May I air my humble opinion. If you as a child of God read the Bible - any version - the holy spirit will guide you and open the scriptures to the level you can understand. Even if some scriptures were omitted the message from God can not be altered and God will ensure that you as His child will get the right message. Do not spend time in trying to decide if the bible you are using is the correct 'version'. If it is the only bible available God and the Holy Spirit will open your eyes/hearing/understanding to get the correct message at that point from GOD. GOD know you and know what scripture you need at the moment you open your bible. May GOD bless us all with the spiritual gift of decernment so we can not be mislead by the written word.
I very badly want to believe that, and I hope what you say is right. You said the message from God cannot be altered. I agree that the very broad message is probably still intact. However, the scriptures probably have been altered over the millennias. Heck, Jesus even warned us about the scribes and the Pharisees! Why did he do that? I've been thinking about that lately. Anyway, I have and understand God's message. But I want to know some things. Maybe I want to read those other books! Maybe I want to know if God's word has been altered, and if so, how deep does the rabbit hole go. I'm sorry, I don't trust the institutions that would change or omit even one verse of God's word.
There are already 10s of thousands of "interpretations" of the Bible by the 10s of thousands of religions. Plus there are the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of "interpretations" of the Bible by individuals like yourself who are their own religion unto themselves with their own "interpretation," how does anyone know what to believe by their own interpretation? Who did Jesus give authority to? "Thou art Cephas and upon THIS CEPHAS I will build My Church." How many churches did Jesus found? ONE! ONLY ONE! And Jesus gave authority to only one! John Henry Newman “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” Newman was an Anglican priest who converted to Catholicism after he studied the history of the early Church Fathers. The early Church is Catholic, not Protestant. Dig into the early history and discern it. Prayers for you! PS: Having theology and doctrine right doesn't guaranty all individuals in any church will be good. After all, in His own group Jesus had Judas who betrayed Him and Peter who was at one time a coward and liar who denied Him 3 times. We all sin. Some very severely!
@@conseated3616 Sadly Lourens is NOT correct! My reply to Lourens, "There are already 10s of thousands of "interpretations" of the Bible by the 10s of thousands of religions. Plus there are the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of "interpretations" of the Bible by individuals like yourself who are their own religion unto themselves with their own "interpretation," how does anyone know what to believe by their own interpretation? Who did Jesus give authority to? "Thou art Cephas and upon THIS CEPHAS I will build My Church." How many churches did Jesus found? ONE! ONLY ONE! And Jesus gave authority to only one! John Henry Newman “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” Newman was an Anglican priest who converted to Catholicism after he studied the history of the early Church Fathers. The early Church is Catholic, not Protestant. Dig into the early history and discern it. Prayers for you! PS: Having theology and doctrine right doesn't guaranty all individuals in any church will be good. After all, in His own group Jesus had Judas who betrayed Him and Peter who was at one time a coward and liar who denied Him 3 times. We all sin. Some very severely!"
@@adrianrehak8585 The message is simple,God loved us,and gave his only begotten Son to die on the cross and delivered us from sin, he now has the keys of life and death,believe in him and that's all you have to know.
History lesson: OT came from Masoretic Hebrew. Orthodox Jewish. NT 27 BOOK from Athanasian Canon list of AD383 adopted by Council of Carthage AD 397 and Council of Hippo AD393. Neither of these included any of the Apocrypha writings. Office. Catholic Bible based on St Jerome's Latin Vulgate of Mary 4th century also did not include any Apocrypha writings. Luther , 1483-1546. at both Augustine Monestery (ordained a preist) and Un of Wittenburg (Dr of Theology) used St Jerome's Latin Vulgate , the Bible of that time. IT is The Council of Trent 1545 -1563 that state the Apocrypha "was henceforth to be regarded as Scriptute" So the Romen Church ADDED those books to the Bible.
You did not continue to read the history of why apocrypha books were found in the catholic bible. The early church fathers have it apocrypha books in the bible. The Jews and the protestantism father were responsible in removing such books.
@@carolynkading456 St. Jerome's Vulgate is a late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible. It is largely the work of St. Jerome who, in 382, had been commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revise the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Church. Later, of his own initiative, Jerome extended this work of revision and translation to include most of the books of the Bible.
Telling someone it's wrong to pray for their dead loved ones is like telling them their loved ones have no more hope and God's endless power love and mercy has limits, yet it's right there in scripture even though it's been left out of the Bible which in my view was the wrong thing to do as they hold valuable spiritual insights, including prayers for the dead. Thanks much love from NZ.
The Protestants aren’t the only Culprits. The Catholics removed 4th and 5th Maccabees. Since the Apostles and Church Fathers actively used the Septuagint, ergo the Full Septuagint should be the Old Testament.
Reading the Deutro Canonical books clarify and one in understanding the 400 years between Malachi and the Gospel according to Matthew. Am in Lusaka Zambia and a Protestant
You ALMOST have a good point. However, the real problem is WHO HAD AITHORITY to decide which books are in the bible. Did Peter and the line of popes after Jesus passed the baton to Simon and renamed him rock? Maybe. Did Luther, a complete rando who didn't even bother lying about seeing a vision of Jesus? Nope. Its even worse when prots accept the 27 books of the NT from catholics but NOT the OT. You guys can't even keep your story straight.
▶What is the generally accepted name for our universe? ▶What was our galaxy commonly known as before the 17th century, prior to more modern astronomical understanding? ▶What is the name of our planet?" or "How do we refer to the planet we live on? In antiquity, only a limited number of celestial bodies were recognized as planets. But NONE on Universe and Galaxy.
I am from India and was formerly Orthodox but am now Catholic. The integrity of the Bible is essential; just as no one has the authority to add to it, no one should remove any part of it. The Word of God must be preserved as it was given, just like life itself, which is sacred and should not be taken by human authority.
i Believe the Bible is Gods inspired word and that God was able to foresee any effort to change what He was wanting to communicate to the world and to change it or prevent its corruption. From USA. Retired Barber orf 30 yrs. devout protestant for the last 46 yrs..
These books must also be included in the bible no matter what someone will understand them or not because no one has the power to do so, that is why there is a war among christians both catholics and protestants because some christians have no idea about these books, so let's pray to our Lord Jesus Christ so that by the power of The Holy Spirit we should know the truth and follow the right way
Luther was too much about himself and his own beliefs. I am a devout Catholic. And Luther’s beliefs also lends to many Protestant beliefs “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED “. This erroneous belief states that you can never lose your salvation. Especially accepting the Salvation by Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross. This did save us from Adam’s fall and sin. But humans are still capable of horrendous horrible sins against God and mankind. Unless you recognize that you have responsibility for your own actions and sins you can never truly understand and accept the MOST HOLY TRINITY And the salvation Christ bought for us. The actual ability to choose and change our own lives to be more Christian and to attain our own personal salvation.
The doctrine is "ONCE SAVED, SAVED!" If you are saved, then you are saved. Thou shalt call His name Jesus, For He SHALL SAVE His people from their sins. If you become a "His people" by being begotten again by God, then your salvation is guaranteed. Your problem is that you don't trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, but have demoted Him to "chance-giver." Scripture does not say, "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall give His people a chance to be saved"! Christ's death on the cross covers all our sins & appart from His shedding of His blood, there is remission of sins. Go read Romans 5: IF you are sinful it is becs of a connection to Adam; if you are righteous, it is becs of a connection to the Lord Jesus. I give them eternal life, & they shall never perish.
