I stopped playing Persona 5 right before this palace to wait for Royal and holy shit. 34 hours into Royal and I just can't get through my head how good every track in this game is. One super minor complaint is I wish Last Surprise would play more often but Take Over is good in its own rights. Other than that totally worth buying a PS4 for this game alone!
AbsurdOrpheus terrible! I suck at rhythm games! I cannot time the button presses to save my life! Music is great but kinda pointless when I can’t....it just occurred to me that I bought the wrong persona game.....shit.
I really like the fact that unlike Kamoshida and Madarame, Kaneshiro's cognition doesn't turn into a big monster because even he knows he's weak. He has to rely on his big robot to get anything done, because otherwise he's a huge pushover. It's another small detail that sets each palace apart and makes Persona 5 an even more amazing game.
I have to say, in the first half of the game, Kaneshiro was my favorite boss. He was cool and very fucked up, and his shadow form was so shady and just bizarre. The comparison to the fly just because he rubbed his hands like the insect does as well as greedy people was amazing to me.
Honestly, I was disappointed. It woulda been cool if he turned into some giant horsefly. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a giant metal pig but a much more giant fly as his true form. Kinda something more creative like Kamoshida. Maybe a pig hybrid as well to show how deep his greed actually lies but can't be picky. The game's awesome as is. It's just a small nit-pick.
That would have been good, but I think they were going with the idea that they made up the seven sins, and if you fought the boss in the fifth palace, you'd realize that they were trying to go for gluttony as the theme for Kaneshiro, not greed.
I loved the theme. But I was pissed that after robbing a bank (in which money literally rains from the sky), my takeaway was less than that of the factory or the casino..
Upperhalf: The sneaky squeaky thieving of a bank Basement: The dark truth of whats going on beneath the prim and proper upperfloors Personally, I feel that both songs fit their respective locations
Like both. Another version is intense with the guitars, drums, strings, organ and rhodes piano. Don't like happy sounding music all the time because I can't always relate to that feeling.
For the curious, the instrument you're looking for is called a stylophone. I spent years wondering what the hell it was. Now I hope to ease the burden of my fellow curious brethren. You're welcome.
The music is what's really pushing me through this long game. Along with the art and I'm enjoying it so much. Every piece of art and music in this game is fantastic. This game is so cool and stylish. I disliked Makoto at first but man did she come around and stop listening to the people trying to program her mind!
First I dealt with a teacher, then a famous artist and now in the game I'm going after (This is what he calls himself) a mafia boss! This game is getting intense!
You then deal with a suicidal girl whose Shadow actually helps her, a corrupt CEO who moonlights as Marvin the Vader (whom is murdered), the prosecutor who's been questioning you on all of this, a power-hungry politician trying to Hitler his way to the top, and then a fake god that you fight on Christmas Eve.
This is such a perfect atmospheric song for the type of place Kaneshiro's palace is set in. When I first heard it I just smiled to myself at how awesome the song was. I'm 78 hours in and this is still my favourite song in the game and it will probabaly remain that way
- Enjoyable dungeon since we're thieves. - Catchy music, compared to the previous two dungeons. - Best girl, damn hot in that outfit. - A bike Persona, that's undeniable cool. - Cliche boss fight, he uses a robot for second phase. I really loved the Bank Palace.
wouldn't exactly call a robotic piggy bank cliche, but I do agree to a lot of these points. Makoto's definitely my top fighter in my runs, and her awakening was the most badass thing I saw in the game (to me, not even Satanael's advent could compare). And I do agree that her outfit is amazing (hell, I'm even planning to cosplay it), but in terms of romance options, she's just not my type =/
I thought he was a pretty boring looking boss, plus, he kept screwing me over on hard mode because my party was way too weak. Still a fun palace though with one of the best tunes in the game.
i found this one to be the most annoying because there were a crapload of shadows and not many safe rooms and those god fucking awful rakshasa things, oh my god they were so resilient
Makoto is my favorite character, due to her cute design badass appearance in battle, the semi-leadership role she takes, and how realateable her conflict is regarding her need to keep up on her studies just for the sake of her studies, regardless of whether she has any direction in her life. A lot of people, especially teenagers, feel that they need to smart out of obligation, so seeing Makoto struggle with and break out of that mindset was extremely carthatic and endearing. Keep on being awesome, Makoto.
