Corruption should be treated as terrorism and corupt people treated in the same manner. It destroys everything in a country and has even more insidious effects in the long run.
As other Slovakians in the comments, I feel ashamed for my country too. I love my home, the nature, culture and traditions, but everything else, how the state is run, how our education works, healthcare facilities look, how everything is corrupt just makes me want to move out and raise my children elsewhere when I still have the chance...
drž hubu... co ti chybí? Česko a Slovensko mají vše, co si můžou přát. Z východu i západu jsme si vzali jen to nejlepší. Jestli chceš vidět korupci, podívej se na Moldavsko nebo Ukrajinu. Nebo se odstěhuj do Francie a uvidíš války černošských gangů, rabování, znásilňování a peklo na zemi. Nebo do afrických zemí. Buď rád a děkuj Bohovi za to, že ses narodil na Slovensku.
@@horstnietzsche1923 yes, the literal translation of the name is "Ordinary people and independent personalities". That "party" is a mixture of political dilletanttes and ultra-religious creeps.
It's ok you can't control what you're leaders do. Just keep safe when or if it comes to that. All countries have corruption in it but there are many loving godly people in all countries stay get close and love God and he will protect you governments can kill the body but not the soul that's in God's hand. And it's a very fearful thing to have gods judgement against you. With godly love for you and all you're family. From travel channel
@@TommyBahama84 to si napísal múdro. A otázka.. kto korumpuje politikov cez mimovládky? Kto podpláca všetky noviny, aby písali to isté a klamali? Je to západ kto naj viac korumpuje!
As a Slovak teenager myself, I am not so well educated in politics and any of that stuff, but even if you told a random shepherd that lives in the mountains how this government looks like, he'd knew it is horseshit too.
Good to see young Slovakians see this mess for what it is. Slovakian politics is a mess since the 90's. I am Polish, but I live in Hungary and I have travelled through Slovakia every month for the past 26 years and I have always listened to Slovak radio as I drove and I have witnessed the ups and downs. Hope one day young people like you can bring some order to this mess.
in EVERY country in the world that runs on socialist government there is high corruption, they keep there "social system" intact for benefit from EU money, their company s get rich........
@@kristiankopera Agreed. Even when I travel through Slovakia and listen to the radio I always shake my head. Don't get me wrong, Polish and Hungarian politics ain't that pretty either, but Fico having "connections" to criminal underworld and ordering journalists to be eliminated is a bit too far by any standards. I have a lot of sympathy to Slovakians since my mother-in-law was born in Kosice and we have an uncle in BB, so I am interested in what is going on there as far political situation is concerned.
@@erax1889 you are right but I remember there was an article in August where they simply said, either Matovič goes or a bunch of people will vote against the government, his behavior in this whole thing made everything worse, i also listened to Heger with Brano Zavodski yesterday and it was his inaction till the last minute that also caused this. A situation which was so easy to avoid but Matovič just had to attack and destroy something. He always needs an enemy to blame for his behavior and for his failures
As a slovak I would like to add some additional context or points to the video. As you already translated parties as "Sme Rodina" to "We are family", you can also translate Fico's party "Smer" to "The way" or perhaps "The Direction" and Pellegrini's party "Hlas" as "The Voice". I'm very happy how deeply you described the current situation, but I would add additonal context to Fico, he is pro-russian polictic now days but he doesn't really care about foreign politics, he says things that people like, we know it from the past when at home he's criticizing EU for everything but when he's in Brussel he's very pro-EU. His main goal is to regain the power in Slovakia, as you mentioned him and close people around him are nowdays investigated and some even already prosecuted for tax-frauds and other criminal offences and that's only thanks to the fact that Police is not controled by him now and can relatively freely work. He wants the power back, to control police, to control investigations, to control courts, to not be prosecuted and the pro-russian ideology is only a way how to get into government in Slovakia, due to many people in favour of Russia.
So he is your country's Vucic (Serbia) - a bastard coated bastard wit ha bastard filling. Glory to Ukraine!!!! If he says NATO is to blame then why doesn't he make Slovakia quit both NATO and EU?? That would prove helpful I think :P
Came to comment the same thing. Very well said a accurate. Fico probably doesn't even believe himself in what he is saying about russo-ukrainian situation, he just knows a lots of (mostly elderly) people believe this and smells that this is his ticket back to power.
Also worth noting is that in Slovakia many people listen to very successful "non-mainstream" anti-vax pro-Russian media, which causes a severe rift in society.
@@SWAT11113 You chose the lesser evil that turned you into a chess piece for western oligarchs instead. You historically haven't had agency when it comes to choices for close to a century now, locked between the neo-liberal West & the communist East.
Not Slovak, but lived there during Fico's first period as PM. Man, I'm not surprised at some of the developments but it is saddening to see how far it's gone. I can only hope for the best for the country.
Thank you for wishing the best for our country. And I'm sorry for the other commenters... it's sad how can people react to hoping the best for them. :(
you must realise that the EU is basically the UK/US vassall states, the EU does not care about you, they only want to use you as ex-soviet union country to destroy russia.
@@kukamusa1947 Cause he is a clown that should have been in the back line doing clown stuff, instead he egotistically rammed to the front to call himself the king while being arse extraordinaire.
I am from Slovakia, and our government is literally a joke. The best thing you can do in Slovakia is to leave Slovakia, if you dont want to hear about not working politics every single day Somebody save Slovakia ❤️🇸🇰
Huh, someone save Slovakia. Start at yourself. You are supposed to save Slovakia or at least be part of it. If you leave, it's one person less to help. It's all about us, young Slovak people to fight these SMER and allies fuckers. I thought Zuzana in cooperation with OĽANO could make Slovakia better, and they partially did. Until Matovič went crazy. In my opinion, PS is the only hope for us as Zuzana is not going to candidate next year for president post. God bless young conscious Slovak people.
@@anobis Russia can not lose. That was clear way before they went in. Dont agree on the nazi comment, bc those wearing those symbols in Ukrain are NOT real nazis. Or they are utterly retarded. They are fighting for the globalists and want to be part of authoritairan EU and nato. nazis would NEVER do that or fight for those. They are 180 degrees opposite! But yes, the west uses them there. While ANYONE in western Europe, wearing a nazi symbol or saying certain things, will be arrested AND beaten up.
@@chadzahirshah2588 My father drunk a few liters of vodka with the Russian officers who came to help us in 1968 (from Irkutsk-Ingush brigade dislocated in Ruzomberok and Zvolen). We, poor children, had to go out and play with that uppish blond daughter of the commander on the yard. All the other children left the area at the moment their parents detected her Russian languages. Otherwise the officers were happy here, having high standard of living. They were literally crying in 1991 when leaving our country.
@@ZemplinTemplar Do not forget "democratic" leaders like George Bush with his invasion of Iraq and 1 MILION dead or Peace Nobel recipient Obama - king of drones (50K kills)...
Really well summarized, great job! Just a minor note - you could look more into the pronunciations of these foreign names. I understand that some sounds are difficult to pronounce for an English speaker but Fico [fee-tso], for example, is just way off. Anyway, thanks for what you do! :)
In my opinion, majority of us Slovaks wants peace. We don't support war, we don't want Russia to win nor the Ukraine to surrender. When the question is asked wheter the people support Ukraine or Russia in the conflict, it is a bit misleading because the question itself promotes the conflict.
Slovakia is part of both the EU & NATO. Both are undeniably active parties in the conflict. You can't bury your head in the sand. Your stance would be valid if your country wasn't involved in larger entities that support the war & aren't promoting peace. I live in the EU in a NATO country & I want those warmongers to start initiating negotiations & sending representatives to mediate between UA & Russia, I want our puppet leaders to man up & stop supplying weapons that end up being used against ukrainian civilians or on the black market. Most of all, I want my country to stop being a vassal state to the US neocons & start caring about those who have elected them. I won't be holding my breath..
Mas pravdu. V historii vsak prichadzaju chvile, kedy si clovek skratka musi vybrat a nemoze sa tvarit ze sa nic nedeje. V tomto konflikte sa neda schovat hlava do piesku a pockat kym to prehrmi... Bud budeme na jednej, alebo na druhej strane.
@@davidsobon4738 je uplne jedno na ktorej strane budeme...... realita je taká, že rusko vyhrá skôr či neskôr..... ak neskôr, tak zbytočne len zomrie viacej ludí....... a mecenáši ktorí posielajú na ukrajinu zbrane to dobre vedia...... podla toho ti musí byť jasné že ukrajinci sú im totálne u prdele a ide im len o zisk zo zbraňového priemyslu...... ak by západu skutočne záležalo na ukrajine, tak by tlačili na mierové rokovania a boli by ochotní robiť kompromisi....... takto len zomrú o milióny ludí viacej a rusko si podmaní celú krajinu
@TLDR News EU here's a little tip: whenever you're unsure how to pronounce names etc. of different languages, just type them in the Google translator (in the corresponding language) and hit listen. Just a suggestion. Love your content btw!
But "Fajko" is far superior pronunciation of name "FICO" than it's original one. Problem with this video was that they translated some names of parties, others not.
As a Slovak 🇸🇰 hearing all the mispronounciations and inaccuracies makes me cringe. But, you have the general idea which is good. 😇 I like that people are starting to notice us because of these videos. If we get enough publicity, things might change for the better one way or another.
It even bothers me as a hungarian they dont respect you enough to learn how to pronounce it. And I dont like Fico very much neither Orban. But I see that I dont wanna serve USA interests nor russian interests. We should join our forces and make a strong central european alliences without infleunces of western europe, USA, russia, china.
Being half slovak, but not living in Slovakia I am shocked by some of these statistics. I know how real life echo chambers are a thing, but seeing how many slovak friends and family were actively participating in helping Ukrainian refugees I was totally not expecting those statistics. Without joking makes me want to cry.
That first poll about slovaks being overwhelmingly pro-russian were disproven by sociologists as being false/done with bad methodology. There were couple of more later who disproved it and majority of Slovaks is pro-Ukraine. But that first poll is more media eyes catching so it was used by BBC, CNN etc. and is still circulating, as seen in this video
@Some Body Yeah, we could say that Russia's call for European integration after the fall of USSR and it's proposal to join NATO was left unheard. There somewhere some historians trace the root of today's problems.
I just want to add Fico is not pro-russian because of ideology, but because of popular opinion. He is most skilled populist and works very well with moods and trends. And there is nothing he wouldn't do, nothing he wouldn't support and stops at nothing just to protect his ass and people around him. He is more like mafia boss than politician
All politicians doing same. Matovic used that dead reporter for his propaganda and won the elections. Fico is now using Russia-Ukraine war because he knows most of Slovakia disagree that Russia is the aggressor so they will vote for him.
@@jesuszamora6949 yes Fico (read as fico not Fiko) is smarter version of trump...... And that's what is dangerous about him. We call him as intelligent evil type of politic
@tigran-khanabazyanthis country has essentially run by populist politicians since it’s inception and so our development has been hindered. But hopefully enough young people come to vote against the pro-Russia parties and we’ll be fine
@tigran-khanabazyan ex-socialist country from an eastern block run by populists who cannot agree on anything, while Russian propaganda thrived in the last 10 years, which divided the population. Many old (and stupid) people will support Russia and Putin to the extreme just because of the propaganda (which also caused mistrust in "mainstream" media) and plain communist nostalgia.
There is an important factor, which you have missed. Slovak politics is not the same as in older democracies, e.g. them being clearly ideologically defined. Slovak politics can be best defined as pragmatic populism, which is best championed by Smer and Fico. They say exactly what people want to hear and what brings in votes, but there is a great disconnect with political actions as well as in foreign affairs. As an example, Fico in office is pro-NATO and pro-European. Fico in opposition is pro-Russian and against EU and NATO. This is a stance that has flipped as often as the calender has days. That is true for most prominent politicians. They are populists, but more often pragmatic in their decisions.
Je to ako ta epizoda Tazkeho tyzdna, kde namiesto normalne politickeho kompasu pouzili slovensky kompas, podla toho ako je politik "zly" a ako je schopny.
Well, this is our only chance - he still needs those EU money to flow. Yet maybe hes paranoid after those criminal charges and who know what he will do to not get into that situation again. There is only one constant, retardation of our voters
Slovak here, even if Smer and Hlas win the next elections (they almost certainly will), nothing changes in relation to Ukraine actually. They were never against NATO and EU but were always strongly pro NATO and pro EU. They just want to win those elections so they appeal to oppositely oriented people so they vote them. After elections they will very quickly forget how they wanted to veto sanctions and other things and will still support Ukraine.
@@Arthur_Revan Just because they do it doesn't mean it won't cause massive problems. There's a reason why we're in this whole unstable Europe conundrum, it is because politicians keep lying.
