With no end in sight for this run, I think we'll take a break from it after this stream for a bit. I've mostly loved it. It's a tad grindy at times but I sometimes enjoy that. Some really fun gameplanning and tense moments which I live for. Sometimes it's a bit much but overall I'm looking forward to jumping back in to this run after a short break for some other series' we have planned.
~4:32:00-ish you're hungry & tired next to a bed. pro-tip you can command a follower to sleep in a bed, then sneak & feed off them as a vamp. idk if you learn this later in the vid I just wanted to say it in case & also for the ol' algorithm. cheers m8, hope this series continues
Honestly?? I love this as a long series. I've watched a lot of it live but didn't catch this last episode. I'm really looking forward to the wedding of furball and Eric! It's a really lovely story. Come on lovers!
Watching Joov play Skyrim is hilarious, but painful. Especially when chat is yelling about something super obvious that he doesn't remember or notice. It's like watching someone try to break down an unlocked door while ignoring the "pull" sign taped to it
IDK if Joov ever returns to this challenge, but: 1) Mana recharges quickly because of Restoration perks 2) If Wintersun is allowed, there is a shrine right next to Bleakfalls that allows passive enchant recharging 3) vampire fucks you over in the day, 4th stage lowers your stats for whole 100 i think. 4) werewolf stacks with unarmed perks
The cool thing about being a vampire is you could just travel at night or stay fed and have 0 drawbacks other than a slight fire weakness that most enemies don't take advantage of
@@MiningNatureYT staying fed requires breaking into people's houses, travelling during the night requires waiting for 12 hours, or sitting inside caves. And it's also dark, so you can't see anything. Mana and stamina regen are an issue without enchants. And Vampire Lord is just terrible, poor damage, awkward collision, limited interactions. Werewolf isn't better, but it at least has better dps
@@Snobilicat12 1) The entire series, Joov has been relying on followers for everything, so would it not make sense to just use Vamp Seduction and feed on the follower? 2) Vamp comes with a limitless nightvision ability which works pretty well (obviously not the best, but better than nothing) 3) the regen issues only occur on the last stage of not feeding, as long as you stay fed, you continue regenerating your stats 4) there are many good magic combos you can use with Vamp if you experiment with it enough, such as the paralysis spell combined with the drain spell (i forgot both spells' names)
@@MiningNatureYT 1) vampire seduction has a very low level cap, i believe? something like level 10 without illusion perks (i don't remember, never used it anyway) 2) his character is a khajit, skyrim night vision is very bad for visibility anyway, also it would be not fun for youtube videos 3) no it doesn't. you don't get any regen in the sun on any stage (without buffs anyway, i think standing stones can help) 4) you need to grind magic pretty hard + have enough gold for spells - something he doesn't have 5) why the fuck did you even decide to have a discussion for a 2 month old comment which isn't even relevant anymore? Joov won't read through every reply in search for your glorius opinion, if he ever returns to this challenge, he'd probably change it or would start a new run. so please go jerk your love for skyrim vampirism someplace else, thanks
did anyone else see the rabbit fly past joov @ 3:47:04 and into the horizon? I thought it might be snow but slowing it down and frame by framing it, it looks like a buggy bunny.
Joov spending as much time trying to use the armor to survive jumping off the balcony as it would have taken him to run back the entire way he'd come in is Peak Hilarity.
I love these vods! Ive been bingewatching those 26h long series on twich, just realised they are in yt as well, heaven! Maybe weird but theire the best thing to watch while knitting 😂 keep up the good work and till next time!
I feel like he isn't using the vampire abilities enough to justify the massive downsides. He's used his invisibility once, rarely sneaks, hasn't used illusion besides grinding, ignored the other vamp spells, dislikes vampire lord, can't go any further in the Dawnguard questline, and feeds on people very rarely. Meanwhile he's useless outside during the day and is weak to fire. The passive resistance to disease, poison, and frost are good but that's about it. Overall it just adds to the challenge which I don't think this run needs. I hope that when this run continues Outta Pawket either leans into being a vampire more or seeks a cure, either one could be interesting for the narrative.