Getting to this palace and hearing this music, was the point for me where the game really takes off and becomes incredible. I was completely hooked on this game and always wanted to keep playing to find out what happens next.
Most people favorite Sae's or Futaba's palace, but Kaneshiro is a personal favorite of mine. Makoto's awakening was epic and the shadow Kaneshiro was the most amusing to me, as he was a fly and gave off "hey I'm a cool guy don't mess with me" hand gestures. Also the palace itself was interesting as we get introduced to shadow dogs and the code puzzles. Man this is such a good game!
This is the best Palace theme so far, bar none. Granted, I think "Life Will Change (Instrumental)" and "Blooming Villain" are better songs but this one is so fucking good, too. The OST of this game is truly a wonder to behold and I'm lucky to be alive right now to experience it.
Ryuji: I think I cracked my ass Yusuke: Is yours cracked Ann? Ann: OF COURSE NOT!! Makoto: I S N T I T S U P P O S E D T O B E T H O U G H? Ann: (Kamoshida's flashbacks) Me: DAMN!!! (Makoto became waifu #1 after that)
I complete Kaneshiros Palace the other day (Yes I started P5R when it released everywhere) and good damn I'm gonna miss this theme. Thank god the Thieves Den exists
I was chatting with an old friend tonight at a dinner get together party my family had about Persona 5 and Royal, and we both know we LOVE this soundtrack. Always been one of my favs!!!
Pariston Indeed. Everyone just LOVES an overweight, insecure, money-grubbing, wannabe Mafioso bully, right? But Lala Escargo outclasses all the girls and guys when it comes to "best girl" material. XD
She's got the biker outfit complete with spikes, motorcycle persona, uses unarmed attacks, Nuclear skills, and was generally a badass when in the spotlight of the main story. Her combat role is Heal/Support, and unlike the other heal/support (Morgana) she's the one that gets defense-increasing skills. That really threw me for a loop when I found out.
@@plaidhatter1674 Dick move tbh. Morgana's already started feeling useless at this point. And I know how that feels. So unlike most of the universe, I don't hate him. Besides... I'm pretty sure Morgana's a damn good deal more important than some random generic waifu material, being the literal embodiment of everyone's hope and all.
Thank you so much, Makoto Nijima, for directing the Phantom Thieves at this lardass. He was undoubtedly the least ambiguously evil of our targets, and he is the one who made us household names. We saved a lot of students from being caught up in illegal drug trade and took down a guy even the police knew was guilty as hell. But most of all, because the song we encountered inside of his cognition was so damn catchy! Now I want to go back!
This is my favorite palace theme in the game. It just captures everything so perfectly. The witty dialogue, the heist itself, and the environment! Love Shoji Meguro to death!
Metal rider, red eyes, ninja scarf, pistol wielding, aikido, nuclear attacks, etc... Makoto is easily the coolest persona character ever made. Her "real life" attire and personality are not super unique, but goddamn she is the coolest metaverse character by really far, badass
Easily my favorite palace theme. I always lingered for a while at the entrance to the bank whenever I went to the Velvet Room just so I could listen to the song for a little longer. I never thought an oboe (I think it's an oboe, at least, I could very well be wrong), of all things, could carry an awesome song so well.
This games sound track is something truly special....... its got some incredible progressive rock and jazz fusion in it that one would not expect to see from a JRPG like this.
For some reason, I thought of Shadow Kaneshiro dancing shirtless to this. And then I promptly killed myself by pouring bleach into my brain. I'm a vengeful ghost now, I'm gonna make all of ya suffer the way I did.
@@saigaane even better she appears in the background of the mementos stage and appears in his final smash along with everyone else except akechi and she's a spirit
How is everyone enjoying Royal?
I stopped playing Persona 5 right before this palace to wait for Royal and holy shit. 34 hours into Royal and I just can't get through my head how good every track in this game is. One super minor complaint is I wish Last Surprise would play more often but Take Over is good in its own rights. Other than that totally worth buying a PS4 for this game alone!
AbsurdOrpheus terrible! I suck at rhythm games! I cannot time the button presses to save my life! Music is great but kinda pointless when I can’t....it just occurred to me that I bought the wrong persona game.....shit.
Started playing Persona 3 a week before Royal's release and now I'm desperately trying to finish that first lol
The perfect game for quarantine.
