Why Young Moms Need Not Fear the Tribulation | Mike Bickle | RETURN Conference

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2022
  • Many people are afraid of what is coming in the Tribulation, including mothers with young children. But in his message from RETURN 2021, Mike Bickle challenges seven commonly held assumptions about this approaching time in history. Mike offers solid biblical and factual reasons to calm various fears about pain, suffering, imprisonment, and more. "There is no reason to assume that your child will suffer with starvation or will suffer greatly because of lack of resources impacting their quality of life."
    Notes: ihopkc.org/mb/return/09172021
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ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @carolynpreston3127
    @carolynpreston3127 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is not hard for a week, broken person to keep inching forward! Amen!!! That's me!!! God is with me. He is all I need!!!!!!

  • @jodigraham8180
    @jodigraham8180 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We the body so appreciate Mike's heart

    • @knockoutfever4
      @knockoutfever4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This aint the body

  • @aestheticiantrishmccarty1317
    @aestheticiantrishmccarty1317 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you!! I needed this. I have a 4 year old and have had so much anxiety in the past on this subject! It's caused me not to even want more kids, not to do much at all as far as goals which is sad!!

    • @IHOPkc
      @IHOPkc  ปีที่แล้ว

      God bless you and your 4 year old!

  • @MariaGomez-fc8el
    @MariaGomez-fc8el ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Dear HOPKC and Mike have had a HUGE influence in my life and walk with the Lord. I'm deeply thankful for you dear ones ❤️ I do have a question about dear Mike mentioning the possibilty of many years still ahead of us before the Lord returns. Wouldn't be best to leave the timing open ended instead of saying it could be in 20, 30 or 40 years or more? We don't want to err in saying it will be, for instance, within the next 10 years, because really, we don't know. But wouldn't we error when saying it could be in 20 , 30 or more years? I hear many responsible endtime teachers (FAI, Reggie Kelly, etc) saying that we are near (and I truly believe we are), but hearing that we could be 40 years away somehow doesn’t sound right. It gives a false sense of security and why bother to prepare if we might not even be around type of thing. Please know I say this humbly and with all due respect, as I greatly love and respect dear Mike. Can someone answer my question? It's something I've been wondering about. Thank you dear ones!❤️

    • @INFJschoolofdiscipleship
      @INFJschoolofdiscipleship ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have only started listening to Mike recently. I really enjoy all the stories about Paul Kane and Bob Jones and the prophecies that they gave. God speaks to me very much the same as he speaks to Mike and he has spoken to me about the youth movement. I have had many dreams that suggest my purpose is to be a spiritual mother to the youth in my community during this movement. So, I have gotten a lot of confirmation from watching the series he did on Bob Jones and Paul Kane and how IHOPKC came to be. In light of some of the things God has spoken to me especially recently I believe the youth movement that God spoke to Bob Jones about is going to happen much sooner than Mike thinks which suggests to me that we really don’t have that much time left.

    • @joeberean172
      @joeberean172 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@INFJschoolofdiscipleship Paul Cain and bob Jones are confirmed false prophets

  • @cbgrace71
    @cbgrace71 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We aren’t exempt from trauma. We teach our children to turn to Jesus in times of trouble.

  • @focm888
    @focm888 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amen! 🙏🙌🔥

  • @aaronfletcherdanielsbibles8039
    @aaronfletcherdanielsbibles8039 ปีที่แล้ว

    ive gotta say i cant think of a time ive disagreed with more things ive heard Mike Bickle preach. actually i cant think of a time ive ever disagreed with one word ive heard him preach. i will say first that Mike is one of my all time favorite preachers and ive been listening for 17 years. in fact his study on Song of Solomon that i listened to in 2005 is one of my first and favorite studies to this day. but as someone who is currently suffering the loss of my first and third wife and one of my daughters has been kept from me and her brother and sister for Jesus’ name sake. for over a year now. although God is saying the victory is near and i will have them back. but currently she is off committing adultery and dragging my youngest daughter along with her. and my seccond wife is recently passed away leaving my oldest daughter who is 11 without a mom. i really relate more with the Bible when it says if you suffer with Jesus you will reign with Jesus. and that if you dont hate your life in this world it is IMPOSSIBLE that you be my disciple. that is a direct quote from the mouth of God. JESUS IS LORD!!! look guys suffering and your children and wives suffering for the name of Jesus is real and its today not tomorrow. and this country’s government hates you if you are Jesus’ Bride! thats why a woman judge ripped my youngest daughter out of my home and away from her brother and sister and away from her schooling because of the name of Jesus. and gave her to her mom to plunk in public school instead and wouldnt even let me appear in court during covid the woman judge literally blocked me from getting into the last two hearings because they were online. they gave me false info of how to appear then changed it and notified me two weeks after that they changed it. i know alot of you wont believe my testimony. but you wouldnt believe if someone rose from the dead and told you. i have to agree with Jesus on this one Mike. sorry bro, but honestly i wonder if your falling away when you talk like this. hang in there brother! you shouldnt have disregarded Jesus’ warning about letting the deceived women deceive your congregation. God said they are to be quiet and you know it. looks like you are going the way of Solomon. David may have been a man of war but He was faithful to His God. just remember that Solomon Bickle! love you bro!