@kevinjanghj There are no worse double standards than the Riman Catholic Church has/had there was a whole Reformation Era by the Monks and Priest in the Church, just read about the history of the corruption, then come back here and make your comments
In his attempt to protect his new understanding of the grace of God I think he made some extreme choices. In my opinion he should not have removed books even though they were considered to be non canonical. We need to trust God more than we do. Humanity often gets in the way. Good thing we can get these books now and can understand things so much more with all the information. The problem now arises that people have information without proper education on how and why it was written, the context, and to whom. Most people don't know all the ins and outs. God is still good and merciful. I am thankful for the grace he gives those who love him.
The problem about those removed books is that no knows how they got to be part of the bible and yet we're not found in the Jewish bible ( the old testament). I think Satan 's hand was there in putting those books that teaches to pray for the just don't make no sense...
Luther only questioned the Book of James, calling it an "epistle of straw". Luther, who remained a Roman Catholic priest, misread and did not understand the Book of James. The Book of James was stressing that good works was a PROOF of one's faith in Christ. Not what one must do in addition to one's faith in Christ for salvation (James 2:14-26).
@ I agree with your take on the “works” in James, good works is the fruit of faith. However, Luther called James an “epistle of straw.” The Christian East never had a problem with faith and works. It was only in the West when Rome abused and corrupted Apostolic Tradition. Apostolic tradition is still very much alive and well. “Faith Alone” is a doctrinal innovation that sprang up in the 16th century West. The Church for 1500 years prior to the Reformation read from the apocrypha. They never held it on the same level as the canon, but they never had the attitude of “throwing it out.
@thomasmyers3808 SOLA FIDE , which means "FAITH ALONE ," is important because it is one of the DISTINGUISHING characteristics or key points that separate the TRUE BIBLICAL Gospel from false gospels. At stake is the very Gospel itself and it is therefore a matter of eternal life or death. Getting the Gospel right is of such IMPORTANCE that the Apostle Paul would write in Galatians 1:9, “As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel OTHER THAN what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” Paul was addressing the same question that SOLA FIDE addresses-on what basis is humanity declared by God to be justified? Is it by faith alone or by faith combined with works? Paul makes it clear in Galatians and Romans that humanity is “justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law” (Galatians 2:16), and the rest of the Bible concurs.
The LAW is the issue that has to be dealt with in order to bring us into a right relationship with God. "Know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified" (Galatians 2:16). This passage reveals that the Law cannot justify or make righteous any man in God’s sight, which is why God sent His Son to completely fulfill the requirements of the Law for all those who would ever believe in Him.
About this topic is very clear in both the books of Deuteronomy and Revelation. So, let's not talk about all these nonsene discussions. It is God, who will judge the one who removed or add anything from the Bible. Let us focus on how, the word of God changes our lives and transforms us.
I was born as a Protestant, had a chance to study Catholic during my education..and now I am approaching being an Orthodox, the original Christianity in my understanding.
The removal of the apocryphal writings was not done by Martin Luther alone but by many scholers like John Huss, Wyclife, Tyndale and others as I clearly understand the apocryphal writings are not spiritually inspired but were written by some one who wanted to do something contrary to the perfect teachings of God. Please do not be offended by that statement. For example if there is a second chance or a place of purification like the place as believed and taught by the catholic dogma people will not like to live a sincere life now; they will say I will enjoy now in my present life after all my loved ones will pay the indulgences for me and some one will pray for me so that I can go to heaven after all. This teachings contradicts Christ teachings, which He says "if you love Me keep My Commandments".
Those 7 books were i. The Christian Bible for over 1000 years and in the septuigent 500 years before that! And the septuingent was the Bible Jesus would have used!!!!
I'm a simple Christian. No "religious" affiliation. I do applaud Luther translating the bible into German giving the common people the ability to read and understand the Bible for themselves, and removing Catholicism's corrupt power by preying on those people to "pay for indulgences", etc, etc! My beef with Luther, is indeed, his removal of biblical books. If God, throughout all millennia, instructed his chosen individuals to "write this down", who the h--- did Luther think he was to remove what HE deemed unbiblical. I see NO scriptural references supporting this. I've read these books and think they are marvelous spiritual books to be learned from. My problems are, praying for the dead, especially through Mother Mary. She is, of course the chosen Mother of Christ to be revered and respected, yes, but she is NOT a Deity to be prayed to instead of directly to God. Angels--I can't really argue with those. If we pray directly to God for--whatever, yes, all glory be to God, but how he directs his blessings whether in person or via his Angels is something we don't even see. Maccabees is a vitally important part of Jewish History that should never have been removed regardless of the "one line of text" out of two (or the four) entire books deleted by Luther. Here's where my interest in 2nd Maccabees comes in. I'm doing research into where the physical Ark of the Covenant ended up (Yes, Revelation 11:19 shows the spiritual Ark is in God's temple in Heaven, also spiritually removed from Jerusalem in [Apocryphal] book Baruch 6:3-7). 2 Maccabees tells that the Ark is hidden in a cave and buried. (No, I don't believe it's in Mount Nebo, Deut 34:1). Why is this point of history kept hidden from us? So finally my point is Luther was right in translating the Bible into German and removing Catholicism's corrupt power, but wrong for removing these books without God's permission. I use my protestant bible but also have an old Catholic bible for reference use.
I once heard a Baptist minister refer to the Miracle of the Oil Lamps of Hanukkah as a myth. I wanted to challenge him on this statement but i was staying at a Baptist homeless shelter. I had to suppress my Catholic teachings as a condition of staying. An example of a tradition lasting thousands of years yet it it is only accepted by Roman Catholic Bible. Like the Catholic prayer we know as the Hail Mary is often accused of raising Mary. the Mother of Jesus to almost being a Goddess. Luke 1, verses27- 38 has Gabriel tells Mary she was chosen by God to be the Mother of His Only Son. Then, while hanging on the Cross, (John 19 26-27) Told Mary "Woman, behold your son" and to his beloved disciple "Behold your mother." Thus, Mary, the Mother of God became the Mother of all Humanity. The Fifth Commandment says to Honor our Father and Mother.
The original version consists thousands of copies. 7 books were removed because of passages found in those books contain texts contradicting the united message and doctrine as expressed by the Lord Jesus,the prophets and the apostles.Another reason is that because OT writers were all Jews and therefore uses the Hebrew language while some OT books removed from Protestant Bible were written in Greek.There should not need to have to be added to what already has been revealed and given through the revelation by the Lord Jesus,the prophets and the apostles.
Dude. Jesus used the septuigent which is the jewsih Bible the OT pulls from. The ot you refer to didn't get compiled until long after Jesus died You literally make nonsense, like a poorly written ai.
Essential information. What about the books that were declared apocryphal and not included at the Council of Nicea? Thereafter, Christianity became established on one specific current from several claiming to be the original teachings of Yeshua.
The apocrypha has been available for anyone who wants to read them. Which books to include in the Bible has been varied since the beginning of Christian history. It is an anthology not a single book.
what matters is our faith in Christ Jesus. wether Catholic, Pentecostal or othordox as long as we have faith in Christ we are all children of God. Samuel Ishaku from Nigeria.
