Thank you Energy 52 for having made a tribute in 1993 to this beautiful music with the title: "Café del Mar". I was 13 years old when I bought the CD. I am 42 now and still cannot get over it and listen to it over and over.
@@evanszog9000 Κάθε γεγονός της ζωής μας είναι συνδεδεμένο με συχνότητες - νότες. Το ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι τα πολύ πληγωτικά γεγονότα, τα απωθούμε και σταματάμε να ακούμε τις συγκεκριμένες συχνότητες που μας τα θυμίζουν. Οπότε όταν ακολουθήσουμε θεραπείες ανάκτησης συχνοτήτων, θυμόμαστε και τα γεγονότα, θεραπεύοντας τις πληγές μας και ανακτώντας το άκουσμα αλλά και αναπαραγωγή των συχνοτήτων που προηγουμένως δεν ακούγαμε... Ο ήχος, ειδικά ο αρμονικός, είναι βαθειά ψυχ αγωγικός. Αντίθετα οι διάφωνοι ήχοι τύπου metal κλπ μας "χαλάνε" σε πολλά επίπεδα.
@@tassosklinis3702 Εξαιρετική περιγραφή!! Προσπαθώντας να ανακαλύψουμε τον κόσμο των συχνοτήτων ανακαλύπτουμε οτι η δική μας συχνότητα είναι έτοιμη να συντονιστεί σε οτιδήποτε την οδηγεί στην υπέρβαση, στην προκειμένη η μουσική.
I had a very difficult child-and adulthood. I overcame this problems. This particular piece reminds me, everything I went through. Starting with sorrow, in the end it always makes me feel happy and blessed .
This is my favorite song ever. I have known it ever since I was like 4 and i love it so much. No one can ever change the perspective on how I feel about this piece. It will always be a part of me.
Ένα μεγάλο ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΏ σέ όλους τούς συντελεστές για αυτήν την καταπληκτική θεϊκή μουσική πού μας προσφέρουν.Τι συναισθήματα αναβλύζουν από μέσα σου, θέλεις νά κλάψεις, νά. ουρλιάξεις, νομίζεις ότι ο θώρακας σου θά εκραγεί από αυτήν την μουσική πανδαισία πού απολαμβάνεις.ΜΠΡΑΒΟ!!!!!!!! Ευτυχώς πού υπάρχουν τέτοια ταλέντα για νά μας κάνουν καλύτερους ανθρώπους,για νά πάνε κάποια επίπεδο ψηλότερα τόν άνθρωπο. Κάποιες φορές λέω,ναι αξίζει να ζεις για νά απολαμβάνεις αυτές τίς μουσικές,την τέχνη, διότι έξειψωνουν τόν άνθρωπο.
This music is my message to all the world for finding Peace and Joy, i hope people find strength and courage for all the hard days that are comming for all the people in earth!!
Wat een schitterende muziek zeg. In volle Corona-crisis toch nog wel, het verplaatst je gedachten wel naar heel andere oorden. Dank u Wim Mertens en leden van dit orkest en koor.
Mon très cher,Wim,vous êtes un GENIE,vos CHEF D'OEUVRES,me transporte,me font rêver,je vous ais malheureusement découvert trop tard,en 1995,pour la B.O.F,de FIESTA,long métrage de Pierre BOUTRON,IMPOSSIBLE,de trouver,un support,phonographique,de vos compositions,VYNILS,C.D,etc .... Je suis profondément DÉÇU,il ne me reste que YOU TUBE,pour vous voir et vous écouter,en boucle,MERCI MILLE FOIS et encore BRAVO ❤ .