The best game ever
"Man I wish my Persona was a Motorcycle that's soo awesome"
"but.. yours is riding on a ship"
Raging Raving ships are cool though.. D:
"Sup, miss post-apocalyptic raider."
It's not a ship, it's a cloud - Idiot! (Ryuji R10)
I have done before
Oh yeah, just remembered
_"A Persona...?!"_
_"No, dude- that's a bike!"_
Doing persona(cardgames) on motorcycles 👌
@@RealBullbear If only the Phantom Theives summoned their Persona with the Tarot Cards, then it would literally be card games on motorcycles.
What if I told you makoto has a bra strap for her sleeves?
@@Hypersomnaia why did youspread this cursed knowledge
I really like the fact that unlike Kamoshida and Madarame, Kaneshiro's cognition doesn't turn into a big monster because even he knows he's weak. He has to rely on his big robot to get anything done, because otherwise he's a huge pushover. It's another small detail that sets each palace apart and makes Persona 5 an even more amazing game.
Okumura was the same, with how he kept sending out the employees to do the work for him. Once they were gone he was pretty much helpless.
Crown Lotus the difference between Kaneshiro and Okumura was that Kaneshiro’s was an actually good boss fight
Yeah, Kamoshida and Madarame were pretty intimidating, but Kaneshiro was only a small fly... Uh, fry
@@jonat.6686 I wish okumura did transform at least then the fight would've been creative and interesting
No ain't that the fucking truth
**TF2 Scout Wunanananananananananana intensifies.**
I have to say, in the first half of the game, Kaneshiro was my favorite boss. He was cool and very fucked up, and his shadow form was so shady and just bizarre. The comparison to the fly just because he rubbed his hands like the insect does as well as greedy people was amazing to me.
An Emo Hitler.
An overweight, short, emo Hitler.
Honestly, I was disappointed. It woulda been cool if he turned into some giant horsefly. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a giant metal pig but a much more giant fly as his true form. Kinda something more creative like Kamoshida. Maybe a pig hybrid as well to show how deep his greed actually lies but can't be picky. The game's awesome as is. It's just a small nit-pick.
That would have been good, but I think they were going with the idea that they made up the seven sins, and if you fought the boss in the fifth palace, you'd realize that they were trying to go for gluttony as the theme for Kaneshiro, not greed.
Hm. Makes sense since greed belongs to Okumura.
Favourite song on the game so far. Had to come here after finishing this palace.
Lukas Diwoky same feel my friend.
Lukas Diwoky same. Just cleared it last night. What a heist!
Seriously! This was so catchy. I was bouncing on the couch while playing through this!
I loved the theme. But I was pissed that after robbing a bank (in which money literally rains from the sky), my takeaway was less than that of the factory or the casino..
5th 6th and 7th palace were the themes I most enjoyed. This one's not bad however, the only slightly boring theme is the 4th IMO.
Not gonna lie, I actually hate the fact that the song changes as you get deeper. The song there is ok but this one is soooooo good
It didn't really fit the lower levels of the Palace, but I agree that this one is FAR better.
The theme in the lower level of the bank is droning lifeless trash. This song however is amazing
Upperhalf: The sneaky squeaky thieving of a bank
Basement: The dark truth of whats going on beneath the prim and proper upperfloors
Personally, I feel that both songs fit their respective locations
100% agreed
Like both. Another version is intense with the guitars, drums, strings, organ and rhodes piano.
Don't like happy sounding music all the time because I can't always relate to that feeling.
A local radio station just played this song lol.
bruh lmao
The snitch among us
@@mortis5651 no one
@@Tomani02 México, mejor país
MikeYT Studios I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes?
Trying to use these videos as study music, but it makes me want to stop and play persona 5 instead lol.
Try beneath the mask
@@firepuppies4086 Instrumental or vocal version?
@@Mechassault_Man both work, but rain is amazing
Right as you finally finish the palace you have a exam
Makoto: Never forget this feeling
Im really feeling it
Shiho almost lost all of her feeling
[Spawn] You make me sad.
Blame Makoto for doing absolutely nothing to help
God damn, I love this track!
Any of you guys wanna rob a bank?
let me grab a motercycle, several stylish masks, an armory and an interdimensional traveling cat with a sword and we'll be set.
Hell yeah! Everybody gets codenames!
I will call you 'bebe',that sounds a kinda gay, but whatever XD
I'll bring the back-alley drugs
gamerdude7576 dude you forgot the air soft guns and play weapons. Gonna need those as well.
