"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:" 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 7-8 KJV We have the prophetic word, which is the most truthful. It does not depend on the philosophy of preachers who claim to understand the translation while they are busy with money. The prophetic word in the text is distinguished from two characters, not one.
Very interesting discussion. I especially appreciate the definitions of the Greek words. I learned Latin in high school (long time back) and our teacher occasionally tossed in a few Greek words. The Greek words were just for fun so we could see some connection between the ancient languages but it would have been good to have some sentence construction included like we learned with Latin. Perhaps it's time I got back into the ancient languages because understanding them reveals so much about the civilization that used the language.
@@WilliamRay-jc5bk No, the NT repeatedly tells us that we are watching and waiting for the coming of the day of the Lord. Why would we be watching for something that will not happen until we are gone?
But isn't the church always mentioned in female form in the greek, and the restrainer is in fact in a masculine form? Could it be that Paul is thinking of the holy spirit that dwells within the believer. In this way he joins the believers in the rapture and is therefore in a way removed?
This is what the Bible says, Paul’s teaching: “But in connection with the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah AND our gathering together to meet him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be easily shaken in your thinking or anxious because of a spirit or a spoken message or a letter supposedly from us claiming that the Day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. For the Day will not come until after the Apostasy has come and the man who separates himself from Torah has been revealed, the one destined for doom.” 2 Thessalonians 2 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 👉🏻The topic discussed is: 1) “But in connection with the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah 2) and 👉🏻our gathering together to meet him”👈🏻 The Church meets Christ at His Second Coming and is hidden away from His Wrath. Blessings 🙏🏼❤ JesuSaves ✝👑📖🙏🏼❤
It depends on what "view" you take, Post, Pre and Mid-tribulation...Jesus said,"No man knows the day or the hour",I believe Jesus, so noone knows, so we just keep trusting in our Savior and let Him bring us through, wont we....Its a good idea to press in, Saint....
@@donnabuckalew-wagner6431there’s just one thing though. At the second coming the whole world gathers together to make war against the Lamb! The second coming has two marking points. The signing of the covenant, 3 1/2 years later the Antichrist goes in the temple demands to be worshipped and requires the mark to buy and sell. Two angles will be preaching the gospel and warning against the mark the whole time! The rapture no one know the day nor hour, the second coming everyone will know!
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith "CHAPTER 26: OF THE CHURCH Paragraph 4. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner;7 neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.8 7 Col. 1:18; Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 4:11,12 8 2 Thess. 2:2-9"
There is no way that the Church is the restrainer. Rick who knows and uses Greek never pointed out that in verse 6 the restrainer is in the neuter gender and in verse 7 the restrainer is in the masculine. When the same entity appears in two different genders it informs the reader that the identity is not known. Verses 6 and 7 reveal what is the purpose of the restrainer and not its/his identity. The purpose is not to allow the antichrist to be revealed until the proper time. Secondly, the restrainer is not removed, the Greek simply says the restrainer moves from the midst, i.e., steps aside and not taken away. I am shocked that Rick does not understand the intention of the Greek, he simply repeats interpretations which are not in agreement with what the Greek language teaches.
There is no way that the Church is the restrainer. Rick who knows and uses Greek never pointed out that in verse 6 the restrainer is in the neuter gender and in verse 7 the restrainer is in the masculine. When the same entity appears in two different genders it informs the reader that the identity is not known. Verses 6 and 7 reveal what is the purpose of the restrainer and not its/his identity. The purpose is not to allow the antichrist to be revealed until the proper time. Secondly, the restrainer is not removed, the Greek simply says the restrainer moves from the midst, i.e., steps aside and not taken away. I am shocked that Rick does not understand the intention of the Greek, he simply repeats interpretations which are not in agreement with what the Greek language teaches. The Church is a feminine. The Restrainer is presented in the Biblical text in the neuter and masculine; hence, the Church CANNOT be the restrainer.
These programs have really taken a turn. Praying that the Lord protects our children. When He comes, and the children are taken up as well, what mercy that will be.
Jesus literally prayed to keep us from the evil one. Whom by the way is cast on to the earth after the church is caught up! Woe unto them who dwell on the earth, you know the ones who cried peace and safety, the ones who do not escape! The church will escape the wrath of the lamb who is Gid, the evil one which is Satan who controls the Antichrist who won’t be revealed until after the church is caught up!
@Ronwjr No, Jesus did not say "evil one", he said "evil". Jesus prayed, "I PRAY NOT THAT THOU SHOULDEST TAKE THEM OUT OF THE WORLD..." Jesus was saying, "don't take them out of the world, but rather, protect them from evil. What is it about "don't take them out of the world" that you don't understand.
@ kept from the evil one. Ps we’re getting removed physically eventually. To make way for God’s wrath upon the wicked who reject. Not to mention, this use of world here is not referring to the earth itself, but the worldly aka the wicked. Rejection of the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. The world needs to repent!
@@Ronwjr Yes believers will be taken up into the clouds to witness the destruction of the wicked (not taken to heaven), the earth will be purified by fire, restored to a new earth, we will then be escorted by the Holy Angels, led by Christ into the heavenly city prepared by Christ and Seen descending down from God out of heaven. Our eternal home is New Jerusalem here on planet earth (God's original plan).
