I've seen so many young mothers on facebook constantly posting about drama with their baby daddies. But hey, at least it's discouraged me from having a baby young.
Yeah, when you're around toxic people, you tend to learn about what not to do. My mom was like this, accept there was no Facebook when I was born (thank God). Anyway, she tried to separate my father away from me, despite him being the better parent. I'm promised myself that I'd never be anything like her, rotten woman...
About 10 years ago, when Facebook was still popular with teenagers and tweens... My then tween cousin and sister created several accounts for their invented "boyfriends" (which obviously were fake because the pictures were from anime and from teenage actors from the least popular ABC Family series). Anyways, they would "create drama" by logging in their accounts, then in the fake boyfriends, while commenting on each other pictures like "You look beautiful here" "I would like to go to the movies with you", and then my cousin would steal the account and steal the "boyfriend" and each other would say that the other was a cheater and a traitor. Too much drama for 12-13-year-olds haha.
When FB first became popular I had it for about 2 years...untill my gf (ex now) seen my friend list and seen I was friends with someone she didn't like. Caused a huge fight so I deleted that shit and never looked back.
My grandmother tried to call out one of my friends for using the F-word, or maybe it was me. And my aunt tried to back her up. This all happened on FB. It completely backfired and turned into a F-fest with a s-load of my friends replying full of F-bombs. I think they might have blocked me because they couldn’t deal with all the F’s. I don’t even know. I laughed really hard when it happened, & it still makes me laugh to this day.
I don't know if this counts but.... my mom has a habits of oversharing other people person issues. Like, a coworker(barley even a friend ) got in a car accident and went to the ER, every few hours she would call and pester her family for updates and then post what they said to facebook
Ooh, I have a guy in my FB who posts all kinds of nonsense. He also posts pics of nature, workout, health supplements, while bragging about how he's healthy and how a healthy life can help you better than any meds. Okay, fair. But the kicker? He's a schizophrenic who def should take his meds, but whines about how doctors are just stupid. He always posts these cryptic messages about conspiracies that are unreadable, like 5 times a hour, every day, all day. The biggest kicker? Remember the health stuff? He's a drug addict (mostly amphetamine, but other stuff as well) and even posted about how meth is good (but no, the prescription meds are the devil and he can't take them because it's unhealthy). Also openly posted screenshots with his former boss where she fired him because the clients were complaining about him being under influence (and driving, it was an Uber-like service) and scary. He managed to get the whole company's rating down because of his behavior in like 2 weeks he worked there. He openly ranted about how the company is stupid, he was clean (nope) and will be sorry for losing such a good employee to their competitors (I think he was fired from there too). It's all public, too and he never blurs out any names, posts the doctor's names (they, along with the court system obviously are the stupid and "evil" ones because they put him on involuntary hold at the psych ward all the time and they just want to "restrain him because he's a free thinker and "not a lamb to the government" and doesn't want to eat pills) and phone numbers, etc. Bonus: he was also on the local news (didn't knew it was him at first) because he was under the influence and had amphetamine in his car, the car got stuck in the snow and he needed help. Out of all the other cars/people, guess who he thought would be the best people to ask for help from? The police that were nearby. Yep. (Of course, the media was also stupid, like everyone else). Don't do meth, kids. Especially while schizophrenic.
I got off Facebook sometime after the 2016 U.S. election. I'm tempted to get back on just to start some drama because I'm petty like that. But I'm content with TH-cam being my "social media " and I'm entertained enough by my subs.
I also don't use Facebook or any other major social media. Back in 2006, I saw a bunch of people who were addicted to Myspace back when that site was relavent.
There was a guy that I really thought was cool; he was kind and I enjoyed talking with him. All of a sudden he became a health nut and he kept posting pictures of his meals with the line "Some people don't think you need to change what you eat when you work out, but I do!" For several weeks, this was all he posted. His meals looked delicious, but I saw his friend count going down, and now he posts and no one ever responds to anything he says.
