I don’t watch Hira anymore. I just keep it. Hira is getting on my nerves. It’s ridiculous. I just watch the part Aziz and Elif is on I’d like to watch the show to be happy, but what Hira does stresses me out
Ella está actuando como una persona herida, desde el capítulo 1 ella fue la víctima, Orhun también sufre. Pero ahorita deben hablar, deben afrontar las palabras no dichas y platicar de todo lo que pasó en estos 6 años. Por eso es importante el hablar del tiempo en estos episodios.
These writers they have think that we are so stupidly childish to appreciate thus crap which sucks! How comes such a business man like Orhun, not being aware of his mom's evil plots and her servants watching them strictly... They portrayed him so weak and blind???!!!
Enough is enough. I am starting to dislike Hira because of the way she acts toward Orhun. She has this. I am better than you. She and Sahara would be dead if it weren't for Orhun. People make mistakes, and that includes Hira.
I understand Hira is trying to protect her heart after hearing Orhun is still loves her but this ain't new. I remember wasn't that long ago she heard he loved her. the fact he kept every memory of them in a box is another proof. The way he cares for her and Sahra is another one. I don't understand what Hira's problem is. Hira back to treating Orhun coldly and he's confused because they had such a good camping trip. I love how Orhun went straight to Afifie because normally she's the culprit. aaww Sahra drew Orhun a picture of the three at them camping🤧 Wow I didn't expect Hira to take the picture from Orhun. He healed her daughter so now she bans him from seeing Sahra🥴 That ending was heartbreaking 💔💔💔
Irritante muito essa Hira não se permite nenhuma aproximação e vê em Orghun único culpado por tudo porém Hira casou novamente com um homem sem caráter apesar de ajudar Hira mas TBM fugiu e deixou elas na Mira da morte graças a Orghun que Hira é sahra foram resgatada e Hira continua a mesma a ser empregada doméstica e muito ridícula e muito mal agradecida
ما يشدني لمتابعة هذا المسلسل هو إليف وعزيز أما حيراء فقد خرجت عن السيطرة كان الأجدر بها أن ترى معاملة اورهون مع ابنتهما الذي يكن لها الحب الأبوي كفاك غباء ، تصرفاتها جعلتني أتغاضى على مشاهدة اللقطات المتعلقة بها
The greatest offense committed by Esaret was ending season two on episode 378😂. I liked it when each episode ending with 0s or 5s were on Fridays. That was mean of Hira to take away Sahra’s drawing for Orhun in front of Sahra.
Ovo vraćanje na početak je mučno. Hira se isto ponaša, već viđeno. Orhun pati da ne mogu da ga gledam. Polako blede njihove uloge, a Azziz i Elif dobijaju veliki prostor. Njihov odnos i njihove porodice su izražajnije.
Aziz and Elif is the same story as Orhun and Hira..the writers only changed the faces of the actors and the place they are...same old cruelty and all the innocent or nice people suffer or get killed..these writers are boring
Hira je posvecena majka ali je nepravedna prema sahri zato sto krije oca od nje vidi koliko dete tuguje .serija je malo skrenula u drugi pravac uglavnom je sve crno.
I don't want to be biased, but how Hira wired herself against Orhun is weird. yesterday they were still nice. Orhun can't get her out of his mind. he's still stuck in the past. I actually hoped that Hira herself would tell the truth after Orhun did her daughter a favor. she is afraid to express her feelings. she loves him and hates him at the same time. Hira is good at running away and being silent. I mean she can run away with her daughter. she is not obliged to stay. but what she herself doesn't know. is that she is also stuck in the past.
Moi aussu; je regarde toujours les commentaire avant de regarder l'épisode. Mais il faut regarder, pour se faire sa propre conclusion. Vraiment!! Les hommes ne comprendre pas le fontionement des femmes; pour écrire des sornettes délirantes comme ça!!!😂😂😂😂😢
I do the same thing. I have watched this series from season 1. However in season 2 I found that the episodes were causing me anxiety and I could no longer enjoy it. I stopped watching the episodes and watched promos and comments from the viewers instead. At times I did watch the episode if some good was happening. Since the beginning of season 3 I once again found it too painful to watch. Way too much pain and suffering. I like my entertainment with more balance between good and evil. So, like you I will not watch this episode. It is a choice I make. I do not particularly enjoy watching so much pain and suffering, to me this is not entertainment. Again, my opinion, my choice.
Yes again after finishing this episode I'm just so angry with Hira. its getting way to tiring.. Maybe tomorrow.......Merry Christmas for those who celebrate Christmas. Big hugs my far away friends!🥰
لماذا يشوهون قصة عشق هيرا واورهون لماذا؟ ويجعلونها لقطات قصيرة جدا والله قصة هذه متعبة لنا حرام عليكم ارحمونا نحن المشاهدون سئمنا من هذا.. ❤اننا نعشق محاسن وجنيك انهم الافظل على الاطلاق نحن ندعمهم بكل خير ❤❤❤😢😢😢
Dzisiejszy odcinek ma gorzki smak..😏 Hira znów ubiera maskę z gniewu tak absurdalnego by nie dopuścić uczuć do siebie i dystansuje od Orhuna..Rani go raz po raz..I chociaż jest mu wdzięczna za troskę o Sahrę, która znów jest radosnym dzieckiem robi to w taki zimny sposób a kiedy mówi by trzymał się z daleka od małej i że nie potrzebują już jego uwagi..serce zaczyna mu pękać..💔 Mimo to stara się zrozumieć jej złość.. Ale palącego bólu i tęsknoty, poczucia straty i tak nie ukryje..są tak wyraźne w każdym jego spojrzeniu.. I oboje cierpią bo choć miłość jest w nich żywa to nie mogą i nie chcą jej ulec, zwłaszcza Hira, która wyznacza głupie i bezsensowne granice..😮💨. Tak Orhunie..Hira ma tajemnicę skrywaną przed tobą..kogoś z pięknymi oczami, słodkim uśmiechem i bezwarunkową miłością do Ciebie..❤️. Odkryj to..🙏.
Żal mi orchuna Hira go obwinia za całe zło w żadnym sezonie nie myślała logicznie to wszystko żmija jest winna gdyby Hira powiedziała prawdę Orhunowi kiedyś to nastąpi ale wtedy Orchun ja znienawidzi w tej chwili Hira postępuje dokładnie jak Afifa okłamuje Sahre chociaż jest świadoma tego że ojciec to orhuna Sahary i nigdy nie było mężatką z tym yekta
@alicjagrzesznik3583 W tym momencie to jestem całym sercem za Orhunem, nie powinien tak cierpieć przez absurdalne i głupie zachowanie Hiry..jej gniew już dawno przekroczył jakiekolwiek granice.. mój Boże co ona jeszcze będzie chciała mu zrobić, ile jeszcze będzie go dręczyć. Każda normalna osoba w takiej sytuacji jak ona zaczęła by zadawać pytania a właściwie wykrzyczeć co ma w środku, dowiedzieć się prawdy ale nie .. ona woli iść drogą cierpiętnicy i to takiej naładowanej agresją a przecież kiedyś była taką ciepłą osobą..I sorry że to mówię ale Hira przy pomocy Afife stała się potworem i zakładnikiem swojej zranionej dumy.. Bravo Hira...😤😤
witaj 🤗. Hira jest okropna, zachowuje się paskudnie i wobec Orhuna i Sahry - dobrze, że nie potargała tego rysunku małej. Miłość do niej cały czas się w nim kotłuje, on bardzo chciałby zrozumieć jej absurdalne zachowanie wobec niego - wie, że nie może wymagać od niej powrotu, bo przecież 6 lat temu kazał jej odejść i myśli, że tym tak bardzo ją skrzywdził. W jutrzejszym odcinku on powie jej wszystko w oczy, na szczęście nie wymyśli, że mówił o kimś innym. Może ta głupiutka Hira w końcu zacznie myśleć.