@ your mixing timelines. The church has a place being prepared for us. Where’s the father? In heaven. Where’s the new Jerusalem? In heaven. Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you and I will receive you unto myself, so that where I am, you maybe also. He’s in heaven, ps Jesus is God and is omnipresent. So how is Mathew’s Olivet discourse different than John’s. It’s quit simple, the church goes up before the time of Israel’s trouble. Jesus and his bride are celebrating, while the Jews are suffering for their complete rejection of the savior. 1/3 of the Jews will be saved during the seventieth week. Which btw has not happened yet. What’s worse is we see the seventieth week coming together and people refuse to repent of their doctrines of demon, predominately a-millennialism which was spawned by the Catholic Church(the ones who claim to be Jews and are not!)
The only reason the Antichrist can walk into the holy of holies, is because it is fake. Otherwise he would melt away on the spot. The holy of holies is now located within every believer, and even that will be gone when he does his thing. A better way of saying this verse is, he will walk into a fake representation that he will call the holy of holies.
The restrainer was removed in 476 AD, and the bishop of Roman took his place in the place of Augustulus (the restrainer). He obtained the same authority of the Caesar...........Pontifex Maximus.
Rick, I find it very interesting that neither Jesus nor John said anything about the confirming of the covenant that, according to Daniel, will begin the 70th Week of Daniel. I suspect, because neither Jesus nor John shows us the start of the week, that the man of sin will be remain unknown until the midpoint of the week, when he will enter into the the temple and will then be revealed as the Beast of Revelation 13. If this is true, then it will be over three and a half years after the restrainer is removed before the man of sin is revealed.
Nope that is not scripture , that is man made conjecture , Scripture tells us Jesus confirms the covenant , Messiah began His ministry at the start of the 70th week and was cutoff in the middle of the week , there is only 42 months remaining of the 70th week , which will begin when the man of sin commits the abomination
@@neuralnetworkfocus2897 You are certainly free to believe that if you choose. I don't. I believe the entire 70th week is future. I think there must be a WHOLE week for the abomination event to divide and end up with 1260 days or 42 months in the last half of the week. If there was only a half week left when the abomination happens, then instead of 42 months, there would be only 21 months. 27. he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week... If this is Jesus, who are the many this covenant is confirmed with, and why would Jesus confirm a covenant for only 7 years? The covenant Jesus established with His shed blood went back in time to the beginning, and will continue out into our future for ever. Finally, this "he" that will confirm this covenant refers back to " the prince that shall come." The people of this prince destroyed the temple and the city. His name was Titus. This is how I read it.
@ . Knowing your day was coming. You would do everything to stop that day. Because once he gets thrown down to earth??? We got a warning that he’s Mad, cuz he knows he only got a “short time “ left. See, I was taught the Americanized version, narrative as well. Americanized narrative didn’t fit the biblical. So I threw what I was taught away and just stick with the Bible.
Nah some of the smartest scholars out there have proven that the word apostasy especially at the time Paul wrote it, could also mean a physical departure. So he could actually be talking about the physical departure of the church. When looking at the context of what Paul was talking about, that would make sense. Saying there would be a "revolt" would not even make much sense considering there has been a revolt all throughout human history. I am sorry to say Rick, you do not know this for sure. Arnold Frutchtenbaum amf Andy woods have studied this thoroughly. I believe them.
Snippet revelation 20:4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They[a] had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand year So clearly christians are there not raptured away. They are mentioned in revelation 13:15
I think the argument some pre-tribbers make here is that those that get beheaded would be those who did not accept Christ until the tribulation (new saints who refused to take the mark), after the church has been removed.
You have previously made a timeline that includes your vision and philosophy, and you concluded from it that the rapture will take place after 2033. Why don't you clarify this to your followers? Or do you want to keep up with the trend?
