The Thunder Clap Staff drops from a rusted piled of weapons & armor located down the hill from the golem, near some Grandgrapes and a few explosive barrels.
KingBendu actually I'm playing dd:da on Xbox one right now and I just picked up the Eden's Warden at level 8 and there's no level requirement, you might have got a more powerful variation of it or something
killzone462 they might have removed the level requirements on the remastered version. The PS3 and Xbox360 version has a level requirement for all the weapons in the game, the endgame/post game weapons have a level 55 requirement.
My favorite Pawn was someone's who made a White Robe Wearing, Long Brown Bearded Super Healer named Jesus. That pawn was on point and was on my team all the time.
Holy shit I thought it was mine until you said super *healer*. Mine was a full on sorcerer who destroyed everything in its path. Sadly that save data is lost due to a broken ps4.
@@McReinGlobal not completely. If someone hired your pawn before your ps4 broke than they could keep. It’s not until they lose the pawn or do something that gets rid of the pawn that they’ll lose it forever
I can confirm that thunderclap is not found on this rock. It's actually found just north east. If you go back round the giant without waking him! There's a rock with a couple of explosives on top. Now just behind this rock is a loot pile. Again save game before looting. Chance of getting nice items including thunderclap and/or seekers token. Hope this helps.
Tip: If you first save before getting the weapon (like the video says) than if you get a weapon you don't like jump off the cliff and it will kill you, you can then hit retry (make it's retry so you back to your manual save) and it will take you back to your save without having to go to the title page. It's much faster.
I'm kinda late, but i hope this can still help someone. The reason why you coudn't find the thunderclap is because you were looting the wrong place. To get that staff, you gotta go to a rock not too far from the tomb (you can recognize it because it has two explosive barrels on the top), near said rock there will be a rusted weapon/armor pile, that's the point you gotta loot to get the thunderclap (and yes, it can be resetted just like the sword in the rock). What you can get from that rusted pile beside the thunderclap is: a coin pouch, throat drops and a seeker's token. Hope this helped.
@@WirRegierenRap told it, it's a rock at nord-ovest of the one with the sword on. Just search for the two explosive barrels on the top of it and you found it.
@@WirRegierenRap at that level, i suggest you to stick with the base archistaff for now. After you get to Grand Soren with the hydra head and get to at least level 16-17, if you feel brave enough, you can travel to Soulflayer Canyon, reach Leaper's Ledge (check the wiki for the locations) and search for the "Plucked Heart" which is an amazing archistaff that will accompany you for quite a bit.
I would add to this guide: If you want to get Eden's Warden AND the Scalding Razors for you and your pawn (or two sets of scalding razors, or a powerful blunt weapon) - After following this guide, head back the way you came. Just before you get to the ruins by the shore where all the lizard guys are, head due north to the mountains. Follow them west and then due north. You'll come to a rest camp. After the rest camp head north then west along the rock wall and you'll come to the back entrance to the mines. Once inside run to your right (past the gorilla/orge guy), then left at the fork and climb the rocks on your right for another chest that drops razors as well as some other items (I think a powerful blunt weapon, IIRC).
For all of those thinking that the only thing that drops is the greatsword, i got 9 back to back greatswords and then the 10th was the dagger(that i didnt want) and the 11th one was the one-handed sword (what i wanted) soooo, its possible, dont give up!
I can confirm it’s at this location. There are some explosive barrels on top on the rocks and just below is a weapon pile. You just need to reset if you didn’t get the thunderclap.
Quick tip for sorcerors before going at the pawn's for the first time travel to the church in the wilted forest. Around the area of the church are figurines called cursed carvings give these to the leader of the nuns in the church to gain her favor and this opens up a quest in Gran Soren's inn, complete it, and you'll recieve Keen Dragon's Wit the most powerful golden archistaff for sorcerors) in the game and has the highest chance of inflicting silence. Makes wyrms near harmless.