If you believe in Jesus, don't you need to follow His ultimatums, commands, and teachings? If you don't follow them do you really believe in Jesus? If you think so, please explain how. If you believe in Jesus AND follow His ultimatums, commands, and teachings you will be Catholic, or you are cherry picking and only following His commands that suit your personal agenda. Good luck with that. Prayers and may God Bless.
( From The Netherlands ) - I am shocked. I thought that the Protestant and Catholic Bible were the same. My first thought is that no one had the right to change the Bible. But, I need to process this first.
Martin Luther was a chosen man that God inspired to stand up for the one important thing in the Bible that is the human salvation through Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter all those history, wisdom, doctrines, what ever but you miss the most important thing why God the Father sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross for us. The more of other books will mislead us to make deadly decisions. We have more than enough to know about our lives in Jesus Christ from here to eternity.
Sadly Luther tells a false tale. Even a tiny bit of common sense rules out "faith alone." Think this through. If I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that is all it takes for salvation as Luther claimed and taught, then rapists, mass murderers, serial killers all go to heaven as long as they believe Jesus is God. They don't need to follow Jesus' many ultimatums, commands, and teachings to love one's neighbors and to feed and clothe the poor, or DO any of the things Jesus commanded us to do. Sorry, James said it bluntly, "Faith without works is dead. And, Jesus many times said we are judged on our works. Perhaps it is time to re-read the Bible slowly and carefully.
At first Dt jerome did not accept the apocrypha books but later on he admitted apocrypha was inspired by God. You did not continue of reading the history.
APOCRYPHA (‘hidden’, ‘doubtful’) most commonly refers to disputed books rejected by Protestants and accepted by both the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church. In 1546 the Council of Trent declared the apocryphal seven books and four parts of books in the Old Testament as part of inspired Scripture, stating that anyone who did not accept the said books as sacred.. “Let him be anathema”. (The four parts of books are integrated into Esther and Daniel). Apocryphal books did appear in Protestant Bibles prior to the Council of Trent but were generally placed in a separate section, as they were not considered of equal credence.
In 1546 the COUNSEL of TRENT declared the APOCRYPHAL seven books and four parts of books in the Old Testament as part of inspired Scripture, stating that anyone who did not accept the said books as sacred.. “Let him be anathema”. (The four parts of books are integrated into Esther and Daniel).
Powerful information. The books should be restored. It is clear that Martin Luther was not led by the Holy Spirit . Thank you for helping me regarding the dead Thank you.-Ivy -South Africa
I would ask. why would there be a second canon? Did God fail to inspire the first on? Maybe Luther correcting a mistake? Maybe it was the Catholics that added to the Bible. Just maybe.
The fact remains that Martin Luther departed from the Septuagint, which was used by the Early Christians and from which quotations in the N.T. come. He was not alone. Jerome departed also. They based the Old Testament on the Masoretic Text, a Jewish revision completed in the first centuries A.D. 🤨
@@nosuchthing8 The Septuagint predated the birth of Jesus. The Masoretic Text postdated Jesus ascension. I imagine the scrolls in the synagogues were written in Hebrew. With which would they have been more likely in agreement, the Septuagint or the Masoretic Text?
To assume a refractory oppinion and to have thgaul to assume one can alter the very word of God to promote it goes beyond condemnation. A truly detestable act.
I don't read this information as any kind of conspiracy but more a decision on Biblical canon by Martin Luther and the Protestants to find the Apocrypha interesting and useful, but not controlling as to Biblical Christian doctrine. As Luther said, they are "Not Held Equal to the Scriptures, but Are Useful and Good to Read". These books were not destroyed, just not given preference. I agree, after recently reading through most of those books. Very interesting history, particularly 1&2 Maccabees re defeat of Aniochus IV "Epiphanes" and the Seleucid invaders who blasphemed the Temple and way more, producing Hanukkah, but not so much doctrinal. So much of Catholicism is not supported by the four Gospels and otherwise in the 27-book NT, like the doctrine of Purgatory. As others have commented here, there were a number of large church councils deciding canon, not just one person, before and after Luther. I also find it strange that Luther did not accept the Septuagint dating back to Ptolemy II's project in Egypt that began ca 250 BCE, which was used in Israel and is quoted from by Christ and others in the NT, though the Jews eventually appear to have abandoned it later as too Christian and began using the Masoretic Text centuries before Luther. Just because many Protestants do not follow Roman Catholic doctrine does not imply that we accept all that Luther and others taught. Now, on to Calvinism, next...
The ultimate author of the concept of Sola Scriptura was Jesus, whose teachings in the Gospels repeatedly contrast the teachings of the Old Testament (which for him did not include the Apocrypha) with the human traditions of the Pharisees. I wonder why people thing he would look for favorably on the counter-biblical human traditions of the Roman church.
This was a purging of text that could be used to justify false doctrines and or was not necessary to save souls and teach them about the way to serve God and attain salvation.
Ancient Books let us peer into past way of life and experiences, such resources are valuable, because knowledge give us access to develop and shape our way forward, everyone should have such decision-making power, it is arrogance for one person or even a group to decide for the masses or the future.
"For it is appointed unto man, once to die and after that, the judgment." The doctrine that says you can be prayed out of hell contradicts the teaching of the apostle. Choose for yourself. Do you believe that people can pray you into heaven after you're dead? If so then you must reject the teaching of the apostles. There's no two ways about it.
Theo in South Africa. Hurrah for Luther. He returned to the true foundations of the Christian faith. It was not just he who removed the apocrypha. It was the conviction of the Protestant Church. But the apocrypha were not lost. In my church tradition we have the Belgic Confession. There we see that Christians can read the apocrypha for spiritual edification, but that doctrine cannot be based on them. I have preached from Tobit.
The truth in scripture starts with Aramaic Hebrew use of the pictographs are like the purest living water that starts up in the highest mountains and becomes the polluted waters that eventually disappears into the sea. Jeremiah 6:16 Thus says the YHWH Elohim: “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
Bottom line, the gutenburg bible had 73 books. Long before luther. No one complained when it was published because that was the same roster of books for over a thousand years. Until luther dound some scissors and did some snipping.
greetings from France,about 15yearsyears ago after midnight the Lord Yashuah woke me up by giving me a vision,Isaw Him and spoke to me HEsaid dont'you recognise me? Irepply no,thenHe said ,IAMthe ONEwho bought you the 15 BOOKS I replywhich books?then HE said to methos that havebeen remoove from the bible ,Isaid but LORD Icannot afford it HEsaid go and buy them in 3times!Iwill provide-* did Iand told me to change me BIBLEso Ibought the one HEtold me to get THE JERUSALEM BIBLE so the LORD gave me all the MISSINGBOOKS AMEN
If Luther felt the need to remove the Apocryphal books, maybe he should also have removed Obadiah from the Old Testament, as it seems to be something of an outlier and is largely ignored anyway.
These books should be indeed restored because it seems politics was mixed with religion. I wish I could read these books to get a clear idea of the contents
Im watching from Malaysia...its good to reinstall those book been removed. Lets people read all the truth and its their right to decide to believe or not. Im a protestan but i read the three of the book and also all the deutrocanonica book..its good to read and understand the truth..thank you.
Usa, Maccabees, Tobit and other books now not in our versions of the old and new testaments such as Enoch 1-5 all give us basis for how and why God the Father and Jesus played a role in creation and interacted with man for Millenniums. We now ate removed from direct contact with Jesus or Heavenly Father, removed from our ancestors and even removed from Salvation and Exaltation after death. Tragic.