Wrong, not Biblical, the AntiChrist is coming along with the tribulation, Jesus will return to REIGN ON EARTH FOR A THOUSAND YEARS AND SATAN WILL BE LOCKED UP, then he will be released. Read Revelation
Rick, surely you know that "that day shall not come" was ADDED by translators, that distract from Paul's real meaning. Worse, it comes from a bad translation of "at hand" from verse 2. The first problem with this passage is that the Greek texts disagree: some say “the day of Christ” while others say “the Day of the Lord.” This is easy to solve. Which of the two terms did Paul use in His first letter? He used the Day of the Lord. I suspect these two terms meant the same thing to Paul, for after all, Christ is Lord. These believers were under severe persecution, and somehow, they had come to believe that this persecution was the Day of the Lord, that they were under the wrath of God. The day of the rapture would simply not fit here. Isaiah 13 tells us how the day of the Lord begins, not with the rapture, but with "WRATH and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate and to destroy the sinners in it." (Not one word of this fits the rapture.) The second problem is that the KJV missed the tense of a Greek word in verse 2. Here is how it should read. 2 Thes. 2:2: not to be quickly unsettled or alarmed either by a [so-called prophetic revelation of a] spirit or a message or a letter [alleged to be] from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has [already] come. (AMP) Then a worse problem: almost every English translation adds words to verse 3 using the false idea that the Day was only "at hand." ("That day shall not come...") This is how verse 3 should be read. 1535 Coverdale Bible (added words removed) Let no man disceaue you by eny meanes. For, excepte the departynge come first, and that Man of Synne be opened, even the sonne of perdicion. It goes without saying that Paul must have expected his readers to know what he meant by the definite departing. If we look in his first letter, the definite or significant departing was the rapture. The rapture or gathering was the theme of this passage. Then in verses 6-8 Paul tells us that there is a power that is holding back or restraining the revealing of the man of sin until the proper time. Of course, God would know that proper time. The point is, the man of sin cannot be revealed UNTIL the power restraining him is “taken out of the way." Yet, read verse 3 carefully with verses 6-8 in mind. Did you notice that in verse 3b the man of sin IS revealed? (Not in reality but in Paul's argument.) Yet, in verses 6-8 he told us that the man of sin could NOT be revealed until the power restraining that revealed was taken out of the way. Therefore, logic tells us that somewhere in verse 3a we MUST find something being "taken out of the way." The ONLY word I can find that makes any sense is "apostasia" as something “taken out of the way.” Several early translations into English translated this word as the "departing." 1384 Wycliffe N.T. That no man deceyue you in any maner / for no but *departynge aweye* (or dissencon) schal come firste & the man of synne schall be schewid [shewed] the sone of perdicioune. 1534 Tyndale N.T. Let no ma deceave you by eny meanes for the lorde commeth not excepte ther come *a departynge first* and that that synfnll man be opened ye sonne of perdicion 1535 Coverdale Bible Let no man disceaue you by eny meanes. For the LORDE commeth not, excepte *the departynge come first*, and that Man of Synne be opened, even the sonne of perdicion. 1539 Cranmer Great Bible Let no man deceaue you by any meanes, for the Lorde shall not come excepte there come *a departinge fyrst,* & that that synfull man be opened, the sonne of perdicion. 1549 Matthew's Bible Let no man deceyue you by any meanes, for the Lord commeth not, except there come *a departyng first*, and that, that sinful man be opened, the sonne of perdicyon 1565 Beza Bible Let no man deceiue you by any meanes: for [that day shall not come,] except there come *a departing first*, and that man of sinne be disclosed, [euen] the son of perdition. 1575 Geneva Bible Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for that day shal not come, except there come *a departing first*, and that man of sinne be disclosed, euen the sonne of perdition. Paul was talking about a specific departing. What departing did Paul have in mind? All we need do is look at *Paul's theme, the rapture*. Here is what Strong tells us about this compound word. The question is, CAN this word mean something else then apostasy? It is a compound word - "apo" and "stasia." Here is what Strong says about "apo:" 1. of separation… 1 A. of local separation, 1B. of separation of a part from the whole 1B i. where of a whole some part is taken 1C. of any kind of separation of one thing from another… 1D. of a state of separation, that is of distance 1Di. physical, of distance of place At the rapture, will some part of the entire population be taken? The answer is YES. Will those taken be separated by DISTANCE? Again the answer is YES. The other part of the compound word 'stasia" is where we get "stationary" or "not moving" from. Putting these two words together then can certainly mean a part of a whole group suddenly moved from where they were to a new location, and it happen so fast, the rest of the whole group seems stationary - not moving. In other words, Paul’s order of events is the rapture or gathering FIRST, as the restraining power, the Holy Spirit working through the believers, is "taken out of the way," then the revealing, and after someone sees these two events, they can know for sure that the Day of the Lord has started, and they are then in it; they are under God’s wrath. Then in verse 6 Paul wrote, "and now you know what is restraining..." HOW, Paul? HOW can we now know? I believe Paul wrote this passage so that if his letter was read by Romans, they would discard it as nonsense. Yet, he expected those that had heard him in person and had His first letter to understand. I believe he wrote, "and now you know..." because he had JUST TOLD THEM, (the readers) but did it in a cloaked manner, so they would go back and study it more carefully. I believe this is one way one can tell if they really understand this passage: do they know who the restrainer is? If they don't, they also don't understand this passage. Then there is parallelism: verse 3 parallels verses 6-8: in the first half of a verse, something is restraining, but in the second part of the verse the restrainer is removed and the man of sin is revealed.
The departing mentioned is departing of the faith,take heed that no man deceive you in departing from the living God,another says the Spirit expressly saith that some shall depart from the faith.
@@joeheartwell4038 Joe, I don't think a departing from the faith fits the context. A proper exegesis must agree with Paul's first letter where the rapture would come before the start of God's wrath or the start of the Day of the Lord; John called it the Day of His wrath. If the rapture is not found in the word "apostasia," then Paul never satisfied his theme of the rapture. And the word "apostasia" does not include what is being depart from. Saying it is a departing "from the faith" would be guessing, for that information was not included. There can be no doubt that Paul expected his readers to understand his meaning for this significant departing. It is a compound word, apo and stasia. Here is what Strong says about "apo:" 1. of separation… 1 A. of local separation, 1B. of separation of a part from the whole 1B i. where of a whole some part is taken 1C. of any kind of separation of one thing from another… 1D. of a state of separation, that is of distance 1Di. physical, of distance of place At the rapture, will some part of the entire population be taken? The answer is YES. Will those taken be separated by DISTANCE? Again the answer is YES. The other part of the compound word 'stasia" is where we get "stationary" or "not moving" from. Putting these two words together then can certainly mean a part of a whole group suddenly moved from where they were to a new location, and it happen so fast, the rest of the whole group seems stationary - not moving. In other words, Paul’s order of events is the rapture or gathering FIRST, as the restraining power, the Holy Spirit working through the believers, is "taken out of the way," then the revealing, and after someone sees these two events, they can know for sure that the Day of the Lord has started, and they are then in it; they are under God’s wrath. Then in verse 6 Paul wrote, "and now you know what is restraining..." HOW, Paul? HOW can we "now know?" Why did Paul write that phrase? I believe Paul wrote this passage so that if his letter was read by Romans, they would discard it as nonsense. Yet, he expected those that had heard him in person and had His first letter to understand. I believe he wrote, "and now you know..." because he had JUST TOLD THEM, (the readers) but did it in a cloaked manner, so they would go back and study it more carefully. I believe this is one way one can tell if they really understand this passage: do they know who the restrainer is? If they don't, they also don't understand this passage.
