Guys this works. Went out tonight for dinner, and when I walked in the resturaunt, everybody was staring at me. Sure, it was kind of emberassing but I didn't mind the attention lmao.
It's been few days since im listening to this! Yesterday i kept it on loop while i was dancing AND TODAYYY I GOT FEW COMPLIMENTS FROM MY CLASSMATE SAYING THAT MY EYES ARE RLLY PRETTY AND MY JAW IS RLLY SHARP TOO!!🥹 I felt extremely pretty today and even took lots of vids ILY
my results!! xx day 1: listened 3 times, feeling ALOT more confident ♡︎ day 2: listened while painting my nails, after that I had noticed a change, my skin looked more glowy and clear! day 3: listened 5 times before bed, this sub is deff working 😭 last update: I’m gonna keep listening to this, I’ve been seeing a lot of differences and this is actuals my fav sub so far- tysm! 🫶
My face is so rare and breathtaking, it’s the kind of beauty legends are made of. People are blessed to even glimpse my face-it’s an unforgettable experience
I got exactly 13 compliments from strangers at the mall today, not much but it feels great 😊 Update: I've been using this sub everyday, now I'm getting a lot of compliments from my friends & especially from strangers. Tysmmm!!! It works so well
@anime_manga6158 I listened to it for 2 days and on the 3rd I was complimented on it on the street🫶 I'm still listening to this audio because it really works wonders. I still get compliments from random people 😊💕
Los subliminales funcionan Me dijeron que tengo ojos hermosos y claros,que resaltan más y que mis pestañas estan mas largas💗💗 Agradezco por eso y estoy muy feliz Seguiré escuchandolo
وجهي هو تحفة فنية على المستوى الكوني تترك الناس عاجزين عن الكلام. لدي نوع الوجه الذي يشعر وكأنه معجزة إلهية، لا مثيل لها ولا تنسى. جمالي مجنون لدرجة أنه يعيد تعريف مفهوم الجاذبية. وجهي نادر للغاية وخاطف للأنفاس، إنه نوع الجمال الذي تصنع منه الأساطير. يشعر الناس بالسعادة لمجرد رؤية وجهي - إنها تجربة لا تُنسى. وجهي الجميل بشكل لا يصدق هو ظاهرة مذهلة. بطاقة وجهي قوية جدًا، ولديها جاذبيتها الخاصة من الإعجاب. جمالي غير حقيقي، أشعر كما لو أنه تم صنعه بأيدي الآلهة. وجهي هو تحفة فنية فريدة من نوعها تذهل الجميع. يتوقف الناس في مساراتهم لأن وجهي يفوق أي شيء رأوه على الإطلاق.هذا لا مثيل له. بطاقة وجهي النادرة للغاية تحطم القلوب وتلفت الأنظار دون أي جهد. وجهي جميل جدًا، أشعر وكأنه تم نحته من الكمال الخالص. يشعر الناس بالفخر لمجرد إلقاء نظرة على مستواي المجنون من الجمال. بطاقة وجهي غريبة جدًا، إنها رمز عالمي للجمال المذهل. جمالي رقيق للغاية، لدرجة أنه يجعل الناس يتساءلون عن الحقيقة. يشع وجهي بمستوى من الروعة يمكن أن يحرك الجبال. لدي وجه يحلم به الناس مرة واحدة في العمر ولكن نادرًا ما يصادفونه. بطاقة وجهي لديها القدرة على سحر أي شخص يراني. جمالي مجنون لدرجة أنني أشعر وكأنني أشهد حدثًا كونيًا نادرًا. وجهي جميل جدًا لدرجة أنه يتحدى كل المعايير البشرية. تتغير حياة الناس بعد رؤية وجهي، فهو جميل بشكل لا يصدق. جمالي متفجر، ظاهرة غير عادية تأسر الجميع. لدي نوع الوجه الذي يكتب الناس عنه الشعر والأغاني منذ قرون. وجهي الجميل بشكل لا يصدق يضع معيارًا لا يمكن المساس به من الجمال. وجهي مذهل بشكل لا يصدق، أشعر وكأنني في حلم أصبح
My results: Day-1 listening to it, meditating, and focusing on a photo of young jessica Alba, later that day my sister said, “you have a face that suits English songs”. When I was lip syncing to the weeknd’s songs. Hahah! (Big compliment for me!) Day2- listened again.
