Adorable Puppies!❤ A developer judging his audience means he has already been paid and doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If David thinks he won’t be called wrong on the internet, he has my pity. If a developer is upset that the “wrong person” will enjoy their project then maybe they shouldn’t sell it.
You definitely need to give yourself more credit :-) You're doing a great job, easy to listen to and your feedback/voice counts. Keep up your awesome work!
I would be a hypocrite if I didn't admit that I have dismissed a few female creators for similar reasons to what this guy Jaffe said. I like to think that my takes were somewhat more nuanced, because in his case, I believe he has the expectation that all women should agree with his politics, or else they can be dismissed. Vara Dark has my deepest respect as a creator, because she puts in real work in her reviews, doesn't really play off the thirst angle, and seems to be an honest voice about games. I don't have to agree with her on everything to appreciate that. Edit: I don't want to say women absolutely shouldn't use their looks, and maybe some skin for visibility, but just don't pretend that was never part of your success.
You lost me at the end. It doesn't matter. To acknowledge that people will find you attractive because of human nature is absurd and a non sequitur as to why you MAY HAVE SOME success. It's also dismissive of the hard work and talent someone has on its face by assuming that those factors are lesser than the subjective opinion that someone is attractive and that MAY HAVE SOME LEVEL of reason as to their ducts.
@@bennygerow You mean about the "showing skin" part? Don't get me wrong. I don't see that as preferable, but I have seen too many women on this site who have obviously worked hard to obtain amazing skills on musical instruments for me to completely dismiss them for priming the algorithm with a low-cut top or short skirt.
Your toxic relationship analogy is good and makes a lot of sense. The silver lining is that as a result we will remember what was done and know the signs for the future... hopefully.
Anti-consumer attitudes will be the destruction of this studio. It’s doubly weird that the game doesn’t contain any propaganda (is my understanding). Self own. Jaffe is a coward. He picked on a smaller creator (relatively speaking) but referenced Asmongold without calling him out directly. Cowardly behavior. I am a big fan of the original GoW games but Jaffe has always been a primadonna. It’s not an attractive look for a 50 year old man. FYI I’m genX as well (similar age) and just want to say we are not all insane. Generally it’s the opposite. We don’t like Jaffe types either.
After David Jaffe made the comments he made on Metroid: Dread I lost all respect for him as a game designer and a person. My reasons for watching your channel: 1. Insightful and thoughtful opinions 2. 1920 Art deco style 3. Cthulhu character model On a related note you should try the table top RPG call of Cthulhu. I'm not sure if you are a fan of horror but it is usually set in the 1920 and it has Cthulhu...need I say more?
If you make any kind of art, then you have to accept when you release it, then it achieves a life of its own. The public will give it some kind of meaning regardless of your intentions. If they value what you made, then you can't expect to do better than that. A lot of game devs want to force the audience to have the correct interpretation. You can not control other people like that, and you shouldn't even try. That's why any fan art that was celebrating Mouthwashing was a good thing. People were just praising it in their own way.
My experience working retail for 10+years is ultimately good value product has more sale than bad products even without marketing effort. Words of mouth is still the best advertising.
Being left wing and being a woke racist are NOT the same thing. Woke is actually extremely anti left wing. Woke is fascism (the true meaning) so should only be called woke racism. Look how much Dore is against woke for example. Being left wing is about being pro working class. Woke is EXTREMELY anti working class.
And what political side associated it self with this fascist behavior and refuses to course correct? You could argue semantics and theoreticals all you want, does not change what modern left has become.
Woke is Marxism making it's way to the corporate imo. It's all about swapping identities like "farmer", "working man", "landlord" for identities created by Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory.
Yes, because our camp can't be bad. Look, the right had white supremacist and fascist. The left had woke racist. In fact both fascism and and woke racist come about from left ideology where fascist approach marxism using right wing approach (the core idea are marxist but it's been reprogrammed by right wing-minded individual). On the other hand, the woke racist co-opted the term woke from black community as to be aware of racial discrimination. The term woke co-opted through intersectionalist lense to not only include racial injustice but also gender/sex and other identity group. The problem however is that the original term had a clear threat and that is the justice system, but the new term are so vague that it just sorta fall into purity spiral into the woke racist today... I mean even the TERFs are left wing but are cast out. It's just that trans-inclusionary feminist are even more left-wing than them so purity spiral ahoy. On the other hand manosphere is the fascist of feminism. Using the same rethoric but for men. The left is progressive, for worker class, and basically had strong out-group preference. Sometime those value simply clash with each other. The right is traditionalist, strong in-group preference, and for competency. Idk if it's true but I do believe the original far right is monarchist, alt right is fascist.
