A minor detail that I always liked was that, not only do the crew get hurt, but they carry those wounds going forward. In the movie -- filmed three years after this episode -- Mal is shirtless for one scene and you can see a scar from where Crow's blade hit him in the shoulder.
"When a man learns all the details of a situation like ours, well, then he has a choice." "Don't believe he does." There are a few lines that define Mal. This is one of them.
"Firefly" was sabotaged from the inside to get it canceled. There was a change of Execs AFTER the contract (for 5 seasons of Firefly) were signed. The new Execs could not break the contract directly. They wanted to make their mark by replacing all of their predecessors shows with their own. Their only option was to play every dirty trick in the book to get Firefly canceled. The first pilot was rejected at the very last minute on a Friday. This gave Joss Whedon and Tim Minear only the weekend to write this second episode "new" pilot and turn it in first thing the following Monday or it would be a breach of contract.
About Kaylee: More that once she is called Mei Mei (may may), which is Chinese for Little Sister. Which is kinda the role she fills in this little family. And a good indication of how they feel about her. Even Jayne. He'll tease her horribly (as bug brothers will), but really cares. During the surgery scene in the first episode, where was Jayne. Everyone was waiting outside the doors. Jayne was off to the side, by himself, watching through the windows. Watching over Kaylee during the operation done by an unknown and untrusted person.
There were many fans during the broadcast run. They wrote tons of letters to save the show. But it didn't become a proven "hit" until massive DVD sales through the roof.
Joss said that he named the show Firefly so that no 'main' character would seem untouchable by having the show named after them (such as 'Buffy'). Also, the 'darn' when kicking Kroll into the engine was the moment I knew this was the series for me.
There’s a documentary called Done the Impossible that goes a long way to explain the fan base. I think the fan base expanded with each release. The DVDs were big, Netflix picked it up back when it was still DVDs you got in the mail. Eventually streaming services picked it up. The cast have been involved in Comic Cons all over the world. As far as a continuation, other than the movie and various books and graphic novels, it just wasn’t to be. Many hoped for many years. I think most have finally given up now because 20 years is just too long for the same actors and, of course, Ron Glass has passed away. I’m sure there are others who can explain all the reasons why it never happened. So, it’s just a little jewel that fans tend to rewatch at least once a year, and then, of course, watching someone else watch it for the first time is almost like discovering it for the first time all over again. So, enjoy it please, for the rest of us. 😊
Part of the issue with a continuation was that there weren't really many windows with most of the cast free to do something. After Firefly it seems like at least half of them were always involved in other projects.
Mal telling Simon she had died was also a way to throw the audience off. Like you most people thought she had just gone to sleep, and it immediately changes the feel of the show when you think (briefly) that she died and you can’t believe they killed such a great character.
Funny how the shepherd knew so much about Niska. I've always believed the sheriff had been a Browncoat himself. There seemed to be a low-key understanding between him and Mal. River said "two by two, hands of blue." Check that final scene again. The movie Serenity was released within three years after the series was cancelled, so considering the amount of time it takes to shoot and produce a movie, that ball got rolling fairly quickly.
One note on Jayne: He isn't a jerk, but he doesn't have a filter. So he says whatever comes to mind. Pay attention to his actions vs his words and see if you change your mind down the road.
the series became an almost instant classic.and thanks to that , a few years later it got an ending (at least in part) in the form of the movie Serenity. and in the movie you can see on Mal's shoulder the scar from the knife with which he was stabbed in the episode. this attention to detail was characteristic of Serenity as well as the series. However, the tight budget is obvious - you probably noticed that the soldiers on the train wore "recycled" uniforms from Paul Verhoeven's hit Starship Troopers. The moment would only be weirder if they were dressed in Imperial Stormtrooper uniforms!(and tonight google translate is a real jerk!)
The basic problem was that a Fox executive really wanted Joss Whedon to do a show and commissioned Joss to do Firefly. That executive then left Fox and his replacement had his own pet projects that he wanted to make, and SF shows are expensive to make compared to other shows. Given the amount already invested it just couldn't be cancelled outright, but by writing lots of network notes on upcoming shows, showing the ones out of order and constantly changing the air time it really sabotaged the ratings (which are the things that are important to advertisers), and so the show was cancelled mid-season (something that often happened at the time). This meant that a lot of the filler episodes are missing and the final four weren't shown at all. This is actually not that unusual at the time (Buffy, the show that made Joss famous, for example, was actually a mid-season replacement for another show). Joss had a lot of fans from Buffy and Angel that were already hard core watchers of the show, despite the variable timeslot, and it was actually slowly building an audience when televised, but it was really with the DVD sales that it took off enough for Universal to risk taking a movie (and if that had gone well enough greenlight more of them). A lot more people discovered the show with Serenity [the movie] (it is possible to watch the movie without knowing about Firefly, but not really recommended), and went back and discovered the TV show in DVD. Sadly the movies's box office was not sufficient to greenlight the future movies, leaving it to reactors to discover the show themselves, fall in love with it, and bemoan it's short run. And then seek out the comics and books. There are a lot of plot elements hinted at in the show that were meant to be revealed in later seasons. Such as why [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] and even [CENSORED]. 😁
FYI, the network wanted a new pilot, which became episode "2". Yes, they handn't known that the show would be a hit yet so were trying to find the right character balance and likeability. Jayne, in particular, is there to provide tension on the crew or else Mal would seem too hostile as the lead captain.
