The series follows the adventures of Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis, a duo capable of merging with each other to become the hero "Mega Man". Together, they combat various EM wave beings that threaten to conquer or destroy the Earth
Also, it looks kinda weird that a grown man is following a boy around in a car.... that's a little.... & Also the fact He put a Child in his car without any warrant or real reason except a theory that He make be Megaman.
Geo Stelar and omega xis change sf/ Star Force mega man it’s him he’s not mine star. The biologist said Brian’s mind and Star Force, Mega man it’s not Brian’s character.
Mega Man Star Force, known as Ryūsei no Rockman (流星のロックマン, Ryūsei no Rokkuman, Shooting Star Rockman) is an anime and manga series based on the video game of the same name. The series follows the adventures of Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis, a duo capable of merging with each other to become the hero "Mega Man".
4:25 you can see roll from legends
woah and I thought viruses couldn't do that 10:32
The series follows the adventures of Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis, a duo capable of merging with each other to become the hero "Mega Man". Together, they combat various EM wave beings that threaten to conquer or destroy the Earth
Is that Roll Caskett?
It's a reference to her, yes.
Sonia would make a great rival for Ember from Danny Phantom.
Also, it looks kinda weird that a grown man is following a boy around in a car.... that's a little....
& Also the fact He put a Child in his car without any warrant or real reason except a theory that He make be Megaman.
Geo Stelar and omega xis change sf/ Star Force mega man it’s him he’s not mine star. The biologist said Brian’s mind and Star Force, Mega man it’s not Brian’s character.
200 years in future and the present what care
Sonia every she calm down all the time and she let it go way well say she will say no she said she loves it to be harp note if
11:22 is this sound effect from Phoenix Wright: ace attorney?
Mega Man Star Force, known as Ryūsei no Rockman (流星のロックマン, Ryūsei no Rokkuman, Shooting Star Rockman) is an anime and manga series based on the video game of the same name. The series follows the adventures of Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis, a duo capable of merging with each other to become the hero "Mega Man".
I tell the truth always because of nonsense a lot
No tango cablen hosts
Does FM Ian all things, destroy earth it’s wrong
I really hate how the characters were treated in this anime
I don’t mind them here it a fun new take that still faithful in meny ways
I’m tired a MegaMan