Gods word never contradicts itself . What ever the Patriarchs priphets Jesus and the Apostles taught was not taught by other writers should have been taken out of the Bible .
Luke 11:51 “from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, it will be charged against this generation” … Yeshua defined the extent of the canon & it fits the Jewish Scriptures
The teaching of purgatory lends itself to the sale of indulgences even after death. Again. How do we know that it wasn't the Catholics that added that book so they could continue with that particular practice of charging money to forgive the deceased's sins?
The Wisdom of Solomon was never quoted in the New Testament but I saw how you made it look as though it did. (I saw what you did there.) There's nothing in the Book of Wisdom that collides with the canon of the gospel. In fact, I recommend that Catholics read this book and learn its lessons. It is BY FAR the most extensive treatment of the evolution of idolatry and shows us how Catholicism turns people into minor deities (especially Mary). The Wisdom of Solomon has trustworthy and consistent doctrine - consistent with New Testament canon. Canon is not a "list". Canon is "lore". Real Star Wars fans hate Disney for the same reason real Christians hate Catholicism. Both Disney and Catholicism wreck the lore (i.e. break canon).
From what I know of the 66 books, there is a complete picture from the beginning of time, through to the introduction of the New Heaven on Earth. There is sufficient teaching in what we have. From that we can all learn as the Spirit matures us in our personal growth. Certainly the content of Maccabee appears to be relevant, however the dead are beyond the effects of prayer, as Jesus tells us. Although many people regularly say about, but can never quote, the contradictions of the Bible, so it is just as well they should not be included.
I don't think Sola Scriptura is defensible. How can the church be based upon texts which did not even exist in the early church? In Acts we can also see that decision in the church were made by the Apostles working things out. One of the big decisions was whether early Christians needed to become Jews. Peter saw a vision which changed his mind about the matter. So the decision was made...
One of the potentially misleading remarks in this video has to do with the so-called Jewish canon (of scripture). There was no strict Jewish canon of scripture until sometime in the second century. Of course, there was some sense of which scrolls were inspired, based on what was translated into the Greek Septuagint. That is probably the best indication of what was considered the Jewish canon. The books most important to Jews were the books of Moses, the Torah. But, you have to understand that the second-century canon was itself biased by the Jews eliminating those books which the Christians thought were important. That throws more importance on the Septuagint - the translation which was made for Jews who no longer could read and understand the Hebrew. Another thing I've come across is that the oldest copy of the "official" Jewish canon of scripture, the Masoretic text, only goes back to the years of the 900s or so. So, nobody is saying much when they talk about an official Jewish canon of scripture whose only remnant is from centuries after the date of its alleged adoption. And, that text represents only what the Masoretes accepted as scripture, not what may have been broadly accepted as the Jewish canon. It was not just Martin Luther's idea that the books proper for the Bible should only those for which the Hebrew original was available. But, he did not have the whole picture. The Dead Sea Scrolls gave evidence that there, in fact, were Hebrew originals for those books that Luther objected to. But, these were not discovered until hundreds of years after Luther's death. The source of this information is an essay in the Second Edition of the Jewish Study Bible, published by Oxford Press. Perhaps you noticed that there were mis-spellings of words in the captions of the video, like "solar scriptura" instead of "sola scriptura." It's "sola."
I am a Catholic from Kerala India living in Mumbai. I too am researching from the Bible the above points, how it affects human life. We live in believing that the unseen is there and hope. But it is still a question as to who is the authority of the Bible?
I recently read the book of Judith (which was another of the books removed) and I can see where this book should have stayed in with the Bible we know today. It seems to fit in perfectly with the O.T. account of king Nebuchadnezzar. I plan to read "Wisdom" next. God speed my brothers and sisters. Jesus is the answer!
With those books in the Bible the Catholic church expressed and used its power to lead people astray and misinterpret the real message of faith, which Martin Luther, himself a Catholic monk, found through a Bible verse. The reason why the so called Apocripha or Deuterocanonical books were not accepted is simply because the Scriptures were entrusted to the Jewish people who considered the Old Testament closed with the book of Malachi. That settled it and settles it for me. As a converted Roman Catholic I do not find anything good, in those books and parts which have been taken out, which I cannot find in the rest of Scripture. By the way in the video they mention verses quoted in the New Testament from the Aprocripha, but none have been given... Can anyone tell me one verse quoted from these books in the NT?
What about the other way round had actually happened at that time and Martin Luther found out about it and removed the books from the bible? I mean he could have found out that three books were added to the original. That was possible.
May I air my humble opinion. If you as a child of God read the Bible - any version - the holy spirit will guide you and open the scriptures to the level you can understand. Even if some scriptures were omitted the message from God can not be altered and God will ensure that you as His child will get the right message. Do not spend time in trying to decide if the bible you are using is the correct 'version'. If it is the only bible available God and the Holy Spirit will open your eyes/hearing/understanding to get the correct message at that point from GOD. GOD know you and know what scripture you need at the moment you open your bible. May GOD bless us all with the spiritual gift of decernment so we can not be mislead by the written word.
Well said, your 100% correct.
I very badly want to believe that, and I hope what you say is right. You said the message from God cannot be altered. I agree that the very broad message is probably still intact. However, the scriptures probably have been altered over the millennias. Heck, Jesus even warned us about the scribes and the Pharisees! Why did he do that? I've been thinking about that lately. Anyway, I have and understand God's message. But I want to know some things. Maybe I want to read those other books! Maybe I want to know if God's word has been altered, and if so, how deep does the rabbit hole go. I'm sorry, I don't trust the institutions that would change or omit even one verse of God's word.
There are already 10s of thousands of "interpretations" of the Bible by the 10s of thousands of religions. Plus there are the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of "interpretations" of the Bible by individuals like yourself who are their own religion unto themselves with their own "interpretation," how does anyone know what to believe by their own interpretation? Who did Jesus give authority to? "Thou art Cephas and upon THIS CEPHAS I will build My Church." How many churches did Jesus found? ONE! ONLY ONE! And Jesus gave authority to only one!
John Henry Newman “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” Newman was an Anglican priest who converted to Catholicism after he studied the history of the early Church Fathers. The early Church is Catholic, not Protestant. Dig into the early history and discern it. Prayers for you!
PS: Having theology and doctrine right doesn't guaranty all individuals in any church will be good. After all, in His own group Jesus had Judas who betrayed Him and Peter who was at one time a coward and liar who denied Him 3 times. We all sin. Some very severely!
@@conseated3616 Sadly Lourens is NOT correct! My reply to Lourens, "There are already 10s of thousands of "interpretations" of the Bible by the 10s of thousands of religions. Plus there are the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of "interpretations" of the Bible by individuals like yourself who are their own religion unto themselves with their own "interpretation," how does anyone know what to believe by their own interpretation? Who did Jesus give authority to? "Thou art Cephas and upon THIS CEPHAS I will build My Church." How many churches did Jesus found? ONE! ONLY ONE! And Jesus gave authority to only one!
John Henry Newman “To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant.” Newman was an Anglican priest who converted to Catholicism after he studied the history of the early Church Fathers. The early Church is Catholic, not Protestant. Dig into the early history and discern it. Prayers for you!
PS: Having theology and doctrine right doesn't guaranty all individuals in any church will be good. After all, in His own group Jesus had Judas who betrayed Him and Peter who was at one time a coward and liar who denied Him 3 times. We all sin. Some very severely!"