@SabaL-gu9wu zgadzam się bardzo nie podoba mi się Hira w tym sezonie jest okropna tym bardziej że wie to co ona chce wiedzieć Orhun jest nie winny ale to jest powtórka z 1sezonu tylko rolę się odwróciły tam była ona oskarżenia o zatrucie Nichan atu teraz ona oskarżenia orhuna o aborcję ich dziecka tylko tyle że on nawet nie wiedział że jest Hira w ciąży nic tu nie jest wyjaśnienie w tych sezonie ciągną jak flaki z olejem koszmar
@@migusiekijm9329 witaj 🤗 Tak.. Orhun jutro weźmie sprawy w swoje ręce, coś w nim pęknie co wcale mnie nie dziwi bo ile można godzić się na takie podłe traktowanie..Hira jest całkowicie zaślepiona gniewem i rani nie tylko Orhuna ale i Sahrę a przecież jako matka powinna robić wszystko dla jej szczęścia.. A tymczasem to Orhun zdaje się bardziej skłonny do walki o ich miłość, w zwiastunie mówi o niepoddawaniu się.. mój Boże dlaczego to zawsze on musi walczyć za nich dwoje.. Nie wiem czy Hira coś zrozumie ale usłyszy gorzką prawdę od niego..
Eu NÃO acredito que fizeram isso com a Sahra.... Gente PELO amor de DEUS e todos os santos Parem dessas Maldades... vocês querem que NÃO ASSISTIMOS MAIS.... SOCORRO DEUSSSSSSSSS
If we only know the truth behind the scenes, we may not judge others without knowing why. Hira is consumed by hate and blindness; there is no forgiveness in her heart. Her revenge, keeping Sahra from knowing her biological father, is hard to swallow. It pains me to see her selfish actions when there is a child in her life who needs her father's love and protection. Stop talking to yourself and seek answers through Orhun. And I hope you will forgive and forget the past six years and move on. Your daughter is the best thing that came out of it. It doesn't matter how or why; just release the anger. Love and light. ❤️✌️
Escritora dá pra fazer o Orhun e a Hira dormirem no mesmo quarto como na primeira temporada, mesmo que brigando, a Hira menos orgulhosa, queremos eles perto. E queremos a Hira bem vestida, chega desse uniforme feio, kkkkkkkk. Fizeram isso com O Aziz e a Elif. Cenk e Mahassine deem umas ideias pra escritora.
I didn't understand you, Hera, today. She was unbearable and very bad. I don't like her being so moody. Poor Orhun doesn't know how to deal with her. She's confused about her situation. Be gentle with Orhun. He loves you. What's wrong with that? You know this. This is what's wrong with you. You're lost. You don't know what to do now? Too bad. 😢❤
Será que Hira realmente amou Orghun?¿??. Hira sempre omite tudo e uma mulher sem crescimento só tem rancor amargura e ódio 😮😮.... Orghun preso por seis anos e nunca procurou saber de Hira,??¿ Nunca questionou sobre Hira a Afife???. Hira acreditou em yetra um homem que fugiu de suas responsabilidades e deixou elas sozinhas pra morrer e Orghun não tem diálogo????.... Afife cadê seu castigo
@@evajacinta73 😢I agree with you. Your words are all true. We want to punish Afifa. We have not seen any punishment for any evildoer who prefers evil over good. Unfortunately, the story is tired.😢 ❤
Era de esperarse que Hira volviera a levantar esos grandes muros hacía Orhun, después de volver a escuchar los sentimientos de él hacía ella, todas esas palabras remueve lo que ha estado tratando de enterrar todo esté tiempo 💔 lo único que calienta mi corazón es OrSah, el amor que se tienen y esa interacción de padre e hija aunque aún no lo sepan es tan hermosa ❤️😍 y aunque Hira quiera alejarlos una vez más no podrá, porque ése vínculo que crearon es tan fuerte que es difícil de romper 🙌 y la verdad hasta que Hira no descubra al menos que Orhun es inocente sobre el aborto no será capaz de olvidar y mucho menos de que cambie su actitud hacía él, sólo seguir esperando con paciencia 💔😢
I love your positive attitude towards this series, but Hira really annoyed me today... I've had enough of her sulking... This is not how a mature woman behaves... I don't know what she'll say to him tomorrow, but she'll probably speak in generalities and he won't find out everything again, and Hira will continue to distance herself. Today I'm angry at her. Very angry 😠
Tak trochu někteří zapomínají, čím prošla Hira od 1.dílu 1.serie. Aniž by Orhun znal pravdu, odsoudil Hiru za smrt sestry a 50 dílů Hiru psychicky a fyzicky mučil. Jen náhodou shlédl celý videozáznam a zjistil, že Hira je nevinná. A pak dalších x dílů ji to neřekl. A v 2.serii. Byl to Yavuz proti vůli Orhuna, kdo nakonec zjistil, že opět je Hira nevinná. Orhun učinil mnoho slovních slibů a při prvním problému uvěřil ostatním a ne Hiře. Proč ve vězení opakovaně odmítl se setkat s Hirou? Mohl se dozvědět, že bude otcem. Vždyť Hira ztratila celou svou rodinu, Kenan zemřel, když chtěl prokázat nevinu Orhuna. Celý seriál je nepřetržitá serie fyzického a psychického násilí páchaného na Hiře včetně ponižování. A teď se snaží z Hiry udělat špatnou osobu, aby ji mohli vyměnit? To je zájem Channel 7, odstranit Mahassine!!! Komu tak vadí fenomenální úspěch této sofistikované mladé ženy? Neměli bychom přistoupit na jejich hru!!!! I když je to těžké a frustrující podporujme Mahassine a Cenka!!!!!🎉😮
Хоть я обижаюсь на Хиру, не когда не изменю ей Хира для меня идеал и красота а Орхун всегда останется порядочный скромный , честный человек😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Depois daquela fofura na floresta já estava esperando o tombo Minha expectativa é que Sahra diga a Horhun meio sem querer que os pais dela não dormiam no mesmo quarto
Feliz navidad para ti tambien y para tu familia y para todos los amigos virtuales y que Dios les guarde y los cuide y recuerden que jesucristo es el señor
Today I'm angry 😠 Hira is ruled by anger, sadness, regret and hurt pride... Everything but common sense 😒 Negative and hostile emotions are raging within her, and all of them towards Orhun - a man who loves her with total love, who does everything, and even more, for her and her daughter, who would give his life for them and without hesitation... And instead of asking him about the past directly, like an adult woman, she prefers to cultivate anger towards him, hurting both him and Sahre 😒 Good Lord... Why did the writers make Hira so irritating? Why does she only question Orhun's words and actions, and like a naive creature, she accepts Affifa's words and actions as truth without reflection? Where is Hira's reason and life wisdom here? Where is the former slave's conservation instinct? And where is the logic here...? I guess I expect too much from the writers and producer, for whom making a woman good, wise and strong at the same time is definitely too difficult a task. Or maybe they just prefer to make her good, but weak, naive, irritating and of course suffering and silent... And they make us love the male character and start to have enough of the female character, even though as women we should be loyal to her... Today I am angry. Very angry😠
@@shirleyparkes8451 Believe me, you're not the only one... This has been going on for weeks, with only a few moments of respite... And Hira is revolving around her anger like an immature creature... She'd rather be angry at him than do something sensible about it... It's toxic of her😠😠
هيرا مصدومة من قرار ارهون الذي دم ها ودمر كل الثقة لان ترى ان القرار الذي اتخذه ارهون بتركها واجهات طفلها كان صعب تصديقها هي كانثى تحس بالإهانة والخداع والخيانة ترى انه سبب معاناتها هي وابنتها لولا قرار الانفصال لكانا عائلة سعيدة هي تحمله مسؤولية عذاب ابنتها وعذابها قراره ليس له مبرر حتى انه لم يبحث كيف كانت تعيش أثناء سجنه وكيف تزوجت لم يحاول البحث عن الحقيقة
@@FatimaHamri-yj4ob I don't mean that she has no right to feelings, she's just behaving terribly towards him now... And she's not trying to deal with the situation like an adult woman by talking to him, she's just nursing her anger at him... She's hurting both Sahre and Orhun... He doesn't know that she was pregnant and won't find out until Hira tells him... 6 years ago he gave her back her freedom so that she wouldn't wait for him (he had a life sentence!!!) and from what he sees, she took advantage of it... She got married and had a child... She's furious, distancing herself and of course, as always, she's silent...
