Noobs are noobs because they don't play a lot of minecraft and they study or going out The pro might be pro but he never goes out with his friends... But if you like minecraft more than hang out with friends it's your choice 🤗❤🔥
The noob is my favorite player he is funny and his bases remind me of me before I found creative mode just dug up dirt and made a house with dirt floor and for windows just broke holes in the walls and in the ceiling to have light I did not even generally know how to play Minecraft like mining and tools even crafting.
Noob's one is easy to escape, break the pressure plates lol, and same for Pro's, you just need to break it, and Bam. Besides the hacker is a..H A C K E R, and he was on creative, so basically, Pro didn't do anything to Hacker, also Pro just got trolled by Hacker. So - Hacker wins.
13:45 Pro: Wh...what?! Why are you ignoring my sword attack? Hacker: Hahaha... Doesn't the pro don't even know that? Pro: What? Hacker: The fact that the creativity mode is invincible lol Pro: Damn it
Hey Guys! Don't skip the video to not miss any jokes and to understand the story! =))
Awesome day to you bros!
It really was funny for most of it some of it I was just trying to see what you were using
Awesome but the noob obviously won. Can you do noon vs pro vs god in the kitchen
Hacker trap tutorial plz
Guys don’t skip any of the video so you’ll watch all 3 ads.
Recommended after 2 years
Pro's put their creativity to a high level 😱💥
Yes Obviously
That's true
After 2 years you made your own kingdom 💪💪💪
Bro osm I love it dude be creative like this love you from india
the noob won, no one will beat the noob the noob is a legend
Thanks for the spoiler... ...
No hacker win
Wow pro is a legend he beat hacker in a smack!
Yes is he
Lol I meant like he’s a pro better than a hacker a hacker will since him
Calm down with my comment
I love This video This impossible
I love this vedeo too
@@slicegame6960 pp
Ya I loved this video
Noobs are noobs because they don't play a lot of minecraft and they study or going out
The pro might be pro but he never goes out with his friends...
But if you like minecraft more than hang out with friends it's your choice 🤗❤🔥
💥 boom 💥 got here on time
I’m from VIETNAM and i like your video so much your video help me have a new idea and lesson to play this game thank you so much!!😍😍🥰🥰
Ahh I hate Russian
Kittenz Boy I’m from Vietnam and you hate Russian ,it different of my centence ok , don’t fight with me ok
Kittenz Boy ok
For the first time!!!!! The hacker was defeated!!!
yes he was :>
The noob is my favorite player he is funny and his bases remind me of me before I found creative mode just dug up dirt and made a house with dirt floor and for windows just broke holes in the walls and in the ceiling to have light I did not even generally know how to play Minecraft like mining and tools even crafting.
Weirder dude is awesomely awesome 😎
The noob needs some respect💓🧡🧡😢
The last one was AWSOME! A PRO is ALWAYS a PRO.
I am watching this video after 2 years
Moral of the story: just because you're a hacker doesn't mean you're good.
Ha really good vid keep upp the good work
Pro is the best👌
9:58 funniest scene
You are so good at everything!!
Last part was so funny...😂😂😂
Muito legal o vídeo
These are some fun videos to watch
00:45 seconds is what made me choose noob as the funniest.
How? Are you like 6 years old
@@K1ngB3nYHWH You suck
UwU noob can build more better than me
@@Fantxea +
Noob fell into his own trap😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣
Noob fell into his own trap😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆
This idiots laugh in such a useless thinks 😒
That is karma
Pro was litt... 😂😂🔥🔥🔥💥
The hardest trap is write 💯 pages of book and quill and put it in chelcer box
I loved the ending you make this like a story well done😂👍On my first vid I subscribed.
the Pro and Noob are winners
No girl it's pro & hacker
Noob's one is easy to escape, break the pressure plates lol, and same for Pro's, you just need to break it, and Bam. Besides the hacker is a..H A C K E R, and he was on creative, so basically, Pro didn't do anything to Hacker, also Pro just got trolled by Hacker. So - Hacker wins.
*DISCLAIMER-Noob was not harmed in making of this video*
Hahahahaha LOL😂😂😂🤣
Pro is really smart and good at seeing things.( I am not that good at seeing things)
Cox you're the noob 😊😁🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍
im noob too
Widerdude Could teach how to do the pro's
House Like It
When I'm bored because wiederdude not post the new video yet.. I'm watching his old video😊
Same ude
Diese Minecraft Videos sind der Hammer ich lieeeeeeeeeeeeeebe Minecraft auch wenn ich ein Mädchen bin 😅 Ihr macht das richtig super ❤️
wow! por primera vez le dan una palisa al hacker , muy bien pro
Ya se
Al guíen que able español😂
Alguém do Brasil?
