If you're mainly doing tiktok marketing , you may want to consistently appraise engagement rate for it, whether manually or by tools such as *phlanx's tiktok engagement rate calculator* - such metric allows you to gauge if your tiktok has strong content and market reach, useful for knowing marketability and market potential in the long run
ကျေးဇူးပါ ဆရာ
If you're mainly doing tiktok marketing , you may want to consistently appraise engagement rate for it, whether manually or by tools such as *phlanx's tiktok engagement rate calculator* - such metric allows you to gauge if your tiktok has strong content and market reach, useful for knowing marketability and market potential in the long run
Service ပေးလားဗျ
ကျနော့် agency ကနေ ပေးပါတယ်။ www.Facebook.com/lvlupmm မှာ မေးလို့ရတယ်ဗျ။