I do not undetstand why so many people think the rapture is going to save the Christians from the tribulation period. The scriptures are not actually teaching this. They must be twisted to get to this conclusion. The claim is that the church is not mentioned after chapter 3 in Revelation. Not so, the church is all through the book. In Rev 13:7 it states, "it was given to him to make war with the saints and to ovetcome them." This is the church. We can't forget what Jesus teaches also. He tells us in Matthew 24:29-31 "that immediately after the tribulation of those days...they will see the sign of the coming of the Son of Man...He will send His angels with the sound of a trumpet and gather His elect from the four corners of the earth" That is not word for word but the context is there. This is the rapture and it happens at Christ's secoond coming. It's clear. The other scriptures add to this by way of description but they call it the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord are the days of His coming again to this earth. It is a reference to a period of time. Please be prepared to endure until the end.
@@Tom-gv2eo The gates of hell are not to prevail against the church and here he is given power to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Clearly it is not the church. I believe the 144,000 are exactly who the passage tells us they are.
Wonderful message, however, I’ve been hearing for decades that Jesus is coming soon. Dr Jeremiah sad we could be here for another 50 years! What is soon in the eyes of Jesus, I don’t consider soon 😢
It’s very soon now. Have you not heard, the Lord has declared the end from the beginning. We’re coming up on the end of the 6th day/6,000th year. The cross was 2,000 years after Abraham, there is only two possible cross dates(ad30 or ad33) 2033 is looking like the second coming. The rapture is likely any moment between now and 2026
@@Ronwjr yes, it was 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, and 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus. Now it has been 2000 years since Jesus. Jesus was born a few years prior to the year 1 (BCE), and could not become high priest until he turned 30. His ministry lasted 3 1/2 years. Therefore, if 1000 years is but a day in the eyes of God, and a day is 1000 years, we are almost at the end of the 6th day. And on the 7th day, He will rest (the Millennial reign). This would likely mean He is coming back by about ~2031. Interesting that "Agenda 2030" is right before that...
Hello, how do you achieve such biweekly returns? As a single parent i haven't been able to get my own house due to financial struggles, but my faith in God remains strong.
YES!!! That's exactly her name (Elizabeth Ann Larson) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her 😊 from Brisbane Australia🇦🇺
I believe the rapture comes at Jesus return at the end of Revelation The rapture is not the escape then but getting your new transformed body There is scripture for all of this
@@JuanHudson-th3tg , No, because Obama already had two terms. Our Constitution only allows a POTUS to have only two terms, according to the Twenty-Second Amendment.
Come Lord please come. So much pain
Come Jesus come we've been waiting so long!❤
Watching from Mizoram, India 🇮🇳
Thank you pastor Rick. So much good information about the truth in the Bible.
Thanks and Blessings Pastor Brother Rick.
thanks again for such clear explanations !
Thanks pastor
Thanx4 your Greek word explanations. Th
Late Chuck Missler also showd many Greek words, & afew phrases. Greek grammar is complex / hard work!
Yeshayahu 18. Ninevah was given grace may FATHER GOD GIVE US GRACE AND TIME.
Love this!!!! what a blessing!!!!!
We are so glad this blessed you -Team Renner
Happy New Year! - Team Renner
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:"
2 Thessalonians 2:3, 7-8 KJV
We have the prophetic word, which is the most truthful. It does not depend on the philosophy of preachers who claim to understand the translation while they are busy with money. The prophetic word in the text is distinguished from two characters, not one.
Great teaching
Thank you
Thank you for watching! - Team Renner
The key issue is the restrainer. The Bible doesn't say clearly the restrainer is the church. It is only a theological conclusion.
I absolutely enjoy the testimonials it lets me know that people are still allowing God to work and they believe and have faith
Thank you so much for commenting! - Team Renner
Very interesting discussion. I especially appreciate the definitions of the Greek words. I learned Latin in high school (long time back) and our teacher occasionally tossed in a few Greek words. The Greek words were just for fun so we could see some connection between the ancient languages but it would have been good to have some sentence construction included like we learned with Latin. Perhaps it's time I got back into the ancient languages because understanding them reveals so much about the civilization that used the language.
The bible says that the Coming of the Lord 'shall not come' until the man of sin is revealed. 2 Thess. 2. Exact opposite of what you said.
When the son of man comes is when we come back with Jesus after. The 7 year tribulation. After the antichrist has defiled the temple.