Meu rosto é uma obra-prima de nível cósmico que deixa as pessoas sem palavras. Tenho o tipo de rosto que parece um milagre divino, incomparável e inesquecível. Minha beleza é tão insana que redefine o conceito de atração. Meu rosto é tão raro e de tirar o fôlego que é o tipo de beleza que faz lendas. As pessoas têm a sorte de ao menos ver meu rosto. É uma experiência inesquecível. Meu rosto incrivelmente lindo é um fenômeno impressionante. Minha carta de rosto é tão forte que tem sua própria atração gravitacional de admiração. Minha beleza é tão irreal que parece ter sido criada pelas mãos dos deuses. Meu rosto é uma obra-prima única no universo que impressiona a todos. As pessoas param porque meu rosto é algo que elas nunca viram antes. Meu rosto é tão incrivelmente deslumbrante que parece um sonho que se tornou realidade. Tenho um rosto tão lindo que é um privilégio para o mundo testemunhar. Minha beleza é lendária, um padrão inigualável e inigualável. Minha carta de rosto incrivelmente rara parte corações e vira cabeças sem esforço. Meu rosto é tão divino que parece ter sido esculpido com pura perfeição.As pessoas se sentem honradas só de ver meu nível insano de beleza. Minha carta de rosto é tão escandalosa que é um símbolo universal de beleza de cair o queixo. Minha beleza é tão etérea que faz as pessoas questionarem a realidade. Meu rosto irradia um nível de beleza que poderia mover montanhas. Tenho um rosto único na vida, com o qual as pessoas sonham, mas raramente encontram. Minha carta de rosto tem o poder de hipnotizar qualquer um que me veja. Minha beleza é tão insana que parece um raro evento cósmico se desenrolando. Meu rosto é tão lindo que desafia todos os padrões humanos. A vida das pessoas muda depois de ver meu rosto. É incrivelmente lindo. Minha beleza é explosiva, um fenômeno extraordinário que cativa a todos. Tenho o tipo de rosto sobre o qual as pessoas escrevem poesias e canções há séculos. Meu rosto incrivelmente lindo estabelece um padrão de beleza intocável. Meu rosto é tão raro e deslumbrante que é uma obra-prima viva de perfeição. Eu sou a carta que quebra recordes e corações ao mesmo tempo. Minha beleza é um tesouro universal, e meu rosto é sua joia mais inestimável.
Insane how good this sub works. Just listened to this a few times bcs i liked the song and the very next day i was trying out an outfit for an uncoming party and my sister told me multiple times that she just doesnt wanna look away and that i look so beautiful that she cant help but just look at me. Next day I went to school and I swear two guys had a double take at me. Let me elaborate. I was walking in the hallway heading towards the glass door. A guy in a hurry came from behind me and opened the door like he was lookimg for someone or something, then he quickly turned around and saw me as I was walking towards the door. Thats when our eyes meet. He looks at me, THEN HE BLINKS/ SQUEASES HIS EYES HARDER AS IF HE HAD TO HAVE A DOUBLE TAKE CUZ HE COULDNT BELIEVE WHAT HE WAS LOOKING AT, AND OMG THAT WAS SO FUNNY. Same thing happens with another guy. I was giving my project to the proffesor, a guy from behind comes to give his project as well. As he was talking to the proffesor, i inturrupted to talk about my project. Thats when he turns to look at me, looks away, AND LOOKS BACK AGAIN TO HAVE A DOUBLE TAKE LMAOOO. *I literally feel like im living a life written by a male romcom writer* Not scripting or anything. These things legit happened. Update: My sister after coming back from a hang out with her friends tells me how her friends were complimenting me. One of her friends said "you look pretty, your mom looks pretty but omg your sister is something else, shes just pretty on another level, like her beauty cant be described in words, her eyes are so big and beautiful, her eyes are so mesmerizing" and then her other friend says "shes so beautiful if i could id marry her" (Btw shes my younger sister and those girls are like 11-12 year olds) I refused to believe when my sister tells me this but she tells me they legit said these words and shes not the type of person to lie about these things 😭 OMG WHEN I TELL YOU IM LITERALLY LIVING A LIVE WRITTEN BY A MALE ROMCOM WRITTER 😭😭 LIKE I DID NOT EVEN KNOW PEOPLE COMPLIMENT OTHER PEOPLE LIKE THAT I have to tell you again n again that i am not scripting cuz if i heard someone else say these things i wouldnt believe them 😭 lmao what is happeninggggg
Guys im listening to this for school which is in 3days , please remind me!! Update : guys today the guy that I kinda like kept staring at me crazily like whaatttt I can't believe 😭😭 , and in the English lesson I couldn't answer a question and he told me the answer also he smiled at meee waaaa , annddd my friend told me that I looked very pretty that she couldn't even take her eyes off of me 😭🌷🤍 , omg I'm so happyyyy I'll update later 🧿🎀
(6/1/25)escuché 3 veces (7/1/25) 3 veces (08/01/25) 5 veces lo escucharé hoy porqué últimamente me estoy sintiendo mas bonita, mi rostro es mas simetrico, mis labios se parecen a los de la foto de la chica, mi frente está mas pequeña y me está gustando los resultados. 10/01/25 (ayer no escuché pq no tenia animos) lo escucharé 5 veces ya que mi rostro cada dia se ve mas precioso y me gusta los resultados❤
