ETDA (East Timor Development Agency)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ส.ค. 2021
  • Ita Nia ETDA
    Formasaun kontinua. Kapasitasaun. Treinamentu ho Kualidade. Fortalesimentu. Sustentabilidade.
    ETDA harii iha Dili (2000). ETDA esforsa hodi hametin kapasidade timoroan hodi buka vidamoris, hodi hanesan ne’e sira bele dezempeña papel integral, ativu no koordenadu ba dezenvolvimentu Nasaun nian.
    ETDA hanesan organizasaun ONG independente, sein fim lukrativu ne’ebe oferese treinamentu no orientasaun iha area importantes. Timoroan deit maka kaer, ETDA governa husi Konsellu Administrasaun no mos simu konsellu professional husi pares internasional ne’ebe sira fahe sira nia koñesimentu no kompeténsia ba sira nia kolegas timoroan.
    Life-Long Learning, Capacity-Building, Quality Training, Empowerment, Sustainability.
    ETDA was established in Dili in 2000. It strives to strengthen the capacity of the Timorese people to earn a livelihood and therefore play an integral, active and co-ordinated role in the development of their Nation.
    It is an independent, not-for-profit NGO that provides training and guidance in a range of vital areas. Led, managed and operated by East Timorese, ETDA is governed by a Board of Directors and also receives valuable professional advice from international peers who share their knowledge and skills with their Timorese colleagues.
    Rua Komunal (ETDA), Dili, Timor-Leste
    +670 77574616,,
    ETDA Timor-Leste, ETDA Education Restaurant

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