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I Opened 1000 LEGENDARY Presents.. here's what happened!!!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- Opening 1000 Normal Presents and 1000 Legendary Present Drops in Brawl Stars to see how many Legendary Brawlers and skins we can pull and how good the new presents are! | Bentimm1
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#bentimm1 #brawlstars
Mecha Palaidn Surge was a bugged pull it wont be in the drops!
Yea, thought so, lol
Damnit cause after the surge light year skin I would have every skin for him except mecha paladin surge
@@EduardoSkibidi should have gotten him when he was out
Are you excited for presents!?
Why am I getting lex advertisement on your videos?
Yess sirrr
I think im going to be more excited to open brawl presents then my real presents 💀💀💀💀
True 👍
Laughing my butt off
Real presents?
15:11 5/13 legends? who is number 13?
Buzz Lightyear counts as a legendary brawler
Yea true
Ohhh… that’s kinda cool!
I've watched carnage game censoring a brawler on his dev build tho
2:56 did someone notice that jessies turred was already next to her i remember it not standing there in the pull animation
14:55 why are they adding paladin surge back he isnt even a christmas skin hes a brawl pass skin
Yeah same
Pretty sure it's just a bug beacause of the dev account
not sure about scarlet paladin surge but ik mecha paladin was a bug cuz of the dev build
16:32 janet hypercharge stats leaked
17:43 eve hypercharge stats leaked
They have already been mentioned in the brawl talk bro what are u on ?
The stat boost
@@kavyaagarwal5414 fr
Already been shown in so many videos ben doesn't review hypers like that tho
@@kavyaagarwal5414 i said stats not hypers
No way they’re bringing back eggs(presents) and The sponge bob shop. I cant wait for this update!🎉
Me yo
And angels vs demons contests
My guy only 2 days 12 hours left for the update
“Santa Stu is a thing” Bro Ben you missed him so many times😂
Bro time traveled 💀
guys ik it’s a devbuild 😭
It's not time it's that they can test the update till is even out
@@RobertDodo-wq9xg The game just updated
@@thegamingfloppa455 it’s out?
They are playing on admin accounts
@thegamingfloppa445 no it didnt
Absolutely loved the FF sound effect thrown in there when you got Draco 😂❤
I was expecting these presents to give multiple rewards when opened because they opened a single present in the brawl talk and it showed multiple rewards. These feel like reskinned starr drops with a different skin pool
brand new account💀 00:20 950 tropies lol
17:07 the little alien dude is flipping me off 😅
15:00 dude that's the brawl pass exclusive skin you should not be pulling that ,pretty sure that's a bug.
OR they made it available jus like a lot of events before, and a lot of bp skins r in the catalog now too
he literally pulled gummy nita too lmao brawl pass skins shud be in here too
@@Mushi-YT the first 10 season BP skins are exclusive and For the candyland who isnt in the first ten its normal that can buy gummy bear nita and Magma mandy
@@Mushi-YTfirst please learn how to spell and then gummy bear nita is not an exclusive skin since it came after season 10 bcz every brawl pass skin before season 10 is exclusive
@IhideKifsInTheBasement lmfao learn how to spell? what're u a millennial with no texting experience?
I found some hypercharges that are not in the game yet
20:51 Berry: Sweet swirl (his super) drops double the scoops of ice cream
16:58 Ash: Little helper (his super) spawns 5 more rats
17:09 It was too fast so i couldn’t read it
16:32 Janet: Janet retains full movement controlling during her super
15:47 Gray: Gray opens a new pair of portals that shields him and allies for 1000 hp when they pass through
17:44 Eve: Baby boom (her super) now spawns hatchlings over time
They revealed them all in the most recent Brawl talk
brawl talk exist bruh😭
Brawl Talk exists and obviously they already come to the game, and the only is the bo and meg ones.
Lex: I opened 100 Legendary Presents!
me: i opened 10 rare presents
Bro is the first person to Time travel 💀
Nope every creater has an account that time travels
Such a talented creator, seriously!
Bot account
Because when the event happens they will be out
4:20 Ben is making up skin names now😅 its a recolor of red nose nita, as there is no skin thats called reindeer nita
Top 10 songs whose artists belong to the same country
10. 42 (Diplo, Maren Morris - 2023)
9. Don't forget my love (Diplo, Miguel - 2022)
8. State of my heart (Surf Mesa, Nat Dunn - 2021)
7. City of love (Surf Mesa, Selah Sol - 2022)
6. You don't know me (Jax Jones, Raye - 2016)
5. Whistle (Jax Jones, Calum Scott - 2023)
4. Where did you go? (Jax Jones, Mnek - 2022)
3. Head & Heart (Joel Corry, Mnek - 2020)
2. Looking for love (Alok, Anitta - 2024)
1. Rather Be (Clean Bandit, Jess Glynne - 2014)
Wow. 1000 legendary presents is really good. Literally when I got a mythic present I only got a weird player icon
Ben your the best brawl star TH-camr, keep up the hard work ❤
8:56 SANTA STU😭😭😭 (others are fine though but santa stu better in my opinion)
14:57 How the?