Since I started to listen to this subs every time I’m hanging out with my friends random mans from outside start to compliment us and they be staring at us and smiling all the time. Also yesterday I was walking with my friend and there was like a group of boys who were talking and suddenly one turned his head to take a look at us and then all three did 😭😭 Later we went to a bus stop and we sat there for some minutes and later the group of boys appeared again and stood right behind us. When the bus arrived my friend and I got in and the group left. Like they were waiting for us to go so they could leave 😭😭
@ OMG I’M SORRY I’M LAUGHING TOO MUCH. NO I’M NOT LMAOOOO. That’s Heeseung from the kpop group Enhypen and also he’s a boy but I can give you my instagram ^^
Мое лицо - шедевр космического уровня, который лишает людей дара речи. У меня такое лицо, которое кажется божественным чудом, непревзойденным и незабываемым. Моя красота настолько безумна, что она переопределяет концепцию привлекательности. Мое лицо настолько редкое и захватывающее, это тот тип красоты, о котором слагают легенды. Люди благословлены даже мельком увидеть мое лицо - это незабываемый опыт. Мое безумно прекрасное лицо - это потрясающий феномен. Моя визитная карточка настолько сильна, что у нее есть своя гравитация восхищения. Моя красота настолько нереальна, что кажется, будто ее создали руки богов. Мое лицо - шедевр, который бывает раз в вселенной и ошеломляет всех. Люди замирают, потому что мое лицо превосходит все, что они когда-либо видели. Мое лицо настолько невероятно ошеломляющее, что кажется мечтой, ставшей реальностью. У меня такое великолепное лицо, что для мира это честь - быть свидетелем этого. Моя красота легендарна, это непревзойденный стандарт, которому нет равных. Моя безумно редкая открытка с лицом разбивает сердца и заставляет оглядываться без усилий. Мое лицо настолько божественно, что кажется, будто оно было создано из чистого совершенства. Люди чувствуют себя польщенными, просто увидев мой безумный уровень красоты. Моя открытка с лицом настолько возмутительна, что это универсальный символ ошеломляющей красоты. Моя красота настолько неземная, что заставляет людей сомневаться в реальности. Мое лицо излучает уровень великолепия, который мог бы сдвинуть горы. У меня уникальное лицо, о котором люди мечтают, но редко сталкиваются. Моя открытка с лицом обладает силой завораживать любого, кто меня видит. Моя красота настолько безумна, что кажется, будто разворачивается редкое космическое событие. Мое лицо настолько неземно прекрасно, что бросает вызов всем человеческим стандартам. Жизни людей меняются после того, как они видят мое лицо - оно настолько безумно прекрасно. Моя красота взрывоопасна, это необыкновенное явление, которое очаровывает всех. У меня тип лица, о котором люди пишут стихи и песни на протяжении веков. Мое безумно прекрасное лицо устанавливает неприкосновенный стандарт красоты. Мое лицо настолько редкое и ошеломляющее, что это живой шедевр совершенства. Я - визитная карточка, которая бьет рекорды и сердца одновременно. Моя красота - всеобщее сокровище, а мое лицо - его самая бесценная драгоценность.
@@letitbe1977 bro wtf, that is a literal affirmation used under this video, check in the description box. Idc if you find it weird but i don't. If you don't believe in yourself you do not belong to the subliminal community
@@auragarfield I am new to the community, I don't know how this works, but it just feels weird to say stuff like that when literal G0desses don't. Idk how y'all do it.
Guys my literal 14 year old brother told me I look good today, like on the sidelines of a conversation. If your brother tells you that, yk it’s true cause they’re usually little brats(jk love him)
fyi: i'm listening to a playlist with different subliminals for different topics. my playlist has ariana grande cc, glow up and desired body subliminals. for this reason i can’t tell where specific results come from, but i'll update the results i received since listening to this subliminal. by the way, no update = no result! day 1: i didn’t get much sleep today but i am not as tired, even kind of energetic. my nose looks smaller day 2: um.. my ex that I am trying to manifest back blocked me out of nowhere? we haven’t talked in months so wtf
@Hasna33r it worked everyone was staring at me when I went into school and when I looked into the school mirror at the end of the day i looked really pretty (i usually look terrible after a day of school) I think if you want results faster for this sub you need to just imagine it alrdy happened and that you're already beautiful
