3:57- how thoughtful ! This meat is bad for you but okay to give to “foreigners” ? If something is bad, shouldn’t you be morally obligated not to feed it to anyone else either ?
they had no restrictions so they would like to eat it. it was not forced on them only sold to them. we know bacon has nitraites but we give it to our families.
The whole thing is a joke. God had dietary requirements for its Chosen People, but not for the rest of the people on earth. The Jewish God is very prejudice. Wouldn't you say...?
(06:39) *The analysis of why Islam strictly prohibits the consumption of pork really resonated with me. The explanation that avoiding pork is not only a health measure but also a sign of purity and faith is really inspiring to watch. It is great to see the connection between faith and lifestyle explained in such a profound way.* *May God give us peace and wisdom to better understand other religions and cultures.*
They may think it's a religious thing, but they don't eat pork because they learned thru thousands of years of experience the results of the fact that pigs and humans get the same diseases and parasites. Nomadic peoples live in close proximity to their animals
I am Christian and I do not eat pork, certain fish and bottom feeders like shrimp, crab and lobster. Among other animals. Because of what the Bible says.
For anything to go into New Testament one of a few criteria is it cross reference the Old Testament! Where Jesus never changed the law but magnified the law, Isaiah 42:21 and Matthew 5:17! Where there’s also been a spiritual aspect where you become what you eat! In spirit and nature!
Peters vision was not about eating food. In fact the very explanation of it is in the bible on the next page but christians skip the explanation. Peters vision was the first animal farm story. This vision was so peter would go and baptise gentile roman Cornelius in messiah. Until this, the apostles thought messiah was for Jews only and not gentiles, and one of many proofs that Luke was indeed a Jew. The clean animals in Peter's vision represented types of Jews and the unclean represented types of gentiles. The vision purpose was only to tell peter that Jews and gentiles are all clean in messiah, so peter could then go baptize cornellius. The vision has nothing to do with actual food to be eaten. And don't get hung up on the word gentile as Abraham himself was a gentile and Jews and moslems came off of gentiles Abraham.
Amen. Also in Mark 7:19 where it says “He declared all foods clean” was added by translators. The context of this passage was talking about ceremonial hand washing, not food. Anything in the Bible written in parentheses was not in the original text . These things were added later by translators.
Correct, Christians seem to get confused about food being declared clean. Pork was never considered a food to begin with. Therefore there would be no reason to determine it clean. There’s a reason why the demons went into the herd of pigs.
Cocaine is not what defiles a man, but what he does on cocaine. To eat certain foods messes with our bodies which can lead you to lawlessness. Acts 15, 21 + Rev 2 has restrictions on food as well.
@@JJ-em4qq so this is proof the material in the verse was said in a different context. You are suggesting that , for instance, AIDS and the behavior which brings it to you cannot defile you if you just believe correctly. Do you ever really stop and think before you talk or text?
Shellfish, lobsters, crabs, and all bottom feeders eat dead, and decaying things thus are unclean. They are what they eat, and can make you sick because of that.
they ain't jews thn, they just hebrew. the propaganda tht says all ppl with hebrew heritage r jews........................... most who identify as ethnically jewish r pork eating atheists n the propaganda calls thm Jewish
I grew up not eating pork because of religion but I have since become an atheist and I eat any meat without any problems and I am very happy and at peace
Most “Christians” are actually just “Paulists”, since he’s the one who decided to abandon the laws of Moses in order to appeal to and appease the Romans. He claimed that Jesus came to him in a couple of conveniently timed “dreams” to justify the changes he made, despite Jesus having made it clear during his lifetime that he had no intention of doing away with the law.
Paul didn't do away with anything and he doesn't contradict Moses nor himself nor Yeshua or Yehovah Himself or Torah. Only the Dead Sea Scrolls convey what was implied by an independent source. The "works of the law" doesn't apply to Scripture at all. What it does apply to are the laws that were changed, corrupt laws allowing canine, foreigners, and few others IN Violation to Ritual Purity and the Defilement of Temple Holiness. Do not make false accusations anymore. end note: the account in DSS doesn't say 'foreigners,' but rather a particular people. Mikve Israel, yaakov
You twisted the message of Jesus! Jesus died only because people were not able to please God with the Torah! Jesus was hated and killed just because He was against Torah! Apostle Paul said Torah is good but was given for sinners when we become righteous when we accept Jesus!
If you bless the food you eat, nothing can hurt you. Also, there re no such things as unclean animals for God made every animal, so calling them unclean is like calling God unclean.
@kxr842 ..but not all for eating each animal has a specific role to play. Why would Noah take in 7 pairs of clean animals and one pair of unclean? It was so that they could subsist on clean meats..ya think?
One other thought about pigs. If one takes a really good biology lab class, you will easily understand what I mean. God created animals in an order until man was the last one created. Mans most common relation, not in looks, but in biological internal design is not the monkey or ape but the pig. Pig and man are kissing cousins, biological design speaking. That's why the first heart transplant was from a pig, not a monkey or other creature. That's why the first diabetes insulin was from a pig. Pigs are so close biologically that eating pig is close to being a cannibal. I could add more on this but it would be gross.
Not everyone who follows Yeshua (Jesus) become Christian. I am a Jew who accepts Yeshua but I still practice Judaism and keep all the mitzvot ( commandments). This means I keep the dietary law. Gentile Christianity has been removed from its Jewish heritage and roots that it no longer looks like the faith that was when the disciples taught to the nations. Early Christianity kept the Shabbat, kept dietary laws, kept the biblical feasts.
@@treymorman410 Jesus came to tell us the truth about the filthy jew, John 18:37 , if you truly have Jewish blood, and are a descendant of Cain and you suppose your not from the goat nation? Who’s blood comes from Esau, who married Cains daughter and was guilty of fornication? ( having sex with strange flesh, an abomination to God, so God hated Esau, from idumea , ( it’s the Idumeans who murdered Jesus) who’s bible is the Talmud! You are not “of” the sheep nation. You, are a goat, who will be sifted by the angels in the end, because you are a “tare” you, are a descendant of Cain, the wicked one! Don’t believe me, John 8:31-47 John 10:26-10:27, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13:35-39, Matthew 13:47-48, Matthew 15:13, Matthew 15:22-26, Matthew 25:32-34 Matthew 25:40-41 Romans 9:7-9:8 If you are mistaken and do not have filthy jew blood, then maybe there’s hope for you that you come from the sheep fold.
One weird thing is that there's a myth that Tammuz(Semiramis son) was killed by a Boar(Pig?). Also, Nimrod had his body (and wiwi) cut up into pieces by Shem(or his descendant). Would that be why we do circumcision in actuality? Therefore what I'm alleging is that Christianity is really a form of Cush/Semiramis/Nimrod worship? And not really the religion of Abraham, Issac, Yacob? Maybe it's all a coincidence.
And another thing concerning Acts 10:13-15, I don’t think God was referring to animals as being clean or unclean, because later in the same chapter at verse 28, Peter states that God showed him that he (Peter) should not call any man unclean. Can you also clarify in a future teaching?
@ you’re right. I as was pointing out that the narrator said the food was clean and that being the reason Christian’s eat pork when in my comment I pointed out it wasn’t about food but gentiles, just as you also pointed out.
Matthew 15:11: "It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles him". Mark 7:18-20: "Don't you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? For it doesn't go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body". Acts 10 the analogy used still holds true
Don’t forget in the Bible at Acts 15 verse 28 and 29. For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”
You’re missing the very crucial point they make about them learning the Laws in the synagogues every Sabbath day. The Acts reference you site was a starting point for new converts. It’s actually very clear if you read it all. I also find Isaiah 66 very telling as to how God feels about pork consumption in the end times.
