Great guidance on the offices ! Bro Bernard hit the ball out of the park ! There are many who feel led by God for their call , but not every person is truly led . I appreciate the teaching !! Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised !
I ran across this and I'm glad the Lord led me to it. Scripturally, Biblically, doctrinally sound. Well-explained. Well-understood. Not self-promoting. Not man-centered or interpreted. The man speaking is not proud or boastful. Great! Thank you!
Thank you for the word of wisdom on prophets and apostles. I grew up in an apostolic church (not UPCI) who really believed in prophets, but they were out of order and it basically destroyed that church. . We must stay within the guide lines of the Bible. God bless you Bishop Bernard.
@@exploremylocalarea946 Yes i say the same, as i always ask ---who appoints these so called apostles ???? and until today no one has ever given me an answer,
My understanding has been that the prophets affirm the teaching and leadership of the church from which they are allowed to exercise their office so harmony of leadership is manifest. Apostles are those sent to initiate a work of God in an unchurched area or an area where dead churches exist. In many cases (and I have seen this in evidence) these apostles over a few years find the lost, feed the sheep and develop leadership. From the developed leadership a pastor usually becomes elevated by God and recognized by the Apostle whereupon the pastor is ordained by the laying on of hands and eventually the apostle moves on. Rinse and repeat.
1 Corinthians 12 - 14 gives detailed instructions. Regarding prophets, God says through Paul, "Let two or three of the prophets take turns speaking ... let one speak and let the others judge". Every message or sermon should be subject to the judgment of the other prophets in the congregation. As Brother Bernard pointed out, a prophet is one who speaks for God. We usually call them "preachers". Also, history shows the average congregation was between 30 and 50 people, and cities would have dozens, hundreds or thousands of such congregations meeting in various homes around the city. If you have at least 3 prophets per congregation as First Corinthians suggests, that means that about 10% of each congregation at a minimum should be prophets (preachers).
This can certainly be true, but James who oversaw Jerusalem stayed there. He may have traveled some, but he oversaw the Jerusalem work that probably had mini House churches. He would’ve been sort of as a bishop today, and I do believe that many who are recognized as bishops Really function in the ministry of an apostle. This is not always true, but it could be, and particularly if they build a work and many ministers are sent out from that work. Then what you have is not only a local church but a family of churches that relate as sons and daughters in the faith.
@@arthurvanderhoff2413I always note that when the new testament says “and they prophesied or who’s daughters prophesied” that these prophesies were never written! Does anyone have any insight as to why this might be??
but all these modern day called apostles and so called prophets are all false, they are self appointed, they cause more division i the church than edify God,they not appointed by God, i cant decide today now i am a prophet ansd start saying God Says this and that, look during the planned demic how may false so called prohpets prophesy that the virus was going to stop in a few months
can you explain what u mean please, because i don't see any edifying 5 fold ministry today in these modern movements of Kenneth Copeland and his sidekicks, all i see is how rich they are, as thy are not churches,
@@aroundtheworld4173 and not only that,, all i see is self enrichment in these so called churches, kenneth Copeland and his sidekicks are not churches, they are just self rich get quick movements, a church is a place that has a pastor who went through a bible college, is a ordained pastor, and the church has elders and deacons who are only men,
absolutely not true! I don’t care how many books you’ve written. True believers who are dropped by the Holy Spirit go to God‘s all sufficient word. And prophets today have done nothing but add to the word of God and these prophets have been wrong 1:28 99% of the time and even when they have been right, they’ve only approve them that even a broken clock can be right two times a day. I will continue to go to my heavenly father‘s all sufficient word and stay clear of any apostles and prophets who are making a mockery of God‘s word and bringing reproach upon the church today.
Loved this! It bothers me when people self proclaim themselves as prophets, especially when they prophesy something that goes against the Word of God. I find that because the prophecy is mostly true BUT has a small, tiny, microscopic lie in there, it seems that most don't recognize, and as a result, people believe because! We must read and study the Bible for ourselves. Doesn't the Bible talk about studying the Bible to show thyself approved? There's a reason for the shift from when I was a child in the church to now. There's less zealous worship, and praise, watered-down preaching, or so it seems..things like that, and I can only attest it to the internet, because that's when I started noticing things like that, and I could be wrong, but that's the impression. I can't tell you how many times I had a prophetic word that's primarily for the church, but because of what I said above, and I don't want to anger God if I get it wrong!! I fear God and no one and nothing else, but it's so touchy especially when it's things like speaking against Halloween and/or the celebration of it, (no matter what a church wants to Halloween instead,) or speaking out against the modern way of thinking, that the demonic is taboo and or symbolic, because they're not! They're real beings and was one of Jesus's main ministries, and also i dare say that any and ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES IS IN FACT, (im not talking about saddness after a loved one dies, or the like, but rather when something psychological gets so bad, that others notice or one thinks they need to see a specialist,) is result of some sort of demonic attack, also, keeping/maintaining the standards of physical holiness, speaking against the internet, including video games, phones, computers, especially for the youth...ect., ect. ..please pray for me because I know we are to use our gifts, holding back nothing. I know that, and I also know that it wouldn't please God that I withhold prophecy, especially since it's for the church and aligns with the Word of God, but it is HIGHLY controversial within the UPCI today. God bless in Jesus name 💖
I would say most often prophesy that has come to me for the church has always been something that hits home for me first ,when I’m identifying with Gods frustrations with his people I can speak it without pride or showing personal giftings I find it easily entreated and I identify that I spoke by God . Usually it is the word and it is written , which tells you if it’s from God or not to begin with . If we speak his word we are in authority by the word 😉
Because the trinity is not biblical. The teaching came a couple of hundred years after the Apostles died. It is never taught in the Bible. One God The Greek word Kai is translated as and, it is also Even or that is. The word And does not mean another person. Matt 28:19 says NAME singular which is Jesus. All you have to do is read through acts and notice when they mentioned baptism. Jesus is considered the Lamb of God, the King of Kings, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the High Priest. And you believe that, but you don’t believe that One God can be all of that and more. Isaiah 44:6-8 KJVS [6] Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. [7] And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them. [8] Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it ? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. Revelation 1:7-8 KJVS [7] Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. [8] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Isaiah 9:6 KJVS [6] For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 1 Timothy 3:16 KJVS [16] And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Colossians 2:8-9 KJVS [8] Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. [9] For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 2600 times the singular pronoun is used when speaking of God. The Greek Τριάδα is translated trinity. Not once is it used by the Apostles, nor in of the OT writers. The OT is clear that ONE God was taught, then after the Apostles died He changed His mind?
What was the context of Ephesians 4? The whole chapter not just 11. It’s not about leadership. It’s about being ONE body in Christ. Look how the first verses before you get to 11.
Magnificent explanation. We should also point out that there are more than the basic five-fold ministries. The global church has created these other ministries like couuncelors, deacons, ushers, intercessor, etc. and these should aso be recognised as other ministries. The needs of the present church are not the ones of the 1st century C.E. and thus there are more and many areas in which new ministries are needed.
If Paul is the apostle for the gentiles, why the UPCI goes to Acts 2:38 for salvation instead of going to Paul's gospel? Romans 3:21-27, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Cor 1:17, 1 Cor 15:1-4
Peter was given the keyes, which typifies knowledge, he opened salvation fist to the Jews as Acts 2:38. Peter was the spokesman for the church. Jesus told Peter; Simon, lovest thou me more than these? Feed my lambs, and feed my sheep, twice. The Jews, the Samaritans, the Gentiles. Peter had to be the one to give salvation first. The church began on Pentecost in Acts the 2nd chapter. Paul was one born out of due time. Paul got the gospel by revelation. No one added knowledge to Paul. But Paul was after Peter. Now Peter and Paul preached to anyone. Paul travelled. Peter stayed in Palestine. In Act 2, in Acts 8, in Acts 10, it was Peter who opened salvation to the world, and Paul had his ministry. They worked together. Peter is in the gospels, Acts has Paul. And one more thing, Peter sanctioned Paul's letters to the churches. 2nd Peter 3 15-17. You can call it your gospel if you want.
Fr4nkSanchez Because there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, which apostle Peter preached on the Day of PENTECOST, as our LORD JESUS CHRIST ordained him to do when he stated that he would give him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Apostle Peter was the one of the 12 who was given the revelation of our LORD JESUS CHRIST being the Mighty GOD (Spirit) in CHRIST, & he ministered our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S GOSPEL, which was & is the DEATH, BURIAL & RESURRECTION of our LORD, & HIS SALVATION WORK is appropriated & applied within our lives through & in OBEDIENCE to ACTS 2:38 etc. Apostle Paul preached, taught & ministered the SAME GOSPEL message as Peter, as was cited by another posted commenter, in Acts 10, 11 & 19. The HOLY SCRIPTURES that you cite/make reference to are NOT another GOSPEL, but rather àre epistles (letters) written to those respective early Church members of our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S ONE BODY, who were already BORN AGAIN of the WATER & Spirit in the accounts of the book of Acts. In fact, apostle Paul even WARNS & CAUTIONS those in the early churches NOT to be moved away from, taken in by or DECEIVED/BEGUILED away by ANOTHER GOSPEL in Galatians specifically if I recall correctly.😃
Interesting. I have much respect for Dr. Bernard and would like to hear what he would say about many of the early latter day Pentecostals who certainly had no “Church” (capitalized) to endorse their calling. In fact Charles Fox Parham was decidedly against an established church, although this appears to have changed when he was the one doing the establishing.