It's normal in healthy democratic systems. With two party system you get stuck with the same people again and again with no change. It's also very close to authoritarian single party systems like communist countries have. With many party systems you can express your opinions by choosing party you trust most. The problem with Slovakia is that since their independence they had only populist governments that did not care about Russian propaganda and hoaxes spreading in the country.
If you would see the credentials of our politicians you would understand. They either dont know how or it IS their focus. Former tennis players, uneducated Neo nazis, hair stylists, minister of economy with proven plagiarised master thesis, religious fanatics with ties to cults... I could go on and on. The others are ex mafia and that want to put their puppets into highest political positions so they Can steal milions from the state. Our ex president called us mafia state and he was right.
I'm glad someone starts to notice outside of my country what's the problem, TLDR are very accurate news, thank you for that. My only critics would be the reading incorrectly the political figures names.
It is funny to hear FICO's name so badly mispronounced, isn't it? Or some others, but FICO's one was the worst. It should be probably written as FETSO :) in english..
Can Fico actually form a government? I thought he couldn't get enough, especially since HLAS - sociálna demokracia won't work with him (I apologize if I'm incorrect, I'm from Finland so it's a bit difficult to understand)
@@einosalama Honestly? Who knows. Many times here in Slovakia politicians said one thing before the election and then did the opposite. I want to believe that Pellegrini doesn't want to turn as extremist as Fico, but that might be too idealistic. One thing to remember however is that Fico is an political opportunist - his public views are always motivated at all times by what he thinks will bring him most votes. A couple years back he claimed to be "working towards bringing Slovakia into the core of the EU". But nowadays after Matovič's goverment people are very angry, very resentful and thus very vunerable to propaganda and misinformation.
On the pronunciation (and I am Czech, so do not take for granted): Fico = Fi-tzo ("o" pronounced like the first "o" in the word "hollow") Kuciak = Ku-tzi-ak ("c" is pronounced like "tz", "u" like "oo" in the word "cook")...
How are we supposed to know how c is pronounced in your language? While you're at it try to get your pronounciation of finnish names correct. Every time non-finnish person tries to pronounce "Sauli Niinistö" for example makes me cringe. It's very easy. Just pronounce it like it's written. No weird "Sooli", "Sauuuuuuuuli", "Nainastou" or "Niinisto" nonsense.
As a Slovak who studies a political science, I must say, this is unbelievably accurate. How do you guys even make these videos? This is summarised so well that you had to work with some Slovak journalist or at least someone from Slovakia. Good job👏
It might actually sometimes be easier for outsiders to disentangle the situation, because you see through the noise more easily. Most of "national politics" is incredibly boring and weeks of events could be summarized in a few sentences, if that. And then, I guess it's just high standards of English political/historical science. The Economist, for example, is a fantastic read and one of the most trusted weekly papers. Even a public outlet, BBC, is famous for its quality and relatively high standards (although mostly documentaries rather than reporting). I'm Polish and the best, most level-headed and bullshit-free books about Polish history are written by the English (esp. N. Davies and A. Richie).
and as a Slovak, who studied political science, I must say that there a lot of inconsistencies in this video - for example, the poll about the Ukrainian/Russian stances did not not the best methodology and also the creators of the video used the data according to their needs. Also, PS was not excluded from the coalition in the previous government, they did not get into the parliament...
Yes, they use journalists and mainly politology students from the countries they are making their videos about. A uni friend helps them sometimes with videos about CZ
are you sure you study any "political science"? a state as a system works the same everywhere. all these idiotic "sensational" vidios that draws a line between good and evil is for open degenerates.
Slovak Republic per capita is leading country giving weapons to Ukraine. Like these MIGs, S300 systems, war vehicles... They gave them all weapons they had. It will not be forgotten...
Finally someone noticed, we have spent billions helping Ukraine and nothing will change after election, except we will only provide defence weapons not anything Ukraine can use to attack on Russian territory.
It still has some T-72 tanks to give, but it cannot donate everything and be completely defenseless. These could be donated once there are enough Leopard 2A4. In the worst case Leopard 2A4s could also go.
@@Alex-df4lt Please, donate them, keep donating, that way Russia will overshoot its goal and instead of disarming Ukraine, will disarm the entirety of NATO :D
Slovakia as loser of ww2 ..repeat same mistake and closing eyes on Ukrainian neoNazi regime...i m ashamed and apologied many times to Russians for our sick behaviour..
It's important to note that not all weapons are high valued in Ukrainian army if their soldiers aren't trained to use them. Some of the weapons, ended up being sold off (not speaking about Slovakian ones). Another factor is, countries are promising these weapons, but refuse to deliver themselves or are late in delivering them.
Great video. However I would critique one thing about this. The poll used where 50% of slovaks support russia was dissproved by pretty much everyone. Every media, sociologists, politologists etc. It was made using dubious methods, and by an obscure polling company. As an answer, globsec released a similar poll just few weeks later and the results were much more realistic.
Vyvrátili to protislovenske živly,my nie SME fašisti,!!!!!většina Slov slov je proti vojně,!!!!!a proti nato,to je pravda,NASA vláda klame a zavadza,už máme po krk banderovcov a americkéj vojny proti Rusku,a Heger je nekompetentní idiot a americký agent,!!!!
This situation bears striking similarities to what’s been happening in Bulgaria the last year and a half. Our government also collapsed a few months after the start of the war, owing to that governments support of Ukraine. Being a five party coalition, disagreement were rife. And now we’re in political deadlock between old corrupt contenders who are also more Russia-leaning and new contenders who are West-leaning. Good luck to Slovakia! Hopefully we make it out of this.
I beg to disagree. We had 5 different cabinets in the last 2 years. The war only made more apparent the dependencies of some people and political parties. I wouldn't call the "old corrupt contenders" "Russia-leaning" when they regularly visit the american embassy to have "breakfast" with the ambassador. One thing I can agree about is that they are corrupt. I wouldn't call them even contenders because they were talking about a coalition and the leaked recording of the national meeting of the "new contenders" only backs my words. They are both "West-leaning" and by that I mean they are bowing that low that they can lick the grime on the shoes of the american ambassor...
@GerasimSimov I'm afraid this is the same problem of all former Warsaw Pact countries, now mostly NATO countries. West is pushing us against East, just like we were pushed by East against the West before the Soviet Union collapsed. I say Neutrality of B9 countries along with former Yougoslavia, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey and ofc Ukraine... Clearly the West and Russia need that buffer zone. Peace to all...
@@jurajhlavnicka1334 Absolutely! I wish more people were thinking like that. We do not need to be bowing to any major power to be safe or prosperous. And we definitely do not have to wage any empire's proxy wars!
Well I can't stay silent on this can I... Here in Slovakia, there's too many people that don't even think about factchecking their information sources and so they believe the one who is shouting loudest. I will do my BEST to share this video, to let others know how the outside world sees what is happening in our country. I hope it'll open some eyes. Can't count on it though, so ... lets vote and hope! Cheers
Its fake content, that is not how any of this works. Slovakia is an artificially created nation, language and history compared to any other real country (like hungary and its 1000+ years of history) Since Slovaks are artificial, they are disconnected with reality. Pompous retarded slovaks get their opinionated politiciancs in governemt, where it clashes with reality. Eventually Slovaks blame politicians for doing what was expected of them, because they are one of them. You know hoe the germans repented ww2 and the genocides... Well the slovaks never had to repent or repay a cent. Fasistic Slovakia never ended and now you can see how fascism and reality dont come any close.
As a Slovak, I think it's amazing you managed to make heads or tails of the mess our politics is, although I disagree with most of the stuff you said. I'll just say that majority of Slovaks want peace and the economic situation to improve, and that will reflect in the elections.
@@Thanadeez well, some people would like it to happen, but I think every unification had its reasons and there are none to reunify now. The relationships between Czechs and Slovaks are better now than they were when Czechoslovakia was a thing, at least that's what people who experienced it say. I don't see Slovakia and Czechia reuniting in the future, but what I see as more probable is bigger V4 cooperation. But it really depends on who you ask, I wasn't alive when Czechoslovakia existed.
@@Thanadeez There is not a motivation for this to happen, we have our own country united under EU with other friendly countries including Czechia. Connecting the two countries would not make sense nowadays.
Hungary here! Welcome to the club of normalcy! We gain nothing by ukraine joining anything but will lose everything if enlargement fails. We want peace! Now!
Fica ani ja nemusim, ale vacsina z vas ste zmanipulovani aj tak anglosaskou propagandou ktoru siria sorosove media (sme) / politici (PS, hlas) a media oligarchov (dennik N). Tito sluzia zaujmom us zaujmom. Aj taky refresher doslova oblbuje ludi a odvadza pozornost nezmyslami od dolezitych veci. Prakticky vsetky media takzv. mainstreamu vas manipuluju aby ste nepouzivali vlastny rozum. Treba hladat info zo vsetkych casti sveta a porovnavat. Tym ze sledujete iba sk media, mate vyrazne zuzeny pohlad na geopolitiku. Aj toto video je vlastne anglosaska propaganda.
@@tomasjavor4878 Presne tak, je to v podstate antifico propaganda, aj ked aj ten ma za usami viac nez dost. Ziadni doterajsi politici nepracovali pre Slovensko. Neostava nic, len skusit volit nove tvare.
Slovak here: Great work with this video - you have captured the situation very well! Although it has to be said that Fico is a populist that despite being openly prorussian has also told ambassadors of USA and UK that his party supports Ukraine's admission into the EU. So, it is not clear how exactly would he rule, if he won the elections. And also Fico is pronounced more as Phee-tso - just for the sake of accuracy :)
you must realise that the EU is basically the UK/US vassall states, the EU does not care about you, they only want to use you as ex-soviet union country to destroy russia.
@@jesuszamora6949 That's what rational populists do - play both sides for their own gain. The irrational ones turn dictators like Orban. But to be honest, I don't think any significant money flow to Slovakia from US and UK - EU is far more important to us.
@hunterzone4846 Putin asked NATO MANY times to join....THEY NEVER wanted to answer his letters. Wonder why? ah, to make a war in ukraine they need a vilan..... RUSSIA.......... If Russia is in NATO there is no vilan anymore, so NO WEAPONSALES !!!!!
My friend studies in slovakia, and i managed to visit this February, we were also close to a monument that's been dedicated to the journalist and his fiancee, we asked the people that were there what it was for because it looked like it was close to the anniversary and some kind sirs explained to us the situation that happened in their country. Slovakia and Slovaks were amazing, i had a wonderful time, only got to see Bratislava but i still enjoyed it. Hope to be there soon again💗
Did they mentioned they Fico ruled for 3 election cycles (12y) and western forces were not able to take him down ? So after the assassination of the journalist and his fiance - who benefited from this ? The pro-western parties. They framed Fico for this yet he wasnt benefiting from it so why would he be involved in such action ? This was kind of our Maidan - orchestrated by west to change the government.
@@ondrejm5042 I talked about that to older couple from ireland. They were asking about communism in Slovakia and then asked about that killed journalist so I told them about western influence. To my little shock, they agreed with me and that I should always hate westerners (English specifically).
I was on the plane over from Vietnam to Budapest and this Hungarian in economic exile told me of his student days visiting Slovakia, the good bands there and the decent beer. Good to hear that most Slovak are sensible and not throwing their lot in with the EU vultures
The news media is currently flooded with economic statistics. It takes a lot to see beyond the sea of headlines and focus on what matters, which is that no matter how low equities fall, they always rise again. I completely disregard all news and continue to invest. I recently set aside $45k to invest in the market as we anticipate a meltdown. Do you have any suggestions?
We undervalue the reality that banks are corporate entities governed by greed as well. Banks have been over-leveraging their assets since 2020, which was one of the causes of SVB's demise. I've never felt comfortable with storing a lot of money in the bank. I simply invest through my financial advisor , all I do is to spend my ROI and then reinvest!
There are plenty other fascinating stocks in a variety of industries that you might follow. You don't have to act on every forecast, so I recommend working with a financial advisor who can assist you determine the optimal moments to buy and sell the shares or ETFs you want to buy.
I've been in contact with a financial analyst since I started my company. Understanding today's culture When investing in trending stocks, the challenge is determining when to buy and when to sell. My adviser selects entry and exit orders for my portfolio, which has increased by more than $70,000 in just over a year.
@@Bridie_Aine We're only an information away from accumulating money; I know a lot of people who made fortunes from the Dotcom and 2008 crashes, and I've been researching analogous opportunities in this present market; can this coach who advises you assist you?
@@SmithMiller5 ANDREW GLENN ADAMS is my financial advisor. I discovered him while watching a CNBC interview in which he was featured and then contacted him. He has since provided entry and exit points on the securities that I am interested in. If you require monitoring, you can conduct a simple web search using his name. I basically follow his market moves and haven't been disappointed.
