiful, beautiful wisdom.
Thank you once again!
Pluto is placed in the 12th and Mars in the 3rd, I have natal Mars placed at 23° Libra too creating a lovely fuzzy warm time since August btw the 3rd/9th/12th houses 😆
I spent the last 6 months or so dealing with a very difficult thesis supervisor who essentially ‘hit me over the head’ (to use your analogy) rather than encourage and teach through the writing process. It was very defeating and how you talked about the concept of losing or being defeated by external forces hit home for me in that context. I spent the first bit of this transit berating her to a few others in my cohort, who also had similar issues. However I dug my hole deeper than others did and got off track. But even at that point I recognized my own shitty attitude (likely due to one of your videos)
Coming back in October I re-engaged with the work and surrendered more to the process. Based on what I had experienced so far, I also voiced my concerns and hopes as professionally as I could to the supervisor. But I was actually being treated very poorly. The situation only improved Because on Dec. 14, I got a new instructor who picked up the baton. One that taught me before and that I love to work with. Much better fit. I got more done in a day then I did in 6 months. Accepting that I lost that battle. I am willing to sacrifice more now to birth this thing and close it out by March. putting away the last remnants of self-righteousness and over exertion to rest. I recognize that one way I sabotage my success is by over-doing because I’m trying to surpass expectations and do better than everyone, often missing the point entirely. It’s how I got off track in the first place. And in the process looking like an asshole! Being the ‘leader that everyone despises’ is definitely not how I want to show up.
I knew the Mars transit was about this thesis project for me (12tb house is because I’m writing and Transference and countertransference in psychotherapy with borderline clients) and I knew with Mars’ retrograde there would be delays/rewrites and huge edits. But I didn’t pay as close attention to when those squares to Mars and ‘threading’ the themes through like this. So i have an updated plan now and It looks like by the time Mars gets into Taurus, I’ll be near complete the first draft. From there it’ll be a matter of edits and then dissemination. No longer the nitty gritty arduous grind on writing a thesis.
I really liked this perspective! And as usual made me remember that I’m not the one in control, merely a participant😋
I loved this. I needed to hear and to be reminded of the daily discipline of right action in the minute in the small details in the daily routineines. Thank you for being brave and for articulating elegantly what many feel to be true. I feel divine consciousness, holy spirt or whatever we call it has worked through you in the video. God bless you.
You're excellent. Thank you
I started studying astrology early summer. I become very serious about it mid August, started a deep spiritual journey mid October, and now I’m starting to study Ayurveda and Vedic astrology!
Thoroughly enjoyed your talk on Mars-Pluto. In our drive to do good, there has to be something "bad" that validates doing "good". So we are indirectly manifesting it!! But functioning from the place of surrender, is letting go of the steering wheel to God, we manifest miraculous solutions to any problem. You stoked my interest to read Bhagabat Gita. Even though I am born hindu, I had this knowing from childhood that I am going to read religious scriptures only when I am spiritually mature. From childhood I had this uncancy sence of avoiding any religious dogmas which come with parroting religious scriptures that comes from a lack of proper awareness of the "Self". And proper awareness comes from accepting oneself with all the blood and gunk and disgusting parts of us with all the good. In short accepting oneself totally! Thank you, Achuta Bhava, you are a Hero to me.💖
I appreciate your teaching and I loved today’s especially. I feel that one day humanity will come together to understand that the divine is in everyone and that as Shakespeare wrote about the world being the stage we all have characters or roles to act out therefore good or bad does not exist because we are all the same but chose to participate in different journeys for our souls to learn and evolve through different experiences. What if my soul wanted to learn forgiveness and what if in a past lifetime a member of my family was murdered, could I learn to forgive that person? Then what if in another lifetime I was the murderer, could I learn to forgive myself? We are infinite souls so whether we consider ourselves to be a Luke Skywalker character or a Darth Vader character in this lifetime is irrelevant in the bigger understanding of all the lifetimes we have experienced in physical form. ❤️
This was SUCH a rich, powerful, intellectually grounded and inclusive teaching! Thank you for holding such a high standard and bright light for whose of us knitting together the Truth from all the strands of history, different traditions and our own messy journeys.
