I know wealthy women who will buy kislux replicas. The main reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a bag...especially a trendy one. They do, however, spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
The *xbagy* Barbie Pink Chanel is fabulous
everything is very very nice thank you
The green one looks nice
I agree, it was a runner up for sure
Hi congrats 🎈🍾 got the beige one yesterday . The green is stunning as well
Such a classic, you got lucky too. The green was such a beautiful color for sure.
@ ❤️
I know wealthy women who will buy kislux replicas. The main reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a bag...especially a trendy one. They do, however, spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.