My loadout is also: G3 Rifle KSG 12 MCX Spear M200 Intervention Kar98k G36C Air Strike Radio Javelin Medkit (2x) I usually keep Flashbangs and Impact Grenades in my inventory :)
Pretty decent loadout overall, I might even change my loadout to some of the guns you use, but there is one thing which can make it better, don't put a javelin in your loadout, instead just equip it from the stand which is right by the loadout equipper. This means you can use something else in that slot, like a shield. You can also pick up the RPG there too, which can be better than the javelin at short distances because it doesn't need to lock on
I play on xbox, so to change a gun to another I have to click RB/LB multiple times to equip it. In my case I like to use: -Kriss Vector (short range) -Scar-L (medium range) -M40 (long range) -Stinger (for helicopters) -RPG/Javelin (for cars and tanks) -EMP (for drones) -Air Strike (for emergency or raiding) -Grenades or med kit (I usually use the stick grenade because of its radius and damage) -Riot Shield (In case someone got a ambush on me).
I constantly rebirth so for the A-10 I’m not so sure or the javelin can you think of something to give me if I need it oh and also the bizon is really good it just dosen’t get enough attention
@@MegaBoticsI actually made the javelin in my load out bc it has lock on thx for doing this vid I’m a bad at PVP and always get raided when I’m defenseless this vid should help
Hey Mega, do you have any tips for fighting with the Kar98k? I've heard it's really good, but I can't understand why people would choose it over other snipers like the remington MSR or the Barret. Does it retain its accuracy in hip fire mode? Is it in any way different from the springfield? Thanks.
I use Kar98k because it doesn't scope too far, it's perfect for mid-range and sometimes long-range too a bit. I feel like the iron-sight is a good shape, you can see everything, unlike the Springfield where the iron sight is larger than the Kar98k. Tips: In pvp, I recommend you predict the player's dodge movement. For example, if you see the player jumps and is about to move to the right, you have your kar ready at his right side and wait for him to angle with the iron-sight and there you go. Hope that makes sense 😅👍
I personally use -boom sniper -kar98 -mcx spear(or scar I keep changing) -airstrike -Barrett(for long range in general) -FAL heavy(just in case if I feel like switching my rifles) Javelin(for enemy tonks I don’t like) Usually Remington 870 or impact grenades for very close quarters Well that’s all(2x amor as well;))
This is my build and how i setup it the gun goes in inventory so i got zvery slot then airstrike/fal or m110/shield/spas/mp9/rpg/javelin/medkist x2/M200 i used stinger in the begin but seems like i could put it inventory maybe but yea i don't really use it
Ever since new update I changed my loadout to this scar,mcx,m40 sniper,impact gernade,flash gernade,air strikes,javelin,medkit. (No p2w items) but should I change anything
My loadout contains: FAL heavy (primary) KSG-12 (secondary) Desert eagle, Airstrike Radio, Barrett M82, Stinger, Drone EMP, Javelin and medkit. (my armor is 2x armor, Helmet is Nighvision Goggles and my uniform is special forces
ay, pretty similar to my old loadout, i used shots guns and explosive sniper as a panic weapon, and i had g36c, scar L, and medkits and airstrikes. my man copied my loadout 😂 also g36c got nerfed into the ground so it’s kinda bad now (it has 20 damage) the m8 is kinda good, but slower firerate than average and only 21 damage. scar L has slow firerate and low damge but still a good gun bc it fires so slow u can hit more shots. i change my loadout alot, just to keep up with the good guns, but your loadout is a good loadout for bassicalt anything, (counter tanks and helis, counter people on the ground, counter vehicles) good video overall and honestly great loadout. :)
Ngl that is not a very good loadout. reason .1 there is no stinger which means you can't do anything really anything towards a helicopter, . 2 no grenades which means you can't quickly get someone.