If John the Baptists showed up, he would be rejected. People are very resistant towards prophets - They see a lot and people have things to hide. The gift of prophecy brings edification, but the office of a prophet brings direction, correction. They build up and tear down.
God expects us all to help multiply believers,,,,do Not be among them who was scared to witness,,,,,thou Lazy slothful servant,,,,well Lord, i was scared, so i hid the talant in the ground,,, Look, here is thy talant😮😮😮😮
Biblically speaking and only biblically speaking is that every day is to be esteemed alike not one above another . Everything can be received with of course thanksgiving . Whether it’s pork , or chicken ,lamb you name it . We put so much focus on days and observe seasons and the lord just wants daily observance of him self from his people . I mean we got hundreds of people making issues of sabbaths and Paul said himself that if a person observes that then that’s fine and if one doesn’t it really didn’t matter . It is NOT a heaven or hell issue why do we make these points of focus . Love it ! Live it ! And die out to the flesh period is the saving factor not observance of feast or holidays . If I go to a Jewish synagogue and observe with my Jewish brothers and sisters it’s fine and dandy . If I don’t it won’t offend God either . Anything that seems to rise up flesh and say your wrong I’m right stuff is not of God it’s not the right spirit . Just live it and die to the fleshly desires of the world . Bottom line . Seed of satan or seed of God can be seen in judgemental nitpicks over silly things . That’s my 2 cents .
The five-fold ministry with modern equivalents from the Anglican Communion' 1. Apostle(Shaliah) - Bishop 2. Prophet(Navi) - Dean 3. Evangelist(Methoraf) - Archdeacon 4. Pastor (Comea) - Canon 5. Teacher(Rabbi) - Parish Priest 6. Presbyter - Priest Assisting 7. Deacons - Deacon These were the ranking of clergy in the Nazarene Jewish Knesset or as we will say the Early Church. Thus there were several different ways to rank. Paul and Barnabas were acknowledged as Prophets and Rabbis before being consecrated and ordained as Apostles. This did not mean they were apostles alone but the previous ranking still holds that they were still Prophets and Rabbis. Thus the 5-fold ministry was critical to the administration of the Early Church. It is to be noted that the ranks of Pastor and Evangelist were not that developed when the Didache was written. These are consistent with first century Jewish clergy and as such must not be put out as some sort of ministry of a specialist sort. The Rabbis, Pastors. Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles were itinerant clergy whereas the Presbyters and Deacons were selected to form settled boards to govern the local congregations while executing pastoral and charitable functions respectively. This was not even unique to Christianity but was similar to synagogue governance such that they were able to build up to the level of the Sanhedrin or Synod. The struggle to interpret the 5-fold ministry without recourse to tradition and history is one of the failures of those who hold the Regulative Principle of Bible interpretation. The Bible is the Canon of Scripture meaning it is the standard for judging other religious writings. It is not ALL of Scripture. The Normative Principle makes more sense because it admits this and allows context to enlighten it freely. When Evangelicals who take the Regulative Principle try to interpret the Bible they ran into the challenge of not knowing enough context to use in interpretation whether historical, or theological because of ignoring Reason(Secular Literature) and Tradition (Religious Literature)
We the Church should call these offices by their original names and allow God to call new prophets and apostles, we are not entitled to omit the word of God because we think this or that. Bottom line, the devil is taking advantage of the lack of these two very important offices to call false prophets and apostles. 😢
Do you have an episode on wedding rings? I have recently encountered some that say it is a heaven or hell issue due to Scripture. That disturbs me and I would like some insight.
I have the same question especially because UPCI is so against jewelry. Every culture doesn't wear a ring to represent marriage. Afterall, does a person wearing a cross mean they are a Christian? Not at all. So, are rings are biblical?
Why most churches today are not applying the 1 John 1:5-10 and James 5:16? As The Lord Jesus shows an example and told us to do this in John 13:14-17. He also mention to his very important commands in Matthew 28:20.
Very concerned about the influx of ppl lately on facebook who refer to themselves as 'apostles' or ' prophets' and constantly have "a word from God". They claim no affiliation with any church or denomination, you know NOTHING of their lifestyle or relationship with God (if ANY) and they seem to speak as if they have a special voice from God as opposed to the foundation of the word of God, the bible!
I 'predict' things will end badly for every false prophet, whether sincere or not...... You'll know them by their fruits (or the lack thereof)..... Most are easy to identify because of their obvious false teaching..... It's those within your own trusted group or organization that can more easily deceive you..... I've seen it happen myself.
I am very concerned when a church votes in a "pastor" whom the church knows nothing of their lifestyle or relationship with God (if ANY) and they seem to speak as if they have a special voice from God as opposed to the foundation of the word of God, the bible! Eldership (biblical oversight) prophets, etc. come from within the local assembly because you have known those who labor among you. it's all biblical.
What is UPCI to me? I’m reading my Bible. I find it interesting it falls more to his opinion. Correct me if I’m wrong, but no real scripture given to back up his opinion.
Yeah right...Ephesians 4:11-12 (KJV) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
IF that local body or assembly is teaching in error the things of God those called to and sent to prepare the Saints led by God are to correct that assembly. In these in days God is sending His Apostles and Prophets in Truth not polluted by vain philosophies from the minds and councils of men. Those sent by God to correct the error of men, are going forth and standing with the Lord Jesus. I pray you who are teaching in error would come with understanding IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH. Your selection means nothing when God calls someone many have in error turned True Apostles and Prophets away claiming rebellion and you who do this will have to answer to God for your error. Be careful you who turn falsely men of God anointed and ordained by God not man away for you error greatly in doing so.
They are fulfilling scripture of those who will teach and live in error. 😉 Jesus was rejected too. The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. Psalm 118:22 KJV
awesome , so why some pastors says, ' its not anymore existing in their lips?, after this, believe it, in my spirit same as sir David Bernard says . still existing " ha ya yaah ta taahh,... may ////come forth within.
Thank you for explanation. Can you discuss cremation versus traditional burial in a coffin.? Don't see any scripture against it in the Bible. Thank you for all you do.
Genuine question- what if the church leadership doesn’t know how to identify the gifts in people? What if there is a Joshua problem (leaders not raising leaders)?
That is a reality, but they may not say it out loud. I personally believe no one knows it all or have it all. Iron will always sharpen iron, whatever that looks like until the church becomes into it's fullness.
In the Old Testament Prophets was a way of God communicating with his People … you have to remember that the Holy Ghost Descended in certain Chosen people and not available to the public. After Jesus died in the Cross he came to fulfill that space. So the Prophets now can be anyone that has received the Holy Ghost but it has to be discerned by someone in church like Dr David said, It has to be translated so everyone can understand . Back then prophets said thing that weren’t written of things to come, if so was the case today of a Prophet saying this things will happen then it has to be written in the Bible which it’s absurd. God Already gave the outline in epistles what will happen in the future and how everything will end. There aren’t new revelations to be written by anyone claiming God Told them this will happen when it’s already written in the Bible of the things to come … Likewise the apostles were only chosen people to spread the news of the Gospel and witnesses of Jesus death . They were given the role to teach the new doctrine that wasn’t written in a Bible and also inspired to write the 13 letters by Paul . In today world there’s no one alive who was a witness of Jesus Death , there aren’t new doctrines to be written ( nothing can be added to the Bible that hasn’t already been written ) this is why the roles of Apostles and Prophets changed in the New Testament as just titles without the authority they had back in the Old Testament.
Dr. Bernard addressed this passage in Episode 53 | Are There Modern-Day Apostles and Prophets? ( (Podcast Production Team)
The office and calling of the Apostle is given by Christ Jesus/Yeshua in person. It's a spiritual work and influence. It has nothing to do with UPC specifically but will include it. Let me add that if the pastor does not honor the Apostle and receive guidance from him , the pastor is proud and has gone against the Lord himself who appointed the Apostle.