The Left hasn't been pro working class for over a decade. Left wing has always been about progressivism. The idea that society needs to progress to some more enlightened future. "Woke racism" is just an evolution of progressive politics. It's the idea that society is broken on a fundamental level, and that extreme measures need to be taken to address the grievances of the minority. And while I agree "woke racism" is bad, it certainly is not fascist, despite having some fascist elements. The definition of fascism is it's own discussion, but you're falling into the same trap of calling something fascist without understanding it's meaning that the far left often does.
I can't help but feel people like this are the same type of people who when serving in places like the Police force end up hating the people they serve and taking their frustrations out on them in the form of mistreatment or spite. The simple fact is, if the product is good, people will buy it - Hogwarts Legacy is a perfect example where militant boycotters were spotted playing the game in Steam, the vitriol they were spouting towards it couldn't stop them having a sneaky little session. I would argue people "hating" something like a game is still better for the game than people just not giving a damn. I'm so far gone with Disney Starwars it's going to take something special to even get me to look at turning it on, at least with Dragon Age I still had avid interest followed by disappointment, gotta value something to be disappointed in it.
These people think they're rockstars to the general masses. It's like actual rockstars thinking that they're hot shi-, but no one cares beyond the actual music. They breakdown, because their over-inflated ego can't come to terms with people not looking at then as some pillar. I don't think I've *ever* memorized a single developer's name, because of a game I loved. I've never looked at the names on the credits, because I didn't, and still don't, care at the end of the day. Make the game and make it good, because you'll make money and gain goodwill to give your next game a chance. That's where it should end, full stop. Expecting anything more than that, especially out of your customers, is a joke.
Well rockstar mentality works as long as your product is top notch quality. There is a place for rockstars (romero's quake if i remember), but it might fail (romero's daikatana, again i hope i didnt misremember) if quality is subpar
David Jaffe is also the guy who said that Metroid Dread was poorly designed and gave examples of him playing very poorly and not noticing major hints of what he was supposed to do.
The moment you attack someone based on their appearance or other personal characteristics instead of their ideals or opinions, you completely lost the argument and anything beyond that should be immediately discredited
If the games David Jafeefees is famous for came out tomorrow, leftists would denounce them and he would join them. Because he is an actual grifter now. Just not a very smart one because he hasn't realized the crowd he is pandering to were always a vocal minority, getting smaller by the day. He even admitted his comment section has a ratio of about 10 negative for every 2 or 3 that support him.
Being "the nastiest thing" I can imagine has nothing to do with anything here. It has everything to do with the fact people shouldn't be telling others to kill themselves over not liking something they drew, or even for supporting the game - so miss me with your condescending bullshit.
@TheAbysmalCritic I obviously hit you. That aside, even though I agree with your statement that people should not tell others to kill themselves, this is the internet. It will happen. There are much worse things one can say that also should not have been said, which has more of an effect. Kill yourself is so known and generic and outlandish that few will take it to heart. It is the more plausble things attacking someone's skills or personality that tend to hurt more.
This point in the purity spiral was kind of inevitable. The hard leftist social media grift has always been about being the most victim or the most pure, sometimes both.
@TheAbysmalCritic that's a fair concern. People forget that quite a fee middle eastern nations were a lot like the US back in the 60's and 70's until they also had to deal with a particular purity spiral.
It's how the leftist is. They spew "opinions" as facts, and tell people to not question them, just consume and don't think about it. What we should do is question everything, to think for ourselves. Because we are not sheep. They need our money, and if it's not to our liking, just don't buy it.
Nah, I refuse to use "leftist gamer" because woke insanity, though radically represented on the left, is not exclusive to it. You're gonna have to pry that shorthand from my cold dead hands. I couldn't give the slightest f if people got so mad at it being effective their only response was to fervently claim it doesn't mean anything.
