This show is done really well. I don't like Gloria Tang at all. But she did a great Job in this show. But then again it's the editing as well. The Romance is done well and not cringey at all. The ending I can understand some people won't like it. I admit it's not fabulous,but it's acceptable and better than most other BS tvb endings. The only thing I would change is Moon Lau and replace her with someone else. Moon Lau looks shit and she's a crap actress.
@@troublesome1101 Well yea ofc he died in the main timeline. He also died in the story that the lawyer dude made up, which was the revealed at the end. Basically 95% of what watched was him telling a story, what if he back in time. He wrote it and posted it online.
@@PsyQoBoy Wow it's even worse than I expected they made an entire show on fictional story written by one of characters 😑 😒...anyway like most tvb drama the main guy dies in the end typical
@@troublesome1101 Well you kinda have to watch it to get why the MC did what he did. Like I said, it could've gone multiple ways. You can't just judge an ending and call it crap. There's alot more heart in it. He's death is not random and he made a decision. Which is rare for TVB. Normally TVB just makes some random shit up and the baddie dies randomly. The Story Ending in the Story is acceptable. The final final ending where the baddie crashes the car and gets jailed. It's kinda lame, by hey the main story ended so I don't really care about that part. Look if you compare this to alot of other TVB drama it's alot better. Compared to the other ones that just came out it's more intense and emotional. Line Watchers I managed to watch 10 episodes but it's boring as well. That kids saves lives, it's another dead beat medical drama. Very flat.
這套戲其實幾好看, 你可能會話佢誇張左點; 但係人生好多時你諗唔到, 前陣子個場巴士車禍個男仔踢完波回家, 咁就冇左條命. "無常"所以我們先會去珍惜.
Overall, 个个演员做得好好, 故事讯息正確
最誇張嘅就係阿Shaun墮樓慘死,Gloria就比車撞死 9:28
有幾誇張??人生好多時你諗唔到, 前陣子個場車禍個男仔踢完波回家, 咁就冇左條命. 無常所以我們先會去珍惜.
I want to pay off my respects to your brother and sister in law.
9:53 其實佢哋唔知道康永仁因為抄車已經死咗黃永亮就走佬著草離開咗香港 8:39 8:46
@@waileung2589 我覺得係時光透過某途徑知道史東係康永仁手下,寫咗入筆記,寶劍就加插咗段虛構嘅調查令小說好睇D
@@waileung2589 有交代,紫山話佢半身不遂然後被判終身監禁!係真係有史東,應該小說寫得接近現實,可能筱筱真係佢殺嘅...所以佢先想搵個作者出嚟!
This show is done really well. I don't like Gloria Tang at all. But she did a great Job in this show. But then again it's the editing as well.
The Romance is done well and not cringey at all. The ending I can understand some people won't like it. I admit it's not fabulous,but it's acceptable and better than most other BS tvb endings.
The only thing I would change is Moon Lau and replace her with someone else. Moon Lau looks shit and she's a crap actress.
Did the lead die??
@@troublesome1101 Well yea ofc he died in the main timeline. He also died in the story that the lawyer dude made up, which was the revealed at the end. Basically 95% of what watched was him telling a story, what if he back in time. He wrote it and posted it online.
@@PsyQoBoy Wow it's even worse than I expected they made an entire show on fictional story written by one of characters 😑 😒...anyway like most tvb drama the main guy dies in the end typical
@@troublesome1101 Well you kinda have to watch it to get why the MC did what he did. Like I said, it could've gone multiple ways. You can't just judge an ending and call it crap.
There's alot more heart in it. He's death is not random and he made a decision. Which is rare for TVB. Normally TVB just makes some random shit up and the baddie dies randomly.
The Story Ending in the Story is acceptable. The final final ending where the baddie crashes the car and gets jailed. It's kinda lame, by hey the main story ended so I don't really care about that part.
Look if you compare this to alot of other TVB drama it's alot better. Compared to the other ones that just came out it's more intense and emotional.
Line Watchers I managed to watch 10 episodes but it's boring as well. That kids saves lives, it's another dead beat medical drama. Very flat.