Aye bro, about skipping mechs, i did it fairly common with range and now every time except the 6th edict because of mechs, but anyways its timing. Run to your edict, sun, tsunami, staff spec etc.. on the edge of the edict (where it isn't charging but you can move to charge it and still be in your sun) and then usually just one thresh to knock his grey hp bar below 10k, the grey turns to red which must be killed before it turns green. Anyways i get into the edict once below 10k and charge and use bs basics for adren, he'll be below 1khp by time edicts charged, don't use anything big at this point itll be pointless, but as the bar above your head (edict is almost charged) launch your omni and immediately abs, then you get the blast of adren and wild magic and spam abs, normally the rest of his next grey bar will almost be gone :D and then no mechanics the whole fight lmao. just be careful you're going to get one on 6th edict, well I do because of my order, and it tends to be the double melee slam, if you're in power gear it will wipe you.
For an easy death compilation: Set a stopwatch going on your phone at the start of the stream and each death just tap the 'lap' button, it will keep a record of when each death was then its simply a task of going to each time on the stopwatch screen and clipping that part.
Aye bro, about skipping mechs, i did it fairly common with range and now every time except the 6th edict because of mechs, but anyways its timing. Run to your edict, sun, tsunami, staff spec etc.. on the edge of the edict (where it isn't charging but you can move to charge it and still be in your sun) and then usually just one thresh to knock his grey hp bar below 10k, the grey turns to red which must be killed before it turns green. Anyways i get into the edict once below 10k and charge and use bs basics for adren, he'll be below 1khp by time edicts charged, don't use anything big at this point itll be pointless, but as the bar above your head (edict is almost charged) launch your omni and immediately abs, then you get the blast of adren and wild magic and spam abs, normally the rest of his next grey bar will almost be gone :D and then no mechanics the whole fight lmao. just be careful you're going to get one on 6th edict, well I do because of my order, and it tends to be the double melee slam, if you're in power gear it will wipe you.
Creator client good
For an easy death compilation:
Set a stopwatch going on your phone at the start of the stream and each death just tap the 'lap' button, it will keep a record of when each death was then its simply a task of going to each time on the stopwatch screen and clipping that part.
And the nice thing is, Alt1 even has an integrated stopwatch that you could do this with.
How do you move your buff/debuff bar? Mine hovers over my action bars and its annoying as shit
Press escape and go to edit user interface then advanced :)
Stream starts at 1:35