I would just like a more accurate descriptor that doesn't immediately send people into a state of utter inability to communicate. I find when people are too busy bursting into flames over the emotional connotation of a word, nothing constructive ever happens, and I'm not above using words carefully to keep people in a semi-rational state of mind.
@@TheAbysmalCritic Unreasonable people will always do unreasonable things; frantically chasing after the latest attempt to deflate their opposition is a fruitless and self-defeating pursuit. No reason to dumb down the rules of the game for the slowest common denominator to catch up.
Of course, and full respect given, this isn't me suggesting you or anyone else are objectively wrong or stupid, just personally the sorta thing that feels like too much of a capitulation. 🍻
@thant0s I get it. Just for me I'm less worried about appearing to capitulate and more concerned with getting people to actually listen. If I can get someone to listen, and even agree with my point without them going insane (at least for a moment) then I can plant a seed that may eventually get them to change their mind. I'm in it for the long game... lol.
To be consistent, I'd have to say I don't think what he said was actually misogynistic, it didn't imply a general hatred for women as a group, it was just meant to be insulting, the implications he's obviously focused on being that he wants to characterize Vera as stupid. However, it is absolutely true that if someone said the identical thing about a female TH-camr or developer who David was allied with politically, he would guaranteed call that misogyny, in spite of it not actually meeting the definition.
The thing about misogynist behaviour is that it's an insidious thing. It's not about what he said about the woman, it's about why of all the people who is making videos about him (A LOT) he goes and picks specifically a woman to berate for her looks and insult her intelligence. Man, the guy is the dictionary definition of misogynistic.
@@Alwaysttango Possibly, but I don't know enough about him to levy that particular judgement. From what little I see he's obnoxious, immature and entitled, he's got both victim and savior complexes, and is most certainly an avowed (haha) and dedicated racist against whites.
If you are like unknown you can’t have a 15 second intro and another 45 seconds of puppies in the beginning of the video. You need to get to your point and hook me. Thumbnail was interesting but you give no follow through until later in the video. I know a minute doesn’t sound like much but in TH-cam terms it’s light years
Horror themed style and story, NSFW bad. Meanwhile I am watching a horror character that is so scary that the sight alone can make you mad as a hatter, with huge breasts swaying about. Not a single NSFW art piece has ever been made here! Ah. poetic. Also, saying that someone who has very subpar content get a lot of views and support with comments about how cute she is etc. is not misogynistic, it is true. The same goes for very handsome men that has a following for being handsome, even though they are not that much better. It goes both ways. I forgot his name, but one I remember was getting a lot of female fans because of his hips or something. So no, just saying that it is because of her looks is not inherently misogynistic. It is not an attack on her for being a woman, it is an attack on her for gaining, according to him, unjustifiable recognition and support. There is no hate against her as a female.
@arostwocents I do not dispute that at all. I am not familiar with this person, but she is probably a good journalist. It was just that the statement was not an attack on her because she was a woman. If a guy had done the same he would have found aomething else to attack with. Some people use sex as a product, and these people only have their looks going for them. Thus, without qualifying the statement I disagree with equating his comment with misogyny. Naturally, it does not prove otherwise either. He might be a misogynist, even if the referenced statement is itself not proof of it.
I almost burst out laughing at that comment “the strong man has to make himself the victim of the little girl”.
Adorable Puppies!❤
A developer judging his audience means he has already been paid and doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
If David thinks he won’t be called wrong on the internet, he has my pity.
If a developer is upset that the “wrong person” will enjoy their project then maybe they shouldn’t sell it.
gatekeep or be gatekept
My friend called them “progressively ignorant”
progressive bigots
progressively backwards?
You definitely need to give yourself more credit :-) You're doing a great job, easy to listen to and your feedback/voice counts. Keep up your awesome work!
Well said, totally agree
I would be a hypocrite if I didn't admit that I have dismissed a few female creators for similar reasons to what this guy Jaffe said. I like to think that my takes were somewhat more nuanced, because in his case, I believe he has the expectation that all women should agree with his politics, or else they can be dismissed.