As a Slovak I would say that it is less of a pro-Russian sentiment and more of an anti-Ukranian sentiment. Slovak economy isn´t doing great, covid, inflation and massive braindrain left people distressed and refugees in general are just great punching bags, so they vent their frustration on them. I am not saying it is right, but it is extremely common tactic by populists and as most Slovaks don´t care about politics it is easy to sway them with populist speech. Only good thing is that while such people are majority of this country, they are also probably demographic thas is least likely to vote. I am only saing this from my perspective and experiences, if you disagree it is up to you. (PS: Sorry if my grammar is wrong, I had no time to check it fully)
No, it is pro Russia. The brain drain of all young and capable Slovaks left the country only with the older, conservative and religious population, rife for manipulation and disinformation on social media that they are not educated on. Russia invests a lot of resources in spreading targeted disinformation in Slovakia and their investment is paying off. Czechia has far more Ukrainian refugees (5x more for only 2x the population), same inflation woes and COVID impacts, but the population is still far more pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian. It is absolutely not true that the demographic left in the country is the one least likely to vote. It is the opposite, Slovak society is getting more conservative and older, as the young leave, and the elderly are the strongest cohort of voters (especially as they depend on the Government for their pensions). The young vote with their feet, which just makes the political representation even more skewed. There are no strong political parties that cater to the liberal and young, because the liberal and young are no longer in Slovakia.
If a country's economy isn't doing great the people in power are obviously the ones who should be blamed for that because its their duty to ensure the well-being of their voters and not to advance some globalist agenda at such people expense. Russian and Ukrainian problems are not important at all for people outside the respective countries. Slovaks (as any other nation) should first think what is better for their country.
6:25 There was a bigger reason why PS wasn't in the coalition. They worked together with a smaller christian democratic party and surprisingly failed to reach the 7% coalition threshold.
The EU need to stop trying to dictate public policy to sovereign nations. The EU just needs to stick to open borders for trade. Trying to dictate public policy just causes people to instinctively to push away.
Literally put it into google translate, set language as country of that names origin and you can press "listen" its usually accurate, definitely better than his pronounciation of Fico...... i wonder what else they got wrong when they cant even find rponounciation which is so easy...
The biggest issue as a Slovak I see it that nationalist/pro-russian supporters don't give a hoot so long politicians align with their views. Liberal/pro-EU supporters on the other hand are highly critical of their politicians and punish them accordingly which then result in many parties under 5% and nationalists having stable voters count.
FIco is not pro russian or anti west, he just does not support sanctions and is prefering peace negoatiations, the same as Hungary or Pope . He never said Russia has right to atack UA or anything to suggest he is pro Russian. Also Slovaks mostly support UA but do not support war and weapons delieries + sanctions that we are paying.
Speak for yourself. I'm against appeasment like Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler before and at beggining of second world war. Bully, tyrant and aggressor must be expulsed by military means because they do not understand anything else than military might. Russia is that aggressor and if allowed to conquer Ukraine, then they will not stop there, but also attack Slovakia and other countries. I'm Slovak and I support weapons delivery to Ukraine.
@@PapyrusEngineer you are pathetic,. I said Russia is so weak that is not even able to conquer UA, but on the other side you are afraid that they will attack and beat NATO . I can not be serious, I would bet that u are from BA
Červený hranol is pro-russian because it is cool today to be pro-russian in Slovakia and it will give him votes. After sucessfully in power and safe from prison he will forget about his promises as did milion times in the past and his voters will forget about it like always. Eurofunds for his mafia in this country are coming from Europe, not Ruzzia
@@matic93t He's definitely bipolar or something very similar. You can tell that from his public appearance when he's having manic and depressive periods.
@@matic93t He is not entirely sociopathic. He is not evil. But he is definitely insane. He is best described as Joker from the last Joker movie. The choices were insane anti-corruption Joker or super corrupt mafia around Fico.
EU only "deals" with Hungary because Orban dont want get involved in ukrainian nest, in Spain Sánchez is getting control of Justice pissing the laws and EU doesnt care, 4 members of the Constitutional Court that couldnt vote to decide if a law voted anyway and nothing happens
@@jtgd World wide trend is increasing conservative, religion, etc. ALL anti globalist. You can choose; either join, or die. its not said that if you will join you wont die. but thats the only chance youve got. The west is going down fast. Whod have guessed huh, that this would happen? Well, i did. Ive been warning for well over 30 years. But hey, im not famous, so why listen to me? There is a reason im not famous and a lot of IDIOTS are. You can figure that one out yourself, i hope.
Only 1 thing , HLAS is not shorten of 4 other words, it is only 1 word hlas which can be translated to English as Voice. And also, for me as Slovak pronounce of Robert FICO's name as Fajko is the best thingI have heard in long time😂
Loved my brief visit to Bratislava back in the late 90s, an exciting time for the country. Sorry to hear things are not going well. Best thing all of us could do is to be less exposed to propaganda is abandon social media and be very careful using a variety of major news sources. That includes avoiding TH-cam Shorts, which have become as bad or worse than Twitter/FB in terms of propaganda and misinformation. On YT, we must be aggressive in telling YT not to serve us channels that serve up misinformation so that the algorithms do not continue to flood us with crap.
Well said, social media are quite problematic in this regard, but the biggest problem is (in my opinion), that people are not used to needing to fact-check information ... thus they don't ... and they believe every crap they see... (off course not eveyone, but a lot of people are like that)
That's why I'm glad my grandparents don't know how to use the internet. They already believe everything that's said on the TV, imagine if they opened Facebook or Twitter.
This video is a little misleading, the main problem to the political situation is not the Ukraine vs Russia conflict but internal politics. Ru vs Ua is not as big of a factor as they make it sound
Slovakia was fascist for 4 years during ww2 as result of Munich Agreement 1938 for which UK, Germany, Italy and France are responsible. UK has been fascist, collonisator for most of its history. UK is the last who could lecture us
I like the content you guys are making, all though here are my opinions, advices: work on the pronunciation pls of people's names and party names, the thumbnails are visually nice, but smelling strong of click baiting (bit provocative) You guys are awesome, keep it up 👍
Seriously I couldn't care less. I'm French and a few weeks ago they butchered every French politician's name in a video... So what? It's ok, we still get it. They have to produce new content almost daily about what's going on all around the globe. That's already a huge job they deliver for FREE. Getting the right pronunciation each time would be near impossible.
I mean thats really no feasible is it? They talk about dozens of countries with various names having different pronunciations within the same language. Obviously try their best and not butcher it it but no one likes that dickhead who dsnt speak that language hyper pronounce something thats foreign. I can say croissant like a French person but i just look like a dickhead. Obviously a croissant and a name isnt the same but to me anyway seeing/hearing a British dude with a heavy accent bust out perfect pronunciation for a name looks/sounds cringe.
A desperate Ukraine with nuclear weapons is multiple mushroom clouds over Europe. It's US/UK support for Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum that is restricting Ukraine to be armed with nuclear weapons.
@@axtept66666 because we don't want dictators like orban to have any control over the EU. if you want no part in a democracy and don't like the european core values then get the f*ck out.
@@valenrn8657 I dont get it, maybe wrong translate. No one, even Ukrainians!!! want nukes. They give them up in exchange for sovernity. US, ruSSia and UK were garants of this agreement. Debate, if they have not give them up was like year ago and we all agree, it would change nothing. So who is giving Nukes to Ukraine? Who is attacking with nukes? WTF is this comment about?
Oh no... Must suck not being a Russia supporter in Slovakia. Why do these people try to destroy their counties? Even if a person is not pro-UA they have to see who invaded who...
bc lot of people are so dumb, combination of stupidity and short memory. Also, honestly, really don´t know the source of this pole, but I don´t think that 50% of population is Russian orientated.
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan Actually, it some cases there are no gray zones worth much considerations. If my neighbor talks smack about me and I break into his house and killnhis family, the "grey zone" is irrelevant. I am a child murderer and I will get maximum sentence. The reasoning for my crime is irrelevant.
Actually supporting Russia in Slovakia is illegal....that's how "liberal" this government was. I am not surprised these liberals had to go. You had to support Ukraine by default which was wrong. People should be able to choose
@@vkdrk Of course, I am for any person being able to choose what they want, but there is always severe consequences. Anyone who chooses to side with the aggressor must be isolated and sanctioned into oblivion to remove the threat. That is why I feel for those who saw what was happening and used their reasoning to see what would happen depending on their choice. The Slovakian people have chooses NATO and the EU as enemies of their own free will.
Just to clarify at around 6:30 - Progressive Slovakia wasn't included in government because they didn't even get a single seat in parliament. They ran as a coalition with the Spolu ("together") party and thus they needed to reach the treshold 7.5% instead of 5%, which they didn't.
This is my first time to see this program and I really enjoyed it, well spoken and easy to understand. I look forward to seeing it again so subscribed.😊
Ja uz nekukam ani spravy, to sa proste nedá. Už len kukávam memky na TH-cam než by som sa mal zase rozčuľovať hah. Nuž čo všetko sa deje na našom malebnom Slovensku..
@@-missklik3215 his comment is relevant. It proves a strong point. Slovaks are ignorant of reality by nature. Fascist slovakia of the 1940s never ended. But you see there are 2 types of fascism. 1. The german model where everyome understand and repeats the propaganda joining and enforcing fascism. 2. The slovak model where the population is too stupid to figure out politics hence ignoran but still either loudly repeating everything or silently accepting the fate their overlords deemed suitable.
@@-missklik3215 You see, Slovakia was artificially created because it couldnt have been created in any other way. They cannot stand up for their rights and identity, and they never did. The concept slovak only exists for 200 years amd they were opressed all the time because they cannot exist in any other form. Once they got a country FOR FREE, they decided to opress themselves by themselves as they couldnt functiin amy other way. This country has no future, because the national identity is based on lies. The status quo is a lie. Their opressed history is a hateful lie... There is no future if there is no past.
Framing this as just a pro-russian vs. pro-NATO fight is wrong though. Fico is somewhat successful (20%) in using pro-russian sentiment for political gains, but that is nothing more than a populist doing populist things. The main problem is that the Slovakian parties system has never stabilized, leaving room for populism. Fico has, despite his literal Mafia ties and political pacts with actual Fascists, successfully framed himself as a servant of the poor in former governments, with many people (including a lot of minimum pensioners and the unemployed) dependent on his populistic social security measures like a VAT tax reduction, 13th pensions etc.. This actually explains a lot of the loud, but stable and non-increasing 20% SMER is still holding. Also, with his pro-russian stance, he will be isolated within the European social democrats. Pellegrini captures the other 20% of the social democrat voter's base, but he has miraculously turned himself from Fico's assistant to his biggest opponent? He has issues with trustworthiness and is percieved as an opportunist, constantly trying to figure out whether he wants to be more like Fico or pro-European. The right-wing parties, that actually were fairly popular last election can't get their shit together, with consant infighting and bickering about non-issues like abortion. Also, their economic policies are highly unpopular, this includes a flat and very low corporate tax that most people resent. And the progressives last time failed to get into parliament completely, which made them lose themself in infighting, but at least their people are untainted in the eyes of the public. With their 15% I reckon that they might be the decisive tie breaker for the next few elections though, serving as the connection between forces in the social democratic parties vary of cooperation with Fascists (20%) and more progressive right-wing forces (20%). The president herself, who is a co-founder of this party, has won her election right after the Journalist murder, against a Fico aide, showing that Slovakia is ready to accept a progressive government that goes agains a lot of the conservative views of the population, as long as it's keeping Fico out
I am from Slovakia and I didn't really noticed that our government collapsed ... It is all about same sh*ts as always, It is always bad like this and I can't see any difference ... our politics are clowns and I am ashmed of them
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan It is even weirder that the bulk of supporters of SMER are seniors who all either remember or atleast lived during that time. But yeah, Pro-Russian propaganda is extreme here. I frequently fight with my grandparents about politics when they visit. All hope is to move to western europe while we still can. P.S. I personally was celebrating the new technocratic government. I know it is not the most democratic thing for me to do. But we desperately need stability.
@@neres5795 Sometimes children need to move to another country for their parents to wake up. In the EU the old generation will no longer be imposing its failed policies on the young one. If they wish to live in Russian world then its time to wish them good luck and leave.
I'm from Slovakia and I usually don't care about our politics. But this got me good ... I can't wait to finish what I have to finish here, pack my stuff and never look back.
Just like all the other young and capable Slovaks in the past 30 years. The Slovak leadership's absolute incompetence at improving the country's situation leading to this brain drain is a feedback loop and self fulfilling.