Actually if you read the book of Acts Jesus had only 12 apostles and when Judas hung himself. The other apostles asked the risen Jesus to appoint another in his place and Jesus himself hand picked Matthias. Barnabas was beside Matthias and not made an apostle. No others were ever named scripturally becoming apostles. What I find odd, is it is scriptural for Matthias to have a verse naming him an apostle, then never mentioned again. And all these other apostles were never mentioned becoming apostles yet being referred to as apostles. And the early churches rejected the gospels of Mary of Magdalen and the gospel of Thomas. I've always wondered why the people who Jesus hand picked never recieved their place in the bible. Then come to find out they had books for the bible and people chose to remove them. And the books they chose to replace them with were then added. And don't forget all the Roman Catholic forgeries they began writing around 1060 AD. We all need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit to have the discernment through this world of deciet. God can help you. Use Jesus as your shepherd not a man. The devils servants are very wise and even in the time of Jesus they were in very high places of the "church" not every person that is head of a church was called by God. Listen to what they say, then ask the Lord to reveal to you the truth. Some only preach on money, others only condemn you of sins. These are not building their foundations on Christ. Jesus taught to love your neighbors, pray for your enemies and help the needy. And that Christ is the only way into heaven. If they go against any of these truths. They are not a church of God. God wants unity in His house, not division. Not hypocrisy. Not judgement. Preach a book the way it is written. Not cherry picked and definitely not twisted.
Where does it say that Jesus picked Matthias? They cast lots.Matthias was never mentioned again but who was? Who wrote 2/3rds of the NT? You do a lot of judging.
@hargisP2 Not judging seeking the truth. And how many times did I say pray about it? Blindly believing someone is taking man's word over God's. When I prayed about scriptures that didn't sound right, the Lord Himself told me to know the difference between man's word and His.
Yes, there are. I have spoken to people that claimed to be an apostle or prophet on several occasions. There is certainly a test of time to know the truth in one's claim to a position of such. Matthew 7:15-20 provides guidance on this matter and specifically verse 20 states "by their fruits ye shall know them." First, if they are indeed anointed to the office of either, the anointing of God will be constantly blessing everything they do because of alignment with God's will. Additionally, their fruits displayed should be consistent with the fruits of the spirit and not of the flesh. An easy way to observe this is their love toward others in ministry and daily interaction. The prophets and apostles that I believed to be false only displayed a desire to be elevated to the "chiefest seats" in the church and had no compassion on people in general (much like the Pharisees in the Bible). Either way, just like fruit takes a while to begin to grow, you have to watch and see. If the prophecies never happen (assuming it's in the near future), chances are they either a false prophet or they have some type of separation from hearing God in their life brought on by sin, idolatry, etc. Same thing with an apostle. If everything they claim God instructed them to do is falling apart, it's probably safe to say they are not an apostle. An advantage to an organization is exactly that - organization. It would be hard to be a "self-proclaimed" apostle and go into a church to be received open arms without the blessing of other elders in the organization. But as I said early on, this just takes time to tell for certain sometimes.
@@jonszab431 Paul said in Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) YOU DON'T NEED THE UPCI TO VALIDATE YOU.
@@timothyacademy1372 Absolutely! I am not a member of nor am I advocating for the UPCI. My statements were made from a very neutral stance and loose using of the term "organization." That can mean anywhere from a few churches that fellowship together under the same leadership to a larger one such as the UPCI. The organization doesn't validate your ministry if you're in the body, it supports it (or at least should). Before Paul was the Apostle that wrote Galatians, it took an elder like Barnabas within the current organization of the early church in Acts 9:27 to bring him before the organization to recognize that God was working through Paul's ministry. The verse prior states the disciples "believed not that he was a disciple." This is a better example of my original comment on the advantage to being in an organization. I don't know how much differently the book of Acts and the church today would have been if Paul would have said like he did in Galatians 1 that I'm an Apostle by God and not in an organization, I don't need them. I suspect Acts 15 wouldn't have happened with Paul and we may very well have unnecessarily been keeping Old Testament ceremonial laws. Who knows? But thank God for an organization of elders that convened on this matter and many others.
as far as power Jesus commanded all disciples to do these things and go out and make disciples of men to continue doing these things...we are his hands and feet while he is not here but he is doing the works not us we are vehicles made by him and he supplies also the parts i am non-denominational btw
A LEGIT apostle MUST be an eye witness of having seeing/spoken to the Lord in person after the resurrection and be apointed an apostle by the Lord himself in person or by the Holy Spirit as in the case of Mathias (Mathias witnessed the presence of Jesus Christ while he was alive on earth after the resurrection) who replaced Judas Iscariot!. In either case, be it by Jesus Christ or by the Holy Spirit, it's Jehovah's call (both Son and Holy Spirit are the same Jehovah God) on who should be an apostle and NOT man's call/desicion!Those are the conditions set for anyone who wants to be an apostle, 1-a witness of having seen/spoken to Jesus Christ in person after the resurrection 2-apointed directly by Jehovah God (either by the Son, the Holy Spirit or the Father)! Paul was the last apostle apointed by Jesus Christ himself when he was in his way to Damascus , he said it himself in Galatians!.If Paul was the last apostle apointed directly by Jesus Christ then who ever claims to be an apointed apostle ( apointed by Jesus Christ himself) is a false APOSTLE and a LIAR!.
Awesome, thanks for this! I would like to hear Bro Bernard's take on how involved we should, or should not, be with politics. As in, should we remain silent on political issues such as free speech in regards to the current Twitter purchase by Elon Musk and Congress suddenly being concerned about its use, when prior to this they contended it was a private company and should be allowed to operate it as they see fit. There is of course more to it, but in general.
Thank you for the positive feedback. Brother Bernard addressed the question "Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?" in Episode 39 ( - Podcast Production Team
Apostle and prophets in the Book's of Acts and Revelation is talking about the present times of the the Apostolic missions and for the tribulations period and I don't see in this days and ages an Apostle or Prophet's because who is their to tell the future and who are directly appointed by God or from God? I am sorry to unsubscribe your channel because you support or believe a prophet and Apostle can be living among us , then you are also one of the new age prophets or Apostle rite !🤗
11 Well, the second question is: "Brother Philippe, can a man be saved outside of the Message that you preach?"The answer is: No! That is not possible. And Brother Okobé had tried to show that rightly. You see? I am going to read Acts 10 first, I am going to show you two verses there. Then another verse in chapter 11. 12 The children of the devil think that somebody can live a good life with a pure heart and be saved without accepting necessarily what God is doing in his generation. Yet in a generation, it is what God is doing that is the only door of Salvation in that generation. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. As Cornelius was a child of God, God did not let him die with the Pharisees, Sadducees, Hellenists, Herodians, Essenes…and so on. But He led him to the Truth of his time, to Peter the one who had the keys of the Kingdom in his generation. And if you are a child of God today, that’s what God will do likewise. Why? Because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 13 If your heart is pure and you are really good, it is impossible that God should not lead you here. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].In Noah's time, if your heart is pure and right before God, you will come into Noah's ark. If you say that your heart is pure, your heart is right before God, it is you who say it but it is when you enter into Noah's ark that we will see that your heart was really pure. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 14 Let's take Acts 10:1-3 now, it is question of Cornelius. Follow closely!"But a certain man in Caesarea, --by name Cornelius, a centurion of the band called Italic, pious, and fearing God with all his house, both giving much alms to the people, and supplicating God continually, saw plainly in a vision …an angel of God coming unto him, and saying to him: Cornelius! Thy prayers and thine alms have gone up for a memorial before God. And now send men to Joppa and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter". Amen! 15 The Bible says that Cornelius was pious! Then the Bible says that he feared God with all his house. I specify that he feared God with all his house, with his wife and children. He gave much alms to the people, not only to the people of the same family or the same synagogue as him but to all the people. And then the Bible says that he continually supplicated and fasted. But in Acts 11:13-14, it is said of Cornelius, "and he related to us how he had seen the angel in his house, standing and saying to him: Send men to Joppa and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter, who shall speak words to thee whereby *thou* shalt be saved, thou and all thy house ".[Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 16 The angel did not come to strengthen him, or bless him or lay his hands upon him or tell him to spend a greater number of days fasting or tell him that he is saved but to lead him to a man, Peter the one who had the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven in that time on the earth. 17 And today, even if you are a true pastor, prophet or other, and that what you do really goes up to God, God will never send an angel to tell you to do a thing other than coming to the living prophet of your time for it is him who has the keys of the Kingdom and the Words of eternal Life by which you will be saved, you and those who follow you. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 18 All that Cornelius did was good but it was the Word of him that had the keys of the only door of the Kingdom of Heaven that was going to save him, him and all his house. Without that, he was going to find himself easily in hell. If Cornelius did not accept what God was doing in his time despite all the sincerity of his heart, he was going to find himself in hell. Peter did not die upon the cross of Calvary but it was him Peter who had the Words of eternal Life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens. Kacou Philippe did not die upon the cross of Calvary for you but it's him, Kacou Philippe, who has the Words of eternal Life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens for your Salvation today. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. The proof that Cornelius was good, it was that he accepted what God was doing in his time. You see? What saves, it is the living Word of God in your time. And the living Word, it is the Word that proceeds from a living prophet. The living Word of God today, the living Word of God in a generation, is the Word of God that comes out through the mouth of the prophet of this generation while that prophet is alive on the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 19 In the Beginning was the Word! It was not a church but the Word! And if it is the Word that has actually created you, you will never say, "I am looking for a good church!"but you will say, "Where is the living prophet of my time, where is the Gospel of my time?"[Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 20 Here, the angel said to Cornelius, "All that you do is good. You go to church, you pray and you fast a lot, you are pious, you do not do evil, you fear God, you donate…but you will go to hell if you do not apply John 6:28-29 which says that the work of God, that ye believe on him whom *he* has sent". [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 21 In the time of Noah, the work of God was to believe in Noah, the living prophet among his people. In the time of Moses, the work of God was to believe in Moses, the living prophet among his people. In the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, the work of God was to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the living Prophet among his people. And today, the work of God is to believe in Prophet Kacou Philippe, the living prophet in the midst of this generation. The work of God, it is John 6:28-29. And that is what is said in the vision of 1993, "…At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". 22 And in "Whoever", everybody must be counted no matter who you are and what you are, no matter your faith and the purity of your heart, even if God sends you an angel from Heaven, it is to lead you to what He is doing in your time. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
Much is right yet you lean to much on your own understanding and for this the bridesgroom has much room to get ready. I hope to be able to speak to you personally and we expand together in unity by the POWER of the Holy Spirit.
