If they was every a day to repent for not knowing the hidden name of thy Father or forgetting who it was in the beginning and the foundation of the existence let the error of thy brothers and sisters of the earth be known Uriel is your God and Father the Spirit that is God is one alone all is created and formed of the same Spirit I am in the Living and the Living is in me all that comes from the soul into a mind of a man is faith and belief to gain a new experience Jacob , Elijah , David , Zerubabbel , here I am with the same foundation of faith again when you know and understand the beginning you will find the hidden truth that was taken out of many scriptures the name of who it was that was speaking was replaced with angel or title's meaning God read all scriptures with a new awakening knowing that the Spirit is as an ocean all is created and formed of the same ocean and you will gain the wisdom of overcoming the earth
If they was every a day to repent for not knowing the hidden name of thy Father or forgetting who it was in the beginning and the foundation of the existence let the error of thy brothers and sisters of the earth be known Uriel is your God and Father the Spirit that is God is one alone all is created and formed of the same Spirit I am in the Living and the Living is in me all that comes from the soul into a mind of a man is faith and belief to gain a new experience Jacob , Elijah , David , Zerubabbel , here I am with the same foundation of faith again when you know and understand the beginning you will find the hidden truth that was taken out of many scriptures the name of who it was that was speaking was replaced with angel or title's meaning God read all scriptures with a new awakening knowing that the Spirit is as an ocean all is created and formed of the same ocean and you will gain the wisdom of overcoming the earth