+SilverBullet666 thats hilarious, as if a vampire is going to be scared of two sticks in the form of a cross. wouldn't they be afraid to go outside and some random tree coincidentally has that with its branches?
No, it's very strange because there is only one gun, and its a revolver. Not bazooka, no AK47. No irradiated crystals to repel super powered mutants. No zombification powder. That must mean he has been using them, and forgot to put it back in.
Louis Kelemen Howdy Partner! *Kick* Let me tell you a story... Once upon a time *Get Darker* You Died and Died Happily ever after... The end.... *Laugh Evily* Hehehe....
The books were probably the most hilarious part of this. They just completely went silent at the "10 ways to become a ladies man" one XD. Of course the book he also picked up solely to learn how to handle Kurimu was also nice.
I bought the anime DVD but for some reason i did not watch it and i keep it in my bag for 6 years. Thanks to this video i finish the series that i should have 6 years ago.
Ken Belmont: "Die, monster!" You don't belong in this world! Dracula: "What is a pervert!?" A misereble pile of emotions, but enough talk, have at you!
0:23 "kaichou san, pettanko wa?" xDDD just cant forget from episode 1 (or 2 not sure). this anime is really good, it definately deserved a second season. cant wait to watch it
What are the odds that he accidentally left his "props" bag in the club room them being sick in bed while watching some action movie. Is this a great timing or what!?
I can't remember clearly as I watched this ages ago but he wants a harem (having multiple girlfriends at once) and he's kind of open about his choice which kind of distances them away from him along with other stuff he does. I think he wouldn't even be in the student council if it weren't for the girls he's after all being in the student council.
Yes, kind of spoilers for the end but he owes every one of the girls a debt of gratitude for saving him when he was at his lowest point in life. The blonde despite being deathly afraid of men saved him from freezing to death. The loli told him to play gal games to become better at dealing with people. The sadistic one acted as a sound board for him when he was taken to the infirmary after passing out from exhaustion. The tomboy gave him advice while he was lost in his life. Thanks to these encounters he was able to rise above his depression and live life again. As a way to repay each girl he worked his ass off to win the seat in the student council with the sole goal of making the girls lives as enjoyable as possible by doing all of their work, creating fun situations and helping with their antics. In fact this scene reflects to a certain extent how much work he does behind the scenes as illustrated by the giant stack of paper work
@@christianbarrett3040 Wow TH-cam can bring you back to some obscure comments at times lmao. I think I was talking to someone in the legacy comment section (you couldn't make reply chains back then) but now I can't find it. Thanks for taking me back in time tho lol
modern vampire hunter, i think a shotgun that fires silver cores would be one of hte arsenal and not garlic and a stake, but at the same time hitting your target from a distance
@FortressFortuna Obviously his future self that died and became a hero to travel back in time to fight himself for no real reason. If that makes any sense.
We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people. Regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation. 🇸🇬
I noticed that the Castlevania reference is talking about Harmony of Despair through most of it. Not to mention Fate/Stay Night and Full Metal Panic. Best. Anime. Ever. XD
2 reasons 1 if ur around a ton of people and that comes on look at there face's and laugh 2 u can troll ur friend with it by puting the ring tone on there's and wait for them to get in a really crowed space then call them >:D
dang it, it's this part of youtube that makes my "anime bucket list" grow longer.
TheKeller101 tell me about it i have over 200+ animes to watch and some of them are Hentai's
+Bullet President Of XVCW 😂😂 some of them are hentai haha your list is well diverged I applaud you my friend 👏👏👏😂😁😋✌️
about 5 of them are hentai's maybe even 7
I have about 10 playlist, ranging from just don't, to I want to jack off, each playlist with about 200 Anime each
Holy grail war XD
HOLY GRAIL WAR??? no....not again...Emiya...
Aki I felt it too, another FATE
"How to Properly Handle Selfish Children"
*everyone looks at Kurimu*
"... Nani?" xD
Coming back 10 years after. This never gets old 😂
Don't see what all the fuss is. I mean there was nothing there that you wouldn't find amongst the possessions of any other man.
