at 0:35 the guitarist looks SO much like my father when he was younger. My dad was a driver of a BMP-1 He almost got deployed but right before he did the Soviets called the pull-out.
'The Sun burnt us mercilessly 'and 'we are on our way again' are two best videos in your catalogue ! Please upload more of this style where soldiers are performing live straight out of the beastly hell hole they were thrown into unfortunately. Sad songs yet profound and authentic. These fighters look exhausted yet full of live at the same time. No comments.
@@alyx3154 there's this live concert thing with many different songs from soldiers. That is where Omnistar got this song and a couple others. I tried looking for the whole video but I can't find it, every song in that video has been uploaded by Omnistar anyways so you're not missing out
Am Dm Снова нам в путь, зовёт вдаль дорога, E7 Am A7 Пока мы не знаем докуда дойдём, Dm G C Am А скалы нам шепчут: "Потерпите немного, H7 E7 Am E7+9 Надейтесь, что скоро вернётесь в свой дом" Фортуна и смерть всегда рядом с нами, Об этом я раньше в книжках читал, Теперь это вижу всё своими глазами, Я сам это телом и душой испытал А солнце печёт нас не мысленным зноем, А мне бы напиться, да нет здесь ручья! А небо большое, такое чужое, Чужой горизонт и чужая земля
literally me back then going to the school/getting back from school, about 5km of deserted roads without asphalt in a rural region without even basic sanitation, and the journey to school was completely dark and cold in winter
"But now I see it all with my own eyes. I've experienced it with my body and soul." The author made a fucking masterpiece during war. If it wasnt for conscription where would he have been? What songs would he have written? saddening
Hey man, sorry but 1:42 he sings "I would want to drink (meaning water), but there is no creek here". Its meant water because before he sings about burning sun and after about creek and nothing about booze. You're doing great job, no offence intended, but I do see some mistakes in your translations like this. (Edit: just saw there are comments like this already, anyway keep up the good work, just be mindful that translations are not correct in some places, cheers).
Yeah, in this one it was confusing and I just had to guess what it meant... Sometimes I do that and it ends up being right but I understand I should probably either learn russian or get someone to look over it before I publish it.
A great channel, GI Joe Productions, sent me this video: and I translated one of the songs featured in it, near the middle I think.
Thank you! I started getting into songs from the soviet afghan war maybe a year-1.5 years ago by just having them pop up in my recommended, thought I might try to find translations to some of them and upload.
I have to extrapolate stuff unfortunately when google translate can't give me an answer... there's at least one mistranslation like this every video, I should really learn russian.
@@OmnistarEast I'd never have guessed that you don't speak Russian, I wasn't even sure whether or not you were Russian. You're doing a great job with the translations, you definitely should learn Russian though ;-) And then come visit, like I did - you might end up staying ))
@@АмериканецвРоссии-и4б Thank you! I have had the pleasure of visiting many of the countries of the former USSR, and I've been to Moscow once- I can confirm it was hard to leave! Can't wait to go back when COVID is finally over. I might end up like you, looking at your username : )
Yeah, I listen to it sometimes, its definitely a legendary song. I'm kind of hesitant to do it since it's not specifically about the war but I'll probably end up doing it at some point in the future.
Like Americans built schools, universities, roads, industrial plants in Vietnam? Never heard of it. But that's what USSR built in Afghanistan. Many of these objects are still standing and functional.
There was a mistranslation at 1:42, should be corrected now. Correct subs are in the youtube menu subtitles.
Hey omnistar are you American?
@@proto-nm9hr hes Canadian
What was the original translation you put?
When in doubt blur it out
You can really see a whole story looking at the faces of these men.
A lot of ‘em are lost in the song, trying bot to be aesthetic but these guys have seen a lot by by the looks
0:23 looks like blue beret member
@@Sai-049 yup their are three or four of them there
They look like the novelty of the foreign adventure has worn off, and that they know the rocks and mountains aren't wishing them luck..