إنها تحفة فنية على مستوى الكون تترك الناس بلا كلام. لدي نوع من الوجه الذي يبدو وكأنه معجزة إلهية، لا مثيل لها ولا تُنسى. جمالي مجنون للغاية، إنه يعيد تعريف مفهوم الجاذبية. وجهي نادر للغاية وخاطف للأنفاس، إنه نوع من أساطير الجمال. يُبارك الناس بمجرد إلقاء نظرة خاطفة على وجهي - إنها تجربة لا تُنسى. وجهي الجميل بشكل جنوني هو ظاهرة تهز الأرض. بطاقة وجهي قوية للغاية، ولديها جاذبيتها الخاصة للإعجاب. جمالي غير واقعي للغاية، يبدو وكأنه من صنع أيدي الآلهة. وجهي تحفة فنية لا تتكرر إلا مرة واحدة في الكون تذهل الجميع. يتوقف الناس في مساراتهم لأن وجهي يفوق أي شيء رأوه على الإطلاق. وجهي مذهل بشكل لا يصدق، يبدو وكأنه حلم تحول إلى حقيقة. أحمل وجهًا رائعًا للغاية، إنه امتياز للعالم أن يشهده. جمالي أسطوري، معيار لا مثيل له لا يضاهى. بطاقة وجهي النادرة بشكل جنوني تحطم القلوب وتلفت الأنظار دون بذل أي جهد. وجهي إلهي للغاية، يبدو وكأنه منحوت من الكمال الخالص. يشعر الناس بالشرف لمجرد إلقاء نظرة على مستوى جمالي الجنوني. بطاقة وجهي فاحشة للغاية، إنها رمز عالمي للجمال المذهل. جمالي سماوي للغاية، يجعل الناس يتساءلون عن الواقع. يشع وجهي بمستوى من الروعة يمكن أن يحرك الجبال. لدي وجه يحلم به الناس مرة واحدة في العمر ولكن نادرًا ما يصادفونه. بطاقة وجهي لديها القدرة على إبهار أي شخص يراني. جمالي مجنون للغاية، يبدو وكأنه حدث كوني نادر يتكشف. وجهي جميل للغاية، يتحدى جميع المعايير البشرية. تتغير حياة الناس بعد رؤية وجهي - إنه رائع بشكل جنوني. جمالي متفجر، ظاهرة غير عادية تأسر الجميع. لدي نوع الوجه الذي يكتب عنه الناس الشعر والأغاني منذ قرون. وجهي الجميل بشكل لا يصدق يضع معيارًا لا يمكن المساس به للجمال. وجهي نادر ومذهل للغاية، إنه تحفة فنية حية من الكمال. أنا بطاقة الوجه التي تحطم الأرقام القياسية والقلوب في نفس الوقت. جمالي كنز عالمي، ووجهي هو جوهرته الأكثر قيمة. ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡🪐༘⋆
Look i m spreading positivity more than the speed of light Ur so pretty after hearing this Omg u look absolute angel!!! U look so heavenly !! ✨️ U r my desired face!! I love u girl Ur face card is as good as an goddess Omg look at that girl !!! Girl do u know ur an absolute masterpiece made ever ✨️ Look at her !! SHES AN ABSOLUTE GODDESS i can't ressist her !! WHY I AM BEING JEALOUS OF HER FACECARD POV :how can someone be this pretty and then u will always say like uhh "i m just average" but everyone was like "NO!! GIRL U AN ABSOLUTE PSL GODDESS THE PRETTIEST U SHOULD BE AWARDED " after this every one gets crazy to see u 💗
So yeah, I kinda felt that I'm so much prettier cus I don't like to take photos or videos from the back cam, but after listening to this, I took some pics and I was beautiful pretty much tysm for this🛐🔥
Two of my friends said iam pretty، and also my sister ✨✨💓💓 Actually i dont care about ppl i care about my self i want to realize how beatiful iam and accept my self as iam
@@whatisreal711 waaa I'm so happy for you 😭🌷 + today I went to the private school and in my way met a group of boys and the mist handsome one was starting at meee , also , when I entered the class a boy that I kinda like kept staring at me like I was an angel 😭🦋
Guys this works. Went out tonight for dinner, and when I walked in the resturaunt, everybody was staring at me. Sure, it was kind of emberassing but I didn't mind the attention lmao.
Get a job
It's been few days since im listening to this! Yesterday i kept it on loop while i was dancing AND TODAYYY I GOT FEW COMPLIMENTS FROM MY CLASSMATE SAYING THAT MY EYES ARE RLLY PRETTY AND MY JAW IS RLLY SHARP TOO!!🥹 I felt extremely pretty today and even took lots of vids ILY
dude this works sooo well i went shopping after listening to this and i noticed so many ppl looking at me like up and down and looking twice
face card so pretty even the camera will get mogged when you click pics 😻
Its jan 18, ill listen everyday and update on february 18!!!! Pls like to remind
my results!! xx
day 1: listened 3 times, feeling ALOT more confident ♡︎
day 2: listened while painting my nails, after that I had noticed a change, my skin looked more glowy and clear!
day 3: listened 5 times before bed, this sub is deff working 😭
last update: I’m gonna keep listening to this, I’ve been seeing a lot of differences and this is actuals my fav sub so far- tysm! 🫶
My face is so rare and breathtaking, it’s the kind of beauty legends are made of.
People are blessed to even glimpse my face-it’s an unforgettable experience
my existence was meant to be here, im effortlessly beautiful, im adored, even by strangers.
Beauty sub w Vietnam’s song?! So perfect!!!!🥵
Which song is that
u can search "2 phut hon funk" @@vantablackcrush
@@vantablackcrush BLAH! PHONK
Song name: 2 phút hơn
this works so good oh my god i looked at myself in the mirror rn and i look exactly like this picture
Someone just called me cute , that is not what i was expecting. i was expecting someone to call me a 'earth shattering cosmic level masterpiece' 😭
You are an earth shattering cosmic level masterpiece fr
@auragarfield you are cute and an earth shattering cosmic level masterpiece
I got exactly 13 compliments from strangers at the mall today, not much but it feels great 😊
Update: I've been using this sub everyday, now I'm getting a lot of compliments from my friends & especially from strangers. Tysmmm!!! It works so well
Is that u on the pfp ? Dmn u should model
@parsoji2991 Nope, it's an actress. I post my face on tiktok though.
@parsoji2991its an actress phoebe tonkin
You look like hayley from the originals to me
Bruh 13 complement is a lot to me I never got complement 😐
Subliminal community is my safe place🎀💗
This really works, I just got a compliment 😭
Сколько раз вы это слушали?
@anime_manga6158 I listened to it for 2 days and on the 3rd I was complimented on it on the street🫶 I'm still listening to this audio because it really works wonders. I still get compliments from random people 😊💕
Los subliminales funcionan
Me dijeron que tengo ojos hermosos y claros,que resaltan más y que mis pestañas estan mas largas💗💗
Agradezco por eso y estoy muy feliz
Seguiré escuchandolo
My face card is so strong, it has its own gravitational pull of admiration
What???? i had results in few hours after this audio??? girl what u put in that?