Im preety sure its a bug, thats a exclusive skin i hope they fix it
It's on the developer account, so that's why
@@lukavukojicic10 its not
Thats no bug @@lukavukojicic10
@sunny_7823 this color variant was available only during the second season in Brawl Stars. Since then you wasn’t able to unlock it so it is in fact an exclusive skin
5:13 are we letting this ranked icon slide?
What ? It's here since ranked was added, only new players encounters this tho
@TheoPugh-q2b In the trophie road
@@WackyMantics oh
9:52 Lex would be very proud
Why’s bro tugging it😂 16:22
16:49 brings me back to Cory
10:05 Mendi Cendi
thanks for 100 subs!
You don't even have 100
Bro lost 8 subs 😂
Bro pulled rico out of a super rare 😂😂 3:22
Thank you for 340 subscribers
6:47 gift express jacky was a 2021 or 2022 brawlidays skin so it definitely isn't new or a recolor
10:25 you can hear him swear under his breath
I was literally about to say that lmao
BenTimm1 I saw u in game! U had like an Ash a true gold mortis team
This is actually gonna be insane!!
Ngl the presents are good for progresion
Bentimm's sponsor video in Bentimm's video. Noiceeee
Brawl star x Toy Story before GTA6😂
9:54 13 legendarys?
buzz lightyear counts as a legendary
Buzz lightyear
Why is there eight rares there’s nine rares
It’s still
December 10th
Cool Video Ben
MARY CRISTMAS GUYS!!!!🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
hello ty for ur new amazing vid!
Ben saying " i don't think these Brawlers have Christmas skins" shows stu and griff but picks griff (santa stu but there's also a Griff skin)
As long as there are no token doublers i am fine with the presents 😂
W vid
No🎉 happy birthday first
20:51 😨😨
BT1 4 life
I forgot that Janet was a future hypercharge. I got so confused when you got it
So sussy Ben lol 😂
4:10 Finely mitch
I found you on brawl stars 😮 0:40
It was someone with a name the same as him, sorry but it wasn’t him
Im not early but I love this
10:12 bro you forgot Santa stu
I love Ben so much ❤
At 17:44 Eve has a hypercharge can someone explain??
It getting added next update
how did you open it? before the christmas present update?
He has a dev build so since he’s is a supercell partner he gets early access on these “dev build” accounts so even though he has this stuff he can’t use it on his main account
Can you pull legendary skins in these? I heard you could?😅
Frost queen amber
Finally ben is wearing a black shist😊
bro you have a crazy luck...
do you have a screenshot of the odds of getting stuff in the presents?
OMG, it's kinda good!!
47 seconds ago😂
Ben were you just in a game of solo showdown using shade if so, and you saw Lily killing an Edgar that was me
Bro, did you tell oj before using his time traveling machine😅
Ok, that’s nice.. 1000 legendarys gifts pulls a lot… Now tell me: How many gifts we will receive? 🙂 100? 200? (Not legendarys, normal gifts)
Depends on how much you and your clubmates play the game
@@BroTheHeck156 Mate I play since the beta like my clubmates. Our club is one of the strongest in Italy. We play (and finish) every event. Still last event a lot of us had no luck
Because, ofc, the game wants you to shop their offers
And I understand, this is their work.. But at least give us something! Not just ‘some star drops with gift model’ and pray
@ preach
Played since year one and can relate. Wish they gave us more resources
Which form of buzz light year you think will be the best
they getting “guaranteed legendary with these scratch patterns” again js like the eggs
7:31 she doesn’t
Good job
bro got all brawlers in one day
what mode do u use?
It’s a brand new account. Why is Shelly almost 50 tier and got 900 trophies
brawl stars dev game. u can have bot rounds only and u can farm ALOT of trophies. without real people
whooa so maybe some better rewards?
14:58 wtf?
currently a bug due to the dev build
Are the presents out already?
No they're not out he's on the developer build
@JosephCeja-t4b alr
“So this is a brand new account with just shelly”
Proceeds to show his 950 trophie shelly 💀
brand new account with just shelly- has 950 trophies with her
Bro my second one was a legendary
So that's where all my luck is going 😢
These are better 100times than the freaking angelic and demonic star drops
I'm watching this on 6 am on 10.12
Bro REALLY wanted to open them before everyone else 💀
If you open presents in a circle motion it’s faster
BRO for the survey I put that the star drops don’t give progression in the game and they GAVE ME A sign these PRESENTS!!!
Bro forgot Santa stu existed 😭
How does he open it if it is not out yet 😢…. Not fair
Have you ever hear of a content creator before. They literally all have early access and it's been that way for YEARS 💀
Ben are we getting a new legendary, brawler soon when you look at when you unlocked crow, it says 13 instead of 12
Power 1 Shelly at 950 trophies 💀😂
2:32 cursed account ahh😭
first wooo new vid
how is ur luck so good
I got the 2 hyper skins in the first week of the angel v demon event lol
Lets go pack opening