Papa guapo con su pequeña sahara ❤❤❤❤❤amor de padre e hija❤❤❤❤❤❤ cocha pechocha me encanta esta nena bella❤❤❤❤ pero como siempre hira mete la pata y daña la felicidad de sahara..... No le puedes prohibir nada porque la sangre de padre e hija llama...... Eres muy egoista hira❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤no te soporto hira eres grosera el dibujo no era para ti era para orhun
Já estou perdendo a paciência com Hira.O Orhum só é bem vindo quando é pra arriscar a vida pra salvá-la e ajudar no processo na recuperação da Sahra. 😡
É isso mesmo. Ficou ingrata. Pior ainda dececionou a filha quando tirou o desenho de Orhun que Sara fez e lhe ofereceu com tanto carinho. Como pôde fazer isso? Cruel😢😢😢😢
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Hira sahra eles não tem que ficar juntos com o amor de Orhun Hira está precisando de ajuda psicológica ❤ afefi torturando a hira para tirar a criança de orhun falando que foi ele mas ele tem que saber da verdade que Sahra é filha dele ❤️❤❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷
É verdade se não fosse Orhun, a Sahra estaria mergulhada na sua tristeza. Ela começou a falar chorar e comer porque Orhun conseguiu alcança-la e a trouxe do mundo da tristeza e dor que ela estava sentindo pela perda do pai, pra isso ele serve. Acho muita ingratidão de Hira do jeito que trata ele, se não é Orhun as duas estariam mortas porque o Yekta nunca iria resgatá-las das mãos do mafioso.
Hira is hurting both her daughter and Orhan she is not evaluating all that sacrifices Orhan did for them she is just stuck in the past. Please writers make more scenes for Aziz and Elif l❤❤
I am so upset and unhappy with the script the writers have given this actors It just the same words and issue Over and over Please bring the lovers hira and orhun together asap
If the writers think the new couple in the series will ever replace Orhun and Hira they are wrong! Hira and Orhun are the series. You are dragging out the situation with Orhun and Hira and it is getting boring! You my think filling in with the new couple will satisfy your viewers you are wrong. Don't keep going this way and lose your audience!
Pensei que as coisas iam pra frente. Mas não! Foi dado dez passos pra trás. Sinceramente isso já está cansativo. Desenrolem isso! Já chega de viver do passado para ambos. Se for pra ficar juntos que seja. Se não for que cada um siga sua vida. Mas precisa sair do lugar. Não dá mais pra ficar do jeito que está.
Essas atitudes de Hira prova que ela adquiriu um sentimento ruim: a mágoa, a raiva, o ódio e esses vsi levá- la a ruína e ao sofrimento. Mesmo se ela tivesse a certeza que Orhun consentiu o aborto, ainda assim por amor a Sahra ela contaria a verdade. A mentira é a maior csusadora de tragédias e Hira vai passar por muitas agonias se ele souber por outros. Já imaginou se a mãe dele decidir vingar- se desmascarando - a na frente de Orhun? Porque essa cobra sabe que se seu filho souber que Hira mentiu esse tempo todo, ele a idiará. Melhor falar antes dos planos desse miserável. Estou com raiva de Hira. ❤❤❤
If there is no good yet between OrHir, let there be romance and jealousy between Aziz and Elif, then🥰. Please oh please put another eye candy for Elif. To drive the Aziz fella over the edge😂
The story from the beginning is stunning.....go back and watch....The chemistry is unreal....sooooo good. This is Hira's turn to be upset....Orhurn has had his time .....id you think this is boring, go back to the beginning. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ahi no se que pensar hira orgullosa y muy malagradecida con orhun..... Sera que no habra la felicidad para orhun y hira....... Pero sin affife y que vuelva nursha....ella es muy importante para orhun..... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Escritores avanze en la felicidad de orhun y hira...... Ya casi termina la semana y orhun nada que se entera de la verdad....... Que haremos con esta situacion❤❤❤🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Orhonun sevgi dolu ürəyi, gözləri isə kədərli, çaşqın, peşman. Oyunçunun bunu necə məharətlə oynaması çox maraqlıdır. O mənim sevgilim, o mənim sonam, Onsuz üzüm gülməz açılmaz aynam.
Estoy deseccionada con hira, es muy injusta con orhun el hace todo por ella pero no ella siempre tiene que meter la pata ...... Los escritores por favor pienzen un poquito en el sufrimiento de orhun y hira ......que se vuelvan a reconciliar....
الرهان بقى حيران من ردت فعل هيرا وزرين دائما في مكان المناسب بتتسنط وبالتعرف كل شيء واكيد الرهان راح يخطب دفنة علاشان يثبت لهيرا انها مخطءة بعد ما شوفنا حلقتين حلوين رجعنا لنكد تانى اه يانضمية بالفضلك اصبحنا مؤلفين 😂😂😂😂😂🎉
كرهتنافي المسلسل الي جلسناثلاثة شهورنستناه انامااقول ماتكون في درامابس خلاص تعبنامن النكدومافي اي شي يتغيرلااورهون يشك في حالة حراولاهي تخرج كل الي في نفسهافي وجة اورهون
Ohrum, Hira, and Sarah are Afife’s preys; anyone she dislikes; can’t you see it Hira? You are so brigth, and are becoming dumb. 🤦🏻♀️ Despite Ohrum’s mistake to turn you out of his life in prison, he has been demonstrating, love, repect to you and your daughter. Even putting his life to danger. Can’t you see it? Yekta on the other hand, helped you but didn’t think twice to put you and Sarah’s lives in peril, for his own sake. If we’re not Ohrum, you wouldn’t existe. Please wake up Hira!!!!🤦🏻♀️
Now Hira is rude not liking it as someone who is dependent on Orhun she shouldn't be reacting this way... If u r working in this mansion u should know how to speak with him... Orhun has been taken for granted by Hira.
Gente tá na hora de ohum esquecer irá e está com outra mulher pois quando 2 não quer temos que viver torcer muito por esse casal hj quero que ohum seja feliz
أسعد الله مساءكم بكل فرح وأمنيات الدنيا السعيدة لكم محبي الأسيرة فعلا جنون وفوضى عارمة وخيبة أمل أخرى بي قلم مجنون يسير عكس آلجميع دائما وأبدا لا أستغرب حقا فوز الأفاعي وسيدة الجليد عفيفة في خططهم واقترب دفنة من اورهون بعد غباء هيرا المستمر وعتادها الذي لا ينتهي أبدا لأنها مازالت مقيدة بذالك الماضي الذي كسر قلبها ولم تفكر للحظة ان كل الذي مضى مجرد خطة خبيثة من سيدة الجليد عفيفة التي لن تتقبلها مهما كان الأمر سنرى اين يأخذنا جنون الكاتبة وكيف ستكون علاقة عزيز مع اليف مع وجود الأفاعي الأخرى فالحياة ليست معقدة لهذه الدرجة إنها أروع مما عليه فهي أيضا لديها ألوان طيف مميزة تجعلك تشعر بي قلبك يتوقف عن النبض من شدة الحماس والفرح سنرى اين تتمادى الكاتبة بي جنونها في الحلقات القادمة منه
I'm so done on Hira's pathetic attitude towards Orhun... isn't she smart enough to figure out WHO was behind all of this torment... Her name is Afife... Hira's behaving like a 5 year old having a massive king sized temper tantrum...