I like how Makoto alluded to him being a fly by saying that she'd "squash him like a fly" back when she was awakening to her Persona.
Cute pfp :)
@@PersonaofWill I know my reply is pretty late, but thanks!
@@CeruleanHee-ho it's okay and I subscribed to you 😎
Considering she never once left the team after joining my party (since heavens above she could probably solo the final boss)... she did do just that!
This was the first palace theme that I felt compelled to hum as I ran through it. This game's music is phenomenal.
For the curious, the instrument you're looking for is called a stylophone.
I spent years wondering what the hell it was. Now I hope to ease the burden of my fellow curious brethren.
You're welcome.
It is a stylophone because you gotta have style to be in a Persona game.
Nah, it's a zurna.
@@TheCactuar124 Damnit I can't think of a pun for that
I'm still going to call it a kazoo
Its a zurna
2016: How on Earth will Shoji Meguro top his hits of Persona 4? It's not possible!
Shoji Meguro: Hold my sake and watch this...
imagine Persona 6...
Imagine Shin Megami Tensei 5
Also Persona 3 has the best OST in the series
@@lordofhostsappreciator3075 nigga stop this bullshit and be greatful something like MegaTen exists, Spin-off or not
All videogame heists should play this song.
*Gets stylishly kicked to death by cloakers*
skytop082 good old pay day 2
Sly Cooper
The action IS the juice
The music is what's really pushing me through this long game. Along with the art and I'm enjoying it so much. Every piece of art and music in this game is fantastic. This game is so cool and stylish. I disliked Makoto at first but man did she come around and stop listening to the people trying to program her mind!
Michael Chiaromonte same here. Now Makoto is best girl
no, Futaba is best grill.
Makoto is best waifu.
alexis bosques Haru Best Girl
alexis bosques No, Lala is best goirl
Why y'all spelling daddy Sojiro wrong? Best girl right there.
yeah this track is pretty go-
I love them, it's just as pathetic as the Palace's owner.
it's good nic cage
KaijiSan4 what
Its kinda annoying
Okay KaijiSan4.
First I dealt with a teacher, then a famous artist and now in the game I'm going after (This is what he calls himself) a mafia boss! This game is getting intense!
You then deal with a suicidal girl whose Shadow actually helps her, a corrupt CEO who moonlights as Marvin the Vader (whom is murdered), the prosecutor who's been questioning you on all of this, a power-hungry politician trying to Hitler his way to the top, and then a fake god that you fight on Christmas Eve.
Nich White and all the girlfriends you have in valentine
@@marcogarcia7944 That's the secret superboss. It's ridiculously tough, though, so don't try it.
Nich White i saved myself from termination by being loyal to hifumi
Wdym, you weren't there for Kaneshiro's castle lmao
This is my JAMM
Daniel Alejandro Mora Bevaqua AND MY BUTTER!
The lost Legend And my axe.
Daniel Alejandro Mora Bevaqua youre hot
Sly Cooper meets Persona
[TLG] Grovyle Media™ eeehhhyyyyy
Playstation All Stars 2
Sly vs Joker
[TLG] Grovyle Media™ they have similarities.
Tbh Persona 5 is pretty much Japanese Sly Cooper but much better.
Tbh I hope they do a Playstation All Stars 2 and have a map meld of Paris and the Bank while the themes play off each other.
This is such a perfect atmospheric song for the type of place Kaneshiro's palace is set in. When I first heard it I just smiled to myself at how awesome the song was. I'm 78 hours in and this is still my favourite song in the game and it will probabaly remain that way
senpai noticed you best girl
Makoto is best girl
Just as an afterthought, they should play this theme when the player is repeatedly asking the shadow for money :D
"I see that greedy look in your eyes"
-> You can do better than that.
That's enough.
Then everyone would be asking for money
The part where you knock them all down and it says hold up, last surprise stops playing and it kills my vibe
"Thats kinda shady"
This is the only palace music that legitimately feels like you're going on a heist.
Yeah, combine that with the fact the Palace is a bank.
yeah you're a Phantom Thief in a Bank.
This loop is seriously clean.
I gotta say this dungeon had the best before boss cutscene(except awakenings) in the whole game.The way kaneshiro was talking all hip made me chuckle.
- Enjoyable dungeon since we're thieves.
