Dec26 '24: To 'ell With Culture! Sir Herbert Read magical Puget Sound 'n' Seattle tour © A K Segan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ม.ค. 2025
  • The website of artist and guest tolerance educator A K Segan:
    Note: This video can be viewed by viewers of all ages. The artist has guest taught children, with his Tolerance Education with Art power-point classes; frequently followed with his facilitating his Drawing-for-Healing art therapy - oriented workshop, with classes of school pupils ages 4 and up, older children, adolescents, teens in schools in six U.S. states, and with adult audiences in 7 states. He has guest taught all age audiences in Britain. He has guest education majors (student teachers-in-training) at university classes in Illinois, England; guest taught teachers at a secondary school, Hod Ha’sharon, Israel; has guest taught at the School of Social Work, Haifa Univ.; and taught classes of M.A. Art Therapy students, Arts Therapies program, Haifa University, Israel; facilitated workshops at three International Conferences on the Holocaust & Education (Oct. 1999, April 2002, May 2006), at the International School for Holocaust Education, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.
    This video can be viewed by any age pets: hairball-ejector creatures (aka cats, errrrr, screecher-creatures); birds, e.g. parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, canaries; poochies; rabbits, aquarium fish, e.g. gefilte fishlettes, lutefisklettes, goldfishies, guppies, miniature trout, pocket-sized mantra rays, Las Vegas pool sharks, Monte Carlo card sharks, etc.
    The artwork:
    To 'ell with Culture! Sir Herbert Read's Magical Mystery Tour of Seattle and Puget Sound of my Artistic Imagination!
    Art: 1990, 2015, 2016, 2024.
    Paper size: 23.5 inches H x 25 W. [59.69 H x 63.5 W]
    Media: Pencil, ink, watercolor, colored pencil; black thread stitching on 4
    In this video American artist & tolerance educator Akiva K. Segan shows a drawing comprised of pencil sketches made fall 1972 - for a proposed mural - on the history of life on earth - and how he reinterpreted some of the images in the sketches in & around a double portrait of Sir Herbert Read in 2015, 2016 and made some additional changes in 2024.
    The drawing includes several 1900 drawn pencil sketches of barges, boats, sailboats, et al on Puget Sound, drawn from direct observation.
    On December 25, 2024 I separated the drawing from a board it was mounted on. Three small sections of paper tore in the process, so I mounted pieces of paper on the back of those areas. On Dec. 26, 2025 I did new ink drawing on the front (drawing) side of those sections.
    Sir Herbert Read was a British art historian. He was born on Dec. 4, 1893 in Muscoates, North Riding of Yorkshire, England. He died age 74, June 12, 1968 in Stonegrove, North Riding of Yorkshire.
    Among other works that Read wrote which Segan enjoyed reading in 1974: To Hell with Culture (pub.1963); and The Redemption of the Robot (pub. 1966).
    In spring 1974 Segan completed his freshman year of college at Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois, and that Sept. he began his sophomore year at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
    Exhibits: 2016, "Washington - It's Our Waters." Group show, Seattle Convention Center .
    Art, video © A K Segan

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