YES! more content from omnistar! always nice too see.
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy the content
at 0:35 the guitarist looks SO much like my father when he was younger.
My dad was a driver of a BMP-1 He almost got deployed but right before he did the Soviets called the pull-out.
These men, forever heroes in my heart
'The Sun burnt us mercilessly 'and 'we are on our way again' are two best videos in your catalogue ! Please upload more of this style where soldiers are performing live straight out of the beastly hell hole they were thrown into unfortunately. Sad songs yet profound and authentic. These fighters look exhausted yet full of live at the same time. No comments.
I have another one saved which I may upload very soon, later this week, so stay tuned.
@@OmnistarEast if you have any that aren't from the long video this song is from, you'll forever be a legend in my eyes :)
@@gkan1042 what's the long video?
@@alyx3154 there's this live concert thing with many different songs from soldiers. That is where Omnistar got this song and a couple others. I tried looking for the whole video but I can't find it, every song in that video has been uploaded by Omnistar anyways so you're not missing out
@@gkan1042 Ooh, i see, well it's good to know Omnistar uploaded allthe songs lol
а небо большое, такое чужое...Валерий Петряев👍🏻
Real people, real facial expressions, real stories.
Real voice no autotune
I have been trying to find this song for so long finally I found it
And real fear. You can hear the fear. And see it on their faces
I’ve been trying to learn the Russian language for some time, and I find this song very nice!
Empathy i feel towards these men beyond understanding. Incredible music and video
Спасибо for this amazing song, мой друг!
thank you so much for improving my day with these songs, keep doing what you're doing
Это всего лишь отрывок песни.
Но спасибо.
В первый раз слышу: «удача и смерть».
Обычно «Фортуна и смерть…»
Love performance like this , the bois all singing together
Am Dm
Снова нам в путь, зовёт вдаль дорога,
E7 Am A7
Пока мы не знаем докуда дойдём,
Dm G C Am
А скалы нам шепчут: "Потерпите немного,
H7 E7 Am E7+9
Надейтесь, что скоро вернётесь в свой дом"
Фортуна и смерть всегда рядом с нами,
Об этом я раньше в книжках читал,
Теперь это вижу всё своими глазами,
Я сам это телом и душой испытал
А солнце печёт нас не мысленным зноем,
А мне бы напиться, да нет здесь ручья!
А небо большое, такое чужое,
Чужой горизонт и чужая земля
Большое спасибо
amazing thanks.
Damn, Afghan war songs are so depressing yet so beautiful at the same time.
I wonder if you'd ever upload songs from the Yugoslav wars.
No depression. You wrong. They just miss homeland.
@Blitzkriegers Both of you r right, all wars r depressing
@@vasiliynikiforov1976which can lead to depression because I've been feeling them for quite a long time rn
@@catsmello Russians have no depression, it is Russian mood. If you weak you cry, if you Russian you do not.
One of my new favourite songs.
Спасибо мужики!
At 1:44 the translation is blurred for some reason but it means, "I would like to get a drink of water but there is no stream in sight."
Yeah, there was a mistake in the subtitles- the correct ones are in the youtube subtitles which you can turn on in the video options
Good stuff
*my way back home from school*
Fr fr
literally me back then going to the school/getting back from school, about 5km of deserted roads without asphalt in a rural region without even basic sanitation, and the journey to school was completely dark and cold in winter
it strikes me how similar their faces are to those of photographed GIs in Vietnam
All the men in singing together look so young and yet so old
0:35 really really really amazing
"But now I see it all with my own eyes. I've experienced it with my body and soul." The author made a fucking masterpiece during war. If it wasnt for conscription where would he have been? What songs would he have written? saddening
About love, ofcourse.
The translation goes more than: I did it myself (what he sees with His own yes) and experienced it with my soul.