I don't think he's ever played a vampire before and hasn't really tried to learn everything it has, so he just doesn't know what it gives him. He became a vampire literally just for the free food.
If there's any concern about Erik's equipment, the Skyrim unofficial patch changes his class to heavy armor, one handed weapon, and shield. To match the equipment he has by default.
For a goal for part two I think maxing the armor to dragon tier would be a great goal for the follower since a big part of this challenge is upgrading the follower!
6:03:24 woah! i am really surprised you didn't know! Your lockpick health is tied to your character, so the new lockpick had however much remaining hp your previous one had
I think the mechanics of the challenge almost turn this into an even harder version of a Souls game where, as the player levels up more and more, fights become borderline hitless challenges unless you just go full mage.
Farm ilinalta’s deep in your slaughterfish run. Water all through it. Or play as an Argonian and get a bunch of mods that add stuff to the water and let you craft an alchemy lab and smithing station at the waterside. Although you could possibly use the smithing station in riverwood near the river but there’s no smelter. Find or commission a mod that links up existing bodies of water with new rivers
I would really take better advantage of feeding on people for food. Very easy to use your seduction and feed a few times on someone. I thought that was the point of turning yourself! Thanks for all the uploads
4:54:47 Winterhold is much closer to where you are but I would NOT recommend going there in a situation like this, for future reference. In my current playthrough I'm on survival and my home base is the college, I keep all my stuff there, and it's made me painfully aware that there is no carriage from Winterhold. The fastest way to get anywhere from Winterhold is to walk to Windhelm and take a carriage from there. it's pretty rough
Joov you hurt my soul with this one😭, I was so invested in you playing the Dawn guard and you possibly still could have finished it if you got the void salts like chat was spamming(yes ik I’m late I just had to say it)
Joov you talk about having a basic keyboard at 5:18:45, and it makes me wonder if you ever tested it for ghosting? It's something cheaper/older keyboards often have, where it limits the number of inputs you can simultaneously do. It can be that it's what makes some things sometimes weirdly not execute. You can google 'keyboard ghosting test' and get websites that will help you figure it out. Often ghosting happens after 2-3 keys, but it can vary depending in number and depend on which keys it is.
I know this video is 3 weeks old (I'm catching up, slowly), but should you ever decide to continue this challenge, or the Chaos Mage: Protips regarding spell merchants: Every spell merchant out there carries a full set of Novice and Apprentice spells of all schools of magic. Adept, Expert, and Master spells are more complicated to acquire. If your skill in a school of magic is at least 50, these court mages will carry a full set of Adept spells in the school of magic they specialize in: - Wylandriah in Riften specializes in Alteration. - Calcelmo in Markarth, and Falion in Morthal specialize in Conjuration. - Farengar in Whiterun, Madena in Dawnstar, and Wuunferth in Windhelm specialize in Destruction. - Sybille Stentor in Solitude specializes in Illusion. The college mages work similarly, but only require a magic skill of at least 40 before they carry a full set of Adept spells, and a magic skill of at least 65 before they carry a full set of Expert spells: - Tolfdir specializes in Alteration. - Phinis Gestor specializes in Conjuration. - Faralda specializes in Destruction. - Drevis Neloren specializes in Illusion. - Colette Marence specializes in Restoration. To unlock Master spells, you must be at least level 90 in a school of magic, and complete a quest for one of the college mages before they carry full sets of Master spells. The only exceptions to this are spells added with the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs, which are sold by specific merchants (in Fort Dawnguard, Castle Volkihar, or Solstheim) once you've performed quests for them, or unique spells tied to specific quests or locations (for example: Transmute Ore in Halted Stream Camp) I say all of this because your Illusion, Alteration, and Restoration skills are super high, but not once have you visited Sybille, Wylandriah, Colette, Tolfdir, or Drevis to purchase more powerful spells in those schools of magic. You always shop at Farengar or Madena, who only carry crap Novice and Apprentice spells because your Destruction skill isn't high enough. Visit the other spell merchants to acquire new spells. Notably there is an Adept spell you might like in the Illusion school of magic: Shadowbond: "Caster and target gain invisibility for 20 seconds. When the invisibility is broken, the caster and target swap places." I have used that spell quite a lot, sometimes to screw around with the enemies by relocating them on a trap, but most effectively to reach high places and break sequences by summoning Dremora Lords on balconies, rooftops, or up a cliff, casting the spell on them, and breaking invisibility in order to switch place with them. I think this spell would be quite handy to safely get your followers across trapped corridors. PS: That vampire armor you liked so much was often detrimental to your survival because your Mage Armor perks only work when you aren't wearing Light or Heavy armor. (But I must confess, that jump down the balcony in castle Volkihar was SICK!)