Did not help that the true pilot had been the final piece to air to complete airtime commitments. Left 3 episodes unaired until it aired on a cable network and the DVD.
"Han shot first!" - Is what always the thought that goes through my head when Mal kicks that Crow through the engine! Like Geedo, he made his intentions to kill Mal VERY clear! (With NO room for negotiation.) So, as far as I am concerned? Completely justified. The "gritty 'reality'" and "moral ambiguity" is a big part of what makes this show so compelling. They are not heroes, nor villains (nor even anti-heroes). They are just people doing what they need to do to survive in a very uncivilized 'verse. So yeah, you will discover more and more of the nuance of "who these people are" as time goes on. (Like here, you have learned that Mal is more than willing to break the law & even cooperate with VERY bad people. But you also learned that there is a CLEAR limit to what he is willing to do. (and causing innocent people to suffer for his profit is NOT something he is OK with)
Yup, your face, like most reactors after the: Crow: The last thing you see will be my blade. Mal: Darn. dialog is worth the wait. Then the "comedy" of the next guy "best thing for everyone" bit... :) Yeah, Jayne is... a simple man and a bit... rough around the edges. You may get to like him... you may not time will tell.
Glad you are enjoying. Do you do your own editing? You cut out what is probably one of the best character dialogs in this episode. When the constable is talking to Mal after catching him returning the medicine. (paraphrasing) Constable: "A man gets a job and maybe doesn't ask many questions about what that job entails... then he finds out the situation of folks like us... well then he has a choice." Mal: "I don't believe he does." It's a great insight into Mal. He's an honorable man and his honor wouldn't allow him to make any other choice but to return the medicine.
I watched what Fox TV deigned to broadcast at the time, but I didn't see "Firefly" until I bought the DVD set. "Adelai Niska" is a "Khan Noonien Singh"-level villain, who makes "Badger" look like a choir boy. "The Train Job" is an interesting look at Capt. Reynolds' moral compass and his "Serenity" family.
in every film there his this line : i will killl you someday , why would anyone let it live ? its stupid and its one of the few serie where we have the logic awnser , push him in the reactor ^^
I don't think Firefly was ever syndicated. It's not long enough for that - the original Star Trek lasted three seasons and that was barely enough to get it into syndication. If Firefly had been made before DVDs it probably would have disappeared without a trace (except in the memories of the few who saw it), but with Netflix (which was a DVD-rental-by-mail company at the time, not a streaming service) picking it up and strong word of mouth marketing by the small but dedicated fan base it eventually got a large enough audience to get the movie greenlit, and that helped to increase the fan base even more. Once streaming was an option it was able to grow the fan base even more.
Jayne has a surprisingly large fan club who will try to convince you that he isn't really a jerk, and that you'll eventually see that. There is at least a little more to him than meets the eye at this point, and he evolves to some extent over the course of the show. I like him as a character, and think the show wouldn't be as good without him. But I think you have to squint really hard to see him as something other than a jerk most of the time.
I just don't think they got the time to keep growing Jane's character. His obsession for money starts to make sense when we found out he's sending credits home to his mother and sick sister.
The show was an almost instant cult classic. The network really did nearly everything they could to sabotage the show... partly because, even though it looks a little low budget, now (CGI wasn't as good, back then), it was an expensive show to make. Episodes were aired out of order... a few episodes weren't aired at all... The show was popular enough to get a DVD collection and the DVDS is really where it's cult status went wild, when people could finally see all episodes, in order. It was only a couple of years after cancelation that the movie Serenity got made. Unfortunately, while that was successful with fans, it wasn't a big enough blockbuster to get sequels - - maybe because it picked up after the series and while you can, theoretically, watch and enjoy it without seeing the show... it really helps to have seen Firefly.
it totally makes sense why you came away from episode 1 thinking Mal was a jerk. By episode 2 they let Nathan lighten him up more without losing his hard edge when he needs to kick a guy into a blender. But in episode 1 he is way too harsh.
In episode 1, Simon and River aren't part of the crew yet, and moreover were endangering the people who _were_ part of the crew simply with their presence on the ship. Mal is always harsh when it comes to protecting his own.
Mal is a combat vet, and was a believer in the Independence. You may not have noticed he kissed his cross in the first epIsode, and then was abandoned by all he believed in. Later he told the Shepherd to not speak the blessing out loud. He's a complex character trying to be free and survive, all the while having lost his faith. FOX seemed Hell-bent on undermining their own show. Imagine how confusing Mal would seem having the show aired in the improper order.