If he’s a pro, why did he dig straight down 🤔
Good question
Pros sometimes dig straight down I've seen alot of pros do it
Minceraft Gamer thank you mate, but that is the main rule of Minecraft
@@johndeeregaming4653 I know. I always follow it unless I'm digging on block down and it's a block I placed or I'm in gamemode c.
Minceraft Gamer woosh
the god is the winner!!!😍😍😍
The best video ever❤️♥️
Hacker the winner in the trap battle
awwwwwww how sad the noob should be but to make it fair i'll say the noob won because I don't want the noob to be sad
Sholat ngab🗿👌
hacker: haha, take that pro!
Pro: hey hacker I got something for ya
Hacker: uh oh!
Pro: ( kills with sword)
Noob should kill pro next
@@xvloger8682 why he
You are Amazing Bro!
Noob was a LOT OF FUNNY😂😂🤣love your video
Pro विनर 💖💖💖💖💖💖
13:45 Surprise matervaker
13:48 (Boom)
I like aldous too
Damia Zakaria me too, also cyclops and diggie, but what do u mean u like aldous? 😂
wow it was very good video,thank you for making these excellent videoes
Pro is the best!!!!
who is here in 2024
منو عربي يأتي معي MALAK 💖
@@UserM-nc3fc ههن
Whatلا أحد يفهمني
I didn't understand anything
why the hacker is dead? the hacker no hearts
he has creative mode!!!!!🙀🙀🙀
Rachelle Francisco and he is not a hacker
He's a fake!
@@justsomeguywithaquestionab3175No serious?!
@@suntwo1 Yep. Real hackers don't die!
@@justsomeguywithaquestionab3175 Ah the expression only works in France 😊
I love your vids they are amazing and when i watch them the builds are so cool you are a very good builder well done keep that up 😃
I just like it
Narotõn hotini
I’m trying to say is it’s so funny when the hacker gets smacked by the sword diamond🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Rebecca McCrae-Gibson wowowwowow stoppp
Hacker wins, Ya'll!
Adrianna Vos I agree
Okay but don't write "hackers" in the funniest group.
Me encanta este video
From 2:00 2 2:10 its like ur playin HeLlO nEIghBoR.
Why do people think that the hacker is the funniest?
Noobs The funniest because of nin-stop building for 1week
Haha gosh I loved that! Glad Pro won! xD
Hahaha taht stabbing part at the end funny 😂
Ben türküm 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Pro was so funny just made me laugh a lot whenever new just get stuck in his own build
In noob trap you could just break the piston 😑
The noob always makes me laugh 😂😂😂🤣
0:44 so funny 🤣🤣
13:45 the hacker was in creative nobody even god can't kill it in creative his power will be infinity
Don't know why felling cringed
Id vote for noob. Because he is v. Classic
You is noooob
Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha Hhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha
Ese fue el mejor video de la historia 😃
The end is the best!!
Does the traps work at education edition? @WiederDude
I always love the noob he’s awesome at yelling
And also funny
Du bist der beste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:55 that was world edit
Pro: Wh...what?! Why are you ignoring my sword attack?
Hacker: Hahaha... Doesn't the pro don't even know that?
Pro: What?
Hacker: The fact that the creativity mode is invincible lol
Pro: Damn it
Noob vs pro vs hacker (watch now)
I Always Build My First House With Cobblestone , Oak Wood Planks , Slabs , Diamond , Gold Emreld , Blocks
Finally, an MC noob VS pro VS hacker without these annoying fortnite dances
these what? xD
I'm gonna call myself half god half noob. I'm a noob sometimes, but with houses, I'm a god. I vote for noob.
Pro is clever?
Really noob really didn’t see the pressure plate...
10:24 Mr crayfish device and furniture mod!!!
Türk var mı
Noob is the winner 😭😭😭😭😀
1:24 breaking the glass?
Yeah the noob dont know
Suuperrrrbbb noob
Yang ndukung noob pasti akan menderita kalau like saya semogain bakal sehat terus
Gua dukung noob
2:23 YAHOO
Yes yahooooooooooo
Oh so very nice i think noob vs pro vs hacker is prankster so enjoy
Sumpah apik tenan coy
Hacker vs pro vs Bob sengit
the noob trapped in his own trap ! 😂
10:13 he had diamond armor if you look closer
@@tankimseck3987 yes
@@tankimseck3987 when he died look to explosions
It is Friday hope everybody is fine.
Ohhhhh legend thief noob.....
Hi I'm New in Minecraft ✌️✌️👍👍
Bro that was awesome when pro hit hacker with a sword omg
Thanks WiederDude for telling me.
Fun fact: Noob has enchanting table but his house is made of dirt😂😂😂😂
When I first watched this video I didn't know anything about minecraft and thought that is a weird,magical,floating book that he placed
I was dumb 😑
I like this video because I think it's good
0:32 What is the song???? Pls
i think it't one of troll songs i was heard for three month
sorry am not speek english will... XD