more ideas on how to add twist to this concept: - you can carry as many items as you want, but your movement speed becomes zero while the number of slots is >1 - get the daedric merchant in the Dragonborn DLC - conjured weapons (obvious in hindsight)
I'm gonna be honest, watching these challenges are kind of frustrating. The initial gimmick isn't overly difficult, but you're extra rules and refusal to use the tools you have at your disposal drives me up the wall sometimes. It seems like you're nerfing yourself too much, and as a result the challenge itself is just tedious. Especially since you end up just hiding behind your follower while they do the most of the work because it turns out this game wasn't designed with all of this in mind. Not being able to meaningfully engage in combat in Skyrim makes it an absolute slog to watch. Especially since you're trying to make it as tactical and interesting as possible, you're just defaulting to magic and follower. And you won't even use any good magic! For the love of Talos, man, use some of the spells added in by they mods you have enabled! Its more than just avoiding the easy mode spells, its like your going out of your way to be as weak and unoptimized as possible. On top of everything else, the lack of goals is starting to drag. I won't lie, the Can't Leave series is what brought me to your channel, and I have been having fun with the other 'challenge' content you've been posting, but sometimes the lack of focus makes for a rough time. Not keeping to one questline, or one build idea, leaves me a bit unsatisfied, especially in this instance where you have so little structure you're just bouncing around doing random dungeons, to the point that you're taking a break because of it. I dunno man. I love the content, but sometimes watching you play Skyrim is annoying to no end. I get that these aren't traditional challenge runs, but watching you aimlessly go nowhere and fail to stupid avoidable shit is hard to watch for extended periods of time. EDIT: You made a comment at some point saying you want to avoid reusing a build from the Chaos Mage playthrough. Maybe you picked the wrong challenge to play then? You've not committed to one playstyle (Block) and trying to chase constant freshness just isn't working with such strict and tedious rules.
I agree. I love Joovs content but this challenge has to be one of the worst ive seen. So many people have been trying to give recommendations and constructive criticism in the chat but hes taking it the wrong way. current setup is not working, way to many restriction set in place out of stubbornness, all the conjuration stuff is there, destruction magic is there. block is there. hell illusion is there to buff the followers, yet he wont use anything but restoration and follower damage. he said no conjuration because of it doing all the work for him, the summons arent even that strong they are more so to distract and not get one shot, and thats exactly what the followers are doing, until they are dead. the summons are re-summonable though and conjured weapons would help so much. and yeah theirs only so many weapon types and build combos, overlap is inevitable, seeking freshness and hardship for every build is an uphill battle
I have two good ideas for playthroughs that would actually provide a lot of entertainment. Shouts only, and Followers only. With followers only, you have to use a follower in order to fight and progress. I'm actually doing a playthrough of that right now, but I don't have restrictions on storage for the player or follower, and I always try to upgrade the weapons and armor of the follower. I got restoration perks early on and it's fun. I tried to be passive and not use destruction, but I ended up helping a bit for fun value.