Except that if you go back up to verse 21, Paul talks about Moses being proclaimed, preached,, in those cities on every sabbath. What this means is Paul intended them to start off easy with some basic rules and for them to learn the rest in the synagogues on Sabbath. Paul was not giving them a free pass to ignore the law.
@@Morgan-rn4ow Jesus stated that he didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law. That's why Jesus is the Anointed Messiah because only He was able render perfect obedience to the law in its entirety. No human being no matter how hard they try cannot render perfect obedience to the law. You're so correct that there's "no free pass to ignore God's law.
@@0786AHA ~ The Bible didn’t say if Jesus ate ‘beef’ either? ~ Jesus turned water into ‘wine’ at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, and also Jesus served ‘wine’ at the Last Supper with bread.
probably made up just like everything else. 1 Corinthians 6:10: "Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.". How can Jesus drink when he is rejecting drunk people?
@@0786AHA ~ Because a person can drink ‘wine’ in moderation without getting drunk is why. ~ 1 Timothy 5:23 Stop drinking only water, and use a ‘little wine’ because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. ~ Jesus turned water into ‘wine’ at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, and also Jesus served ‘wine’ at the Last Supper with bread.
@@0786AHA ~~Eating a moderation of food is not a sin ‘but’ gluttony of food is a sin. ~Because a person can drink ‘wine in moderation’ without getting drunk is why. ~1 Timothy 5:23 Stop drinking only water, and use a ‘little wine’ because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. ~Jesus turned water into ‘wine’ at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, and also Jesus served ‘wine’ at the Last Supper with bread.
Besides what is shown in the film, let's not forget that Jews and Arabs were nomads. Pig is not a nomadic animal. Only sedentary. When nomadic populations become sedentary, they adopt pig as a food, if there are no religious prohibitions. (See Hungarians.)
The shift in dietary practices across faiths reveals a deeper spiritual truth: God desires hearts transformed by grace over adherence to rituals. This journey calls us to embrace faith not merely through external acts but through a sincere and devoted relationship with Him.
The law was given to Israel, not just the tribe of Judah. And it says a law forever, for every generation. The gentiles were grafted into Israel. So the law applies still today for everyone who is part of Israel. And your use of Acts is out of context - it is about the gentiles, not food!!!!!
The problem here is we refer to pig and other unclean animals as food. They were never put as food and should not be considered as such. We do not consider disinfectant as juice no matter how sweet they smell. With that said Mark 7 was making reference to the burdensome rituals like washing before eating. And the leaders were being chastised for have wicked hearts but carried rituals which made them feel clean. Acts 10 on the other hand had nothing to do with food or animals for that matter but rather people. Jews vs Gentiles.
If God didn’t put pork and shrimp as food, why did he make them so delicious? I know better than God. I challenge him to give a good reason for his ways. And not just any reason, but a GOOD reason! I never, EVER ask God rhetorical questions. They always, ALWAYS expect answers.
If millions of people eat it, and live on it, it is food. Urine isn't juice either, but some people drink it. Any prohibition against that in the Torah?
Here is a weird connection in the beginning god said don’t eat this one thing so it all actually started from eating forbidden food. Also a snake said it was ok. So yikes. FYI I am not religious. Just an observation
@friendofvinnie the same people of 1TIMOTHY 4:3 are in view . "Forbidding to marry" "commanding to abstain from meats" This is referring to asceticism and celibacy practices. Paul is not 🚫 teaching against Torah. In the Greek that is G458 and G459 - MATTHEW 7:23 "lawlessness" "against Torah"
@@friendofvinnie grammar has rules no matter who likes it. Truth is truth. There are rules of grammar - or else we couldn't communicate. Context usually destroys these lawless dispensationalism presuppositions
Peter himself thought the vision was about food when told 'kill and eat', but Peter finally understood that it was about the gospel going to the Gentiles. Peter then went and baptized Cornelius and his family.
@@crp9347 the original Ecclesia of the New Covenant obeyed Torah. Ephinasius writes about them , he even calls them "Sect of the Nazarenes" in his panarion. . I think wikipedia even has some leads on the article Nazarene (sect) . Constantine church is antichrist system.
Oh, please! During the first millennium, there was intense solicitation from the 3 religions to convert the non-monotheistic people. The heathens ate pork, and early Christians recognized that it would be easier to convert people if they didn’t have to give up their ham and bacon. Jews had a much higher burden, convincing adult men to undergo circumcision, a very dangerous and painful procedure in an era of no concept of sterility or anesthesia. Thus Judaism became a minor religion while Christianity grew to be the largest religion in the western world. That’s the reason the rules were changed in the ‘New Testament.’
Thanks for clearing that up. Christianity became a civilization not because of Catholicism's unifying standards in the arts, sciences, the building of universities, hospitals, monasteries; miracles witnessed by thousands from time to time; countless mystical experiences, public healings, personal intercessions and the truths inherent to Christ alone...but pork chops and BLTs. You're the McDonald's scholar of the ages my friend.
The New Testament is very clear, not only in the book of Acts and the Corinthian letters but also in the letter to the Romans as well and I think in Colossians and Galatians as well…we trust more in what Jesus has completed on the cross than our own ability to try to keep ourselves clean. That doesn’t means we don’t try to stay clean but it means we do not rely on our own ability like we trust what God finished. What Jesus makes clean is clean. We can share a table with anyone and thank the Lord for whatever meat is shared at anyone’s table.
@jeffreye.ehrlichmd9673 .i got circumcised at the age of 23 ,the pain was insane ,i had to sleep with a frame on the bed that you had to cover over with blankets at night..
Which way, I think the way is only one for all the humans, but you know what, to believe in something is the easiest way to loose your time in this life time of yours. Just live the life day by day, and enjoy the small beautiful things around you ✨️ ❤️ ♥️
Twinkies and the like contain ingredients that make them forbidden according to the Law.. anything with animal fat included in preparation is forbidden. Hardly any off the shelf items are consumable.
Once on "The Big Bang Theory" Howard was reveling in the delicious bacon cheeseburger he was eating, noting that he was violating TWO dietary laws simultaneously!
It doesn't, and most traditions are based on mindless, primitive superstition. It is because they have cloven hooves but don't ruminate. They are categorical freaks, like shellfish.
Christmas didn’t abandon the holy commandment, the counterfeit Christianity like Catholic and Protestants did. But the Orthodox Christian’s observe till this day. Especially the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian s.
The rules in Leviticus are hygiene standards. Undercooked pork can transmit trichinosis, hands are ritually washed before eating, a person with a skin eruption could have a staph infection or MRSA.
Would it be possible that God made eating pork dangerous because it was forbidden, not the other way around? Getting sick could be a natural consequence for such sin.
@@worldquestioneer1533The rules were all about hygiene and disease prevention. They were written by men who saw the consequences of parasites and infectious diseases. The God I know does not lay traps for the people he loves.
Can you eat rats, cats and dogs? The meat is unclean for human body doesn’t mean pigs don’t have other reasons to be in this world for example to clean up from other animals because they eat poop and they don’t sweat.
In the same way that fat cows were a metaphor for seven years of plenty in Pharaoh's dream, as interpreted by Joseph, the acceptance of the lowered sheet with unclean foods choices was a metaphor for full acceptance of the gentiles into the Christian faith. Without this dream, the newly found Christian Church was in danger of establishing classism into the church. God used the metaphor to tell the Jews that they are not better than the gentiles. People really want to eat pork. That's why they forget to read on further in the pages to see that food wasn't the subject of the dream, it was the acceptance of the uncircumcised gentiles into the faith. God had to use a metaphor that was strong enough to get their attention. This wasn't a two for one deal. People that eat pork need this, though. So they spend a lot of time focusing on the sheet and very little time understanding how deeply separatist the Jews were to gentiles. The use of these texts in this way is a modern bastardization of the meaning of the texts.