Please don't let people here change what you say about your impressions. I'm here to hear different perspectives. I can see how you could think they were being jerks. I never saw them that way, but I'm a fan of several years. Gives me a chance to step back and think about why you saw them that way. If you saw things the same as everyone else, how interesting would this be? Just one tip, the writing for this show is very good, and they will hit story points back to back to back. If you are talking after the first point, you can easily miss the second. I know it's an impossible task. This is a reaction channel. Might take 3 or 4 watches to catch all of it. I'm guessing NLT episode 8 you'll be a self-declared browncoat. :)
My reactions are always very in the moment. I say what I think and sometimes that changes from time to time. Some viewers didn’t like my take on Joel in The Last of Us, but I stood by my thoughts. I think sometimes people get protective of characters they like and when you have a negative reaction, people think you hate them. I don’t hate these characters. I love all characters because they all serve a purpose. Mak is meant to be rough and negative because he went through trauma. He’s the dynamic character that turns from a harsh captain into someone who we see genuine love and heart from. Maybe even Jayne by the end. Who knows! Thanks for watching!
1) You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here. (c) 2) I was aiming for his head (c) Cmon, that were the best Jayne's jokes in the whole show :D. The 2nd one was even used as a reference to Firefly in the show "Castle" among other references and actors from Firefly.
I've been watching a lot of firefly reactions and a lot of women seem to think Mal's a jerk in this one. Maybe the Kaylee thing is more of a dumb boy prank. Zoe laughed though!
The show was a fan favorite as you see from the get go. It all boiled down to network shenanigans and those in power just not wanting it to succeed, thus sacking it at every chance.
You can call Jayne a jerk - that's fine with me. :) But, as you may find, there is more to even him than being a jerk. I came to this show via DVD - I didn't see it on the air, so I may not have all the history correct, but this episode was actually the "pilot" that aired first. FOX didn't like the Serenity pilot - too dark, too long, etc. etc, so they demanded a new screenplay for the pilot that would be aired. They wrote this one in a weekend if memory serves, and it does serve as a pilot - it completely introduces all the characters again, and is less edgy. The real issue is that FOX just didn't market this show correctly. The show was over and cancelled before most sci-fi fans actually knew it existed. They aired episodes all out of order, if they showed them at all, so for many of the people who did watch it, it was confusing and bizarre. The show was never allowed to get it's feet under it before FOX just pulled the plug. As for a reunion or a second try, the fans of the show (helped out by many fans like me who came to it via DVD so that the episodes could be watched in order) raised such a stink about it being cancelled, the started a grass roots funding campaign for a movie. The story is really quite amazing - there are youtube videos about it. So Joss Whedon was able to make a movie that at least capped off the show a little bit a few years after it was cancelled.
FOX did not include Firefly in the Season Preview though it made time for everything else, plus potential mid-season replacements. No print advertising except for a single full-page ad in one newspaper a month before the premiere, showing River in the cryo-crate and the question in bold running top to bottom "WHO IS THE GIRL IN THE BOX?" [then refused to air the pilot until the end]. When television reporters asked about the show, they were told it was about burned-out hippies, space hookers, and Confederates wanting to rise again.
Don't sell Jayne short. His is a wounded soul, as you'll see in future poetry readings where his true inner self comes out. He becomes the moral center of the crew.
I don’t mean to sell him short. Remember, I’m only on episode 2 and I don’t have the knowledge that you all have. There is plenty of room for him to grow and be a dynamic character! Thanks for watching! 😊
Keep watching,I think you will like the episodes that are to come. River is a complexed character and that is what makes her so amazing because of all the mystery behind her past. Sadly it was cancelled like you said, though there is the movie Serinety but I am not a fan of that one.
Already upset there's only (not even) one season? Welcome to the true pain of all Browncoats... :) The network did the show really dirty. They put it in a bad time slot, where several shows in that time slot died. They preempted the show for slorts broadcasts. The exec who originally brought the show on board left the network, and their replacement didn't like the show. They aired stuff out of order, as you know, etc. Thanks to a vocal, enthusiastic fan base, eventually, while they couldn't get it continued, eventually the movie Serenity got made to further the story and at least wrap up some threads, answer some questions. You will want to watch the movie for sure.😊
So bluffing about the ship’s ability to blow away the guys at the bar is OK, but bluffing about Kaylee being dead to play a joke on Simon is evil. Got it.
There was a small dedicated fan base for the show from the beginning. FOX did everything it possibly could to sabotage this series from the start - largely because of back room intrigue with Joss Whedon... However it really took off when SyFy channel picked up the series from syndication and showed all the episodes in the correct order... An original cast re-boot or reunion at this point, I dont think is really possible. Disney now owns the rights to Firefly - and frankly Disney's record with the IP they purchase is appalling. Look at what they did to Star Wars, an IP they paid $4 Billion for. By comparison Firefly is a cracker jack prize. There is always talk and rumors. Disney would probably eliminate Inara, the world is too dark and dirty for Disney so they'd have to sparkle it up... Unless they sell it off and someone gets back involved who loves the series - then I would hope they leave it alone... But if Joss Whedon/Tim Minear were back to write and maybe Nathan Fillion as show runner ... A new cast could reboot the series.
I hold out no hope for a satisfying reboot for a myriad of reasons, which is too bad because I think Nathan Fillion would make an even better Captain Mal now that he has 20 years on him. Maybe not as physical a role as the original, but older, wiser and even more of a force to be reckoned with.