- Catchy music, compared to the previous two dungeons.
- Best girl, damn hot in that outfit.
- A bike Persona, that's undeniable cool.
- Cliche boss fight, he uses a robot for second phase.
I really loved the Bank Palace.
Not to mention her awakening scene and ultimate persona are the best.
Shadowflutter196 Come on Piggytron is best boss
wouldn't exactly call a robotic piggy bank cliche, but I do agree to a lot of these points. Makoto's definitely my top fighter in my runs, and her awakening was the most badass thing I saw in the game (to me, not even Satanael's advent could compare). And I do agree that her outfit is amazing (hell, I'm even planning to cosplay it), but in terms of romance options, she's just not my type =/
I thought he was a pretty boring looking boss, plus, he kept screwing me over on hard mode because my party was way too weak. Still a fun palace though with one of the best tunes in the game.
i found this one to be the most annoying because there were a crapload of shadows and not many safe rooms
and those god fucking awful rakshasa things, oh my god they were so resilient
Funkiest bank robbery I've ever took part in.
Next your going to Egypt 😀(Futabas Palace)
@@Sofia-k7m2omy least favourite palace lmfao
@@justmiyalmao let me introduce you to a certain futuristic spaceport
You can literally hear the amount of fun the musicians are having playing this song.
I had this one stuck in my head for like a year
Makoto is my favorite character, due to her cute design badass appearance in battle, the semi-leadership role she takes, and how realateable her conflict is regarding her need to keep up on her studies just for the sake of her studies, regardless of whether she has any direction in her life. A lot of people, especially teenagers, feel that they need to smart out of obligation, so seeing Makoto struggle with and break out of that mindset was extremely carthatic and endearing. Keep on being awesome, Makoto.
She has my problem honestly. Idk what to do with my life yet, but I have to succeed. That's all I know.
@@plaidhatter1674 That's why maxing out her confidant is so satisfying. She finds direction in her studies too.
@@plaidhatter1674 No you don't. You just have to eat, drink and sleep. Everything else is just something imposed to you from the society
The mask makes her look like she has one gigantic Sonic the Hedgehog eye lol
Makoto's overrated to me. Just saying.
*Makoto Awakens*
Everyone: Wow, Makoto is so scary
Me: I think I'm in love.
@@gablink5190 FISTS OF JUSTICE
here come the makoto fantards
Makoto: Do you want to get smacked?!
Me: Yes please...
Who didn’t like this song the first time they listened to it, but did every time after?
Me definitely
Had to dust off my bass after hearing my jam
Allcoolnamesbetook If you do a cover of this please let me know
Don't really have the gear for a good cover, but I might do a tutorial thingy soon since nobody else has. I'll let you know.
i read "i had to dust off my balls after hearing my jam"
Allcoolnamesbetook I feel ya. Had to dust off my geedy lee signature
Why does this sound like the most badass elevator ride in existence
It's been 6 yrs.... Time really doesn't stop
I still believe that Rider was a better alias than Queen
I dont know why but this has become my go to study session song
SuP miSS pOSt apOCalyptiC raiDeR
Do you wanna get puched?
Fist of the Phantom Star?
@@fishecake2794 ah Royal
so sad that got removed in royal
Swiss miss, instant piss
This soundtrack, this god damn soundtrack is what got me into Persona. God I love the bank palace.
P5 OST is just so mint, even after all this time.
This is the first thing that comes up if you just search "Price" *I'm so proud*
Yusuke: A persona ?
Ryuji: No, it's a bike !
Makoto is so much better than every other girl in the game
The_Pedro They made up for it by giving her more focus in this game.
FemRobocop confirmed
I think if you got through her persona unlock scene without screaming FUCK YEAH THAT WAS BADASS that you should check your pulse
Timeghost Any sane person would prefer Makoto or futaba over all the girls.
If anyone from Atlus is reading this, I have one question I need to ask.
When are we getting Persona 5: Dancing All Night?
Hopefully never.
Persona 5: Dancing all Day.
Persona 5 Platinum, now on a portable console.
actually, I would love to have P5 on vita....
Wielkimati remote play is a thing
And dont forgot guys....
sho taiyo meseyo
Wow the replies/comments are all years apart.
Will this chain stay together or break apart? Who knows. 😎.
And then I immediately regret them showing their true form because they are more powerful than me...