When and if the Two Witnesses arrive before the catching away, will this church recognize and accept them? They may claim to be 'prophets', and church government may not give them notice - we all need to have the gift of discernment so we all can recognize a true prophet. Church leaders could very well be shunning true prophets without knowing it, because they are too wrapped up in manuals and rules - it's happened before, and see how that turned out. Scripture warns the church to test the spirits. God would sent a strong delusion to those who entertain rumors and lies. I would be careful about who the prophet followed on social media and what influences he/she may have (not God's Spirit but the spirit of the world). If Church leaders become FOCUSED on their personal self-interests like christian nationalism, and self--preservation above the the great Commission and our Lord Jesus' golden rule, then I cannot believe that so-called 'prophet'.
Yes, to me there's a reason that we are warned against false prophets, because that indicates that there are also going to be true prophets. Otherwise we'd be told something along the lines of "Beware of anyone claiming to be a prophet, because they're ALL false!" (And obviously, anyone who know the Bible knows that no such warning is given.)
Regardless of one's God ordained & appointed position within the body, one isn't there to usurp proper authority nor to have their position usurped or lorded over. Every saint of God is a prophet in the lesser sense in that they belong to God & IF God speaks through them then we listen.
Every saint is not a prophet. The office of prophecy is a specific office in the fivefold. We could say that every saint is of royal priesthood and is made royalty, but not a prophet/ess. Also, regarding your first segment, there is a checks and balances. “Lorded over” and “usurp” aren’t words I would use, but there should definitely be accountability. David K. Bernard should DEFINITELY have accountability (I’m sure he does). Most pastors/leaders in the UPCI lack accountability which normally stemmed from the office of the prophet if I read my bible correctly. Which is probably why the office of a prophet is so suppressed both physically and spiritually. We either go overboard with it, and make everyone a prophet; or we shut down any attempt at functioning in that role. Then again, people in the Bible tended to behead those that hold them accountable 😁!
@@gho1na832 Abraham was a prophet yet he never spoke as one. Is Saul among the prophets? That's what was about king Saul & he prophesied also yet is he among the prophets? Is Abel a prophet or Enoch? Is Noah a prophet? There are many lesser uses for the word & also very strict uses as well. Just because the least in the kingdom doesn't speak as a prophet or is holds the office of one doesn't mean they're incapable of being one. My point is valid
@@gho1na832 the office itself as prophet or apostle isn't the same as being sent to prophecy or do the works of an apostle. IMO if God places people that he had appointed to be apostle or prophet then the church will rise against them as Israel did.
@@Post-Trib Just because you operate in the gift of prophecy doesn’t mean you operate in the office of a prophet. I’ve been prophesied to and have prophesied, but that doesn’t qualify me to occupy the office of a prophet. The Spirit can move and we can momentarily be vessels for God’s will, but that doesn’t mean we function as prophets in our day-to-day lives.
@@Post-Trib Right, so being sent to prophecy doesn’t qualify you as a prophet. It qualifies you as a messenger. The “title” if you will, pertains to those who function within the office under the New Covenant. In Acts, they deem David as a prophet. This was under Old Law. I can assure you, David would not occupy the OFFICE of a prophet in the New Testament church. We traded a theocracy for a monarchy in the OT. Governmental order is established differently under New Covenant.
Right away when someone says: "I do believe or I believe".... That is a Red flag for me not to believe in such people! Instead tell me what the scriptures have to say then I'll believe it.
IF there is no power with what is,then why would God send a chosen to do what they do or be approved by them. Only what God has said is what we should be doing ,not be approved by men or it's organizations.( RELIGION'S OR CULT'S) God will exalt those he is preparing in his SPEED!! (THE SON'S of GOD.) Your view is part ERROR..A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.SAITH THE LORD VERILY VERILY I TELL YOU.... A SWORD WAS BRANDED ON MY TONGUE IN THE YEAR 2005,Separated unto the Lord JESUS AMEN.... I'LL TELL YOU IN LOVE GET YOUR HOUSE'S IN ORDER SAITH THE LORD🪽♥️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜🪽 SOON A RELEASE OF THE WORD WITH GOD'S POWER. THIS DAY I SPEAK MAY 17 2024 5:12 pm EST
It’s truly remarkable how there is such a very limited understanding of certain scriptures. Today there is no more office of the Apostle and Prophet but instead there are people giving Apostolic and Prophetic gifts since the day of Pentecost. The office of Apostle and Prophet were utilized to establish the foundation of the church and once the foundation of the Church was established these two offices ceased to exist. Today we have the completed foundation of the Church and we are to build upon it instead of Continuing to rebuild the foundation already established in Christ Jesus with himself being the chief cornerstone. The Apostolic gifts and Prophetic gifts are the glue which holds together the whole body of Christ and there is no more need for both the office of Apostle and Prophet alongside the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. We need to quit complicating the simplicity of the Scriptures and leave Gods word alone and quit twisting it to meet our emotional needs.
Modern day prophets/apostles it’s not biblical. The Old Testament is a prophetic interpretation of Israel’s history that revealed God‘s purpose to rescue the world. These scrolls that were found were written by the prophets that completed the Old Testament. In The New Testament, God chose apostles, inspired by the Holy Spirit to complete the words of the New Testament. There are no new prophets/apostles left. They are all gone to be with the Lord. For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18-19 NKJV
Matthew 5:22 (KJV) 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Great guidance on the offices ! Bro Bernard hit the ball out of the park ! There are many who feel led by God for their call , but not every person is truly led . I appreciate the teaching !! Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised !
I ran across this and I'm glad the Lord led me to it. Scripturally, Biblically, doctrinally sound. Well-explained. Well-understood. Not self-promoting. Not man-centered or interpreted. The man speaking is not proud or boastful. Great! Thank you!
Excellent job, Bishop! As usual! 👏🏽 I appreciate you.
Thank you for the word of wisdom on prophets and apostles. I grew up in an apostolic church (not UPCI) who really believed in prophets, but they were out of order and it basically destroyed that church. . We must stay within the guide lines of the Bible. God bless you Bishop Bernard.
show me just one honest prophet today, they all say they sent by God, how
Wasn't Paul the last Apostle? There are no apostle today.
@@exploremylocalarea946 Yes i say the same, as i always ask ---who appoints these so called apostles ???? and until today no one has ever given me an answer,
Apostles are missionaries at plant churches in unchurched areas. That’s what they are today.
Amen!!! God bless Rev. David Bernard!!!
Hello and good evening. I am watching the replay. This is well stated concerning this subject. Well, enjoy your day and week.
My understanding has been that the prophets affirm the teaching and leadership of the church from which they are allowed to exercise their office so harmony of leadership is manifest. Apostles are those sent to initiate a work of God in an unchurched area or an area where dead churches exist. In many cases (and I have seen this in evidence) these apostles over a few years find the lost, feed the sheep and develop leadership. From the developed leadership a pastor usually becomes elevated by God and recognized by the Apostle whereupon the pastor is ordained by the laying on of hands and eventually the apostle moves on. Rinse and repeat.
Affirm if the teachings are Biblically correct. But correct and rebuke if they are not.
1 Corinthians 12 - 14 gives detailed instructions. Regarding prophets, God says through Paul, "Let two or three of the prophets take turns speaking ... let one speak and let the others judge". Every message or sermon should be subject to the judgment of the other prophets in the congregation. As Brother Bernard pointed out, a prophet is one who speaks for God. We usually call them "preachers". Also, history shows the average congregation was between 30 and 50 people, and cities would have dozens, hundreds or thousands of such congregations meeting in various homes around the city. If you have at least 3 prophets per congregation as First Corinthians suggests, that means that about 10% of each congregation at a minimum should be prophets (preachers).
