Chorus Be an example of the believers In word and in conduct Be steadfast in love In faith in purity of life For those behind us Let us stand within the gap And make a diff'rence in their lives Be an example to follow Christ Verse 1 Many now are watching The footsteps that we take Many soon will follow In the choices that we make So let us then be faithful To be what we should be And leave a good example That they can clearly see Verse 2 Let us then be watching The weary day by day Looking to encourage And to lead them in the way To run the race with patience On Jesus fix their eyes And challenge them with excellence That they might win the prize
We don't provide sheet music, lyrics, or sound tracks. You can try and use a search engine with the title and maybe some of the lyrics to the song and see if there is a site that provides the music in the format for which you are looking.
Amen 🙌
Be an example of the believers
In word and in conduct
Be steadfast in love
In faith in purity of life
For those behind us
Let us stand within the gap
And make a diff'rence in their lives
Be an example to follow Christ
Verse 1
Many now are watching
The footsteps that we take
Many soon will follow
In the choices that we make
So let us then be faithful
To be what we should be
And leave a good example
That they can clearly see
Verse 2
Let us then be watching
The weary day by day
Looking to encourage
And to lead them in the way
To run the race with patience
On Jesus fix their eyes
And challenge them with excellence
That they might win the prize
Plss Can I get chords that she played in this hymn?
We don't provide sheet music, lyrics, or sound tracks. You can try and use a search engine with the title and maybe some of the lyrics to the song and see if there is a site that provides the music in the format for which you are looking.