it varies on the user tbh, however imo I certainly do not need grenades or stinger and so I rather use my explosive sniper for that matter or hey even an RPG could work too for F2P users. I rather reserve the slots for autos because I use them more than any other item for fights, but then again it depends on your preference :)
My loadout MCX+HAMR scope+suppressor Ksg+HAMR scope+suppressor M40 sniper+suppressor Kar-98K ( u can another sniper or something) Javelin RPG Air strike Med kit Impact grenade NOTE : the attachments may be not good you can switch for whatever you want
If you pause exactly at 2:16 you can see a glock17! That doesn’t exist anymore does it??😮😮
Yeah it still exists
its an easter egg gun at rebirth 69
Can you make a Roblox game
My loadout is also:
G3 Rifle
KSG 12
MCX Spear
M200 Intervention
Air Strike Radio
Medkit (2x)
I usually keep Flashbangs and Impact Grenades in my inventory :)
Pretty decent loadout overall, I might even change my loadout to some of the guns you use, but there is one thing which can make it better, don't put a javelin in your loadout, instead just equip it from the stand which is right by the loadout equipper. This means you can use something else in that slot, like a shield. You can also pick up the RPG there too, which can be better than the javelin at short distances because it doesn't need to lock on
I play on xbox, so to change a gun to another I have to click RB/LB multiple times to equip it. In my case I like to use:
-Kriss Vector (short range)
-Scar-L (medium range)
-M40 (long range)
-Stinger (for helicopters)
-RPG/Javelin (for cars and tanks)
-EMP (for drones)
-Air Strike (for emergency or raiding)
-Grenades or med kit (I usually use the stick grenade because of its radius and damage)
-Riot Shield (In case someone got a ambush on me).
So you made the loadouts, now make the attachment
My TH-camr role model is you!
I love your video♡♡
yayayayayayayayya 😁
I constantly rebirth so for the A-10 I’m not so sure or the javelin can you think of something to give me if I need it oh and also the bizon is really good it just dosen’t get enough attention
Hmm, maybe an RPG? And I’ll try out the Bizon! Thanks for telling me
@@MegaBotics yeah man np
@@MegaBoticsI actually made the javelin in my load out bc it has lock on thx for doing this vid I’m a bad at PVP and always get raided when I’m defenseless this vid should help
This is so cool!
Thank you
they should add motors or artillery
you should try the xm8
What are useful thing about explosive sniper other than destroying vehicle and destroying shield?
I will prefer this loadout. The guns I use the most are in this. Thank you Mega, for giving me a loadout for the guns I use. 👏
Hey Mega, do you have any tips for fighting with the Kar98k? I've heard it's really good, but I can't understand why people would choose it over other snipers like the remington MSR or the Barret. Does it retain its accuracy in hip fire mode? Is it in any way different from the springfield? Thanks.
I use Kar98k because it doesn't scope too far, it's perfect for mid-range and sometimes long-range too a bit. I feel like the iron-sight is a good shape, you can see everything, unlike the Springfield where the iron sight is larger than the Kar98k. Tips: In pvp, I recommend you predict the player's dodge movement. For example, if you see the player jumps and is about to move to the right, you have your kar ready at his right side and wait for him to angle with the iron-sight and there you go. Hope that makes sense 😅👍
@@MegaBotics Thanks, dude, that makes sense.
Since new damage update changed my loadout mcx spear,scar,ksg,m40
How do you put AI generated voice in your vids?
Clip champ
@@MegaBotics oh ya. I always forget that. I’m sorry for being annoying 💀
I personally use
-boom sniper
-mcx spear(or scar I keep changing)
-Barrett(for long range in general)
-FAL heavy(just in case if I feel like switching my rifles)
Javelin(for enemy tonks I don’t like)
Usually Remington 870 or impact grenades for very close quarters
Well that’s all(2x amor as well;))
Ooh, nice!
How do you have g17?
Nice loadout! I personally use
1. Explosive Sniper
3. L119A2
4. MCX Spear (sometimes the G36C)
5. FAL Heavy
6. Kar98k
7. Airstrike radio
8. Javelin
9. Medkits
let me guess the explosive sniper is your most use weapon.
Nah I just use it for anti vehicle and heli but I use it for long range sniping too.
This is my build and how i setup it the gun goes in inventory so i got zvery slot then airstrike/fal or m110/shield/spas/mp9/rpg/javelin/medkist x2/M200 i used stinger in the begin but seems like i could put it inventory maybe but yea i don't really use it
i sure do love your loadout in counter strike
also pretty based and red pilled loadout (g36c got nerfed way to high tho so change it )
@@starwarsverycoolfrfr550 Oh rlly...................................
Maybe change the g36c with the mcx and switch the back up to FAL again
It’s very strong I will say
I was looking to this for a long time
Why u dont using helmet
Ever since new update I changed my loadout to this scar,mcx,m40 sniper,impact gernade,flash gernade,air strikes,javelin,medkit. (No p2w items) but should I change anything
I have a question why does Medikus always is two times in inventory ?
