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Thanks for 2024! HERES TO 2025 JUNGLERS! 🟢 END OF SEASON SALE UP TO 92% OFF! Reach your DREAM Rank 👉 for JG Courses + FREE jungle improvement PDF, weekly content, coaching classes, Coaching VODs, Tier Lists and more at!
Really cool video idea. I really enjoyed that. Fighter supremacy :)
How can cn players play kayn as a strong early game champ and gang all the time ,even before form?
Kayn has very good base stats.
Great video!
Why is Maokai missing from the tank line up?
Those are just examples, it's not an entire list.
I figured that, was just wondering why he wouldn't even mention him.
I have been playing since 2016 and I have only ever seen two Maokais. Both support and one of them was me.
Love hearing the classic "tanks shouldn’t …" wah wah tears
So.. this was a beginner’s guide for jungler classification.
Udyr ap tank can solo carry game so hard with liandry and mejai 👀😂
He can't 😅
@alanramirogarcia2886 he can
ivern is the worst designed jungler ever