Shlomo Carlebach - From Ugly To Beautiful - Parents & Children - Baby is Crying / Loneliness

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • Reb Shlomo Carlebach ztl - A powerful or impactful lecture From Ugly To Beautiful again - My Baby is Crying / Parents & Children - Loneliness
    1:14 After singing - Before a person is born, Saying good bye to your friends
    5:43 In Hebrew, there’s such a holy language. חשך (choshech) and שׁכח (shochoch), darkness and forgetting, are the same letters. It’s like darkness is forgetting.
    6:38 Two things can happen to a person in this world. He can become very dirty, and he can become very #Ugly
    10:03 Why did the snake come to Eve and tell her, "Are you interested in becoming like God? You have to eat this apple." Why didn't it start with #Adam ?
    14:26 Mothers - What do you feel when you hold a baby for the first time?
    15:53 Story of the holy Baal Shem Tov had a daughter named Udela, and Udela had a daughter named Feiga - His father Simcha was the son of Rabbi Nachman of Horodenka (Gorodenka), one of the Baal Shem Tov's disciples, after whom Rebbe Nachman of Breslov was named.
    22:22 How do you make a person that is ugly beautiful again?
    23:16 What's the holiness of a mother?
    28:49 My best friend is driving around in shabbos and says hey good shabbos shlomo
    32:59 How does it feel to be in paradise alone? The Talmud says it's more sweet to be in hell together than to be in heaven alone.
    34:09 Story The holy Rebbe yitzchok Boyaner - Reb Yitzchok Friedman
    36:10 Story of the holy Boyaner, Got married, When he walked down the chuppah, he asked for his wet nurse,
    39:23 Prayers were initiated by the fathers- Abraham initiated Shacharit (the morning prayer), Yitzchak initiated Mincha (the afternoon prayer), and Yaakov initiated Ma'ariv (the evening prayer)
    41:14 The way we treat our children. That's the way they believe in God's later.
    42:03 Talmud Says, there are three partners in the creation of a baby: the baby's father, mother, and God.
    46:27 You know whats Sad about this world, Psychology teaches acceptance
    47:54 When parents become ugly - When a woman becomes pregnant
    51:08 When my daughter was born
    53:19 Why is Eliyahu HaNavi, Elijah the Prophet attends a bris
    57:25 Reb Shlomo Saying kaddish for his mother -
    101:46 Reb Shlomo Blessing when your Baby is Crying at night

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