This can certainly be true, but James who oversaw Jerusalem stayed there. He may have traveled some, but he oversaw the Jerusalem work that probably had mini House churches. He would’ve been sort of as a bishop today, and I do believe that many who are recognized as bishops Really function in the ministry of an apostle. This is not always true, but it could be, and particularly if they build a work and many ministers are sent out from that work. Then what you have is not only a local church but a family of churches that relate as sons and daughters in the faith.
Absolutely. Brother Joel Holmes is one.
@@arthurvanderhoff2413I always note that when the new testament says “and they prophesied or who’s daughters prophesied” that these prophesies were never written! Does anyone have any insight as to why this might be??
Five fold ministry ,Has a big Role edifying the church😇
but all these modern day called apostles and so called prophets are all false, they are self appointed, they cause more division i the church than edify God,they not appointed by God, i cant decide today now i am a prophet ansd start saying God Says this and that, look during the planned demic how may false so called prohpets prophesy that the virus was going to stop in a few months
Except that 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 ministry is nowadays a church itself!
can you explain what u mean please, because i don't see any edifying 5 fold ministry today in these modern movements of Kenneth Copeland and his sidekicks, all i see is how rich they are, as thy are not churches,
@@aroundtheworld4173 and not only that,, all i see is self enrichment in these so called churches, kenneth Copeland and his sidekicks are not churches, they are just self rich get quick movements, a church is a place that has a pastor who went through a bible college, is a ordained pastor, and the church has elders and deacons who are only men,
all i say is show me one modern day apostle and prophet appointed by God Himself
You wouldn't believe it if God showed you.
@@hargisP2and you need to see it to believe
absolutely not true! I don’t care how many books you’ve written. True believers who are dropped by the Holy Spirit go to God‘s all sufficient word. And prophets today have done nothing but add to the word of God and these prophets have been wrong 1:28 99% of the time and even when they have been right, they’ve only approve them that even a broken clock can be right two times a day. I will continue to go to my heavenly father‘s all sufficient word and stay clear of any apostles and prophets who are making a mockery of God‘s word and bringing reproach upon the church today.
@@davidfrench2142 i agree with you, i have never and never ever will listen to these false people,
Loved this!
It bothers me when people self proclaim themselves as prophets, especially when they prophesy something that goes against the Word of God.
I find that because the prophecy is mostly true BUT has a small, tiny, microscopic lie in there, it seems that most don't recognize, and as a result, people believe because!
We must read and study the Bible for ourselves. Doesn't the Bible talk about studying the Bible to show thyself approved? There's a reason for the shift from when I was a child in the church to now. There's less zealous worship, and praise, watered-down preaching, or so it seems..things like that, and I can only attest it to the internet, because that's when I started noticing things like that, and I could be wrong, but that's the impression.
I can't tell you how many times I had a prophetic word that's primarily for the church, but because of what I said above, and I don't want to anger God if I get it wrong!!
I fear God and no one and nothing else, but it's so touchy especially when it's things like speaking against Halloween and/or the celebration of it, (no matter what a church wants to Halloween instead,) or speaking out against the modern way of thinking, that the demonic is taboo and or symbolic, because they're not!
They're real beings and was one of Jesus's main ministries, and also i dare say that any and ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES IS IN FACT, (im not talking about saddness after a loved one dies, or the like, but rather when something psychological gets so bad, that others notice or one thinks they need to see a specialist,) is result of some sort of demonic attack, also, keeping/maintaining the standards of physical holiness, speaking against the internet, including video games, phones, computers, especially for the youth...ect., ect. ..please pray for me because I know we are to use our gifts, holding back nothing.
I know that, and I also know that it wouldn't please God that I withhold prophecy, especially since it's for the church and aligns with the Word of God, but it is HIGHLY controversial within the UPCI today.
God bless in Jesus name 💖
I would say most often prophesy that has come to me for the church has always been something that hits home for me first ,when I’m identifying with Gods frustrations with his people I can speak it without pride or showing personal giftings I find it easily entreated and I identify that I spoke by God . Usually it is the word and it is written , which tells you if it’s from God or not to begin with . If we speak his word we are in authority by the word 😉
@@mikethomas5541 thank you!
The oneness Pentecostal movement denies the trinity.
Because the trinity is not biblical. The teaching came a couple of hundred years after the Apostles died. It is never taught in the Bible. One God
The Greek word Kai is translated as and, it is also Even or that is. The word And does not mean another person. Matt 28:19 says NAME singular which is Jesus. All you have to do is read through acts and notice when they mentioned baptism. Jesus is considered the Lamb of God, the King of Kings, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the High Priest. And you believe that, but you don’t believe that One God can be all of that and more.
Isaiah 44:6-8 KJVS
[6] Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. [7] And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them. [8] Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it ? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.
Revelation 1:7-8 KJVS
[7] Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. [8] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Isaiah 9:6 KJVS
[6] For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
1 Timothy 3:16 KJVS
[16] And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Colossians 2:8-9 KJVS
[8] Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. [9] For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
2600 times the singular pronoun is used when speaking of God. The Greek Τριάδα is translated trinity. Not once is it used by the Apostles, nor in of the OT writers. The OT is clear that ONE God was taught, then after the Apostles died He changed His mind?
What was the context of Ephesians 4? The whole chapter not just 11. It’s not about leadership. It’s about being ONE body in Christ. Look how the first verses before you get to 11.
Magnificent explanation. We should also point out that there are more than the basic five-fold ministries. The global church has created these other ministries like couuncelors, deacons, ushers, intercessor, etc. and these should aso be recognised as other ministries. The needs of the present church are not the ones of the 1st century C.E. and thus there are more and many areas in which new ministries are needed.
If Paul is the apostle for the gentiles, why the UPCI goes to Acts 2:38 for salvation instead of going to Paul's gospel? Romans 3:21-27, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Cor 1:17, 1 Cor 15:1-4
Peter was given the keyes, which typifies knowledge, he opened salvation fist to the Jews as Acts 2:38. Peter was the spokesman for the church. Jesus told Peter; Simon, lovest thou me more than these? Feed my lambs, and feed my sheep, twice. The Jews, the Samaritans, the Gentiles. Peter had to be the one to give salvation first. The church began on Pentecost in Acts the 2nd chapter. Paul was one born out of due time. Paul got the gospel by revelation. No one added knowledge to Paul. But Paul was after Peter. Now Peter and Paul preached to anyone. Paul travelled. Peter stayed in Palestine.
In Act 2, in Acts 8, in Acts 10, it was Peter who opened salvation to the world, and Paul had his ministry. They worked together. Peter is in the gospels, Acts has Paul. And one more thing, Peter sanctioned Paul's letters to the churches. 2nd Peter 3 15-17. You can call it your gospel if you want.
Paul apparently taught Acts 2:38 because he rebaptized disciples in Acts 19 in Jesus name
Because Paul preached the same message in acts 10, 11, and 19, he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
Fr4nkSanchez Because there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, which apostle Peter preached on the Day of PENTECOST, as our LORD JESUS CHRIST ordained him to do when he stated that he would give him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Apostle Peter was the one of the 12 who was given the revelation of our LORD JESUS CHRIST being the Mighty GOD (Spirit) in CHRIST, & he ministered our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S GOSPEL, which was & is the DEATH, BURIAL & RESURRECTION of our LORD, & HIS SALVATION WORK is appropriated & applied within our lives through & in OBEDIENCE to ACTS 2:38 etc. Apostle Paul preached, taught & ministered the SAME GOSPEL message as Peter, as was cited by another posted commenter, in Acts 10, 11 & 19. The HOLY SCRIPTURES that you cite/make reference to are NOT another GOSPEL, but rather àre epistles (letters) written to those respective early Church members of our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S ONE BODY, who were already BORN AGAIN of the WATER & Spirit in the accounts of the book of Acts. In fact, apostle Paul even WARNS & CAUTIONS those in the early churches NOT to be moved away from, taken in by or DECEIVED/BEGUILED away by ANOTHER GOSPEL in Galatians specifically if I recall correctly.😃
From Pastor Bernard's practical explanation of these offices; there should be ordained apostles and prophets within the UPCI.
They are ordained by GOD !!
But they don't, which causes me to think that they aren't sure about it.
Actually, they do have some. Jason Cisco, Doug Klinedinst, Morton and Lloyd bustard, my pastor Danny Powers, just to name a few.
Interesting. I have much respect for Dr. Bernard and would like to hear what he would say about many of the early latter day Pentecostals who certainly had no “Church” (capitalized) to endorse their calling. In fact Charles Fox Parham was decidedly against an established church, although this appears to have changed when he was the one doing the establishing.
If John the Baptists showed up, he would be rejected. People are very resistant towards prophets - They see a lot and people have things to hide. The gift of prophecy brings edification, but the office of a prophet brings direction, correction. They build up and tear down.
God expects us all to help multiply believers,,,,do Not be among them who was scared to witness,,,,,thou Lazy slothful servant,,,,well Lord, i was scared, so i hid the talant in the ground,,, Look, here is thy talant😮😮😮😮
Amazing! Where can I submit my question?