    • @aaronfletcherdanielsbibles8039
      @aaronfletcherdanielsbibles8039 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Micah Langkamp Thank you! i was expecting someone to comment with something combative, very unexpected and welcomed encouragement!!! i appreciate you brother! JESUS IS LORD!!!

  • @silasekzhry361
    @silasekzhry361 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That’s crazy. So the Billion Soul Harvest is referring to Gen Alpha! Considering how he is referring that the Young Moms today are Gen Z Moms today.

  • @conchettatruthseeker9159
    @conchettatruthseeker9159 ปีที่แล้ว

    Respectfully...Many credible Prophets declaring the timing is sooner than you're timeline. I concur with them as everything the Lord has shown me over the last 30 yrs is saying we're in Rev 5.
    I hope ur timeliness is correct...that gives us all more time. But more importantly, God's will be done. Do check Terry Bennet- Paul Keith Davis recent interview re: Angel Gabriel appearing. Also, I trust God's hand in your life. I recognize that. - Question - has God given you this timeliness Himself.

    • @aew0aew0
      @aew0aew0 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mike knows Terry Bennett personally.

    • @conchettatruthseeker9159
      @conchettatruthseeker9159 ปีที่แล้ว

      Amen. The message from the Angel Gabriel to Terry Bennett speaks of a sooner timeline.

    • @bqqmerang17q23
      @bqqmerang17q23 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@conchettatruthseeker9159 Terry Bennett has been in error about much I stopped listening to him a few years ago.

    • @conchettatruthseeker9159
      @conchettatruthseeker9159 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bqqmerang17q23 I see. I still believe the time isn't 3 or 4 generations away. It's our generation. Too much to text here but from personal revelation even from a child, I knew, & continue to know. Blessings

  • @davidmoore4769
    @davidmoore4769 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Great Tribulation is spoken of as the time of Jacob's Trouble: Jeremiah 30v7. It is the last 7 years of the 490 determined upon Thy people: Israel. Daniel 9v24. 483 takes us to the cutting off of Messiah, Daniel 9v26 leaving 7 which has been suspended since AD33. (Divine time is counted by Israel but time stops when Israel is out of fellowship ie from the cross to the trib.)
    The beast will be given power over the saints and to conquer them. Revelation 13v7. The geographical focus in the trib. is upon Israel. The church has already been thro 2000 years of its own tribulation. Probably around a billion souls (if numbers matter) have come in since 1970 since Asia, S. America, India and Africa and Eastern Europe have opened to the gospel whilst the western world flounders.

  • @MR57LV
    @MR57LV ปีที่แล้ว

    Believers shouldn’t worry about the Tribulation. We wont be there.

  • @deborahsettles825
    @deborahsettles825 ปีที่แล้ว

    You’re either very wrong or your title is very misleading!! EVERYONE should be worried about the tribulation!! EVERYONE!! Doesn’t the Bible say hope you are not nursing, or with child? I hope that what you chose to do could best be described as click bait.

    • @aew0aew0
      @aew0aew0 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      In this world you will experience tribulation but DONT WORRY… I have overcome the world. ☺️

    • @kristiburgesstube
      @kristiburgesstube ปีที่แล้ว

      The Bible does say that but it also says repeatedly do not fear! The only way to be at peace is to have the Word of God in our hearts for reassurance and peace! I have a young kid and all we can do is teach them about how amazing our God is. We all were divinely made for this specific time and place.. Our tribulations will be brief compared to our eternity with our Savior!!
      Jesus knows exactly what we will face and for how long. He has promised to be with us, just as He promised to be with the saints in Smyrna. "Do not fear what you are about to suffer", are His reassuring words. Fear not and stand firm in the faith!
      "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28)
      Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
      As for this video I only lasted a couple of min before I had to turn it off! We should be warning our family about the signs and preparing them for what is to come! This message is not helping but just tickling the ear. The Bible is very clear on how close we are! God Bless!