The overall theme of this series is "civilized values" vs "frontier values" - frontier values are better. The crew of Serenity (except for Simon and maybe Inara) are frontier people. But Whedon doesn't sugarcoat the rough aspects of frontier living. The crew get injured a lot. Mal fooling city slicker Simon about Kaylee being dead is the kind of practical joke pioneers pull. Jayne is not someone a civilized person would want around, but operating on the frontier Mal needs a strongman fighter for his criminal trade, so he tolerates him.
I love this crew, but they can absolutely be jerks sometimes, so I don't think you're wrong to think so. Mal, in particular, can be a study in contrasts. Incredibly mean one moment and super sweet, the next. If you keep watching I think you'll see why people tend to like him, though. As far as the joke from the first episode that you didn't like, it was mean, sure, but I think it's a form of gallows humor that a lot of people have when death is a constant presence in their lives.
It is part gallows humor, but as a comment said last time, it's also a test of Simon- Simon thinks his patient is getting well, Mam shocks him with, " She's dead.' and Simon bolts for the Infirmary, to see what went wrong, and to see if there's still a chance to save her. Then he realizes it's a cruel joke, and diagnoses Mal as a psychotic, but doesn't get angry about the mistreatment or demand to leave.
@@larrystuder8543 I thought of it more as a joke about how "psychotic" could be used to mean 2 different things. Simon: "The man's psychotic!" (and that's bad) *cut to bridge* Wash: "You are psychotic!" (and that's good). Mal: "I am a bad, bad man......" (and that's funny)
"I'm a very sympathetic person". Really? "Maybe, if they get caught they can make Jayne take all the heat while they escape! That's a good idea". It sounds like you are very selective in who you feel sympathy for.
I think you’re right. I have sympathy for people who are kind or helpless and who I feel would treat others the way they want to be treated. Jayne was pushing to leave Mal and Zoe behind so I felt he would deserve the same when I got upset. I think that’s a fairly standard reaction for many people. What I’m saying is that I feel those feelings for underdogs or very sweet characters like Kaylee very strongly. Thanks so much for watching! 😊
The blather is unreal and poor. Oh, a D&D invocation (cool) "lawful-good" except the correct identification would be "chaotic-good". I can't believe I am about to commit this act (grudgingly issuing a spoiler alert) but I've been triggered. This is a low-budget Fox TV show. It is basically a Star Wars copy of a universe but with reavers. Capt Malcolm Reynolds is Hans Solo, Zoey is Chewbacca, River & Simon Tam are the brother/sister wanted by the Empire (Alliance), Shephard Book is Obie Wan Kenobi. River and Simon also play the role of R2D2 and C3PO, while Jayne is Lando Calrissian (to a degree). The TV show failed because Star Wars wasn't as popular (hard to believe) as it is today. Who owns the rights to Star Wars? (Disney). Who is reviving this show? (Disney). You will enjoy the series.
you have two ears and one mouth that you might listen twice as much as you speak. if you had listened more closely, you might have understood that the reactor specifically said that the crew is *not* "lawful good", and then you wouldn't have such a nonsensical complaint. the rest of your comment is of equally low quality. _firefly_ is not "a _star wars_ copy".
A minor detail that I always liked was that, not only do the crew get hurt, but they carry those wounds going forward. In the movie -- filmed three years after this episode -- Mal is shirtless for one scene and you can see a scar from where Crow's blade hit him in the shoulder.
"When a man learns all the details of a situation like ours, well, then he has a choice."
"Don't believe he does."
There are a few lines that define Mal. This is one of them.
from the previous episode "If I ever kill you, you'll be awake. You'll be armed, and you'll be facing me."
"Firefly" was sabotaged from the inside to get it canceled. There was a change of Execs AFTER the contract (for 5 seasons of Firefly) were signed. The new Execs could not break the contract directly. They wanted to make their mark by replacing all of their predecessors shows with their own. Their only option was to play every dirty trick in the book to get Firefly canceled.
The first pilot was rejected at the very last minute on a Friday. This gave Joss Whedon and Tim Minear only the weekend to write this second episode "new" pilot and turn it in first thing the following Monday or it would be a breach of contract.
About Kaylee: More that once she is called Mei Mei (may may), which is Chinese for Little Sister. Which is kinda the role she fills in this little family. And a good indication of how they feel about her. Even Jayne. He'll tease her horribly (as bug brothers will), but really cares. During the surgery scene in the first episode, where was Jayne. Everyone was waiting outside the doors. Jayne was off to the side, by himself, watching through the windows. Watching over Kaylee during the operation done by an unknown and untrusted person.
In the first episode, after Kaylee gets shot, one person was hovering at the window on our left. Jayne, I think it's an almost sibling love.
I can see Firefly is starting to pull you in and that makes me happy. I just wish the reactions were a tad bit longer.
Thank you so much! We appreciate your support. I’m really starting to love it! 😊
oooh me too❣
There were many fans during the broadcast run. They wrote tons of letters to save the show. But it didn't become a proven "hit" until massive DVD sales through the roof.
Joss said that he named the show Firefly so that no 'main' character would seem untouchable by having the show named after them (such as 'Buffy'). Also, the 'darn' when kicking Kroll into the engine was the moment I knew this was the series for me.
Lol. Buffy untouchable. Lol.
