Thanks for watching! Mike has been doing stellar holding down the fort! :) I won't be able to do a ton starting a new job but glad to contribute when I can!
I like the fact that all values are useful instead of 6s being strictly better than lower numbers. It seems like players have to use their imaginations to add theme, since it could end up feeling like an abstract.
You rolled two 6s and split them, one to kill a monster, another to place on the board. I thought you couldn’t split your dice outcome? Or does that only pertain to the board? Also, if you roll multiple matching numbers (three 5s), can you place just one or two 5s, then put the remaining 5 in your dice pool for another roll? Thanks
From how I understood it you can place your dice anywhere they just have to all match. You don't have to use all the dice showing that face if you don't want to. Just have to use 1 die per round
One Stop Co-op Shop Thanks a lot. Your video was very helpful regarding gameplay. If your subscribers enjoy this game, they may also like Kingsburg, Fuse, Flatline, King’s Forge, and One Deck Dungeon.
@@OneStopCoopShop How sorry? I have fun with your reviews just because of that. You're awesome and it would be tight if just every gamer had your attitude. And yes, this one I want for my collection. Best regards, man. Mery christmas, health and wealth bro.
This is Mike (who reviewed it) not Colin (who did the playthrough), but replay is decent. You can switch the sides of the boards, which changes how you progress on them. You can play different characters. You can add different special monsters to the deck. We aren't talking Spirit Island level variety here or anything, but there's a fair bit of solid gameplay here.
Colin! Great to see you back at it!
Appreciate you watching Michael!
been missing you Colin ! great video ! :)
Thanks for watching! Mike has been doing stellar holding down the fort! :) I won't be able to do a ton starting a new job but glad to contribute when I can!
thanx ! Great to see you Collin !!!!
Thanks Franck!
Great playthrough, thank you Colin. I just ordered the game to play with my 6 year old. She will definitely love it. Thanks for the suggestion.
GREAT! Hope you both enjoy it! We have played this every night now for a week! Ha!
Just got this game! It’s great, just like your playthroughs 👍🏻👍🏻
Thanks so much!!!
At 6:44, the yellow 2 you used to break the barrier is supposed to be placed in the Vortex of Oblivion, not returned to the hero.
omg your rolls for the Deep Woods were amazing lol I just got this game yesterday, looking forward to it!
Enjoy it!! It's a great game! Thanks for watching!
I like the fact that all values are useful instead of 6s being strictly better than lower numbers.
It seems like players have to use their imaginations to add theme, since it could end up feeling like an abstract.
Yes the biggest downside is the theme, but Connor doesn't seem to mind in the least. He really enjoys matching numbers etc.
That gem sound effect makes me jump up my chair each time... :\
Haha sorry just keeping you awake!
COLIN!!!!!! Welcome back buddy!
Thanks!! Won't be able to do this forever just have a break between jobs, but having loads of fun!
You rolled two 6s and split them, one to kill a monster, another to place on the board. I thought you couldn’t split your dice outcome? Or does that only pertain to the board?
Also, if you roll multiple matching numbers (three 5s), can you place just one or two 5s, then put the remaining 5 in your dice pool for another roll?
From how I understood it you can place your dice anywhere they just have to all match. You don't have to use all the dice showing that face if you don't want to. Just have to use 1 die per round
One Stop Co-op Shop Thanks a lot. Your video was very helpful regarding gameplay.
If your subscribers enjoy this game, they may also like Kingsburg, Fuse, Flatline, King’s Forge, and One Deck Dungeon.
Thanks for the great ideas!!
Welcome back Colin!!
Whoot! Thanks for watching!
Colin! Finally back!
I like and want this one, but even bad games you make them feel and look fun just by listen to your emotions while playing. Nice reviewer man.
Haha! Sorry about that! I still own this one and don't plan on selling it! It's a good one in my book!
@@OneStopCoopShop How sorry? I have fun with your reviews just because of that. You're awesome and it would be tight if just every gamer had your attitude. And yes, this one I want for my collection. Best regards, man. Mery christmas, health and wealth bro.
Thanks and same to you!
@@OneStopCoopShop thanks mate
You Mixed Sides A (Desert, Fortress) and B (Wood and Fortress). Was that on purpose?
Yup variations are the spice of life
Colin is back!!!
How much replayability is there?
This is Mike (who reviewed it) not Colin (who did the playthrough), but replay is decent. You can switch the sides of the boards, which changes how you progress on them. You can play different characters. You can add different special monsters to the deck.
We aren't talking Spirit Island level variety here or anything, but there's a fair bit of solid gameplay here.
@@OneStopCoopShop thanks. One to add to my solo collection then!
With the number of 5s and 6s you didn't want to put on the forest, you probably would have gotten 2 more gems :)
Touche Franck, touche!
@pencilpauli Indeed :)