@@dinkthesink3890 1. sen isn't the team I support. 2. Not my fault they lost. 3. Not my point, I was saying don't judge others cause of the team they support.
@@HonshuR im not lol why would i be? But its crazy how people are downplaying their poor run. We all saw how passionate kru were as opponents. What's funny to me is that these guys were howling about creating a dynasty after winning the 1st lan only, when the meta was evolving and players were adjusting. It didn't took much to show em where did this squad belonged.
@@HonshuR whaa?? Well we re talking bout international lans lol. Plus they won masters 2. Masters 3 was in berlin where the easier seed Envy thrashed em 2-0. Bad memory or copium?
The most annoying thing was when they lost against Kru, everybody in live chat for champs tourney were spamming SEN washed and saying they saw TenZ CSGO flashbacks when this is only their second tourney that they lost and they are the first team to win the first international tourney of Valorant, SEN will bounce back strong
theyre not wrong, SEN hasnt done anything to improve themselves. they disappointed at berlin and at champions. The "coach" doesn't give any valuable observations and just says to keep the energy high.
yay will replace zombs, cned will replace sick, scream will replace dapr, and deffo will replace shaz. Wardell will replace rawkus as coach confirmed by babybay
Energy looks very different here compared to previous unsesored episodes. It's not as chaotic as Iceland's and berlin's. GGs though! Pls pls come back stronger next tourneys
even though champions wasnt for you but you will always stay in our heart. gl on 2022 and dapr should play in eu more so he gets toxic and starts pulling off crazy clutches
Sentinels need to hit as many competitions as possible and not just the big ones. The more practice they can get with in person comp the better they can find their mistakes instead of gapping from Masters 3 to World Champs...
@@Tjay07 its that or they had to much circuit points (is that what its called?) to play in said smaller tourneys, because orgs like TSM, 100T are in the smaller tourneys now. (yes i know im 8 months late shhh)
Yeah I don't know what goes on outside of these clips but not once did rawkus provide real feedback, he just says keep up the energy and listen to shahz lol
@@meowkitty69 obviously they won't leak strats and gameplans, what gets into these videos are the funny and popoff moments from the 9 matches they played... definitely not the nerd stuff
I know groups stage loss sucks but its crazy how close this team was to getting out both against liquid and Kru. NA is not dead, just got unlucky this tourny. SEN wins the next lan 100%
12:20 babybay saw this video and got the moment to destroy them alone in the match which happened in june 2022 haha , babybay was waiting for this moment his entire life lamo
i like how they just show them winning and actually not showing them loosing coz its more important how a team reacts when they loose. I wanted to see that not see their best moments FFF anyways good luck for 2022......
Dude I sometimes have to pee before competing in Super Smash Bros and my best performances at local tournaments have ALWAYS been from the pee buff. I thought it was just placebo
Sen: Finally have a coach.
Coach: Just trust Shaz.
The guy who titles these videos needs a raise LMAO
We all love UNSENSORED, good luck in 2022, hope to see you win again!!
nope, he needed copium.
unsensored just censored the rounds they lose.
@@chalkp Everyone has their own opinions and teams they want to support, no point in talking about which team's ass looks better
@@budgetkariyu262 still lost and didnt qualify for playoffs.
@@dinkthesink3890 1. sen isn't the team I support.
2. Not my fault they lost.
3. Not my point, I was saying don't judge others cause of the team they support.
they really be getting creative with these titles
fr lmao
Instead of writing Comms 🤣
Wish we could say the same for their strats
@@chaitanyatripathi1543 LMAOOOO
@@chaitanyatripathi1543 that's lot of damage 💀
Tbf i don’t really care they lost anymore, as long as they had fun and will come back stronger than ever. And their chemistry goes. I’m happy :)
Ah yes. That's what competing means. Have fun and frik around
@@proxy7490yes, their compeiting while having fun. why are u mad at their loss.
@@HonshuR im not lol why would i be? But its crazy how people are downplaying their poor run. We all saw how passionate kru were as opponents. What's funny to me is that these guys were howling about creating a dynasty after winning the 1st lan only, when the meta was evolving and players were adjusting. It didn't took much to show em where did this squad belonged.
@@proxy7490 they won masters 1-3, not 1 lan
@@HonshuR whaa?? Well we re talking bout international lans lol. Plus they won masters 2. Masters 3 was in berlin where the easier seed Envy thrashed em 2-0. Bad memory or copium?
10:53 I like how shaz screamed so hard his mic didn't pick it up!
My teacher did this once
they mute it cuz they're all within feet of eachother so it'll sound weird
they muted his voice , coz you can hear his voice laping on other teamchat ! its the same thing.