Boa noite hoje estou muito desepecinada e chateada com o comportamento da Hira a Hira está egoísta arrogante fria e cruel para com o Orhun não sei o que ela quer que o Orhun faça mais por ela e sua filha esqueça do seu orgulho e de dar ouvidos a cobra 🐍 Afife tem uma conversa com o Orhun contar tudo ao Orhun para serem felizes os três juntos Hira já devia ter percebido que o Orhun é inocente e também foi vítima da mãe e do advogado mas o Orhun já devia mandar o detetive para descobrir o que se passou a 6 anos atrás com a Hira saiu da prisão já não é o mesmo Orhun que a gente conhece faz falta aqui o careca esse sim e o maior já tinha resolvido tudo está tudo muito chato bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🇵🇹🤭😘🥰🤩😍❤️🫂🫶👍
@luisalibanoriartiaga6095 Boa noite muito obrigado esse sim eu não sabia o nome dele também tenho saudades dele mas também tenho saudades daquele Orhun forte em ação e sempre a proteger a Hira dos maus só nunca consegui proteger da sua mãe Afife essa vence sempre e agora nem sequer desconfia dela continua a fazer maldades cruéis a Hira e a Sara ele está um bobó está muito calmo demais Orhun para o meu gosto obrigado bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🤭😘🥰🫂🫶👍
Hira muito egoísta,orhun sempre bondoso com ela cuidando em todos sentidos,e ela fria e cruel,meu ponto de vista a Afife tinha ser punida pela suas crueldade o bem sempre vence mal
@@anamariarezende7870 Têm muita razão a Hira não gosto deste comportamento dela às vezes mete me nojo porque não sei o que ela quer que o Orhun faça mais ela é que tem que contar tudo ao Orhun o aconteceu á 6 anos atrás ele também foi vítima da mãe e do advogado também é inocente Hira está a ser injusta com Orhun bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal obrigado pela atenção 🇵🇹🤭😘🥰🫂❤️🫶👍
Aí Hira um homem que te ama e é o pai da tua filha ❤❤ e eles já se querem como tal e é lindo ❤❤vá lá cede um pouco 😢olha para a situação com olhos de ver não se finja de cega para esse amor que também está no seu coração 💝💝💝👣✨✨✨🌹🌹🇵🇹😘😘😘😘
Sad se Hira ponasa, još gorenego Afife za svoju devu. Ona je.presla svaku meru. Bože nemogu zbog Orhuna inace zbog Hire bi prestala da gledam više. Lepo joj bilo da spasi nju i Sahru, dadete ozdravi i sad opet neki bes. Uzas od serije.
Hira se poartă foarte dur cu Orhun, deși nu ia făcut nimic.... Hira mai crede că Orhun nu o vrea pe Sahara după tot ce a făcut el pentru fetiță.. Niciodată nu e prea târziu pentru Hira și Orhun 😢❤😢❤ Orhun simte ca ceva nu merge bine,sau că Hira ceva ascunde ❤😢 Afife 😅😅😅😮😮😮😅😅😅😅 Hira ❤ Orhun ❤ Sahara 💖❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Please Mr.& Mrs Wrighters don't give us a sad ending by killing Hira we look forward for justice for her we Can't see Orhun with other woman please do the finally HAPPY WELL WORTH OUR ATTENSION WITH THIS SERIES
Bu dizi bir normal kadın yok....hepisi de birbinde deli,hepsinden kötü da Hira...söz bulamıyorum söylem ...agzini açıp söyle san kurtul o andam kurtulsun.... 😱😱
I don’t watch Hira anymore. I just keep it. Hira is getting on my nerves. It’s ridiculous. I just watch the part Aziz and Elif is on I’d like to watch the show to be happy, but what Hira does stresses me out
Das ist nicht Hira schuld sonder das Autoren
Das ist nicht Hiras schuld sondern das Autorin 😅
Me to
Ella está actuando como una persona herida, desde el capítulo 1 ella fue la víctima, Orhun también sufre.
Pero ahorita deben hablar, deben afrontar las palabras no dichas y platicar de todo lo que pasó en estos 6 años.
Por eso es importante el hablar del tiempo en estos episodios.
Bener sekali selama ini sya skip aja Hira dan orhun ,,, seru di Aziz dn elif
These writers they have think that we are so stupidly childish to appreciate thus crap which sucks!
How comes such a business man like Orhun, not being aware of his mom's evil plots and her servants watching them strictly...
They portrayed him so weak and blind???!!!
Adevărat!! Bătaie de joc la adresa lor!! Eu nu mai suport, nu știu cum suporta ei bătaia de joc a Nazmyiei?????😢😢😢😢😢😢
Enough is enough. I am starting to dislike Hira because of the way she acts toward Orhun. She has this. I am better than you. She and Sahara would be dead if it weren't for Orhun. People make mistakes, and that includes Hira.
Ya Aziz ve Elif sahnesi neredeyse yok. Böyle yaparak insanları diziden soğutmayın ya.
Yes... when a series like this prolong it becomes boring to watch. The same old thing happening over and over again.
When Hira Took That Picture Sahra Made For Orhun It Was Heartbreaking !💔
O meu tbm amiga 😭
Please we want more scenes for Aziz and Elif
yaaaa pleaseee
Esse chove não molha ,já está me deixando cansada .oh série enrolada 😢
Verdade 😢
Verdade como pode né
@bibiborges4499 amo os atores de paixão são tds maravilhos .más a história não desenrola. 😮💨
I cried when Hira took the picture that Sahara made for Orhun and Hira was hostile toward Orhunn
Ela odeia Afiffe e age como ela.
Aziz ve elif sahnesi cok azzz😢
Malesef 😢
ممكن ترجمه كلام لعزيز و اليف بليززززززز
Nie mogę znieść zachowania Hity .Sprawia że nie chce mi się oglądać serialu.Biedny Orhun.😂😂😂
Scenariștii și-au atins scopul …fanii Hirei sunt dezamăgiți
Eu também estou achando a Hira chata, as falas delas que tristeza, coitada da Mahassine
I don’t watch anymore haven’t in months.
My sentiments exactly
Half of the episode is repetition ...and very boring ...ratings should be a big ZERO
Хира родная мы тебя любим, спроси ругай делай что хочешь но не молчи, не мучай Орхуна, он не всем не виноват😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Eeeee Hira cok sıkdın ya Afifeni cok sevindirdi uzak durmaqla Orhun cok ama cok iyi🤲❤️👍👍👍👍
A Ece acreditando que o Aziz está apaixonado por ela 😂😅😂 coitada... 🤭
Afff 🤢
I understand Hira is trying to protect her heart after hearing Orhun is still loves her but this ain't new. I remember wasn't that long ago she heard he loved her. the fact he kept every memory of them in a box is another proof. The way he cares for her and Sahra is another one. I don't understand what Hira's problem is. Hira back to treating Orhun coldly and he's confused because they had such a good camping trip. I love how Orhun went straight to Afifie because normally she's the culprit. aaww Sahra drew Orhun a picture of the three at them camping🤧 Wow I didn't expect Hira to take the picture from Orhun. He healed her daughter so now she bans him from seeing Sahra🥴 That ending was heartbreaking 💔💔💔
لقد تخلى عنها في حين كانت متمسكة به بكل قوتها رغم السجن وقضية الإجهاض أيضا
Hira being mean ,they destroying her character badly ,she using orhun as per her convenience
This life in this mansion with that man and his mother brings only sadness and عذاب 😢
Irritante muito essa Hira não se permite nenhuma aproximação e vê em Orghun único culpado por tudo porém Hira casou novamente com um homem sem caráter apesar de ajudar Hira mas TBM fugiu e deixou elas na Mira da morte graças a Orghun que Hira é sahra foram resgatada e Hira continua a mesma a ser empregada doméstica e muito ridícula e muito mal agradecida
@@AS53246 my sentiments exactly.
Episódio cheio de magoas,Hira ta surtada Orhun deu amor ❤️ r recuperação a Sahra,e olha como Hira agradece,com rancor e desprezo!!!
Na verdade estudo culpa dos roteirista os personagens não tem culpa
Not happy with series.. Truth need to be out.. High time. Extremely boring
Not enjoying.. As hira trying to be stubborn as per script.. Orhun dull. Alfie super cunning.. Maid oversmart, main lead stupid
ما يشدني لمتابعة هذا المسلسل هو إليف وعزيز
أما حيراء فقد خرجت عن السيطرة
كان الأجدر بها أن ترى معاملة اورهون مع ابنتهما الذي يكن لها الحب الأبوي
كفاك غباء ، تصرفاتها جعلتني أتغاضى على مشاهدة اللقطات المتعلقة بها
Нет я смотрю , Хира для меня идеал, но тут она не права, она очень грозна судить Орхуна😢😢😢😢😢
انا لا افهم اللغة اتفرج فقط ممكن الترجمة
The greatest offense committed by Esaret was ending season two on episode 378😂. I liked it when each episode ending with 0s or 5s were on Fridays. That was mean of Hira to take away Sahra’s drawing for Orhun in front of Sahra.
