This looks like FRONT to BACK to FRONT! I was taught Front to back, sleying the reed, threading the heddles, tieing to the back beam, winding on, tieing to the front beam DONE. Sleying a reed twice seems counter productive.
I’m a fairly new weaver and this just radically changed my life! I just warped up a second identical set of tea towels using this method and it took me about 8 hours with 400 ends and 5 yards. The first set doing it my way took about 24!! Now I look forward to warping AND I’ve shared this method with my guild too:) Thank you! You’ve saved my back and many hours. ❤
Thank you so much for these videos. Your explanations are very clear and logical, and I have watched many times to get the whole technique memorized so I can confidently warp my loom. I have no helper, so I do find winding my warp very stressful at times, but I am getting better. Your videos are worth their weight in gold.
It's interesting to see how other weavers dress their loom! To keep the leash (lease?) stick together, I use shower curtain hangers, easy to put, easy to remove. I also added hooks at the back of the castle to tie the leash sticks up (to the back beam). It also helps to thread the heddles when doing it alone. I like to use a large piece of paper when warping. Great tutorial!
That's a great idea about the shower curtain hooks. I use those large binder rings that you get at office supply stores. Weavers are so inventive, yes?
WOW!!! Amy, you are AMY-ZING!! This was a fabulous tutorial and a lot of work to put together. We so appreciate you. I'm a newbie to a 4-shaft (Rasmussen?) that was gifted to me and I am hoping to get the courage to warp it this spring. I'll be buying your ergo stand. Thank you again. xo
What a great video, Amy (and the first one on this series). Thank you very much. I am still pretty new to weaving, learned to warp F to B and how to sley the reed at a table. I plan to try B to F soon. I do have a raddle which I haven't used yet. And I do have a simple set of reed holders that I've used to sley at a table. But I like your ergonomic ones a lot better, because of the height and the angle. Those features are definitely more ergonomic and could be used for F to B as well as B to F. I think I will need to invest in a've really built a better "mousetrap"!
Thank you. I have a loom very much like that and I have been scared to tackle it because I have never done anything like this. I like how you just get right to the heart of what you need to know. Great job on this. I just subscribed and look forward to learning a great deal more from you. Thanks again.
I don't have a lot of experience with warping with linen; despite being careful I was disappointed with my last two back to front linen warps using a raddle. I will definitely try pre slaying with my next linen warp.
Hello, and thanks for this video! I have a Harrisville 4 shaft 6 treadle floor loom with a 10 dent reed that I was given by a friend. I have ruined 5 warps of 8/2 cotton trying to warp front to back, and have given up trying to learn this. But I use the horizontal method of sleying the reed and this works well.
Amy, nice, informative video! Since I just got to the point where my raddle and I have made friends, I think that's the way I should go. I saw a girl who lifts her loom up onto bed risers, and someone else put their loom on milk crates, enabling her to stay standing while warping back to front with raddle on top of castle. (I am hoping I saved it). Thanks for letting me know this video was ready.
Wow that was great. Definitely a lot of work. I don’t weave but I love the results. I had an easy weaver when I was young (still have it). Showing my young granddaughter how to weave. I do much knitting though so always looking at yarn producing projects.
Hi I am wanting to warp my loom, I ran out of warp thread which came with the loom, at end number 92. I have a 12 dpi reed that gives me 46 ends each side of the middle. I would like to have floating salvaged as it's a 2 shaft loom . I've never used one before! My question is do I need even number of ends e.g. All 46 which is 45 through the heddles and 1 floating? Or odd number 44 through heddles and 1 floating? Thanks for your help Sheila
The pre-sleyed reed is acting as a raddle it is not the reed you use when weaving at the final step. This is back to front warping method. If you were were warping front to back then you would sley the reed, then thread the heddles, then wind on.
The reed keeps your threads just that extra bit more straight and perpendicular to the back beam! It's very beneficial for keeping sticky warps like hemp more organized.
This looks like FRONT to BACK to FRONT! I was taught Front to back, sleying the reed, threading the heddles, tieing to the back beam, winding on, tieing to the front beam DONE.
Sleying a reed twice seems counter productive.
I’m a fairly new weaver and this just radically changed my life! I just warped up a second identical set of tea towels using this method and it took me about 8 hours with 400 ends and 5 yards. The first set doing it my way took about 24!!
Now I look forward to warping AND I’ve shared this method with my guild too:)
Thank you! You’ve saved my back and many hours. ❤
Me too. I think this will be my only way. The original way is so difficult for me
Thanks for the lesson. I like how you emphasize preparation before doing to make it go much smoother. 👍👍👍
Thanks so much, Amie! I'm sure this will make my life much easier!
Thank you so much for these videos. Your explanations are very clear and logical, and I have watched many times to get the whole technique memorized so I can confidently warp my loom. I have no helper, so I do find winding my warp very stressful at times, but I am getting better. Your videos are worth their weight in gold.