On switch I was able to get the razors twice after getting the steel great sword multiple times. This does work on switch. (3 more reloads)I just got Edens warden so this definitely works on switch.
Powerful enchanted items. It took about 2 to 3 nights to reboot the site to get a new weapon. To get the Thunder Clap weapon you need to be a sorcerer or have a pawn that is a sorcerer. Each time I got that weapon it was through the pawn. I also had to kill that damn rock golem with all the purple glow spots on it. I am not completely sure as to why, but that is what I had to do.
Pulled the Edens warden my first time on my mystic Knight on my switch. This is my first playthrough and I cannot believe how amazing this game is! It’s a nice hold me over till elder scrolls 6. I hear rumors of a second DD and they had better make it! Game is legendary
There will never be a 2nd DD, those rumors are baseless. There is a DD MMORPG that came out shortly after DD, its just not available to most the world.
I'm in my first playthrough and stumbled on the golem completely by accident. The golem never woke up, and I even jumped on him trying to wake it up. pulled the thunderclap first try, I only know that because I'm back at the inn and checked my inventory, there it was. I'm a strider, and my main pawn is a mage.
I got a bit further into the game before seeing this but I checked my map and saw that I’d already been there. I think I already slain the golem but just never saw the sword in the stone. Thanks a lot 🙏.
I suggest u fight the golem if ur a strider and have ur pawns. I did it and got lik 6k exp. It has rift stones and those are the only places it takes damage have a mage heal and a warrior and/or strider upfront As a strider u have a bow and just keep hitting its purple glowing stones. It will occasionally get knocked down givving u open hits When its down hit it with daggers not bow for more damge When ge gets back up do the bow thing. If u dont kill him quickly he goes sicko mode turning red and being extremely fast.
Just did the battle had no archers on squad wasn't ready lol climbed all over him like a spider monkey, but when he goes ape mode and turns red, if you wait it out he'll eventually go back to blue and chill. So don't kill yourself throwing yourself at him cuz he's not climbable at that time
Wasn’t really paying attention to the map while looking for this, went the opposite direction and ran into a dragon in the woods near a lake instead, I’ll pay attention to the map next time maybe lol
I got the scalding razors and one of my pawns managed to get the thunder clap, I don't know where he looted it but I gave it to my main pawn which is a mage.
I tried this tip about 20 times and every time I got the Steel Greatsword. So I went off to explore a bit and fell off a cliff and died, Oops! I hit "Retry" which took me back to the stone so I thought i'd try one more time and what do you know ... I got Eden's Warden! LOL!!
Sooooo just north of this stone there a lootable weapon pile or whatever you call it. No joke, I just looted the Thunderclap from that random loot pile, lol
While looking around the internet for different methods of getting a warrior weapon early and specifically while watching this video I opened a chest and got a Warhammer anyway.
Can anyone confirm that Eden's Warden is still even attainable at this spot in the remaster? 40 or so tries has yielded only Greatswords and Scalding Razors. Addendum: I did manage to draw it after many, many attempts. So it is there. Just a super low chance to get it I'm guessing.
Tried this today on PC and I can confirm it still works. But I had to retry a LOT. First I got the daggers after maybe 20 times or more. Then finally I got the Eden's Warden after 15 times maybe. So it still works but you will need a lot of patience.
I recently got the game on switch. I tried to escort a NPC to the shadow castle, got lost super early game and in the middle of the night. I ended up getting the daggers at the tomb first try without awakening the golem (I didn’t even have a clue it was here before watching the vid). Can’t believe how lucky I was 😂
Tried about 20 times with no luck with the thunderclap. Finally gave up after getting edens warden for about the 5th time and gave that to my pawn. Ran a few yards down past the golem to another loot spot behind a rock and got the thunderclap first try.. lol
Trying to get Thunderclap for my pawn, and it's giving me everything else besides the one weapon I want. Already have Scalding Razors. Already have Eden's Warden. 2 days of trying!