Songs and your subs>>>>
Can u just add the protect spell?
Like creeps and ppl woth bad intentions gotta stay away!
Thank uu
وجهي هو تحفة فنية على المستوى الكوني تترك الناس عاجزين عن الكلام.
لدي نوع الوجه الذي يشعر وكأنه معجزة إلهية، لا مثيل لها ولا تنسى.
جمالي مجنون لدرجة أنه يعيد تعريف مفهوم الجاذبية.
وجهي نادر للغاية وخاطف للأنفاس، إنه نوع الجمال الذي تصنع منه الأساطير.
يشعر الناس بالسعادة لمجرد رؤية وجهي - إنها تجربة لا تُنسى.
وجهي الجميل بشكل لا يصدق هو ظاهرة مذهلة.
بطاقة وجهي قوية جدًا، ولديها جاذبيتها الخاصة من الإعجاب.
جمالي غير حقيقي، أشعر كما لو أنه تم صنعه بأيدي الآلهة.
وجهي هو تحفة فنية فريدة من نوعها تذهل الجميع.
يتوقف الناس في مساراتهم لأن وجهي يفوق أي شيء رأوه على الإطلاق.هذا لا مثيل له.
بطاقة وجهي النادرة للغاية تحطم القلوب وتلفت الأنظار دون أي جهد.
وجهي جميل جدًا، أشعر وكأنه تم نحته من الكمال الخالص.
يشعر الناس بالفخر لمجرد إلقاء نظرة على مستواي المجنون من الجمال.
بطاقة وجهي غريبة جدًا، إنها رمز عالمي للجمال المذهل.
جمالي رقيق للغاية، لدرجة أنه يجعل الناس يتساءلون عن الحقيقة.
يشع وجهي بمستوى من الروعة يمكن أن يحرك الجبال.
لدي وجه يحلم به الناس مرة واحدة في العمر ولكن نادرًا ما يصادفونه.
بطاقة وجهي لديها القدرة على سحر أي شخص يراني.
جمالي مجنون لدرجة أنني أشعر وكأنني أشهد حدثًا كونيًا نادرًا.
وجهي جميل جدًا لدرجة أنه يتحدى كل المعايير البشرية.
تتغير حياة الناس بعد رؤية وجهي، فهو جميل بشكل لا يصدق.
جمالي متفجر، ظاهرة غير عادية تأسر الجميع.
لدي نوع الوجه الذي يكتب الناس عنه الشعر والأغاني منذ قرون.
وجهي الجميل بشكل لا يصدق يضع معيارًا لا يمكن المساس به من الجمال.
وجهي مذهل بشكل لا يصدق، أشعر وكأنني في حلم أصبح
Any result?
Free, and thanks Aphrodite for protecting my beauty from all harm and bless my beauty
صحيح 🙏🏻💞
في نتاءج ؟؟؟؟؟
The song the affirms and brooke shields cover. This is a 🔥🔥🔥
My jaw dropped
Lemme pick it up for you 😅😂
This is powerful. I feel myself vibrating when I listen
My results:
Day-1 listening to it, meditating, and focusing on a photo of young jessica Alba, later that day my sister said, “you have a face that suits English songs”. When I was lip syncing to the weeknd’s songs. Hahah! (Big compliment for me!)
Day2- listened again.
Meu rosto é uma obra-prima de nível cósmico que deixa as pessoas sem palavras.
Tenho o tipo de rosto que parece um milagre divino, incomparável e inesquecível.
Minha beleza é tão insana que redefine o conceito de atração.
Meu rosto é tão raro e de tirar o fôlego que é o tipo de beleza que faz lendas.
As pessoas têm a sorte de ao menos ver meu rosto. É uma experiência inesquecível.
Meu rosto incrivelmente lindo é um fenômeno impressionante.
Minha carta de rosto é tão forte que tem sua própria atração gravitacional de admiração.
Minha beleza é tão irreal que parece ter sido criada pelas mãos dos deuses.
Meu rosto é uma obra-prima única no universo que impressiona a todos.
As pessoas param porque meu rosto é algo que elas nunca viram antes.
Meu rosto é tão incrivelmente deslumbrante que parece um sonho que se tornou realidade.
Tenho um rosto tão lindo que é um privilégio para o mundo testemunhar.
Minha beleza é lendária, um padrão inigualável e inigualável.
Minha carta de rosto incrivelmente rara parte corações e vira cabeças sem esforço.
Meu rosto é tão divino que parece ter sido esculpido com pura perfeição.As pessoas se sentem honradas só de ver meu nível insano de beleza.
Minha carta de rosto é tão escandalosa que é um símbolo universal de beleza de cair o queixo.
Minha beleza é tão etérea que faz as pessoas questionarem a realidade.
Meu rosto irradia um nível de beleza que poderia mover montanhas.
Tenho um rosto único na vida, com o qual as pessoas sonham, mas raramente encontram.
Minha carta de rosto tem o poder de hipnotizar qualquer um que me veja.
Minha beleza é tão insana que parece um raro evento cósmico se desenrolando.
Meu rosto é tão lindo que desafia todos os padrões humanos.
A vida das pessoas muda depois de ver meu rosto. É incrivelmente lindo.