Hira está parecendo Afife 😮
@@evajacinta73she’s behaving similar to Afife.
Ovo vraćanje na početak je mučno. Hira se isto ponaša, već viđeno. Orhun pati da ne mogu da ga gledam. Polako blede njihove uloge, a Azziz i Elif dobijaju veliki prostor. Njihov odnos i njihove porodice su izražajnije.
Nemam vise zivaca da gledam Orhuna i Hiru. Gledam samo Aziza i Elif. Ovo je bas vracanje na pocetak, slazem se.
Aziz and Elif is the same story as Orhun and Hira..the writers only changed the faces of the actors and the place they are...same old cruelty and all the innocent or nice people suffer or get killed..these writers are boring
Hira je posvecena majka ali je nepravedna prema sahri zato sto krije oca od nje vidi koliko dete tuguje .serija je malo skrenula u drugi pravac uglavnom je sve crno.
I don't want to be biased, but how Hira wired herself against Orhun is weird. yesterday they were still nice. Orhun can't get her out of his mind. he's still stuck in the past. I actually hoped that Hira herself would tell the truth after Orhun did her daughter a favor. she is afraid to express her feelings. she loves him and hates him at the same time. Hira is good at running away and being silent. I mean she can run away with her daughter. she is not obliged to stay. but what she herself doesn't know. is that she is also stuck in the past.
Orhun soltou a mão de hira muitas vezes,o amor dele não é confiável, Orhun foi o que mais errou
I read the comments firsm before watching, and it looks like I won't be watching this episode due to Hira's continued idiocy
Moi aussu; je regarde toujours les commentaire avant de regarder l'épisode. Mais il faut regarder, pour se faire sa propre conclusion. Vraiment!! Les hommes ne comprendre pas le fontionement des femmes; pour écrire des sornettes délirantes comme ça!!!😂😂😂😂😢
I do the same thing. I have watched this series from season 1. However in season 2 I found that the episodes were causing me anxiety and I could no longer enjoy it. I stopped watching the episodes and watched promos and comments from the viewers instead. At times I did watch the episode if some good was happening. Since the beginning of season 3 I once again found it too painful to watch. Way too much pain and suffering. I like my entertainment with more balance between good and evil. So, like you I will not watch this episode. It is a choice I make. I do not particularly enjoy watching so much pain and suffering, to me this is not entertainment. Again, my opinion, my choice.
Yes again after finishing this episode I'm just so angry with Hira. its getting way to tiring.. Maybe tomorrow.......Merry Christmas for those who celebrate Christmas. Big hugs my far away friends!🥰
Afifeyle Hira Orhun yaşlandırdılar Orhun ada yazık🤲🤲🤲
لماذا يشوهون قصة عشق هيرا واورهون لماذا؟ ويجعلونها لقطات قصيرة جدا والله قصة هذه متعبة لنا حرام عليكم ارحمونا نحن المشاهدون سئمنا من هذا.. ❤اننا نعشق محاسن وجنيك انهم الافظل على الاطلاق نحن ندعمهم بكل خير ❤❤❤😢😢😢
Да мы поддерживаем, и некогда не изменим❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dzisiejszy odcinek ma gorzki smak..😏 Hira znów ubiera maskę z gniewu tak absurdalnego by nie dopuścić uczuć do siebie i dystansuje od Orhuna..Rani go raz po raz..I chociaż jest mu wdzięczna za troskę o Sahrę, która znów jest radosnym dzieckiem robi to w taki zimny sposób a kiedy mówi by trzymał się z daleka od małej i że nie potrzebują już jego uwagi..serce zaczyna mu pękać..💔 Mimo to stara się zrozumieć jej złość.. Ale palącego bólu i tęsknoty, poczucia straty i tak nie ukryje..są tak wyraźne w każdym jego spojrzeniu.. I oboje cierpią bo choć miłość jest w nich żywa to nie mogą i nie chcą jej ulec, zwłaszcza Hira, która wyznacza głupie i bezsensowne granice..😮💨. Tak Orhunie..Hira ma tajemnicę skrywaną przed tobą..kogoś z pięknymi oczami, słodkim uśmiechem i bezwarunkową miłością do Ciebie..❤️. Odkryj to..🙏.
Żal mi orchuna Hira go obwinia za całe zło w żadnym sezonie nie myślała logicznie to wszystko żmija jest winna gdyby Hira powiedziała prawdę Orhunowi kiedyś to nastąpi ale wtedy Orchun ja znienawidzi w tej chwili Hira postępuje dokładnie jak Afifa okłamuje Sahre chociaż jest świadoma tego że ojciec to orhuna Sahary i nigdy nie było mężatką z tym yekta
@alicjagrzesznik3583 W tym momencie to jestem całym sercem za Orhunem, nie powinien tak cierpieć przez absurdalne i głupie zachowanie Hiry..jej gniew już dawno przekroczył jakiekolwiek granice.. mój Boże co ona jeszcze będzie chciała mu zrobić, ile jeszcze będzie go dręczyć. Każda normalna osoba w takiej sytuacji jak ona zaczęła by zadawać pytania a właściwie wykrzyczeć co ma w środku, dowiedzieć się prawdy ale nie .. ona woli iść drogą cierpiętnicy i to takiej naładowanej agresją a przecież kiedyś była taką ciepłą osobą..I sorry że to mówię ale Hira przy pomocy Afife stała się potworem i zakładnikiem swojej zranionej dumy.. Bravo Hira...😤😤
witaj 🤗. Hira jest okropna, zachowuje się paskudnie i wobec Orhuna i Sahry - dobrze, że nie potargała tego rysunku małej. Miłość do niej cały czas się w nim kotłuje, on bardzo chciałby zrozumieć jej absurdalne zachowanie wobec niego - wie, że nie może wymagać od niej powrotu, bo przecież 6 lat temu kazał jej odejść i myśli, że tym tak bardzo ją skrzywdził. W jutrzejszym odcinku on powie jej wszystko w oczy, na szczęście nie wymyśli, że mówił o kimś innym. Może ta głupiutka Hira w końcu zacznie myśleć.
@SabaL-gu9wu zgadzam się bardzo nie podoba mi się Hira w tym sezonie jest okropna tym bardziej że wie to co ona chce wiedzieć Orhun jest nie winny ale to jest powtórka z 1sezonu tylko rolę się odwróciły tam była ona oskarżenia o zatrucie Nichan atu teraz ona oskarżenia orhuna o aborcję ich dziecka tylko tyle że on nawet nie wiedział że jest Hira w ciąży nic tu nie jest wyjaśnienie w tych sezonie ciągną jak flaki z olejem koszmar
@@migusiekijm9329 witaj 🤗 Tak.. Orhun jutro weźmie sprawy w swoje ręce, coś w nim pęknie co wcale mnie nie dziwi bo ile można godzić się na takie podłe traktowanie..Hira jest całkowicie zaślepiona gniewem i rani nie tylko Orhuna ale i Sahrę a przecież jako matka powinna robić wszystko dla jej szczęścia.. A tymczasem to Orhun zdaje się bardziej skłonny do walki o ich miłość, w zwiastunie mówi o niepoddawaniu się.. mój Boże dlaczego to zawsze on musi walczyć za nich dwoje.. Nie wiem czy Hira coś zrozumie ale usłyszy gorzką prawdę od niego..
Já estou enjoada de nunca mais adiantar a história. Orhun tem que saber que a criança é sua filha.
He couldn't possibly know...the writers have made him stupid and depressing
Eu NÃO acredito que fizeram isso com a Sahra.... Gente PELO amor de DEUS e todos os santos Parem dessas Maldades... vocês querem que NÃO ASSISTIMOS MAIS....
I stopped watching when i realized how much emotional trauma Hira is causing her own daughter.