I’m experiencing a Pluto mars square in my birth chart and when I first read the potential positive and negative experiences, I became terrified. I went to bed with every time I’ve ever fallen in defeat and the excruciating pain and asked for the willpower to not fall into this defeat.
But, I did pray.
I asked for guidance and wow did Adam become the vessel God used to completely transform my thoughts on this now.
I’m so grateful for this sermon and for the beautiful reminder to return to my heart, to humility, to laugh at the absurdity of “losing” as if God would ever champion me less when my heart is his to use. Thank you Adam. Truly breathtaking sermon
You do wonderful work!
Thank you...so glad I found you ..an honest and ethical business.
and thank you for reminding me to check my ego!!!! You literally said everything I needed to hear!! thanks for being the messenger!
Brilliant reading thank you!
This is the stuff!! Blessings ✨
Your teaching makes my heart happy.
Solid take, time to cry it out 👌
I love the non-profit clinic idea! I've thought about how that would be an awesome thing to do for Tarot Card readings in the past as well. (Create a non-profit to do readings). I've never heard anyone else talk about this...so I love that I've connected with you! I really believe that divination tools can serve humanity and it's definitely time to show how powerful and transformative they can be when done with integrity.
priceless nectar
Hello Acyuta-bhava, I found you about a month ago and I am completely hooked.!! Hands down you are my favourite astrologer and I love watching and listening to you. Thank you 🙏🏽
I LOVE the donation based reading clinics!!!
Acyuta I appreciate you!
I have been so impressed with your approach financially!
It matches your spirituality.
I really respect your business model.
Totally amazing and inspiring session today - thank you so much. The perspective you offer is deep and important and I thank you for your frank and honest perspective. We are the losers! Yes, a relief. To lose in the name of Love and true humility. To bow in sweet surrender to the Universe.
And then Bill Murray came by my brain and started chanting, "it just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter!" 😂(80's movie, Meatballs reference, sorry, I'm old and so are my references)
Thank you for this teaching you do, really helpful, heartening! Good luck with your Kickstarter. I am pretty much broke so this means a lot having some good people to listen to. Thanks to those who are able to give!
Amazing teachings. Thank you
Thank you, so much Gratitude for the Great Laughter, looser, 🙃🤣 I melted in laughter with you , simply Awesome Show today !!!
As someone who resonates with anarcho communism and various forms of eastern teachings and western occultism, I can still agree with most of what you say yet not completely. One's subjective perception of "cancel" vs holding people accountable is dependent on your personal perceptions contingent on your accumulated life experiences. Accountability and so called cancelling varies between individuals, those being held up to the cultural guillotine so to speak. I agree there are many immature young folks in social media who are easily led to simply cast blind hatred and virtue signal against others as they go along with herd mentality, yet I also recognize the place of holding certain cultural figures accountable for egregious actions and beliefs they hold which they occult from their fans and followers.
Something we must make clear which I believe we can all agree is Dogma has no place anywhere in our lives and in this world, which is why I don't completely agree with you but mostly resonate with. This is why i chose the word resonate as opposed to subscribe or claim "i am an anarcho-communist", as i'm a spirit having a human experience with my will and love, not an ideology. I love to take what matters to me in my life and applicable life experience, and I continue to challenge my world view with other's perceptions and experiences of the world.
All of these statements are based on my lived experience dealing with struggles for mental and political liberation.
Thank you for this video as you helped me find patience in myself.
Good points! Thanks for sharing!
All of the months seem to have run together. My biggest change is having to retire from a 40-year career that I loved. Learning what is to be me.
I want to preserve, support, teach, spread and normalize astrology too!! I’m so glad that you’re as beautifully solid as that you are!!! Thank You for facing your own struggles so that you might serve- especially when that comes to family!
Oh My Goodness- that little parable you just lastly used about the leader being loved/ feared etc-.... You know, I almost said that very story to you when we graduated our yr one (NL19) class as an example of how stellar I think you are in the way that your fantastic teaching style makes us all think that we did it ourselves! -but I didn’t cuz I’d yammered on so muchly about you already by then already~ SO wow!! I’m sooooo happy to hear you refer to this Right now!
so good, thank you.