Struggle for Pleasure è un tripudio di melodie differenti in armonia tra loro. Spesso, nei momenti di svago, sono solito metterla e rimetterla e rimetterla. Non so spiegare perché, so solo che è speciale, che trovo in essa tutto ciò di cui la musica si può servire per stregarmi. Non mi annoia, né mi stanca mai. L'ho cercata per anni, perché, anche se volessi, non saprei ripeterne il ritmo. Questo lo dico perché è ripetitiva unicamente in apparenza. Quando l'ho riscoperta, mi sono solo detto: "È Lei!". Forse sono la grande eleganza (o portamento), l'estrema velocità, il ritmo serrato e incalzante, il continuo crescendo, gli aspetti che mi hanno colpito e continuano a colpirmi tuttora
Ero bambino quando aspettavo la pubblicità della merit cup per ascoltare questa canzone! Poi non l'ho più sentita per più di 20anni! Oggi una magnifica sorpresa!
Un'espressione artistica carica di emozione. Arte: questa è pura arte, unire uno stile moderno in chiave classica è geniale è superbo. Sentire come entrano al momento giusto con le note giuste con i volumi giusti tutti gli strumenti, ognuno col proprio tocco e la propria firma, come poter fare squadra toccandoti dentro, guardando i suoni e capirsi con il ritmo perfetto. Le voci completano il tutto e la sua voce alla fine è la sua firma. Ripeto un ARTISTA che alla fine valorizza il suo operato condividendo gli applausi con gli altri.
La prima volta che ascoltai questo brano avevo 14 anni, per lo spot della gara velica Merit Cup, che sponsorizzava sigarette e una linea d'abbigliamento. Quello spot non lo dimenticherò mai. La vita è uno spazio di terra tra un oceano e l'altro e questa musica rappresenta perfettamente il vento che gonfia le vele dell'anima.
Muy de vez en cuando alguien hace este tipo de comentario... Y siempre parece que hablan de algo inventado. Tú suenas igual, por la cantidad de palabras que usas, sin embargo parece que te gusta ✋
There are few tracks that stir so many emotions. A longing sadness, but also appeasement, and resilience. It is no wonder that this seed would grow into another great track, Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar. Thank You Wim M :')
Lo que me extraña es que esta obra maestra solo tenga 2 millones de reproducciones, se e saltan las lagrimas cada vez que oigo este tema, grande Sr. Mertens
It is such a joy to listen to this masterpiece. It touches you on a level that is hard to explain in words. I thank God for the gift of being able to recognize and appreciate this for what it is. This price will travel with all those who have listened to it far beyond this existence and into the unknown. Thank you Wim Mertens
Sig. Mertens, questa canzone è stata la colonna sonora delle mie lunghe giornate di studio prima e dei miei viaggi per studio e lavoro lontano da casa… la sua musica ha suscitato tante tantissime emozioni e mi ha aiutato ad affrontare la nostalgia di casa…. Poi ahimè ho perso il cd e la mia mente mi ha giocato un brutto scherzo… l’ho cercata ovunque finché non è riapparsa la custodia (ahimè senza cd) e oggi come allora provo le stesse emozioni e la stessa ammirazione per la sua bravura… la stessa gioia nel sentire questa musica meravigliosa… Grazie per tutto quello che mi ha regalato e spero di trasmettere adesso ai miei figli l’ammirazione per la sua musica… grazie veramente di cuore!!
Simply cant describe how amazing his music is!! I’ve seen him and his ensemble live and the feeling you get when you hear it live is even more special!
A masterpiece. Been listening to it for years and years! Thank you for this, Mr. Swim Martens, I loved to see you live and your music is transcendental!
Je me demande comment j'ai pu vivre sans cette musique - là! Ma découverte de Wim Mertens a été avec la pub France telecom ( IRIS) , en 1991 qui me faisait courir devant la TV , pour mieux l'entendre ...sans le voir jouer ! 🤩
I cannot believe I've been a massive Trance fan for decades and I was today years old when I discovered Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar was a sample. I hope you got mad royalties from that it's a huge Trance anthem
There wasn't a single trance tune released before the mid nineties that had over 10,000 vinyl pressings, thats how rare it is to have vinyl from that era in near mint condition. You'd drop more running for the bus than the royalty payouts.