This is the closest I have to a social account and this just TH-cam video sharing with commentary. This is my only online existence. I also have no friends to start social media drama. Nor do I have friends at all. I keep myself safe from social attacks of both the cyber nature and real world natue. Today's people are incapable of true friendship. All are either on their highest guard against becoming a victim or, they are looking for their next victim. Both type of people make an extremely poor candidate for a potential amicable or amorous relationship. I, myself, am on my highest guard all the time. I would make an extremely poor candidate to be anybody's amicable or amorous relationship.
I'll tell ya, ever since I got rid of Facebook a couple years ago, I've had better peace of mind! From the ignorant boomertarian rants and conspiracy theories, the elitist, condescending liberal crap, and belligerent thottery from preacher's kids, I'd finally had enough. I've written this elsewhere, but tons of people utilize social media to indulge in various forms of unpleasantness and attention-seeking, it's rampant across all platforms, but there's just something about Facebook particularly that brings out the worst in people! It's like the Walmart of cyberspace.
Employee of mine, who I foolishly Facebook-friended, was doing a paranoid rant about how all cops are psychotic murderers and you never ever EVER talk to or coooperate with police under any circumstances. I mean, I get not liking police, but he was taking it to another level. I asked the reason for his hatred. I didn't call him names, or say he was stupid, or anything. Just "I'm listening, sell me on your position." His response was "I'll just block you and quit work." ......Well okay, bud, I'm sure you thought that was a victory. EDIT: Obligatory "the low branch on my family tree has no-maskers who put up 2-3 intellectually and morally vacuous statuses per day" edit.
the only drama I occasionally see is the switching between partners among my friends, it has come to a point that I only remember relation statuses if they are long-term, engaged, or married lol. the rest of my Facebook is artsy and knitting stuff lol
Yeah I used to see all of it a lot, now I just mostly see memes from pages and my friends, otherwise, it's articles, statuses that are rather humdrum. Beats seeing MLMs and heavy religiosity bs. Oh and we can't forget the "1 like=1 prayer" or "like this or you're gonna be in hell for being a picture unliker"
Got this girl on FB I haven't seen from high school. She will get a bf become obsessed with him say he's her everything and what not. Have a kid with them and then break up. Every time she will say how she's going to stay single and doesn't need a man and no more than a week later she will always make posts saying "why can't I just find a man!?" Or "I need a bf so bad I'm so alone!" One time she got so desperate she began writing to a guy in prison she had never met (idk how they got in contact) but he had a few years left of his sentence. Durring that time she visited him a number of times posting pics and saying how much she loved him. She ended up marrying him while he was still in prison before ever hanging out on the outside. When his sentence was finally up the FB posts were almost constant about how happy she was and he imeaditly moved in with her. About 2 months later (to no ones suprise) he took her cell phone some money and probably some other stuff of hers and left with some other girl never to return. Constant FB posts ensued. I felt bad for her but come on! People constantly told her that isn't a good idea to marry someone in prison you've never really met and she would just get pissed and tell those people off! It was far more interesting than any reality TV show
i really enjoyed this video, it was fun to see everyone's stories! but honestly, isn't it a bit concerning how much time people invest in social media drama? i feel like some of these situations could be avoided if we just stepped back and engaged more in real-life interactions instead. what do you all think?
Definitely not the worst drama I've seen, but I've long followed the drama saga of a couple. Woman quits jobs so she can pursue her dreams. Her skills aren't that great but wants fame. Doesn't work out x2. Sells herself online to support herself and husband. Overshares. One day, things are great. Next day, she's rock bottom, no creativity. Happy days again. Repeat. Begs for people to buy her creative work. Gets mad when they don't. Wants them to pay for her onlyfans even if they don't want to look. Husband posts about how depressed he is. Posts bitter and resentful political things blaming everyone else for his problems. No job. Asks for nudes. Both talk about dating other people. Huh, seems they're in a rough patch. Oh, they are polyamorous. She shares pictures with an old friend of mine who used to be in a relationship with his wife and a polyamorous couple. Huh. Wonder if he still keeps in touch with everyone after the divorce. Next thing I know, fb couple is separating after 12+ years. Huh. Seems I'm noticing patterns with these types. Wish them the best.