4:08 Welcome to the "We Love Kaylee Club." She is the most special mechanic we got.
I love her so much. I kinda loved her instantly. Mechanics tend to be rugged and I love the spin on making a bubbly, sweet girl the mechanic!
@@ccarter008 #NoSpoilers just you wait You might love her so much soon you might propose to her.
There’s a documentary called Done the Impossible that goes a long way to explain the fan base. I think the fan base expanded with each release. The DVDs were big, Netflix picked it up back when it was still DVDs you got in the mail. Eventually streaming services picked it up. The cast have been involved in Comic Cons all over the world.
As far as a continuation, other than the movie and various books and graphic novels, it just wasn’t to be. Many hoped for many years. I think most have finally given up now because 20 years is just too long for the same actors and, of course, Ron Glass has passed away. I’m sure there are others who can explain all the reasons why it never happened.
So, it’s just a little jewel that fans tend to rewatch at least once a year, and then, of course, watching someone else watch it for the first time is almost like discovering it for the first time all over again. So, enjoy it please, for the rest of us. 😊
Part of the issue with a continuation was that there weren't really many windows with most of the cast free to do something. After Firefly it seems like at least half of them were always involved in other projects.
Mal telling Simon she had died was also a way to throw the audience off. Like you most people thought she had just gone to sleep, and it immediately changes the feel of the show when you think (briefly) that she died and you can’t believe they killed such a great character.
I also read that it was Mal testing Simon to see his reaction to her death.
Funny how the shepherd knew so much about Niska.
I've always believed the sheriff had been a Browncoat himself. There seemed to be a low-key understanding between him and Mal.
River said "two by two, hands of blue." Check that final scene again.
The movie Serenity was released within three years after the series was cancelled, so considering the amount of time it takes to shoot and produce a movie, that ball got rolling fairly quickly.
...have you heard of the works of Shan-Yu?
@@paellaking9007what if you don’t live near a volcano?
One note on Jayne: He isn't a jerk, but he doesn't have a filter. So he says whatever comes to mind. Pay attention to his actions vs his words and see if you change your mind down the road.
It's OK to think Mal's a jerk, though I prefer the term scoundrel with a heart of gold.
the series became an almost instant classic.and thanks to that , a few years later it got an ending (at least in part) in the form of the movie Serenity. and in the movie you can see on Mal's shoulder the scar from the knife with which he was stabbed in the episode. this attention to detail was characteristic of Serenity as well as the series. However, the tight budget is obvious - you probably noticed that the soldiers on the train wore "recycled" uniforms from Paul Verhoeven's hit Starship Troopers. The moment would only be weirder if they were dressed in Imperial Stormtrooper uniforms!(and tonight google translate is a real jerk!)
The basic problem was that a Fox executive really wanted Joss Whedon to do a show and commissioned Joss to do Firefly. That executive then left Fox and his replacement had his own pet projects that he wanted to make, and SF shows are expensive to make compared to other shows. Given the amount already invested it just couldn't be cancelled outright, but by writing lots of network notes on upcoming shows, showing the ones out of order and constantly changing the air time it really sabotaged the ratings (which are the things that are important to advertisers), and so the show was cancelled mid-season (something that often happened at the time). This meant that a lot of the filler episodes are missing and the final four weren't shown at all. This is actually not that unusual at the time (Buffy, the show that made Joss famous, for example, was actually a mid-season replacement for another show).
Joss had a lot of fans from Buffy and Angel that were already hard core watchers of the show, despite the variable timeslot, and it was actually slowly building an audience when televised, but it was really with the DVD sales that it took off enough for Universal to risk taking a movie (and if that had gone well enough greenlight more of them). A lot more people discovered the show with Serenity [the movie] (it is possible to watch the movie without knowing about Firefly, but not really recommended), and went back and discovered the TV show in DVD. Sadly the movies's box office was not sufficient to greenlight the future movies, leaving it to reactors to discover the show themselves, fall in love with it, and bemoan it's short run. And then seek out the comics and books.
There are a lot of plot elements hinted at in the show that were meant to be revealed in later seasons. Such as why [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] and even [CENSORED]. 😁
Don’t forget [CENSORED]. Everyone always misses [CENSORED] and it deserves better.
FYI, the network wanted a new pilot, which became episode "2". Yes, they handn't known that the show would be a hit yet so were trying to find the right character balance and likeability. Jayne, in particular, is there to provide tension on the crew or else Mal would seem too hostile as the lead captain.
Did not help that the true pilot had been the final piece to air to complete airtime commitments. Left 3 episodes unaired until it aired on a cable network and the DVD.
I'd love to know the name of the fox exec that royally screwed over this show. If they'd handled it right it would have been a cash cow for years!
"Han shot first!" - Is what always the thought that goes through my head when Mal kicks that Crow through the engine!
Like Geedo, he made his intentions to kill Mal VERY clear! (With NO room for negotiation.) So, as far as I am concerned? Completely justified.
The "gritty 'reality'" and "moral ambiguity" is a big part of what makes this show so compelling.
They are not heroes, nor villains (nor even anti-heroes). They are just people doing what they need to do to survive in a very uncivilized 'verse.
