Io sono molisana e ricordo che la quadrilatero veniva comandata in francese. Mio zio anche se non parlava bene l italiano era bravissimo. Che meraviglia sono tornata bambina mi sembra di rivivere quelle serate. La quadrilglia si comanda in francese penso che sia perché siamo stati occupati dai francesi alla fine del settecento.
I often wondered how the French originated Quadriglia dance got to be part of Italian folk culture. Must have been through French invasions etc. I recall migrants dancing this out in the Aussie wilderness among the kangaroos. They'd dance till sunrise and then go off to work. The Aussies complained about "noise" and "woggy music" but once invited some brave enough to join in stopped complaining and rocked up with freshly slaughter sheep they wanted to barbecue. So Dad lit the open fireplace in the living room, where he would smoke fish and his Parma hams. "Nah! That's no Aussie barbecue! " they protested and built a proper outdoors Aussie Barbie, out of rocks and bits of old railways disused rail etc to cook the lamb on. We just could not comprehend how they could just sit and eat an entire sheep in one go, then wash it all down with slabs of warm beer, as nobody had refrigeration in the searing Aussie bush heat out here. And so the meat had to be eaten freshly slaughtered, beer had warm etc, before it decayed. Then, to add to the multicultural chaos in our half constructed house that never got fully built, the Aboriginal folk appeared from out of the forests, slaughtered kangaroos and wallabies over their shoulders, boomerangs inhand to sho off their hunting tricks. They wanted to cook their kill and share it, but, since the roos and wallabies still had their fur on and had not been gutted, my mother said to me, in foreign lingo "I no likes dissa meat Australiani eat...Too much meat... But we no wanna offenda dem...How you say danka you ma no danka you? Me OK...No meat..."But they just continued munching away, laughing, telling Aboriginal stories, tapping with their rhythm sticks, playing didgeridoo etc. Then a group of men jumped out all decked out with their ceremonial Aboriginal body paint and did coroborree type dances and I heard mum say "Mamma Mia, God protect us from savages in Australia...Is really true...Cannibals in Australia...", as she pulled out Rosary beads to pray, which dad, a devout European atheist, promptly snatched from her and threw away. I was getting right into all the magic and stuff in the Aboriginal dancing and didgeridoo etc, as it is very mesmerising but I noticed the Aussies glaring at them. Then one big tall blonde Aussie dad went away and returned with a shot gun and told them to get back to where they came from in the bush or he would shoot and muttered "Boody wogs, bloody blackfellas..." The native folk fled but the parting just continued. I have since discovered that, even the early Aussie colonials of Irish descent danced the Quadrille dance, though a bit differently and I wonder where they got it from and how in their history. It wasn't from Italian immigrants because these had not yet arrived in Australia. And now,still, in remote parts of New Sounds h Wales state, they have traditional bush dances Australians and other European old migrants love, where they play this sort of music live ie have their own bush bands playing strange instruments they improvise from anything they can find to make noise with and dance to. They have great fun out middle of nowhere. I got invited once but my spoken English is too sophisticated, being well educated, and I know this makes such folk feel uncomfortable, so I politely declined the invitation. These cultures can only survive if outsiders do not invade their areas and bring new eg modern or urban ways there and ruin it all for them. I did not wish to be such a type and do to other rural communities what is being done to my own.Cutural invasion.
Io sono molisana e ricordo che la quadrilatero veniva comandata in francese. Mio zio anche se non parlava bene l italiano era bravissimo. Che meraviglia sono tornata bambina mi sembra di rivivere quelle serate.
La quadrilglia si comanda in francese penso che sia perché siamo stati occupati dai francesi alla fine del settecento.
La quadriglia, l'ho ballata alla recita scolastica quando avevo 9 anni, molto simpatica
I often wondered how the French originated Quadriglia dance got to be part of Italian folk culture. Must have been through French invasions etc. I recall migrants dancing this out in the Aussie wilderness among the kangaroos. They'd dance till sunrise and then go off to work. The Aussies complained about "noise" and "woggy music" but once invited some brave enough to join in stopped complaining and rocked up with freshly slaughter sheep they wanted to barbecue. So Dad lit the open fireplace in the living room, where he would smoke fish and his Parma hams. "Nah! That's no Aussie barbecue! " they protested and built a proper outdoors Aussie Barbie, out of rocks and bits of old railways disused rail etc to cook the lamb on. We just could not comprehend how they could just sit and eat an entire sheep in one go, then wash it all down with slabs of warm beer, as nobody had refrigeration in the searing Aussie bush heat out here. And so the meat had to be eaten freshly slaughtered, beer had warm etc, before it decayed. Then, to add to the multicultural chaos in our half constructed house that never got fully built, the Aboriginal folk appeared from out of the forests, slaughtered kangaroos and wallabies over their shoulders, boomerangs inhand to sho off their hunting tricks. They wanted to cook their kill and share it, but, since the roos and wallabies still had their fur on and had not been gutted, my mother said to me, in foreign lingo "I no likes dissa meat Australiani eat...Too much meat... But we no wanna offenda dem...How you say danka you ma no danka you? Me OK...No meat..."But they just continued munching away, laughing, telling Aboriginal stories, tapping with their rhythm sticks, playing didgeridoo etc. Then a group of men jumped out all decked out with their ceremonial Aboriginal body paint and did coroborree type dances and I heard mum say "Mamma Mia, God protect us from savages in Australia...Is really true...Cannibals in Australia...", as she pulled out Rosary beads to pray, which dad, a devout European atheist, promptly snatched from her and threw away. I was getting right into all the magic and stuff in the Aboriginal dancing and didgeridoo etc, as it is very mesmerising but I noticed the Aussies glaring at them. Then one big tall blonde Aussie dad went away and returned with a shot gun and told them to get back to where they came from in the bush or he would shoot and muttered "Boody wogs, bloody blackfellas..." The native folk fled but the parting just continued. I have since discovered that, even the early Aussie colonials of Irish descent danced the Quadrille dance, though a bit differently and I wonder where they got it from and how in their history. It wasn't from Italian immigrants because these had not yet arrived in Australia. And now,still, in remote parts of New Sounds h Wales state, they have traditional bush dances Australians and other European old migrants love, where they play this sort of music live ie have their own bush bands playing strange instruments they improvise from anything they can find to make noise with and dance to. They have great fun out middle of nowhere. I got invited once but my spoken English is too sophisticated, being well educated, and I know this makes such folk feel uncomfortable, so I politely declined the invitation. These cultures can only survive if outsiders do not invade their areas and bring new eg modern or urban ways there and ruin it all for them. I did not wish to be such a type and do to other rural communities what is being done to my own.Cutural invasion.
Molto bene
La quadriglia italiana
Peccato che queste tradizioni, anche se di origine diversa dalle nostre, si perdano!
ciao..sono un maestro di ballo ..e possibile avere i comandi di questa bella quadriglia per poterla ripetere ..grazie
Roberta Nazionale
Vai compa
Vai compa
Ma la Quadriglia è Italiana! Si è diffusa dopo all'estero, ma nasce in Italia
Nbaccanali ..,
ma come si chiama questa brano grazie in anticipo
Sabino Alvino ccbdbbhdhdjdbch b nffn
Non è non ballo francese