(How biblical are “Sunday service church meetings” vs home bible study groups)
I like this question!
Biblically speaking and only biblically speaking is that every day is to be esteemed alike not one above another . Everything can be received with of course thanksgiving . Whether it’s pork , or chicken ,lamb you name it . We put so much focus on days and observe seasons and the lord just wants daily observance of him self from his people . I mean we got hundreds of people making issues of sabbaths and Paul said himself that if a person observes that then that’s fine and if one doesn’t it really didn’t matter . It is NOT a heaven or hell issue why do we make these points of focus . Love it ! Live it ! And die out to the flesh period is the saving factor not observance of feast or holidays . If I go to a Jewish synagogue and observe with my Jewish brothers and sisters it’s fine and dandy . If I don’t it won’t offend God either . Anything that seems to rise up flesh and say your wrong I’m right stuff is not of God it’s not the right spirit . Just live it and die to the fleshly desires of the world . Bottom line . Seed of satan or seed of God can be seen in judgemental nitpicks over silly things . That’s my 2 cents .
John the Baptist was the last prophet mentioned in the New Testament
Amen. ❤
Acts 21:10 MEV
While we stayed there many days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.
@@davidbrock4104 agabus was a prophet before in the Gospel of luke c 10
John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet. Every denomination teaches that.
The last Old Testament. The prophetic office still exists today.
God sents apostles in every generation for his purpose and for church
It’s not an easy job but the Holy Spirit is powerful
“ the penny has dropped , you’ve become the ambassador of Christ”
Paul was the last Apostle. Apostle had to be somebody who saw Jesus with his eyes after resurrection.
@ T. Mablayo : go to ⚙️ you can change "english autogenerated subtitles" by "spanish subtitles"...
No, the Bible is all the prophecy we need, It is PERFECT. these people are decieved.
The five-fold ministry with modern equivalents from the Anglican Communion'
1. Apostle(Shaliah) - Bishop
2. Prophet(Navi) - Dean
3. Evangelist(Methoraf) - Archdeacon
4. Pastor (Comea) - Canon
5. Teacher(Rabbi) - Parish Priest
6. Presbyter - Priest Assisting
7. Deacons - Deacon
These were the ranking of clergy in the Nazarene Jewish Knesset or as we will say the Early Church. Thus there were several different ways to rank. Paul and Barnabas were acknowledged as Prophets and Rabbis before being consecrated and ordained as Apostles. This did not mean they were apostles alone but the previous ranking still holds that they were still Prophets and Rabbis.
Thus the 5-fold ministry was critical to the administration of the Early Church. It is to be noted that the ranks of Pastor and Evangelist were not that developed when the Didache was written. These are consistent with first century Jewish clergy and as such must not be put out as some sort of ministry of a specialist sort.
The Rabbis, Pastors. Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles were itinerant clergy whereas the Presbyters and Deacons were selected to form settled boards to govern the local congregations while executing pastoral and charitable functions respectively.
This was not even unique to Christianity but was similar to synagogue governance such that they were able to build up to the level of the Sanhedrin or Synod.
The struggle to interpret the 5-fold ministry without recourse to tradition and history is one of the failures of those who hold the Regulative Principle of Bible interpretation. The Bible is the Canon of Scripture meaning it is the standard for judging other religious writings. It is not ALL of Scripture. The Normative Principle makes more sense because it admits this and allows context to enlighten it freely. When Evangelicals who take the Regulative Principle try to interpret the Bible they ran into the challenge of not knowing enough context to use in interpretation whether historical, or theological because of ignoring Reason(Secular Literature) and Tradition (Religious Literature)
What do you think about the prophets and apostles of the LDS Church?
The whole of the 5 fold ministry exist till Christ returns.
We the Church should call these offices by their original names and allow God to call new prophets and apostles, we are not entitled to omit the word of God because we think this or that. Bottom line, the devil is taking advantage of the lack of these two very important offices to call false prophets and apostles. 😢
Do you have an episode on wedding rings? I have recently encountered some that say it is a heaven or hell issue due to Scripture. That disturbs me and I would like some insight.
I have the same question especially because UPCI is so against jewelry. Every culture doesn't wear a ring to represent marriage. Afterall, does a person wearing a cross mean they are a Christian? Not at all. So, are rings are biblical?
Why most churches today are not applying the 1 John 1:5-10 and James 5:16? As The Lord Jesus shows an example and told us to do this in John 13:14-17. He also mention to his very important commands in Matthew 28:20.
Good teaching ty Elder.
Yes, in agreement so far.
Very concerned about the influx of ppl lately on facebook who refer to themselves as 'apostles' or ' prophets' and constantly have "a word from God". They claim no affiliation with any church or denomination, you know NOTHING of their lifestyle or relationship with God (if ANY) and they seem to speak as if they have a special voice from God as opposed to the foundation of the word of God, the bible!
I 'predict' things will end badly for every false prophet, whether sincere or not...... You'll know them by their fruits (or the lack thereof)..... Most are easy to identify because of their obvious false teaching..... It's those within your own trusted group or organization that can more easily deceive you..... I've seen it happen myself.
I am very concerned when a church votes in a "pastor" whom the church knows nothing of their lifestyle or relationship with God (if ANY) and they seem to speak as if they have a special voice from God as opposed to the foundation of the word of God, the bible! Eldership
(biblical oversight) prophets, etc. come from within the local assembly because you have known those who labor among you. it's all biblical.
What is UPCI to me? I’m reading my Bible. I find it interesting it falls more to his opinion. Correct me if I’m wrong, but no real scripture given to back up his opinion.
Yeah right...Ephesians 4:11-12 (KJV) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
IF that local body or assembly is teaching in error the things of God those called to and sent to prepare the Saints led by God are to correct that assembly. In these in days God is sending His Apostles and Prophets in Truth not polluted by vain philosophies from the minds and councils of men. Those sent by God to correct the error of men, are going forth and standing with the Lord Jesus. I pray you who are teaching in error would come with understanding IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH. Your selection means nothing when God calls someone many have in error turned True Apostles and Prophets away claiming rebellion and you who do this will have to answer to God for your error. Be careful you who turn falsely men of God anointed and ordained by God not man away for you error greatly in doing so.
They are fulfilling scripture of those who will teach and live in error. 😉 Jesus was rejected too.
The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.
Psalm 118:22 KJV
Please. It would be great if you put spanish subtitles. It would be a blessing to many people. 🙌🏼🙏🏼
awesome , so why some pastors says, ' its not anymore existing in their lips?, after this, believe it, in my spirit same as sir David Bernard says . still existing " ha ya yaah ta taahh,... may
////come forth within.
Thank you for explanation.
Can you discuss cremation versus traditional burial in a coffin.? Don't see any scripture against it in the Bible. Thank you for all you do.
If I understand correctly, Bennie Demerchant would have been an Apostle to the people of Brazil.
When using it this way, I would keep it lowercase, "apostle." Capitalizing it makes me think of the original 12
I would also say, Raul Alvear as well
Genuine question- what if the church leadership doesn’t know how to identify the gifts in people? What if there is a Joshua problem (leaders not raising leaders)?
That is a reality, but they may not say it out loud. I personally believe no one knows it all or have it all. Iron will always sharpen iron, whatever that looks like until the church becomes into it's fullness.
So it's ok to say you don't know , ask God and He will send the help, just don't shut it down when it doesn't look how you want it to look.
Well said 👏👏👏👏
In the Old Testament Prophets was a way of God communicating with his People … you have to remember that the Holy Ghost Descended in certain Chosen people and not available to the public. After Jesus died in the Cross he came to fulfill that space. So the Prophets now can be anyone that has received the Holy Ghost but it has to be discerned by someone in church like Dr David said, It has to be translated so everyone can understand . Back then prophets said thing that weren’t written of things to come, if so was the case today of a Prophet saying this things will happen then it has to be written in the Bible which it’s absurd. God Already gave the outline in epistles what will happen in the future and how everything will end. There aren’t new revelations to be written by anyone claiming God Told them this will happen when it’s already written in the Bible of the things to come …
Likewise the apostles were only chosen people to spread the news of the Gospel and witnesses of Jesus death . They were given the role to teach the new doctrine that wasn’t written in a Bible and also inspired to write the 13 letters by Paul . In today world there’s no one alive who was a witness of Jesus Death , there aren’t new doctrines to be written ( nothing can be added to the Bible that hasn’t already been written )
this is why the roles of Apostles and Prophets changed in the New Testament as just titles without the authority they had back in the Old Testament.
Ephesians 4:11-13
Please explain?
Dr. Bernard addressed this passage in Episode 53 | Are There Modern-Day Apostles and Prophets? ( (Podcast Production Team)
I loved going to house church.
The office and calling of the Apostle is given by Christ Jesus/Yeshua in person. It's a spiritual work and influence. It has nothing to do with UPC specifically but will include it. Let me add that if the pastor does not honor the Apostle and receive guidance from him , the pastor is proud and has gone against the Lord himself who appointed the Apostle.