@@WilliamRay-jc5bk No, the NT repeatedly tells us that we are watching and waiting for the coming of the day of the Lord. Why would we be watching for something that will not happen until we are gone?
But isn't the church always mentioned in female form in the greek, and the restrainer is in fact in a masculine form? Could it be that Paul is thinking of the holy spirit that dwells within the believer. In this way he joins the believers in the rapture and is therefore in a way removed?
This is what the Bible says, Paul’s teaching: “But in connection with the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah AND our gathering together to meet him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be easily shaken in your thinking or anxious because of a spirit or a spoken message or a letter supposedly from us claiming that the Day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. For the Day will not come until after the Apostasy has come and the man who separates himself from Torah has been revealed, the one destined for doom.” 2 Thessalonians 2 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
👉🏻The topic discussed is: 1) “But in connection with the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah 2) and 👉🏻our gathering together to meet him”👈🏻
The Church meets Christ at His Second Coming and is hidden away from His Wrath.
Blessings 🙏🏼❤
JesuSaves ✝👑📖🙏🏼❤
The day of Christ and day of Lord are different events
@@jboxy who told you that
So we are getting raptured before the chaos?
Depends on your take on the scriptures....All 3 views have scripture to back them up...
It depends on what "view" you take, Post, Pre and Mid-tribulation...Jesus said,"No man knows the day or the hour",I believe Jesus, so noone knows, so we just keep trusting in our Savior and let Him bring us through, wont we....Its a good idea to press in, Saint....
@@donnabuckalew-wagner6431there’s just one thing though. At the second coming the whole world gathers together to make war against the Lamb! The second coming has two marking points. The signing of the covenant, 3 1/2 years later the Antichrist goes in the temple demands to be worshipped and requires the mark to buy and sell. Two angles will be preaching the gospel and warning against the mark the whole time! The rapture no one know the day nor hour, the second coming everyone will know!
No, there is no scripture to back that up without twisting the scripture
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
"CHAPTER 26: OF THE CHURCH Paragraph 4. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner;7 neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.8
7 Col. 1:18; Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 4:11,12
8 2 Thess. 2:2-9"
Good morning from Moriarty NM
Good morning! - Team Renner
There is no way that the Church is the restrainer. Rick who knows and uses Greek never pointed out that in verse 6 the restrainer is in the neuter gender and in verse 7 the restrainer is in the masculine. When the same entity appears in two different genders it informs the reader that the identity is not known. Verses 6 and 7 reveal what is the purpose of the restrainer and not its/his identity. The purpose is not to allow the antichrist to be revealed until the proper time. Secondly, the restrainer is not removed, the Greek simply says the restrainer moves from the midst, i.e., steps aside and not taken away. I am shocked that Rick does not understand the intention of the Greek, he simply repeats interpretations which are not in agreement with what the Greek language teaches.
There is no way that the Church is the restrainer. Rick who knows and uses Greek never pointed out that in verse 6 the restrainer is in the neuter gender and in verse 7 the restrainer is in the masculine. When the same entity appears in two different genders it informs the reader that the identity is not known. Verses 6 and 7 reveal what is the purpose of the restrainer and not its/his identity. The purpose is not to allow the antichrist to be revealed until the proper time. Secondly, the restrainer is not removed, the Greek simply says the restrainer moves from the midst, i.e., steps aside and not taken away. I am shocked that Rick does not understand the intention of the Greek, he simply repeats interpretations which are not in agreement with what the Greek language teaches. The Church is a feminine. The Restrainer is presented in the Biblical text in the neuter and masculine; hence, the Church CANNOT be the restrainer.
Children and teenage programs are setting stage for apostasy.
These programs have really taken a turn. Praying that the Lord protects our children. When He comes, and the children are taken up as well, what mercy that will be.
I never hear these people mention the prayer of Christ in John 17:15-20, why is that?
Jesus literally prayed to keep us from the evil one. Whom by the way is cast on to the earth after the church is caught up! Woe unto them who dwell on the earth, you know the ones who cried peace and safety, the ones who do not escape! The church will escape the wrath of the lamb who is Gid, the evil one which is Satan who controls the Antichrist who won’t be revealed until after the church is caught up!
@Ronwjr No, Jesus did not say "evil one", he said "evil". Jesus prayed, "I PRAY NOT THAT THOU SHOULDEST TAKE THEM OUT OF THE WORLD..." Jesus was saying, "don't take them out of the world, but rather, protect them from evil. What is it about "don't take them out of the world" that you don't understand.
@ kept from the evil one. Ps we’re getting removed physically eventually. To make way for God’s wrath upon the wicked who reject. Not to mention, this use of world here is not referring to the earth itself, but the worldly aka the wicked. Rejection of the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. The world needs to repent!
@@Ronwjr Yes believers will be taken up into the clouds to witness the destruction of the wicked (not taken to heaven), the earth will be purified by fire, restored to a new earth, we will then be escorted by the Holy Angels, led by Christ into the heavenly city prepared by Christ and Seen descending down from God out of heaven. Our eternal home is New Jerusalem here on planet earth (God's original plan).