I found thunder clap on mistake in the wilted woods i wandered in there leaving the encampent and the mist inteigued me . made my way through the mist and turn ir off and at the end theres a house with a lady in it and a chest . save and loot chest till u get it , then theres an exit near that house that leads u to the front of the town u start in
I just tried for this and after 15 attempts all I got was the steel two handed sword. So I am not sure but at least for me I say it has been changed from a random chance to always two hander. I did wake the silly golem I forgot it was not a rock .. lucky I can run faster then a golem.
I recommend fighting the Golem early on. Provides moderate challenge and early satisfaction. Not that much reward on the material side though and takes too much time time if you fight him at very early level but its nice when you finally beat him down. Yeah I'm soulsborne fanboy I'm sorry.
@@crixfal4282 I've finished the game a few times now and I can confirm that it is still works, just keep reloading you will get it eventually. Ohh and if you're looking for thunderclap/mage staff it's actually not there I forgot where's it exactly but it's still in that area.
The thunderclap staff is down and around the corner to the left of the golem when you're facing the ocean there is another little sword area behind some rocks in the little curve area that goes down it looks like a normal loot pile but when I activate today I got the thunder clap my first try by total accident I found this
Golem can be killed at any level by melee vocation. It's easy. No Thunderclap here. You can farm razors and eden's in Ancient Quarry. In semi-secret chest near ogres. Just switch lantern off and travel alone. It's faster and safer. Thunderclap is there in first chest near enter point, another chest can drop ogre bone ring or good armor.
Do u know about the short cuts for buying high level equipment and and easy leveling? Where u cut tho the mines and go to a high level in the game sorry can't recall the name of the village or encampment but it's very late game but u can reach it now of u know the shortcut
Daniël Vd M na it's an encampment pasted the girl pirate crew hideout which I'll can use the minestrone get to early game takes about 20 mind of running away from strong
i took the GreatSword since i'm lving the Warrior but i did kill the stone Golem, at lv 18 jus have a lot of Stamnia due to you have to climb on him to break the crystals in return you can pick up.
Quick tip for new players the fire sword and daggers have a Lv15 requirement, using the weapons below Lv 15 will cause regular attacks to use stamina.
It's letting me use the fire sword at level 2 without using stamina.
The Thunder Clap Staff drops from a rusted piled of weapons & armor located down the hill from the golem, near some Grandgrapes and a few explosive barrels.
KingBendu actually I'm playing dd:da on Xbox one right now and I just picked up the Eden's Warden at level 8 and there's no level requirement, you might have got a more powerful variation of it or something
killzone462 they might have removed the level requirements on the remastered version. The PS3 and Xbox360 version has a level requirement for all the weapons in the game, the endgame/post game weapons have a level 55 requirement.
Here is the list from the PS3 if anyone wants to test the level requirements on PS4.