As a Slovak I'm saying: we need help. Politics here is not too different from a circus. We give air time to totally toxic people spreading hate and lies and people happily buy it and take as a legitimate stance. I sometimes question my sanity because it's hard to find an ally in a debate on the situation. My colleagues are young, educated folks with sensible opinions. My parents, neighbors, some of my friends - brainwashed. I'm looking towards the September elections with worry. If Fico wins, it's very bad. By the way despite the corruption and dumb government Slovakia is a good place to live
Hey! Im from Slovakia too, if Fico wins election we can say "Goodbye" to our democratic country. Most of the brainwashed Slovak population will vote him because of Russia and not because of good for their own or for the next generation... I want to live in democratic country and not in country which was voted by dezolates and old pro-communist people
Beautiful country and good people. I visited in 2009 on a ski trip and went to the aqua park with the therapeutic springs. Tiny population of amazing people and I hope they come to an understanding together and decide what’s best for their families and country as a whole. Stay away from those who wish to change your culture/religion and nation as a whole. Keep the exploiters out. Trust your gut. You already know what’s best for Slovakia! Much love from mountains of rural Upstate New York! ❤
Beeing friends (not enemies) with Russia is the best for us. We are dependent on the cheap energy from them - we tried to be less demendent and it leads to big price increase in everything. People switched from coal and wood to gas and it was costly, now the government is telling us we cant use gas because its from "bad" Russia. It was delivered to us ecologically and cheaply via the pipe, we even prosperred from the transit of the gas further to Europe. Anyway, thank you for your kind words and friendly people who are thinking like you are welcome in our country anytime. Wish you the best.
@@titan_fx The US, UK, and Russia signed Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum that traded Ukraine's nuclear weapons for security assurances. Russia has exited Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum. US EXIT from Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum has a negative outcome for non-NATO US allies being in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT). Trump knows about this issue, hence why Trump argued for nuclear arms for SK, JP, AUS and 'etc'.
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan What is the NPT withdrawal clause? Each Party shall in exercising its national sovereignty have the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country.
Please, research those party names :D HLAS is not abbreviation but translates as "The Voice" and so as SMER which means "The Way (bearing, heading, whatevs :D)". Good stuff however ;)
I am in awe of Slovakian pro Russians, according to them Nazis started the war in Ukraine in 2014, so now they need to ally themselves with their Nazis! 4D chess is going great for them.
So you should consider the de-Nazification of Slovakia. There are neo-Nazi MPs in the Slovak Parliament and maybe they will govern with Fico after the elections...
benefit is that you learned english instead of russian so we can all read your funny comment spam ans your little brain can't send a message in one comment so instead you send 20 comments
One of the poorest countries? Compared to what? or which countries? In terms of EU we are not the poorest by a longshot, we have comparable economy and same living standart the the V4 and comparable living standart and HDI as rest of the EU, yes we have lower purchasing power and overwall wages, but we are not poor... We rank 45th richest and most developed nations in the world, out of the 195. The fuck you are talking about
@@StofStuiver Voting pro russian threatens national security in my opinion. So no thanks. I want Bulgaria to prosper and that won't happen under russian influence.
Kidna depressing, but every time I feel bad about the politics of my country ( Czechia) i look at how extreme the politics in Slovakia are. Babiš ( who has a big chance to win the next elections in late 2025) is nothing bad compared to Fico.
As a suggestion, could you put the names of the people you mention for the first time on screen? If I'm being honest the sonority of language is too foreign for me to register their name from sound alone...
Objections! 1) The current opposition is not "pro-russian" it is just not "anti-russian". Especially SMER declares foreign politics orientation on all world sides, not only West. But for those sitting on the far-west everything other looks like "pro-east". 2) I really don't like implication that Slovakia would become "black sheep". At 1st we are sovereign state and would like to do sovereign politics, not blindly bowing to FR+DE decisions, not being a sheep at all. Accept us as a partner, not as a servient. Many of Slovaks remember times, the Czechoslovakia was subordinate to the USSR, so we are not willing to change subordination to east, for subordination to west. At 2nd if all west is rushing to a war, standing for peace means we are white crow. We really don't want to die for higher profits of US arms industry, we want peace and collaboration among nations. That's why the polls results are like that. 3) If you (TLDR) are making a video about slovak political scene, please take care of pronounciation of names. "Fico" should be pronounced /fɪ t͡so/ (IPA). Or just use google translate, select slovak language, write "Fico", and play the sound. 4) As others mentioned already, SMER is not an abbreviation, but a word which meaning is "The course" / "The way" / "The direction". HLAS is best translated as "The voice".
I'm from Slovakia and I can say with certainty that our politicians are clowns...
Same in Bulgaria, its like a zoo here
Same un Slovenija
Oh no, they're not stupid, they're Evil.
No clowns, puppets. But the question is who’s?
Corruption should be treated as terrorism and corupt people treated in the same manner. It destroys everything in a country and has even more insidious effects in the long run.
@tigran-khanabazyan its always the lefties .......socialist, comunist, its all the same..........
It is terrorism, problem is people no longer kick politics out of windows of castle. .. Defenestration was right solution
@@hdj81Vlimited tell me you don't know history without telling me you don't know history
Unless they are helpful to the government and nation 🏛. Then they can be pardoned. 😅
Unless they are helpful to the government and nation 🏛. Then they can be pardoned. 😅
As other Slovakians in the comments, I feel ashamed for my country too. I love my home, the nature, culture and traditions, but everything else, how the state is run, how our education works, healthcare facilities look, how everything is corrupt just makes me want to move out and raise my children elsewhere when I still have the chance...
drž hubu... co ti chybí? Česko a Slovensko mají vše, co si můžou přát. Z východu i západu jsme si vzali jen to nejlepší. Jestli chceš vidět korupci, podívej se na Moldavsko nebo Ukrajinu. Nebo se odstěhuj do Francie a uvidíš války černošských gangů, rabování, znásilňování a peklo na zemi. Nebo do afrických zemí. Buď rád a děkuj Bohovi za to, že ses narodil na Slovensku.
I really hope that party name just doesn't translate well the "independent personalities movement " literally sounds insane 😂.
@@horstnietzsche1923 yes, the literal translation of the name is "Ordinary people and independent personalities". That "party" is a mixture of political dilletanttes and ultra-religious creeps.
As a Hungarian - I feel that sentiment too
It's ok you can't control what you're leaders do. Just keep safe when or if it comes to that.
All countries have corruption in it but there are many loving godly people in all countries stay get close and love God and he will protect you governments can kill the body but not the soul that's in God's hand.
And it's a very fearful thing to have gods judgement against you.
With godly love for you and all you're family.
From travel channel
I am a Brit living here, and the politicians here are absolutely terrible. Corrupt to the core.
Corruption is rife across Eastern Europe
Why did you move there? Move to Czechia, it's the better part of former Czechoslovakia.
The corruption is the UK is much bigger with global ties. Tony Blair, B. Johnson and the current “Richie” omg
@@TommyBahama84 to si napísal múdro. A otázka.. kto korumpuje politikov cez mimovládky? Kto podpláca všetky noviny, aby písali to isté a klamali? Je to západ kto naj viac korumpuje!
@@nassersi zasahovanie RusKEJ ambasady si mal na mysli
As a Slovak teenager myself, I am not so well educated in politics and any of that stuff, but even if you told a random shepherd that lives in the mountains how this government looks like, he'd knew it is horseshit too.
Good to see young Slovakians see this mess for what it is. Slovakian politics is a mess since the 90's. I am Polish, but I live in Hungary and I have travelled through Slovakia every month for the past 26 years and I have always listened to Slovak radio as I drove and I have witnessed the ups and downs. Hope one day young people like you can bring some order to this mess.
in EVERY country in the world that runs on socialist government there is high corruption, they keep there "social system" intact for benefit from EU money, their company s get rich........
@@szobione everybody here knows what mess it is.. that's the worst part.
@@kristiankopera Agreed. Even when I travel through Slovakia and listen to the radio I always shake my head. Don't get me wrong, Polish and Hungarian politics ain't that pretty either, but Fico having "connections" to criminal underworld and ordering journalists to be eliminated is a bit too far by any standards. I have a lot of sympathy to Slovakians since my mother-in-law was born in Kosice and we have an uncle in BB, so I am interested in what is going on there as far political situation is concerned.
Truth is, that it's like that all the time with all governments we had. Maybe the point is elsewhere. Maybe it's the system itself...
It was a long time coming, the government was declining since August 2022, was a terrible situation overall
Slovak government is in decline from the very beggining - The Great Moravian Empire
Sooner or later, EU and Nato need to do something about Slovakia government
@@tranvinhnhat1289 slovakia needs "freedom and democracy".
@@erax1889 you are right but I remember there was an article in August where they simply said, either Matovič goes or a bunch of people will vote against the government, his behavior in this whole thing made everything worse, i also listened to Heger with Brano Zavodski yesterday and it was his inaction till the last minute that also caused this. A situation which was so easy to avoid but Matovič just had to attack and destroy something. He always needs an enemy to blame for his behavior and for his failures
As a slovak I would like to add some additional context or points to the video. As you already translated parties as "Sme Rodina" to "We are family", you can also translate Fico's party "Smer" to "The way" or perhaps "The Direction" and Pellegrini's party "Hlas" as "The Voice".
I'm very happy how deeply you described the current situation, but I would add additonal context to Fico, he is pro-russian polictic now days but he doesn't really care about foreign politics, he says things that people like, we know it from the past when at home he's criticizing EU for everything but when he's in Brussel he's very pro-EU. His main goal is to regain the power in Slovakia, as you mentioned him and close people around him are nowdays investigated and some even already prosecuted for tax-frauds and other criminal offences and that's only thanks to the fact that Police is not controled by him now and can relatively freely work. He wants the power back, to control police, to control investigations, to control courts, to not be prosecuted and the pro-russian ideology is only a way how to get into government in Slovakia, due to many people in favour of Russia.
SO basically he wants to be a dictator, no wonder he admires putin.
So he is your country's Vucic (Serbia) - a bastard coated bastard wit ha bastard filling. Glory to Ukraine!!!! If he says NATO is to blame then why doesn't he make Slovakia quit both NATO and EU?? That would prove helpful I think :P
Came to comment the same thing. Very well said a accurate. Fico probably doesn't even believe himself in what he is saying about russo-ukrainian situation, he just knows a lots of (mostly elderly) people believe this and smells that this is his ticket back to power.
He has to gain power back, otherwise he may end up in jail and never get back to politics
Also worth noting is that in Slovakia many people listen to very successful "non-mainstream" anti-vax pro-Russian media, which causes a severe rift in society.
honestly as a slovak teen this makes me pain on the inside hard, it hurts to see my home crumble like this
Ale máte tu samostatnost HEJ?! 🤣
Good. It seems like it's time to bring slovakia back under Czech control.
@@_________________404 honestly whatever will make it better
@@_________________404 as a Slovak living in Czechia, why the f. would czechia ever want to deal with this mess :D
If you have the age to vote, please go vote in September and vote for pro-democratic parties that have a chance to have 5%.
slovakia: joins NATO
also slovakia: complains about NATO enlargement
Quick merge em with the czechs so they shut up!
Joining to NATO and EU was the best thing that could have happened to us and it also happened when Fico was not prime minister.
Putin's other agent in NATO other than Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
Sometimes I think I would be a good NATO member if that's the standard
@@SWAT11113 You chose the lesser evil that turned you into a chess piece for western oligarchs instead.
You historically haven't had agency when it comes to choices for close to a century now, locked between the neo-liberal West & the communist East.
Not Slovak, but lived there during Fico's first period as PM. Man, I'm not surprised at some of the developments but it is saddening to see how far it's gone. I can only hope for the best for the country.
Dúfate v najlepšie pre krajinu, aby ste sa tu mohli vrátiť na dôchodok?
@@anetakobularcikova5841 Áno, dúfam v najlepšie pre Slovensko, bodka.
@@weepingscorpion8739 To aby ste sa odsťahovali to bude najlepšie pre Slovensko :)
Thank you for wishing the best for our country. And I'm sorry for the other commenters... it's sad how can people react to hoping the best for them. :(
@@janrohacek1523Thanks. And yes, I have noticed that about some people.
As a Slovak, I am pleasently surprised how well you summed up the situation.
LEBO MATOVIC. Why everyone hates him?
you must realise that the EU is basically the UK/US vassall states, the EU does not care about you, they only want to use you as ex-soviet union country to destroy russia.
@@kukamusa1947 Cause he is a clown that should have been in the back line doing clown stuff, instead he egotistically rammed to the front to call himself the king while being arse extraordinaire.
Amazing TLDR. The pronounciation is mostly correct except Fico :D It's pronounced Fytzo.
Nie - je to cele mimo
I am from Slovakia, and our government is literally a joke. The best thing you can do in Slovakia is to leave Slovakia, if you dont want to hear about not working politics every single day
Somebody save Slovakia ❤️🇸🇰
I am from Slovakia also and i think that the only one who is capable of saving our country are only slovak people. So basicaly, we are screwed. :D
Huh, someone save Slovakia. Start at yourself. You are supposed to save Slovakia or at least be part of it. If you leave, it's one person less to help. It's all about us, young Slovak people to fight these SMER and allies fuckers. I thought Zuzana in cooperation with OĽANO could make Slovakia better, and they partially did. Until Matovič went crazy. In my opinion, PS is the only hope for us as Zuzana is not going to candidate next year for president post. God bless young conscious Slovak people.