@ your mixing timelines. The church has a place being prepared for us. Where’s the father? In heaven. Where’s the new Jerusalem? In heaven. Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you and I will receive you unto myself, so that where I am, you maybe also. He’s in heaven, ps Jesus is God and is omnipresent. So how is Mathew’s Olivet discourse different than John’s. It’s quit simple, the church goes up before the time of Israel’s trouble. Jesus and his bride are celebrating, while the Jews are suffering for their complete rejection of the savior. 1/3 of the Jews will be saved during the seventieth week. Which btw has not happened yet. What’s worse is we see the seventieth week coming together and people refuse to repent of their doctrines of demon, predominately a-millennialism which was spawned by the Catholic Church(the ones who claim to be Jews and are not!)
The only reason the Antichrist can walk into the holy of holies, is because it is fake. Otherwise he would melt away on the spot. The holy of holies is now located within every believer, and even that will be gone when he does his thing. A better way of saying this verse is, he will walk into a fake representation that he will call the holy of holies.
The restrainer was removed in 476 AD, and the bishop of Roman took his place in the place of Augustulus (the restrainer). He obtained the same authority of the Caesar...........Pontifex Maximus.
God is the Restrainer
The restrainer is time.
I have quite a few thoughts about this. Can you explain why you think it is time? What supports that theory?
@ The scripture itself says so. The false messiah will be revealed in his time. Look deeper into the scripture. It explains itself.
Rick, I find it very interesting that neither Jesus nor John said anything about the confirming of the covenant that, according to Daniel, will begin the 70th Week of Daniel. I suspect, because neither Jesus nor John shows us the start of the week, that the man of sin will be remain unknown until the midpoint of the week, when he will enter into the the temple and will then be revealed as the Beast of Revelation 13. If this is true, then it will be over three and a half years after the restrainer is removed before the man of sin is revealed.
Jesus confirmed the covenant with his shed blood and death , scripture in 6 books of the Bible tells us this
The man of sin will confirm a very different covenant.
Nope that is not scripture , that is man made conjecture , Scripture tells us Jesus confirms the covenant , Messiah began His ministry at the start of the 70th week and was cutoff in the middle of the week , there is only 42 months remaining of the 70th week , which will begin when the man of sin commits the abomination
You are certainly free to believe that if you choose. I don't. I believe the entire 70th week is future. I think there must be a WHOLE week for the abomination event to divide and end up with 1260 days or 42 months in the last half of the week. If there was only a half week left when the abomination happens, then instead of 42 months, there would be only 21 months.
27. he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week...
If this is Jesus, who are the many this covenant is confirmed with, and why would Jesus confirm a covenant for only 7 years? The covenant Jesus established with His shed blood went back in time to the beginning, and will continue out into our future for ever.
Finally, this "he" that will confirm this covenant refers back to " the prince that shall come." The people of this prince destroyed the temple and the city. His name was Titus. This is how I read it.
Take a look at the children's programs and teenage programs seeting the stage for apostasy.
The devil is the restrainer
Please explain.
@ . Knowing your day was coming. You would do everything to stop that day. Because once he gets thrown down to earth??? We got a warning that he’s Mad, cuz he knows he only got a “short time “ left.
See, I was taught the Americanized version, narrative as well. Americanized narrative didn’t fit the biblical. So I threw what I was taught away and just stick with the Bible.
Nah some of the smartest scholars out there have proven that the word apostasy especially at the time Paul wrote it, could also mean a physical departure. So he could actually be talking about the physical departure of the church. When looking at the context of what Paul was talking about, that would make sense. Saying there would be a "revolt" would not even make much sense considering there has been a revolt all throughout human history. I am sorry to say Rick, you do not know this for sure. Arnold Frutchtenbaum amf Andy woods have studied this thoroughly. I believe them.
Snippet revelation 20:4
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They[a] had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand year
So clearly christians are there not raptured away.
They are mentioned in revelation 13:15
I think the argument some pre-tribbers make here is that those that get beheaded would be those who did not accept Christ until the tribulation (new saints who refused to take the mark), after the church has been removed.
You have previously made a timeline that includes your vision and philosophy, and you concluded from it that the rapture will take place after 2033. Why don't you clarify this to your followers? Or do you want to keep up with the trend?
Wrong, not Biblical, the AntiChrist is coming along with the tribulation, Jesus will return to REIGN ON EARTH FOR A THOUSAND YEARS AND SATAN WILL BE LOCKED UP, then he will be released. Read Revelation
Rick, surely you know that "that day shall not come" was ADDED by translators, that distract from Paul's real meaning. Worse, it comes from a bad translation of "at hand" from verse 2.
The first problem with this passage is that the Greek texts disagree: some say “the day of Christ” while others say “the Day of the Lord.” This is easy to solve. Which of the two terms did Paul use in His first letter? He used the Day of the Lord. I suspect these two terms meant the same thing to Paul, for after all, Christ is Lord. These believers were under severe persecution, and somehow, they had come to believe that this persecution was the Day of the Lord, that they were under the wrath of God. The day of the rapture would simply not fit here.
Isaiah 13 tells us how the day of the Lord begins, not with the rapture, but with "WRATH and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate and to destroy the sinners in it." (Not one word of this fits the rapture.)
The second problem is that the KJV missed the tense of a Greek word in verse 2. Here is how it should read.