You are not alone 🙏
Thank you so much for this. Transformative 💖
Thank you for your effort to keep astrology going🏅
very authentic Acyuta and very appreciated........
I love you. I am grateful.
My 6 month old boy kitten, Mercury, fell from a tree and broke or fractured his neck a few nights ago. The vet said it would be a long road for him and no guarantee he’d recover. Euthanasia was the merciful thing to do and so I did. My heart hurts and I miss him so much already. I wish he didn’t have to suffer in his final moments. He was a beautiful little guy who my friend rescued from a gutter at 3 weeks old and gave to me to love and raise. He comforted me through the grief of losing my father & the loneliness of covid. He allowed me to raise him and love him wholeheartedly from a wild, aggressive kitty to a gentle, loving one with a great Mercurial personality. Oh God it hurts but I have found my strength this year to make the hard decisions and to be counted on. Even if that means putting someone down. It’s my 6th house profection year and moon is at 0 degrees Taurus on the 6th house cusp - Square to Transiting Saturn to the very day. I should have known. I should have kept him inside for a while.
The day after my 6th house year started on June 8th a coyote came and snatched up my old male cat.
He was already an outdoor cat for the most part.
The last couple months before he got nabbed up I noticed the “wild” growing and infusing itself with him. A rewilding happened to him. I would like a new kitten to care for again but I’m likely going to wait until my 7th house profection year starts on June 8th.
Living on this canyon has a way of rewilding everything it touches, including me.
Having 6 outdoor cats in a small island in Greece I really understand you.
They live a nice life, they are free but they are not totally protected. Some of our cats gave lived a long and good life (14 to even 17 years old) but many have died in a very young age. It makes me sad but Nature is some times cruel, I have tried to compromise with it but it still brings tears in my eyes sometimes.
@Cosmic Bodyguards, you gave your kitten five months that he didn't have an expectation of without you. Don't regret that you stepped up. You didn't shorten his life by your love, you prolonged it.
This is deep...thank you I needed this 💖✨
Really needed to hear this one today. Totally hit home. I have this natally and even with a wide orb, it's powerful. It's so hard to control and insidious, like riding an invisible bucking bull. I have Mars in the 7th also, and a projected Mars can be really... tiring. I once heard that heavy Pluto aspects can be remedied by connecting with more Venusian qualities, and honestly that has always been helpful and difficult for me at the same time. A light touch can be much more powerful than heavy force.
This was really great! Even for you! Much blessings 🕊🕊🕊
Yes I tell my sons to loose and allow that energy in. It’s true surrender thank you 🙏
Wonderful thoughts.
I’ve given up so much of my time, energy & sense of self for others for so long.
Mars going through my 1stH is in tension with Pluto in 10thH. I’ve burnt out & lost my path, and my truest creative self for my public brand & what others ask of me (always more).
I feel it’s highlighting that I need to be selfish and put aside the demands/desires of others wanting more from me. I need to reconnect to MY creativity before I can return with creative authenticity to the collective.
We often need to be selfish. It’s part of the cosmic balance.
That was an amazing talk! Love it. Just what I needed. 🙏🏽
From tadoba, india . jai shri Krishna
I remember today a favorite song from my childhood. My mom and I would play it on a tape deck and scribe the words so we could more fully understand the meaning and sing along. This was before lyrics were included with the tape and also no internet of course.
When you really take it in, you can derive a spiritual message from so many more mundane things.
I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show
I tell myself that I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
'Cause I feel so secure when we're together
You give my life direction, you make everthing so clear
And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor, come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running 'round in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl
'Cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find
And even as I wander, I'm keeping you sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
The reading clinic is such a terrific idea. I hope to help make that a reality. 💕
On a roll 48:00 “They don’t beat the drums of righteousness .. ” YASSS.
So much food for thought here (especially with a natal mars conjunct pluto, this is my life story!). Totally epic astrology week of insightful content with the eclipses and all this as well. Thank you!
Fantastic talk❣️ One of my favorites!
Thank you for speaking truth 🙏 so refreshing even though it hurts.