As again what i said, you are "King of Mule", the best part I like is your way of explaining concepts in a very easy way and to the point, keep posting like this video for us , you are always my idol. Thanks, Jacky.
Hi! Thank you for your great video! Can you share your pom file which you use? I have issue with type, when I write mule-application I get issue with "The packaging plugin for this project did not assign a main file to the project but it has attachments. Change packaging to 'pom'". When I change to package type "pom", I don't have a jar file in artifact
Sir, am following your video but while running the pipeline am getting the following error : [ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "Dmaven.repo.local=/home/vsts/work/1/.m2/repository". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format : or :[:]:. Available lifecycle phases are: validate, initialize, generate-sources, process-sources, generate-resources, process-resources, compile, process-classes, generate-test-sources, process-test-sources, generate-test-resources, process-test-resources, test-compile, process-test-classes, test, prepare-package, package, pre-integration-test, integration-test, post-integration-test, verify, install, deploy, pre-clean, clean, post-clean, pre-site, site, post-site, site-deploy. -> [Help 1] but in my yaml file goals mentioned as : goals: 'clean install package deploy $(MAVEN_OPTS) -DmuleDeploy -Dserver=$(server) Denvironment=$(environment) -Dworkers=$(workers) -DworkerType=$(workerType) -Dapp.runtime=$(app.runtime)$('
As again what i said, you are "King of Mule", the best part I like is your way of explaining concepts in a very easy way and to the point, keep posting like this video for us , you are always my idol. Thanks, Jacky.
Thank You so much. 😊
Another great video Jitendra. Could you please do a tutorial on integrating Azure AD with Mule please.
How do we handle multiple environments? Do we configure the environment variables in the variable group?
Thanks a lot Sir!
Hi! Thank you for your great video! Can you share your pom file which you use?
I have issue with type, when I write mule-application I get issue with "The packaging plugin for this project did not assign a main file to the project but it has attachments. Change packaging to 'pom'". When I change to package type "pom", I don't have a jar file in artifact
I have followed same process, but in my Pipeline build running on very slow ....any idea?
batch: true
- dev
- azure-pipelines.yml
- azure-pipelines-TagnRelease.yml
- azure-pipelines-deploy.yml
- azure-pipelines-deploy-prod.yml
- pom.xml
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- group: Azure-Variable-Group
value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.m2/repository
- name: MAVEN_OPTS
value: '-Dmaven.repo.local=$(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER)'
- task: CacheBeta@0
key: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/pom.xml
displayName: Cache Maven local repo
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
name: settingsxml
secureFile: 'settings.xml'
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
New-Item -Type Directory -Force "${HOME}/.m2"
Copy-Item -Force "$(settingsxml.secureFilePath)" "${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml"
- task: Maven@3
mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml'
mavenOptions: '-Xmx3072m'
jdkVersionOption: '1.8'
jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64'
mavenAuthenticateFeed: true
publishJUnitResults: false
javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
mavenVersionOption: 'Default'
effectivePomSkip: true
sonarQubeRunAnalysis: false
goals: 'clean install package deploy $(MAVEN_OPTS) -DmuleDeploy -Dserver=$(server) -Denvironment=$(environment) -Dworker=$(worker) -DworkerType=$(workerType) -DmuleVersion=$(muleVersion) -DappName=$(appName)'
It's a great presentation!! In the mean time can you please provide setting.xml file?
Can u please share the azure-pipelines. Yml filr
batch: true
- dev
- azure-pipelines.yml
- azure-pipelines-TagnRelease.yml
- azure-pipelines-deploy.yml
- azure-pipelines-deploy-prod.yml
- pom.xml
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- group: Azure-Variable-Group
value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.m2/repository
- name: MAVEN_OPTS
value: '-Dmaven.repo.local=$(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER)'
- task: CacheBeta@0
key: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/pom.xml
displayName: Cache Maven local repo
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
name: settingsxml
secureFile: 'settings.xml'
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
New-Item -Type Directory -Force "${HOME}/.m2"
Copy-Item -Force "$(settingsxml.secureFilePath)" "${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml"
- task: Maven@3
mavenPomFile: 'pom.xml'
mavenOptions: '-Xmx3072m'
jdkVersionOption: '1.8'
jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64'
mavenAuthenticateFeed: true
publishJUnitResults: false
javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
mavenVersionOption: 'Default'
effectivePomSkip: true
sonarQubeRunAnalysis: false
goals: 'clean install package deploy $(MAVEN_OPTS) -DmuleDeploy -Dserver=$(server) -Denvironment=$(environment) -Dworker=$(worker) -DworkerType=$(workerType) -DmuleVersion=$(muleVersion) -DappName=$(appName)'
Could you please also share the pom.xml file
Sir, am following your video but while running the pipeline am getting the following error :
[ERROR] Unknown lifecycle phase "Dmaven.repo.local=/home/vsts/work/1/.m2/repository". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format : or :[:]:. Available lifecycle phases are: validate, initialize, generate-sources, process-sources, generate-resources, process-resources, compile, process-classes, generate-test-sources, process-test-sources, generate-test-resources, process-test-resources, test-compile, process-test-classes, test, prepare-package, package, pre-integration-test, integration-test, post-integration-test, verify, install, deploy, pre-clean, clean, post-clean, pre-site, site, post-site, site-deploy. -> [Help 1]
but in my yaml file goals mentioned as :
goals: 'clean install package deploy $(MAVEN_OPTS) -DmuleDeploy -Dserver=$(server) Denvironment=$(environment) -Dworkers=$(workers) -DworkerType=$(workerType) -Dapp.runtime=$(app.runtime)$('