來去高雄:文化遊艇 CP值高/夜景秘境竟在這裡?/這間咖啡店為什麼可以在五年內開出兩次中特獎的發票?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • N0.2023.156
    (1) 路程:全程三天二夜。
    (2) 紅毛港文化遊艇之旅:遊艇(來回)+專人導覽+展示館+搭配四人套餐(高字塔旋轉餐廳)。備註:有高雄市政府與私人遊艇辦理的區分,遊艇以政府的較為寬敞舒適。
    (3) 現場購票地點:高雄市鼓山區蓬萊路17號(棧貳庫),網址:www.klook.com/...
    June 16, 2023
    My mother’s caregiver before~~ Muinah,
    In order to take care of my mother who has limited mobility,
    Complete every job responsibly and conscientiously,
    And it lasted four years.
    This time, our whole family, in order to thank her,
    Take her on a trip to Kaohsiung.
    Moreover, we were guided by my cousin and accompanied by my cousin’s sister-in-law and cousin.
    Visit rich and beautiful attractions,
    Spend a beautiful journey of three days and two nights to your heart's content.
    二、 本集內容:
    Contents of this episode:
     秘境》#85度C鳳山中山店 #文化遊艇 #紅毛港文化園區 #高雄忠烈祠 #棧貳庫 #高雄苓雅街頭藝術節 #鳳山區 #苓雅區 #鼓山區#小港區 #岡山區 #高雄市
     Mystery"
    #85 Degree C Fengshan Zhongshan Store # Cultural Yacht #Hongmaogang Cultural Park #Kaohsiung Martyrs’ Shrine # Stack Erku # Kaohsiung Lingya Street Art Festival # Fengshan District # Lingya District # Gushan District # Xiaogang District # Gangshan District # Kaohsiung city
     找路》《雲林縣台西鄉、高雄市鼓山區、旗津區、鹽埕區、前鎮區、鳳山區、苓雅區、三民區、小港區、岡山區》
    (1) 第一日:中華電信西子灣會館(住宿)→鼓山渡輪站→渡船→旗津渡輪站→旗津街道→(四輪電動腳踏車) 旗津海水浴場→旗津踩風大道→旗津海水浴場(沙雕)→星空隧道→旗後砲台→高雄燈塔→旗津海產店→旗津渡輪站→渡船→鼓山渡輪站→大碗公冰→中華電信西子灣會館
    (2) 第二日:中華電信西子灣會館→哈瑪星捷運站→駁二蓬萊倉庫群→棧貳庫→香蕉碼頭→駁二蓬萊站→輕軌捷運→夢時代捷運站→夢時代百貨→夢時代捷運站→輕軌捷運→駁二大義站→大港橋→大港倉→大港迴聲公共藝術→駁二大義站→輕軌捷運→哈瑪星捷運站→(開車)中華電信西子灣會館→85度C鳳山中山店(表哥經營;喝咖啡)→衛武營國家藝術文化中心附近街道→老新台菜十全店→忠烈祠賞夜景→中華電信西子灣會館。
    (3) 第三日:中華電信西子灣會館→棧貳庫文化遊艇登船處→高雄港→紅毛港文化園區→高字塔旋轉餐廳 (文化遊艇套餐)→文化遊艇→高雄港回程→棧貳庫→(開車) 中華電信西子灣會館→阿公店水庫停車場→接駁車→崗山之眼→接駁車→阿公店水庫停車場→賦歸。。
    (4) 全程:費時兩天半(兩夜)。
     Finding a Way"Taixi Township, Yunlin County, Gushan District, Cijin District, Yancheng District, Qianzhen District, Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City"
    (1) Day 1: Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Clubhouse (accommodation)→Gushan Ferry Station→Ferryboat→Cijin Ferry Station→Cijin Street→(four-wheeled electric bicycle) Cijin Beach→Cijin Treading Avenue→Cijin Beach (Sand Sculpture)→Qihou Fort→Kaohsiung Lighthouse→Cijin Seafood Shop→Cijin Ferry Station→Ferry Boat→Gushan Ferry Station→Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Hall.
    (2) Day 2: Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Hall→Hamasing MRT Station→Pier 2 Penglai Warehouses→Zhan Er Warehouse→Banana Pier→Pier 2 Penglai Station→Light Rail MRT→Dream Times MRT Station→Dream Times Department Store→Dream Times MRT Station→Light Rail MRT→Pieer Dayi Station→Dagang Bridge→Dagang Warehouse→Dagang Echo Public Art→Dagangqiao Station→Light Rail MRT→Hamaxing MRT Station→(Drive) Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Guild Hall → 85 Degrees C Fengshan Zhongshan Store (operated by my cousin; drink coffee) → Weiwuying National Art and Culture Center → Old Xintai Cuisine Shiquan Store → Night View at Martyr's Shrine → Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Hall.
    (3) Day 3: Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Club→Zhanerku Cultural Yacht Boarding Area→Kaohsiung Port→Hongmao Harbor Cultural Park→Gaozita Revolving Restaurant (Cultural Yacht Package)→Cultural Yacht→Kaohsiung Port Return→Zhan Erku → (drive) Chunghwa Telecom Xiziwan Hall →Gushan Eye → end of the journey.
    (4) The whole journey: takes two and a half days (two nights).
     探索》咖啡、夜景、海港、文化園區、美食、高空人行橋
     Exploration"
    Coffee, night view, harbor, cultural park, food, high-altitude pedestrian bridge
     本集交通工具》汽車、步行
     This episode of Transportation "car" "walk"
    一、 相關介紹網址:
    3. Related introduction website:
    Welcome link URL:
    FB~ www.facebook.c...
    IG~ www.instagram....
    Blog~ blog.xuite.net...
    TH-cam~ / @yuhru1802
    在地嚮導~YUHRU WU
    Local guide~YUHRU WU

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