A new area of the gospel?
Man, exactly like I believe it.
Actually if you read the book of Acts Jesus had only 12 apostles and when Judas hung himself. The other apostles asked the risen Jesus to appoint another in his place and Jesus himself hand picked Matthias. Barnabas was beside Matthias and not made an apostle. No others were ever named scripturally becoming apostles. What I find odd, is it is scriptural for Matthias to have a verse naming him an apostle, then never mentioned again. And all these other apostles were never mentioned becoming apostles yet being referred to as apostles. And the early churches rejected the gospels of Mary of Magdalen and the gospel of Thomas. I've always wondered why the people who Jesus hand picked never recieved their place in the bible. Then come to find out they had books for the bible and people chose to remove them. And the books they chose to replace them with were then added. And don't forget all the Roman Catholic forgeries they began writing around 1060 AD. We all need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit to have the discernment through this world of deciet. God can help you. Use Jesus as your shepherd not a man. The devils servants are very wise and even in the time of Jesus they were in very high places of the "church" not every person that is head of a church was called by God. Listen to what they say, then ask the Lord to reveal to you the truth. Some only preach on money, others only condemn you of sins. These are not building their foundations on Christ. Jesus taught to love your neighbors, pray for your enemies and help the needy. And that Christ is the only way into heaven. If they go against any of these truths. They are not a church of God. God wants unity in His house, not division. Not hypocrisy. Not judgement. Preach a book the way it is written. Not cherry picked and definitely not twisted.
Where does it say that Jesus picked Matthias? They cast lots.Matthias was never mentioned again but who was? Who wrote 2/3rds of the NT? You do a lot of judging.
@hargisP2 Acts 1:24-25 They prayed and said you know their hearts which should take Judas's place. It's literally in scriptures.
@hargisP2 Not judging seeking the truth. And how many times did I say pray about it? Blindly believing someone is taking man's word over God's. When I prayed about scriptures that didn't sound right, the Lord Himself told me to know the difference between man's word and His.
Are there God ordained verifiable apostles & prophets as compared to self ordained. There's a difference
Yes, there are. I have spoken to people that claimed to be an apostle or prophet on several occasions. There is certainly a test of time to know the truth in one's claim to a position of such. Matthew 7:15-20 provides guidance on this matter and specifically verse 20 states "by their fruits ye shall know them." First, if they are indeed anointed to the office of either, the anointing of God will be constantly blessing everything they do because of alignment with God's will. Additionally, their fruits displayed should be consistent with the fruits of the spirit and not of the flesh. An easy way to observe this is their love toward others in ministry and daily interaction. The prophets and apostles that I believed to be false only displayed a desire to be elevated to the "chiefest seats" in the church and had no compassion on people in general (much like the Pharisees in the Bible).
Either way, just like fruit takes a while to begin to grow, you have to watch and see. If the prophecies never happen (assuming it's in the near future), chances are they either a false prophet or they have some type of separation from hearing God in their life brought on by sin, idolatry, etc. Same thing with an apostle. If everything they claim God instructed them to do is falling apart, it's probably safe to say they are not an apostle. An advantage to an organization is exactly that - organization. It would be hard to be a "self-proclaimed" apostle and go into a church to be received open arms without the blessing of other elders in the organization. But as I said early on, this just takes time to tell for certain sometimes.
I don't believe real Apostles or Prophets will self promote and give themselves titles. All must remain humble and submitted to God.
@@jonszab431 Paul said in Galatians 1:1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) YOU DON'T NEED THE UPCI TO VALIDATE YOU.
@@timothyacademy1372 Absolutely! I am not a member of nor am I advocating for the UPCI. My statements were made from a very neutral stance and loose using of the term "organization." That can mean anywhere from a few churches that fellowship together under the same leadership to a larger one such as the UPCI. The organization doesn't validate your ministry if you're in the body, it supports it (or at least should). Before Paul was the Apostle that wrote Galatians, it took an elder like Barnabas within the current organization of the early church in Acts 9:27 to bring him before the organization to recognize that God was working through Paul's ministry. The verse prior states the disciples "believed not that he was a disciple." This is a better example of my original comment on the advantage to being in an organization. I don't know how much differently the book of Acts and the church today would have been if Paul would have said like he did in Galatians 1 that I'm an Apostle by God and not in an organization, I don't need them. I suspect Acts 15 wouldn't have happened with Paul and we may very well have unnecessarily been keeping Old Testament ceremonial laws. Who knows? But thank God for an organization of elders that convened on this matter and many others.
Are there baptist Jewish, ,methodist catholic luthren modern day apostles. ?
Can they raise the dead do they have the same power of the 12
as far as power Jesus commanded all disciples to do these things and go out and make disciples of men to continue doing these things...we are his hands and feet while he is not here but he is doing the works not us we are vehicles made by him and he supplies also the parts i am non-denominational btw
There are 24 Apostles correct?
very sound doctrine
The letter T is silent. In the word, apostle or apostles. Just had to put that in there. Great stuff though.
It depends on the region one is from. Tomato Tomoto.
The office of the pastor is emphasized way above all other s in the 21st century. Evangelist are not allowed to speak contrary to pastors.
A LEGIT apostle MUST be an eye witness of having seeing/spoken to the Lord in person after the resurrection and be apointed an apostle by the Lord himself in person or by the Holy Spirit as in the case of Mathias (Mathias witnessed the presence of Jesus Christ while he was alive on earth after the resurrection) who replaced Judas Iscariot!.
In either case, be it by Jesus Christ or by the Holy Spirit, it's Jehovah's call (both Son and Holy Spirit are the same Jehovah God) on who should be an apostle and NOT man's call/desicion!Those are the conditions set for anyone who wants to be an apostle, 1-a witness of having seen/spoken to Jesus Christ in person after the resurrection 2-apointed directly by Jehovah God (either by the Son, the Holy Spirit or the Father)!
Paul was the last apostle apointed by Jesus Christ himself when he was in his way to Damascus , he said it himself in Galatians!.If Paul was the last apostle apointed directly by Jesus Christ then who ever claims to be an apointed apostle ( apointed by Jesus Christ himself) is a false APOSTLE and a LIAR!.
Very well said, and the truth.
Awesome, thanks for this!
I would like to hear Bro Bernard's take on how involved we should, or should not, be with politics. As in, should we remain silent on political issues such as free speech in regards to the current Twitter purchase by Elon Musk and Congress suddenly being concerned about its use, when prior to this they contended it was a private company and should be allowed to operate it as they see fit. There is of course more to it, but in general.
Thank you for the positive feedback. Brother Bernard addressed the question "Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?" in Episode 39 ( - Podcast Production Team
@@DavidKBernardUPCI awesome to know, I will definitely watch that tonight!
5:24....interesting you should say this.
Very interesting. Lol
Christ has placed them in the Ekklesia.
Apostle and prophets in the Book's of Acts and Revelation is talking about the present times of the the Apostolic missions and for the tribulations period and I don't see in this days and ages an Apostle or Prophet's because who is their to tell the future and who are directly appointed by God or from God? I am sorry to unsubscribe your channel because you support or believe a prophet and Apostle can be living among us , then you are also one of the new age prophets or Apostle rite !🤗
11 Well, the second question is: "Brother Philippe, can a man be saved outside of the Message that you preach?"The answer is: No! That is not possible. And Brother Okobé had tried to show that rightly. You see? I am going to read Acts 10 first, I am going to show you two verses there. Then another verse in chapter 11.
12 The children of the devil think that somebody can live a good life with a pure heart and be saved without accepting necessarily what God is doing in his generation. Yet in a generation, it is what God is doing that is the only door of Salvation in that generation. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. As Cornelius was a child of God, God did not let him die with the Pharisees, Sadducees, Hellenists, Herodians, Essenes…and so on. But He led him to the Truth of his time, to Peter the one who had the keys of the Kingdom in his generation. And if you are a child of God today, that’s what God will do likewise. Why? Because He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
13 If your heart is pure and you are really good, it is impossible that God should not lead you here. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].In Noah's time, if your heart is pure and right before God, you will come into Noah's ark. If you say that your heart is pure, your heart is right before God, it is you who say it but it is when you enter into Noah's ark that we will see that your heart was really pure. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
14 Let's take Acts 10:1-3 now, it is question of Cornelius. Follow closely!"But a certain man in Caesarea, --by name Cornelius, a centurion of the band called Italic, pious, and fearing God with all his house, both giving much alms to the people, and supplicating God continually, saw plainly in a vision …an angel of God coming unto him, and saying to him: Cornelius! Thy prayers and thine alms have gone up for a memorial before God. And now send men to Joppa and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter". Amen!