@@superscatboyYou can do the infinite shouts glitch that is easy to do even vanilla. Do the Companion questline, become a werewolf, get 5 amulets of talos, have a follower, press the transform button, and before the game shows 3rd person, engage the follower interaction screen by talking to them, and you'll be able to give them the amulets while in werewolf mode. Then immediately take them back, and they'll all stack as one item. Wait an hour and you'll revert back to normal and you can equip the amulets as one, and have 100% cool down rate. Really fun and I have a save that keeps the effect on at all times. Just don't unequip the amulets or you'll have to re-do it.
With no end in sight for this run, I think we'll take a break from it after this stream for a bit. I've mostly loved it. It's a tad grindy at times but I sometimes enjoy that. Some really fun gameplanning and tense moments which I live for. Sometimes it's a bit much but overall I'm looking forward to jumping back in to this run after a short break for some other series' we have planned.
Also I cannot come up with any more titles and thumbnails for this one my bank is empty right now maybe in a couple weeks
Hi Joov :)
I see the Barenziah quest working for this.
The return of Henry while we are on break??
Just a suggestion, but I don't see many people 100% achievement Skyrim, I know you could. @joov/@dietjoov
Joov: *becomes a vampire for the feeding and the perks*
Also Joov: *ignores the vampire stuff and gets debuffed due to a lack of feeding*
~4:32:00-ish you're hungry & tired next to a bed. pro-tip you can command a follower to sleep in a bed, then sneak & feed off them as a vamp. idk if you learn this later in the vid I just wanted to say it in case & also for the ol' algorithm. cheers m8, hope this series continues
there we go, somebody just told ya
I would have NEVER expected Joov to fight a whole ass castle in this episode. LOVE IT!
Honestly?? I love this as a long series. I've watched a lot of it live but didn't catch this last episode. I'm really looking forward to the wedding of furball and Eric! It's a really lovely story. Come on lovers!
Watching Joov play Skyrim is hilarious, but painful. Especially when chat is yelling about something super obvious that he doesn't remember or notice. It's like watching someone try to break down an unlocked door while ignoring the "pull" sign taped to it
IDK if Joov ever returns to this challenge, but:
1) Mana recharges quickly because of Restoration perks
2) If Wintersun is allowed, there is a shrine right next to Bleakfalls that allows passive enchant recharging
3) vampire fucks you over in the day, 4th stage lowers your stats for whole 100 i think.
4) werewolf stacks with unarmed perks
The cool thing about being a vampire is you could just travel at night or stay fed and have 0 drawbacks other than a slight fire weakness that most enemies don't take advantage of
@@MiningNatureYT staying fed requires breaking into people's houses, travelling during the night requires waiting for 12 hours, or sitting inside caves. And it's also dark, so you can't see anything. Mana and stamina regen are an issue without enchants. And Vampire Lord is just terrible, poor damage, awkward collision, limited interactions. Werewolf isn't better, but it at least has better dps
@@Snobilicat12 1) The entire series, Joov has been relying on followers for everything, so would it not make sense to just use Vamp Seduction and feed on the follower?
2) Vamp comes with a limitless nightvision ability which works pretty well (obviously not the best, but better than nothing)
3) the regen issues only occur on the last stage of not feeding, as long as you stay fed, you continue regenerating your stats
4) there are many good magic combos you can use with Vamp if you experiment with it enough, such as the paralysis spell combined with the drain spell (i forgot both spells' names)
1) vampire seduction has a very low level cap, i believe? something like level 10 without illusion perks (i don't remember, never used it anyway)
2) his character is a khajit, skyrim night vision is very bad for visibility anyway, also it would be not fun for youtube videos
3) no it doesn't. you don't get any regen in the sun on any stage (without buffs anyway, i think standing stones can help)
4) you need to grind magic pretty hard + have enough gold for spells - something he doesn't have
5) why the fuck did you even decide to have a discussion for a 2 month old comment which isn't even relevant anymore? Joov won't read through every reply in search for your glorius opinion, if he ever returns to this challenge, he'd probably change it or would start a new run. so please go jerk your love for skyrim vampirism someplace else, thanks
Cat stealing salmon off tables simulator
A naked, shield wielding, one can only assume skooma addicted cat showing little Erik the ropes of adventure
did anyone else see the rabbit fly past joov @ 3:47:04 and into the horizon? I thought it might be snow but slowing it down and frame by framing it, it looks like a buggy bunny.