Getting to this palace and hearing this music, was the point for me where the game really takes off and becomes incredible. I was completely hooked on this game and always wanted to keep playing to find out what happens next.
Most people favorite Sae's or Futaba's palace, but Kaneshiro is a personal favorite of mine. Makoto's awakening was epic and the shadow Kaneshiro was the most amusing to me, as he was a fly and gave off "hey I'm a cool guy don't mess with me" hand gestures. Also the palace itself was interesting as we get introduced to shadow dogs and the code puzzles. Man this is such a good game!
oh hey a million views
AbsurdOrpheus A million of people knew what real justice is.
The kazoo is strong in us all
500k views are prolly mine Kappa
See you again at 2 million.
Looking cool joker!
This is the best Palace theme so far, bar none. Granted, I think "Life Will Change (Instrumental)" and "Blooming Villain" are better songs but this one is so fucking good, too. The OST of this game is truly a wonder to behold and I'm lucky to be alive right now to experience it.
I can agree, this track was funky as fuck and just felt really fitting for the game itself. I love it.
I really enjoy the 5th dungeon theme too, but this one is soo fantastic. It helps that it's paired up with best girl.
I am as of now undecided on the subject of Best Girl. Makoto, Hifumi, and Futaba are all in the running. lol
The girls in this game are really good. xD But Makoto is still best girl.
I agree, Makoto won over all the others when I played. She truly is something else.
This theme and Ark just fit soooooo well in their palaces it gives me chills.
Ryuji: I think I cracked my ass
Yusuke: Is yours cracked Ann?
Makoto: I S N T I T S U P P O S E D T O B E T H O U G H?
Ann: (Kamoshida's flashbacks)
Me: DAMN!!! (Makoto became waifu #1 after that)
I like that line because that's _literally a _*_Persona 4 reference-_*
@@GearTech147 It is? Please remind me it's been ages since P4 for me.
@@TheMetalGaia It is. When they first enter the TV world, I'm pretty sure Yosuke says the exact same thing.
@@GearTech147 That's awesome!
I mean the tail bone so...
Thank you for extending this track, I have added it to my programming playlist.
I complete Kaneshiros Palace the other day (Yes I started P5R when it released everywhere) and good damn I'm gonna miss this theme. Thank god the Thieves Den exists
I was chatting with an old friend tonight at a dinner get together party my family had about Persona 5 and Royal, and we both know we LOVE this soundtrack. Always been one of my favs!!!
This theme is still hands down one of my favorites. Its just a vibe
This hits hard for absolutely no reason. HOW DOES THIS SOUND GOOD???!?
Man if only real banks had awesome music like this playing I'd visit them more often.
so you could rob them?
No way
Pommy Zenobia The police are on their way they'd like a word
*A balloon dummy was all they found*
If only actual stores in town played music this cool, maybe I'd ~visit~ them
Best theme for Best girl.
VinylSolution I know that's right.
Is Kaneshiro your best girl?
Pariston Indeed. Everyone just LOVES an overweight, insecure, money-grubbing, wannabe Mafioso bully, right? But Lala Escargo outclasses all the girls and guys when it comes to "best girl" material. XD
he said it was her theme because this is when makoto is playable... oh spoilerssssss
No Shido is best girl
I dunno why but I felt when I first saw Makoto in the trailer, I thought she'd be a separate Persona user chasing the Phantom Thieves
...despite the fact that same trailer shows her working WITH the Phantom Thieves?
welp about "chasing the phantom thieves" thing you are not wrong.
ur not entirely wrong...before her awakening..she did have the task of hunting them down...and she was even successful
That’s why we hav Ak-- ahem, um nevermind. Sorry.
Akihiko is chasing the Phantom thieves!?
(I know who it actually is Leave me alone)
this is seriously too good. absolute top tire music
This game is a masterpiece!
Anyone else notice how Makoto(Queen)'s hairstyle combined with her mask makes it look like she's got a motorcycle helmet on at all times?
This theme really gives off a nice type of "dealing with the mafia" atmosphere. Hard to explain, but this was one of my favorite OSTs in the game.
Those percussions make it feel like it's Mission Impossible, I love it
Words alone can't describe how much I love this theme.
This might just be the best song ever.
She's got the biker outfit complete with spikes, motorcycle persona, uses unarmed attacks, Nuclear skills, and was generally a badass when in the spotlight of the main story.