LitD Somewhat, although mine doesnt have a stake and garlic cloves. I prefer a silver cross instead :))
+SilverBullet666 It is rather odd to see a single handgun and purifying salt. I mean I prefer dual handguns and a machete. ;)
+SilverBullet666 thats hilarious, as if a vampire is going to be scared of two sticks in the form of a cross. wouldn't they be afraid to go outside and some random tree coincidentally has that with its branches?
Hamguy Bacon Bram Stroker wrote it that way.
No, it's very strange because there is only one gun, and its a revolver. Not bazooka, no AK47. No irradiated crystals to repel super powered mutants. No zombification powder. That must mean he has been using them, and forgot to put it back in.
preparation level: harem master vampire hunter.
*introverted* harem master vampire hunter
2:07 you can see the dragon radar from dragon ball
Lol I did not see that till you mentioned it.
Saw this comment years ago... Was looking for this comment 👍
Castlevania and Fate: Stay Night references. Random!
"How to Properly Handle Selfish Children"
*stares at kaichou*
"Ten Ways To Become A Ladies Man"
Everyone: *Poker Face*
ahaha -_- call the police
+DragonSlayer Production Fuck the Police! XD
Louis Kelemen Howdy Partner! *Kick* Let me tell you a story... Once upon a time *Get Darker* You Died and Died Happily ever after... The end.... *Laugh Evily* Hehehe....
They seriously referenced Castlevania? XD
Sure looks like it XD
The books were probably the most hilarious part of this. They just completely went silent at the "10 ways to become a ladies man" one XD. Of course the book he also picked up solely to learn how to handle Kurimu was also nice.
I bought the anime DVD but for some reason i did not watch it and i keep it in my bag for 6 years. Thanks to this video i finish the series that i should have 6 years ago.
Dark Gamer tf, you used a backpack for 6 yeas?!
i like how they're not freaking out at the fact that they found a gun in the bag
How not to be left out of society top 5....XD...I'd need that
It's been years but seeing the gun still makes me laugh
he's planning a kill or something like it :)
I love how she can connect a whip to a vampire hunter. Castlevania ftw!
Ken Belmont: "Die, monster!" You don't belong in this world!
Dracula: "What is a pervert!?" A misereble pile of emotions, but enough talk, have at you!
LOL Fate/Stay Night reference. 2:18
lol she even say akumajou (castlevania japanese name)
i never knew u could put a silence on a revolver
2:53 get in the fucking robot, Sugisaki.
when all of the weapons were laid out on the table I just thought souske from Full Metal Panic
1:17 love their faces haha
0:23 "kaichou san, pettanko wa?" xDDD just cant forget from episode 1 (or 2 not sure).
this anime is really good, it definately deserved a second season. cant wait to watch it
one of the first Japanese anime to use Singapore!
I was loling hard at this scene, but the Your Slave ringtone....that made me fall off my bed laughing XD
Love that Castlevania reference.
Rofl!! That ending was ever so ironic.
Thank you! You're the nicest person I've met so far!
I can't even imagine. Some kind of legendary seeker of harems? Of course could also tie the servant to his actually pained past.
The holy grail war?! If there was character that looked like Saber I'd laugh like crazy! XD
Yo, wassup.
The backpack of every USA student
I love the pres's voice xD. It's ADORABLE :3
How Not to be Left Out of Society, Top Five. We get a simultaneous "To late for that!"
i love their reaction to the ladies' man book
steamy shibru because they know he using that book to get them lol
ahh yeah the bag opening does look like from school days lol. didnt notice till it was pointed out haha
2:56, I don't know about anyone else but that reminded me of Mirai Nikki LOL
This anime seemed strange but now I really want to see it, it seems so hilarious!
@Melotha when the fantasy was being described, my mind instantly went "it's castelvania"...
What are the odds that he accidentally left his "props" bag in the club room them being sick in bed while watching some action movie.
Is this a great timing or what!?
He left it in hopes so that meguru and the drama club can get it whenever they want.