Joov spending as much time trying to use the armor to survive jumping off the balcony as it would have taken him to run back the entire way he'd come in is Peak Hilarity.
Joov: calls Dawnguard quest *extremely* boring
Also Joov: spends half an hour falling to "solve" a problem that he already has a solution for
The dawnguard is extremely boring at times though
Him jumping off the balcony was really fun
I love these vods! Ive been bingewatching those 26h long series on twich, just realised they are in yt as well, heaven! Maybe weird but theire the best thing to watch while knitting 😂 keep up the good work and till next time!
I feel like he isn't using the vampire abilities enough to justify the massive downsides. He's used his invisibility once, rarely sneaks, hasn't used illusion besides grinding, ignored the other vamp spells, dislikes vampire lord, can't go any further in the Dawnguard questline, and feeds on people very rarely. Meanwhile he's useless outside during the day and is weak to fire. The passive resistance to disease, poison, and frost are good but that's about it. Overall it just adds to the challenge which I don't think this run needs. I hope that when this run continues Outta Pawket either leans into being a vampire more or seeks a cure, either one could be interesting for the narrative.
I don't think he's ever played a vampire before and hasn't really tried to learn everything it has, so he just doesn't know what it gives him. He became a vampire literally just for the free food.
If there's any concern about Erik's equipment, the Skyrim unofficial patch changes his class to heavy armor, one handed weapon, and shield. To match the equipment he has by default.
I really hope he gets some money and goes to the college of winterhold for spells. he's still running with sparks at level 22.
ikr, bro is making it SOOOO much harder than it needs to be, no wonder he isnt enjoying it
For a goal for part two I think maxing the armor to dragon tier would be a great goal for the follower since a big part of this challenge is upgrading the follower!
6:03:24 woah! i am really surprised you didn't know!
Your lockpick health is tied to your character, so the new lockpick had however much remaining hp your previous one had
I think the mechanics of the challenge almost turn this into an even harder version of a Souls game where, as the player levels up more and more, fights become borderline hitless challenges unless you just go full mage.
My weekend is saved. 🎉
Hey Joov! If I remember correct, followers don't burn charge of enchanted weapons and staves.
Farm ilinalta’s deep in your slaughterfish run. Water all through it. Or play as an Argonian and get a bunch of mods that add stuff to the water and let you craft an alchemy lab and smithing station at the waterside. Although you could possibly use the smithing station in riverwood near the river but there’s no smelter. Find or commission a mod that links up existing bodies of water with new rivers
I would really take better advantage of feeding on people for food. Very easy to use your seduction and feed a few times on someone. I thought that was the point of turning yourself! Thanks for all the uploads
4:54:47 Winterhold is much closer to where you are but I would NOT recommend going there in a situation like this, for future reference. In my current playthrough I'm on survival and my home base is the college, I keep all my stuff there, and it's made me painfully aware that there is no carriage from Winterhold. The fastest way to get anywhere from Winterhold is to walk to Windhelm and take a carriage from there. it's pretty rough
Joov you hurt my soul with this one😭, I was so invested in you playing the Dawn guard and you possibly still could have finished it if you got the void salts like chat was spamming(yes ik I’m late I just had to say it)
Joov you talk about having a basic keyboard at 5:18:45, and it makes me wonder if you ever tested it for ghosting?