"If i was a McDonalds meal, i would be the McNasty"
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The most annoying thing was when they lost against Kru, everybody in live chat for champs tourney were spamming SEN washed and saying they saw TenZ CSGO flashbacks when this is only their second tourney that they lost and they are the first team to win the first international tourney of Valorant, SEN will bounce back strong
twitch chat is always cancer kek
theyre not wrong, SEN hasnt done anything to improve themselves. they disappointed at berlin and at champions. The "coach" doesn't give any valuable observations and just says to keep the energy high.
Near Airport Will not bounce back strong
FU_ck sentinels envy 100t c9
wow they for sure did bounce back😭😭
Sick is so underrated sometimes. He was soooo nasty in the matches. I loved it
gotta love this team hope no roster changes
rawkus confirmed no roster changes
yay will replace zombs, cned will replace sick, scream will replace dapr, and deffo will replace shaz. Wardell will replace rawkus as coach confirmed by babybay
@@wani8615 W roster
i hope they let sinatraa off bcz they are holding him and he needs to play imo hes to good
@@wani8615 wait thats a joke right? I dont wanna get r/wooosh ed
it hits different when the video doesnt end with a win... GG's boys, let's have it for 2022!
God I hope this team stays together for a long time🙃
RIP zombs just got benched for kanpeki
this didn’t age well
"Mcnasty" lmao
Buy me a car
Zombs impersonating McGregor is the funniest shit i've seen LMFAOO
awesome new video! i hope no drama comes out of this wonderful tournament for my favorite team the sentinels!
I can't really tell if you're joking or being sarcastic 😂
@@nines5867 he has to be joking lmao
@@nines5867 sarcasm
omg this was the video i was most looking forward too!!! Love seeing how you guys communicate and i just find this shit so interesting!!
@@ariszl_ mans liked his own comment, why you down this bad?
@@ariszl_ go back to aot and roblox little man.
@@SkOpO321 Copium
@@ourlifeisasong Copium
Energy looks very different here compared to previous unsesored episodes. It's not as chaotic as Iceland's and berlin's. GGs though! Pls pls come back stronger next tourneys
I agree, it feels weird idk if it’s a good or bad thing tho
“RUSH B RUSH B RUSH B! GO GO GO! OOGA OOGA OOGA!” God damn bro that got me cracking up 😂
Shahz a real one. Still bing chilling even when he's in Berlin.
even though champions wasnt for you but you will always stay in our heart. gl on 2022 and dapr should play in eu more so he gets toxic and starts pulling off crazy clutches
or just kick him .
@@dinkthesink3890 dapr's literally one of their best players rn wtf are you saying
3:49 Wise words
I dont care if they lost the game, i freaking love these guys 😂
“If I was a McDonalds’ meal, I’ll be a McNasty”
Tenz at 7:36: "You guys are about to see a different Tyson."
Well he wasn't wrong 🤷♂️🤷♂️
imagine paying 1.2 mil for a choke god.
@@dinkthesink3890 XD
@@dinkthesink3890 He's a champion and you are?
@@BadDubII choke God don't compare him with random people compare him with other pro
Sentinels need to hit as many competitions as possible and not just the big ones. The more practice they can get with in person comp the better they can find their mistakes instead of gapping from Masters 3 to World Champs...
There isn’t any for them to join. They’re not allowed in them since all the smaller tournies are for the smaller T2 orgs.
Well yeah I think half of it is learning the teams they play against so they can build counters towards certain teams
@@Tjay07 its that or they had to much circuit points (is that what its called?) to play in said smaller tourneys, because orgs like TSM, 100T are in the smaller tourneys now. (yes i know im 8 months late shhh)
bro i love whoever made the title decision lmao i am dyeing
2:15 poor tenz got spooked
I wish they showed what the comms were when they were losing too xD
13:54 and from here on, everything went wrong for sentinels...
Shahzam 2021-" IM BING CHILLING" at 3:49
i am now gonna use the pee strat everytime before playing comp.. just for it to not work for me sadge
Legends says dapr still didn't pee☢️
no one can match mike's energy
rawkus legit vibin w da bois not even trolling T-T
11:15 whats that song name? cant remember
galantis - runaway
4:21 "not lose a force" captions wildin
i feel like these guys just had fun which is nice cuz if they unlock full potential thats another major win
I think if Sentinels hire a vocal coach they will be unstoppable
Yeah I don't know what goes on outside of these clips but not once did rawkus provide real feedback, he just says keep up the energy and listen to shahz lol
@@meowkitty69 obviously they won't leak strats and gameplans, what gets into these videos are the funny and popoff moments from the 9 matches they played... definitely not the nerd stuff
@@meowkitty69 u want them to tell u their real strats ?? On a youtube video??