@@adrianrehak8585 The message is simple,God loved us,and gave his only begotten Son to die on the cross and delivered us from sin, he now has the keys of life and death,believe in him and that's all you have to know.
History lesson: OT came from Masoretic Hebrew. Orthodox Jewish. NT 27 BOOK from Athanasian Canon list of AD383 adopted by Council of Carthage AD 397 and Council of Hippo AD393. Neither of these included any of the Apocrypha writings. Office. Catholic Bible based on St Jerome's Latin Vulgate of Mary 4th century also did not include any Apocrypha writings. Luther , 1483-1546. at both Augustine Monestery (ordained a preist) and Un of Wittenburg (Dr of Theology) used St Jerome's Latin Vulgate , the Bible of that time. IT is The Council of Trent 1545 -1563 that state the Apocrypha "was henceforth to be regarded as Scriptute" So the Romen Church ADDED those books to the Bible.
Mistake: St Jerome's Latin Vulgate is early AD 400 not 4th century.
AD 400 is the 5th century@@carolynkading456
Watching from Nigeria,Mathew.
You did not continue to read the history of why apocrypha books were found in the catholic bible. The early church fathers have it apocrypha books in the bible. The Jews and the protestantism father were responsible in removing such books.
@@carolynkading456 St. Jerome's Vulgate is a late-4th-century Latin translation of the Bible. It is largely the work of St. Jerome who, in 382, had been commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revise the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Church. Later, of his own initiative, Jerome extended this work of revision and translation to include most of the books of the Bible.
From India. These books form an essential part of our faith n theology. Many protests too practice this teaching
Telling someone it's wrong to pray for their dead loved ones is like telling them their loved ones have no more hope and God's endless power love and mercy has limits, yet it's right there in scripture even though it's been left out of the Bible which in my view was the wrong thing to do as they hold valuable spiritual insights, including prayers for the dead. Thanks much love from NZ.
The Protestants aren’t the only Culprits. The Catholics removed 4th and 5th Maccabees. Since the Apostles and Church Fathers actively used the Septuagint, ergo the Full Septuagint should be the Old Testament.
Reading the Deutro Canonical books clarify and one in understanding the 400 years between Malachi and the Gospel according to Matthew. Am in Lusaka Zambia and a Protestant
You ALMOST have a good point.
However, the real problem is WHO HAD AITHORITY to decide which books are in the bible.
Did Peter and the line of popes after Jesus passed the baton to Simon and renamed him rock?
Did Luther, a complete rando who didn't even bother lying about seeing a vision of Jesus?
Its even worse when prots accept the 27 books of the NT from catholics but NOT the OT.
You guys can't even keep your story straight.
From India. God in His wisdom will guide rather than the wisdom of mankind. We hv to submit for God's guidance in prayer.
▶What is the generally accepted name for our universe?
▶What was our galaxy commonly known as before the 17th century, prior to more modern astronomical understanding?
▶What is the name of our planet?" or "How do we refer to the planet we live on?
In antiquity, only a limited number of celestial bodies were recognized as planets. But NONE on Universe and Galaxy.
I am from India. Things from Bible be as they are.
I am from India and was formerly Orthodox but am now Catholic. The integrity of the Bible is essential; just as no one has the authority to add to it, no one should remove any part of it. The Word of God must be preserved as it was given, just like life itself, which is sacred and should not be taken by human authority.
Nor did Luther remove any books from the Bible. Human beings in both the Eastern and Western churches added books that were never a part of it.
We thank the LORD God for giving us the Holyspirit. That the role of the Holyspirit is to guide us into all truth.
i Believe the Bible is Gods inspired word and that God was able to foresee any effort to change what He was wanting to communicate to the world and to change it or prevent its corruption. From USA. Retired Barber orf 30 yrs. devout protestant for the last 46 yrs..
❤ Praise the lord 🙏 iam from shillong meghalaya State india.god bless your message in Christ Jesus name Amen ❤
Yes, These books should have remained in the Bible he had no right to remove them, Listen from Hattiesburg Ms. God bless
We go to Jesus, He answers the mysteries of all books ever written.
I stand absolutely with Luther. From Nothern Nigeria.
From Australia thank you I didn’t know that those books were removed 😊😊thanks again love these videos
If anyone tells you different simply check the gutenberg bible. Published long before the reformation and has the 73 BOOKS.
I do believe these books should NOT have been removed from the Bible. I am an Anglican clergyman from Ontario, Canada.
These books must also be included in the bible no matter what someone will understand them or not because no one has the power to do so, that is why there is a war among christians both catholics and protestants because some christians have no idea about these books, so let's pray to our Lord Jesus Christ so that by the power of The Holy Spirit we should know the truth and follow the right way
Luther was too much about himself and his own beliefs. I am a devout Catholic. And Luther’s beliefs also lends to many Protestant beliefs “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED “. This erroneous belief states that you can never lose your salvation. Especially accepting the Salvation by Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross. This did save us from Adam’s fall and sin. But humans are still capable of horrendous horrible sins against God and mankind. Unless you recognize that you have responsibility for your own actions and sins you can never truly understand and accept the MOST HOLY TRINITY And the salvation Christ bought for us. The actual ability to choose and change our own lives to be more Christian and to attain our own personal salvation.
The doctrine is "ONCE SAVED, SAVED!" If you are saved, then you are saved. Thou shalt call His name Jesus, For He SHALL SAVE His people from their sins. If you become a "His people" by being begotten again by God, then your salvation is guaranteed. Your problem is that you don't trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, but have demoted Him to "chance-giver." Scripture does not say, "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall give His people a chance to be saved"! Christ's death on the cross covers all our sins & appart from His shedding of His blood, there is remission of sins. Go read Romans 5: IF you are sinful it is becs of a connection to Adam; if you are righteous, it is becs of a connection to the Lord Jesus. I give them eternal life, & they shall never perish.
@@lufknuht5960 Amen!!
You can't earn your salvation
Once Saved Always Saved is a big faux pas. It doesn't account for the whole set of double standards among some alleged Christians.
@kevinjanghj There are no worse double standards than the Riman Catholic Church has/had there was a whole Reformation Era by the Monks and Priest in the Church, just read about the history of the corruption, then come back here and make your comments
Martin Luther removed 7 books and not just 3 books
Wow. I'm sure there were more books removed before ML did.
@@stukale9979the catholic church assembled the list. There are hundreds of other books that could have been included.
In his attempt to protect his new understanding of the grace of God I think he made some extreme choices. In my opinion he should not have removed books even though they were considered to be non canonical. We need to trust God more than we do. Humanity often gets in the way. Good thing we can get these books now and can understand things so much more with all the information. The problem now arises that people have information without proper education on how and why it was written, the context, and to whom. Most people don't know all the ins and outs. God is still good and merciful. I am thankful for the grace he gives those who love him.
The o my person that though them nom canonical was Luther. He also wanted to delete some NT books. Google it. The guy was a madman.
Yes I think he wanted to delete James (or Jude) and Revelation. Also song of Solomon.
The problem about those removed books is that no knows how they got to be part of the bible and yet we're not found in the Jewish bible ( the old testament). I think Satan 's hand was there in putting those books that teaches to pray for the just don't make no sense...
Thank You from Quebec, Canada
Watching jere in the philippines. Jesus is Lord over the Philippines.