It's something cheaper/older keyboards often have, where it limits the number of inputs you can simultaneously do. It can be that it's what makes some things sometimes weirdly not execute.
You can google 'keyboard ghosting test' and get websites that will help you figure it out. Often ghosting happens after 2-3 keys, but it can vary depending in number and depend on which keys it is.
Incase nobody told you, Healing hands has insane range, like much more than sparks or flames
Going to try the mod list, we'll see how it goes!
lol Erik is a f*cking GOD
I know this video is 3 weeks old (I'm catching up, slowly), but should you ever decide to continue this challenge, or the Chaos Mage:
Protips regarding spell merchants:
Every spell merchant out there carries a full set of Novice and Apprentice spells of all schools of magic.
Adept, Expert, and Master spells are more complicated to acquire.
If your skill in a school of magic is at least 50, these court mages will carry a full set of Adept spells in the school of magic they specialize in:
- Wylandriah in Riften specializes in Alteration.
- Calcelmo in Markarth, and Falion in Morthal specialize in Conjuration.
- Farengar in Whiterun, Madena in Dawnstar, and Wuunferth in Windhelm specialize in Destruction.
- Sybille Stentor in Solitude specializes in Illusion.
The college mages work similarly, but only require a magic skill of at least 40 before they carry a full set of Adept spells, and a magic skill of at least 65 before they carry a full set of Expert spells:
- Tolfdir specializes in Alteration.
- Phinis Gestor specializes in Conjuration.
- Faralda specializes in Destruction.
- Drevis Neloren specializes in Illusion.
- Colette Marence specializes in Restoration.
To unlock Master spells, you must be at least level 90 in a school of magic, and complete a quest for one of the college mages before they carry full sets of Master spells.
The only exceptions to this are spells added with the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs, which are sold by specific merchants (in Fort Dawnguard, Castle Volkihar, or Solstheim) once you've performed quests for them, or unique spells tied to specific quests or locations (for example: Transmute Ore in Halted Stream Camp)
I say all of this because your Illusion, Alteration, and Restoration skills are super high, but not once have you visited Sybille, Wylandriah, Colette, Tolfdir, or Drevis to purchase more powerful spells in those schools of magic. You always shop at Farengar or Madena, who only carry crap Novice and Apprentice spells because your Destruction skill isn't high enough. Visit the other spell merchants to acquire new spells.
Notably there is an Adept spell you might like in the Illusion school of magic:
Shadowbond: "Caster and target gain invisibility for 20 seconds. When the invisibility is broken, the caster and target swap places."
I have used that spell quite a lot, sometimes to screw around with the enemies by relocating them on a trap, but most effectively to reach high places and break sequences by summoning Dremora Lords on balconies, rooftops, or up a cliff, casting the spell on them, and breaking invisibility in order to switch place with them. I think this spell would be quite handy to safely get your followers across trapped corridors.
PS: That vampire armor you liked so much was often detrimental to your survival because your Mage Armor perks only work when you aren't wearing Light or Heavy armor. (But I must confess, that jump down the balcony in castle Volkihar was SICK!)
I love Joov streams, but dude Never leveling a damage source. Setting himself up to fail, and seemingly having no idea is just too painful sometimes.
I’m not even that good at Skyrim but watching Joov makes me feel like a pro every single time. 😂
more ideas on how to add twist to this concept:
- you can carry as many items as you want, but your movement speed becomes zero while the number of slots is >1
- get the daedric merchant in the Dragonborn DLC
- conjured weapons (obvious in hindsight)
he doesnt want to do anything conjuration related because hes stuborn
But I need 10 more of this episodes
1:24:44 awesome!
That spell "Fire Cloak" would help alot with the cold.
would you please link to the rules spreadsheet so i can see the graveyard?
