Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
He disappoints in almost every video now, he uses people that already have money and are friends with him to win more money? While we watch his videos everyday and get what? told to follow his friends?
dawg y’all really think he gives away the 10k? he made it even more obvious after giving one of his cousins 10k for her birthday and the way someone would actually react to getting 10k. Jessica had no reaction what so ever in the video
2 days underwater like thumbnail? no living species can do this, yes any! Even counting ones that live underwater. Creativity is more accuretely - Monetizing your videos 101.
Banger! A species underwater for 2 days like thumbnail! Not possible. Yes even for ones that live in ocean. BANGER! More like video monetization 101. Especially exaggerating your titles. His thumbnails are OVER the top monetizing clickbait.
Two days underwater like thumbnail? Didn't happen and won't by any species. Yes any meaning ones who even live in ocean who still half to come to surface. CLICKBAIT. Fun content but clickbait!
thanks 4 ur videos rug! been watching you since like 2013 and I recently lost my life savings and I've been super down AND Depressed lately so thanks for being a able to put a little smile on my face today (:
This was an intense ending 😳
video 38 of reminding you about your christmas ornament
ahhh this video finna be a jess win
Where is ur merch link? I wanna buy some
I agree
Great vid Rug!!
Does the king reply??
Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
You are nice
It is a freaking bot
wait I actually won something
I only have yt to talk to people on and Roblox
Only people Who didnt Come from tiktok are worthy liking this
only real people are worthy of speaking.
@@user-zv6qo3he2o it would be an epic post but its a bot so it wont know.
@Waylon Funk which was a silly decision
@@therubiksjaguars9918 true
I subbed to you
Bro I know this comment won’t get likes so ima just like it myself 😢😑
It's because this video was made a year ago
The creativity you've put into these challenges 🤞🏽
They are so much fun to watch
Copied stoked twins
@@khkulakamalpory3609 stfu rug's the goat
Is this lucky winners real?
I Make Call Of Duty Videos 👏😂
Can we just say how amazing FaZe Rug is
Pov: entire comment section can we appreciate how much effort rug puts into his videos
@Jack Wrath no it isn't💀
@@Faithful_123 init hoopz u agree
Fr tho
I Make Call Of Duty Videos 👏😂
Let’s get to 22 million subscribers!!!🎉
would love to see fans included in these 10k challenges!
Yea nahh
I'm from the Philippines so he uploads in the morning so even if I'm in a bad mood remembering he posted just makes the whole day better
@@OfficialRiftywtf mate
We can all agree he never disappoints us with his content
He disappointed
He disappoints in almost every video now, he uses people that already have money and are friends with him to win more money? While we watch his videos everyday and get what? told to follow his friends?
@@iamez6018 he also copies peoples thumbnails
@@iamez6018 ong bruh I always be saying that 💀like give back to his fans or somethin
dawg y’all really think he gives away the 10k? he made it even more obvious after giving one of his cousins 10k for her birthday and the way someone would actually react to getting 10k. Jessica had no reaction what so ever in the video
rugfactor!!! now bring subscribers to do challenges!! 🙌
Just what I needed this Sunday!! A rug video 😌
Ok give me my moneyyyy
Whoever is a real faze rug fan should do what this arrow says
*🔝🔝He'll you've been selected amongst our shortlisted winner for a gifts! 🏆🏆 message to Telegram above name..
The intro is already intense and fun. Thanks for bringing us joy and entertaining contents, congrats Faze!
I'm a big fan please
Wait, isn’t it Sherman his cousin?🤔🤔
@@bryanoquendo9649 yes
People who didn't come from tiktok are allowed to like this comment
I love how everyone’s hair looks perfect in the thumbnail
He stole it lmao
I Make Call Of Duty Videos 👏😂
“When is my celebration” hahaha
Go Jessica!!! Sherman’s REAL competition 😆😌
We're all to support you Jessica!
But why is Denis not in the thumbnail..?
Positive energy as always! Love this content bro 🔥🙌🏼
World's second craziest TH-camr in
FaZe Rug
*🔝🔝He'll you've been selected amongst our shortlisted winner for a gifts! 🏆🏆 message to Telegram above name..
This is the first time Sherman didn’t wear socks 😂😂😅😅
Fr tho
I’m always curious how the production team clean the mess every video.
Production team? Lol
Stop with the stupid bots
@@Instabruh.User.. no one freaking ask so shut up
Yessir I alr know he finna make another banger💯
Why is finna a word... if people new how idiotic it sounds to hear
Jess always win the game baby.... ❤❤❤
Fun to watch, never know what your going to get but always entertaining!👍
The creativity he puts in his videos, love ur videos mate 🔥❤
We all agree that his videos are in another level!
2 days underwater like thumbnail? no living species can do this, yes any! Even counting ones that live underwater. Creativity is more accuretely - Monetizing your videos 101.
I cam on TH-cam and said "ugh no videos to watch" then I saw that Rug made a video and my body filled up with joy! Keep ups the great work Rug!
@Instagram User Your video is not even better and no one asked so shut up
🍆 🚴 is crazy
🎉Yay for Jessica 😝 she always wins 🎉
Let's w a moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into his contact to entertain.''♥🙂
At 10:55 who else thought Sherman sounded like Gru from the Minions 😂
Omg I love this video rug keep up the great bangers
Love you FaZe Rug❤️❤️
Rug always makes bangers 🔥
@@Instabruh.User.. PLS
I Make Call Of Duty Videos 👏😂
Banger! A species underwater for 2 days like thumbnail! Not possible. Yes even for ones that live in ocean. BANGER! More like video monetization 101. Especially exaggerating your titles. His thumbnails are OVER the top monetizing clickbait.