On Facebook, when an election is coming up, I hide from my feed people whose political views don't match mine. Because I don't want to see their posting good things about the candidates I don't favour and bad things about the candidates I CDO favour. When the election is history, I unhide them again.
Wouldn't call it drama but it's annoying. One of my friends post nothing but bible quotes and knitting and tries so hard to get me to become religious when I'm really not...
A boss shoved a picture of her grandchild in my face once when I got to work, I had a pretty heavy migraine the night before so my brain pretty much ran on safe modus at that point. she gushed 'doesn't she look like meeee?' my brain recognized she was expecting a reaction but the 'proper reaction' modes in my head were still down so my reaction was 'well as long as she is happy right?'. my coworkers burst out laughing, my boss stopped shoving the picture in everyone's face and I didn't get what happened.
I'm so tired of these women telling all their business in subliminal messages.😂 Quit beating around the bush and just say your man left your toxic ass.😂
I've seen so many young mothers on facebook constantly posting about drama with their baby daddies. But hey, at least it's discouraged me from having a baby young.
Yeah, when you're around toxic people, you tend to learn about what not to do.
My mom was like this, accept there was no Facebook when I was born (thank God). Anyway, she tried to separate my father away from me, despite him being the better parent. I'm promised myself that I'd never be anything like her, rotten woman...
*Literally everything on Twitter.*
That's why I'm not on there.
Deleted my twitter last week cause im sick of seeing stupid ass cancel culture
@@IncognitoDre ignore those weirdos don’t even look at the trending tab only focus on the TL
I used Twitter and I can confirm this
This is why we bigfoots don't use facebook
I always wondered wouldn't the plural of bigfoot be bigfeet?
Bigfoots use FootBook.
@@mionfel1350 this comment alone is funnier than the whole Bigfoot channel
@@TheCaptainFatBelly lmao
About 10 years ago, when Facebook was still popular with teenagers and tweens... My then tween cousin and sister created several accounts for their invented "boyfriends" (which obviously were fake because the pictures were from anime and from teenage actors from the least popular ABC Family series). Anyways, they would "create drama" by logging in their accounts, then in the fake boyfriends, while commenting on each other pictures like "You look beautiful here" "I would like to go to the movies with you", and then my cousin would steal the account and steal the "boyfriend" and each other would say that the other was a cheater and a traitor. Too much drama for 12-13-year-olds haha.
The best use of SM I’ve seen yet 😂🤣
When FB first became popular I had it for about 2 years...untill my gf (ex now) seen my friend list and seen I was friends with someone she didn't like. Caused a huge fight so I deleted that shit and never looked back.
You're weak af my guy
My grandmother tried to call out one of my friends for using the F-word, or maybe it was me. And my aunt tried to back her up. This all happened on FB. It completely backfired and turned into a F-fest with a s-load of my friends replying full of F-bombs. I think they might have blocked me because they couldn’t deal with all the F’s. I don’t even know. I laughed really hard when it happened, & it still makes me laugh to this day.
Poor little "douchebag jr."
I lost it 😆
I don't know if this counts but.... my mom has a habits of oversharing other people person issues.
Like, a coworker(barley even a friend ) got in a car accident and went to the ER, every few hours she would call and pester her family for updates and then post what they said to facebook
I hope the family knows and someone called her out.