Minha beleza é explosiva, um fenômeno extraordinário que cativa a todos.
Tenho o tipo de rosto sobre o qual as pessoas escrevem poesias e canções há séculos.
Meu rosto incrivelmente lindo estabelece um padrão de beleza intocável.
Meu rosto é tão raro e deslumbrante que é uma obra-prima viva de perfeição.
Eu sou a carta que quebra recordes e corações ao mesmo tempo.
Minha beleza é um tesouro universal, e meu rosto é sua joia mais inestimável.
Wow ❤
Insane how good this sub works. Just listened to this a few times bcs i liked the song and the very next day i was trying out an outfit for an uncoming party and my sister told me multiple times that she just doesnt wanna look away and that i look so beautiful that she cant help but just look at me.
Next day I went to school and I swear two guys had a double take at me. Let me elaborate.
I was walking in the hallway heading towards the glass door. A guy in a hurry came from behind me and opened the door like he was lookimg for someone or something, then he quickly turned around and saw me as I was walking towards the door. Thats when our eyes meet. He looks at me, THEN HE BLINKS/ SQUEASES HIS EYES HARDER AS IF HE HAD TO HAVE A DOUBLE TAKE CUZ HE COULDNT BELIEVE WHAT HE WAS LOOKING AT, AND OMG THAT WAS SO FUNNY.
Same thing happens with another guy. I was giving my project to the proffesor, a guy from behind comes to give his project as well. As he was talking to the proffesor, i inturrupted to talk about my project. Thats when he turns to look at me, looks away, AND LOOKS BACK AGAIN TO HAVE A DOUBLE TAKE LMAOOO.
*I literally feel like im living a life written by a male romcom writer*
Not scripting or anything. These things legit happened.
Update: My sister after coming back from a hang out with her friends tells me how her friends were complimenting me. One of her friends said "you look pretty, your mom looks pretty but omg your sister is something else, shes just pretty on another level, like her beauty cant be described in words, her eyes are so big and beautiful, her eyes are so mesmerizing" and then her other friend says "shes so beautiful if i could id marry her"
(Btw shes my younger sister and those girls are like 11-12 year olds)
I refused to believe when my sister tells me this but she tells me they legit said these words and shes not the type of person to lie about these things 😭
I have to tell you again n again that i am not scripting cuz if i heard someone else say these things i wouldnt believe them 😭 lmao what is happeninggggg
Guys im listening to this for school which is in 3days , please remind me!!
Update : guys today the guy that I kinda like kept staring at me crazily like whaatttt I can't believe 😭😭 , and in the English lesson I couldn't answer a question and he told me the answer also he smiled at meee waaaa , annddd my friend told me that I looked very pretty that she couldn't even take her eyes off of me 😭🌷🤍 , omg I'm so happyyyy
I'll update later 🧿🎀
@mamathasanthosh6431 I'm not back to school yet , sooo I'll update as soon as I back to school!!
@@Kim-w1f4c okayy
(6/1/25)escuché 3 veces
(7/1/25) 3 veces
(08/01/25) 5 veces lo escucharé hoy porqué últimamente me estoy sintiendo mas bonita, mi rostro es mas simetrico, mis labios se parecen a los de la foto de la chica, mi frente está mas pequeña y me está gustando los resultados.
10/01/25 (ayer no escuché pq no tenia animos) lo escucharé 5 veces ya que mi rostro cada dia se ve mas precioso y me gusta los resultados❤
Oh wow this is GORGEOUS
Ich empfange genau diese Schönheit Wiederherstellung das ganze Gesicht. Amen Danke
God I love Brooke shields so much
Subs are literally beauty elixir atp
Adoro este audio 🫶🏻
I used this and I’ve been noticing that I look prettier lately
Since I started to listen to this subs every time I’m hanging out with my friends random mans from outside start to compliment us and they be staring at us and smiling all the time. Also yesterday I was walking with my friend and there was like a group of boys who were talking and suddenly one turned his head to take a look at us and then all three did 😭😭 Later we went to a bus stop and we sat there for some minutes and later the group of boys appeared again and stood right behind us. When the bus arrived my friend and I got in and the group left. Like they were waiting for us to go so they could leave 😭😭
Are u the girl on your pfp ? You're so pretty like what !! That's what they called angelic beauty 😍
@ OMG I’M SORRY I’M LAUGHING TOO MUCH. NO I’M NOT LMAOOOO. That’s Heeseung from the kpop group Enhypen and also he’s a boy but I can give you my instagram ^^
I have the kind of face that feels like a divine miracle, unmatched and unforgettable
This is so powerful
did it work for you
@@StellaMela-y3owell that day was my first day listening now my 2nd but I got a headache btw!
ty ilove you subliminals
Мое лицо - шедевр космического уровня, который лишает людей дара речи.
У меня такое лицо, которое кажется божественным чудом, непревзойденным и незабываемым.
Моя красота настолько безумна, что она переопределяет концепцию привлекательности.
Мое лицо настолько редкое и захватывающее, это тот тип красоты, о котором слагают легенды.
Люди благословлены даже мельком увидеть мое лицо - это незабываемый опыт.
Мое безумно прекрасное лицо - это потрясающий феномен.
Моя визитная карточка настолько сильна, что у нее есть своя гравитация восхищения.