This was insane, loved it
These challenges are so cool!
1 like equals one justice for sherman😊❤
9:26 slow motion u won't regret it
There isn’t anything
@@karimeldorr1978 exactly
Let's respect how much time he puts just for us. This is a fire video
@WeKza I'm not
@WeKza your probably a bot
@WeKza I'm in 8th grade I'm young
@@MadsG230 hi
I always love to watch these challenges! Thank you Rug for
These great vids!
Read my name 🤩
Same,I secretly want in one or a Mr.Beast one lol
How did you even attract these bots gawdaymn
Texas state beat
Two days underwater like thumbnail? Didn't happen and won't by any species. Yes any meaning ones who even live in ocean who still half to come to surface. CLICKBAIT. Fun content but clickbait!
Faze rug you never get boring🫣. I love your videos I can watch them all day.😯
I love these challenges 💜
Only OG’s will remember the cocaine prank.
I remember
I remember
I love your pool videos😄This was so great!👍🏻
8:52 That Got Me Dead 💀
fr bro i was laughing throughout the whole video 😭
this video is so nice im sad that it ended
Only people who didn't come from Tiktok are worthy of liking this 🏆🏆
only people who didn’t come from tik tok are worth of liking
rug u gotta be in some challenges
Summer time might be over but these water videos are still entertaining!
Your friends are my best. Love you I love your videos.
It would just be awesome is Rug Would Actually Put Other People in the video like “his fans “ 10k would change a lot of people lives .
0:07 That’s a *small* pool? 😳
yeah tiny ash
half the comments are gonna be "I LOVE HOW MUCH CARE HE TAKES IN HIS VIDEO"
When he is really just the discount mrbeast
They are great videos
thanks 4 ur videos rug! been watching you since like 2013 and I recently lost my life savings and I've been super down AND Depressed lately so thanks for being a able to put a little smile on my face today (:
10:02 Jessica falling was SOOO funnyyy❤😂😂😂😂
This is totally craaazy fun love this thanks to you dude for the great entertaining videos peace.
Let's take a moment to recognize the effort he makes to amuse people.
I love your videos you have been doing amazing content for the past bunch of months you are amazing keep it up
Your the Best TH-camr and the World ❤❤❤😊
hey rug watching ur vids makes my day im so glad to watch u make vids with you and your family:) you make amazing content:)
"Less Balls"
-FaZe Rug
Love your videos Faze Rug. Thank you for entertaining us and your videos are lit 🔥. You always make my day every day when ever you upload a video
we need fans in these 10k
Never fails with the videos always entertaining to watch keep it up bro
Love your videos
05:02 anthony was going adam sandler mode.
My dawg Jessica always do her thang.
I wish could join her doing her thang
1:11 he said last person S T A N D I N G not coming out
8:11 with alot of rainbow balls :the rock 🤨
Wow look at Jessica🤤🤤
Wtf is wrong with you
@@mrmysterios3952not you commenting a way more weird thing 💀
@@shuplayz1768wait what did he say?
Stop simping
I loved this ! It was soooo cool 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥
Let's take the moment to appreciate how much effort he does for us to make us fell happy and relaxed
For real
ask jessica if she needs a step bro
Nahh but fr shes a baddy
Wtf your werid
No he said mandi turn on captions
@@Sportsplayer235captions are always wrong ngl
No he said Mandi it was pretty clear
If Anthony had the smaller pool and Jessica had the bigger pool 💀💀💀
👆👆Thanks for watching and comments you have been selected among our shortlist winners telegram me to claim your prize
9:55 pause trust me
Bru he always wears socks no matter what
sherman’s streak has been broken, 🚫🐐
I love rugs videos but he’s just repeating videos now , why can’t he just make a normal vlog of what he does, I miss the OG blogs
I feel bad that Anthony gets less balls :(
Me too
@@abandongt7982ayooo your more sus than the actual comment
whats the background song at 12:50
Bro still hasn’t gotten a reply for over 2 years 😭🙏
@@AhmedMohamed-iz6ks Yep Thats reality
I love your videos so much I’m a fan🎉
10:00 give me those shorts
Ayo pause
I am the best in football
No one cares
5:24 in yuma arizona like 113
faze rug when I have a bad or sad day I watch your videos And I be even happier🔥.
9:50 where did the ball come from
That fact that faze rug dose the best videos ever
Well done with the video like always rug🤩
Yo Noah is goated for going under water like that
i love that little “ rug “ in the corner when you put it in full screen mode!!
Lova all of your videos keep doing amazing work❤❤❤
One of the best TH-cam channels best challenge
I actually like this video idea. More like this one would be awesome.
👆👆Thanks for watching and comments you have been selected among our shortlist winners telegram me to claim your prize
Bring back the biggest catch I miss the fish video😫
I love these challenges
Rug I love your videos and I hope to be as great as you one day ❤
not stoppin until u notice me
☝️☝️🆙Thanks for watching you have been selected among my lucky winners message me to claim your prize...HIT ME UP 🎁 and received your package
Faze Rug back at it again!
9:20 “are you sure the phone timer goes that up” 💀💀💀