1: Criteria, Iron Sword, Round Shield, Short Bow, Wooden Staff
3: Rusted Archistaff, Rusted Bow, Rusted Daggers, Rusted Greatsword, Rusted Longbow, Rusted Mace, Rusted Magick Shield, Rusted Shield, Rusted Spellbow, Rusted Staff, Rusted Sword
5: Ironclad Staff, Pelta, Throatcutters, Trusty Sword
8: Broadsword
9: Crimson Glare
10: Common Archistaff, Cutlass, Favored Flower, Iron Shield, Mace, Magian Crutch, Reinforced Longbow, Stilettos, Sylvan Bow, Two-Hander, Wooden Wall
12: Snagdaggers
13: Ferric Talon, Golden Grace, Golden Obliteratrix, Golden Stilettos, Gran Soren Shield, Grievous Gold, Soultaker, Thousand Troops, Undulant Gold, War Blade
14: Grievous Horns
15: Direwolf Bow, Eden's Warden, Magick Buckler, Thunderclap
16: Feather-light Pelta, Scalding Razors
17: Golden Bastard, Golden Lance, Golden Meniscus, Golden Stings, Obliteratrix, Path to Heaven, Snags of Gold
18: Signs of Valor
20: Bloodthirsty Beak, Favored Branches, Fluted Bow, Knight's Honor, Mark of the Chimera, Steel Greatsword, Tight Cinquedea, Unspoked Grace, Vouge Daggers
21: Beak of Gold, Golden Claw, Golden Cyclops Sigil, Golden Rapier, Gryphic Gold, Keen Dragon's Wit
22: Anchor to Heaven, Black Matter, Helical Archistaff, Lifetaker
23: Bespoke Longbow, Fine Magick Buckler, Morgenstern, Undulant Sword
24: Caladbolg, Crescending Roar, Fiery Talon, Malignance, Meniscus, Thousandlimbs, White Hawk's Talon
25: Divine Axis, Font of Fire
26: Frozen Tomorrow, Scorched Pelta, Thunder Kite Shield
28: Bastard Sword, Blue Kite Shield, Cast Stone, Flamberge, Hunter's Bow, Ingot Club, Plain Longbow, Scarred Sentinel, Solar Numen, Terminal Gyre
29: Chestcaver, Favored Canopy, Lancer's Sword, Lustrous Targe, Silver Rapier, Thousand Stings, Wizard's Vizard
30: Alamce, Ardent Will, Plucked Heart
32: Algid Bloom, Gimble Gyre, Gryphic Victory, Pleached Limbs, Steel Beak, Veteran's Arc
33: Cassardi Flamberge, Kunai, Stagnant Surge, Unfettered Claw
35: Angel's Sanctum, Crossed Cinquedea, Cyclops Sigil, Dragon's Den, Herald's Helix, Noble Limbs, Saving Grace, Solar Providence, Stalwart Bow, Threaded Cudgel
42: Dragon's Aegis, Dragon's Bite, Dragon's Blink, Dragon's Breath, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Faith, Dragon's Nous, Dragon's Rancor, Dragon's Repast, Dragon's Toll, Dragon's Wit
43: Bloody Thistle, Carnation, Dark Buckler, Dragon's Presence, Dragon's Quickening, Dragon's Risen, Fey Whisper, Sable Sentinel, Savage Fang, Wounded Heart
46: Frigid Finger
55: Angel's Fist, Ascalon, Dwells-In-Light, Heaven's Key, Lambent Shield, Lustrous Greatshield, Totem Mace, Volant White
My favorite Pawn was someone's who made a White Robe Wearing, Long Brown Bearded Super Healer named Jesus. That pawn was on point and was on my team all the time.
When you only saw one set of footprints, that's when Jesus carried your team.
Holy shit I thought it was mine until you said super *healer*. Mine was a full on sorcerer who destroyed everything in its path. Sadly that save data is lost due to a broken ps4.
@@McReinGlobal not completely. If someone hired your pawn before your ps4 broke than they could keep. It’s not until they lose the pawn or do something that gets rid of the pawn that they’ll lose it forever
I can confirm that thunderclap is not found on this rock. It's actually found just north east. If you go back round the giant without waking him! There's a rock with a couple of explosives on top. Now just behind this rock is a loot pile. Again save game before looting. Chance of getting nice items including thunderclap and/or seekers token. Hope this helps.
Can confirm. Tried and got it there 5th try
We're exactly is this loc
@@josephsuce3524 next to the golen on the rock in the lower level
Thank you!
Got my from first try ty for location
Tip: If you first save before getting the weapon (like the video says) than if you get a weapon you don't like jump off the cliff and it will kill you, you can then hit retry (make it's retry so you back to your manual save) and it will take you back to your save without having to go to the title page. It's much faster.
Nice tip, mate. ;)
Where's retry
lmao @@arent2295
Thank you! saves me a ton of time!
I know this is 3 years ago but thanks man this helped me out a LOT (i was stuck with just the rusty daggers for a long time).