If we only know the truth behind the scenes, we may not judge others without knowing why. Hira is consumed by hate and blindness; there is no forgiveness in her heart. Her revenge, keeping Sahra from knowing her biological father, is hard to swallow. It pains me to see her selfish actions when there is a child in her life who needs her father's love and protection. Stop talking to yourself and seek answers through Orhun. And I hope you will forgive and forget the past six years and move on. Your daughter is the best thing that came out of it. It doesn't matter how or why; just release the anger. Love and light. ❤️✌️
Escritora dá pra fazer o Orhun e a Hira dormirem no mesmo quarto como na primeira temporada, mesmo que brigando, a Hira menos orgulhosa, queremos eles perto. E queremos a Hira bem vestida, chega desse uniforme feio, kkkkkkkk.
Fizeram isso com O Aziz e a Elif. Cenk e Mahassine deem umas ideias pra escritora.
I didn't understand you, Hera, today. She was unbearable and very bad. I don't like her being so moody. Poor Orhun doesn't know how to deal with her. She's confused about her situation. Be gentle with Orhun. He loves you. What's wrong with that? You know this. This is what's wrong with you. You're lost. You don't know what to do now? Too bad. 😢❤
Será que Hira realmente amou Orghun?¿??. Hira sempre omite tudo e uma mulher sem crescimento só tem rancor amargura e ódio 😮😮.... Orghun preso por seis anos e nunca procurou saber de Hira,??¿ Nunca questionou sobre Hira a Afife???. Hira acreditou em yetra um homem que fugiu de suas responsabilidades e deixou elas sozinhas pra morrer e Orghun não tem diálogo????.... Afife cadê seu castigo
@@evajacinta73 😢I agree with you. Your words are all true. We want to punish Afifa. We have not seen any punishment for any evildoer who prefers evil over good. Unfortunately, the story is tired.😢 ❤
Era de esperarse que Hira volviera a levantar esos grandes muros hacía Orhun, después de volver a escuchar los sentimientos de él hacía ella, todas esas palabras remueve lo que ha estado tratando de enterrar todo esté tiempo 💔 lo único que calienta mi corazón es OrSah, el amor que se tienen y esa interacción de padre e hija aunque aún no lo sepan es tan hermosa ❤️😍 y aunque Hira quiera alejarlos una vez más no podrá, porque ése vínculo que crearon es tan fuerte que es difícil de romper 🙌 y la verdad hasta que Hira no descubra al menos que Orhun es inocente sobre el aborto no será capaz de olvidar y mucho menos de que cambie su actitud hacía él, sólo seguir esperando con paciencia 💔😢
I love your positive attitude towards this series, but Hira really annoyed me today... I've had enough of her sulking... This is not how a mature woman behaves... I don't know what she'll say to him tomorrow, but she'll probably speak in generalities and he won't find out everything again, and Hira will continue to distance herself. Today I'm angry at her. Very angry 😠
A psicóloga vai falar alguma coisa sobre isso pra Hira
Tak trochu někteří zapomínají, čím prošla Hira od 1.dílu 1.serie. Aniž by Orhun znal pravdu, odsoudil Hiru za smrt sestry a 50 dílů Hiru psychicky a fyzicky mučil. Jen náhodou shlédl celý videozáznam a zjistil, že Hira je nevinná. A pak dalších x dílů ji to neřekl. A v 2.serii. Byl to Yavuz proti vůli Orhuna, kdo nakonec zjistil, že opět je Hira nevinná. Orhun učinil mnoho slovních slibů a při prvním problému uvěřil ostatním a ne Hiře. Proč ve vězení opakovaně odmítl se setkat s Hirou? Mohl se dozvědět, že bude otcem. Vždyť Hira ztratila celou svou rodinu, Kenan zemřel, když chtěl prokázat nevinu Orhuna. Celý seriál je nepřetržitá serie fyzického a psychického násilí páchaného na Hiře včetně ponižování. A teď se snaží z Hiry udělat špatnou osobu, aby ji mohli vyměnit? To je zájem Channel 7, odstranit Mahassine!!! Komu tak vadí fenomenální úspěch této sofistikované mladé ženy? Neměli bychom přistoupit na jejich hru!!!! I když je to těžké a frustrující podporujme Mahassine a Cenka!!!!!🎉😮
Boa noite, seu texto muito bom 👏👏👏 Essa série já era pra ter finalizada; muito, muito ruim
Хоть я обижаюсь на Хиру, не когда не изменю ей Хира для меня идеал и красота а Орхун всегда останется порядочный скромный , честный человек😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Depois daquela fofura na floresta já estava esperando o tombo Minha expectativa é que Sahra diga a Horhun meio sem querer que os pais dela não dormiam no mesmo quarto
Eu assisto pelos comentários ( divertidos ) e pelo novo casal.
Aziz e Elif.
Но и смотри😂😂😂😂😂😂ndrasluz4813
Aziz və elif üçün izləyirəmmmm❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Boa tarde meus amigos virtuais 🙏 feliz natal pra todos 🌲🇧🇷❤️ feliz aniversário Jesus Cristo meu salvador 💙🙏✨
Feliz navidad para ti también, que Dios te bendiga desde 🇵🇦
عيد سعيد ومبارك لكم جميعا امين يارب 🙏
Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄
Feliz navidad para ti tambien y para tu familia y para todos los amigos virtuales y que Dios les guarde y los cuide y recuerden que jesucristo es el señor
Feliz Natal pra vc e sua família e todos os amigos virtuais ❤🌲
Feliz aniversário Jesus nosso Salvador ❤ 🙏
One of the most beautiful and wonderful Kobel Mahasen and Jetak and a series in the world ❤❤❤❤
Come on Orhun think! Figure it out! You can do it!🧐🤣🤣
Why hasn't Orhun figured out Sahra age & Birthdate
@@kathleenbacon6762 yes!
Today I'm angry 😠 Hira is ruled by anger, sadness, regret and hurt pride... Everything but common sense 😒 Negative and hostile emotions are raging within her, and all of them towards Orhun - a man who loves her with total love, who does everything, and even more, for her and her daughter, who would give his life for them and without hesitation... And instead of asking him about the past directly, like an adult woman, she prefers to cultivate anger towards him, hurting both him and Sahre 😒 Good Lord... Why did the writers make Hira so irritating? Why does she only question Orhun's words and actions, and like a naive creature, she accepts Affifa's words and actions as truth without reflection? Where is Hira's reason and life wisdom here? Where is the former slave's conservation instinct? And where is the logic here...? I guess I expect too much from the writers and producer, for whom making a woman good, wise and strong at the same time is definitely too difficult a task. Or maybe they just prefer to make her good, but weak, naive, irritating and of course suffering and silent... And they make us love the male character and start to have enough of the female character, even though as women we should be loyal to her... Today I am angry. Very angry😠
Me too
Sick of this situation.
@@shirleyparkes8451 Believe me, you're not the only one... This has been going on for weeks, with only a few moments of respite... And Hira is revolving around her anger like an immature creature... She'd rather be angry at him than do something sensible about it... It's toxic of her😠😠
هيرا مصدومة من قرار ارهون الذي دم ها ودمر كل الثقة لان ترى ان القرار الذي اتخذه ارهون بتركها واجهات طفلها كان صعب تصديقها هي كانثى تحس بالإهانة والخداع والخيانة ترى انه سبب معاناتها هي وابنتها لولا قرار الانفصال لكانا عائلة سعيدة هي تحمله مسؤولية عذاب ابنتها وعذابها قراره ليس له مبرر حتى انه لم يبحث كيف كانت تعيش أثناء سجنه وكيف تزوجت لم يحاول البحث عن الحقيقة
@@FatimaHamri-yj4ob I don't mean that she has no right to feelings, she's just behaving terribly towards him now... And she's not trying to deal with the situation like an adult woman by talking to him, she's just nursing her anger at him... She's hurting both Sahre and Orhun... He doesn't know that she was pregnant and won't find out until Hira tells him... 6 years ago he gave her back her freedom so that she wouldn't wait for him (he had a life sentence!!!) and from what he sees, she took advantage of it... She got married and had a child... She's furious, distancing herself and of course, as always, she's silent...