Vara Dark has my deepest respect as a creator, because she puts in real work in her reviews, doesn't really play off the thirst angle, and seems to be an honest voice about games. I don't have to agree with her on everything to appreciate that.
Edit: I don't want to say women absolutely shouldn't use their looks, and maybe some skin for visibility, but just don't pretend that was never part of your success.
You lost me at the end. It doesn't matter. To acknowledge that people will find you attractive because of human nature is absurd and a non sequitur as to why you MAY HAVE SOME success. It's also dismissive of the hard work and talent someone has on its face by assuming that those factors are lesser than the subjective opinion that someone is attractive and that MAY HAVE SOME LEVEL of reason as to their ducts.
@@bennygerow You mean about the "showing skin" part?
Don't get me wrong. I don't see that as preferable, but I have seen too many women on this site who have obviously worked hard to obtain amazing skills on musical instruments for me to completely dismiss them for priming the algorithm with a low-cut top or short skirt.
Your toxic relationship analogy is good and makes a lot of sense. The silver lining is that as a result we will remember what was done and know the signs for the future... hopefully.
Anti-consumer attitudes will be the destruction of this studio. It’s doubly weird that the game doesn’t contain any propaganda (is my understanding). Self own.
Jaffe is a coward. He picked on a smaller creator (relatively speaking) but referenced Asmongold without calling him out directly. Cowardly behavior.
I am a big fan of the original GoW games but Jaffe has always been a primadonna. It’s not an attractive look for a 50 year old man.
FYI I’m genX as well (similar age) and just want to say we are not all insane. Generally it’s the opposite. We don’t like Jaffe types either.
I'm actually here to grind reputation point with the R'lyeh faction.
After David Jaffe made the comments he made on Metroid: Dread I lost all respect for him as a game designer and a person.
My reasons for watching your channel:
1. Insightful and thoughtful opinions
2. 1920 Art deco style
3. Cthulhu character model
On a related note you should try the table top RPG call of Cthulhu. I'm not sure if you are a fan of horror but it is usually set in the 1920 and it has Cthulhu...need I say more?
Congrats on 5k subs 🎉
Thank you!!
I just want to thank you for calling them "leftists" and not liberals.
If you make any kind of art, then you have to accept when you release it, then it achieves a life of its own. The public will give it some kind of meaning regardless of your intentions. If they value what you made, then you can't expect to do better than that.
A lot of game devs want to force the audience to have the correct interpretation. You can not control other people like that, and you shouldn't even try. That's why any fan art that was celebrating Mouthwashing was a good thing. People were just praising it in their own way.
Maybe horseshoe bigots is an appropriate name for them.
Thanks for another great video
My experience working retail for 10+years is ultimately good value product has more sale than bad products even without marketing effort. Words of mouth is still the best advertising.
Being left wing and being a woke racist are NOT the same thing. Woke is actually extremely anti left wing. Woke is fascism (the true meaning) so should only be called woke racism. Look how much Dore is against woke for example. Being left wing is about being pro working class. Woke is EXTREMELY anti working class.
And what political side associated it self with this fascist behavior and refuses to course correct? You could argue semantics and theoreticals all you want, does not change what modern left has become.
Woke is Marxism making it's way to the corporate imo. It's all about swapping identities like "farmer", "working man", "landlord" for identities created by Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory.
👍 Scroll comments "by newest" because they're by default hidden of TH-cam bots don't like them.
Yes, because our camp can't be bad. Look, the right had white supremacist and fascist. The left had woke racist. In fact both fascism and and woke racist come about from left ideology where fascist approach marxism using right wing approach (the core idea are marxist but it's been reprogrammed by right wing-minded individual). On the other hand, the woke racist co-opted the term woke from black community as to be aware of racial discrimination. The term woke co-opted through intersectionalist lense to not only include racial injustice but also gender/sex and other identity group. The problem however is that the original term had a clear threat and that is the justice system, but the new term are so vague that it just sorta fall into purity spiral into the woke racist today...
I mean even the TERFs are left wing but are cast out. It's just that trans-inclusionary feminist are even more left-wing than them so purity spiral ahoy. On the other hand manosphere is the fascist of feminism. Using the same rethoric but for men.
The left is progressive, for worker class, and basically had strong out-group preference. Sometime those value simply clash with each other.