Joke is supposed to be funny
@@Ballin4Vengeance it is so stupid that it's funny
@@ItsAliceee if we accept that all comedy is ultimately based in suffering
I hope everything ends well for our southern neighbors. Greetings from Poland.
Thank you but i m worried Fico -nazies can actually win .....
@@anobisRussia brothers did well in Slovakia during the Cold War 😂😂😂😂😂
@@anobis Russia can not lose. That was clear way before they went in.
Dont agree on the nazi comment, bc those wearing those symbols in Ukrain are NOT real nazis. Or they are utterly retarded.
They are fighting for the globalists and want to be part of authoritairan EU and nato.
nazis would NEVER do that or fight for those. They are 180 degrees opposite!
But yes, the west uses them there. While ANYONE in western Europe, wearing a nazi symbol or saying certain things, will be arrested AND beaten up.
@@chadzahirshah2588 My father drunk a few liters of vodka with the Russian officers who came to help us in 1968 (from Irkutsk-Ingush brigade dislocated in Ruzomberok and Zvolen).
We, poor children, had to go out and play with that uppish blond daughter of the commander on the yard.
All the other children left the area at the moment their parents detected her Russian languages.
Otherwise the officers were happy here, having high standard of living.
They were literally crying in 1991 when leaving our country.
@@eltwarg6388 Well duh, for many Russian occupants it was the first time they experienced flushable toilets or central heating....
So the guy who wants to blame Nazis in Ukraine has a natural ally in the Neo-Nazi splinter group.
Does anyone else see the irony here?
The word "projection" comes to mind
Russia blamed Azov, and who does the fighting for them? Wagner. It's a running joke it seems.
@@theghosthero6173 It can be said for both sides. Ukraine blames Russia for being nazi while they have Azov. Neither side is right here.
@@axtept66666 except Ukraine didint attack Russia! Azov was also not intergrated into the armed forces until Russia attacked.
That's Nazis. Their ideology is just dress up for 'i do what I want and you do what I want: or else'.
"War is Peace,
Ignorance is Strength,
Slavery is Freedom,"
1984 Georg Orwell
PEACE brings no MONEY, WAR is BIG BUSINESS........
Illness is health. Being added in last three years...
This is Putrid's view of the world and the view of every dictator and autocrat.
@@ZemplinTemplar Do not forget "democratic" leaders like George Bush with his invasion of Iraq and 1 MILION dead or Peace Nobel recipient Obama - king of drones (50K kills)...
@@ZemplinTemplar to slovakia was dictatorship brought by u.s. ambasy
Really well summarized, great job! Just a minor note - you could look more into the pronunciations of these foreign names. I understand that some sounds are difficult to pronounce for an English speaker but Fico [fee-tso], for example, is just way off. Anyway, thanks for what you do! :)
His pronunciation sounds like the FICO credit score agency 😅
In my opinion, majority of us Slovaks wants peace. We don't support war, we don't want Russia to win nor the Ukraine to surrender.
When the question is asked wheter the people support Ukraine or Russia in the conflict, it is a bit misleading because the question itself promotes the conflict.
Well said, my friend. Welcome to the Narrative.
Slovakia is part of both the EU & NATO. Both are undeniably active parties in the conflict. You can't bury your head in the sand. Your stance would be valid if your country wasn't involved in larger entities that support the war & aren't promoting peace. I live in the EU in a NATO country & I want those warmongers to start initiating negotiations & sending representatives to mediate between UA & Russia, I want our puppet leaders to man up & stop supplying weapons that end up being used against ukrainian civilians or on the black market. Most of all, I want my country to stop being a vassal state to the US neocons & start caring about those who have elected them. I won't be holding my breath..
Mas pravdu. V historii vsak prichadzaju chvile, kedy si clovek skratka musi vybrat a nemoze sa tvarit ze sa nic nedeje. V tomto konflikte sa neda schovat hlava do piesku a pockat kym to prehrmi... Bud budeme na jednej, alebo na druhej strane.
@@davidsobon4738 je uplne jedno na ktorej strane budeme...... realita je taká, že rusko vyhrá skôr či neskôr..... ak neskôr, tak zbytočne len zomrie viacej ludí....... a mecenáši ktorí posielajú na ukrajinu zbrane to dobre vedia...... podla toho ti musí byť jasné že ukrajinci sú im totálne u prdele a ide im len o zisk zo zbraňového priemyslu...... ak by západu skutočne záležalo na ukrajine, tak by tlačili na mierové rokovania a boli by ochotní robiť kompromisi....... takto len zomrú o milióny ludí viacej a rusko si podmaní celú krajinu
@@davidsobon4738 Ako to potom robilo Švajčiarsko, že si strany vo vojnách minulého storočia vyberať nemuselo?
As Czech i am really sad, what is going on in Slovakia, but i have hope and believe, that everithing ends well
it looks like soon it will😀
This may not be sad. A change may be necessary to help the Slovaks
As not a Czech, i am still dissappointed that Czechslovakia was divided against its people's will. But that's ok, because EU and USA told to do so.
@@discoboy8169 they are different people who were put together in an artificial country…
@@discoboy8169 The country was divided because both member nations, aka its people, wanted it. EU or USA played no role in that decision.
@TLDR News EU here's a little tip: whenever you're unsure how to pronounce names etc. of different languages, just type them in the Google translator (in the corresponding language) and hit listen. Just a suggestion. Love your content btw!
But "Fajko" is far superior pronunciation of name "FICO" than it's original one. Problem with this video was that they translated some names of parties, others not.
@@michalooo3425 nelíbí se ti strany ,,hejč el ej es" a ,,es em í ár"?
@@michalooo3425 yes! 😄
As a Slovak 🇸🇰 hearing all the mispronounciations and inaccuracies makes me cringe. But, you have the general idea which is good. 😇 I like that people are starting to notice us because of these videos. If we get enough publicity, things might change for the better one way or another.
"Robert Fajkou"
Fiko xD
It even bothers me as a hungarian they dont respect you enough to learn how to pronounce it. And I dont like Fico very much neither Orban. But I see that I dont wanna serve USA interests nor russian interests. We should join our forces and make a strong central european alliences without infleunces of western europe, USA, russia, china.
@@ExploderMaster18he pronounced Matovič and Sulík and Heger correctly but butchered others.
@@ExploderMaster18 you mean hungaro-slovakian alliance or revive central powers lets ask germany
Being half slovak, but not living in Slovakia I am shocked by some of these statistics. I know how real life echo chambers are a thing, but seeing how many slovak friends and family were actively participating in helping Ukrainian refugees I was totally not expecting those statistics. Without joking makes me want to cry.
Its hard to hear even for us Czechs..
Well, what can you do when the sanctions really don't work as intended, and the NATO's responsibility is undeniable, however small it may be...
That first poll about slovaks being overwhelmingly pro-russian were disproven by sociologists as being false/done with bad methodology. There were couple of more later who disproved it and majority of Slovaks is pro-Ukraine. But that first poll is more media eyes catching so it was used by BBC, CNN etc. and is still circulating, as seen in this video
@Some Body Now it's clear you don't want to approach discussion from this side, so maybe let's think about what NATO did right in this situation.
@Some Body Yeah, we could say that Russia's call for European integration after the fall of USSR and it's proposal to join NATO was left unheard. There somewhere some historians trace the root of today's problems.
I just want to add Fico is not pro-russian because of ideology, but because of popular opinion. He is most skilled populist and works very well with moods and trends. And there is nothing he wouldn't do, nothing he wouldn't support and stops at nothing just to protect his ass and people around him. He is more like mafia boss than politician
So Slovakain Trump, then.
You used politician twice in the last sentence.......
@@jesuszamora6949 no, there is nothing you can compare old bolshevik with trump, but nice try
All politicians doing same. Matovic used that dead reporter for his propaganda and won the elections. Fico is now using Russia-Ukraine war because he knows most of Slovakia disagree that Russia is the aggressor so they will vote for him.
@@jesuszamora6949 yes Fico (read as fico not Fiko) is smarter version of trump...... And that's what is dangerous about him. We call him as intelligent evil type of politic
We were already super unstable. Nothing new.
@tigran-khanabazyanthis country has essentially run by populist politicians since it’s inception and so our development has been hindered. But hopefully enough young people come to vote against the pro-Russia parties and we’ll be fine
@tigran-khanabazyan ex-socialist country from an eastern block run by populists who cannot agree on anything, while Russian propaganda thrived in the last 10 years, which divided the population. Many old (and stupid) people will support Russia and Putin to the extreme just because of the propaganda (which also caused mistrust in "mainstream" media) and plain communist nostalgia.
We have been getting absolutely used and abused by our politicians since the end of communism.
@@CreatorPolar Vsetko co nie je "progresivne" je hned "pro-ruske". 🤣 Bude veľké sklamanie, garantujem.😉
@@TomasDord no ak máš oči tak na Slovensku je to pravda. stred ledva existuje
I live in slovakia, our government is a joke, kids in kindergarten would be better than our politicians.
There is an important factor, which you have missed. Slovak politics is not the same as in older democracies, e.g. them being clearly ideologically defined. Slovak politics can be best defined as pragmatic populism, which is best championed by Smer and Fico. They say exactly what people want to hear and what brings in votes, but there is a great disconnect with political actions as well as in foreign affairs.
As an example, Fico in office is pro-NATO and pro-European. Fico in opposition is pro-Russian and against EU and NATO. This is a stance that has flipped as often as the calender has days. That is true for most prominent politicians. They are populists, but more often pragmatic in their decisions.
Je to ako ta epizoda Tazkeho tyzdna, kde namiesto normalne politickeho kompasu pouzili slovensky kompas, podla toho ako je politik "zly" a ako je schopny.
@@dARkIkO Fico inteligentné zlo 😂
Klamať ti je vlastné😂😂
Well, this is our only chance - he still needs those EU money to flow. Yet maybe hes paranoid after those criminal charges and who know what he will do to not get into that situation again. There is only one constant, retardation of our voters
asi tak dako, ale stale lepsie ako nasi juzni susedia, to oni su skor ciernou ovcou EU a ne my :D
Slovak here, even if Smer and Hlas win the next elections (they almost certainly will), nothing changes in relation to Ukraine actually. They were never against NATO and EU but were always strongly pro NATO and pro EU. They just want to win those elections so they appeal to oppositely oriented people so they vote them. After elections they will very quickly forget how they wanted to veto sanctions and other things and will still support Ukraine.
But then the people realised the politician lied to them and this could spiral out of control. It is a very risky tactic, but i support your comments.
@@chat4783 And when does that stopped them before. All politician do it.
@@chat4783 They had been lying for 12 years before and nothing was done until people connected to them murdered a journalist.
@@chat4783 You do not know Slovakia AT ALL. We do not care about trivial stuff like politicians doing what they promised :D
@@Arthur_Revan Just because they do it doesn't mean it won't cause massive problems. There's a reason why we're in this whole unstable Europe conundrum, it is because politicians keep lying.
How many political parties do you want?
Slovakia: Yes!
It's normal in healthy democratic systems. With two party system you get stuck with the same people again and again with no change. It's also very close to authoritarian single party systems like communist countries have. With many party systems you can express your opinions by choosing party you trust most. The problem with Slovakia is that since their independence they had only populist governments that did not care about Russian propaganda and hoaxes spreading in the country.
*The Netherlands has entered the chat*
Slovakia? See Italian, Dutch or Spanish parliaments 😂😂😂
@ how many of those religions are cults? US: Yes
But how many?
Slovakia: All of them!
Im from Slovakia and I just heard lot of bullsh*ts just the same like in our media.
why is it so hard for politicians nowadays to be competent in their jobs? if they do not serve the people, then they dont deserve to be in office
They serve Sorros mostly. There are exceptions...
If you would see the credentials of our politicians you would understand. They either dont know how or it IS their focus. Former tennis players, uneducated Neo nazis, hair stylists, minister of economy with proven plagiarised master thesis, religious fanatics with ties to cults... I could go on and on. The others are ex mafia and that want to put their puppets into highest political positions so they Can steal milions from the state. Our ex president called us mafia state and he was right.
Even if you remove 'nowadays' from the comment it would still be correct
The media has so toxified politics, that sane sensible people no longer stand for office.
Oh they are competent at their jobs. Its just that their job is not to serve the public, but to serve their big corporate donors.
I'm glad someone starts to notice outside of my country what's the problem, TLDR are very accurate news, thank you for that. My only critics would be the reading incorrectly the political figures names.
It is funny to hear FICO's name so badly mispronounced, isn't it? Or some others, but FICO's one was the worst. It should be probably written as FETSO :) in english..