I will give a concrete example as a hungarian: we fought for our homeland for 400 years with the muslims (turkish and the sephardic jews who came behind them from spain) conquerors, of which we lived under occupation for 150 years. Our ancestors mainly kept cattle, a few chickens, very few pigs. But when we saw that they were stealing everything from us except pigs, we started keeping them instead. To this day, this is the basis of our national cuisine. How these animals helped us survive! God bless the pigs!
GOD ALMIGHTY gave us beef, pork, sea life and sheep and pigs and other creature to eat. I would eat them before the garage that Bill Gates and the commie Chinese want us to eat.
God shouldn’t have made unclean foods taste so delicious. I know better than God. If I were God, I would create clean foods that taste just the same as all the favorite unclean meats of Babylon’s Buffet.
You should know then that due to the similarity of pig and human genetics pig meat tastes just like human. That's why those pagans who sacrificed humans to their idols were supplementing their diets with pork.
The MMT scroll records the remains of nearly two dozen legal issues. Perhaps another dozen issues perished. The scroll calls attention to the subject of boundaries between what was to be considered pure and impure. The phrase rohorat haquodesh, "purity of the holy," sums up the contents of the scroll and its purpose. Says Abegg, this means, "Do not allow the holy to be profaned by what is impure. The issues discussed, says Abegg, were: "The issues include bringing Gentile corn into the Temple, the presentation of Gentile offerings, and the cooking of sacrificial meat in unfit (impure) vessels. Other rulings concern cleansing of lepers, admitting the blind and the deaf into the Temple; and permitting intermarriage with Ammonite and Moabite converts, long forbidden to enter the congregation of Israel (Deuteronomy 23:3). Other issues involve the transmission of impurity by a flow of water (musaq), the intermixture of wool and linen (sha-atnez) and perhaps the climax of the discussion: the intermarriage of priests with the common people. "Most of the rulings espoused by the author of MMT are based directly upon Biblical law (for example, the prohibition against plowing with unlike animals in Deuteronomy 22:10). A few others are interpretations or amplifications of Mosaic prescriptions (for example, bans on Gentile offerings and dogs in the Temple). The list clearly reflects a conservative reaction against a relaxation of Torah precepts" (ibid., p. 53-54). Notice! These "rulings" or "works of the law" included "INTERPRETATIONS OR AMPLIFICATIONS OF MOSAIC PRESCRIPTIONS." The Qumran sect spurned the "rabbinic extensions called Talmud, which effectively built a fence around the Torah, successive layers of which have become codified in the rabbinic works of the Mishnah and the two Talmuds. The Qumranites were the 'Bible only' group of their day" (page 54). Notice again! The "RABBINIC EXTENSIONS" reflected in the Talmud, that corpus of Jewish religious and rabbinic literature accumulated over the centuries, known as the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds, was spurned by the writers of the MMT Dead Sea Scroll. They developed their own interpretations, expansions, and halakkah. But both came under the over-all description of "works of the law" -- and included various rabbinic interpretations, amplifications, and extensions of the Law of Moses to Jewish life during the first century. The expression miqsat ma-ase ha-torah -- "pertinent works of the law" -- nowhere appears in rabbinic literature. However, clearly the Qumranites, like the apostle Paul, were against these rabbinic "works of the law," though from a different point of view. They were espousing their own version of the "works of the law."
I am a Christian and don't eat pork for one reason only. I get sick and the fatty taste of pork lingers in my system for a long time making me want to throw up.
I ate pork and beef as well as shell fish twinkle, cakes, pies, etc. Now, at agec78yrs. I am no longer able to tolerate them. Blood pressure changes. Kidney functions. Weight gain as well. Cleansing has to be done to clean myself out.
Because pork is very unhealthy and causes infections and worms 🪱 The Jews knew that. The Muslims did too. Only JFK eats bad pork, thus his brain worms. I am a Scientist and you couldn't get me to eat many things. I see all under the microscope.
According to the Bible, Jews descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Muslims descend from Abraham and Ismael so they are half brothers. Gentiles descend from Esau who was Jacob's brother. So Jews and Christians are brothers.
@@theOzzzmeister you hit the nail on the head here. When Jews were forced to convert or die, they were told to eat a ham sandwich to prove they were not “judizing” They were rounded up and treated horribly by so called Christians in southern Europe
All religions are full of hypocrisy What is worse is that the God of that Bible can't make his mind Sometimes I feel that he or she is fooing humans The Old testament is horrific, the Hebrews wasted centuries believing in their God and each time their God would make it worse for them
Kosher animals must have 2 main attributes. Split hoofs (cleft footed) and ruminant. The pig has only split hoof, hence not Kosher. Since pigs were easy to raise they were cheap, therefore very popular. Like you mentioned to distinguish the Hebrews from the rest of the peoples, the pork became a symbol of Triefa (extremely not Kosher), not so much for health reasons. The only non kosher animal that has split hoofs is the pig, this being the only visible sign of Kosher, because the other is not visible makes the pig a "pretender".
Perhaps God made the unclean meats unhealthy because he forbade them, not the other way around. That makes the law seem pretty arbitrary. God is withholding delicious food from us.
@@3.0ptix I agree. I could see how chewing the cud would have reasoning as whether to call an animal clean or unclean. I could see how being a scavenger would be related to being unclean. But hooves, fins, and scales seem completely unrelated. Same for grasshoppers jumping with their hind legs. Here’s the catch, however. “Chewing the cud” is a poor translation. The Hebrew phrase is Alah Gerahh. Alah can also mean “regurgitate,” “recover,” or “restore.” Gerahh is used only in Leviticus 11 and nowhere else in the Old Testament, making it hard to determine its original meaning.
@@worldquestioneer1533but eating pork isn’t dangerous. It was hundreds of years ago maybe. Due to climate and not able to preserve or keep it from spoil unlike today where it can. Not eating pork in today’s world is purely about religion and not about being unclean. People eat beef loaded with steroids, eat chicken that live and sleep on their own shit, turkey that literally will eat shit from animals to get the food in the shit.
Many European Christmas come from some type of pagan tradition such as the Celts who viewed the boar as a sacred animal. To forbid them of eating this animal would be absurd to such people.
@@lloydbeattie9370what do you mean by this? God wanted a people who were separate and anyone who wanted to be adopted into that family had to follow their ways and be separate that has never changed and we in fact as the New Testament says are grafted into that family Christianity is a Greek term and suggest that somehow we're different from the Jews when in fact Jesus brought salvation first to them who kept his Commandments and he himself kept the Commandments. Nothing changed with that. The Pharisees are the ones who were not keeping the Commandments but rather making up their own and following them and making them equal to God's Commandments that's what Jesus was angry about. It had nothing to do with people keeping the Commandments which he fully expects us to do
Do you believe the Jewish and Muslim God are the same? This video is narratted in full English yet the only non English word you use is Allah when referring to God in Islam. Many scholars and non scholars do this and it literally establishes a difference between the two by naming them differently when there is no literal need to.
@@konicsection Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. Arab Christians pray to Allah. Jesus spoke Aramaic and prayed to Elah. Very similar to the Arabic. Russian Christians pray to Bog. Do you think Bog is a different God?
Reminds me of Jim Gaffigan's comedy where he asserts bacon is added to other foods to make them taste better. 😂 Bacon bits added to Ceasar Salad, and baked potatoes, bacon slices wrapped around filet mignon and also scallops, bacon and ham on pizza. I could go on but you get the picture.
False Islam n jewdism are more closely aligned then your informed, and there the healthiest of people, outside just being obese n slow, he roman Catholic made it okay to pork just like believe ina trinity concept.