The right is traditionalist, strong in-group preference, and for competency. Idk if it's true but I do believe the original far right is monarchist, alt right is fascist.
The Left hasn't been pro working class for over a decade. Left wing has always been about progressivism. The idea that society needs to progress to some more enlightened future. "Woke racism" is just an evolution of progressive politics. It's the idea that society is broken on a fundamental level, and that extreme measures need to be taken to address the grievances of the minority.
And while I agree "woke racism" is bad, it certainly is not fascist, despite having some fascist elements. The definition of fascism is it's own discussion, but you're falling into the same trap of calling something fascist without understanding it's meaning that the far left often does.
I am most certainly here because I am interested in what it is that you have to say.
the 2020s will be known as the era of the diminishing backlog
I can't help but feel people like this are the same type of people who when serving in places like the Police force end up hating the people they serve and taking their frustrations out on them in the form of mistreatment or spite. The simple fact is, if the product is good, people will buy it - Hogwarts Legacy is a perfect example where militant boycotters were spotted playing the game in Steam, the vitriol they were spouting towards it couldn't stop them having a sneaky little session.
I would argue people "hating" something like a game is still better for the game than people just not giving a damn. I'm so far gone with Disney Starwars it's going to take something special to even get me to look at turning it on, at least with Dragon Age I still had avid interest followed by disappointment, gotta value something to be disappointed in it.
These people think they're rockstars to the general masses. It's like actual rockstars thinking that they're hot shi-, but no one cares beyond the actual music. They breakdown, because their over-inflated ego can't come to terms with people not looking at then as some pillar. I don't think I've *ever* memorized a single developer's name, because of a game I loved. I've never looked at the names on the credits, because I didn't, and still don't, care at the end of the day. Make the game and make it good, because you'll make money and gain goodwill to give your next game a chance. That's where it should end, full stop. Expecting anything more than that, especially out of your customers, is a joke.
Well rockstar mentality works as long as your product is top notch quality. There is a place for rockstars (romero's quake if i remember), but it might fail (romero's daikatana, again i hope i didnt misremember) if quality is subpar
They were never against gate keeping they just wanted to be the keepers.
David Jaffe is also the guy who said that Metroid Dread was poorly designed and gave examples of him playing very poorly and not noticing major hints of what he was supposed to do.
Great title.
Your genuine and honest thoughts is why I watch your content. Something the left can not do apparently. Hope to see you on FNT one day.
Watched for the squiddies (or hovewer i should spell that)
Stayed for witty talk, news & commentary.
Both is always an acceptable answer!
The TH-cam algo blessed me with your vid. Subbed
Thank you!
Ultra progressive fits better IMHO...
The moment you attack someone based on their appearance or other personal characteristics instead of their ideals or opinions, you completely lost the argument and anything beyond that should be immediately discredited
If the games David Jafeefees is famous for came out tomorrow, leftists would denounce them and he would join them. Because he is an actual grifter now. Just not a very smart one because he hasn't realized the crowd he is pandering to were always a vocal minority, getting smaller by the day. He even admitted his comment section has a ratio of about 10 negative for every 2 or 3 that support him.
Remove yourself from the world...
Is that some of the nastiest things you can imagine?! Oh, sweet summer child. That is nothing.
Being "the nastiest thing" I can imagine has nothing to do with anything here.
It has everything to do with the fact people shouldn't be telling others to kill themselves over not liking something they drew, or even for supporting the game - so miss me with your condescending bullshit.
@TheAbysmalCritic I obviously hit you.
That aside, even though I agree with your statement that people should not tell others to kill themselves, this is the internet. It will happen. There are much worse things one can say that also should not have been said, which has more of an effect.
Kill yourself is so known and generic and outlandish that few will take it to heart. It is the more plausble things attacking someone's skills or personality that tend to hurt more.
This point in the purity spiral was kind of inevitable. The hard leftist social media grift has always been about being the most victim or the most pure, sometimes both.
My concern is when the non-left starts to spiral. It's an inevitability, but I still like to keep it top of mind to try and slow it down
@TheAbysmalCritic that's a fair concern. People forget that quite a fee middle eastern nations were a lot like the US back in the 60's and 70's until they also had to deal with a particular purity spiral.