I think that's how it is, but it's very useful to have 2 anyway
My loadout contains: FAL heavy (primary) KSG-12 (secondary) Desert eagle, Airstrike Radio, Barrett M82, Stinger, Drone EMP, Javelin and medkit. (my armor is 2x armor, Helmet is Nighvision Goggles and my uniform is special forces
Ooh 👍
@@MegaBotics Can you please make another video? Titled :"using roblox players loadouts" and put my loadout in your video?
people tell me im a noob with a riot shield. i just have it in my loadout when someone has spawn shield or base shield. also bro nice video
Top 10 vid of the week
Nice video
@@MegaBotics Np
You deserve 100k subs
Nahhhhhhhhhhh, you really think so? 🥺
@@MegaBotics yes
After using this godly loadout, they called me a hacker, thanks mate for making a video about my comment
Of course! It makes me glad to hear that I helped someone get better! 😃
I mean the explosive sniper kind of p2w.
I call my loadout the always prepared. It’s a berret, kar, phhis, fal, deagle, javelin, stinger, rpg, riot shield, two medkits, air strike, and emp
You can't be prepared for any situation. becuase there aren't enough loadout slots.
@@johnnydied9563 can’t think of anything it can’t do, I modified it to also include air strikes and medkits
I use a simple one scar l g19 barret VEITNAM armor smoke
Do you also think that they nerfed the mcx spear?
Idk, I haven't played recently so I can't tell ya
@@MegaBotics I think they did because the recoil not as good anymore.
@@colinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oh, I thought it was just the damage :/
@@MegaBotics lol
Nice video bro but I am so sad about someone moved me from wal 😢
@@MegaBotics what that mean
tbh the M4 is the second best weapon If your good with it
If you want to test, you should use the ia2, its like the g36c but has minus damage
In gun attachment:
Ia2: 20.8
G36c: 20.9
I like you
how and why do you have 230 rebirths like do you have a life
I rebirthed because it was fun while doing it with other friends with also high rebirths, otherwise no point in doing it alone imo
Find the milk.
There’s actually milk I’ve seen videos about the milk in war tycoon.
Yeah lol
@@MegaBoticsI wonder who’s dad left it there.
I heard they -buffed- the G36C RIP……..
My loadout fal Heavy KSG 12 kar98k explosive Sniper
blud has 230 rebirths💀💀💀
my friend has 404 💀💀
my loadout: ex sniper :)
ay, pretty similar to my old loadout, i used shots guns and explosive sniper as a panic weapon, and i had g36c, scar L, and medkits and airstrikes. my man copied my loadout 😂 also g36c got nerfed into the ground so it’s kinda bad now (it has 20 damage) the m8 is kinda good, but slower firerate than average and only 21 damage. scar L has slow firerate and low damge but still a good gun bc it fires so slow u can hit more shots. i change my loadout alot, just to keep up with the good guns, but your loadout is a good loadout for bassicalt anything, (counter tanks and helis, counter people on the ground, counter vehicles) good video overall and honestly great loadout. :)
Lmao fr I heard GC got nerfed ripppppp
What are the guns with most damage now I use scar and mcx
@@Vibinzzzz1 mcx spear and L119a2 rifle have most damage
Ngl that is not a very good loadout. reason .1 there is no stinger which means you can't do anything really anything towards a helicopter, . 2 no grenades which means you can't quickly get someone.
it varies on the user tbh, however imo I certainly do not need grenades or stinger and so I rather use my explosive sniper for that matter or hey even an RPG could work too for F2P users.
I rather reserve the slots for autos because I use them more than any other item for fights, but then again it depends on your preference :)
@@MegaBotics But if there is a helicopter you screwed becuase you don't have stinger. (also do you think javelin and stinger should be buffed)?
I was first tho
:O im sorry then!
Alright mega dont get mad at me or anything but i need some units to fight Grimace we must stop him!
@@billybobjr-cx3dd np man tip go to the newest section then check if there is any comments
c est ta vois
My loadout
MCX+HAMR scope+suppressor
Ksg+HAMR scope+suppressor
M40 sniper+suppressor
Kar-98K ( u can another sniper or something)
Air strike
Med kit
Impact grenade
NOTE : the attachments may be not good you can switch for whatever you want
mine better frfr
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My loadout is better ez 🤑🤑🤑