I have never seen a loom warped this way! Than you so much for sharing! I may try warping with pre-sleyed reed next!
It's interesting to see how other weavers dress their loom!
To keep the leash (lease?) stick together, I use shower curtain hangers, easy to put, easy to remove. I also added hooks at the back of the castle to tie the leash sticks up (to the back beam). It also helps to thread the heddles when doing it alone. I like to use a large piece of paper when warping.
Great tutorial!
That's a great idea about the shower curtain hooks. I use those large binder rings that you get at office supply stores. Weavers are so inventive, yes?
WOW!!! Amy, you are AMY-ZING!! This was a fabulous tutorial and a lot of work to put together. We so appreciate you. I'm a newbie to a 4-shaft (Rasmussen?) that was gifted to me and I am hoping to get the courage to warp it this spring. I'll be buying your ergo stand. Thank you again. xo
What a great video, Amy (and the first one on this series). Thank you very much. I am still pretty new to weaving, learned to warp F to B and how to sley the reed at a table. I plan to try B to F soon. I do have a raddle which I haven't used yet. And I do have a simple set of reed holders that I've used to sley at a table. But I like your ergonomic ones a lot better, because of the height and the angle. Those features are definitely more ergonomic and could be used for F to B as well as B to F. I think I will need to invest in a've really built a better "mousetrap"!
Thank you so much!
Thank you. I have a loom very much like that and I have been scared to tackle it because I have never done anything like this. I like how you just get right to the heart of what you need to know. Great job on this. I just subscribed and look forward to learning a great deal more from you. Thanks again.
Wonderful tutorial! Very clear, concise, thorough. thank you!
This was a great tutorial and you have done a great job making it really clear as to what you were doing. Thank you and I hope you do more of these.
Great presentation. Just so clear - even the sleying part(s)! Thanks
I don't have a lot of experience with warping with linen; despite being careful I was disappointed with my last two back to front linen warps using a raddle. I will definitely try pre slaying with my next linen warp.
Hello, and thanks for this video! I have a Harrisville 4 shaft 6 treadle floor loom with a 10 dent reed that I was given by a friend. I have ruined 5 warps of 8/2 cotton trying to warp front to back, and have given up trying to learn this. But I use the horizontal method of sleying the reed and this works well.
This worked so well for me. Thank you.
Amy is so helpful at the Woolery! Thank you, Amy- This is the LeClerc Counterbalance gal:)
Amy, nice, informative video! Since I just got to the point where my raddle and I have made friends, I think that's the way I should go. I saw a girl who lifts her loom up onto bed risers, and someone else put their loom on milk crates, enabling her to stay standing while warping back to front with raddle on top of castle. (I am hoping I saved it). Thanks for letting me know this video was ready.
Wow that was great. Definitely a lot of work. I don’t weave but I love the results. I had an easy weaver when I was young (still have it). Showing my young granddaughter how to weave.
I do much knitting though so always looking at yarn producing projects.
That is so very helpful to me being a novice weaver. Thank you very much.
Thank you, that was SO helpful.❤
Can you tell me what the video is that preceeds this one? I am curious how you got from the warping board to pre-slayed reed. Thanks!
This is the video you are looking for:
How do you do it by yourself?
Hi Woolery Family, Can't wait for covid to be gone so I can visit and shop, lol Hugsssss and Blessings
u make it look so easy!
I am wanting to warp my loom, I ran out of warp thread which came with the loom, at end number 92.
I have a 12 dpi reed that gives me 46 ends each side of the middle.
I would like to have floating salvaged as it's a 2 shaft loom .
I've never used one before!
My question is do I need even number of ends e.g. All 46 which is 45 through the heddles and 1 floating?
Or odd number 44 through heddles and 1 floating?
Thanks for your help
Is it lease sticks or leash sticks?
Its actually a French word>> "lisse" and ended up being pronounced "lease". But its NOT "leash"
will this work on a SAORI WX60 Loom, if not does anyone know any good resources for learning how to do it on that type of loom
Why not go ahead and thread before winding on?
The pre-sleyed reed is acting as a raddle it is not the reed you use when weaving at the final step. This is back to front warping method. If you were were warping front to back then you would sley the reed, then thread the heddles, then wind on.
@@TheWoolery Thank you!
wow thanks
So you slay the reed twice?
Yes. You are going in every other slot at first
I've got a raddle with 1/2 inch slots that fits in the beater on my (ancient) Le Clerc Fanny. Any reason to use the reed instead of the raddle?
The reed keeps your threads just that extra bit more straight and perpendicular to the back beam! It's very beneficial for keeping sticky warps like hemp more organized.
Karen is a wrap stick queen!
Looks so complicated..but love the thought of standing.
wow 24 epi is tight. I dont think I would have the patience
Argonomics warping tool