2 Thes. 2:2: not to be quickly unsettled or alarmed either by a [so-called prophetic revelation of a] spirit or a message or a letter [alleged to be] from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has [already] come. (AMP)
Then a worse problem: almost every English translation adds words to verse 3 using the false idea that the Day was only "at hand." ("That day shall not come...") This is how verse 3 should be read.
1535 Coverdale Bible (added words removed) Let no man disceaue you by eny meanes. For, excepte the departynge come first, and that Man of Synne be opened, even the sonne of perdicion.
It goes without saying that Paul must have expected his readers to know what he meant by the definite departing. If we look in his first letter, the definite or significant departing was the rapture. The rapture or gathering was the theme of this passage. Then in verses 6-8 Paul tells us that there is a power that is holding back or restraining the revealing of the man of sin until the proper time. Of course, God would know that proper time. The point is, the man of sin cannot be revealed UNTIL the power restraining him is “taken out of the way." Yet, read verse 3 carefully with verses 6-8 in mind.
Did you notice that in verse 3b the man of sin IS revealed? (Not in reality but in Paul's argument.) Yet, in verses 6-8 he told us that the man of sin could NOT be revealed until the power restraining that revealed was taken out of the way. Therefore, logic tells us that somewhere in verse 3a we MUST find something being "taken out of the way." The ONLY word I can find that makes any sense is "apostasia" as something “taken out of the way.” Several early translations into English translated this word as the "departing."
1384 Wycliffe N.T. That no man deceyue you in any maner / for no but *departynge aweye* (or dissencon) schal come firste & the man of synne schall be schewid [shewed] the sone of perdicioune.
1534 Tyndale N.T. Let no ma deceave you by eny meanes for the lorde commeth not excepte ther come *a departynge first* and that that synfnll man be opened ye sonne of perdicion
1535 Coverdale Bible Let no man disceaue you by eny meanes. For the LORDE commeth not, excepte *the departynge come first*, and that Man of Synne be opened, even the sonne of perdicion.
1539 Cranmer Great Bible Let no man deceaue you by any meanes, for the Lorde shall not come excepte there come *a departinge fyrst,* & that that synfull man be opened, the sonne of perdicion.
1549 Matthew's Bible Let no man deceyue you by any meanes, for the Lord commeth not, except there come *a departyng first*, and that, that sinful man be opened, the sonne of perdicyon
1565 Beza Bible Let no man deceiue you by any meanes: for [that day shall not come,] except there come *a departing first*, and that man of sinne be disclosed, [euen] the son of perdition.
1575 Geneva Bible Let no man deceiue you by any meanes for that day shal not come, except there come *a departing first*, and that man of sinne be disclosed, euen the sonne of perdition.
Paul was talking about a specific departing. What departing did Paul have in mind? All we need do is look at *Paul's theme, the rapture*. Here is what Strong tells us about this compound word. The question is, CAN this word mean something else then apostasy? It is a compound word - "apo" and "stasia." Here is what Strong says about "apo:"
1. of separation…
1 A. of local separation,
1B. of separation of a part from the whole
1B i. where of a whole some part is taken
1C. of any kind of separation of one thing from another…
1D. of a state of separation, that is of distance
1Di. physical, of distance of place
At the rapture, will some part of the entire population be taken? The answer is YES. Will those taken be separated by DISTANCE? Again the answer is YES.
The other part of the compound word 'stasia" is where we get "stationary" or "not moving" from. Putting these two words together then can certainly mean a part of a whole group suddenly moved from where they were to a new location, and it happen so fast, the rest of the whole group seems stationary - not moving.
In other words, Paul’s order of events is the rapture or gathering FIRST, as the restraining power, the Holy Spirit working through the believers, is "taken out of the way," then the revealing, and after someone sees these two events, they can know for sure that the Day of the Lord has started, and they are then in it; they are under God’s wrath.
Then in verse 6 Paul wrote, "and now you know what is restraining..." HOW, Paul? HOW can we now know? I believe Paul wrote this passage so that if his letter was read by Romans, they would discard it as nonsense. Yet, he expected those that had heard him in person and had His first letter to understand. I believe he wrote, "and now you know..." because he had JUST TOLD THEM, (the readers) but did it in a cloaked manner, so they would go back and study it more carefully. I believe this is one way one can tell if they really understand this passage: do they know who the restrainer is? If they don't, they also don't understand this passage.
Then there is parallelism: verse 3 parallels verses 6-8: in the first half of a verse, something is restraining, but in the second part of the verse the restrainer is removed and the man of sin is revealed.
The departing mentioned is departing of the faith,take heed that no man deceive you in departing from the living God,another says the Spirit expressly saith that some shall depart from the faith.
Joe, I don't think a departing from the faith fits the context. A proper exegesis must agree with Paul's first letter where the rapture would come before the start of God's wrath or the start of the Day of the Lord; John called it the Day of His wrath.
If the rapture is not found in the word "apostasia," then Paul never satisfied his theme of the rapture. And the word "apostasia" does not include what is being depart from. Saying it is a departing "from the faith" would be guessing, for that information was not included. There can be no doubt that Paul expected his readers to understand his meaning for this significant departing. It is a compound word, apo and stasia.