Cannot believe how old this is! Such a magnificent piece of music comes rare 💛 The man on the Cello smashed the ball completely out the park with his performance! Such an enchanting 7 minutes of raw passion ensembles together 👍🏽💯👌🏾#7 #beautiful #🧡
quite simple rtythm, but the entire song changes with the strings and the amazing steinway and sons piano sound, gives all together such a beautifull combination! Great Track! Love it!!
l emozione nel sentire queste note arriva al cielo...siete estremamente meravigliosi oserei dire mio cuore si rilassa nell udire la Vostra musica
Quality how Wim looks just like any music teacher across the world, shirt, teacher trousers, Friday afternoon look and Hush Puppies. Genius mind, classic character! Love it.
ninguna forma de expresion artistica es capaz de transportarte como la musica, y en eso el maestro wim mertens es el mejor en la actualidad, yo no he tenido la suerte de verle muchas veces en directo como algunas otras personas, solo lo he visto una vez, pero esa sensacion que vivi en ese teatro la conservare toda la vida
Idem. Tuve la suerte de verle hace más de 20 años, en primerísima fila y fue un estado de éxtasis inenarrable. Aún hoy sigo guardando la esencia de aquel recuerdo como si hubiese sido ayer y me sigue emocionando como cuando, entrando en la adolescencia, lo escuché por primera vez.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi la musique de Wim Mertens me touchait autant et dans un article le concernant, il précisait que pour lui, sa musique touche l'inconscient. Je le pense aussi, quelque chose comme la vie ou la survie...
Esta música me permite volar fuera de todo orden lógico.... me trae recuerdos, me mueve hacia lugares y me acerca a sensaciones lejanas!!!! Gracias WIM y a todos quienes hacen posible esta hermosa música.
Some people do not know that Win Mertens and his musical creations, the way he and his Ensamble perfoms it , do not belong to this world . It all comes from another dimension , that it is call the field of perfection for us humans to feel it
Hay gente que no sabe que Win Mertens , sus creaciones musicales y como las interpreta junto con su grupo el Win Mertens Ensamble , no pertenecen a este mundo. Vienen de otra dimension que se llama El Campo de la Perfeccion , para que nosotros los humanos podamos sentirlo.
Such beauty! In 1992, when I was in university studying for my exams, always listened to your music. Made me relaxed and improved my concentration. Than you very much for you work. Greetings from Spain.
Thanks so much for your love and support from onset , it's a thing of joy that I'm blessed with the best fans. you can contact me at
Magia hacia el corazón sintiendo mil cosas a la vez y ala vez solo poder sentir la música...y lágrimas y sonrisas ...y llorar de felicidad al ver que que todo pasa y reír de tristeza por ver qué sigues en pie !!!! Torbellino de emociones la cual ningun otro me había hecho sentir!!!! En verdad motivadora
Muziek die je nooit hoort op de radio. Voor Klara blijkbaar te eenvoudig. Voor de andere pop zenders te klassiek. Wel te pas en onpas ergens als achtergrond muziek op TV of Proximus. België waardeer uw artiesten een beetje meer! Muziek die je nooit hoort zoek ik op YT, werelds grootste muziek archief.
Yayyy! I'm a big fan of Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar, but today I found this! The original is incredible! It should be more popular because it's better than any other version!
This is amazing , the only man I ever loved Philip , showed me this , it's so intense, deeply moving, was so glad it was used in belly of architect x its beyond amazing xx
Dopo aver ascoltato un pezzo di tale profondità, come si fa ad accettare che quella che passano nelle radio viene classificata musica.. Qui ogni musicista da del suo, gli sguardi tra di loro, entrare nel momento perfetto ... è niente emozione pura.
Thank you Energy 52 for having made a tribute in 1993 to this beautiful music with the title: "Café del Mar". I was 13 years old when I bought the CD. I am 42 now and still cannot get over it and listen to it over and over.
whats a 52 year old like you doing making roblox videos
Agreed. Beautiful song that Energy 52 turned into a Trance Classic. Wim Mertons is the genius who created it. Bravo!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaait cafe del mar is based of this tune? I will say this for the first time in my life..mind blown
@@kenzocop1Only just learned this myself, loved Café del Mar since 2000 😅
This! Almost nobody knows.