Luther also wanted to remove the book of James from the New Testament because it contradicted his novel “faith alone” doctrine.
Luther only questioned the Book of James, calling it an "epistle of straw". Luther, who remained a Roman Catholic priest, misread and did not understand the Book of James. The Book of James was stressing that good works was a PROOF of one's faith in Christ. Not what one must do in addition to one's faith in Christ for salvation (James 2:14-26).
@ I agree with your take on the “works” in James, good works is the fruit of faith. However, Luther called James an “epistle of straw.” The Christian East never had a problem with faith and works. It was only in the West when Rome abused and corrupted Apostolic Tradition. Apostolic tradition is still very much alive and well. “Faith Alone” is a doctrinal innovation that sprang up in the 16th century West. The Church for 1500 years prior to the Reformation read from the apocrypha. They never held it on the same level as the canon, but they never had the attitude of “throwing it out.
SOLA FIDE , which means "FAITH ALONE ," is important because it is one of the DISTINGUISHING characteristics or key points that separate the TRUE BIBLICAL Gospel from false gospels. At stake is the very Gospel itself and it is therefore a matter of eternal life or death. Getting the Gospel right is of such IMPORTANCE that the Apostle Paul would write in Galatians 1:9, “As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel OTHER THAN what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” Paul was addressing the same question that SOLA FIDE addresses-on what basis is humanity declared by God to be justified? Is it by faith alone or by faith combined with works? Paul makes it clear in Galatians and Romans that humanity is “justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law” (Galatians 2:16), and the rest of the Bible concurs.
The LAW is the issue that has to be dealt with in order to bring us into a right relationship with God. "Know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified" (Galatians 2:16). This passage reveals that the Law cannot justify or make righteous any man in God’s sight, which is why God sent His Son to completely fulfill the requirements of the Law for all those who would ever believe in Him.
You have put perfectly @@MegaGeorge1948
Thomas Mbulachalo, Uganda. Am an SDA Church believer.
It should not be remove because it does harm any Christian, they even gives hope for the Christian,they demonstrate what God is, God of love and mercy
There was absolutely no loss with the book o Tobias… the essential truths are still in the new testament
These books should have been left in Bible. Watching from sth aust. God bless🙏🙏
About this topic is very clear in both the books of Deuteronomy and Revelation. So, let's not talk about all these nonsene discussions. It is God, who will judge the one who removed or add anything from the Bible. Let us focus on how, the word of God changes our lives and transforms us.
I was born as a Protestant, had a chance to study Catholic during my education..and now I am approaching being an Orthodox, the original Christianity in my understanding.
These books holds deep spiritual knowledge and no human being has authority to challenge scriptures whose origin bears spiritual inspiration.
Indeed he removed more than just the three books
The Eithiopian Bible I believe has books I had never heard of. I wish there was somewhere to buy a copy.
The removal of the apocryphal writings was not done by Martin Luther alone but by many scholers like John Huss, Wyclife, Tyndale and others as I clearly understand the apocryphal writings are not spiritually inspired but were written by some one who wanted to do something contrary to the perfect teachings of God.
Please do not be offended by that statement. For example if there is a second chance or a place of purification like the place as believed and taught by the catholic dogma people will not like to live a sincere life now; they will say I will enjoy now in my present life after all my loved ones will pay the indulgences for me and some one will pray for me so that I can go to heaven after all.
This teachings contradicts Christ teachings, which He says "if you love Me keep My Commandments".
I am from India
Actually the Apocrypha was in the English bibles to the 1800's.
Those 7 books were i. The Christian Bible for over 1000 years and in the septuigent 500 years before that! And the septuingent was the Bible Jesus would have used!!!!
Sorry Charlie. Something like purgatory or a purging process IS in the bible. Macabees 2.
Yes these bks are really worth reading. We need to have them in the Bible. India
I'm a simple Christian. No "religious" affiliation. I do applaud Luther translating the bible into German giving the common people the ability to read and understand the Bible for themselves, and removing Catholicism's corrupt power by preying on those people to "pay for indulgences", etc, etc! My beef with Luther, is indeed, his removal of biblical books. If God, throughout all millennia, instructed his chosen individuals to "write this down", who the h--- did Luther think he was to remove what HE deemed unbiblical. I see NO scriptural references supporting this. I've read these books and think they are marvelous spiritual books to be learned from. My problems are, praying for the dead, especially through Mother Mary. She is, of course the chosen Mother of Christ to be revered and respected, yes, but she is NOT a Deity to be prayed to instead of directly to God. Angels--I can't really argue with those. If we pray directly to God for--whatever, yes, all glory be to God, but how he directs his blessings whether in person or via his Angels is something we don't even see. Maccabees is a vitally important part of Jewish History that should never have been removed regardless of the "one line of text" out of two (or the four) entire books deleted by Luther. Here's where my interest in 2nd Maccabees comes in. I'm doing research into where the physical Ark of the Covenant ended up (Yes, Revelation 11:19 shows the spiritual Ark is in God's temple in Heaven, also spiritually removed from Jerusalem in [Apocryphal] book Baruch 6:3-7). 2 Maccabees tells that the Ark is hidden in a cave and buried. (No, I don't believe it's in Mount Nebo, Deut 34:1). Why is this point of history kept hidden from us? So finally my point is Luther was right in translating the Bible into German and removing Catholicism's corrupt power, but wrong for removing these books without God's permission. I use my protestant bible but also have an old Catholic bible for reference use.
I once heard a Baptist minister refer to the Miracle of the Oil Lamps of Hanukkah as a myth. I wanted to challenge him on this statement but i was staying at a Baptist homeless shelter. I had to suppress my Catholic teachings as a condition of staying. An example of a tradition lasting thousands of years yet it it is only accepted by Roman Catholic Bible.
Like the Catholic prayer we know as the Hail Mary is often accused of raising Mary. the Mother of Jesus to almost being a Goddess. Luke 1, verses27- 38 has Gabriel tells Mary she was chosen by God to be the Mother of His Only Son. Then, while hanging on the Cross, (John 19 26-27) Told Mary "Woman, behold your son" and to his beloved disciple "Behold your mother." Thus, Mary, the Mother of God became the Mother of all Humanity. The Fifth Commandment says to Honor our Father and Mother.
The original version consists thousands of copies. 7 books were removed because of passages found in those books contain texts contradicting the united message and doctrine as expressed by the Lord Jesus,the prophets and the apostles.Another reason is that because OT writers were all Jews and therefore uses the Hebrew language while some OT books removed from Protestant Bible were written in Greek.There should not need to have to be added to what already has been revealed and given through the revelation by the Lord Jesus,the prophets and the apostles.
Dude. Jesus used the septuigent which is the jewsih Bible the OT pulls from. The ot you refer to didn't get compiled until long after Jesus died
You literally make nonsense, like a poorly written ai.
Essential information. What about the books that were declared apocryphal and not included at the Council of Nicea? Thereafter, Christianity became established on one specific current from several claiming to be the original teachings of Yeshua.
The apocrypha has been available for anyone who wants to read them. Which books to include in the Bible has been varied since the beginning of Christian history. It is an anthology not a single book.
Jesus is the Word. If you are REALLY born again
If possible I want these books to return in the holy Bible 💙🙏✝️🇮🇱🇵🇭
They are. In the catholic bible.
what matters is our faith in Christ Jesus. wether Catholic, Pentecostal or othordox as long as we have faith in Christ we are all children of God. Samuel Ishaku from Nigeria.