You're practically walking on eggshells now and days it seems
I've watched a few of his videos, and so far he's had no grounded takes or arguments with nuance and logic aka stupid/nonsensical
It's how the leftist is. They spew "opinions" as facts, and tell people to not question them, just consume and don't think about it.
What we should do is question everything, to think for ourselves. Because we are not sheep. They need our money, and if it's not to our liking, just don't buy it.
Nah, I refuse to use "leftist gamer" because woke insanity, though radically represented on the left, is not exclusive to it. You're gonna have to pry that shorthand from my cold dead hands. I couldn't give the slightest f if people got so mad at it being effective their only response was to fervently claim it doesn't mean anything.
I would just like a more accurate descriptor that doesn't immediately send people into a state of utter inability to communicate.
I find when people are too busy bursting into flames over the emotional connotation of a word, nothing constructive ever happens, and I'm not above using words carefully to keep people in a semi-rational state of mind.
@@TheAbysmalCritic Unreasonable people will always do unreasonable things; frantically chasing after the latest attempt to deflate their opposition is a fruitless and self-defeating pursuit.
No reason to dumb down the rules of the game for the slowest common denominator to catch up.
@@thant0s We all have our different methods.
Of course, and full respect given, this isn't me suggesting you or anyone else are objectively wrong or stupid, just personally the sorta thing that feels like too much of a capitulation. 🍻
@thant0s I get it. Just for me I'm less worried about appearing to capitulate and more concerned with getting people to actually listen.
If I can get someone to listen, and even agree with my point without them going insane (at least for a moment) then I can plant a seed that may eventually get them to change their mind.
I'm in it for the long game... lol.
To be consistent, I'd have to say I don't think what he said was actually misogynistic, it didn't imply a general hatred for women as a group, it was just meant to be insulting, the implications he's obviously focused on being that he wants to characterize Vera as stupid.
However, it is absolutely true that if someone said the identical thing about a female TH-camr or developer who David was allied with politically, he would guaranteed call that misogyny, in spite of it not actually meeting the definition.
The thing about misogynist behaviour is that it's an insidious thing. It's not about what he said about the woman, it's about why of all the people who is making videos about him (A LOT) he goes and picks specifically a woman to berate for her looks and insult her intelligence. Man, the guy is the dictionary definition of misogynistic.
@@Alwaysttango Possibly, but I don't know enough about him to levy that particular judgement. From what little I see he's obnoxious, immature and entitled, he's got both victim and savior complexes, and is most certainly an avowed (haha) and dedicated racist against whites.
If you are like unknown you can’t have a 15 second intro and another 45 seconds of puppies in the beginning of the video. You need to get to your point and hook me. Thumbnail was interesting but you give no follow through until later in the video. I know a minute doesn’t sound like much but in TH-cam terms it’s light years
Depends on what I'm trying to do. Mostly, I'm just here being me. I'm sorry there was too much puppy for you, and I appreciate the advice.
Horror themed style and story, NSFW bad.
Meanwhile I am watching a horror character that is so scary that the sight alone can make you mad as a hatter, with huge breasts swaying about.
Not a single NSFW art piece has ever been made here! Ah. poetic.
Also, saying that someone who has very subpar content get a lot of views and support with comments about how cute she is etc. is not misogynistic, it is true.
The same goes for very handsome men that has a following for being handsome, even though they are not that much better. It goes both ways. I forgot his name, but one I remember was getting a lot of female fans because of his hips or something.
So no, just saying that it is because of her looks is not inherently misogynistic. It is not an attack on her for being a woman, it is an attack on her for gaining, according to him, unjustifiable recognition and support. There is no hate against her as a female.
In the case of Vara it's not true at all though. She's a great journalist and doesn't show cleavage or act sexy at all. She talks very monotone.
@arostwocents I do not dispute that at all. I am not familiar with this person, but she is probably a good journalist.
It was just that the statement was not an attack on her because she was a woman. If a guy had done the same he would have found aomething else to attack with.
Some people use sex as a product, and these people only have their looks going for them. Thus, without qualifying the statement I disagree with equating his comment with misogyny.
Naturally, it does not prove otherwise either. He might be a misogynist, even if the referenced statement is itself not proof of it.