Rom.14.3 Those who think it is all right to eat anything must not look down on those who won't. And those who won't eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. (NLT)
Surprise, surprise, I know many Muslims who eat pork. I also know some Jews who eat everything, and I also know several Hindu people in India who eat Beef. Indeed, I was surprised, but this is life.
Did Jesus himself not say in Matthew5:17 that he did not come to destroy the Law(of Moses) but to fulfill every aspect of it. I assume that Jesus as. Jew did not eat pork. 9:49
Yes all foods which animals are considered as foods created to be received with thanksgiving of them which know the truth, but pork and shellfish and the likes were never biblically considered as food to be eaten. And Paul's vision was not about foods, but gentiles. You are in gross error sir. Might do you some good to read Isaiah 66:15-24 to see what will happen to all who transgress God's law. And
Why did God make pork and shellfish taste so delicious if they were not meant to be eaten. I know better. If I were God, I would make clean food that tastes just like pork, shrimp, and all other favorites of Babylon’s Buffet.
@worldquestioneer1533 pigs were created to clean the earth and clams and oysters and such were created to clean the waters and they were created with digestive systems that do not process toxin's very well, and we should all know that God gave Israel his law because he loved Israel, and when you love someone then you lead them in a way that is good for them. Yeah that stuff tastes good like pepperoni's for instance. It took me a while to finally let them go off my pizza lol, and I did because that had pork in it, and I'm pretty sure that my body will thank me in the long run.
Bro, people were eating meat before Noah. Why do you think homo sapien's brain got bigger? Why were homo sapien and Neanderthal were callèd hunter-gatherers? Why animals were domesticated thousands of years before Noah?
Would make more sense if you said Adam was the first meat eater. During Noah's time there were fallen angels and nephilim...... I dont think you have read the Bible... You just know what you here from preachers.
Acts 10:9-22 makes it sound like at least some dietary restrictions were nullified; it's unclear if this also bypasses what was mentioned in Daniel 1 where Daniel refused to eat meat of strangled animals or meat w/ blood still in it; the latter restriction quite possibly is still in effect due to the way we're supposed to view blood, especially in light of how Jesus' shed blood redeems His followers
ln 2025 I highly recommend everyone read Your Life Your Game by Keezano. It beautifully shows how connecting with God and building meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life..a must-read. God bless💟
3:57- how thoughtful ! This meat is bad for you but okay to give to “foreigners” ?
If something is bad, shouldn’t you be morally obligated not to feed it to anyone else either ?
The hebraic mentality. And it exists today.
they had no restrictions so they would like to eat it. it was not forced on them only sold to them.
we know bacon has nitraites but we give it to our families.
The whole thing is a joke. God had dietary requirements for its Chosen People, but not for the rest of the people on earth. The Jewish God is very prejudice. Wouldn't you say...?
Christianity, Muhammadism and Mormonism are "proselytizing" religions. They want to go to heaven.
Its just another way they express “we are better than others”
*The analysis of why Islam strictly prohibits the consumption of pork really resonated with me. The explanation that avoiding pork is not only a health measure but also a sign of purity and faith is really inspiring to watch. It is great to see the connection between faith and lifestyle explained in such a profound way.*
*May God give us peace and wisdom to better understand other religions and cultures.*
They may think it's a religious thing, but they don't eat pork because they learned thru thousands of years of experience the results of the fact that pigs and humans get the same diseases and parasites. Nomadic peoples live in close proximity to their animals
Not all Christians. Seven Day Adventists don't eat pork or shell fish. Not all Jewish sects forbid the same.
@@francesbernard2445 are they actually Christian?
Do they believe in salvation by Grace alone through Christ alone?
@cantablocal6768 I don't know . That's why I asked the question.
SDAs are NOT Christians. They are christians. Note the different spelling.
They are a cult with strange rules that screw up their people.
@@TheAlvoss. Many SDA s are vegans. The Father did not specify any person to be vegan. It was always about clean and unclean
Ethiopian Orthodox Church followers do not eat pork as well
I am Christian and I do not eat pork, certain fish and bottom feeders like shrimp, crab and lobster. Among other animals. Because of what the Bible says.
For anything to go into New Testament one of a few criteria is it cross reference the Old Testament!
Where Jesus never changed the law but magnified the law, Isaiah 42:21 and Matthew 5:17!
Where there’s also been a spiritual aspect where you become what you eat! In spirit and nature!
the bible is a not a medical book. For dietary advice - medical advice or scientific research should be our guide.
Does your “bottom feeder” also include Catfish?
@ Catfish are no kosher,
Peters vision was not about eating food. In fact the very explanation of it is in the bible on the next page but christians skip the explanation. Peters vision was the first animal farm story. This vision was so peter would go and baptise gentile roman Cornelius in messiah. Until this, the apostles thought messiah was for Jews only and not gentiles, and one of many proofs that Luke was indeed a Jew.
The clean animals in Peter's vision represented types of Jews and the unclean represented types of gentiles.
The vision purpose was only to tell peter that Jews and gentiles are all clean in messiah, so peter could then go baptize cornellius.
The vision has nothing to do with actual food to be eaten.
And don't get hung up on the word gentile as Abraham himself was a gentile and Jews and moslems came off of gentiles Abraham.
Excellent explanation ! Thank you! Blessings !
Amen. Also in Mark 7:19 where it says “He declared all foods clean” was added by translators. The context of this passage was talking about ceremonial hand washing, not food. Anything in the Bible written in parentheses was not in the original text . These things were added later by translators.
Correct, Christians seem to get confused about food being declared clean. Pork was never considered a food to begin with. Therefore there would be no reason to determine it clean.
There’s a reason why the demons went into the herd of pigs.
Thank you @Stive, I know better than to "assume" anything, but I allowed myself to slip on the matter of Abraham. Lesson learned, thanks again @Stive!
Great job pointing this out I was ready to do it myself
Mark 7:15
[15]Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”
Cocaine is not what defiles a man, but what he does on cocaine.
To eat certain foods messes with our bodies which can lead you to lawlessness.
Acts 15, 21 + Rev 2 has restrictions on food as well.
This verse came to mind too
This is true.
Thank you Jesus.
@@JJ-em4qq so the trichinosis and parasites in pork cannot defile you if you just believe correctly??
Mind over matter??????
@@JJ-em4qq so this is proof the material in the verse was said in a different context.
You are suggesting that , for instance, AIDS and the behavior which brings it to you cannot defile you if you just believe correctly.
Do you ever really stop and think before you talk or text?
Most Jews no longer follow Kosher dietary laws, except the Orthodox. I had Jewish friends who ate pork and shellfish.
Those jews who eat pork and shellfish also commit many other sins and do not believe in God, they are atheists. It is a sin to eat pork and shellfish
They are sinning and so are you.
They ain't Jews
Shellfish, lobsters, crabs, and all bottom feeders eat dead, and decaying things thus are unclean. They are what they eat, and can make you sick because of that.
they ain't jews thn, they just hebrew.
the propaganda tht says all ppl with hebrew heritage r jews...........................
most who identify as ethnically jewish r pork eating atheists n the propaganda calls thm Jewish
I grew up not eating pork because of religion but I have since become an atheist and I eat any meat without any problems and I am very happy and at peace
Keep telling yourself that.
Atheists wow you are a fool. A fool has said in his heart there is no God.
God gave you the ability to choose. You chose to obey yourself
How is your blood pressure and your diabetes doing?
Most “Christians” are actually just “Paulists”, since he’s the one who decided to abandon the laws of Moses in order to appeal to and appease the Romans. He claimed that Jesus came to him in a couple of conveniently timed “dreams” to justify the changes he made, despite Jesus having made it clear during his lifetime that he had no intention of doing away with the law.