Thanks for taking the time to comment :)
I'm kinda late, but i hope this can still help someone.
The reason why you coudn't find the thunderclap is because you were looting the wrong place. To get that staff, you gotta go to a rock not too far from the tomb (you can recognize it because it has two explosive barrels on the top), near said rock there will be a rusted weapon/armor pile, that's the point you gotta loot to get the thunderclap (and yes, it can be resetted just like the sword in the rock).
What you can get from that rusted pile beside the thunderclap is: a coin pouch, throat drops and a seeker's token.
Hope this helped.
@@WirRegierenRap told it, it's a rock at nord-ovest of the one with the sword on. Just search for the two explosive barrels on the top of it and you found it.
@@Red_Blade badly im a sorc, are there any sorc staffs? Im lvl 10 and havent bring the Hydra head yet
@@WirRegierenRap at that level, i suggest you to stick with the base archistaff for now. After you get to Grand Soren with the hydra head and get to at least level 16-17, if you feel brave enough, you can travel to Soulflayer Canyon, reach Leaper's Ledge (check the wiki for the locations) and search for the "Plucked Heart" which is an amazing archistaff that will accompany you for quite a bit.
@@Red_Blade i dont even have a wepaon now as sorc lmao
Finally a dragons dogma guide that actually has good commentary
I would add to this guide: If you want to get Eden's Warden AND the Scalding Razors for you and your pawn (or two sets of scalding razors, or a powerful blunt weapon) - After following this guide, head back the way you came. Just before you get to the ruins by the shore where all the lizard guys are, head due north to the mountains. Follow them west and then due north. You'll come to a rest camp. After the rest camp head north then west along the rock wall and you'll come to the back entrance to the mines. Once inside run to your right (past the gorilla/orge guy), then left at the fork and climb the rocks on your right for another chest that drops razors as well as some other items (I think a powerful blunt weapon, IIRC).
For all of those thinking that the only thing that drops is the greatsword, i got 9 back to back greatswords and then the 10th was the dagger(that i didnt want) and the 11th one was the one-handed sword (what i wanted) soooo, its possible, dont give up!
Got The daggers on First try 😂
Thunderclap isn't where the sword is in the stone. Thunderclap is little bit east of the location in where there are remains of a warrior.
Thank you so much
I can confirm it’s at this location. There are some explosive barrels on top on the rocks and just below is a weapon pile. You just need to reset if you didn’t get the thunderclap.
Thanks for this. Got Eden's Warden on my first try! Made short work of the golem too thanks to those op throwblasts.
Quick tip for sorcerors before going at the pawn's for the first time travel to the church in the wilted forest.
Around the area of the church are figurines called cursed carvings give these to the leader of the nuns in the church to gain her favor and this opens up a quest in Gran Soren's inn, complete it, and you'll recieve Keen Dragon's Wit the most powerful golden archistaff for sorcerors) in the game and has the highest chance of inflicting silence. Makes wyrms near harmless.
Is it a difficult quest?
Do I have to do it before?
Do you mean the pawns guild? You just said going at the pawns
Isnt that after you beat final boss?
That's not the best
I got the scalding razors. Btw, I also killed the golem. It literally took me until sunrise to kill it lol.
It's crazy how I have completed this game on the lower count 10 times, and yet I'm still learning about it! Thank you very much!
Respown is 7,5 days
In game days?
So i just have to get the loot. Go to inn sleep there for 7x then go back there?
yes, if its 7-10 sleeps to respown item or rare enamy
3 night for the loot to come back and 6 night for the dragon near the swords loot
xeonart xixao Great stuff! Thanks mate!
On switch I was able to get the razors twice after getting the steel great sword multiple times. This does work on switch. (3 more reloads)I just got Edens warden so this definitely works on switch.
Thanks for the confirmation l, mate. Often the same weapon can pop up A LOT of times in a row.