@@meowkitty69 clips don't tell the whole story plus they cant leak their strats here
@@SandwitchGamer because no sane person would leak a team's strat on a youtube video, are you good?
"if you have to go to the bathroom it makes you play better" ACTUALLY facts lmao
Shahz is breaking the sound barrier with those screams lfmao
Rawkus every time something bad happens “honestly guys keep up energy like no joke guys”
13:52 AYO? DAPR
When the teacher asks the boys to sing 11:20
dapr went from bm king to sus king lmfao
"thats always gonna be my bet, cuz i kinda wanna do it" 😳😳😳
Shahz was hella locked in the whole tourney
This is the instance when liking the video before even watching it is actually the way to go. The title alone makes it worth the like.
5:23 dapr has other priorities
i was sad we were out of it so soon but man i knew unsensored was gonna be good 😭
"if i was a McDonald's meal, I'd be mcNasty" xD 😂
zombs super quiet on stage but on social media hes just a HARD TROLL bro LMAAOOO
dapr kinda sus at the end there
we need a Rawkus cam ;-;
they should make a unsensored L moment video
I wanna see Rawkus stay as coach cause this has been great, but I hope he finds success if he continues as a player. Onto 2022!!
I know groups stage loss sucks but its crazy how close this team was to getting out both against liquid and Kru. NA is not dead, just got unlucky this tourny. SEN wins the next lan 100%
go sentinels i'll always support
"if i was a mcdonalds meal i would be a mcnasty" - tenz
Coach is having more fun.
This is exactly what ive been waiting for.
This video r8 here shows why they DON’T need a roster change.
"If I was a McDonald's meal I'd be the McNasty" - TenZ 2021
6:08 should've shown this whole clip dude lol
dapr trolls comms as much as he trolls in game. man is a vibe
Dapr: “I’m bing chilling*
If this team ever makes a roster change imma be sad as hell
rawkus confirmed there wont be any changes
@@Litherly I'm not talking about this year, I'm saying...like ever. If anyone if them leaves at any point in their careers I'm gonna be sad
@@delsilver shahzam probably gonna leave at some point maybe when he's 30?
zombs gone
when shaz said bing chilling im dead
“I’m bing chilling” IM DEAD XD
I hope they finally realise how bad too much energy drinks is for the body
I love hearing rawkus joking around with them, he's such a perfect coach for the team
He doesn't add anything though game wise he just says trust shahzam
12:20 babybay saw this video and got the moment to destroy them alone in the match which happened in june 2022 haha , babybay was waiting for this moment his entire life lamo
09:20 LMAOOO shazh "huh"
Just saw you guys play today and you’re utterly amazing. Keep it up!
3:48 bing chilling
Good video as always. But i wanna see the comms in bad times also.. i wanna hear them when they lost to krü or team liquid.
that’s not the point of unsensored
Best team that's just always having fun in a major. at this point doesn't matter if they lose. They're still good yet very entertaining.
First 🥺🥺 Hehe pumped for Sentinels to come back next year - 2022 is the Sentinels era wooooo
dapr down bad on that last clip lmao
Can we all agree SEN is just trolling now a days like yeah they won and lost and all but they just having fun!
As soon as they start losing = trolling 😂😂😂 sentinels fans man
@@adriansu986 normal
Loving this
uncensored is nice! this really made this more entertaining. im only rooting sentinels now
Dapr sus AFFF 13:46
watching this later and in the future where both casters are in charge of 100t valorant lol
love the energy of dapr
i like how they just show them winning and actually not showing them loosing coz its more important how a team reacts when they loose. I wanted to see that not see their best moments FFF anyways good luck for 2022......
*[increasingly more unharmonized singing]*
Im from brazil and when that pause came out i really thought it was unnecessary , but looking know its just funny in my opinion , go sen love from br
who tf is misspelling peek in the subtitles man’s needs to get their pay cut no cap not even trolling
damn i guess the vibes were really gone after that first half of haven
I was really curious as to what their mindset was like
"I'm gonna troll"
Coach: Zombs, Fuck you!
Zombs: Fuck you! You're the worst coach i'v ever had
Zombs: You're the only coach 've ever had too
Those comments is not what i expected from a coach
ahh ive been waiting for this
Dude I sometimes have to pee before competing in Super Smash Bros and my best performances at local tournaments have ALWAYS been from the pee buff. I thought it was just placebo
Good to know that I'm not the only one who uses the pee buff! XD