I could be wrong but i do think that its because he plays a very aggressive playstyle with ezreal but is always against champions who are more aggressive than his pick(xayah, kaisa or draven even swain). He picks tp to apply more pressure early game so even when he dies because of summoner spell diff from trades, he could just tp back without the opponent that has low hp at that point, expecting it and finish them off.
They were really testing his back with this one
Holy fk that carry is insane ❤
0:30 spacing is insane
draven clicked minion i think
Intense game. Zhonyas is so disgustingly broken
this guy not human
waiting for midbeast to make his reaction video 💀
3 Brains into this ez.
Shout out the Draven dmg too these 2 adc were beasts
doyou know why he takes tp nowadays?
I could be wrong but i do think that its because he plays a very aggressive playstyle with ezreal but is always against champions who are more aggressive than his pick(xayah, kaisa or draven even swain). He picks tp to apply more pressure early game so even when he dies because of summoner spell diff from trades, he could just tp back without the opponent that has low hp at that point, expecting it and finish them off.
omfg this game was a banger
why he dosent play the legendary skins more they feels so good to play
Smurf Draven vs best ezreal
this game is legend
Is this HanQL?
Natalius 0/20 nice.
this shows how useless Draven is even when he gets early kills
WHAT???? Draven legit destroys any other ezreal late game, this guy's spacing is just not human
Late game draven 2 tabs tanks let even ezreal who is squshy champ
I have watched this game live stream that Draven also hit 90,000 damage in this game.
bro look at enemy team comp
u think Draven can play this game? regardless he performed