Thanks for the tip. Its second to none. ;)
You can actually skip the entire *create your pawn* and skip the main story too and head straight for these weapons the moment you leave Cassardis.
But it's a fun one!!
The thunderclap is in some rubble about 20ft from there
All areas you find armor and weapons in a pile you can loot. All have a chance to spawn decent armorments or weapons. It just is time consuming.
You can get the Font of Fire at Blood water beach in the level 3 armor chest. Its alot better than Scalding Razors.Need to be a Mystic Knight.
Powerful enchanted items. It took about 2 to 3 nights to reboot the site to get a new weapon. To get the Thunder Clap weapon you need to be a sorcerer or have a pawn that is a sorcerer. Each time I got that weapon it was through the pawn. I also had to kill that damn rock golem with all the purple glow spots on it. I am not completely sure as to why, but that is what I had to do.
Pulled the Edens warden my first time on my mystic Knight on my switch. This is my first playthrough and I cannot believe how amazing this game is! It’s a nice hold me over till elder scrolls 6. I hear rumors of a second DD and they had better make it! Game is legendary
There will never be a 2nd DD, those rumors are baseless. There is a DD MMORPG that came out shortly after DD, its just not available to most the world.
@@garadyn Actually....
Bruh TES6 won't be out till at least 2026
@@garadyn this didnt age well lol
@@garadyn 4 years later and guess again :)
I'm in my first playthrough and stumbled on the golem completely by accident. The golem never woke up, and I even jumped on him trying to wake it up. pulled the thunderclap first try, I only know that because I'm back at the inn and checked my inventory, there it was. I'm a strider, and my main pawn is a mage.
CONFIRMING FOR SWITCH. I got edens warden after like 22 attempts. It works but my god did that take a while
I got it at the 2nd attempt
I got a bit further into the game before seeing this but I checked my map and saw that I’d already been there. I think I already slain the golem but just never saw the sword in the stone. Thanks a lot 🙏.
I suggest u fight the golem if ur a strider and have ur pawns.
I did it and got lik 6k exp.
It has rift stones and those are the only places it takes damage have a mage heal and a warrior and/or strider upfront
As a strider u have a bow and just keep hitting its purple glowing stones.
It will occasionally get knocked down givving u open hits
When its down hit it with daggers not bow for more damge
When ge gets back up do the bow thing.
If u dont kill him quickly he goes sicko mode turning red and being extremely fast.
Just did the battle had no archers on squad wasn't ready lol climbed all over him like a spider monkey, but when he goes ape mode and turns red, if you wait it out he'll eventually go back to blue and chill. So don't kill yourself throwing yourself at him cuz he's not climbable at that time
Wasn’t really paying attention to the map while looking for this, went the opposite direction and ran into a dragon in the woods near a lake instead, I’ll pay attention to the map next time maybe lol
I got the scalding razors and one of my pawns managed to get the thunder clap, I don't know where he looted it but I gave it to my main pawn which is a mage.
Rook was my favorite but then I got these pawn with the infinite level sign and man it's very helpful always saving me
I find thunderclap in witchwood at the witch's house in the chest in the door to the left in a chest
I tried this tip about 20 times and every time I got the Steel Greatsword. So I went off to explore a bit and fell off a cliff and died, Oops!
I hit "Retry" which took me back to the stone so I thought i'd try one more time and what do you know ... I got Eden's Warden! LOL!!
Sooooo just north of this stone there a lootable weapon pile or whatever you call it. No joke, I just looted the Thunderclap from that random loot pile, lol
Thank you. I got the sword at level 21, and the sword made the game easier especially against enemies that are weak to fire.
3 hours later getting rolled playing hard mode from lvl 1. 0:00...
My pawn found the thunderclap early while exploring, he been doing good even though i had no idea where he got it until now😅
While looking around the internet for different methods of getting a warrior weapon early and specifically while watching this video I opened a chest and got a Warhammer anyway.