The pinnacle of minimalistic music. Such a talented man.
Music like this makes life worth living.
Thank you Mr Wertens
I'm 55 and only learned this last year. 30 years of Energy 52. Never too old to discover.
It's for people of our age: Struggle for pleasure!
me too😂😂😂
How does it feel, be able to create such beautiful music like that?
Όταν ακούω Mertens σκέφτομαι πως αξίζει κανείς να ζει έστω και για να ακούει τέτοιες μουσικές..
...Mπραβο Ξανθη,ακουω 55 χρονια κλασσικη...οταν το πρωτοακουσα....επαθαααα...οπως και φιλλιπ γκλαςς ...μινιμαλιστικη
Η μουσική είναι ταξίδι ζωής..
κάποια ακούσματα, μέχρι να περάσουμε τον ποταμό, θα μένουν μέσα μας σε νότες από τα νιάτα μας..και τότες οι νότες γίνονται ανα - πνοές..
@@evanszog9000 Κάθε γεγονός της ζωής μας είναι συνδεδεμένο με συχνότητες - νότες. Το ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι τα πολύ πληγωτικά γεγονότα, τα απωθούμε και σταματάμε να ακούμε τις συγκεκριμένες συχνότητες που μας τα θυμίζουν. Οπότε όταν ακολουθήσουμε θεραπείες ανάκτησης συχνοτήτων, θυμόμαστε και τα γεγονότα, θεραπεύοντας τις πληγές μας και ανακτώντας το άκουσμα αλλά και αναπαραγωγή των συχνοτήτων που προηγουμένως δεν ακούγαμε... Ο ήχος, ειδικά ο αρμονικός, είναι βαθειά ψυχ αγωγικός. Αντίθετα οι διάφωνοι ήχοι τύπου metal κλπ μας "χαλάνε" σε πολλά επίπεδα.
@@tassosklinis3702 Εξαιρετική περιγραφή!! Προσπαθώντας να ανακαλύψουμε τον κόσμο των συχνοτήτων ανακαλύπτουμε οτι η δική μας συχνότητα είναι έτοιμη να συντονιστεί σε οτιδήποτε την οδηγεί στην υπέρβαση, στην προκειμένη η μουσική.
I had a very difficult child-and adulthood. I overcame this problems. This particular piece reminds me, everything I went through. Starting with sorrow, in the end it always makes me feel happy and blessed .
This is my favorite song ever. I have known it ever since I was like 4 and i love it so much. No one can ever change the perspective on how I feel about this piece. It will always be a part of me.
I beg to differ. look up Giovanni Albini play this on a Ukulele. you will love it even more
Ένα μεγάλο ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΏ σέ όλους τούς συντελεστές για αυτήν την καταπληκτική θεϊκή μουσική πού μας προσφέρουν.Τι συναισθήματα αναβλύζουν από μέσα σου, θέλεις νά κλάψεις, νά. ουρλιάξεις, νομίζεις ότι ο θώρακας σου θά εκραγεί από αυτήν την μουσική πανδαισία πού απολαμβάνεις.ΜΠΡΑΒΟ!!!!!!!! Ευτυχώς πού υπάρχουν τέτοια ταλέντα για νά μας κάνουν καλύτερους ανθρώπους,για νά πάνε κάποια επίπεδο ψηλότερα τόν άνθρωπο. Κάποιες φορές λέω,ναι αξίζει να ζεις για νά απολαμβάνεις αυτές τίς μουσικές,την τέχνη, διότι έξειψωνουν τόν άνθρωπο.
ta pseftika ta logia ta megala
ta eipes ola se 5 arades.
opos leei alo sxolio parapano, ayto to ergo symperilamvanei OLA ta synaisthhmata ths zohs. anatrixila...