Ooh, I have a guy in my FB who posts all kinds of nonsense. He also posts pics of nature, workout, health supplements, while bragging about how he's healthy and how a healthy life can help you better than any meds. Okay, fair. But the kicker? He's a schizophrenic who def should take his meds, but whines about how doctors are just stupid. He always posts these cryptic messages about conspiracies that are unreadable, like 5 times a hour, every day, all day. The biggest kicker? Remember the health stuff? He's a drug addict (mostly amphetamine, but other stuff as well) and even posted about how meth is good (but no, the prescription meds are the devil and he can't take them because it's unhealthy). Also openly posted screenshots with his former boss where she fired him because the clients were complaining about him being under influence (and driving, it was an Uber-like service) and scary. He managed to get the whole company's rating down because of his behavior in like 2 weeks he worked there. He openly ranted about how the company is stupid, he was clean (nope) and will be sorry for losing such a good employee to their competitors (I think he was fired from there too). It's all public, too and he never blurs out any names, posts the doctor's names (they, along with the court system obviously are the stupid and "evil" ones because they put him on involuntary hold at the psych ward all the time and they just want to "restrain him because he's a free thinker and "not a lamb to the government" and doesn't want to eat pills) and phone numbers, etc. Bonus: he was also on the local news (didn't knew it was him at first) because he was under the influence and had amphetamine in his car, the car got stuck in the snow and he needed help. Out of all the other cars/people, guess who he thought would be the best people to ask for help from? The police that were nearby. Yep. (Of course, the media was also stupid, like everyone else). Don't do meth, kids. Especially while schizophrenic.
I don't actually use Facebook so I can't really relate to these..thank GOD.
I got off Facebook sometime after the 2016 U.S. election. I'm tempted to get back on just to start some drama because I'm petty like that. But I'm content with TH-cam being my "social media " and I'm entertained enough by my subs.
I also don't use Facebook or any other major social media. Back in 2006, I saw a bunch of people who were addicted to Myspace back when that site was relavent.
The second story was me lmao. I don't post shit now.
There was a guy that I really thought was cool; he was kind and I enjoyed talking with him. All of a sudden he became a health nut and he kept posting pictures of his meals with the line "Some people don't think you need to change what you eat when you work out, but I do!"
For several weeks, this was all he posted. His meals looked delicious, but I saw his friend count going down, and now he posts and no one ever responds to anything he says.
Suddenly I don't feel so bad about my own FB tangents... I mean, I still wish I could knock it off, but these people are on one
This is the closest I have to a social account and this just TH-cam video sharing with commentary. This is my only online existence. I also have no friends to start social media drama. Nor do I have friends at all. I keep myself safe from social attacks of both the cyber nature and real world natue. Today's people are incapable of true friendship. All are either on their highest guard against becoming a victim or, they are looking for their next victim. Both type of people make an extremely poor candidate for a potential amicable or amorous relationship. I, myself, am on my highest guard all the time. I would make an extremely poor candidate to be anybody's amicable or amorous relationship.
Ha ha. Some of these had me laughing 😂. There is a woman on my feed that posts like every five minutes. I just keep scrolling.
I'll tell ya, ever since I got rid of Facebook a couple years ago, I've had better peace of mind! From the ignorant boomertarian rants and conspiracy theories, the elitist, condescending liberal crap, and belligerent thottery from preacher's kids, I'd finally had enough. I've written this elsewhere, but tons of people utilize social media to indulge in various forms of unpleasantness and attention-seeking, it's rampant across all platforms, but there's just something about Facebook particularly that brings out the worst in people! It's like the Walmart of cyberspace.
Employee of mine, who I foolishly Facebook-friended, was doing a paranoid rant about how all cops are psychotic murderers and you never ever EVER talk to or coooperate with police under any circumstances. I mean, I get not liking police, but he was taking it to another level. I asked the reason for his hatred. I didn't call him names, or say he was stupid, or anything. Just "I'm listening, sell me on your position." His response was "I'll just block you and quit work." ......Well okay, bud, I'm sure you thought that was a victory.
EDIT: Obligatory "the low branch on my family tree has no-maskers who put up 2-3 intellectually and morally vacuous statuses per day" edit.
Surprisingly not nearly as bad ad I expected, because we've all seen a few things on social media that we can't un-see 🤢
the only drama I occasionally see is the switching between partners among my friends, it has come to a point that I only remember relation statuses if they are long-term, engaged, or married lol. the rest of my Facebook is artsy and knitting stuff lol
Yeah I used to see all of it a lot, now I just mostly see memes from pages and my friends, otherwise, it's articles, statuses that are rather humdrum. Beats seeing MLMs and heavy religiosity bs. Oh and we can't forget the "1 like=1 prayer" or "like this or you're gonna be in hell for being a picture unliker"
My eyes always roll so hard Everytime, they could possibly fly out of my head like an out of control bowling ball.