هل من هنا عربي😊
انا 😀
نعم 🙌
نعم انا عربيه من مصر
انا بقيت أن اكره مشاهدة هيرا واحب أليف وعزيز أما غضب هيرا وقسوتها غير مبررة كان يكفيها العتاب لتعرف الحقيقة
انا اشاهد هذا المسلسل فقط لوجود اليف وعزيز رغم اني لا افهم اللغه التركية 😂
ولهي كلنا زيك 😅
ههههههه و أنا زيك 😂😂😂😂
Assistimos pra ver o Cenk
حتى انا اتابع اليف و عزيز فقط الكوبل يشبه زينب و جنيد في مسلسل البراعم الحمراء لكن توجد ترجمة فdaily motion
Olá quando vai chegar a hora de tudo ser descoberto, por favor não aguento mais tanta maldade, tenha misericórdia ❤❤❤❤❤
Misericórdia é uma palavra que não existe no dicionário e nem no vocabulário do escritor, acho até que ele não sabe o significado.
Papa guapo con su pequeña sahara ❤❤❤❤❤amor de padre e hija❤❤❤❤❤❤ cocha pechocha me encanta esta nena bella❤❤❤❤ pero como siempre hira mete la pata y daña la felicidad de sahara..... No le puedes prohibir nada porque la sangre de padre e hija llama...... Eres muy egoista hira❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤no te soporto hira eres grosera el dibujo no era para ti era para orhun
Já estou perdendo a paciência com Hira.O Orhum só é bem vindo quando é pra arriscar a vida pra salvá-la e ajudar no processo na recuperação da Sahra.
É isso mesmo. Ficou ingrata. Pior ainda dececionou a filha quando tirou o desenho de Orhun que Sara fez e lhe ofereceu com tanto carinho.
Como pôde fazer isso? Cruel😢😢😢😢
Scenariu este crud, ridicol, obositor
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Hira sahra eles não tem que ficar juntos com o amor de Orhun Hira está precisando de ajuda psicológica ❤ afefi torturando a hira para tirar a criança de orhun falando que foi ele mas ele tem que saber da verdade que Sahra é filha dele ❤️❤❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷
Așa e…Hira are nevoie de ajutor psihologic…dar cine să o ajute? Cel care ar putea s-o ajute îl respinge…greu de urmărit
É verdade se não fosse Orhun, a Sahra estaria mergulhada na sua tristeza. Ela começou a falar chorar e comer porque Orhun conseguiu alcança-la e a trouxe do mundo da tristeza e dor que ela estava sentindo pela perda do pai, pra isso ele serve. Acho muita ingratidão de Hira do jeito que trata ele, se não é Orhun as duas estariam mortas porque o Yekta nunca iria resgatá-las das mãos do mafioso.
Ты должна думать о дочери,брось гневиться,ты только делаешь добро для афифе
Hira is hurting both her daughter and Orhan she is not evaluating all that sacrifices Orhan did for them she is just stuck in the past.
Please writers make more scenes for Aziz and Elif l❤❤
Aaaaa Ama Hira yeter be bu ne Sen görmüyorsun Orhun'un sana bunu yapmayacağını
Fala que ama sim, e que nunca deixou de amar.... Pra ver se a ficha cai e acaba com esse lenga lenga já deu chegaaaaa
I am so upset and unhappy with the script the writers have given this actors
It just the same words and issue
Over and over
Please bring the lovers hira and orhun together asap
If the writers think the new couple in the series will ever replace Orhun and Hira they are wrong! Hira and Orhun are the series. You are dragging out the situation with Orhun and Hira and it is getting boring! You my think filling in with the new couple will satisfy your viewers you are wrong. Don't keep going this way and lose your audience!
Liking Hira less . It's selfishness hidden in victimhood. No different then Alfie
We're all gonna be 3- 4 years older by the time Orhun finds out that his child.😅
Pensei que as coisas iam pra frente. Mas não! Foi dado dez passos pra trás. Sinceramente isso já está cansativo. Desenrolem isso! Já chega de viver do passado para ambos. Se for pra ficar juntos que seja. Se não for que cada um siga sua vida. Mas precisa sair do lugar. Não dá mais pra ficar do jeito que está.
Uma desepisao para nós todos.
Cenk torum e um ator femonominal ❤
Essas atitudes de Hira prova que ela adquiriu um sentimento ruim: a mágoa, a raiva, o ódio e esses vsi levá- la a ruína e ao sofrimento. Mesmo se ela tivesse a certeza que Orhun consentiu o aborto, ainda assim por amor a Sahra ela contaria a verdade.
A mentira é a maior csusadora de tragédias e Hira vai passar por muitas agonias se ele souber por outros. Já imaginou se a mãe dele decidir vingar- se desmascarando - a na frente de Orhun? Porque essa cobra sabe que se seu filho souber que Hira mentiu esse tempo todo, ele a idiará. Melhor falar antes dos planos desse miserável.
Estou com raiva de Hira. ❤❤❤
Cada coisa tem às suas razões, mas acho que já 😊 tempo de Hira dizer a verdade 🥹
If there is no good yet between OrHir, let there be romance and jealousy between Aziz and Elif, then🥰. Please oh please put another eye candy for Elif. To drive the Aziz fella over the edge😂
Aziz e Elif❤
Hira seja adulta e resolva seus problemas
A hira e aluta o orhun que e filhinho da mamãe.
Bu dizide aziz ve elif karelerini izliyorum geri kalanlarin ne seslerini nede bayatlamis tekrarlamalarini izliyorum
The story from the beginning is stunning.....go back and watch....The chemistry is unreal....sooooo good. This is Hira's turn to be upset....Orhurn has had his time .....id you think this is boring, go back to the beginning. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Justiça pra Hira e Orhun juntos e felizes com sua filha sahra 🙏🇧🇷❤️
Ahi no se que pensar hira orgullosa y muy malagradecida con orhun..... Sera que no habra la felicidad para orhun y hira....... Pero sin affife y que vuelva nursha....ella es muy importante para orhun..... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Escritores avanze en la felicidad de orhun y hira...... Ya casi termina la semana y orhun nada que se entera de la verdad....... Que haremos con esta situacion❤❤❤🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Can't Hira get another job and take her daughter and stop being arrogant.
I need Orhun to have a relationship with Defne. She is nice
COMMUNICATION. is so important.
hira is getting on my last nerve, thank god there is Aziz and Eilif, am really enjoying them writers we want more of them please
Aquí todo el mundo escucha a escondidas y nunca los ven, todos muy listos y Hira y Ohrun,sin enterarse ni ver nada
cepat satu kan cinta orhun ❤ hira ❤ sahra ❤ saya dah bosan melihat kejahataan dalam siri esaret, ❤❤🎉🎉
Orhonun sevgi dolu ürəyi, gözləri isə kədərli, çaşqın, peşman. Oyunçunun bunu necə məharətlə oynaması çox maraqlıdır.
O mənim sevgilim, o mənim sonam,
Onsuz üzüm gülməz açılmaz aynam.
Estoy deseccionada con hira, es muy injusta con orhun el hace todo por ella pero no ella siempre tiene que meter la pata ...... Los escritores por favor pienzen un poquito en el sufrimiento de orhun y hira ......que se vuelvan a reconciliar....
Hira du bist blind und verletzt dich selbst und deine Tochter und Orhun, ich habe mit Sahra und Orhun geweint 😢😢
الرهان بقى حيران من ردت فعل هيرا وزرين دائما في مكان المناسب بتتسنط وبالتعرف كل شيء واكيد الرهان راح يخطب دفنة علاشان يثبت لهيرا انها مخطءة بعد ما شوفنا حلقتين حلوين رجعنا لنكد تانى اه يانضمية بالفضلك اصبحنا مؤلفين 😂😂😂😂😂🎉
كرهتنافي المسلسل الي جلسناثلاثة شهورنستناه انامااقول ماتكون في درامابس خلاص تعبنامن النكدومافي اي شي يتغيرلااورهون يشك في حالة حراولاهي تخرج كل الي في نفسهافي وجة اورهون
Svi znaju daje Sahra Orhunova kcer samo on nemože da ukopča ili zna i čeka damu Hira kaže sama.🎉
Ohrum, Hira, and Sarah are Afife’s preys; anyone she dislikes; can’t you see it Hira? You are so brigth, and are becoming dumb. 🤦🏻♀️ Despite Ohrum’s mistake to turn you out of his life in prison, he has been demonstrating, love, repect to you and your daughter. Even putting his life to danger. Can’t you see it?
