This tour is strongly recommended! Excellent sound, performance - high level musicians at their best and Gabriel still got great voice and presence! Audience in Munich could have be little more energetic but were focussed, also on the new songs Gabriel introduced.
We were there great a legend
Danke fürs Pisten: Es war ein grossartiges Konzert👍
This tour is strongly recommended! Excellent sound, performance - high level musicians at their best and Gabriel still got great voice and presence! Audience in Munich could have be little more energetic but were focussed, also on the new songs Gabriel introduced.
Das war es!
Vivement le 15 juin à Bordeaux. Top PG
Tomorrow in Copenhagen, can not wait ,-)
genial wars
Fürchterlich. Was sind das denn für Konzerte heutzutage? Alle halten nur noch ihre Handys hoch und filmen. Null Interaktion mit dem Künstler.
Ja , ich würde mein Handy komplett aus haben. Ein lieber Gruß Peter.
Bill where are you?