Ehh it's accurate enough but don't use it as ur only source
"Fajkou" mě rozsekalo 😂
Peter Pelegrini sounds like 🍕 Pelegrini.
Ja myslím že Fica by sme už mali oficiálne oslovovať len Fajko. Vcelku mu to sedí.
respect to Slovakia from Poland our Tatra brothers :)
I am form Slovakia too and i think this video explains our politics really Well and showcases the motive of each politics group pretty well
I was dreading to see this topic discussed here. It really is a terrible situation. BTW, his name is pronounced something like "Fitz-o"
Can Fico actually form a government? I thought he couldn't get enough, especially since HLAS - sociálna demokracia won't work with him (I apologize if I'm incorrect, I'm from Finland so it's a bit difficult to understand)
@@einosalama Honestly? Who knows. Many times here in Slovakia politicians said one thing before the election and then did the opposite. I want to believe that Pellegrini doesn't want to turn as extremist as Fico, but that might be too idealistic. One thing to remember however is that Fico is an political opportunist - his public views are always motivated at all times by what he thinks will bring him most votes. A couple years back he claimed to be "working towards bringing Slovakia into the core of the EU". But nowadays after Matovič's goverment people are very angry, very resentful and thus very vunerable to propaganda and misinformation.
Ye this “Faykoh” pronouciation made me cringe, like if it is so difficult to just put it to some text reader and at least try to pronounce it :D
On the pronunciation (and I am Czech, so do not take for granted):
Fico = Fi-tzo ("o" pronounced like the first "o" in the word "hollow")
Kuciak = Ku-tzi-ak ("c" is pronounced like "tz", "u" like "oo" in the word "cook")...
How are we supposed to know how c is pronounced in your language? While you're at it try to get your pronounciation of finnish names correct.
Every time non-finnish person tries to pronounce "Sauli Niinistö" for example makes me cringe. It's very easy. Just pronounce it like it's written. No weird "Sooli", "Sauuuuuuuuli", "Nainastou" or "Niinisto" nonsense.
As a Slovak who studies a political science, I must say, this is unbelievably accurate. How do you guys even make these videos? This is summarised so well that you had to work with some Slovak journalist or at least someone from Slovakia. Good job👏
It might actually sometimes be easier for outsiders to disentangle the situation, because you see through the noise more easily. Most of "national politics" is incredibly boring and weeks of events could be summarized in a few sentences, if that.
And then, I guess it's just high standards of English political/historical science. The Economist, for example, is a fantastic read and one of the most trusted weekly papers. Even a public outlet, BBC, is famous for its quality and relatively high standards (although mostly documentaries rather than reporting). I'm Polish and the best, most level-headed and bullshit-free books about Polish history are written by the English (esp. N. Davies and A. Richie).
and as a Slovak, who studied political science, I must say that there a lot of inconsistencies in this video - for example, the poll about the Ukrainian/Russian stances did not not the best methodology and also the creators of the video used the data according to their needs. Also, PS was not excluded from the coalition in the previous government, they did not get into the parliament...
Yes, they use journalists and mainly politology students from the countries they are making their videos about. A uni friend helps them sometimes with videos about CZ
Your assessment is very helpful. Thanks.
are you sure you study any "political science"? a state as a system works the same everywhere. all these idiotic "sensational" vidios that draws a line between good and evil is for open degenerates.
Slovak Republic per capita is leading country giving weapons to Ukraine. Like these MIGs, S300 systems, war vehicles... They gave them all weapons they had. It will not be forgotten...
Finally someone noticed, we have spent billions helping Ukraine and nothing will change after election, except we will only provide defence weapons not anything Ukraine can use to attack on Russian territory.
It still has some T-72 tanks to give, but it cannot donate everything and be completely defenseless. These could be donated once there are enough Leopard 2A4. In the worst case Leopard 2A4s could also go.
@@Alex-df4lt Please, donate them, keep donating, that way Russia will overshoot its goal and instead of disarming Ukraine, will disarm the entirety of NATO :D
Slovakia as loser of ww2 ..repeat same mistake and closing eyes on Ukrainian neoNazi regime...i m ashamed and apologied many times to Russians for our sick behaviour..
It's important to note that not all weapons are high valued in Ukrainian army if their soldiers aren't trained to use them. Some of the weapons, ended up being sold off (not speaking about Slovakian ones). Another factor is, countries are promising these weapons, but refuse to deliver themselves or are late in delivering them.
Good Job!
With love from 🇸🇰
Great video. However I would critique one thing about this. The poll used where 50% of slovaks support russia was dissproved by pretty much everyone. Every media, sociologists, politologists etc. It was made using dubious methods, and by an obscure polling company. As an answer, globsec released a similar poll just few weeks later and the results were much more realistic.
yes right... if in Russia's ass they're good if in Anglo-Americans' ass they're bad...HAHAHAHAHAH... CLOWN
BUTHURT of epic proportions 🤣
Vyvrátili to protislovenske živly,my nie SME fašisti,!!!!!většina Slov slov je proti vojně,!!!!!a proti nato,to je pravda,NASA vláda klame a zavadza,už máme po krk banderovcov a americkéj vojny proti Rusku,a Heger je nekompetentní idiot a americký agent,!!!!
so what were the realistic result, can you link? dafuq you cant link stuff on yt?
Are u trying to suggest that our pooling agencies are not corrupt and all the statictics are not made to the favor of whoever paid for them ? Really ?
This situation bears striking similarities to what’s been happening in Bulgaria the last year and a half. Our government also collapsed a few months after the start of the war, owing to that governments support of Ukraine. Being a five party coalition, disagreement were rife. And now we’re in political deadlock between old corrupt contenders who are also more Russia-leaning and new contenders who are West-leaning. Good luck to Slovakia! Hopefully we make it out of this.
its all W.E.F. controled...............
I beg to disagree. We had 5 different cabinets in the last 2 years. The war only made more apparent the dependencies of some people and political parties. I wouldn't call the "old corrupt contenders" "Russia-leaning" when they regularly visit the american embassy to have "breakfast" with the ambassador. One thing I can agree about is that they are corrupt. I wouldn't call them even contenders because they were talking about a coalition and the leaked recording of the national meeting of the "new contenders" only backs my words. They are both "West-leaning" and by that I mean they are bowing that low that they can lick the grime on the shoes of the american ambassor...
You will if you stay pro-russia. Nothing good comes out of the USA or NATO, just wars and conflicts.
@GerasimSimov I'm afraid this is the same problem of all former Warsaw Pact countries, now mostly NATO countries. West is pushing us against East, just like we were pushed by East against the West before the Soviet Union collapsed. I say Neutrality of B9 countries along with former Yougoslavia, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey and ofc Ukraine... Clearly the West and Russia need that buffer zone. Peace to all...
@@jurajhlavnicka1334 Absolutely! I wish more people were thinking like that. We do not need to be bowing to any major power to be safe or prosperous. And we definitely do not have to wage any empire's proxy wars!
Well I can't stay silent on this can I...
Here in Slovakia, there's too many people that don't even think about factchecking their information sources and so they believe the one who is shouting loudest.
I will do my BEST to share this video, to let others know how the outside world sees what is happening in our country. I hope it'll open some eyes.
Can't count on it though, so ... lets vote and hope!
This video isn't that factual either 🤷♂️
Never trust a Vlad.
@@vkdrk What elements are not factual?
same here in Taiwan
They are all over the world.... unfurtunally. We are stupid species.
Robert Fajko tak krásne sedí :D :D
Thank you for spending the time to create and share this content awareness
Its fake content, that is not how any of this works.
Slovakia is an artificially created nation, language and history compared to any other real country (like hungary and its 1000+ years of history)
Since Slovaks are artificial, they are disconnected with reality. Pompous retarded slovaks get their opinionated politiciancs in governemt, where it clashes with reality.
Eventually Slovaks blame politicians for doing what was expected of them, because they are one of them.
You know hoe the germans repented ww2 and the genocides...
Well the slovaks never had to repent or repay a cent. Fasistic Slovakia never ended and now you can see how fascism and reality dont come any close.
As a Slovak, I think it's amazing you managed to make heads or tails of the mess our politics is, although I disagree with most of the stuff you said. I'll just say that majority of Slovaks want peace and the economic situation to improve, and that will reflect in the elections.
what's the slovak opinion on czechoslovakia reunification?
Slava Z
@@Thanadeez well, some people would like it to happen, but I think every unification had its reasons and there are none to reunify now. The relationships between Czechs and Slovaks are better now than they were when Czechoslovakia was a thing, at least that's what people who experienced it say. I don't see Slovakia and Czechia reuniting in the future, but what I see as more probable is bigger V4 cooperation.
But it really depends on who you ask, I wasn't alive when Czechoslovakia existed.
@@Thanadeez There is not a motivation for this to happen, we have our own country united under EU with other friendly countries including Czechia. Connecting the two countries would not make sense nowadays.
Hungary here! Welcome to the club of normalcy! We gain nothing by ukraine joining anything but will lose everything if enlargement fails. We want peace! Now!
"Ajgor Matovik " and Robert Fajko 🤣 😅😅 you killing it !
Man I live in Slovakia and I hate that our country is represented by this and these people.
Fica ani ja nemusim, ale vacsina z vas ste zmanipulovani aj tak anglosaskou propagandou ktoru siria sorosove media (sme) / politici (PS, hlas) a media oligarchov (dennik N). Tito sluzia zaujmom us zaujmom. Aj taky refresher doslova oblbuje ludi a odvadza pozornost nezmyslami od dolezitych veci. Prakticky vsetky media takzv. mainstreamu vas manipuluju aby ste nepouzivali vlastny rozum. Treba hladat info zo vsetkych casti sveta a porovnavat. Tym ze sledujete iba sk media, mate vyrazne zuzeny pohlad na geopolitiku. Aj toto video je vlastne anglosaska propaganda.
been to slovakia a few times, great country i hope they can get out of this situation
Very easy. Leave EU. Throw out everything that reeks of US. Go full nationalism. Thats the only chance.
Dont worry, many of information from a video missed the reality. 🙌
@@tomasjavor4878 Not that much information missed the reality. It just got crazier.
@@tomasjavor4878 Presne tak, je to v podstate antifico propaganda, aj ked aj ten ma za usami viac nez dost. Ziadni doterajsi politici nepracovali pre Slovensko. Neostava nic, len skusit volit nove tvare.
Slovak here: Great work with this video - you have captured the situation very well! Although it has to be said that Fico is a populist that despite being openly prorussian has also told ambassadors of USA and UK that his party supports Ukraine's admission into the EU. So, it is not clear how exactly would he rule, if he won the elections.
And also Fico is pronounced more as Phee-tso - just for the sake of accuracy :)
you must realise that the EU is basically the UK/US vassall states, the EU does not care about you, they only want to use you as ex-soviet union country to destroy russia.
So basically, telling the people one thing, telling the money another. He would fit fine as an American politician.
@@jesuszamora6949 That's what rational populists do - play both sides for their own gain. The irrational ones turn dictators like Orban.
But to be honest, I don't think any significant money flow to Slovakia from US and UK - EU is far more important to us.
@hunterzone4846 It doesn't, but his voters are hard-core euro-sceptics ;)
@hunterzone4846 Putin asked NATO MANY times to join....THEY NEVER wanted to answer his letters. Wonder why? ah, to make a war in ukraine they need a vilan..... RUSSIA.......... If Russia is in NATO there is no vilan anymore, so NO WEAPONSALES !!!!!
My friend studies in slovakia, and i managed to visit this February, we were also close to a monument that's been dedicated to the journalist and his fiancee, we asked the people that were there what it was for because it looked like it was close to the anniversary and some kind sirs explained to us the situation that happened in their country. Slovakia and Slovaks were amazing, i had a wonderful time, only got to see Bratislava but i still enjoyed it. Hope to be there soon again💗
Did they mentioned they Fico ruled for 3 election cycles (12y) and western forces were not able to take him down ? So after the assassination of the journalist and his fiance - who benefited from this ? The pro-western parties. They framed Fico for this yet he wasnt benefiting from it so why would he be involved in such action ? This was kind of our Maidan - orchestrated by west to change the government.
@@ondrejm5042 I talked about that to older couple from ireland. They were asking about communism in Slovakia and then asked about that killed journalist so I told them about western influence. To my little shock, they agreed with me and that I should always hate westerners (English specifically).
Good chance there wont be a slovakia soon.
Vote wise.
I was on the plane over from Vietnam to Budapest and this Hungarian in economic exile told me of his student days visiting Slovakia, the good bands there and the decent beer.
Good to hear that most Slovak are sensible and not throwing their lot in with the EU vultures
looks boring
The news media is currently flooded with economic statistics. It takes a lot to see beyond the sea of headlines and focus on what matters, which is that no matter how low equities fall, they always rise again. I completely disregard all news and continue to invest. I recently set aside $45k to invest in the market as we anticipate a meltdown. Do you have any suggestions?