Considering the fact im still playing ddda in 2018 I might have the thunderclap weapon or too...
Forgot to mention im on xbox 360 :p
@@SargeWolf010 Better than remastered version
*searches dragon's dogma*
This Guy: Hello! Lemon Eating Cow here!
there's a chimera in that area too be careful especially if you aren't strong enough to fight it
Thank you for this video, well done
Seven in game days you have to wait to any loot in the game to reset :) gratings from Argentina
Can anyone confirm that Eden's Warden is still even attainable at this spot in the remaster? 40 or so tries has yielded only Greatswords and Scalding Razors. Addendum: I did manage to draw it after many, many attempts. So it is there. Just a super low chance to get it I'm guessing.
How's it going? I just got Eden's Warden from the spot near the golem not too far from Bloodwater Beach.
You can get Thunderclap in The Water God's Altar. Entered it accidentally when I was new to the game.
Confirmed! I have found that same item in there also!
Tried this today on PC and I can confirm it still works. But I had to retry a LOT. First I got the daggers after maybe 20 times or more. Then finally I got the Eden's Warden after 15 times maybe. So it still works but you will need a lot of patience.
This help me a lot! Thanks bruh
How to kill the golem 1 mnts shoot it make it follow you close to the clift wait for him to jump and he's dead
The thunderclap is rare as fuck, but you can get it there and at the watergod's altar, same with eden's warden.
Aged like a fine wine
Eden's Warden❌
Scalding razors✅
I recently got the game on switch. I tried to escort a NPC to the shadow castle, got lost super early game and in the middle of the night. I ended up getting the daggers at the tomb first try without awakening the golem (I didn’t even have a clue it was here before watching the vid). Can’t believe how lucky I was 😂
Tried about 20 times with no luck with the thunderclap. Finally gave up after getting edens warden for about the 5th time and gave that to my pawn. Ran a few yards down past the golem to another loot spot behind a rock and got the thunderclap first try.. lol
Yeah I didn't know about this when making the video. Sorry to have wasted your time earlier.
Trying to get Thunderclap for my pawn, and it's giving me everything else besides the one weapon I want. Already have Scalding Razors. Already have Eden's Warden. 2 days of trying!
One my first try doing this i immedietly got the weapon i wanted so thanks for the tip buddy really helped
I got the thunderclap from one of the smaller piles around the same area.
Ah Thanks for the tip! No wonder I couldn't get it! Thanks!
Landon Creech where
@@gingermyers6434 try going to The Water God's Altar. I gave it to rook. I Killed him and now it's gone. Can't find him in the rift
It still works it took me 6 tries to get the daggers.
I've been getting the greatsword a'd the eden's warden every time, I want mah razors ;-;
Edit: got it right after this comment, thanks
2021 still works however it took me 30+ tries till I got Eden’s Warden. Sucks having to go back to main menu but it was worth!
Jump off the Cliff and die...its way faster
(In the game not real life btw)
I had all of these except a few just from playing the game normally
I found thunder clap on mistake in the wilted woods i wandered in there leaving the encampent and the mist inteigued me . made my way through the mist and turn ir off and at the end theres a house with a lady in it and a chest . save and loot chest till u get it , then theres an exit near that house that leads u to the front of the town u start in
Scalding razors are clutch
It must work only on PC. On console only change between two great swords. After 12 tries.
I keep getting the greatsword 😭
If you really want a great weapon and brave go to bitter black isle it's risky but only do two levels.
for those trying this on Switch version, DON'T..sadly the weapon will never restart once you entered that area.
I was able to get the razors after 4 or 5 try's. I didn't reload though I jumped off the cliff
@@elric19765 I was looking for the Eden Warden, but kept getting Steel Sword even after the 10th attempts...
@@elric19765 Hopefully your not trolling...not cool.