Oh, thank you. It makes sense now when I watch that part now.
totally. i can't think about a coincidence
I can't remember clearly as I watched this ages ago but he wants a harem (having multiple girlfriends at once) and he's kind of open about his choice which kind of distances them away from him along with other stuff he does. I think he wouldn't even be in the student council if it weren't for the girls he's after all being in the student council.
Yes, kind of spoilers for the end but he owes every one of the girls a debt of gratitude for saving him when he was at his lowest point in life.
The blonde despite being deathly afraid of men saved him from freezing to death.
The loli told him to play gal games to become better at dealing with people.
The sadistic one acted as a sound board for him when he was taken to the infirmary after passing out from exhaustion.
The tomboy gave him advice while he was lost in his life.
Thanks to these encounters he was able to rise above his depression and live life again. As a way to repay each girl he worked his ass off to win the seat in the student council with the sole goal of making the girls lives as enjoyable as possible by doing all of their work, creating fun situations and helping with their antics. In fact this scene reflects to a certain extent how much work he does behind the scenes as illustrated by the giant stack of paper work
@@christianbarrett3040 Wow TH-cam can bring you back to some obscure comments at times lmao. I think I was talking to someone in the legacy comment section (you couldn't make reply chains back then) but now I can't find it. Thanks for taking me back in time tho lol
he's ready for epic war
My nigga packing heat
I haven't seen this much ownage since Clannad. definitely deserves my attention.
Im wondering more why they didn't say anything about the fucking gun and ammo.
CommanderSh!mi X IKR LMFAO
the only possible reference to make
Why is this 9 years and is in my reccomended
Okay, this definitly needs to be on my "have to watch"-List
HA! No I didn't till you said something. XD
i think they were asking about the kid with white hair and glasses in Mafuyu's little fantasy moment she had.
that is the only possible reference they can make
modern vampire hunter, i think a shotgun that fires silver cores would be one of hte arsenal and not garlic and a stake, but at the same time hitting your target from a distance
He's the Servant, of course. Chizuru is his Master.
You now process Dracula's rib.
he dosent want this to end like school days
I think I will watch TV in high volume when I am in the phone from now on
@FortressFortuna Obviously his future self that died and became a hero to travel back in time to fight himself for no real reason. If that makes any sense.
@assaindude "How to properly handle selfish children" was pretty good too
Wow, they even drew the parliament house of Singapore
Freakin'... Just... But... CUTE BLONDE THAT CLEARLY PLAYS CASTLEVANIA! What is this sh- oh, description...
Totally worth it.
This anime has so many fucking references
your bed? *italicized* REALLY, OH MYYY!
I've got to try this and leave a vampire hunting kit a my desk or something
Your Slave. Your Slave. Your Slave. Thats an epic ringtone. really.. Does someone need a ringtone? O.o
Welcome to Singapore
That was almost awesome...
To this, I say.
Vampuire hunter with a whip? Hmm thats gotta be coincidence...Hmm whats this? Holy Grail- WHAT!!??
god i have to start watching this starting...now
+nekokins im pretty sure you're from japan and is a ligh novel author
I'm from Singapore too
We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people. Regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation. 🇸🇬
that is one weird ringtone.....LOL XD its funny
It was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing
Legend of the Pico
he has the dragon ball radar in his bag
That's is. I'm watching all of this.
Fucking Dragon Radar.
holy shit a fate reference
... just me or did you wanna know where he hid the stamp?
Once a stalker, always a stalker it seems
I noticed that the Castlevania reference is talking about Harmony of Despair through most of it. Not to mention Fate/Stay Night and Full Metal Panic. Best. Anime. Ever. XD
The merlion looks cute haha.
2 reasons 1 if ur around a ton of people and that comes on look at there face's and laugh 2 u can troll ur friend with it by puting the ring tone on there's and wait for them to get in a really crowed space then call them >:D
1:18 Epic poker face.........
Holy Grail War😂
demon king is right its pure comedy, with a little dark humor from the long brunette, hell it even has some death note references down to the apple
scenes like these made the first season epic, too bad the second season doesn't seem to live up to this...
My facourite scene of this anime!