We undervalue the reality that banks are corporate entities governed by greed as well. Banks have been over-leveraging their assets since 2020, which was one of the causes of SVB's demise. I've never felt comfortable with storing a lot of money in the bank. I simply invest through my financial advisor , all I do is to spend my ROI and then reinvest!
There are plenty other fascinating stocks in a variety of industries that you might follow. You don't have to act on every forecast, so I recommend working with a financial advisor who can assist you determine the optimal moments to buy and sell the shares or ETFs you want to buy.
I've been in contact with a financial analyst since I started my company. Understanding today's culture When investing in trending stocks, the challenge is determining when to buy and when to sell. My adviser selects entry and exit orders for my portfolio, which has increased by more than $70,000 in just over a year.
@@Bridie_Aine We're only an information away from accumulating money; I know a lot of people who made fortunes from the Dotcom and 2008 crashes, and I've been researching analogous opportunities in this present market; can this coach who advises you assist you?
@@SmithMiller5 ANDREW GLENN ADAMS is my financial advisor. I discovered him while watching a CNBC interview in which he was featured and then contacted him. He has since provided entry and exit points on the securities that I am interested in. If you require monitoring, you can conduct a simple web search using his name. I basically follow his market moves and haven't been disappointed.
As a Slovak I would say that it is less of a pro-Russian sentiment and more of an anti-Ukranian sentiment. Slovak economy isn´t doing great, covid, inflation and massive braindrain left people distressed and refugees in general are just great punching bags, so they vent their frustration on them. I am not saying it is right, but it is extremely common tactic by populists and as most Slovaks don´t care about politics it is easy to sway them with populist speech.
Only good thing is that while such people are majority of this country, they are also probably demographic thas is least likely to vote.
I am only saing this from my perspective and experiences, if you disagree it is up to you.
(PS: Sorry if my grammar is wrong, I had no time to check it fully)
Do people understand that Russia is the cause of the Ukrainian problem for Slovakia
No, it is pro Russia. The brain drain of all young and capable Slovaks left the country only with the older, conservative and religious population, rife for manipulation and disinformation on social media that they are not educated on. Russia invests a lot of resources in spreading targeted disinformation in Slovakia and their investment is paying off. Czechia has far more Ukrainian refugees (5x more for only 2x the population), same inflation woes and COVID impacts, but the population is still far more pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian.
It is absolutely not true that the demographic left in the country is the one least likely to vote. It is the opposite, Slovak society is getting more conservative and older, as the young leave, and the elderly are the strongest cohort of voters (especially as they depend on the Government for their pensions). The young vote with their feet, which just makes the political representation even more skewed. There are no strong political parties that cater to the liberal and young, because the liberal and young are no longer in Slovakia.
If a country's economy isn't doing great the people in power are obviously the ones who should be blamed for that because its their duty to ensure the well-being of their voters and not to advance some globalist agenda at such people expense. Russian and Ukrainian problems are not important at all for people outside the respective countries. Slovaks (as any other nation) should first think what is better for their country.
I believe you do have a point. Not that I would 100% agree, but ... yeah ... you are definitelly onto something.
I think many young Slovaks who wanted a future left years ago. Take Prague, for example, probably 20% or more of bar and hospitality staff are Slovak…
I know that pronunciation of names wasn´t big deal on this channel, but that pronunciation of Fico is on completely new, very painful level 🥲
It's their own fault for having stupid names lol
Quiet, Eyegore!
@@TheGero95 Wow, that's some stupid, myopic comment. I bet many people who speak other languages can't pronounce your name.
@@TheGero95 they're not stupid at all. Do better
@@TheGero95 boohoo there are different languages and pronounciations in the world than english what tragedy!
When I start watching.... I was angry about stupidity of my nation... but after your pronunciation of Fico’s name I’m uncontrollably laughing on floor
Fiko 😂
It sounds like a cartoon dog :D
@@HandlesAreDumb420The translation says f*ck…
In America that's a FICO credit score lol
You give so much info, so fast, that it is very hard to follow, for us who dont know Slovakia and dont speak english that well. SLOW DOWN MAN.
6:25 There was a bigger reason why PS wasn't in the coalition. They worked together with a smaller christian democratic party and surprisingly failed to reach the 7% coalition threshold.
and also everyone saw what a stupid party Progresivne Slovensko is ;)
@@AdamSisko6 was any other party better? OLANO, HLAS, SMER, Za rodinu, ... All bs parties
@@adamkoxxl There is not a single decent party in Slovakia atm.
The EU need to stop trying to dictate public policy to sovereign nations. The EU just needs to stick to open borders for trade. Trying to dictate public policy just causes people to instinctively to push away.
finally valid answer
100% noone ask to be part of this fascist regime of uncollected WEF puppets
Fajkou, to je dobrý. Videa mají jinak perfektní, ale najít si výslovnost není tak těžké, ne?
Greetings from the country of a great greek descendant Prime Minister called Matieus Marauieki 🇬🇷🇵🇱
Dost to svědčí o jejich lenosti, když si nedokážou najít ani tak jednoduchou věc jako je výslovnost, tak co všechno můžou mít špatně?
Literally put it into google translate, set language as country of that names origin and you can press "listen" its usually accurate, definitely better than his pronounciation of Fico...... i wonder what else they got wrong when they cant even find rponounciation which is so easy...
Exactly like in every single video, they have approximately 3 mistakes like numbers, flags, swapped countries or pronunciation of names or places
Fajkou slovenský supermodel :DD
The biggest issue as a Slovak I see it that nationalist/pro-russian supporters don't give a hoot so long politicians align with their views. Liberal/pro-EU supporters on the other hand are highly critical of their politicians and punish them accordingly which then result in many parties under 5% and nationalists having stable voters count.
I loved Slovakia when I was there for a week. Wish it resolves itself in a good way
I can see you have researched this topic thoroughly. Great video!
He researched western propaganda, because news agencies hire idiots who are alread biased the exact same way the viewers are.
FIco is not pro russian or anti west, he just does not support sanctions and is prefering peace negoatiations, the same as Hungary or Pope . He never said Russia has right to atack UA or anything to suggest he is pro Russian. Also Slovaks mostly support UA but do not support war and weapons delieries + sanctions that we are paying.
Speak for yourself. I'm against appeasment like Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler before and at beggining of second world war. Bully, tyrant and aggressor must be expulsed by military means because they do not understand anything else than military might. Russia is that aggressor and if allowed to conquer Ukraine, then they will not stop there, but also attack Slovakia and other countries.
I'm Slovak and I support weapons delivery to Ukraine.
@@PapyrusEngineer you are pathetic,. I said Russia is so weak that is not even able to conquer UA, but on the other side you are afraid that they will attack and beat NATO . I can not be serious, I would bet that u are from BA
Červený hranol is pro-russian because it is cool today to be pro-russian in Slovakia and it will give him votes. After sucessfully in power and safe from prison he will forget about his promises as did milion times in the past and his voters will forget about it like always. Eurofunds for his mafia in this country are coming from Europe, not Ruzzia
@@PapyrusEngineer wake up blbecek.
@@PapyrusEngineer Tiež hovor za seba.
As a slovakian myself: thay are not clowns, they are the whole circus
Robert Fajko
So funny that they don't make the least effort to find the proper pronunciation 😆. Almost as good as "Prichkovin".
This is another addition to the ever-rising tensions in Europe. What was Matovic doing..
He is described as a horrible sociopath and mentally ill
@@matic93t He's definitely bipolar or something very similar. You can tell that from his public appearance when he's having manic and depressive periods.
@@matic93t He is not entirely sociopathic. He is not evil. But he is definitely insane. He is best described as Joker from the last Joker movie. The choices were insane anti-corruption Joker or super corrupt mafia around Fico.
@@thornelderfin Matovič is Joker if he had IQ 52
We have enough dealing with hungary. Hoping the best for Slovakia
EU only "deals" with Hungary because Orban dont want get involved in ukrainian nest, in Spain Sánchez is getting control of Justice pissing the laws and EU doesnt care, 4 members of the Constitutional Court that couldnt vote to decide if a law voted anyway and nothing happens
Hungary, Turkey, Slovenia… c’mon
It’s always the “conservatives” who takes things too far here
@@jtgd are you talking about Latvia and their "loyalty tests"? 🙄
@@jtgd it isn't tho. Why lie?
@@jtgd World wide trend is increasing conservative, religion, etc. ALL anti globalist.
You can choose; either join, or die.
its not said that if you will join you wont die. but thats the only chance youve got.
The west is going down fast.
Whod have guessed huh, that this would happen? Well, i did. Ive been warning for well over 30 years. But hey, im not famous, so why listen to me? There is a reason im not famous and a lot of IDIOTS are.
You can figure that one out yourself, i hope.
Only 1 thing , HLAS is not shorten of 4 other words, it is only 1 word hlas which can be translated to English as Voice. And also, for me as Slovak pronounce of Robert FICO's name as Fajko is the best thingI have heard in long time😂
Presne 🤣 Fajko mi urobil lepší deň..
Robert Fajko, tiež ma to dostalo. 😃
Loved my brief visit to Bratislava back in the late 90s, an exciting time for the country. Sorry to hear things are not going well. Best thing all of us could do is to be less exposed to propaganda is abandon social media and be very careful using a variety of major news sources. That includes avoiding TH-cam Shorts, which have become as bad or worse than Twitter/FB in terms of propaganda and misinformation. On YT, we must be aggressive in telling YT not to serve us channels that serve up misinformation so that the algorithms do not continue to flood us with crap.
Unironically, the current Slovak technocratic dictatorship should just ban Facebook and everything will slowly goes back to normal.
Well said, social media are quite problematic in this regard, but the biggest problem is (in my opinion), that people are not used to needing to fact-check information ... thus they don't ... and they believe every crap they see...
(off course not eveyone, but a lot of people are like that)
I've noticed that as well. A way to teach the algorithm is to click on those three dots, click hide, and give as reason "not interested".
That's why I'm glad my grandparents don't know how to use the internet. They already believe everything that's said on the TV, imagine if they opened Facebook or Twitter.
Not Bratislava, it's Pozsony.
This video is a little misleading, the main problem to the political situation is not the Ukraine vs Russia conflict but internal politics. Ru vs Ua is not as big of a factor as they make it sound
Slovakia was fascist for 4 years during ww2 as result of Munich Agreement 1938 for which UK, Germany, Italy and France are responsible. UK has been fascist, collonisator for most of its history. UK is the last who could lecture us
And UK did geoncides in India during ww2, way less than Slovakia (my comment is 100% going to get deleted, but I'm speaking facts).
@@PO.RO.MD.ORT16 yes it is thru. How you can compare Slovakia with UK. They killed and robbed millions of Indi
I´m form slovakia and when our government collapsed I never heard of that
I like the content you guys are making, all though here are my opinions, advices: work on the pronunciation pls of people's names and party names, the thumbnails are visually nice, but smelling strong of click baiting (bit provocative)
You guys are awesome, keep it up 👍
Thumbnail has one job and it's to make you click on it, that's just how TH-cam works... With the pronunciation I wholeheartedly agree though.
I can relate to this comment. Whenever they pronounce a Chinese name, I cringe. Then again, I don't think English speakers will ever get them right XD
Seriously I couldn't care less. I'm French and a few weeks ago they butchered every French politician's name in a video... So what? It's ok, we still get it.
They have to produce new content almost daily about what's going on all around the globe. That's already a huge job they deliver for FREE. Getting the right pronunciation each time would be near impossible.
I mean thats really no feasible is it? They talk about dozens of countries with various names having different pronunciations within the same language. Obviously try their best and not butcher it it but no one likes that dickhead who dsnt speak that language hyper pronounce something thats foreign. I can say croissant like a French person but i just look like a dickhead.
Obviously a croissant and a name isnt the same but to me anyway seeing/hearing a British dude with a heavy accent bust out perfect pronunciation for a name looks/sounds cringe.
Mispronouncing names is a TLDR staple
I hope this is no big problem for Europe
A desperate Ukraine with nuclear weapons is multiple mushroom clouds over Europe. It's US/UK support for Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum that is restricting Ukraine to be armed with nuclear weapons.
Don't think so. Hoping that Scholz, Macron etc change the voting system in the EU, ending the unanimity and veto bullshit.
@@huquui8789 Why?
@@axtept66666 because we don't want dictators like orban to have any control over the EU. if you want no part in a democracy and don't like the european core values then get the f*ck out.
@@valenrn8657 I dont get it, maybe wrong translate. No one, even Ukrainians!!! want nukes. They give them up in exchange for sovernity. US, ruSSia and UK were garants of this agreement. Debate, if they have not give them up was like year ago and we all agree, it would change nothing. So who is giving Nukes to Ukraine? Who is attacking with nukes? WTF is this comment about?