Yes, and they never mentioned it. It's Paul who wanted to appease the Roman declared that pork is now out of the prohibited list.
Paul didn't do away with anything and he doesn't contradict Moses nor himself nor Yeshua or Yehovah Himself or Torah. Only the Dead Sea Scrolls convey what was implied by an independent source. The "works of the law" doesn't apply to Scripture at all. What it does apply to are the laws that were changed, corrupt laws allowing canine, foreigners, and few others IN Violation to Ritual Purity and the Defilement of Temple Holiness.
Do not make false accusations anymore.
end note: the account in DSS doesn't say 'foreigners,' but rather a particular people.
Mikve Israel,
@JameyClark-dx5yy so do you eat pork?
You twisted the message of Jesus! Jesus died only because people were not able to please God with the Torah! Jesus was hated and killed just because He was against Torah! Apostle Paul said Torah is good but was given for sinners when we become righteous when we accept Jesus!
Jesus and all the disciples never ate pork or anything the Torah said not too.
One of the Judite sects ate catfish and a lot of it. there was article on it a few months back.
If you bless the food you eat, nothing can hurt you. Also, there re no such things as unclean animals for God made every animal, so calling them unclean is like calling God unclean.
@@JameyClark-dx5yy .. never bottom feeders
@kxr842 ..but not all for eating each animal has a specific role to play. Why would Noah take in 7 pairs of clean animals and one pair of unclean? It was so that they could subsist on clean meats..ya think?
@@daltondurango990 TRUTH 💣
One other thought about pigs.
If one takes a really good biology lab class, you will easily understand what I mean.
God created animals in an order until man was the last one created. Mans most common relation, not in looks, but in biological internal design is not the monkey or ape but the pig.
Pig and man are kissing cousins, biological design speaking.
That's why the first heart transplant was from a pig, not a monkey or other creature. That's why the first diabetes insulin was from a pig.
Pigs are so close biologically that eating pig is close to being a cannibal. I could add more on this but it would be gross.
Good for you. I also posted.
Yes, please spare us! 😆
Then your nepalese
@johnmarcera8920 I'm confused, what makes you think he's Nepalese?
Plus pigs 🐖 eat human cadavers. Thus eating pork can be in the least 2nd degree cannibalism.
Not everyone who follows Yeshua (Jesus) become Christian. I am a Jew who accepts Yeshua but I still practice Judaism and keep all the mitzvot ( commandments). This means I keep the dietary law. Gentile Christianity has been removed from its Jewish heritage and roots that it no longer looks like the faith that was when the disciples taught to the nations. Early Christianity kept the Shabbat, kept dietary laws, kept the biblical feasts.
@@treymorman410 Jesus came to tell us the truth about the filthy jew, John 18:37 , if you truly have Jewish blood, and are a descendant of Cain and you suppose your not from the goat nation? Who’s blood comes from Esau, who married Cains daughter and was guilty of fornication? ( having sex with strange flesh, an abomination to God, so God hated Esau, from idumea , ( it’s the Idumeans who murdered Jesus) who’s bible is the Talmud! You are not “of” the sheep nation. You, are a goat, who will be sifted by the angels in the end, because you are a “tare” you, are a descendant of Cain, the wicked one! Don’t believe me, John 8:31-47 John 10:26-10:27, Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13:35-39, Matthew 13:47-48, Matthew 15:13, Matthew 15:22-26, Matthew 25:32-34 Matthew 25:40-41 Romans 9:7-9:8
If you are mistaken and do not have filthy jew blood, then maybe there’s hope for you that you come from the sheep fold.
Fully agree
No animal is dirty or unclean.
It's humans that are flith.
Try pig watching, they will eat shine.
Where did you come with this conclusion saying that you are filthy. You are very clever to downgrade yourself as filth
So you are filth?
I'd prefer not to eat vultures, rats, or mice or possums, but if I was starving, I wouldn't rule anything out.
@828enigma6 Agreed
One weird thing is that there's a myth that Tammuz(Semiramis son) was killed by a Boar(Pig?). Also, Nimrod had his body (and wiwi) cut up into pieces by Shem(or his descendant). Would that be why we do circumcision in actuality? Therefore what I'm alleging is that Christianity is really a form of Cush/Semiramis/Nimrod worship? And not really the religion of Abraham, Issac, Yacob? Maybe it's all a coincidence.
And another thing concerning Acts 10:13-15, I don’t think God was referring to animals as being clean or unclean, because later in the same chapter at verse 28, Peter states that God showed him that he (Peter) should not call any man unclean. Can you also clarify in a future teaching?
That was used as an analogy that gentiles would be converted
@ you’re right. I as was pointing out that the narrator said the food was clean and that being the reason Christian’s eat pork when in my comment I pointed out it wasn’t about food but gentiles, just as you also pointed out.
@@davidritz2724 There are always two elements of a vision or parable -- the literal and the figurative. Both are important, and both apply equally.
💯we’re are still supposed to eat clean. People easily misunderstand Paul’s writings.
@ I agree with you! Fortunately, more and more are realizing this.
Matthew 15:11: "It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles him".
Mark 7:18-20: "Don't you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? For it doesn't go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body".
Acts 10 the analogy used still holds true
3:59 : Should we understand that they should not eat pork but that they can give it to those who are not like them, i.e. Israelite?
The Noahide laws?
Beautifully explained. I am truly grateful for this video which now helps me understand the difference & share with others
I've always been curious about that. Thank you.
Don’t forget in the Bible at Acts 15 verse 28 and 29. For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”
Those prohibitions are in the dietary and civil laws of the Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.
You’re missing the very crucial point they make about them learning the Laws in the synagogues every Sabbath day. The Acts reference you site was a starting point for new converts. It’s actually very clear if you read it all.
I also find Isaiah 66 very telling as to how God feels about pork consumption in the end times.
Except that if you go back up to verse 21, Paul talks about Moses being proclaimed, preached,, in those cities on every sabbath. What this means is Paul intended them to start off easy with some basic rules and for them to learn the rest in the synagogues on Sabbath. Paul was not giving them a free pass to ignore the law.
@@Morgan-rn4ow Jesus stated that he didn't come to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law. That's why Jesus is the Anointed Messiah because only He was able render perfect obedience to the law in its entirety. No human being no matter how hard they try cannot render perfect obedience to the law. You're so correct that there's "no free pass to ignore God's law.
God did NOT create religion...
How do you know who eats what?
I don’t eat pork and I am a follower of Christ and an American, imagine that! Not even bringing home the bacon!
Great. Jesus didn't eat pork, and also didn't drink, and prayed to God. If you follow Jesus, Congrats. You are a ☪️. 💯✅✅✅
@@0786AHA ~ The Bible didn’t say if Jesus ate ‘beef’ either?
~ Jesus turned water into ‘wine’ at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, and also Jesus served ‘wine’ at the Last Supper with bread.
probably made up just like everything else. 1 Corinthians 6:10: "Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.". How can Jesus drink when he is rejecting drunk people?
@@0786AHA ~ Because a person can drink ‘wine’ in moderation without getting drunk is why.
~ 1 Timothy 5:23
Stop drinking only water, and use a ‘little wine’ because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
~ Jesus turned water into ‘wine’ at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, and also Jesus served ‘wine’ at the Last Supper with bread.
~~Eating a moderation of food is not a sin ‘but’ gluttony of food is a sin.
~Because a person can drink ‘wine in moderation’ without getting drunk is why.
~1 Timothy 5:23
Stop drinking only water, and use a ‘little wine’ because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
~Jesus turned water into ‘wine’ at the wedding at Cana in Galilee, and also Jesus served ‘wine’ at the Last Supper with bread.
Besides what is shown in the film, let's not forget that Jews and Arabs were nomads. Pig is not a nomadic animal. Only sedentary.