Yekta on the other hand, helped you but didn’t think twice to put you and Sarah’s lives in peril, for his own sake.
If we’re not Ohrum, you wouldn’t existe.
Please wake up Hira!!!!🤦🏻♀️
É isso mesmo.
The writers must think psycho, to create so much evil where a child is involved!
Vai começar mais um pouco emocionante da minha série favorita Esaret 🇧🇷🌞🌛
Bu ev degistirdikleri 3. ev ve orhunun calisma odasindaki doner koltuk ayni😅😅😅
نريد ترجمة عربية 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Tem tradução para todos os países no youtube do computador.
من دخلين على هاي القناة تلكين مخلين نفس هاي القناة بس كاتبين بلعربي عليه
@@عليالسامراءمافهمتك 🥹 اذاقصدك ابحث نفس القناة بس بلعربي !؟حصلت الاسيرةبلعربي. بس يختلف الابطال انا ابغا نفس المسلسل هذابظبط الموجود عزير وأيليف🥺
@فاطمةالشهري-ط8ف اي نفسه بس بعده الحلقة 114 متأخره
@@عليالسامراء اها .شكراً ياعمري 🫰🫰🫰
Now Hira is rude not liking it as someone who is dependent on Orhun she shouldn't be reacting this way... If u r working in this mansion u should know how to speak with him... Orhun has been taken for granted by Hira.
Por favor roteirista mmude logo essa história,pra vermos nosso casal feliz. Eles merecem ser felizes.
Gente tá na hora de ohum esquecer irá e está com outra mulher pois quando 2 não quer temos que viver torcer muito por esse casal hj quero que ohum seja feliz
أسعد الله مساءكم بكل فرح وأمنيات الدنيا السعيدة لكم محبي الأسيرة فعلا جنون وفوضى عارمة وخيبة أمل أخرى بي قلم مجنون يسير عكس آلجميع دائما وأبدا لا أستغرب حقا فوز الأفاعي وسيدة الجليد عفيفة في خططهم واقترب دفنة من اورهون بعد غباء هيرا المستمر وعتادها الذي لا ينتهي أبدا لأنها مازالت مقيدة بذالك الماضي الذي كسر قلبها ولم تفكر للحظة ان كل الذي مضى مجرد خطة خبيثة من سيدة الجليد عفيفة التي لن تتقبلها مهما كان الأمر سنرى اين يأخذنا جنون الكاتبة وكيف ستكون علاقة عزيز مع اليف مع وجود الأفاعي الأخرى فالحياة ليست معقدة لهذه الدرجة إنها أروع مما عليه فهي أيضا لديها ألوان طيف مميزة تجعلك تشعر بي قلبك يتوقف عن النبض من شدة الحماس والفرح سنرى اين تتمادى الكاتبة بي جنونها في الحلقات القادمة منه
I'm so done on Hira's pathetic attitude towards Orhun... isn't she smart enough to figure out WHO was behind all of this torment...
Her name is Afife...
Hira's behaving like a 5 year old having a massive king sized temper tantrum...
Nasıl da saniyesinde burdayız❤
Азиз и Элиф ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉 привет из Кыргызстана 🇰🇬😊
Some beast characters in these series is like a philosof said "don't tell the beast not to be beasts!"
We watched 430 episodes. What did we lean from these?
Boa noite hoje estou muito desepecinada e chateada com o comportamento da Hira a Hira está egoísta arrogante fria e cruel para com o Orhun não sei o que ela quer que o Orhun faça mais por ela e sua filha esqueça do seu orgulho e de dar ouvidos a cobra 🐍 Afife tem uma conversa com o Orhun contar tudo ao Orhun para serem felizes os três juntos Hira já devia ter percebido que o Orhun é inocente e também foi vítima da mãe e do advogado mas o Orhun já devia mandar o detetive para descobrir o que se passou a 6 anos atrás com a Hira saiu da prisão já não é o mesmo Orhun que a gente conhece faz falta aqui o careca esse sim e o maior já tinha resolvido tudo está tudo muito chato bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🇵🇹🤭😘🥰🤩😍❤️🫂🫶👍
Saudades do Yavuz.
@luisalibanoriartiaga6095 Boa noite muito obrigado esse sim eu não sabia o nome dele também tenho saudades dele mas também tenho saudades daquele Orhun forte em ação e sempre a proteger a Hira dos maus só nunca consegui proteger da sua mãe Afife essa vence sempre e agora nem sequer desconfia dela continua a fazer maldades cruéis a Hira e a Sara ele está um bobó está muito calmo demais Orhun para o meu gosto obrigado bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🤭😘🥰🫂🫶👍
Hira muito egoísta,orhun sempre bondoso com ela cuidando em todos sentidos,e ela fria e cruel,meu ponto de vista a Afife tinha ser punida pela suas crueldade o bem sempre vence mal
@@anamariarezende7870 Têm muita razão a Hira não gosto deste comportamento dela às vezes mete me nojo porque não sei o que ela quer que o Orhun faça mais ela é que tem que contar tudo ao Orhun o aconteceu á 6 anos atrás ele também foi vítima da mãe e do advogado também é inocente Hira está a ser injusta com Orhun bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal obrigado pela atenção 🇵🇹🤭😘🥰🫂❤️🫶👍
Hira está cega orhun ajudando ela e a filha ainda acredita que ele mandou ela tirar o filho acordada Hira
Neden söylemesin ki onun heç bir suçu yok artıq Orhun bütün gerçekleri öğrensinl yeter ya bu üzüntülü sahneler
Aí Hira um homem que te ama e é o pai da tua filha ❤❤ e eles já se querem como tal e é lindo ❤❤vá lá cede um pouco 😢olha para a situação com olhos de ver não se finja de cega para esse amor que também está no seu coração 💝💝💝👣✨✨✨🌹🌹🇵🇹😘😘😘😘
Sad se Hira ponasa, još gorenego Afife za svoju devu. Ona je.presla svaku meru. Bože nemogu zbog Orhuna inace zbog Hire bi prestala da gledam više.
Lepo joj bilo da spasi nju i Sahru, dadete ozdravi i sad opet neki bes.
Uzas od serije.
Hira se poartă foarte dur cu Orhun, deși nu ia făcut nimic.... Hira mai crede că Orhun nu o vrea pe Sahara după tot ce a făcut el pentru fetiță..
Niciodată nu e prea târziu pentru Hira și Orhun 😢❤😢❤
Orhun simte ca ceva nu merge bine,sau că Hira ceva ascunde ❤😢
Afife 😅😅😅😮😮😮😅😅😅😅
Hira ❤ Orhun ❤ Sahara 💖❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You cannot be bitter with someone after 6 years and then you allow yourself live with them let her get a life and leave
Que toda verdade venha átona e Orhun faça justiça pra Hira e sua filha sahra 🙏❤️✨
Please Mr.& Mrs Wrighters don't give us a sad ending by killing Hira we look forward for justice for her we Can't see Orhun with other woman please do the finally HAPPY WELL WORTH OUR ATTENSION WITH THIS SERIES
Bu dizi bir normal kadın yok....hepisi de birbinde deli,hepsinden kötü da Hira...söz bulamıyorum söylem ...agzini açıp söyle san kurtul o andam kurtulsun.... 😱😱
حلقه وحشه قوى عزيز بعيد عن أليف حلقه امبارح كانت جميله
Essa casa tem o espírito da discórdia e separação, que gente que não se acertam; Hira só vai parar de ser tão dura com Orhum quando ver ele com outra.
Verdade quando e pra arriscar a vida dele ela trata ele bem tá muito chato isso
Ya ssenarist lütfən zerinin elinde ki cekit alın