6:12 Wait, what did the Duggars do?? (Apart from Josh, obviously)
Got this girl on FB I haven't seen from high school. She will get a bf become obsessed with him say he's her everything and what not. Have a kid with them and then break up. Every time she will say how she's going to stay single and doesn't need a man and no more than a week later she will always make posts saying "why can't I just find a man!?" Or "I need a bf so bad I'm so alone!" One time she got so desperate she began writing to a guy in prison she had never met (idk how they got in contact) but he had a few years left of his sentence. Durring that time she visited him a number of times posting pics and saying how much she loved him. She ended up marrying him while he was still in prison before ever hanging out on the outside. When his sentence was finally up the FB posts were almost constant about how happy she was and he imeaditly moved in with her. About 2 months later (to no ones suprise) he took her cell phone some money and probably some other stuff of hers and left with some other girl never to return. Constant FB posts ensued. I felt bad for her but come on! People constantly told her that isn't a good idea to marry someone in prison you've never really met and she would just get pissed and tell those people off! It was far more interesting than any reality TV show
The onion made a video of the Hillary Clinton missile lol
7:53 second part is kind of based tbh
i really enjoyed this video, it was fun to see everyone's stories! but honestly, isn't it a bit concerning how much time people invest in social media drama? i feel like some of these situations could be avoided if we just stepped back and engaged more in real-life interactions instead. what do you all think?
Thanks Obama
Bakcaro Aboma
I need to fap, so thanks.
Definitely not the worst drama I've seen, but I've long followed the drama saga of a couple. Woman quits jobs so she can pursue her dreams. Her skills aren't that great but wants fame. Doesn't work out x2. Sells herself online to support herself and husband. Overshares. One day, things are great. Next day, she's rock bottom, no creativity. Happy days again. Repeat. Begs for people to buy her creative work. Gets mad when they don't. Wants them to pay for her onlyfans even if they don't want to look. Husband posts about how depressed he is. Posts bitter and resentful political things blaming everyone else for his problems. No job. Asks for nudes. Both talk about dating other people. Huh, seems they're in a rough patch. Oh, they are polyamorous. She shares pictures with an old friend of mine who used to be in a relationship with his wife and a polyamorous couple. Huh. Wonder if he still keeps in touch with everyone after the divorce. Next thing I know, fb couple is separating after 12+ years. Huh. Seems I'm noticing patterns with these types. Wish them the best.
there’s always a Shawn
I like this.
This shit's why I don't use Facebook
On Facebook, when an election is coming up, I hide from my feed people whose political views don't match mine. Because I don't want to see their posting good things about the candidates I don't favour and bad things about the candidates I CDO favour. When the election is history, I unhide them again.
Who needs ARGs when we've got FB?
The Duggar lady doesn’t still feel bad for them... right?
Wouldn't call it drama but it's annoying. One of my friends post nothing but bible quotes and knitting and tries so hard to get me to become religious when I'm really not...
Social media!
Where there's like ten photos of your baby every single day. I don't mind baby photos, not a fan of them, though, but there are too many
A boss shoved a picture of her grandchild in my face once when I got to work, I had a pretty heavy migraine the night before so my brain pretty much ran on safe modus at that point. she gushed 'doesn't she look like meeee?' my brain recognized she was expecting a reaction but the 'proper reaction' modes in my head were still down so my reaction was 'well as long as she is happy right?'. my coworkers burst out laughing, my boss stopped shoving the picture in everyone's face and I didn't get what happened.
20:25 Trump?
I'm so tired of these women telling all their business in subliminal messages.😂 Quit beating around the bush and just say your man left your toxic ass.😂
I finally unsubbed, no longer will I deal with such lazy videos in my notifications, god smiled upon me today
Lmao god smiled upon me