If you believe in Jesus, don't you need to follow His ultimatums, commands, and teachings? If you don't follow them do you really believe in Jesus? If you think so, please explain how. If you believe in Jesus AND follow His ultimatums, commands, and teachings you will be Catholic, or you are cherry picking and only following His commands that suit your personal agenda. Good luck with that. Prayers and may God Bless.
( From The Netherlands ) - I am shocked. I thought that the Protestant and Catholic Bible were the same. My first thought is that no one had the right to change the Bible. But, I need to process this first.
Check out the gutenberg bible. First printed Bible available online
Years before Luther. Has 73 books not 66.
Ortodox has different number of books as well.. ortodox 76 and ortofox etiophia 81
The dead know nothing...there is no praying for the dead.
Martin Luther was a chosen man that God inspired to stand up for the one important thing in the Bible that is the human salvation through Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter all those history, wisdom, doctrines, what ever but you miss the most important thing why God the Father sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross for us. The more of other books will mislead us to make deadly decisions. We have more than enough to know about our lives in Jesus Christ from here to eternity.
Sadly Luther tells a false tale. Even a tiny bit of common sense rules out "faith alone." Think this through. If I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that is all it takes for salvation as Luther claimed and taught, then rapists, mass murderers, serial killers all go to heaven as long as they believe Jesus is God.
They don't need to follow Jesus' many ultimatums, commands, and teachings to love one's neighbors and to feed and clothe the poor, or DO any of the things Jesus commanded us to do. Sorry, James said it bluntly, "Faith without works is dead. And, Jesus many times said we are judged on our works. Perhaps it is time to re-read the Bible slowly and carefully.
Praise Jesus for Martin Luther.
Regarding what you say, the Lord Almighty is watching His Words- the bible! Jeremiah 1:12!!!
The translator of the Latin Vulgate himself, Jerome, did not consider the deuterocanonical books to be Scripture. Neither did the ancient Jews.
At first Dt jerome did not accept the apocrypha books but later on he admitted apocrypha was inspired by God. You did not continue of reading the history.
The Jews rejected jesus christ ,so God rejected them.
Wrong. The ancient jews had the Septuagint. The ot you refers to was way after jesus.
Yes those books should still be in the bible
APOCRYPHA (‘hidden’, ‘doubtful’) most commonly refers to disputed books rejected by Protestants and accepted by both the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church. In 1546 the Council of Trent declared the apocryphal seven books and four parts of books in the Old Testament as part of inspired Scripture, stating that anyone who did not accept the said books as sacred.. “Let him be anathema”. (The four parts of books are integrated into Esther and Daniel). Apocryphal books did appear in Protestant Bibles prior to the Council of Trent but were generally placed in a separate section, as they were not considered of equal credence.
In 1546 the COUNSEL of TRENT declared the APOCRYPHAL seven books and four parts of books in the Old Testament as part of inspired Scripture, stating that anyone who did not accept the said books as sacred.. “Let him be anathema”. (The four parts of books are integrated into Esther and Daniel).
Yeah. Luther went to town.
Paus gelasius in 492 do the same with apocryphal books as well
Dear Lord,no one has a right to cut any word from God almighty.This is horror to me.
Yet that's the effect of what Luther did. Because he was woke.
Powerful information.
The books should be restored. It is clear that Martin Luther was not led by the Holy Spirit .
Thank you for helping me regarding the dead
Thank you.-Ivy -South Africa
Just read the catholic bible. You can get them online for free.
Yes , it is said they were not inspired. But am ready learn more.
I would ask. why would there be a second canon? Did God fail to inspire the first on? Maybe Luther correcting a mistake? Maybe it was the Catholics that added to the Bible. Just maybe.
The fact remains that Martin Luther departed from the Septuagint, which was used by the Early Christians and from which quotations in the N.T. come. He was not alone. Jerome departed also. They based the Old Testament on the Masoretic Text, a Jewish revision completed in the first centuries A.D. 🤨
Which makes no sense. Clearly Jesus used an ot canon that was in existence when he was alive. Not one from the future!!!!😂
@@nosuchthing8 The Septuagint predated the birth of Jesus. The Masoretic Text postdated Jesus ascension. I imagine the scrolls in the synagogues were written in Hebrew. With which would they have been more likely in agreement, the Septuagint or the Masoretic Text?
I'm from the Philippines.
NOTE: Jesus promise to Peter but not to Luther & Calvin.
To assume a refractory oppinion and to have thgaul to assume one can alter the very word of God to promote it goes beyond condemnation. A truly detestable act.
I don't read this information as any kind of conspiracy but more a decision on Biblical canon by Martin Luther and the Protestants to find the Apocrypha interesting and useful, but not controlling as to Biblical Christian doctrine. As Luther said, they are "Not Held Equal to the Scriptures, but Are Useful and Good to Read". These books were not destroyed, just not given preference. I agree, after recently reading through most of those books. Very interesting history, particularly 1&2 Maccabees re defeat of Aniochus IV "Epiphanes" and the Seleucid invaders who blasphemed the Temple and way more, producing Hanukkah, but not so much doctrinal. So much of Catholicism is not supported by the four Gospels and otherwise in the 27-book NT, like the doctrine of Purgatory. As others have commented here, there were a number of large church councils deciding canon, not just one person, before and after Luther. I also find it strange that Luther did not accept the Septuagint dating back to Ptolemy II's project in Egypt that began ca 250 BCE, which was used in Israel and is quoted from by Christ and others in the NT, though the Jews eventually appear to have abandoned it later as too Christian and began using the Masoretic Text centuries before Luther. Just because many Protestants do not follow Roman Catholic doctrine does not imply that we accept all that Luther and others taught. Now, on to Calvinism, next...
The books contained important knowledge, Luther made a very big mistake. Victor from South Africa 🙏
The ultimate author of the concept of Sola Scriptura was Jesus, whose teachings in the Gospels repeatedly contrast the teachings of the Old Testament (which for him did not include the Apocrypha) with the human traditions of the Pharisees. I wonder why people thing he would look for favorably on the counter-biblical human traditions of the Roman church.
All those books you mentioned are in the Ethiopian Bible Luther should not have removed the books 29:13
Thank you
This was a purging of text that could be used to justify false doctrines and or was not necessary to save souls and teach them about the way to serve God and attain salvation.
Ancient Books let us peer into past way of life and experiences, such resources are valuable, because knowledge give us access to develop and shape our way forward, everyone should have such decision-making power, it is arrogance for one person or even a group to decide for the masses or the future.
"For it is appointed unto man, once to die and after that, the judgment." The doctrine that says you can be prayed out of hell contradicts the teaching of the apostle. Choose for yourself. Do you believe that people can pray you into heaven after you're dead? If so then you must reject the teaching of the apostles. There's no two ways about it.
Theo in South Africa. Hurrah for Luther. He returned to the true foundations of the Christian faith. It was not just he who removed the apocrypha. It was the conviction of the Protestant Church. But the apocrypha were not lost. In my church tradition we have the Belgic Confession. There we see that Christians can read the apocrypha for spiritual edification, but that doctrine cannot be based on them. I have preached from Tobit.
The truth in scripture starts with Aramaic Hebrew use of the pictographs are like the purest living water that starts up in the highest mountains and becomes the polluted waters that eventually disappears into the sea.