Have the daggers, had to try 6-7 times😁
I just tried for this and after 15 attempts all I got was the steel two handed sword. So I am not sure but at least for me I say it has been changed from a random chance to always two hander. I did wake the silly golem I forgot it was not a rock .. lucky I can run faster then a golem.
Hey, I got the Thunderclap out of a nearby chest (square box looking) not the stone.
TX GodMode ive looked and i cant find it help
I had to watch twice because I could have sworn the title said All Vocations, and I'm not seeing weapons for all vocations
I recommend fighting the Golem early on. Provides moderate challenge and early satisfaction. Not that much reward on the material side though and takes too much time time if you fight him at very early level but its nice when you finally beat him down.
Yeah I'm soulsborne fanboy I'm sorry.
What’s that armor? How do you get it?
any idea where to get a good early game shortbow? currenty level 16 and just switched to strider
Accidentally saved instead of leaving got steel Greatsword
Best tip!...remember to sine the enemies' pitty on the runny kine
Denver January Wa da tah!
the trail is up,,, UP man
I know this is old but is the save technique really works? I've been getting steel sword for god knows how many times.
it definitely works, I tried it on today on Ps4.
Same here i thought its patched all i get is steelsword ffs
@@crixfal4282 I've finished the game a few times now and I can confirm that it is still works, just keep reloading you will get it eventually. Ohh and if you're looking for thunderclap/mage staff it's actually not there I forgot where's it exactly but it's still in that area.
The thunderclap staff is down and around the corner to the left of the golem when you're facing the ocean there is another little sword area behind some rocks in the little curve area that goes down it looks like a normal loot pile but when I activate today I got the thunder clap my first try by total accident I found this
I'm getting nothing but the damn great sword and Edens Warden.. Just want the damn daggers. I'm on my 20th reload
Dragon dogma 2 can’t wait
does the loot reload? I've got the daggers but now I want the sword to my Mystic Knight
I cant see things cause its nightime in the game,im lost now,how can i turn to daytime?
All i kept getting was the steel great sword i gave up
Same here..?!
Any idea?
@@alvinghifary could be an bug or something but in the end i called it quits
10 times n only got great sword every time
How do you get warrior class?
Awesome video , ty
I'm just getting the steel greatsword
Keep trying. I get the daggers in my fourth try.
finding this game better than the witcher lol
can we get a sorcerer staff? idk what its called... archistaff maybe? I want an archistaff badly
what's a thuderclap?
Thunderclap was that rare? My pawn picked up that staff.
Golem can be killed at any level by melee vocation. It's easy. No Thunderclap here. You can farm razors and eden's in Ancient Quarry. In semi-secret chest near ogres. Just switch lantern off and travel alone. It's faster and safer. Thunderclap is there in first chest near enter point, another chest can drop ogre bone ring or good armor.
When you realize your mage and the vid cant help you
Thank you for sharing
Got the daggers on my fifth try good tip
Do u know about the short cuts for buying high level equipment and and easy leveling? Where u cut tho the mines and go to a high level in the game sorry can't recall the name of the village or encampment but it's very late game but u can reach it now of u know the shortcut
Mark Gordon you mean Bitter Black Isle? sleep at inn at Cassardis. Go at night to the harbor. There is a woman named Orla. She takes you to BBI.
Daniël Vd M na it's an encampment pasted the girl pirate crew hideout which I'll can use the minestrone get to early game takes about 20 mind of running away from strong
Scalding blades or edens ward?
After my 4th attempt thunderclap dropped but its for a mage and not a sorcerer 😪
Thanka for tip
Replaying for the third time aince it came out and needed a way to be stronger
I been killing all the enemies didn't know we could pass them 😅
i took the GreatSword since i'm lving the Warrior but i did kill the stone Golem, at lv 18 jus have a lot of Stamnia due to you have to climb on him to break the crystals in return you can pick up.
Same here wtf
... keep getting the steel greatsword any idea why? switch verision btw :/
nvm its just the most comon one sry
U will get eden warden i try about 20 times a row in switch