τι είναι αυτά που λες μωρή τι ήπιες μόνο δεν μας είπες χαχαχαχαχα
There are only a few things in the world that can actually touch your soul. This masterpiece is one of them 💕
Watch over me!!
Thank you mr. Trecet for introducing us to mr Mertens. It's been a big pleasure.
This music is my message to all the world for finding Peace and Joy, i hope people find strength and courage for all the hard days that are comming for all the people in earth!!
Deserves 100.000.000 views at least.
Definitely deserves more than whatever Maluma or Ariana are putting out
Questo capolavoro accompagna da sempre i miei giorni più grigi… la musica è luce nella mia vita, e sicuramente anche grazie a te ❤
Wat een schitterende muziek zeg. In volle Corona-crisis toch nog wel, het verplaatst je gedachten wel naar heel andere oorden. Dank u Wim Mertens en leden van dit orkest en koor.
Ik ben het met je eens, prachtig
The facial expressions and body language of the musicians makes it even better. Looks like they are living through it.
One the of the best modern music tracks ever made !!! No doubt . Thank Wim .
Mon très cher,Wim,vous êtes un GENIE,vos CHEF D'OEUVRES,me transporte,me font rêver,je vous ais malheureusement découvert trop tard,en 1995,pour la B.O.F,de FIESTA,long métrage de Pierre BOUTRON,IMPOSSIBLE,de trouver,un support,phonographique,de vos compositions,VYNILS,C.D,etc .... Je suis profondément DÉÇU,il ne me reste que YOU TUBE,pour vous voir et vous écouter,en boucle,MERCI MILLE FOIS et encore BRAVO ❤ .
Merci de votre message, vous êtes invité à visiter le
Vous pouvez commander des CD & Vynils - staff -
The best song I have ever heard!! God bless this man.
Struggle for Pleasure è un tripudio di melodie differenti in armonia tra loro. Spesso, nei momenti di svago, sono solito metterla e rimetterla e rimetterla. Non so spiegare perché, so solo che è speciale, che trovo in essa tutto ciò di cui la musica si può servire per stregarmi. Non mi annoia, né mi stanca mai. L'ho cercata per anni, perché, anche se volessi, non saprei ripeterne il ritmo. Questo lo dico perché è ripetitiva unicamente in apparenza. Quando l'ho riscoperta, mi sono solo detto: "È Lei!". Forse sono la grande eleganza (o portamento), l'estrema velocità, il ritmo serrato e incalzante, il continuo crescendo, gli aspetti che mi hanno colpito e continuano a colpirmi tuttora
@@ropi8739 sarebbe?
Mi ricorda come dei calanchi innevati una sottile neve continua che sbianca gli enormi colli degli angoli meno conosciuti del basso appenino italiano
καλώς σας βρήκα....ενθουσιασμένη και εντυπωσιασμένη με την δουλειά σας.....συνέχειες τέτοιες πάντα στο έργο σας
Thank you very much to have created this music. The world will be more miserable without it and so without you.
If the entire life was a music it will be this one. It songs like birth, trials of life and death in 6 minutes. The best song ever, so powerful
This is a masterpiece. It feels like emotions are surging in my heart.
Amy ..correct
me too
Yes absolutely masterpiece
same here
Ibiza thanks you Wim .
Ero bambino quando aspettavo la pubblicità della merit cup per ascoltare questa canzone! Poi non l'ho più sentita per più di 20anni! Oggi una magnifica sorpresa!
Ma che ne sanno ❤️
Un'espressione artistica carica di emozione. Arte: questa è pura arte, unire uno stile moderno in chiave classica è geniale è superbo. Sentire come entrano al momento giusto con le note giuste con i volumi giusti tutti gli strumenti, ognuno col proprio tocco e la propria firma, come poter fare squadra toccandoti dentro, guardando i suoni e capirsi con il ritmo perfetto. Le voci completano il tutto e la sua voce alla fine è la sua firma. Ripeto un ARTISTA che alla fine valorizza il suo operato condividendo gli applausi con gli altri.
