If you raise any robux it goes into your account. It may take a while to come through. If you’re on PC and you click on your robux you’ll see ‘pending robux’ which is robux that will be given to you soon.
@@Mulchmite ohh thank u so much cause i played for days then i thought what if its just fake money and im here wasting my time😂 now im relieved and ill wait for it to come thanks again
You don’t have to like with pls donate, it’s the same as if somebody buys a shirt from you via the marketplace, it will automatically go to you - however it does take sometimes around a week for it to process :)
Hey dude I just started watching your vids man and I just want to say your super underrated and now became one of my favorite TH-camrs. Not even lying bro keep it up and don’t quit or else I’ll be bored on TH-cam.
In donation games like these people buy your gamepasses/ avatar items, so yes. You only get 60% of the amount though as roblox gets 30% and the game gets 10%. :)
*What a title.*
Relpy with your roblox username, i'll pick someone for an offline robux donation :)
spleafes :D
iny10000 :DD
the 30m kid was an exsploit
Yep, I found out that they sold their kids then changed the prices so it looked like they’d sold them for a lot
I played this game yesterday and spent 25K idk what the game is trying to support 💀
The original name of it was Buy My Guy idk what made the owner change it to Buy My Kids 😭
@@Mulchmite nahhhh thats messed up 💀
@@MulchmiteIt changed due to copyright reasons from another pls donate sorta game. What I hear.
I just checked out if you sell all your kids you won’t get more of your kids so I think they are limit for kids
There's now a option to p2w for more.
Tysm i was wondering how to play that game and u actually helped me so much 😅😮
sell me one of your children
Commenting this under any other video would be illegal 😂
so like how did you get the numbers on your pass
also pls tell me , where does the robux i raised from there go??
If you raise any robux it goes into your account. It may take a while to come through. If you’re on PC and you click on your robux you’ll see ‘pending robux’ which is robux that will be given to you soon.
@@Mulchmite ohh thank u so much cause i played for days then i thought what if its just fake money and im here wasting my time😂 now im relieved and ill wait for it to come thanks again
I was playing the game on Roblox but I don't know how to make a game pass do you know how to make a game pass
Are you using a computer?
How do you collect to robux tho
You don’t have to like with pls donate, it’s the same as if somebody buys a shirt from you via the marketplace, it will automatically go to you - however it does take sometimes around a week for it to process :)
umm how do you go to the games app to create the pass
If you’re talking about creating game passes, you need to go to the Roblox website > create > select your game > game passes > create game pass
Hey dude I just started watching your vids man and I just want to say your super underrated and now became one of my favorite TH-camrs. Not even lying bro keep it up and don’t quit or else I’ll be bored on TH-cam.
I promise I won’t quit but I can’t promise a consistant upload schedule 😅
Fine by me, I can still watch your amazing content
Does it actually make you robux
In donation games like these people buy your gamepasses/ avatar items, so yes. You only get 60% of the amount though as roblox gets 30% and the game gets 10%. :)
Your under rated dang
fire vid
Dude it’s a trade request
U on controller?
Nope PC :)
game down?
I don’t think so, the icon / thumbnail for the game has changed though
Amazing natural skill bro
Is this game for rubuxs
Lol I did too.
*here before you completely blow up*
I played This game In a day I got 50 rbx!!
Um 321k+ ROBUX sheesh bro
w comment
W reply xD@@Mulchmite
Bro, your fr the goat, i watched the video with the In game Avatar outfit commission game method, and thats just crazy helpful! Thank you!@@Mulchmite
Bro you waste your robux😂😂😂
For the content!! 😂
playing this game for 4 days and i can make 400 robux nice
Nice! Did you spend any on the game?
@@Mulchmite nope
Nahhh that title...
I'm gonna have to investigate by watching this video.
Username is ninjablast007
You don't have any gamepasses set up for pls donate btw
USER -->> Xpro_287