Her combat role is Heal/Support, and unlike the other heal/support (Morgana) she's the one that gets defense-increasing skills.
That really threw me for a loop when I found out.
As soon as I saw the first set of skills, I took a screenshot of the party, paused the game, zoomed in on Morgana, and screamed "Good Riddance!".
@@plaidhatter1674 Dick move tbh. Morgana's already started feeling useless at this point. And I know how that feels. So unlike most of the universe, I don't hate him.
Besides... I'm pretty sure Morgana's a damn good deal more important than some random generic waifu material, being the literal embodiment of everyone's hope and all.
Thank you so much, Makoto Nijima, for directing the Phantom Thieves at this lardass.
He was undoubtedly the least ambiguously evil of our targets, and he is the one who made us household names.
We saved a lot of students from being caught up in illegal drug trade and took down a guy even the police knew was guilty as hell.
But most of all, because the song we encountered inside of his cognition was so damn catchy! Now I want to go back!
This is my favorite palace theme in the game. It just captures everything so perfectly. The witty dialogue, the heist itself, and the environment! Love Shoji Meguro to death!
Listening to this song is gonna make me replay this game again.
Wait for p5r
Metal rider, red eyes, ninja scarf, pistol wielding, aikido, nuclear attacks, etc... Makoto is easily the coolest persona character ever made. Her "real life" attire and personality are not super unique, but goddamn she is the coolest metaverse character by really far, badass
She is perfect to me 👀
@@wintermelon6390 The Thighs of Justice
She’s got a lot in common with Claire Redfield and that is a great thing.
The Theme of rushing trough the whole Palace in a day
Price is my favourite song of the entire Persona series, I can't hear it enough
Easily my favorite palace theme. I always lingered for a while at the entrance to the bank whenever I went to the Velvet Room just so I could listen to the song for a little longer. I never thought an oboe (I think it's an oboe, at least, I could very well be wrong), of all things, could carry an awesome song so well.
Believe someone said it's called a stylophone
POV the music that plays when you enter economics class:
This comment hits different
This games sound track is something truly special....... its got some incredible progressive rock and jazz fusion in it that one would not expect to see from a JRPG like this.
The real Phantom Thief of Hearts here is that BASS LINE
For some reason, I thought of Shadow Kaneshiro dancing shirtless to this.
And then I promptly killed myself by pouring bleach into my brain. I'm a vengeful ghost now, I'm gonna make all of ya suffer the way I did.
John Veltman Why...
"Shadow Kaneshiro dancing shirtless to this"
I exactly know to what I will fap tonight.
Nihil Ego your profile picture .... sigh
Matheo1121 Charmed ?
Nihil Ego sure am ...
Music sounds like: deet dat doo deet dat doo beedooby doo dooby dooby dOOby dooby doo doo
Omg the part this comment describes came on as i read it and i followed along. you got everything completely right, good job!
I always remember about money when I listen to this song, and always remember about this song everytime I think about money...
Nao not as much as keeper of lust though.
I may not like Makoto very much, but I loved that she lead to Kaneshiro's palace. This song's fantastic.
Joker joined Smash!
Id be really happy if makoto got in even as a spirit.
Aaron the best possible outcome is if jokers skins are like bowser jr’s
but ig that’s too much to ask
@@saigaane even better she appears in the background of the mementos stage and appears in his final smash along with everyone else except akechi and she's a spirit
who is here after that RT video?
What’s the rt video
I couldn’t be the only person trying to sync Jokers run with the drums
Kristian R Ah shit it’s stuck in my head know..
Those low-key drums, I never noticed until listening with headphones.
I wish this theme played throughout the entire palace. The second song is okay but this song blows it outta the water
Man why is this theme so good to listen to.
i can't stop jamming to this man.
This is my jam! Best OST of the decade with NieR: Automata as an equal.
Makoto Niijima P5, P4, and undertale all had my favorite soundtracks of last decade. I guess I’ll count Minecraft too for that matter
And both games feature Cherami Leigh not a coincidence rip Bryce Papenbrooks career
Its physically impossible to stay still when Price comes on
This theme has no right to be this good
A base line this good should not be allowed holy fuck
This song really makes me *FEEL* Like Best Girl
My middle eastern ass recognized the zurna sound immediately lol
Really loves the awakening scene and this bgm really pump me to finish this palace in one swoop. Go wild johanna!!