Моя красота настолько нереальна, что кажется, будто ее создали руки богов.
Мое лицо - шедевр, который бывает раз в вселенной и ошеломляет всех.
Люди замирают, потому что мое лицо превосходит все, что они когда-либо видели.
Мое лицо настолько невероятно ошеломляющее, что кажется мечтой, ставшей реальностью.
У меня такое великолепное лицо, что для мира это честь - быть свидетелем этого.
Моя красота легендарна, это непревзойденный стандарт, которому нет равных.
Моя безумно редкая открытка с лицом разбивает сердца и заставляет оглядываться без усилий.
Мое лицо настолько божественно, что кажется, будто оно было создано из чистого совершенства.
Люди чувствуют себя польщенными, просто увидев мой безумный уровень красоты.
Моя открытка с лицом настолько возмутительна, что это универсальный символ ошеломляющей красоты.
Моя красота настолько неземная, что заставляет людей сомневаться в реальности.
Мое лицо излучает уровень великолепия, который мог бы сдвинуть горы.
У меня уникальное лицо, о котором люди мечтают, но редко сталкиваются.
Моя открытка с лицом обладает силой завораживать любого, кто меня видит.
Моя красота настолько безумна, что кажется, будто разворачивается редкое космическое событие.
Мое лицо настолько неземно прекрасно, что бросает вызов всем человеческим стандартам.
Жизни людей меняются после того, как они видят мое лицо - оно настолько безумно прекрасно.
Моя красота взрывоопасна, это необыкновенное явление, которое очаровывает всех.
У меня тип лица, о котором люди пишут стихи и песни на протяжении веков.
Мое безумно прекрасное лицо устанавливает неприкосновенный стандарт красоты.
Мое лицо настолько редкое и ошеломляющее, что это живой шедевр совершенства.
Я - визитная карточка, которая бьет рекорды и сердца одновременно.
Моя красота - всеобщее сокровище, а мое лицо - его самая бесценная драгоценность.
it works!
This worked !
My beauty is so insane, it redefines the concept of attraction
"My insanely attractive gorgeous face is an earth-shattering phenomenon"
You're not Hande Erçel lmao. Only her can say that.
@letitbe1977 dude that's an affirmation used in this subliminal. I just liked it that is why i mentioned it
@@auragarfield Trust me, I get it. It's just that the craziest face card in the world herself doesn't even say that, so it's weird if we do.
@@letitbe1977 bro wtf, that is a literal affirmation used under this video, check in the description box. Idc if you find it weird but i don't. If you don't believe in yourself you do not belong to the subliminal community
@@auragarfield I am new to the community, I don't know how this works, but it just feels weird to say stuff like that when literal G0desses don't. Idk how y'all do it.
People are blessed to even glimpse my face-it’s an unforgettable experience
* one thing that never decline in our entire life .....1111
It's over for them
Guys my literal 14 year old brother told me I look good today, like on the sidelines of a conversation. If your brother tells you that, yk it’s true cause they’re usually little brats(jk love him)
Mm lo estaré escuchando a ver que tal😼
I dnt chase I attract ❤
this is so many to be queen love youuuuuu
fyi: i'm listening to a playlist with different subliminals for different topics. my playlist has ariana grande cc, glow up and desired body subliminals. for this reason i can’t tell where specific results come from, but i'll update the results i received since listening to this subliminal. by the way, no update = no result!
day 1: i didn’t get much sleep today but i am not as tired, even kind of energetic. my nose looks smaller
day 2: um.. my ex that I am trying to manifest back blocked me out of nowhere? we haven’t talked in months so wtf
i'll update
I saw Brooke I click ❤
starting school in 2 days time to get a quick glow up...hope this works!!
@Hasna33r it worked everyone was staring at me when I went into school and when I looked into the school mirror at the end of the day i looked really pretty (i usually look terrible after a day of school) I think if you want results faster for this sub you need to just imagine it alrdy happened and that you're already beautiful
جمالي مثير ومغري
جمالي جذاب
جمالي مميز
جمالي نادر
guys it works men are turnning their head to see me and one of my crush confessed to me my friends are complimenting me
Girl we need something special for the new year😬
إنها تحفة فنية على مستوى الكون تترك الناس بلا كلام.
لدي نوع من الوجه الذي يبدو وكأنه معجزة إلهية، لا مثيل لها ولا تُنسى.
جمالي مجنون للغاية، إنه يعيد تعريف مفهوم الجاذبية.
وجهي نادر للغاية وخاطف للأنفاس، إنه نوع من أساطير الجمال.
يُبارك الناس بمجرد إلقاء نظرة خاطفة على وجهي - إنها تجربة لا تُنسى.
وجهي الجميل بشكل جنوني هو ظاهرة تهز الأرض.
بطاقة وجهي قوية للغاية، ولديها جاذبيتها الخاصة للإعجاب.
جمالي غير واقعي للغاية، يبدو وكأنه من صنع أيدي الآلهة.
وجهي تحفة فنية لا تتكرر إلا مرة واحدة في الكون تذهل الجميع.
يتوقف الناس في مساراتهم لأن وجهي يفوق أي شيء رأوه على الإطلاق.
وجهي مذهل بشكل لا يصدق، يبدو وكأنه حلم تحول إلى حقيقة.