Hey man, sorry but 1:42 he sings "I would want to drink (meaning water), but there is no creek here". Its meant water because before he sings about burning sun and after about creek and nothing about booze. You're doing great job, no offence intended, but I do see some mistakes in your translations like this. (Edit: just saw there are comments like this already, anyway keep up the good work, just be mindful that translations are not correct in some places, cheers).
Yeah, in this one it was confusing and I just had to guess what it meant... Sometimes I do that and it ends up being right but I understand I should probably either learn russian or get someone to look over it before I publish it.
Thank you
enchanting stuff
Great song, where do you find these gems?
A great channel, GI Joe Productions, sent me this video: and I translated one of the songs featured in it, near the middle I think.
How to you keep digging up these gems?
Subscribed brother! What got you into uploading this stuff? It's great!
Thank you! I started getting into songs from the soviet afghan war maybe a year-1.5 years ago by just having them pop up in my recommended, thought I might try to find translations to some of them and upload.
One of your vids was deleted, it shows on my playlist
Damn, these guys look mean. Some serious fighters i guess.
They have seen stuff..
Their faces…They all looked so tired and full of stories
1:48 english sub says "But there's no booze here" while in russian version it says "There is no water stream here"
I have to extrapolate stuff unfortunately when google translate can't give me an answer... there's at least one mistranslation like this every video, I should really learn russian.
@@OmnistarEast Feel free to email me at I really like your channel and would gladly help you out if you struggle with some words
@@OmnistarEast I'd never have guessed that you don't speak Russian, I wasn't even sure whether or not you were Russian. You're doing a great job with the translations, you definitely should learn Russian though ;-) And then come visit, like I did - you might end up staying ))
@@АмериканецвРоссии-и4б Thank you! I have had the pleasure of visiting many of the countries of the former USSR, and I've been to Moscow once- I can confirm it was hard to leave! Can't wait to go back when COVID is finally over. I might end up like you, looking at your username : )
@@admbeck Thank you! your reply was marked as spam for some reason so I didn't see it right away
In some parts you can see Oleg Gonstov and Sergei Yaravoi of the blue berets group
Hey omnistar, have you considered making a video with the song Gruppa Krovi by Kino? I love the song, and i think it fits your channel
Yeah, I listen to it sometimes, its definitely a legendary song. I'm kind of hesitant to do it since it's not specifically about the war but I'll probably end up doing it at some point in the future.
@@OmnistarEast Aw man, good to know! Thanks for giving me something else to look forward to!
@@OmnistarEast there is a Song called "voyna" (war) by Kino.
@@OmnistarEast also "General". A very sad one.
На этих лицах видны потери друзей :(
Ненужная война.
У неё была причина. У всех войн есть причины.
Real men sing together.
Yooo some of them look like the guys from the голубые береты band
This the same guy who sings Пыль Глотаю
Здравствуйте, послушайте пожалуйста песню " не святая война- мы умирали за героин и нефть" может захотите перевод сделать ?)
Is the lead singer from The Blue Berets in this video? the first time the camera pans left it looks like the whole band is standing there
Yes. Lead singer is Oleg Gontzov.
I learned the song text and the guitar shouldn't be that hard. It's one of the easiest song to sing with foreign accent.
do you maybe know where i can find the guitar chords for this song
@@mm-qn6td google
The rocks are talking
Does anyone know the cords?
In the description
The subs are in Russian ?
there are two rows of subtitles....
one of them is in english
the queen died
Is it me or are the Blue Berets guys there?
We're on our way again.
To Ukraine.
We are soon on our way again. To The Whole World.
И теперь все попытки прогнать душманов стали бессмысленными...
The Soviets copied what us Americans did in Vietnam. And us Americans did another Vietnam
Like Americans built schools, universities, roads, industrial plants in Vietnam? Never heard of it. But that's what USSR built in Afghanistan. Many of these objects are still standing and functional.
Just opposite. How many hospitals for Vietnamese people American government build?
Что же ты , бача . концовку-то отрезал????????????????????????????????????????????????????????