When nomadic populations become sedentary, they adopt pig as a food, if there are no religious prohibitions. (See Hungarians.)
The shift in dietary practices across faiths reveals a deeper spiritual truth: God desires hearts transformed by grace over adherence to rituals. This journey calls us to embrace faith not merely through external acts but through a sincere and devoted relationship with Him.
Beautiful video! Thank you!
The law was given to Israel, not just the tribe of Judah. And it says a law forever, for every generation. The gentiles were grafted into Israel. So the law applies still today for everyone who is part of Israel. And your use of Acts is out of context - it is about the gentiles, not food!!!!!
The problem here is we refer to pig and other unclean animals as food. They were never put as food and should not be considered as such. We do not consider disinfectant as juice no matter how sweet they smell. With that said Mark 7 was making reference to the burdensome rituals like washing before eating. And the leaders were being chastised for have wicked hearts but carried rituals which made them feel clean. Acts 10 on the other hand had nothing to do with food or animals for that matter but rather people. Jews vs Gentiles.
If God didn’t put pork and shrimp as food, why did he make them so delicious? I know better than God. I challenge him to give a good reason for his ways. And not just any reason, but a GOOD reason! I never, EVER ask God rhetorical questions. They always, ALWAYS expect answers.
If millions of people eat it, and live on it, it is food. Urine isn't juice either, but some people drink it. Any prohibition against that in the Torah?
Well spoken and presented. And the artwork is superb.
Here is a weird connection in the beginning god said don’t eat this one thing so it all actually started from eating forbidden food. Also a snake said it was ok. So yikes. FYI I am not religious. Just an observation
Romans 14 is not 🚫 talking about Leviticus 11 in that context
YES it is ! Who made you the Boss
@friendofvinnie the same people of 1TIMOTHY 4:3 are in view .
"Forbidding to marry" "commanding to abstain from meats"
This is referring to asceticism and celibacy practices.
Paul is not 🚫 teaching against Torah. In the Greek that is G458 and G459 - MATTHEW 7:23 "lawlessness" "against Torah"
Acts 10 is a vision of unclean animals that is about Gentiles. That's confusing the metaphor for the point of the vision.
It's both ways! Who put you in charge
@@friendofvinnie grammar has rules no matter who likes it. Truth is truth. There are rules of grammar - or else we couldn't communicate.
Context usually destroys these lawless dispensationalism presuppositions
Peter even said, that GOD showed him his dream was not about animals, but that no man is unclean...
You'll see who is in charge when you read and understand Matthew 5:17 through 19...
Especially 5:19...
Peter himself thought the vision was about food when told 'kill and eat', but Peter finally understood that it was about the gospel going to the Gentiles. Peter then went and baptized Cornelius and his family.
As Yeshua stated, ' you would ignore Gods laws just so you can fallow your own traditions '
Lolol Yes because ge followed God's law 😂
@friendofvinnie strange boy
@@crp9347 the original Ecclesia of the New Covenant obeyed Torah. Ephinasius writes about them , he even calls them "Sect of the Nazarenes" in his panarion. . I think wikipedia even has some leads on the article Nazarene (sect) .
Constantine church is antichrist system.
Yeshua is a fictional never existed.
@@anthonymarlowe6986 bart erhnman and the unbelieving scholars know that He existed.
Oh, please! During the first millennium, there was intense solicitation from the 3 religions to convert the non-monotheistic people. The heathens ate pork, and early Christians recognized that it would be easier to convert people if they didn’t have to give up their ham and bacon. Jews had a much higher burden, convincing adult men to undergo circumcision, a very dangerous and painful procedure in an era of no concept of sterility or anesthesia. Thus Judaism became a minor religion while Christianity grew to be the largest religion in the western world. That’s the reason the rules were changed in the ‘New Testament.’
Thanks for clearing that up. Christianity became a civilization not because of Catholicism's unifying standards in the arts, sciences, the building of universities, hospitals, monasteries; miracles witnessed by thousands from time to time; countless mystical experiences, public healings, personal intercessions and the truths inherent to Christ alone...but pork chops and BLTs. You're the McDonald's scholar of the ages my friend.
The New Testament is very clear, not only in the book of Acts and the Corinthian letters but also in the letter to the Romans as well and I think in Colossians and Galatians as well…we trust more in what Jesus has completed on the cross than our own ability to try to keep ourselves clean. That doesn’t means we don’t try to stay clean but it means we do not rely on our own ability like we trust what God finished. What Jesus makes clean is clean. We can share a table with anyone and thank the Lord for whatever meat is shared at anyone’s table.
One day it's ham and bacon next day nothing shaking.
@jeffreye.ehrlichmd9673 .i got circumcised at the age of 23 ,the pain was insane ,i had to sleep with a frame on the bed that you had to cover over with blankets at night..
Food is food. In the U.S.A. , pork meat 🍖 is clean and inspected!
I love my bacon and roasted pork shoulder for Christmas ❤
If you are a follower of The Way, you don't eat pork.
Also don't forget your tefillin while praying
Which way, I think the way is only one for all the humans, but you know what, to believe in something is the easiest way to loose your time in this life time of yours. Just live the life day by day, and enjoy the small beautiful things around you ✨️ ❤️ ♥️
Yet there is no scriptural support or prohibition about cupcakes or twinkies, the real important stuff!
Twinkies and the like contain ingredients that make them forbidden according to the Law.. anything with animal fat included in preparation is forbidden. Hardly any off the shelf items are consumable.
@ just kills me when people offer a serious reply to my nonsense which was posted for fun 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jimantonino4394 it kills me when people try to be funny but are not.. work on your routine..
@ this is what vexes you?
Just eat and be Merry 😮
Some Christian churches still follow the Bible which commands not to eat pork
@@RandomMoves923 Those are not Christian Churches.
Amazing info
Once on "The Big Bang Theory" Howard was reveling in the delicious bacon cheeseburger he was eating, noting that he was violating TWO dietary laws simultaneously!
Could also have something to do with tapeworm, which can be transferred from pork. Most traditions have some practical basis.
It doesn't, and most traditions are based on mindless, primitive superstition. It is because they have cloven hooves but don't ruminate. They are categorical freaks, like shellfish.
Christmas didn’t abandon the holy commandment, the counterfeit Christianity like Catholic and Protestants did. But the Orthodox Christian’s observe till this day. Especially the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian s.
Very well explained.
The rules in Leviticus are hygiene standards. Undercooked pork can transmit trichinosis, hands are ritually washed before eating, a person with a skin eruption could have a staph infection or MRSA.
Would it be possible that God made eating pork dangerous because it was forbidden, not the other way around? Getting sick could be a natural consequence for such sin.
@@worldquestioneer1533The rules were all about hygiene and disease prevention. They were written by men who saw the consequences of parasites and infectious diseases. The God I know does not lay traps for the people he loves.
@@worldquestioneer1533bro, all animals have parasites and diseases, not just pork
Putting Jews and Muslims together great about time.
Please rethink your understanding on these matters…. Eddie Doss … Finding the ancient path will help clarify your thinking.. thank you
Bunk anything and anyone talking after 1960
In the ethiopian Orthodox church eating pork is not allowed .
If God created everything, everything of this earth is His which makes nothing "unclean".
including shit.
Can you eat rats, cats and dogs? The meat is unclean for human body doesn’t mean pigs don’t have other reasons to be in this world for example to clean up from other animals because they eat poop and they don’t sweat.
