o sidi, i beg u, please, to translate more videos of al Habib Abdul Qadir al Saqqaf and al Habib Ahmad Mashur al Haddad. truly i want to benefit from them
Subhan Allah, I have also watched it many times, contrary to several khatibs, there is some secret in the khutaba of great Mashaikh like them. Their speech is like vast fountains of wisdom flowing directly from their hearts.
Allahumma Sholli'ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa'ala Alihi Sayyidina Muhammad 🥺🤲🏻
o sidi, i beg u, please, to translate more videos of al Habib Abdul Qadir al Saqqaf and al Habib Ahmad Mashur al Haddad. truly i want to benefit from them
I second this!
الله الله رحمه الله وغفر له واسكنه الفردوس الأعلى دررر.
wow, I re watched this many times .. never do I cease to gain benefit.
Subhan Allah, I have also watched it many times, contrary to several khatibs, there is some secret in the khutaba of great Mashaikh like them. Their speech is like vast fountains of wisdom flowing directly from their hearts.
Me too
This was a tremendous blessing to watch I wish it never had an end. I will be watching this again and again and again.
I love this sheikh and sheikh al hadad al mashur please keep sanding more of this scholars of Islam.
Subhan Allah words of such weight and beauty
#WeLoveOurProphet #MuhammadPBUH
#Habaib #Ulama #Guru
#Peace #Solidarity #Progression
#Beneficent #Mahabbah #Ilm
#Wisdom #Pithy #Concise
thanku so much barakallah
Thank you for watching. May Allah bless you.
@2.40 is that Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad
Yes, it is.
Awesome ❤️
رب انفعنا ببركاتهم
Beautiful words.
Habib abdur kodir assegap😁😁😁😁😁😪😪😪😪😪😪◼◼⛾⛾⛾💶💶💶💷💷💸💸💸📥📥📥📥📮📮📮📮📮📮◼◼◼💯💯💯💯💯
اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
Thanks so much for translation Allah bless you x
Ameen. And you too.
hallo sumayya
May Allah bless you. If you can find more videos like this please share Insha’Allah
Ameen and you too. In sha Allah will do.
Shukran, MashaAllah. This is the stuff to watch and listen to ... non of this modern-day fake sufism!
Shahe Habeebi Awliya
🏍🏍💯💯💯💯💯💯 🏍🏍🏍🏍💯💯💯💯dibinuang jualan silaturahmi