So yeah, you will discover more and more of the nuance of "who these people are" as time goes on. (Like here, you have learned that Mal is more than willing to break the law & even cooperate with VERY bad people. But you also learned that there is a CLEAR limit to what he is willing to do. (and causing innocent people to suffer for his profit is NOT something he is OK with)
They did make a theatrical film as a sequel to the show. Serenity
I’ll be watching that last 😊
The fun continues and the story builds.
See you next episode!
Same, Firefly time. Same, Firefly channel.
More to come!
how can you tell that you're watching _firefly_ only after its cancellation? because you actually have some clue when the next episode is going to be.
I usually find bubbly/perky personalities to be fairly annoying. But in Kaylee's case, I find it quite attractive.
Yup, your face, like most reactors after the:
Crow: The last thing you see will be my blade.
Mal: Darn.
dialog is worth the wait.
Then the "comedy" of the next guy "best thing for everyone" bit... :)
Yeah, Jayne is... a simple man and a bit... rough around the edges. You may get to like him... you may not time will tell.
Glad you are enjoying. Do you do your own editing? You cut out what is probably one of the best character dialogs in this episode. When the constable is talking to Mal after catching him returning the medicine. (paraphrasing) Constable: "A man gets a job and maybe doesn't ask many questions about what that job entails... then he finds out the situation of folks like us... well then he has a choice." Mal: "I don't believe he does." It's a great insight into Mal. He's an honorable man and his honor wouldn't allow him to make any other choice but to return the medicine.
It's on purpose to get you to pay for the full length watch-alongs. And its p fair imo
@@BlarghMeow Where are the full length watch-alongs?
@@bcriswell I don't know if they have full watcha-alongs, but they do have a channel membership tier that includes exclusive content.
@@maddwitch You'd have to have your own copy of the DVD, because of copyright. As it always goes with Patreon.
@@BlarghMeowwe don’t have those yet.
You'll be happy to learn they're not all jerks and there's plenty of heros.
I watched what Fox TV deigned to broadcast at the time, but I didn't see "Firefly" until I bought the DVD set. "Adelai Niska" is a "Khan Noonien Singh"-level villain, who makes "Badger" look like a choir boy. "The Train Job" is an interesting look at Capt. Reynolds' moral compass and his "Serenity" family.
in every film there his this line : i will killl you someday , why would anyone let it live ? its stupid and its one of the few serie where we have the logic awnser , push him in the reactor ^^
The helmets and body armor worn by the Feds were also used in the movie "Starship Troopers", and in one of the iterations of the "Power Rangers".
That is why I say that Dina Meyer is my favorite Purplebelly...
That’s awesome!
I think popularity came when the show was syndicated. DVD sales also helped once that was made available.
I don't think Firefly was ever syndicated. It's not long enough for that - the original Star Trek lasted three seasons and that was barely enough to get it into syndication. If Firefly had been made before DVDs it probably would have disappeared without a trace (except in the memories of the few who saw it), but with Netflix (which was a DVD-rental-by-mail company at the time, not a streaming service) picking it up and strong word of mouth marketing by the small but dedicated fan base it eventually got a large enough audience to get the movie greenlit, and that helped to increase the fan base even more. Once streaming was an option it was able to grow the fan base even more.
Jayne has a surprisingly large fan club who will try to convince you that he isn't really a jerk, and that you'll eventually see that. There is at least a little more to him than meets the eye at this point, and he evolves to some extent over the course of the show. I like him as a character, and think the show wouldn't be as good without him. But I think you have to squint really hard to see him as something other than a jerk most of the time.
I just don't think they got the time to keep growing Jane's character. His obsession for money starts to make sense when we found out he's sending credits home to his mother and sick sister.
The more you watch, you will find Jayne is not totally a jerk, he does have some endearing moments.
He is a poet, just don't know it!
@@CaptainFrost32 Well... you took it! And I guess that's somethin'......
Ok, I'll be in my bunk
He got a little [SPOILER] the other day, that’s bound to make anyone a mite ornery.
The show was an almost instant cult classic. The network really did nearly everything they could to sabotage the show... partly because, even though it looks a little low budget, now (CGI wasn't as good, back then), it was an expensive show to make. Episodes were aired out of order... a few episodes weren't aired at all... The show was popular enough to get a DVD collection and the DVDS is really where it's cult status went wild, when people could finally see all episodes, in order. It was only a couple of years after cancelation that the movie Serenity got made. Unfortunately, while that was successful with fans, it wasn't a big enough blockbuster to get sequels - - maybe because it picked up after the series and while you can, theoretically, watch and enjoy it without seeing the show... it really helps to have seen Firefly.
it totally makes sense why you came away from episode 1 thinking Mal was a jerk. By episode 2 they let Nathan lighten him up more without losing his hard edge when he needs to kick a guy into a blender.
But in episode 1 he is way too harsh.
Maybe you're just too soft.
In episode 1, Simon and River aren't part of the crew yet, and moreover were endangering the people who _were_ part of the crew simply with their presence on the ship. Mal is always harsh when it comes to protecting his own.