La prima volta che ascoltai questo brano avevo 14 anni, per lo spot della gara velica Merit Cup, che sponsorizzava sigarette e una linea d'abbigliamento. Quello spot non lo dimenticherò mai. La vita è uno spazio di terra tra un oceano e l'altro e questa musica rappresenta perfettamente il vento che gonfia le vele dell'anima.
Muy de vez en cuando alguien hace este tipo de comentario... Y siempre parece que hablan de algo inventado. Tú suenas igual, por la cantidad de palabras que usas, sin embargo parece que te gusta ✋
There are few tracks that stir so many emotions. A longing sadness, but also appeasement, and resilience. It is no wonder that this seed would grow into another great track, Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar.
Thank You Wim M :')
So powerful. Orchestra. Techno. House. What a piece of AMAZING music. Capturing masterpiece.
Cafe Del Mar by Energy 52 brought me here and I have to say this is so beautiful! A masterpiece for sure! Love it!!!!!
Same..Greatest trance ever done 🙌
Beautiful masterpiece. I didn't realise it was composed in 1983.
I remember watching movie Belly of an Archiect: Movie was ok. But BEST thing about movie was it introduced me to Wim Martens’ music. 👍
È l'unico film brutto di Greenaway. Di bello
c'è solo la colonna sonora.
@@dukeofnyc68è un film bellissimo va solo colto a pieno il significato
I loved the film, the passion of loss. I loved the music so challenging and fresh.
Lo que me extraña es que esta obra maestra solo tenga 2 millones de reproducciones, se e saltan las lagrimas cada vez que oigo este tema, grande Sr. Mertens
It is such a joy to listen to this masterpiece. It touches you on a level that is hard to explain in words. I thank God for the gift of being able to recognize and appreciate this for what it is. This price will travel with all those who have listened to it far beyond this existence and into the unknown. Thank you Wim Mertens
Sig. Mertens, questa canzone è stata la colonna sonora delle mie lunghe giornate di studio prima e dei miei viaggi per studio e lavoro lontano da casa… la sua musica ha suscitato tante tantissime emozioni e mi ha aiutato ad affrontare la nostalgia di casa…. Poi ahimè ho perso il cd e la mia mente mi ha giocato un brutto scherzo… l’ho cercata ovunque finché non è riapparsa la custodia (ahimè senza cd) e oggi come allora provo le stesse emozioni e la stessa ammirazione per la sua bravura… la stessa gioia nel sentire questa musica meravigliosa… Grazie per tutto quello che mi ha regalato e spero di trasmettere adesso ai miei figli l’ammirazione per la sua musica… grazie veramente di cuore!!
I discovery your songs by a meme, but everytime I search for more of your work, I got more happy.
Thanks Sir for those divine masterpiece
Uff, WoW, this endless piano loop, the Viola intro, the chorus.
Simply cant describe how amazing his music is!! I’ve seen him and his ensemble live and the feeling you get when you hear it live is even more special!
A masterpiece. Been listening to it for years and years! Thank you for this, Mr. Swim Martens, I loved to see you live and your music is transcendental!
Je me demande comment j'ai pu vivre sans cette musique - là! Ma découverte de Wim Mertens a été avec la pub France telecom ( IRIS) , en 1991 qui me faisait courir devant la TV , pour mieux l'entendre ...sans le voir jouer ! 🤩
Deze titel omschrijft mijn leven.
Deze muziek ken ik ook door de liefde van, die ik liet gaan.
I cannot believe I've been a massive Trance fan for decades and I was today years old when I discovered Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar was a sample. I hope you got mad royalties from that it's a huge Trance anthem
There wasn't a single trance tune released before the mid nineties that had over 10,000 vinyl pressings, thats how rare it is to have vinyl from that era in near mint condition. You'd drop more running for the bus than the royalty payouts.
I too struggled for pleasure, listening to this...