Oh no... Must suck not being a Russia supporter in Slovakia. Why do these people try to destroy their counties? Even if a person is not pro-UA they have to see who invaded who...
bc lot of people are so dumb, combination of stupidity and short memory. Also, honestly, really don´t know the source of this pole, but I don´t think that 50% of population is Russian orientated.
nato imvaded ukraine. russia is liberating it.
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan Actually, it some cases there are no gray zones worth much considerations. If my neighbor talks smack about me and I break into his house and killnhis family, the "grey zone" is irrelevant. I am a child murderer and I will get maximum sentence. The reasoning for my crime is irrelevant.
Actually supporting Russia in Slovakia is illegal....that's how "liberal" this government was. I am not surprised these liberals had to go. You had to support Ukraine by default which was wrong. People should be able to choose
@@vkdrk Of course, I am for any person being able to choose what they want, but there is always severe consequences. Anyone who chooses to side with the aggressor must be isolated and sanctioned into oblivion to remove the threat. That is why I feel for those who saw what was happening and used their reasoning to see what would happen depending on their choice. The Slovakian people have chooses NATO and the EU as enemies of their own free will.
I'm from Slovakia and I have to say our politicians have been and always will be buffoons
Not only your politicians. Look at GB! What a clown world! How about Germany, Italy, France…? Do you see and hear the shit they say and do?
You made me laugh with the pronunciations of name Fico. It's so wrong and so funny, but he definitely deserves that name, lol
And I thought Italian politics were complicated.
Italy is constantly at war with itself devolving to corrupt status-quo populism
I dont find our politics complicated tho.. just vote for SMER or Republika and all good
@@iAdam43 yes lets just elect offbrand neofascists and thieves that enrich themselves with state money that will make things work
@@iAdam43 If they are anti EU/US/WEF and at the moment, pro Russia, those are the good ones!
@@iAdam43 Simple choice for simple people.
Just to clarify at around 6:30 - Progressive Slovakia wasn't included in government because they didn't even get a single seat in parliament. They ran as a coalition with the Spolu ("together") party and thus they needed to reach the treshold 7.5% instead of 5%, which they didn't.
*only 7%, they got only 6.96%
As other Slovaks in comments I know too the Slovakias government and that's really terrible what's happening ...
This is my first time to see this program and I really enjoyed it, well spoken and easy to understand. I look forward to seeing it again so subscribed.😊
Ja uz nekukam ani spravy, to sa proste nedá. Už len kukávam memky na TH-cam než by som sa mal zase rozčuľovať hah. Nuž čo všetko sa deje na našom malebnom Slovensku..
Tebe dobre prejebalo pisat na angielske video po slovenski,prepac slovencinu som z Polska
@@JakubWolanski261 so what? 🤷♂ He could write in spanish if he wanted to and your bickering would still be irrelevant.
@@-missklik3215 Im just fascinated by those idiots and i like to troll them😄
@@-missklik3215 his comment is relevant. It proves a strong point. Slovaks are ignorant of reality by nature. Fascist slovakia of the 1940s never ended. But you see there are 2 types of fascism.
1. The german model where everyome understand and repeats the propaganda joining and enforcing fascism.
2. The slovak model where the population is too stupid to figure out politics hence ignoran but still either loudly repeating everything or silently accepting the fate their overlords deemed suitable.
@@-missklik3215 You see, Slovakia was artificially created because it couldnt have been created in any other way. They cannot stand up for their rights and identity, and they never did.
The concept slovak only exists for 200 years amd they were opressed all the time because they cannot exist in any other form. Once they got a country FOR FREE, they decided to opress themselves by themselves as they couldnt functiin amy other way.
This country has no future, because the national identity is based on lies. The status quo is a lie. Their opressed history is a hateful lie...
There is no future if there is no past.
Framing this as just a pro-russian vs. pro-NATO fight is wrong though. Fico is somewhat successful (20%) in using pro-russian sentiment for political gains, but that is nothing more than a populist doing populist things. The main problem is that the Slovakian parties system has never stabilized, leaving room for populism.
Fico has, despite his literal Mafia ties and political pacts with actual Fascists, successfully framed himself as a servant of the poor in former governments, with many people (including a lot of minimum pensioners and the unemployed) dependent on his populistic social security measures like a VAT tax reduction, 13th pensions etc.. This actually explains a lot of the loud, but stable and non-increasing 20% SMER is still holding. Also, with his pro-russian stance, he will be isolated within the European social democrats.
Pellegrini captures the other 20% of the social democrat voter's base, but he has miraculously turned himself from Fico's assistant to his biggest opponent? He has issues with trustworthiness and is percieved as an opportunist, constantly trying to figure out whether he wants to be more like Fico or pro-European.
The right-wing parties, that actually were fairly popular last election can't get their shit together, with consant infighting and bickering about non-issues like abortion. Also, their economic policies are highly unpopular, this includes a flat and very low corporate tax that most people resent.
And the progressives last time failed to get into parliament completely, which made them lose themself in infighting, but at least their people are untainted in the eyes of the public. With their 15% I reckon that they might be the decisive tie breaker for the next few elections though, serving as the connection between forces in the social democratic parties vary of cooperation with Fascists (20%) and more progressive right-wing forces (20%). The president herself, who is a co-founder of this party, has won her election right after the Journalist murder, against a Fico aide, showing that Slovakia is ready to accept a progressive government that goes agains a lot of the conservative views of the population, as long as it's keeping Fico out
I am from Slovakia and I didn't really noticed that our government collapsed ... It is all about same sh*ts as always, It is always bad like this and I can't see any difference ... our politics are clowns and I am ashmed of them
As a Slovak, we are fucked
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan It is even weirder that the bulk of supporters of SMER are seniors who all either remember or atleast lived during that time. But yeah, Pro-Russian propaganda is extreme here. I frequently fight with my grandparents about politics when they visit. All hope is to move to western europe while we still can.
P.S. I personally was celebrating the new technocratic government. I know it is not the most democratic thing for me to do. But we desperately need stability.
This is normal for a functioning government. Vote in September
@@neres5795 Sometimes children need to move to another country for their parents to wake up. In the EU the old generation will no longer be imposing its failed policies on the young one. If they wish to live in Russian world then its time to wish them good luck and leave.
I'm from Slovakia and I usually don't care about our politics. But this got me good ...
I can't wait to finish what I have to finish here, pack my stuff and never look back.
Bon voyage to katanga litle West witch flaying ape...... From serbian
More beatifull slovak girls for us he he he
Just like all the other young and capable Slovaks in the past 30 years. The Slovak leadership's absolute incompetence at improving the country's situation leading to this brain drain is a feedback loop and self fulfilling.
@@igorjajic2726 I think you hit your head, seek medical attention
Only incompetent toilet cleaners move to the west. Competent people easily find good jobs and dont have to worry about politics
As a Slovak I'm saying: we need help. Politics here is not too different from a circus. We give air time to totally toxic people spreading hate and lies and people happily buy it and take as a legitimate stance.
I sometimes question my sanity because it's hard to find an ally in a debate on the situation. My colleagues are young, educated folks with sensible opinions. My parents, neighbors, some of my friends - brainwashed.
I'm looking towards the September elections with worry. If Fico wins, it's very bad.
By the way despite the corruption and dumb government Slovakia is a good place to live
Hey! Im from Slovakia too, if Fico wins election we can say "Goodbye" to our democratic country.
Most of the brainwashed Slovak population will vote him because of Russia and not because of good for their own or for the next generation... I want to live in democratic country and not in country which was voted by dezolates and old pro-communist people
I feel you brother. It's coming to czech republic too. It already started. Good thing we got rid of Zeman.
How embarrassing to be Slovak these days.
Beautiful country and good people. I visited in 2009 on a ski trip and went to the aqua park with the therapeutic springs. Tiny population of amazing people and I hope they come to an understanding together and decide what’s best for their families and country as a whole. Stay away from those who wish to change your culture/religion and nation as a whole. Keep the exploiters out. Trust your gut. You already know what’s best for Slovakia! Much love from mountains of rural Upstate New York! ❤
Beeing friends (not enemies) with Russia is the best for us. We are dependent on the cheap energy from them - we tried to be less demendent and it leads to big price increase in everything. People switched from coal and wood to gas and it was costly, now the government is telling us we cant use gas because its from "bad" Russia. It was delivered to us ecologically and cheaply via the pipe, we even prosperred from the transit of the gas further to Europe.
Anyway, thank you for your kind words and friendly people who are thinking like you are welcome in our country anytime.
Wish you the best.
Respect for Slovakia 🇸🇰
Why do you hate Slovakia?
I don’t
If Budapest Memorandum completely fails, then it opens the way for Ukraine to arm itself with nuclear weapons.
Pretty sure Ukraine ratified the Non Proliferation Treaty, so it's unlikely for Ukraine to have a nuclear weapon.
@@titan_fx Ukraine's Non-Proliferation Treaty membership is attached to Budapest Memorandum's exchange.
The US, UK, and Russia signed Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum that traded Ukraine's nuclear weapons for security assurances. Russia has exited Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum.
US EXIT from Ukraine's Budapest Memorandum has a negative outcome for non-NATO US allies being in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT). Trump knows about this issue, hence why Trump argued for nuclear arms for SK, JP, AUS and 'etc'.
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan Ukrainian government already declared nuclear weapons development if Budapest Memorandum's security assurance is not met.
@Tigran-Khan Abazyan
What is the NPT withdrawal clause?
Each Party shall in exercising its national sovereignty have the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country.
as a slovak i can confirm that the country is currently a one big circus of political parties
Please, research those party names :D HLAS is not abbreviation but translates as "The Voice" and so as SMER which means "The Way (bearing, heading, whatevs :D)". Good stuff however ;)
I am in awe of Slovakian pro Russians, according to them Nazis started the war in Ukraine in 2014, so now they need to ally themselves with their Nazis! 4D chess is going great for them.
So you should consider the de-Nazification of Slovakia. There are neo-Nazi MPs in the Slovak Parliament and maybe they will govern with Fico after the elections...
We Slovakia are in EU,and NATO ,and still one of the poorest countrie , what is the benefit?i cant see any!
benefit is that you learned english instead of russian so we can all read your funny comment spam ans your little brain can't send a message in one comment so instead you send 20 comments
One of the poorest countries? Compared to what? or which countries? In terms of EU we are not the poorest by a longshot, we have comparable economy and same living standart the the V4 and comparable living standart and HDI as rest of the EU, yes we have lower purchasing power and overwall wages, but we are not poor... We rank 45th richest and most developed nations in the world, out of the 195. The fuck you are talking about
What a brilliant time to jump on the Russia bandwagon.
better late than never :D
And get fucking derailed.
"First technocratic government for Slovakia "
Italy"first time?"😅
Actually second.
The situation in my home country Bulgaria is very similar. We have had a hung Parliament since the beginning of the war.
Vote as nationalist and pro russian as you can.
Your life depends on it.
So does mine.
@@StofStuiver Voting pro russian threatens national security in my opinion. So no thanks. I want Bulgaria to prosper and that won't happen under russian influence.
@@chrisedrev9519 You are completely wrong.
Again, your life depends on it...
So you better get ffing informed NOW
As a citizen of the V4 countries I can say that I'm worried
Robert Fajko 😂😂😂
Kidna depressing, but every time I feel bad about the politics of my country ( Czechia) i look at how extreme the politics in Slovakia are.
Babiš ( who has a big chance to win the next elections in late 2025) is nothing bad compared to Fico.
As a suggestion, could you put the names of the people you mention for the first time on screen? If I'm being honest the sonority of language is too foreign for me to register their name from sound alone...
1) The current opposition is not "pro-russian" it is just not "anti-russian". Especially SMER declares foreign politics orientation on all world sides, not only West. But for those sitting on the far-west everything other looks like "pro-east".
2) I really don't like implication that Slovakia would become "black sheep". At 1st we are sovereign state and would like to do sovereign politics, not blindly bowing to FR+DE decisions, not being a sheep at all. Accept us as a partner, not as a servient. Many of Slovaks remember times, the Czechoslovakia was subordinate to the USSR, so we are not willing to change subordination to east, for subordination to west. At 2nd if all west is rushing to a war, standing for peace means we are white crow. We really don't want to die for higher profits of US arms industry, we want peace and collaboration among nations. That's why the polls results are like that.
3) If you (TLDR) are making a video about slovak political scene, please take care of pronounciation of names. "Fico" should be pronounced /fɪ t͡so/ (IPA). Or just use google translate, select slovak language, write "Fico", and play the sound.
4) As others mentioned already, SMER is not an abbreviation, but a word which meaning is "The course" / "The way" / "The direction". HLAS is best translated as "The voice".
Robert Fajko ma dostal 🤣