Mal is a combat vet, and was a believer in the Independence. You may not have noticed he kissed his cross in the first epIsode, and then was abandoned by all he believed in. Later he told the Shepherd to not speak the blessing out loud. He's a complex character trying to be free and survive, all the while having lost his faith. FOX seemed Hell-bent on undermining their own show. Imagine how confusing Mal would seem having the show aired in the improper order.
Please don't let people here change what you say about your impressions. I'm here to hear different perspectives. I can see how you could think they were being jerks. I never saw them that way, but I'm a fan of several years. Gives me a chance to step back and think about why you saw them that way. If you saw things the same as everyone else, how interesting would this be? Just one tip, the writing for this show is very good, and they will hit story points back to back to back. If you are talking after the first point, you can easily miss the second. I know it's an impossible task. This is a reaction channel. Might take 3 or 4 watches to catch all of it. I'm guessing NLT episode 8 you'll be a self-declared browncoat. :)
My reactions are always very in the moment. I say what I think and sometimes that changes from time to time. Some viewers didn’t like my take on Joel in The Last of Us, but I stood by my thoughts. I think sometimes people get protective of characters they like and when you have a negative reaction, people think you hate them. I don’t hate these characters. I love all characters because they all serve a purpose. Mak is meant to be rough and negative because he went through trauma. He’s the dynamic character that turns from a harsh captain into someone who we see genuine love and heart from. Maybe even Jayne by the end. Who knows! Thanks for watching!
1) You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here. (c)
2) I was aiming for his head (c)
Cmon, that were the best Jayne's jokes in the whole show :D.
The 2nd one was even used as a reference to Firefly in the show "Castle" among other references and actors from Firefly.
I've been watching a lot of firefly reactions and a lot of women seem to think Mal's a jerk in this one. Maybe the Kaylee thing is more of a dumb boy prank. Zoe laughed though!
The show was a fan favorite as you see from the get go. It all boiled down to network shenanigans and those in power just not wanting it to succeed, thus sacking it at every chance.
You can call Jayne a jerk - that's fine with me. :) But, as you may find, there is more to even him than being a jerk.
I came to this show via DVD - I didn't see it on the air, so I may not have all the history correct, but this episode was actually the "pilot" that aired first. FOX didn't like the Serenity pilot - too dark, too long, etc. etc, so they demanded a new screenplay for the pilot that would be aired. They wrote this one in a weekend if memory serves, and it does serve as a pilot - it completely introduces all the characters again, and is less edgy.
The real issue is that FOX just didn't market this show correctly. The show was over and cancelled before most sci-fi fans actually knew it existed. They aired episodes all out of order, if they showed them at all, so for many of the people who did watch it, it was confusing and bizarre. The show was never allowed to get it's feet under it before FOX just pulled the plug.
As for a reunion or a second try, the fans of the show (helped out by many fans like me who came to it via DVD so that the episodes could be watched in order) raised such a stink about it being cancelled, the started a grass roots funding campaign for a movie. The story is really quite amazing - there are youtube videos about it. So Joss Whedon was able to make a movie that at least capped off the show a little bit a few years after it was cancelled.
FOX did not include Firefly in the Season Preview though it made time for everything else, plus potential mid-season replacements. No print advertising except for a single full-page ad in one newspaper a month before the premiere, showing River in the cryo-crate and the question in bold running top to bottom "WHO IS THE GIRL IN THE BOX?" [then refused to air the pilot until the end].
When television reporters asked about the show, they were told it was about burned-out hippies, space hookers, and Confederates wanting to rise again.
Don't sell Jayne short. His is a wounded soul, as you'll see in future poetry readings where his true inner self comes out.
He becomes the moral center of the crew.
I don’t mean to sell him short. Remember, I’m only on episode 2 and I don’t have the knowledge that you all have. There is plenty of room for him to grow and be a dynamic character! Thanks for watching! 😊
@@ccarter008 I'm, uh, yanking your chain a little...
There is a movie that they made called Serenity.
Ignore those other people. You are exactly right. He is a jerk.
And we love him for it.
It's all relative to the situation and lifestyle they live in.
Keep watching,I think you will like the episodes that are to come. River is a complexed character and that is what makes her so amazing because of all the mystery behind her past. Sadly it was cancelled like you said, though there is the movie Serinety but I am not a fan of that one.
Of course Mal was being a jerk, Simon was not part of his crew.
Already upset there's only (not even) one season? Welcome to the true pain of all Browncoats... :)
The network did the show really dirty. They put it in a bad time slot, where several shows in that time slot died. They preempted the show for slorts broadcasts. The exec who originally brought the show on board left the network, and their replacement didn't like the show. They aired stuff out of order, as you know, etc.
Thanks to a vocal, enthusiastic fan base, eventually, while they couldn't get it continued, eventually the movie Serenity got made to further the story and at least wrap up some threads, answer some questions. You will want to watch the movie for sure.😊
Gooooo slorts team!
@@isaackellogg3493 LOL... L, P, same letter, right? Or at least next to each other on the standard keyboard. I'll let the typo stand... 👍😉
So bluffing about the ship’s ability to blow away the guys at the bar is OK, but bluffing about Kaylee being dead to play a joke on Simon is evil. Got it.