Here is what Strong says about "apo:"
1. of separation…
1 A. of local separation,
1B. of separation of a part from the whole
1B i. where of a whole some part is taken
1C. of any kind of separation of one thing from another…
1D. of a state of separation, that is of distance
1Di. physical, of distance of place
At the rapture, will some part of the entire population be taken? The answer is YES. Will those taken be separated by DISTANCE? Again the answer is YES.
The other part of the compound word 'stasia" is where we get "stationary" or "not moving" from. Putting these two words together then can certainly mean a part of a whole group suddenly moved from where they were to a new location, and it happen so fast, the rest of the whole group seems stationary - not moving.
In other words, Paul’s order of events is the rapture or gathering FIRST, as the restraining power, the Holy Spirit working through the believers, is "taken out of the way," then the revealing, and after someone sees these two events, they can know for sure that the Day of the Lord has started, and they are then in it; they are under God’s wrath.
Then in verse 6 Paul wrote, "and now you know what is restraining..." HOW, Paul? HOW can we "now know?" Why did Paul write that phrase? I believe Paul wrote this passage so that if his letter was read by Romans, they would discard it as nonsense. Yet, he expected those that had heard him in person and had His first letter to understand. I believe he wrote, "and now you know..." because he had JUST TOLD THEM, (the readers) but did it in a cloaked manner, so they would go back and study it more carefully. I believe this is one way one can tell if they really understand this passage: do they know who the restrainer is? If they don't, they also don't understand this passage.
Purim 2025
Great is the Lord, and greater to be praised ❤🙌
Yes He is! 🙌🙌 - Team Renner
Thank you for Greek lessons!! 😂😂😂 it’s All Greek to me!!
I do not undetstand why so many people think the rapture is going to save the Christians from the tribulation period. The scriptures are not actually teaching this. They must be twisted to get to this conclusion. The claim is that the church is not mentioned after chapter 3 in Revelation. Not so, the church is all through the book. In Rev 13:7 it states, "it was given to him to make war with the saints and to ovetcome them." This is the church.
We can't forget what Jesus teaches also. He tells us in Matthew 24:29-31
"that immediately after the tribulation of those days...they will see the sign of the coming of the Son of Man...He will send His angels with the sound of a trumpet and gather His elect from the four corners of the earth"
That is not word for word but the context is there. This is the rapture and it happens at Christ's secoond coming. It's clear. The other scriptures add to this by way of description but they call it the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord are the days of His coming again to this earth. It is a reference to a period of time. Please be prepared to endure until the end.
Saints doesn’t just mean the church. There’s OT saints, NT saints, tribulation saints and millenial saints.
Are these the same angels that hold back the four winds so the 144,000 can be sealed? Perhaps you should further study the 144,000 and who they are
@@timbuckman1232😮 - don't believe th silly Jeh Wits version!
@@Tom-gv2eo The gates of hell are not to prevail against the church and here he is given power to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Clearly it is not the church. I believe the 144,000 are exactly who the passage tells us they are.
I predict no rapture this year and next year and for a time
Facts are much more believable than a prediction.
Wonderful message, however, I’ve been hearing for decades that Jesus is coming soon. Dr Jeremiah sad we could be here for another 50 years! What is soon in the eyes of Jesus, I don’t consider soon 😢
It’s very soon now. Have you not heard, the Lord has declared the end from the beginning. We’re coming up on the end of the 6th day/6,000th year. The cross was 2,000 years after Abraham, there is only two possible cross dates(ad30 or ad33) 2033 is looking like the second coming. The rapture is likely any moment between now and 2026
Yes, I have heard that.
@@Ronwjr yes, it was 2000 years from Adam to Abraham, and 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus. Now it has been 2000 years since Jesus. Jesus was born a few years prior to the year 1 (BCE), and could not become high priest until he turned 30. His ministry lasted 3 1/2 years. Therefore, if 1000 years is but a day in the eyes of God, and a day is 1000 years, we are almost at the end of the 6th day. And on the 7th day, He will rest (the Millennial reign). This would likely mean He is coming back by about ~2031. Interesting that "Agenda 2030" is right before that...
He lives in mar..ss
*Amazing video, thanks for the steady stream. I’m favored,$450k Returns the Lord is my saviour in times of my need!!!*
Hello, how do you achieve such biweekly returns? As a single parent i haven't been able to get my own house due to financial struggles, but my faith in God remains strong.
Excuse me for real?,how is that
possible I have struggling
financially, how was that possible?
Thanks to my co-worker whom God used to give a great opportunity of crossing paths with 'Mrs ELIZABETH ANN LARSON'.
YES!!! That's exactly her name (Elizabeth Ann Larson) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her 😊 from Brisbane Australia🇦🇺
I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Elizabeth Ann on the news but didn't believe it until now. I'm definitely trying her out
I believe the rapture comes at Jesus return at the end of Revelation The rapture is not the escape then but getting your new transformed body There is scripture for all of this
Why would we go up then down immediately lol
Elon Musk
Unbelievable ignorance
You’re selling your interpretation of the Word of God for profit.
He's already here. Barack Obama
Barack Obama is not the Antichrist.
@4ucarla885 Trust me, he is. He will be back in power after Trump.
@@JuanHudson-th3tg , No, because Obama already had two terms. Our Constitution only allows a POTUS to have only two terms, according to the Twenty-Second Amendment.
@4ucarla885 By then the constitution will be done away with. It will be a special election. Be patient you will see it for yourself