Un Grande Classico che emoziona sempre, anche dopo mille ascolti! Grazie, Maestro Mertens!
Per affrontare il giorno questo pezzo mi carica......mi esalta....mi da forza energia.....😊😊😊😊❤
Cannot believe how old this is!
Such a magnificent piece of music comes rare 💛
The man on the Cello smashed the ball completely out the park with his performance!
Such an enchanting 7 minutes of raw passion ensembles together 👍🏽💯👌🏾#7 #beautiful #🧡
quite simple rtythm, but the entire song changes with the strings and the amazing steinway and sons piano sound, gives all together such a beautifull combination! Great Track! Love it!!
Non esisto parole, per esprimere l'immenso amore per tale bellezza. 💜
Sí, amigo aquí las dejaste escritas.
No necesito entenderte para comprenderte. ;)
Pure joy ❤️❤️
Si on apprenait vraiment la musique à l'école il y aurait plus d'amour et moins de guerre et cela ne ferait de mal à personne.
I love your mind your music Wim..from Greece
This is so beautiful. Urgh! I instantly fell in love with it! 😣😍
l emozione nel sentire queste note arriva al cielo...siete estremamente meravigliosi oserei dire mio cuore si rilassa nell udire la Vostra musica
The first time I heard this I was about 16 years old. It has never left me. I feel amazed every time I hear it.
What a brilliant crossroad with Philip Glass "repetitive music". Just brilliant !
Fantastic. 👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🌸🌸perfetto .
Quality how Wim looks just like any music teacher across the world, shirt, teacher trousers, Friday afternoon look and Hush Puppies. Genius mind, classic character! Love it.
What's a wonderful music...It seem to be in heaven ...
ninguna forma de expresion artistica es capaz de transportarte como la musica, y en eso el maestro wim mertens es el mejor en la actualidad, yo no he tenido la suerte de verle muchas veces en directo como algunas otras personas, solo lo he visto una vez, pero esa sensacion que vivi en ese teatro la conservare toda la vida
Idem. Tuve la suerte de verle hace más de 20 años, en primerísima fila y fue un estado de éxtasis inenarrable. Aún hoy sigo guardando la esencia de aquel recuerdo como si hubiese sido ayer y me sigue emocionando como cuando, entrando en la adolescencia, lo escuché por primera vez.
Yo viendo en 2021
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi la musique de Wim Mertens me touchait autant et dans un article le concernant, il précisait que pour lui, sa musique touche l'inconscient. Je le pense aussi, quelque chose comme la vie ou la survie...
I never get tied of watching Meantime. Completely enthralled by every frame. I can’t even say why.
Esta música me permite volar fuera de todo orden lógico....
me trae recuerdos, me mueve hacia lugares y me acerca a sensaciones lejanas!!!!
Gracias WIM y a todos quienes hacen posible esta hermosa música.
Yo lo tengo como alarma en el despertador, es una muy buena forma de despertarse, tomo el día de manera distinta, aún así no puede faltar el café...
the moment of mastering your instrument and listening to the piece you play is when you realize all is one
Uno dei brani che mi ricorda la mia infanzia.. Meravigliosa malinconia. One of the tracks that remind me of my childhood.. Sweet melancholy.
Hai ragione. La ascolto e rivedo momenti perduti scorrere..... E la nostalgia ha un cuore di amara dolcezza
Thank you for this wonderful music.
oh my God!!! this is truly masterpiece!!!
Merci pour cette magnifique si envoûtante! Merci pour votre compétence!
what an amazing composition and what an amazing band
Some people do not know that Win Mertens and his musical creations, the way he and his Ensamble perfoms it , do not belong to this world . It all comes from another dimension , that it is call the field of perfection for us humans to feel it
Hay gente que no sabe que Win Mertens , sus creaciones musicales y como las interpreta junto con su grupo el Win Mertens Ensamble , no pertenecen a este mundo. Vienen de otra dimension que se llama El Campo de la Perfeccion , para que nosotros los humanos podamos sentirlo.