There was a small dedicated fan base for the show from the beginning. FOX did everything it possibly could to sabotage this series from the start - largely because of back room intrigue with Joss Whedon... However it really took off when SyFy channel picked up the series from syndication and showed all the episodes in the correct order...
An original cast re-boot or reunion at this point, I dont think is really possible. Disney now owns the rights to Firefly - and frankly Disney's record with the IP they purchase is appalling. Look at what they did to Star Wars, an IP they paid $4 Billion for. By comparison Firefly is a cracker jack prize. There is always talk and rumors. Disney would probably eliminate Inara, the world is too dark and dirty for Disney so they'd have to sparkle it up... Unless they sell it off and someone gets back involved who loves the series - then I would hope they leave it alone... But if Joss Whedon/Tim Minear were back to write and maybe Nathan Fillion as show runner ... A new cast could reboot the series.
I hold out no hope for a satisfying reboot for a myriad of reasons, which is too bad because I think Nathan Fillion would make an even better Captain Mal now that he has 20 years on him. Maybe not as physical a role as the original, but older, wiser and even more of a force to be reckoned with.
@@Audra1964 Maybe. The only episode I can imagine I'd want to see, would be a roll reversal of "War Stories" ... Not to spoil upcoming episodes...
The overall theme of this series is "civilized values" vs "frontier values" - frontier values are better. The crew of Serenity (except for Simon and maybe Inara) are frontier people. But Whedon doesn't sugarcoat the rough aspects of frontier living. The crew get injured a lot. Mal fooling city slicker Simon about Kaylee being dead is the kind of practical joke pioneers pull. Jayne is not someone a civilized person would want around, but operating on the frontier Mal needs a strongman fighter for his criminal trade, so he tolerates him.
More like actual values vs shifting values
Your right, Jayne is a jerk. But he’s also hilarious.
Im in the minority it seems. I loved Jayne from the start
Huh...just started these reactions and was disappointed to find out you haven't posted in 4 months.
Jayne WILL grow on you.
Jayne is a jerk, but he adds a lot to the show. It's a love/hate thing.
15:25 Not even a full season, only 14 episodes.
There is a movie called serenity to close out the series a real actual movie
I love this crew, but they can absolutely be jerks sometimes, so I don't think you're wrong to think so. Mal, in particular, can be a study in contrasts. Incredibly mean one moment and super sweet, the next. If you keep watching I think you'll see why people tend to like him, though. As far as the joke from the first episode that you didn't like, it was mean, sure, but I think it's a form of gallows humor that a lot of people have when death is a constant presence in their lives.
It is part gallows humor, but as a comment said last time, it's also a test of Simon- Simon thinks his patient is getting well, Mam shocks him with, " She's dead.' and Simon bolts for the Infirmary, to see what went wrong, and to see if there's still a chance to save her. Then he realizes it's a cruel joke, and diagnoses Mal as a psychotic, but doesn't get angry about the mistreatment or demand to leave.
@@larrystuder8543 I thought of it more as a joke about how "psychotic" could be used to mean 2 different things.
Simon: "The man's psychotic!" (and that's bad)
*cut to bridge*
Wash: "You are psychotic!" (and that's good).
Mal: "I am a bad, bad man......" (and that's funny)
There is an important deleted scene from Episode 1 that will help you "get a lay of the land" for this show.
Also notice. "Two by Two, Hands of Blue"
"I'm a very sympathetic person". Really? "Maybe, if they get caught they can make Jayne take all the heat while they escape! That's a good idea". It sounds like you are very selective in who you feel sympathy for.
I think you’re right. I have sympathy for people who are kind or helpless and who I feel would treat others the way they want to be treated. Jayne was pushing to leave Mal and Zoe behind so I felt he would deserve the same when I got upset. I think that’s a fairly standard reaction for many people. What I’m saying is that I feel those feelings for underdogs or very sweet characters like Kaylee very strongly. Thanks so much for watching! 😊
Jayne *is* a jerk, but he's our jerk.
The blather is unreal and poor. Oh, a D&D invocation (cool) "lawful-good" except the correct identification would be "chaotic-good". I can't believe I am about to commit this act (grudgingly issuing a spoiler alert) but I've been triggered. This is a low-budget Fox TV show. It is basically a Star Wars copy of a universe but with reavers. Capt Malcolm Reynolds is Hans Solo, Zoey is Chewbacca, River & Simon Tam are the brother/sister wanted by the Empire (Alliance), Shephard Book is Obie Wan Kenobi. River and Simon also play the role of R2D2 and C3PO, while Jayne is Lando Calrissian (to a degree). The TV show failed because Star Wars wasn't as popular (hard to believe) as it is today. Who owns the rights to Star Wars? (Disney). Who is reviving this show? (Disney). You will enjoy the series.
you have two ears and one mouth that you might listen twice as much as you speak. if you had listened more closely, you might have understood that the reactor specifically said that the crew is *not* "lawful good", and then you wouldn't have such a nonsensical complaint. the rest of your comment is of equally low quality. _firefly_ is not "a _star wars_ copy".
I think "Firefly is low budget Star Wars," is a way too.much over-simplification. I agree with some of the rest.
@@larrystuder8543 "Way too much over-simplification" True, but you have to tailor your information to the target audience...