In the same way that fat cows were a metaphor for seven years of plenty in Pharaoh's dream, as interpreted by Joseph, the acceptance of the lowered sheet with unclean foods choices was a metaphor for full acceptance of the gentiles into the Christian faith. Without this dream, the newly found Christian Church was in danger of establishing classism into the church. God used the metaphor to tell the Jews that they are not better than the gentiles. People really want to eat pork. That's why they forget to read on further in the pages to see that food wasn't the subject of the dream, it was the acceptance of the uncircumcised gentiles into the faith. God had to use a metaphor that was strong enough to get their attention. This wasn't a two for one deal. People that eat pork need this, though. So they spend a lot of time focusing on the sheet and very little time understanding how deeply separatist the Jews were to gentiles. The use of these texts in this way is a modern bastardization of the meaning of the texts.
A well presented and thoughtful presentation taking many aspects into account. Thank you.
To me pork is not to be eaten by any three of these religions. Why Christian's eat it .
I wonder if Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh religions can also eat ‘pork’??
I don't know. Who were the first Christians who ate pork, when did this all start? Who told them it was OK?
I will give a concrete example as a hungarian: we fought for our homeland for 400 years with the muslims (turkish and the sephardic jews who came behind them from spain) conquerors, of which we lived under occupation for 150 years. Our ancestors mainly kept cattle, a few chickens, very few pigs. But when we saw that they were stealing everything from us except pigs, we started keeping them instead. To this day, this is the basis of our national cuisine. How these animals helped us survive! God bless the pigs!
If only they knew how my grandma makes a delicious 🤤 pork shoulder 😂 so good.
Yummy 😋
GOD ALMIGHTY gave us beef, pork, sea life and sheep and pigs and other creature to eat. I would eat them before the garage that Bill Gates and the commie Chinese want us to eat.
I see there is a bacon of hope! 😋
God shouldn’t have made unclean foods taste so delicious. I know better than God. If I were God, I would create clean foods that taste just the same as all the favorite unclean meats of Babylon’s Buffet.
You should know then that due to the similarity of pig and human genetics pig meat tastes just like human. That's why those pagans who sacrificed humans to their idols were supplementing their diets with pork.
Because they come from the Desert, where its hot & windy with lots of dust & sand.
The Levant used to have forests, just like Italy on the other side of Mediterranean Sea. It was the Ottoman tax system that turned it into desert.
@gorilladisco9108 if Israel had Trees
Where are they now ?
This presentation is excellent! I'm particularly impressed with the art work. So realistic! I learned quite a bit & with spirituality in mind.
Very informative, thanks for uploading 👍👍🤲🤲🤲
A Debate that will never End 😂
The MMT scroll records the remains of nearly two dozen legal issues. Perhaps another dozen issues perished. The scroll calls attention to the subject of boundaries between what was to be considered pure and impure. The phrase rohorat haquodesh, "purity of the holy," sums up the contents of the scroll and its purpose. Says Abegg, this means, "Do not allow the holy to be profaned by what is impure. The issues discussed, says Abegg, were:
"The issues include bringing Gentile corn into the Temple, the presentation of Gentile offerings, and the cooking of sacrificial meat in unfit (impure) vessels. Other rulings concern cleansing of lepers, admitting the blind and the deaf into the Temple; and permitting intermarriage with Ammonite and Moabite converts, long forbidden to enter the congregation of Israel (Deuteronomy 23:3). Other issues involve the transmission of impurity by a flow of water (musaq), the intermixture of wool and linen (sha-atnez) and perhaps the climax of the discussion: the intermarriage of priests with the common people.
"Most of the rulings espoused by the author of MMT are based directly upon Biblical law (for example, the prohibition against plowing with unlike animals in Deuteronomy 22:10). A few others are interpretations or amplifications of Mosaic prescriptions (for example, bans on Gentile offerings and dogs in the Temple). The list clearly reflects a conservative reaction against a relaxation of Torah precepts" (ibid., p. 53-54).
Notice! These "rulings" or "works of the law" included "INTERPRETATIONS OR AMPLIFICATIONS OF MOSAIC PRESCRIPTIONS."
The Qumran sect spurned the "rabbinic extensions called Talmud, which effectively built a fence around the Torah, successive layers of which have become codified in the rabbinic works of the Mishnah and the two Talmuds. The Qumranites were the 'Bible only' group of their day" (page 54).
Notice again! The "RABBINIC EXTENSIONS" reflected in the Talmud, that corpus of Jewish religious and rabbinic literature accumulated over the centuries, known as the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds, was spurned by the writers of the MMT Dead Sea Scroll. They developed their own interpretations, expansions, and halakkah. But both came under the over-all description of "works of the law" -- and included various rabbinic interpretations, amplifications, and extensions of the Law of Moses to Jewish life during the first century.
The expression miqsat ma-ase ha-torah -- "pertinent works of the law" -- nowhere appears in rabbinic literature. However, clearly the Qumranites, like the apostle Paul, were against these rabbinic "works of the law," though from a different point of view. They were espousing their own version of the "works of the law."
I am a Christian and don't eat pork for one reason only. I get sick and the fatty taste of pork lingers in my system for a long time making me want to throw up.
I ate pork and beef as well as shell fish twinkle, cakes, pies, etc. Now, at agec78yrs. I am no longer able to tolerate them. Blood pressure changes. Kidney functions. Weight gain as well. Cleansing has to be done to clean myself out.
This was a good, general instruction and very respectful to and of all three Abrahamic faiths. Thank you for this content. God bless you. 💜
Really interesting video, now I have some understanding about the why and the significance of the dietary rules
Because pork is very unhealthy and causes infections and worms 🪱
The Jews knew that.
The Muslims did too.
Only JFK eats bad pork, thus his brain worms. I am a Scientist and you couldn't get me to eat many things. I see all under the microscope.
Looks like Christians are smarter and make more sense. Muslim and Jews should love each other. They are so alike.
They are Cousins
❤ ❤ yah
How many denominations currently??
According to the Bible, Jews descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Muslims descend from Abraham and Ismael so they are half brothers. Gentiles descend from Esau who was Jacob's brother. So Jews and Christians are brothers.
Our Lord and savior didn’t die so I could eat a ham sandwich!
YES He did !
Maybe he did. Your sins are forgiven, eat.
He died while we are sinners. Eating ham sandwich is not even at the level of being a sinner. So, eat.
@@theOzzzmeister you hit the nail on the head here.
When Jews were forced to convert or die, they were told to eat a ham sandwich to prove they were not “judizing”
They were rounded up and treated horribly by so called Christians in southern Europe
He didn't die so you couldn't either.
I'm a Christian and I stop eating pork now for 14 years now and I feel good 👍🌎
All religions are full of hypocrisy
What is worse is that the God of that Bible can't make his mind
Sometimes I feel that he or she is fooing humans
The Old testament is horrific, the Hebrews wasted centuries believing in their God and each time their God would make it worse for them
Pork chops and BBQ ribs 😋
@larryc1616 beef ribs 1000 times better 😁😁
@@robertmorgan1439 I can have both 😋
@@robertmorgan1439 1.3B Hindus don't eat beef due to their religion. A BBQ with you and Hindus means yall be eating chicken. 🤭
Good job loved the video
It's not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out that really matters.
Kosher animals must have 2 main attributes. Split hoofs (cleft footed) and ruminant. The pig has only split hoof, hence not Kosher. Since pigs were easy to raise they were cheap, therefore very popular. Like you mentioned to distinguish the Hebrews from the rest of the peoples, the pork became a symbol of Triefa (extremely not Kosher), not so much for health reasons. The only non kosher animal that has split hoofs is the pig, this being the only visible sign of Kosher, because the other is not visible makes the pig a "pretender".
Perhaps God made the unclean meats unhealthy because he forbade them, not the other way around.
That makes the law seem pretty arbitrary. God is withholding delicious food from us.
Very good comment thank you 🙏
The hoofs have zero reasoning as to call something kosher or not 😂.