15 The Bible says that Cornelius was pious! Then the Bible says that he feared God with all his house. I specify that he feared God with all his house, with his wife and children. He gave much alms to the people, not only to the people of the same family or the same synagogue as him but to all the people. And then the Bible says that he continually supplicated and fasted. But in Acts 11:13-14, it is said of Cornelius, "and he related to us how he had seen the angel in his house, standing and saying to him: Send men to Joppa and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter, who shall speak words to thee whereby *thou* shalt be saved, thou and all thy house ".[Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
16 The angel did not come to strengthen him, or bless him or lay his hands upon him or tell him to spend a greater number of days fasting or tell him that he is saved but to lead him to a man, Peter the one who had the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven in that time on the earth.
17 And today, even if you are a true pastor, prophet or other, and that what you do really goes up to God, God will never send an angel to tell you to do a thing other than coming to the living prophet of your time for it is him who has the keys of the Kingdom and the Words of eternal Life by which you will be saved, you and those who follow you. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
18 All that Cornelius did was good but it was the Word of him that had the keys of the only door of the Kingdom of Heaven that was going to save him, him and all his house. Without that, he was going to find himself easily in hell. If Cornelius did not accept what God was doing in his time despite all the sincerity of his heart, he was going to find himself in hell. Peter did not die upon the cross of Calvary but it was him Peter who had the Words of eternal Life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens. Kacou Philippe did not die upon the cross of Calvary for you but it's him, Kacou Philippe, who has the Words of eternal Life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens for your Salvation today. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. The proof that Cornelius was good, it was that he accepted what God was doing in his time. You see? What saves, it is the living Word of God in your time. And the living Word, it is the Word that proceeds from a living prophet. The living Word of God today, the living Word of God in a generation, is the Word of God that comes out through the mouth of the prophet of this generation while that prophet is alive on the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
19 In the Beginning was the Word! It was not a church but the Word! And if it is the Word that has actually created you, you will never say, "I am looking for a good church!"but you will say, "Where is the living prophet of my time, where is the Gospel of my time?"[Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
20 Here, the angel said to Cornelius, "All that you do is good. You go to church, you pray and you fast a lot, you are pious, you do not do evil, you fear God, you donate…but you will go to hell if you do not apply John 6:28-29 which says that the work of God, that ye believe on him whom *he* has sent". [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
21 In the time of Noah, the work of God was to believe in Noah, the living prophet among his people. In the time of Moses, the work of God was to believe in Moses, the living prophet among his people. In the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, the work of God was to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the living Prophet among his people. And today, the work of God is to believe in Prophet Kacou Philippe, the living prophet in the midst of this generation. The work of God, it is John 6:28-29. And that is what is said in the vision of 1993, "…At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life".
22 And in "Whoever", everybody must be counted no matter who you are and what you are, no matter your faith and the purity of your heart, even if God sends you an angel from Heaven, it is to lead you to what He is doing in your time. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
Much is right yet you lean to much on your own understanding and for this the bridesgroom has much room to get ready. I hope to be able to speak to you personally and we expand together in unity by the POWER of the Holy Spirit.
When and if the Two Witnesses arrive before the catching away, will this church recognize and accept them? They may claim to be 'prophets', and church government may not give them notice - we all need to have the gift of discernment so we all can recognize a true prophet. Church leaders could very well be shunning true prophets without knowing it, because they are too wrapped up in manuals and rules - it's happened before, and see how that turned out.
Scripture warns the church to test the spirits. God would sent a strong delusion to those who entertain rumors and lies. I would be careful about who the prophet followed on social media and what influences he/she may have (not God's Spirit but the spirit of the world). If Church leaders become FOCUSED on their personal self-interests like christian nationalism, and self--preservation above the the great Commission and our Lord Jesus' golden rule, then I cannot believe that so-called 'prophet'.
Yes, to me there's a reason that we are warned against false prophets, because that indicates that there are also going to be true prophets. Otherwise we'd be told something along the lines of "Beware of anyone claiming to be a prophet, because they're ALL false!" (And obviously, anyone who know the Bible knows that no such warning is given.)
There are 12 apostles and 1 prophet living today in the flesh.
Okay. Who are they, please?
Regardless of one's God ordained & appointed position within the body, one isn't there to usurp proper authority nor to have their position usurped or lorded over.
Every saint of God is a prophet in the lesser sense in that they belong to God & IF God speaks through them then we listen.
Every saint is not a prophet. The office of prophecy is a specific office in the fivefold.
We could say that every saint is of royal priesthood and is made royalty, but not a prophet/ess.
Also, regarding your first segment, there is a checks and balances. “Lorded over” and “usurp” aren’t words I would use, but there should definitely be accountability. David K. Bernard should DEFINITELY have accountability (I’m sure he does).
Most pastors/leaders in the UPCI lack accountability which normally stemmed from the office of the prophet if I read my bible correctly.
Which is probably why the office of a prophet is so suppressed both physically and spiritually.
We either go overboard with it, and make everyone a prophet; or we shut down any attempt at functioning in that role.
Then again, people in the Bible tended to behead those that hold them accountable 😁!
@@gho1na832 Abraham was a prophet yet he never spoke as one. Is Saul among the prophets? That's what was about king Saul & he prophesied also yet is he among the prophets? Is Abel a prophet or Enoch? Is Noah a prophet? There are many lesser uses for the word & also very strict uses as well. Just because the least in the kingdom doesn't speak as a prophet or is holds the office of one doesn't mean they're incapable of being one. My point is valid
@@gho1na832 the office itself as prophet or apostle isn't the same as being sent to prophecy or do the works of an apostle. IMO if God places people that he had appointed to be apostle or prophet then the church will rise against them as Israel did.
@@Post-Trib Just because you operate in the gift of prophecy doesn’t mean you operate in the office of a prophet.
I’ve been prophesied to and have prophesied, but that doesn’t qualify me to occupy the office of a prophet.
The Spirit can move and we can momentarily be vessels for God’s will, but that doesn’t mean we function as prophets in our day-to-day lives.
@@Post-Trib Right, so being sent to prophecy doesn’t qualify you as a prophet. It qualifies you as a messenger. The “title” if you will, pertains to those who function within the office under the New Covenant.
In Acts, they deem David as a prophet. This was under Old Law. I can assure you, David would not occupy the OFFICE of a prophet in the New Testament church.
We traded a theocracy for a monarchy in the OT. Governmental order is established differently under New Covenant.
There is NO 5 fold ministry. NO apostles or prophets today. Bishop Pastor and Elders 3 fold ministry
No the prophets ended with the book of revelations John was the last prophet to prophesize in the book of revelations
Right away when someone says: "I do believe or I believe".... That is a Red flag for me not to believe in such people! Instead tell me what the scriptures have to say then I'll believe it.
IF there is no power with what is,then why would God send a chosen to do what they do or be approved by them. Only what God has said is what we should be doing ,not be approved by men or it's organizations.( RELIGION'S OR CULT'S) God will exalt those he is preparing in his SPEED!! (THE SON'S of GOD.) Your view is part ERROR..A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.SAITH THE LORD VERILY VERILY I TELL YOU.... A SWORD WAS BRANDED ON MY TONGUE IN THE YEAR 2005,Separated unto the Lord JESUS AMEN.... I'LL TELL YOU IN LOVE GET YOUR HOUSE'S IN ORDER SAITH THE LORD🪽♥️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜🪽 SOON A RELEASE OF THE WORD WITH GOD'S POWER. THIS DAY I SPEAK MAY 17 2024 5:12 pm EST
It’s truly remarkable how there is such a very limited understanding of certain scriptures. Today there is no more office of the Apostle and Prophet but instead there are people giving Apostolic and Prophetic gifts since the day of Pentecost. The office of Apostle and Prophet were utilized to establish the foundation of the church and once the foundation of the Church was established these two offices ceased to exist. Today we have the completed foundation of the Church and we are to build upon it instead of Continuing to rebuild the foundation already established in Christ Jesus with himself being the chief cornerstone. The Apostolic gifts and Prophetic gifts are the glue which holds together the whole body of Christ and there is no more need for both the office of Apostle and Prophet alongside the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. We need to quit complicating the simplicity of the Scriptures and leave Gods word alone and quit twisting it to meet our emotional needs.
Interesting. Do you mean Ephesians 4:13 is already achieved?
Yes there are modern day prophets and apostles like it was in the Bible
Modern day prophets/apostles it’s not biblical. The Old Testament is a prophetic interpretation of Israel’s history that revealed God‘s purpose to rescue the world. These scrolls that were found were written by the prophets that completed the Old Testament. In The New Testament, God chose apostles, inspired by the Holy Spirit to complete the words of the New Testament. There are no new prophets/apostles left. They are all gone to be with the Lord.
For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Revelation 22:18-19 NKJV
And apostle is one who has seen the risen christ. There are no apostles today.
There are no Apostles and prophets today.
The office of the Apostles is over
Why is this fool referring us to his book? What does that Bible say?
That’s all that matters.
No more prophets or apostles.
Matthew 5:22 (KJV) 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Your haughty spirit is showing, gls.