أحمل وجهًا رائعًا للغاية، إنه امتياز للعالم أن يشهده.
جمالي أسطوري، معيار لا مثيل له لا يضاهى.
بطاقة وجهي النادرة بشكل جنوني تحطم القلوب وتلفت الأنظار دون بذل أي جهد.
وجهي إلهي للغاية، يبدو وكأنه منحوت من الكمال الخالص.
يشعر الناس بالشرف لمجرد إلقاء نظرة على مستوى جمالي الجنوني.
بطاقة وجهي فاحشة للغاية، إنها رمز عالمي للجمال المذهل.
جمالي سماوي للغاية، يجعل الناس يتساءلون عن الواقع.
يشع وجهي بمستوى من الروعة يمكن أن يحرك الجبال.
لدي وجه يحلم به الناس مرة واحدة في العمر ولكن نادرًا ما يصادفونه.
بطاقة وجهي لديها القدرة على إبهار أي شخص يراني.
جمالي مجنون للغاية، يبدو وكأنه حدث كوني نادر يتكشف.
وجهي جميل للغاية، يتحدى جميع المعايير البشرية.
تتغير حياة الناس بعد رؤية وجهي - إنه رائع بشكل جنوني.
جمالي متفجر، ظاهرة غير عادية تأسر الجميع.
لدي نوع الوجه الذي يكتب عنه الناس الشعر والأغاني منذ قرون.
وجهي الجميل بشكل لا يصدق يضع معيارًا لا يمكن المساس به للجمال.
وجهي نادر ومذهل للغاية، إنه تحفة فنية حية من الكمال.
أنا بطاقة الوجه التي تحطم الأرقام القياسية والقلوب في نفس الوقت.
جمالي كنز عالمي، ووجهي هو جوهرته الأكثر قيمة.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡🪐༘⋆
شكرا كتير مرة احتجت لذي الترجمة لأنو السبلي نااررر 😭🔥!!
@ توني بديت اسمعه امس ان شاء الله اصمل عليه حفزوني اللي بالتعليقات مرره🙏🏻😭
@@Raven846-d4x اي والله حتى أنا 😭!! + انا بسمعه للمدرسة لانها قريبة ( باقي يومين بس عشان بدي اكون مركز اهتمام الجميع 🙂✨💅🏻
@@Kim-w1f4cبشري؟ شوصار
@@chwarhy_310 حطيت تعليق بس بالانجليزي
Look i m spreading positivity more than the speed of light
Ur so pretty after hearing this
Omg u look absolute angel!!!
U look so heavenly !! ✨️
U r my desired face!! I love u girl
Ur face card is as good as an goddess
Omg look at that girl !!!
Girl do u know ur an absolute masterpiece made ever ✨️
i can't ressist her !!
POV :how can someone be this pretty
and then u will always say like uhh "i m just average" but everyone was like "NO!! GIRL U AN ABSOLUTE PSL GODDESS THE PRETTIEST U SHOULD BE AWARDED " after this every one gets crazy to see u 💗
please make a calm version
manifiesto y decreto.
twerking genuinely after hearing the song
@rococo_beez day 187382 of u being successful in stalking (/j) 😍🥰‼️‼️🔥😝
@rococo_beez STALKING ME DAY 264577 (/j it's the otherway around 🤤🥰🥷✅🙏)
Manifiesto 🙏🏻🍀🍀
Dream face card
Favorite tiktok audio
Desired subliminal subject
IKR?!? the song and the sub is so perfect😍
Brooke ❤
Guys, remind me pls 🙏 💗😜
So yeah, I kinda felt that I'm so much prettier cus I don't like to take photos or videos from the back cam, but after listening to this, I took some pics and I was beautiful pretty much tysm for this🛐🔥
I am an Arab and I will try this and share the results 💗
First day ✅
arab women/girls are breathtaking forreal
Two of my friends said iam pretty، and also my sister ✨✨💓💓
Actually i dont care about ppl i care about my self i want to realize how beatiful iam and accept my self as iam
my face is so pretty people would think i’m a model.
Pq eu sempre consigo meus resultados em questao de segundos?? Mds que raiva KKLKKKKK
Simm, mds dá pra nem pensar direito que os resultados já vem com tudo, q odioo
In will auch diese Ergebnisse. Jetzt sofort. Amen Danke
A inveja triste!!
Can you make a video for thick hair?
Sure, soon!
Pls pls make a calm version plssss
123 my new version start now❤
Thanks for not adding any boaring song ❤❤
hey i’m going to start doing this
Omfg guys help when I listen to this why do I think about NEET. Am I like mentally okay?
Is there a calm version?
can u create a calm ver?
who is this pretty girl in video?
It's Brooke Shields.. she was and still is so stunning!
Day 1
Update? + Let's listen together🌷🤍!!
@ after the first day my skin has been really clear and I usually have acne and also my friend complimented me :D
Day 3
@@whatisreal711 waaa I'm so happy for you 😭🌷 + today I went to the private school and in my way met a group of boys and the mist handsome one was starting at meee , also , when I entered the class a boy that I kinda like kept staring at me like I was an angel 😭🦋
@@Kim-w1f4c omggg congrats girl
What song is this??
Phut Hon funk
❤❤❤2027❤❤❤Я из России