Dentro de 100 años no estaremos aquí para ver como será considerado como uno de los grandes clasicos de la musica.
just became to know him last night at work. the night flew over. fantastic composer.
Pelle d'oca. Mi fa emozionare talmente tanto che mi viene da sorridere e piangere nello stesso momento. Capolavoro assoluto.
Come il mare, in fondo.
Incredible! Thank you
chills , shivers and emotions this is a long dream
Goosebumps again !
Life changing music
Incredibly beautiful and inspired my favourite dance music AND chill-out track of all time. Three n one remix and also Calar Del Sole. Thank you Wim x
Grazie Amato Fratello e Fratelli e Sorelle. Un Immenso Abbraccio 👏🏼💐🐺
Such beauty! In 1992, when I was in university studying for my exams, always listened to your music. Made me relaxed and improved my concentration. Than you very much for you work. Greetings from Spain.
Thanks so much for your love and support from onset , it's a thing of joy that I'm blessed with the best fans. you can contact me at
There s no music that makes me cry. and than there s this... snottering like a little baby time and time again.
Magia hacia el corazón sintiendo mil cosas a la vez y ala vez solo poder sentir la música...y lágrimas y sonrisas ...y llorar de felicidad al ver que que todo pasa y reír de tristeza por ver qué sigues en pie !!!! Torbellino de emociones la cual ningun otro me había hecho sentir!!!!
En verdad motivadora
This is eternal, unbreakable beauty: art at its pantheon
struggle for pleasure and often a bird, 2 of the finest pieces of music i have ever heard. eargasm.
Muziek die je nooit hoort op de radio. Voor Klara blijkbaar te eenvoudig. Voor de andere pop zenders te klassiek. Wel te pas en onpas ergens als achtergrond muziek op TV of Proximus. België waardeer uw artiesten een beetje meer! Muziek die je nooit hoort zoek ik op YT, werelds grootste muziek archief.
Spettacolare... la ascolto da sempre in qualsiasi versione!
Ma esiste un video ufficiale?
@@tizianostramaglia8013 è una colonna sonora del film: The Belly of an architect
I have loved this song for such a long time, Wim and nyman shaped my sound when I was younger...
Gracias, Wim, por tan magnífica pieza. Gracias.
Justin Timberlake
Es sensacional, una de sus mejores canciones, te hace sentir algo no?
Magnifique cette version
Merci ❤
this is impressive. This song touched my heart. Congratulations ❤️
I came here because of Cafe del Mar 1998 Volumen 5
Really Great Music!! 😍👌
Yayyy! I'm a big fan of Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar, but today I found this! The original is incredible! It should be more popular because it's better than any other version!
Grazie Maestro !@ emozionante ! Stupenda musica !!
Epic piece of music, just simply perfect for the listening ear!!!
Cafe del mar brought me here, but this is such a beautiful piece of music! ...maybe THE most beautiful. ❤
Magnifico semplicemente magnifico sarebbe fantastico vederli in concerto in qualche arena
This is amazing , the only man I ever loved Philip , showed me this , it's so intense, deeply moving, was so glad it was used in belly of architect x its beyond amazing xx
Full magic
Listening to this while preparing to my exam in dentistry
Wish to me good luck please
May you have all the luck in the world 😂!!!
@@annatsoumi3612 thank you so much
Wish you a fantastic day
Have you already had your exam? Best wishes 🤞🍀❤️!
Großartige und berührende Musik...!! Danke Wim Mertens und Musiker...!!
Amazing would love to hear it live
Better experience alsway.
You definitely should. Check his website, he has several live performances planned I think.
Dopo aver ascoltato un pezzo di tale profondità, come si fa ad accettare che quella che passano nelle radio viene classificata musica.. Qui ogni musicista da del suo, gli sguardi tra di loro, entrare nel momento perfetto ... è niente emozione pura.
Just saw him and his ensemble live. Amazing
Energy 52, merci dj little nemo grâce à lui je suis la. Chef d'oeuvre. ❤