@@3.0ptix I guess you believe you are smart
@@3.0ptix I agree. I could see how chewing the cud would have reasoning as whether to call an animal clean or unclean. I could see how being a scavenger would be related to being unclean. But hooves, fins, and scales seem completely unrelated. Same for grasshoppers jumping with their hind legs.
Here’s the catch, however. “Chewing the cud” is a poor translation. The Hebrew phrase is Alah Gerahh. Alah can also mean “regurgitate,” “recover,” or “restore.” Gerahh is used only in Leviticus 11 and nowhere else in the Old Testament, making it hard to determine its original meaning.
I'm christian i don't eat pork...from Malaysia
These food guidelines are not about food safety but religious dogma
Perhaps God made eating pork dangerous because it’s forbidden, not the other way around. Getting sick could just be a natural consequence for sin.
@@worldquestioneer1533but eating pork isn’t dangerous. It was hundreds of years ago maybe. Due to climate and not able to preserve or keep it from spoil unlike today where it can. Not eating pork in today’s world is purely about religion and not about being unclean. People eat beef loaded with steroids, eat chicken that live and sleep on their own shit, turkey that literally will eat shit from animals to get the food in the shit.
There are many sets of verses in the Bible which clarify to refrain from such food and habits.
I have worked with a Jewish bloke who loved bacon and Arabs who drunk whisky.
I'm a seventh-day adventist Christian and we don't eat unclean food
What manner of God creates an Unclean Animal?
Yes you only eat junk food
My great father ate pork and he lives up to 100.
Many European Christmas come from some type of pagan tradition such as the Celts who viewed the boar as a sacred animal. To forbid them of eating this animal would be absurd to such people.
I am Irish and Scottish, and I do not eat pork.
Correct. So in order to accommodate other people into Christian church.
They must be seen as equal. But non Judaic.
@@danaleanne38 y is this.?
Exactly that's why it's Pagan and it's wrong and goes against being separate as God calls those who are part of his family to be separate
@@lloydbeattie9370what do you mean by this? God wanted a people who were separate and anyone who wanted to be adopted into that family had to follow their ways and be separate that has never changed and we in fact as the New Testament says are grafted into that family Christianity is a Greek term and suggest that somehow we're different from the Jews when in fact Jesus brought salvation first to them who kept his Commandments and he himself kept the Commandments. Nothing changed with that. The Pharisees are the ones who were not keeping the Commandments but rather making up their own and following them and making them equal to God's Commandments that's what Jesus was angry about. It had nothing to do with people keeping the Commandments which he fully expects us to do
Do you believe the Jewish and Muslim God are the same? This video is narratted in full English yet the only non English word you use is Allah when referring to God in Islam. Many scholars and non scholars do this and it literally establishes a difference between the two by naming them differently when there is no literal need to.
Islam is a sect of Judaism. Fact. Muslims follow the Jewish scripture just as Christians believe in the Old Testament.
It surely is the same God, maybe Muslims call him by his middle name, out of respect, not to use His Name in vain. Just a thought.
@@konicsection Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. Arab Christians pray to Allah.
Jesus spoke Aramaic and prayed to Elah. Very similar to the Arabic. Russian Christians pray to Bog. Do you think Bog is a different God?
Reminds me of Jim Gaffigan's comedy where he asserts bacon is added to other foods to make them taste better. 😂 Bacon bits added to Ceasar Salad, and baked potatoes, bacon slices wrapped around filet mignon and also scallops, bacon and ham on pizza. I could go on but you get the picture.
We're can get Copy of the transcript of this
Looks like that's (Pork) the only issue Jews & Muslims agree & are United !
False Islam n jewdism are more closely aligned then your informed, and there the healthiest of people, outside just being obese n slow, he roman Catholic made it okay to pork just like believe ina trinity concept.
I am a Christian and I don’t eat pork
my condolences.
May those who watch this video be touched by God’s love and find peace in their hearts. I pray for blessings, health, and happiness for you all
Thank you and prayers for you as well❤
Can I interest you in some annuities? A brand new Jeep Wrangler? A seaside villa in Ukraine? You seem like a smart person, please call.
Well, done video on this subject.
Rom.14.3 Those who think it is all right to eat anything must not look down on those who won't. And those who won't eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. (NLT)
Pork is one of the worst meat to eat,i(worms,parasites), if not cooked correctly ,Trichinella roundworms
ya eating bacon is suicidal. But what a way to go! So I've been trying to kill myself for 75 years.
Surprise, surprise, I know many Muslims who eat pork. I also know some Jews who eat everything, and I also know several Hindu people in India who eat Beef. Indeed, I was surprised, but this is life.
Yes this is life that’s why the animal was put on earth
Biblically observant followers of Christ DON'T.
GOD Bless You and Your Channel too. 🙏🙏🙏
Did Jesus himself not say in Matthew5:17 that he did not come to destroy the Law(of Moses) but to fulfill every aspect of it. I assume that Jesus as. Jew did not eat pork. 9:49
Yes all foods which animals are considered as foods created to be received with thanksgiving of them which know the truth, but pork and shellfish and the likes were never biblically considered as food to be eaten.
And Paul's vision was not about foods, but gentiles.
You are in gross error sir.
Might do you some good to read Isaiah 66:15-24 to see what will happen to all who transgress God's law.
YES 👍 don't forget your tefillin while you pray 😂
Why did God make pork and shellfish taste so delicious if they were not meant to be eaten. I know better.
If I were God, I would make clean food that tastes just like pork, shrimp, and all other favorites of Babylon’s Buffet.
@worldquestioneer1533 pigs were created to clean the earth and clams and oysters and such were created to clean the waters and they were created with digestive systems that do not process toxin's very well, and we should all know that God gave Israel his law because he loved Israel, and when you love someone then you lead them in a way that is good for them. Yeah that stuff tastes good like pepperoni's for instance. It took me a while to finally let them go off my pizza lol, and I did because that had pork in it, and I'm pretty sure that my body will thank me in the long run.
It's a commandment to not eat pork. In leviticus
Rebellion against the law of God Lord Yehovah the Lawgiver
Don't forget your tefillin while praying 😂
Law is given for adulterers, murders etc but not for righteous people!
Interesting narrative 👍🙏🌹
What goes in is not sin, but what comes out is sin.😊
Growing numbers of followers of Jesus don't eat pork or shellfish.
😂😂😂😂. False hope
Is lobster bisque OK? If it does not contain bits of lobster meat?
I am so glad that this religions forbidden the eating of pork, more for me. saludos
We didnt get to eat meat until Noah landed after the Flood. Animals were sacrificed, but not eaten, before then.
Bro, people were eating meat before Noah. Why do you think homo sapien's brain got bigger? Why were homo sapien and Neanderthal were callèd hunter-gatherers? Why animals were domesticated thousands of years before Noah?
Would make more sense if you said Adam was the first meat eater. During Noah's time there were fallen angels and nephilim...... I dont think you have read the Bible... You just know what you here from preachers.
Acts 10:9-22 makes it sound like at least some dietary restrictions were nullified; it's unclear if this also bypasses what was mentioned in Daniel 1 where Daniel refused to eat meat of strangled animals or meat w/ blood still in it; the latter restriction quite possibly is still in effect due to the way we're supposed to view blood, especially in light of how Jesus' shed blood redeems His followers
How much of this is AI?
Not All
ln 2025 I highly recommend everyone read Your Life Your Game by Keezano. It beautifully shows how connecting with God and building meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life..a must-read. God bless💟
Heresy anything written after 1960 is bunk
Jesus cast demons in to a bunch of 🐖. I'm not eating it I don't care if it's cooked well or not
all those pigs are dead now. Would you eat pork if he pig was exorcised first?
This video is amazing! Thank you and God Bless You...subbed!
What role does food play in expressing religious obedience?