Jeremiah 6:16
Thus says the YHWH Elohim: “Stand by the roads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is;
and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
Bottom line, the gutenburg bible had 73 books. Long before luther. No one complained when it was published because that was the same roster of books for over a thousand years.
Until luther dound some scissors and did some snipping.
greetings from France,about 15yearsyears ago after midnight the Lord Yashuah woke me up by giving me a vision,Isaw Him and spoke to me HEsaid dont'you recognise me? Irepply no,thenHe said ,IAMthe ONEwho bought you the 15 BOOKS I replywhich books?then HE said to methos that havebeen remoove from the bible ,Isaid but LORD Icannot afford it HEsaid go and buy them in 3times!Iwill provide-* did Iand told me to change me BIBLEso Ibought the one HEtold me to get THE JERUSALEM BIBLE so the LORD gave me all the MISSINGBOOKS AMEN
If Luther felt the need to remove the Apocryphal books, maybe he should also have removed Obadiah from the Old Testament, as it seems to be something of an outlier and is largely ignored anyway.
These books should be indeed restored because it seems politics was mixed with religion. I wish I could read these books to get a clear idea of the contents
These books should have never been removed from the bible ❤ from Trinidad
Im watching from Malaysia...its good to reinstall those book been removed. Lets people read all the truth and its their right to decide to believe or not. Im a protestan but i read the three of the book and also all the deutrocanonica book..its good to read and understand the truth..thank you.
I think Martin Luther wanted to remove Revelations as well
Usa, Maccabees, Tobit and other books now not in our versions of the old and new testaments such as Enoch 1-5 all give us basis for how and why God the Father and Jesus played a role in creation and interacted with man for Millenniums. We now ate removed from direct contact with Jesus or Heavenly Father, removed from our ancestors and even removed from Salvation and Exaltation after death. Tragic.
I'm from India Roman catholic..
Thanks for being honest about 3 books being removed from the Bible by Martin Luther king. From UK.
Be careful about confusing Martin Luther with Martin Luther King. Two different individuals, centuries apart.
Gods word never contradicts itself . What ever the Patriarchs priphets Jesus and the Apostles taught was not taught by other writers should have been taken out of the Bible .
Luke 11:51 “from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, it will be charged against this generation” … Yeshua defined the extent of the canon & it fits the Jewish Scriptures
Shepherd of hermas and Didache is highly regarded
Thanks ❤❤love these awakening videos
The vilification of Luther sounds so jesuit!!😢
The teaching of purgatory lends itself to the sale of indulgences even after death. Again. How do we know that it wasn't the Catholics that added that book so they could continue with that particular practice of charging money to forgive the deceased's sins?
The Wisdom of Solomon was never quoted in the New Testament but I saw how you made it look as though it did. (I saw what you did there.)
There's nothing in the Book of Wisdom that collides with the canon of the gospel. In fact, I recommend that Catholics read this book and learn its lessons. It is BY FAR the most extensive treatment of the evolution of idolatry and shows us how Catholicism turns people into minor deities (especially Mary).
The Wisdom of Solomon has trustworthy and consistent doctrine - consistent with New Testament canon.
Canon is not a "list". Canon is "lore". Real Star Wars fans hate Disney for the same reason real Christians hate Catholicism. Both Disney and Catholicism wreck the lore (i.e. break canon).
Yes they should be in the Bible..🇱🇰
From what I know of the 66 books, there is a complete picture from the beginning of time, through to the introduction of the New Heaven on Earth.
There is sufficient teaching in what we have. From that we can all learn as the Spirit matures us in our personal growth.
Certainly the content of Maccabee appears to be relevant, however the dead are beyond the effects of prayer, as Jesus tells us.
Although many people regularly say about, but can never quote, the contradictions of the Bible, so it is just as well they should not be included.
Yes there were 7 books that were removed. Tobit, judith, wisdom, 1& 2 maccabees, there wew two more two more. I live in Ohio.
This is a no-brained as to why they were removed. My beef is why the book of Enoch was removed in the 4th century.
I don't think Sola Scriptura is defensible. How can the church be based upon texts which did not even exist in the early church? In Acts we can also see that decision in the church were made by the Apostles working things out. One of the big decisions was whether early Christians needed to become Jews. Peter saw a vision which changed his mind about the matter. So the decision was made...
One of the potentially misleading remarks in this video has to do with the so-called Jewish canon (of scripture). There was no strict Jewish canon of scripture until sometime in the second century. Of course, there was some sense of which scrolls were inspired, based on what was translated into the Greek Septuagint. That is probably the best indication of what was considered the Jewish canon. The books most important to Jews were the books of Moses, the Torah. But, you have to understand that the second-century canon was itself biased by the Jews eliminating those books which the Christians thought were important. That throws more importance on the Septuagint - the translation which was made for Jews who no longer could read and understand the Hebrew.
Another thing I've come across is that the oldest copy of the "official" Jewish canon of scripture, the Masoretic text, only goes back to the years of the 900s or so. So, nobody is saying much when they talk about an official Jewish canon of scripture whose only remnant is from centuries after the date of its alleged adoption. And, that text represents only what the Masoretes accepted as scripture, not what may have been broadly accepted as the Jewish canon.
It was not just Martin Luther's idea that the books proper for the Bible should only those for which the Hebrew original was available. But, he did not have the whole picture. The Dead Sea Scrolls gave evidence that there, in fact, were Hebrew originals for those books that Luther objected to. But, these were not discovered until hundreds of years after Luther's death. The source of this information is an essay in the Second Edition of the Jewish Study Bible, published by Oxford Press.
Perhaps you noticed that there were mis-spellings of words in the captions of the video, like "solar scriptura" instead of "sola scriptura." It's "sola."
From Solomon Islands, Tikopia islands, Vatud Constituency, Temotu province. Solomon Islands.
Watching from Solomon islands 🇸🇧 I want to know more about God's word.
I am a Catholic from Kerala India living in Mumbai.
I too am researching from the Bible the above points, how it affects human life. We live in believing that the unseen is there and hope.
But it is still a question as to who is the authority of the Bible?
From Nigeria. I want to be more informed
we have to understand and take individual decision, life is short.
I recently read the book of Judith (which was another of the books removed) and I can see where this book should have stayed in with the Bible we know today. It seems to fit in perfectly with the O.T. account of king Nebuchadnezzar. I plan to read "Wisdom" next. God speed my brothers and sisters. Jesus is the answer!
Luther was a great man..and if found fault then I believe what he did was correct.. I love his last book.
This books should have been in Bible..i am from India
With those books in the Bible the Catholic church expressed and used its power to lead people astray and misinterpret the real message of faith, which Martin Luther, himself a Catholic monk, found through a Bible verse. The reason why the so called Apocripha or Deuterocanonical books were not accepted is simply because the Scriptures were entrusted to the Jewish people who considered the Old Testament closed with the book of Malachi. That settled it and settles it for me. As a converted Roman Catholic I do not find anything good, in those books and parts which have been taken out, which I cannot find in the rest of Scripture. By the way in the video they mention verses quoted in the New Testament from the Aprocripha, but none have been given... Can anyone tell me one verse quoted from these books in the NT?
Exactly,..those books must be removed because it didn't exalt Christ,...instead just a mere storybook of heroism
What about the other way round had actually happened at that time and Martin Luther found out about it and removed the books from the bible? I mean he could have found out that three books were added to the original. That was possible.
very good post, but he remove 7 books