It’s fine to take a break! Wouldn’t be fun if you weren’t having fun
Twitch channel: Mine
Vod channel: Smelter
Main YT channel: Forge
Someone make a mod for teleporters or portals in the water in locations to teleport to the other ponds, oceans and rivers
I'm gonna be honest, watching these challenges are kind of frustrating. The initial gimmick isn't overly difficult, but you're extra rules and refusal to use the tools you have at your disposal drives me up the wall sometimes. It seems like you're nerfing yourself too much, and as a result the challenge itself is just tedious. Especially since you end up just hiding behind your follower while they do the most of the work because it turns out this game wasn't designed with all of this in mind. Not being able to meaningfully engage in combat in Skyrim makes it an absolute slog to watch. Especially since you're trying to make it as tactical and interesting as possible, you're just defaulting to magic and follower. And you won't even use any good magic! For the love of Talos, man, use some of the spells added in by they mods you have enabled! Its more than just avoiding the easy mode spells, its like your going out of your way to be as weak and unoptimized as possible.
On top of everything else, the lack of goals is starting to drag. I won't lie, the Can't Leave series is what brought me to your channel, and I have been having fun with the other 'challenge' content you've been posting, but sometimes the lack of focus makes for a rough time. Not keeping to one questline, or one build idea, leaves me a bit unsatisfied, especially in this instance where you have so little structure you're just bouncing around doing random dungeons, to the point that you're taking a break because of it.
I dunno man. I love the content, but sometimes watching you play Skyrim is annoying to no end. I get that these aren't traditional challenge runs, but watching you aimlessly go nowhere and fail to stupid avoidable shit is hard to watch for extended periods of time.
EDIT: You made a comment at some point saying you want to avoid reusing a build from the Chaos Mage playthrough. Maybe you picked the wrong challenge to play then? You've not committed to one playstyle (Block) and trying to chase constant freshness just isn't working with such strict and tedious rules.
I agree. I love Joovs content but this challenge has to be one of the worst ive seen. So many people have been trying to give recommendations and constructive criticism in the chat but hes taking it the wrong way. current setup is not working, way to many restriction set in place out of stubbornness, all the conjuration stuff is there, destruction magic is there. block is there. hell illusion is there to buff the followers, yet he wont use anything but restoration and follower damage. he said no conjuration because of it doing all the work for him, the summons arent even that strong they are more so to distract and not get one shot, and thats exactly what the followers are doing, until they are dead. the summons are re-summonable though and conjured weapons would help so much. and yeah theirs only so many weapon types and build combos, overlap is inevitable, seeking freshness and hardship for every build is an uphill battle
I have two good ideas for playthroughs that would actually provide a lot of entertainment.
Shouts only, and
Followers only.
With followers only, you have to use a follower in order to fight and progress. I'm actually doing a playthrough of that right now, but I don't have restrictions on storage for the player or follower, and I always try to upgrade the weapons and armor of the follower. I got restoration perks early on and it's fun. I tried to be passive and not use destruction, but I ended up helping a bit for fun value.
Shouts only is 95% taking cover and waiting until you can shout again. It's very, *very* slow.
@@superscatboyYou can do the infinite shouts glitch that is easy to do even vanilla. Do the Companion questline, become a werewolf, get 5 amulets of talos, have a follower, press the transform button, and before the game shows 3rd person, engage the follower interaction screen by talking to them, and you'll be able to give them the amulets while in werewolf mode. Then immediately take them back, and they'll all stack as one item. Wait an hour and you'll revert back to normal and you can equip the amulets as one, and have 100% cool down rate. Really fun and I have a save that keeps the effect on at all times. Just don't unequip the amulets or you'll have to re-do it.
5:15:06 I'm that person
You need to try the arquebus creation, you’ll have “a blast”
Diet The Joov
Finally ….
Too bad the only way to marry Serana is via a mod.
My name is Joov
Not to be confused with Billy Jack Pete or Dennis
My name is Joov
Where you goin city boy ?
Damn, I am early! Hello there
"Can followers recharge weapons?"
Amazing Follower Tweaks
Shouldn't be playing Skyrim or FO4 without it.